12x03 - D.W's Stray Netkitten/Bats in the Belfry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x03 - D.W's Stray Netkitten/Bats in the Belfry

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Oh, believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)



Calm down, Pal.

It's just D.W.'s Netkitten.

D.W., you left Tickly
in the yard again!

Every kid I know D.W.'s age
is obsessed with these toys.

Netkittens are not toys.

They're virtuable pets.

You mean
virtual pets, D.W.

Each one also lives
on the Internet.

You can feed them
and take care of them,

and they're just
like real pets.


Only they
don't smell bad.


Come on.
I'll show you.

See? You can play with her
and brush her.


Tickly loves to be brushed.


(meowing in alarm)

What's wrong?

There's only one bar left

in the food meter.
Have you fed her recently?

I guess I forgot.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!


what does that clock say?

: .


I'm missing
Mary Moo Cow!

D.W., you left Tickly again.

Poor little kitty.

What am I saying?

It's a stuffed animal!



I'm bored. I'm bored.

Just a second, Tickly.

We're about to go
lasso some cows.

We have to get you
into the right clothes.


Oh, it's Emily's Netkitten,
Prince Shiny.

Yes, yes. Tickly loves you,
too, Prince Shiny.

Would you like to dance with me?

(computer music playing)

Sorry. No time.
We've got cows to lasso.

It's been half
an hour, D.W.

I need to start working again.

I'll log off for you.

Wait! First, I have to...

Oh, that's odd.

The computer is frozen.

But it's not cold in here.

Should I put a blanket over it?

Frozen just means that nothing's
moving on the screen. Here.

This usually
takes care of it.


Could be an interface problem
with the motherboard.

I'll just reboot the hard drive.

(laughing evilly)

The Scary Clown icon?

I've read about that one.

I'll have to take the computer
into the shop for a few days.

A few days?!
A few days?!

How will I get my work done?

How am I going to feed Tickly?

Johnny Playmon steps
into the box,

waiting for his pitch.

Nothing could
distract Playmon now.

Cookies, anyone?



Now that I've done
something for you,

I want you to do
something for me.

I should have known
it was a trap.

I was hoping you could
use the computers at school

to feed Tickly
until ours is fixed.

Forget it!

Netkittens are
for little kids.

They're all about make-believe
and playing dress-up.

Okay, Johnny Playmon.

Baseball is different.

Please. It's just a few days.

If someone
doesn't feed Tickly,

all her food points
will go down.

(sighs in exasperation)

Okay, but we switch the TV
to Bionic Bunny

at : exactly for a week.


(school bell ringing)

Remember, your reports

on the significance
of the beaver

in Canadian history
are due on Monday.

Mr. Ratburn,

could I use the school computer
for something?

Ours is broken.

Sure. I'll just get you started.

Now, where is
that "on" switch?

I think it's just asleep.

Computers sleep?

(Netkitten music playing)

What on Earth is
a Netkitten?

It's sort of a pet
you can have on the Internet.

But it's not mine.

I just said I would feed it
for D.W.

Look. There's even a store

where you can
buy it things.

May I?

So it's all fixed now?

Yep. I just had to reinitialize

the bat file,
and then defrag the mainframe.

(computer beeping)

Can I go
to the Netkitten site?

I have to make sure
Arthur fed Tickly.

Don't worry, D.W.

I did everything
you asked me to.

I even bought her
a few extra things.

Go, Grebes, go!

Go, Grebes, go!

Go, Grebes, go!

What have you done?!

Tickly doesn't like

And why is there a giant puppet
in the corner?

That was Mr. Ratburn's idea.

I should have known better
than to leave her with you.

Poor Tickly!

She seems happy.

And look.
Her energy meter is way up

from all the exercise she had.

Get away!

D.W., careful!

You don't want to...

(pirate laughing)


The Scary Pirate icon!

I thought it was a myth.

Oh, this is bad.

Very bad.

