09x07 - Three's a Crowd/A is for Angry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x07 - Three's a Crowd/A is for Angry

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!


Thank you. Thank you, everybody.

Today, we are talking about sharing.

Let's hear some of the audience's experiences of sharing.

- Care to share?
- Share? With Arthur?

That's all I ever do. And I never get anything in return!

Like the other day...

. is my TV time - the time I get to watch Mary Newcalf.

But since I was feeling so nice,

I decided to let Arthur watch Dark Bunny, his favourite show.

That's not sharing. You lost your TV time cos you talked back to Dad.

You HAD to let me watch.

It was sharing!

Thank you for sharing.

- Care to share?
- My favourite thing to do is share with my best friend,

Marina. We met because we shared my Henry Scriver special edition book.

Now we share practically everything.

That's beautiful!

Simply beautiful.

Now, is there anything you won't share?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Well...maybe one thing.

What? Please share.

- I can't tell.
- You must!

- And I predict that you will shortly see...
- Three's A Crowd.


Pruny, stop!

- I'm so glad you've been waking up to do yoga with me.
- Are you kidding?

Rubella's missing out - this is much better than sleeping an extra hour.

Plus the yoga really helps me with my supage matches.

I've been getting the buyon cube twice as often as Marina.

I have no idea what that means, but I'll take your word for it.

Take that, worthy opponent!

Don't even think about it!

This time the cube is mine!

Marina! That's amazing - you're in Hanumanasana.


Hanumanasana - it's the yoga pose. You're doing it almost perfectly.

- I am?
- You should do yoga with my mom and me.

- You're a natural.
- I don't know.

I've never done yoga before. I don't want to embarrass myself.

- There's no such thing as being bad at yoga.
- But can it protect you

from the dreaded Claw of Lord Mouldywart?

Is there room for one more on that grass?

Marina! I didn't think you'd come.

- It's OK if she joins us, isn't it, Mom?
- Of course.

- I'll go get another mat.
- Promise you won't laugh if I mess up?

Relax, Marina - it's just my mom and me.

Now bring your left foot forward between your hands

and then reach to the sky.

Mom, look at Marina's Warrior One pose.

- Can you believe this is her fist time?
- Prunella was right.

You really are a natural.

Now bring your back foot forward alongside your front foot,

bend at the waist, bringing your hands back down to the mat.

I love yoga!

I was practising right up until bedtime last night.

- And your mom is such a good teacher.
- Yup, she's the best.

My mom and I do things together, like quilting,

but it's not the same as doing yoga.

- You're so lucky!
- Your mom's giving a yoga class? Can I join?


Oh, please. All the stars are doing yoga.

My mom's not giving a class, Muffy. We just do it for fun.

Come on, Marina.

But I've found the perfect outfit for it. See? It's retro chic.


Muffy doing yoga - now there's a funny thought.

Yeah, but if anyone could teach her, it would be your mom.

Upward dog and downward dog again.

Well, Marina, I think you've gotten the hang of the Sun Salutation.

Yeah, you're starting to improve a little.

Now let's meditate a little in the half-lotus position.

Sit down and put one foot on top of the opposite thigh.


Mom! Mom, look!

- I'm in a full lotus!
- That's great, Pruny.

Do you wanna try full lotus, Marina?

Just bring your other foot up on top of your other thigh.

- Like this?
- Exactly.

Nicely done.

Prunella, what are you doing? Be careful.

Just...trying something...new.

- Come out of that pose now. You could injure yourself.
- What's she doing?

- She's got a foot behind her head and...
- Ow!

Ow! I think I'm stuck.

- Get me out!
- I'm trying, Prunella.

- Can I help?
- No!

Pruny! Time to wake up. Yoga is calling.


- I'm too tired.
- Are you sure?




- Don't let the tower topple.

CHANTING: Guru Wanda...

We love, we love Guru Wanda...

Guru Wanda...

We love, we love Guru Wanda...

Thank you! Wanda loves you too.

Be seated.

I have a very important announcement.

I have chosen my successor - the person who will lead you all

through yoga to enlightenment.

- My daughter!
- Oh!

I'm here! Thank you, Mom.

- I won't disappoint...
- I didn't mean you, honey.

I meant my spiritual daughter - Marina.

THEY CHANT: Guru Marina

Guru Marina...

We love, we love Guru Marina...

I'm sorry, Pruny, but Marina is better at yoga than you.

And you're not wearing yellow.

Guru Marina, Guru Marina...


We love, we love Guru Marina!


Hi, Prunella. Marina's not here.

- Isn't she at your house doing yoga?
- Uh-huh. I just took a break today.

Do you know anything about quilting?

I could really use some help.