Hi, Emily.

Tickly and I have
a favor to ask.

Thanks for agreeing
to take care of Tickly

while our computer gets fixed.

It's no trouble at all.

When do you feed her?

Twice a day-- morning and night.

But when exactly?
I feed Prince Shiny

at : in the morning
and : at night.

And what does Tickly eat?

Just Net Nibbles.

No liver? No fish?

You can get liver
on the Web site?

(alarm clock ringing)

It's time for Prince Shiny's
dance competition.

Want to come watch?

(techno music playing)

Go, Prince Shiny, go!

Show that puppy
who's the dancing king

of the Netkitten


We win again!

Hey, maybe Prince Shiny
and Tickly

could compete
together as a pair.

Dancing is a way to get
lots of energy points.

Come on, D.W.

It's time for Kate's nap.

No. Tickly doesn't dance.

She's a cowgirl.

Are you sure?

I even had
an extra cape.

No! No capes!
Absolutely not!

Will the computer
be fixed soon?

The repairman said
it would be a few days.

I hope Tickly will be
all right for that long.

I wouldn't worry, sweetie.

Emily is very responsible.

I'm sure she'll take
excellent care of her.

Just so long
as she doesn't change her.


I'm leaving you.


It's not you. It's me.



Tickly, come back!

Hop on.

We'll catch up to her.

I think she went in there!

Go, Tickly, go!

Go, Tickly, go!
Go, Tickly, go!

Go, Tickly, go!
Go, Tickly, go!

Come on, Tickly.
You're coming home!

I want to stay
with Emily.

She lets me dance and eat liver!

But you hate those things.

Not anymore.

Emily, save me!



(phone dialing, ringing)


Hi, Emily. It's D.W.

I want you
to stop feeding Tickly.


Because, um... because
our computer is all fixed

so I don't need
your help anymore.

(knocking on table)

There's someone at the door.

Gotta go. Bye.

D.W., if Emily doesn't
feed Tickly, who will?

I don't care.
I'd rather have

no Netkitten at all than one
that likes Emily better.

Is it fixed?

Is the computer
all better?

Yep. No more laughing pirates

or scary clowns.

Quick! Go to Netkittens!

I have to see
if Tickly is still...

Still what?

D.W., I'm sure
she's fine.

Emily has been
feeding her, right?

What have I done?!



Go away!

I just wanted
to let you know
that Tickly is okay.

I checked, and her food
and energy meters are fine.

But how can that...

I bet she was wearing a sparkly
cape and dancing, right?

Nope, she was just the same
as before.

I just wanted to say
good-bye to Tickly,

but then I saw
she was hungry, so I fed her.

I thought maybe your
computer broke again.

You could have called
and asked me.

I know, I should have.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.


This is for being
a good friend...

to Tickly and me.

For Prince Shiny?

They're beautiful!

Yeah, I guess.

If you like that sort of thing.

(alarm clock rings)

D.W., do you think
Tickly would...

Okay, just this once.

(music plays)

Go, Prince Shiny!

Go, Tickly!

Have we won yet?

My finger's getting tired.

♪ You're in them,
you make them, you sh**t them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

And now a video from you!

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made
by Sara,

from Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Hi, my name is Sara.

I live in West Falmouth,

and I'm going to show you
what tricks my cats can do.

This is my cat named Dot,

and she loves to pounce
on the ball

and bring it back like a dog.

My cat Sandy loves to jump up
on his hind paws

and eat rice pudding.

He's very talented.

My cat named Dot loves to play
Pounce on the Sock.

She's waiting for me
to throw the sock.

My pet Sandy is so crazy!


I love my cats.

They're the best cats
in the world.

Our next postcard comes
from Alec and Jake Tucker,

from Augusta, Kansas.

Hi, I'm Alec,
and this is my brother.

Hi, I'm Jake...

And we live in Kansas,
the Sunflower State!