You're so good at this. Ow! I wish my mom would do quilting with me...

Ow! ..but she's all thumbs.

- Would you like another thimble, Prunella?
- Yes, please.

And my needle came unthreaded again.

Prunella, there you are. Why weren't you at yoga this morning?

I just didn't feel like it.

Marina, you are SO lucky.

Your mom is such a good quilting teacher.

Oh, I'm not so sure about that.

Not bad, Prunella, but try making the stitches a little smaller.

Keep your other hand on the seam to help guide you.

Needle, Mom.


Hey, this is a really nice quilt.

It's so soft.

Yeah, my Mom gave it to me.

- I have to go.
- What about your quilt?

You can hang onto it. She'll probably give it to you, anyway.

Hey! I was just about to make a call!

Sorry, I touched it first.

I'll just be a minute.

Privacy, please?

Hello, Mrs Detillo? No, you don't have to get Marina.

I'll just leave a message. Tell her my mom can't do yoga any more.

Yeah, she...um...pulled a muscle.



Mom, what are you doing? Why aren't you dressed yet?

I don't feel like doing yoga today. Want some granola?

No, I really wanted to do yoga.

You're good enough to do it on your own, Pruny. You don't need me.

Yes, I do. I mean, that's the whole reason I...

..told Mrs Detillo Mom had pulled a muscle?

- Ha! Busted!
- You were eavesdropping!

So? That's not as bad as lying!

OK, you two - that's enough.

I'm going back to bed. My work here is done.

I'm sorry - I don't know why I lied.

I guess I just wanted things to be like they were -

- before Marina joined us.
- But she's your best friend.

I thought you wanted her to join us.

Yeah, but I didn't want her to steal my mom.

Pruny, as much as I like Marina,

she's not my daughter. I will never love her as much as I love you.

So, can we do some yoga now?

Just you and me?

I have something a little different in mind.

OK, everybody, welcome. I'm so glad you're here to try yoga with us.

I think you all know my assistant teacher.

And if you wanna see a pose demonstrated perfectly,

- watch Marina.
- Excuse me,

how long will it take us before we have abs of steel?

One step at a time, Muffy.

We'll start with simple poses like downward dog.

Bring your hands down to the mat

and bring your front foot back alongside your back foot.


Pruny, your special student needs assistance.

Breathe, DW - don't bark.


'We interrupt this episode to bring you a special news bulletin.'

I'm here in downtown Elwood City,

where widespread panic has caused a mess exodus.

He's dangerous! Run for your lives!

Excuse me, Miss. Who or what are you running from?

You don't wanna know.

Sir, can you describe this creature?

He's horrible. He spits fire and he has these big sharp claws...

And fangs. Don't forget the fangs.

- Then you've actually seen him.
- Er, no, somebody told us about him.

It's gotta be true, right? I sure don't wanna find out from... Oh, no!

He's coming. Run!

Hey, where did everybody go?

I just wanted to play checkers.

- DW!
- Yey!

OK, everybody, very exciting news today.

A new inter-scholastic sports league has asked to compete,

which means one of you lucky students will get the privilege

of representing our school in what I consider

the most thrilling sport ever devised by mankind...


I know. It seems too good to be true, doesn't it?

I too was speechless when I heard the news. Any volunteers?

Hey, you like checkers. Why not volunteer?

I don't know if I'm good enough. I'm kind of...average.

You always beat me.

Come on. Raise your hand.

OTHERS: Come on, Brain!

- What?
- Well, Alan, it looks like you're the favourite.

Do you want to volunteer?

CHANTING Brain! Brain! Brain! Brain!

Do I have to?

I mean, checkers is kind of boring.

It's not really challenging, like, let's say, chess.

OK, OK, I'll do it.

Brain is so conceited. "Boring," he says. "Not challenging."

- Who does he think he is?
- Everybody thought it was boring.

- Nobody raised their hand.
- Except you.

It's different with us. We're not conceited.

Francine's right. Someone should go up against him

to prove he's not as special as he thinks he is.

Can you believe Brain today?

We were just talking about it.

- Arthur's gonna challenge him.
- Huh?

- Didn't Buster just say you raised your hand?
- Not scared, are you?

No, I'm not scared. I've beaten Brain at checkers before.


Brain's gonna get it!

Do it, Arthur. Prove there's something average kids can win at.

CHANTING Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!

And then they started chanting my name.

- What's so funny?
- You beat Brain in something?

- I'd like to see that.
- I think it's great, honey.

Just keep it in perspective.


CHANTING Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!

Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!

Arthur! Arthur!


Are you OK?

Try getting OFF the bike before parking it.

Oh-h! I was just, er...thinking about my chequer strategy.