This is where
we go to school,

the blue-ribbon
Garfield Elementary.

And we're
the Garfield Grizzlies.

(both growl)

(calls to dog)

That's a good workout.

He's very, very lazy.

He's so lazy, he'll let us
do anything with him...

...even let us dress him
in baby doll clothes.

He's such a food hog,
he will eat everything,

even people food.


To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

(silly music plays)

Is your hair too straight?
Do you have warts?

Feel like you just can't jump
high enough?

Then you need Gizmo!

That's right.

Gizmo solves all your problems

and it's only $ . !

Does it ever seem like
some things

are just too good to be true?

Like when your teacher tells you
there's no homework.

Class, I've decided
not to give you

any written homework
this weekend.



There'll just be
a little light reading.


Be ready on Monday to discuss
beluga whales, the Mesozoic Era

and the Yanomami tribe
of the Amazon.

(students groan)

Or the time you finally get

the computer game you've been
asking for all year.

What's wrong?

The fine print says

you need Operating
System . or higher

and it can only
be used in Norway.


I've learned that if something
seems too good to be true,

it's because it usually is.

Arthur, come on!

Mom's taking us
to the amusement park.

She is?

And she said you have to take me
on all the rides I want.

Like the teeny-tiny train
and the pony carousel

and Mr. Froggy's
Gentle Joy Ride.

See what I mean?


Watch out, coming through.

Thanks, Arthur.

I can take it
from here.


I can't believe Grandma
had so much stuff up here.

What is this, anyway?

I think it was called
a lava lamp.

A lamp filled with lava?

Sounds like a fire hazard.

Well, that just
about does it.

Thank you so much for helping
me clean out my attic.

So what are you going to
do with all this space?

You mean, what are you going
to do with it?

I don't need it,

so I thought the two of you
might want to use it

as a clubhouse.

No way!

My very own clubhouse?

I didn't put a window screen in
yet, so it's a little buggy.

Otherwise, it's all set to go.

With a few stuffed animals
and a little glitter,

I could turn this
into a Princess Palace...

...with a Jacuzzi.


You can't put a Jacuzzi
up here, D.W..

Why not?

Because there are
no pipes for the water.

And anyway,
we have to make sure

there's enough room
for my pirate stuff.

We could build
a whole ship in here

and act out scenes
from that movie,

Buccaneers of the Bahamas.


Walk the plank,
ye scurvy scampi.

(parrot screeches)


I don't want any pirates
in my space.

They'll scare the unicorns.

There aren't going
to be any unicorns.

Those are both great ideas,

but there's only one attic here,

so you two are going to have
to learn how to share it.


I think the fairest thing

would be to split the attic
down the middle.

Okay, but I get the side
by the window.

Why do you get the side
by the window?

Because you breathe
too much.

You'll take up
all the air.

(bicycle bell tinkles)

Hi, you guys.

Are you moving into
a new house?

Can I decorate it?

Grandma Thora gave us her attic
to use as a clubhouse

and we're trying to figure out
how to divide it.

That's easy.

Do a timeshare.

But I can't tell time.

You don't have to.

It just means that Arthur gets
the whole attic for a few days,

then you do.

I can live
with that.

Take my card.

Give me a call if you're
considering renting it.

First I thought
we could play No Guessing,

and then maybe tell
some ghost stories,

and then...
If you're going to tell
ghost stories,

you better find another attic.

D.W., what are you doing here?

This is my Saturday.

It's mine. See?

You probably got
the month wrong.


she's right, Arthur--

it says September.

I was going to have
a sleepover with Emily,

but she cancelled.

You're welcome to stay,
but no ghost stories.

This is a disaster!

Well, we're already here--
we might as well stay.

I don't mind.

We can play
Mary Moo Cow's Merry Maypole.

It's for ages four and up.

So that includes you.


I win!

Aw, I was really close.

D.W., I think it's
time for bed now.

Hey, you're not the boss of me!