Oh, of course. I'm really glad you decided to enter.

I have a feeling you're gonna place a really strong second.

It's only me versus Brain, Buster.

I know.

Pep rally before the first checkers play-off match after school!

Come support Arthur E before the big game.

Wow! A pep rally! I've never had one of those before.

What do you think it'll be like?

This is weird.

So we want some conceited know-it-all representing us at checkers?

ALL: No!

Who do we want?

ALL: Arthur!

Why do we want him?

ALL: He's average!

- Do we have to call Brain names?
- It's sports, Arthur.

OK, everybody. Hold up your Ban Brain signs.

Hi, Arthur. I'm Muffy Crosswire with the Muffy Report.

Any words for our internet audience?

Internet audience?

I'm starting a website for average kids

who aren't fortunate enough to be here in person

- to see Mr Conceited get what's finally coming to him.
- Mr Conceited?

Can we just call him "Brain"?

CHANTING A Is For Average! A Is For Average!

A Is For Average! A Is For Average!

I'm here at the first of three play-off matches

to determine Lakewood Elementary's representative

in the chequer Olympics.

With me is Francine Frensky,

a completely average kid, picked at random from the audience.

Francine, what is your perspective on this game?

Brain thinks he's better than the rest of us.

- Let's see how bored he is when he loses.
- So true!

It looks like Arthur's about to make his first move.

Go, Arthur!

OTHERS: Ssshh!

ALL: Yey!


You show 'em, Arthur!

It's been a thrilling minutes and it looks like we're nearing the end.

- How's it going, Miss Frensky?
- I can't see the board from here,

but I'm sure Arthur's winning.

A Is For Average! ]

Quiet already!


And Alan is the winner.


It's OK, Arthur. There are two matches tomorrow.

- If you win those...
- I couldn't concentrate with...
- Arthur!

Where are you going?

There's the post-game pep rally.

Er, thanks, everybody, for coming out and supporting me,

and I'm sorry I lost this time and, er...

..but there's still two matches tomorrow and, er...

OK, Francine. I mean, let's hear it for game number two!


And game number three!

And the interscholastics!


And then...then...



What was that?

Will you just get off my back?!

Why are you angry at us? We're the ones who've been supporting you.

There are lots of other average kids we could have picked for this.

Well, thanks for your help,

but I think it's better if I do this on my own.



'Have you seen Muffy's website?'

You think you know a person,

but today the poor innocent students of Lakewood Elementary

found out their beloved checkers favourite was far different

than what he presented himself to be. This kid is angry.

And then...then...



I wouldn't like to meet that in a dark alley. Let's see that again.


Do we really want our beloved elementary school

represented in checkers by an angry lunatic?

I ask purely as an impartial journalist.

It is for you, the student body, to decide.


'Aarrggh! Aarrggh!'

What are you guys doing?

- Why do you ask? Because you're angry.
- Angry.

I'm not angry!

- Well, what would you call it?
- Angry.

Please don't hurt me!

Stop passing these out.

I told you yesterday I don't want any more pep rallies.

Don't worry, Mr Hyde, it's not for you.

"A is for angry, B is for Brains.

"Pep rally for Brains before the game"!

I thought you said he was conceited!

Wow! Angry AND mean. I think you need to chill out!

Why are you doing this?

Is it because I asked you guys to leave me alone yesterday?

It wasn't "asking". Brain may be conceited, but at least he's nice.

We just care about the integrity of checkers.


Hey, man, I wanna congratulate you.

It took me years to get scary. You did it overnight.

And let the second play-off match begin.

You know what? I concede!

Is it my turn?

People get a little crazy sometimes when it comes to competition.

Don't take it to heart.

Maybe I deserved it.

I didn't try and stop them putting down Brain

when they were on my side.

You shouldn't quit something you love

just because of what other people think.

I didn't love it. It's checkers.

I just thought it would be fun.

It's not fun any more.


- Francine?
- Wanna go to the interscholastics for us?

- Huh?
- Brain conceded too.

He did? Why?

- Pep rallies.
- Ah.

Listen, I'm sorry Muffy and I got a little crazy.

It's just cos you hurt our feelings.

We were forgetting that maybe we hurt yours...and Brain's.

Well, thanks for the apology,

but I wanna play checkers for fun right now.

Oh, OK. But who are we going to get, then?

I mean, I'm terrible at board games.

I don't see why I'm disqualified from the checkers interscholastics

just because I'm a dork.

M is for Muffy! M is for Modest.

Checkers is a quiet game, Muffy.

The judges think it would be better if you represent the school alone.

These interscholastic judges are SO uptight!

Check my website for how uptight judges are destroying this sport.

Go to www...

Your move.

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day! #
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