Okay, kids,

time to get in
your sleeping bags.

No, but she is.

Sleep tight.

Is she asleep yet?

Like a log.

We don't need
to whisper.

D.W. could sleep
through a hurricane.

Hey, I heard the most amazing
ghost story the other day.

You want to hear it?

There's this guy who gets

a mysterious package
in the mail.

Inside it is a doll

(wings fluttering)
who looks exactly
like him,

What was that?!

What was what?

Anyway, the guy thinks
it's just a practical joke,

so he throws the doll
in the fireplace.

But later that night,

he sees the doll

(wings fluttering)
at the foot
of his bed...

What was that?!

I didn't hear anything.

If you're scared now,
just wait till I get

to the scary part.
I think there's

something over there!

Okay, we'll check it out.

But you're ruining
the flow of the story.

See? There's nothing...


The doll!


Now who's the

It's just one
of D.W.'s toys.

(both scream)

What was that?
I think it was a bat!

A vampire bat?
I don't know-- I've
never seen one before.

Where's D.W.?!

She wasn't behind you?

If the vampire bat bites her,
she'll become

one of them.

Just a second.

Oh, drat!

No garlic! It's the only thing
that wards off vampires.


But there is garlic salt.

It'll have to do.

Arthur, look!

It's a mouse with wings.

D.W.! It's a bat!

And we have to get
out of here right now!

That's a bat?

You mean like Starry Moony?


We might be too late.

Be gone,

evil vampire!

Cut it out!

I'm not a pizza!

Starry Moony is a book
Mom read to me.

It's about a cute little bat

who lived with her bat sisters.

Then one day
Starry Moony got lost.

(squeaky cry)

But lucky for her,
a nice chipmunk came along

and adopted her.


Starry Moony tried
to be a good chipmunk,

but it wasn't easy...
because she was a bat.

(spits, exhales)


(squeaky panting)

Finally, she ran
into some other bats

and she found her mom,

and everyone lived
happily ever after. The end.

But this is a
real bat, D.W.

So? I'm not afraid.

You can sleep downstairs
if you want.

Good night,
Starry Moony.

Well... I'm not
afraid, either.

Are you, Buster?

Who, me?

Ha! No way!

Good night.

(howling in distance)


(D.W. snoring)

(insect buzzes)


So, how was last night?

Did you all
have fun?

Yeah-- until Arthur scared
Starry Moony away.

I didn't scare the bat away.

I saw it leave
on its own this morning.

It probably changed back
into its human form.

Well, that's what vampires do.

Wait a minute.

There was a bat
in the attic?

Why didn't you tell me?

It could have had rabies.

What's rabies?

A very serious disease you get

from being bitten
by a wild animal.

I could have gotten
a disease?!

Why didn't you take
me out of there?

You're a terrible
older brother!

The bat didn't bite any of us,

and it was really interesting.

I saw it catch, like,
a hundred mosquitoes.

Well, yes, they are
very helpful creatures,

but I don't want you two
sharing an attic with one.


There goes the clubhouse.

Not necessarily.

Now the bat has its own house.

And I put a screen up
in the attic window

so you don't have to worry
about uninvited guests.

I still think we should have
put in upside-down furniture.

She doesn't even have
a chair in there.

Oh! I almost

Here's some
fresh garlic.

It's good to have
some in the house...

just in case.


There's two
going in there!

Okay, now,
you get that half,

and I get everything
to the door.

But the door's the best part.

Maybe we should do a timeshare.

I get the weekends!

I want the weekends.

And I call Arbor Day!

No fair!

And now...

The idea for Pal came

when we wanted to get a pet
at our house,

and I invented a pet
that Arthur could have.

I start with this oval shape,
and then I give him eyes

and a little triangle
for his nose.

And Pal's a pretty happy dog,
so we'll make him smiling.

And we'll add his ears.

Now we'll give him his collar,
and he's off for an adventure.

( kids laughing )

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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