09x04 - Buster's Green Thumb/My Fair Tommy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x04 - Buster's Green Thumb/My Fair Tommy

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes, open your ears

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

- # What a wonderful kind of day, hey What a wonderful kind of day,
- HEY!
- #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...


Hey! How's it going?

Welcome to Buster's cabinet of culinary curiosities.

- I'm Ray.
- I'm Tapioca. But you can just call me Puddin'.

Buster saved a pudding? Why did he do that? You're so bland!

Er, I think he liked the way I wiggled.

Boy! Seems like anybody can get into the collection nowadays.

Don't listen to her. She thinks she's so big

cos she was from the buffet at La Bruncherie.

- Now she's just bitter fruit.
- It was Baxter Day when Buster picked me!

You're just here cos you look like Argentina.

I've had it wit' you, always going on about your potassium.

- Put up your peels.
- Erm, I hate to interrupt,

- but does anyone know how long I'll be here?
- Beats me.
- I dunno.

I've been on this shelf longer than Ray.

But not as long as Duncan.

- Achoo!
- And no-one's been in the cabinet as long as...the colonel.


One thing's for sure, you're safe from the garbage disposal here.

Buster loves us.

Ah! But SHE doesn't!




Do we have to throw it all away? Can't I keep my two-headed carrot?

You know the rules. When I can smell it, it goes in the trash.

This will be good for our compost bin though.

Take this to the community garden and see if Mr Langley can use it.

Mr Langley?

That's the weird guy with the big hat who talks to himself, right?

He's not weird!

I've known Mr Langley since I was a kid.

Besides, he's not the one with a case of rotting food in his room!

Ooh! You think you're tougher than me, eh?


You put up a good fight, weed. I'll give you that.

Ooh. Useless mitts!

Mr Langley.

- Howdy, soldier!
- Oh, OK.

My mum thought you might be able to use this.

Nice texture. Well aerated.

- What's this?
- Erm...a bottle cap.

You're darn tootin' it's a bottle cap!

Compost is organic matter only!

If it looks man-made, don't stick it in here.

Make a note of it.

- Here, give these to your mother.
- Thanks!

No need to thank me. They're your tomatoes too.

This is a community garden, son.

Even if the community doesn't like to do any weeding!



You're right. This IS a delicious tomato.

And the best part is our compost helped grow them.

Hey! That one kinda tasted like my yam collection.

And you wanted me to throw those out in December!

Bet you're glad I held on to them now.


Mmm. This is the best tomato I've ever had!



Mmm. This is the best tomato I've ever had!

- Mmm. The most delectable lycopersicon esculentum I've ingested!
- Hah?

It's the best tomato I've ever had!


Buster, I've heard about your tomatoes.

- Let me represent you.
- Represent me?

- You think I should sell my tomatoes?
- Not the tomatoes, silly,

the tomato products - tomato toothpaste, soap, foaming bath gel.

Of course, the real money is in ketchup.

- I kind of like just giving them away.
- That's so sweet!

OK. You handle production and distribution. Leave marketing to me.


Mom, could you make sure I'm up by seven tomorrow?

I wanna get more tomatoes to give away.

Maybe you could bring Mr Langley some of those muffins I made today.

- OK.
- You're such a good boy!

Ah! I really am.

Spare some change, sir?

Our stomachs our seized with peristaltic contractions,

- and our mouths are filled with an excess of saliva.
- We're hungry!

A penny, we can't buy anything with this! We're doomed!

Wait! Look! Up in the sky. It's Cat Saver.

No, I mean, Piano Tamer. No, it's...

BOTH: Captain Pomodoro!

And his dog, Ragu!


Here you go, boys. They're made from my own secret compost mixture.

That's why they're so big and juicy.

BOTH: Thanks...

..Captain Pomodoro.

Come, Ragu. We mustn't tarry.

As long as there is hunger and bland salads in this world,

- I shall not rest!
- BOTH: Bye, Captain Pomodoro!

On, Plum! On, Cherry! On, Beefsteak! On, Vineripe... !


Hello! Mr Langley! Anybody here?

- Ooh!
- Hold it right there, Sticky Fingers!

- There's a limit on the tomatoes. How many did you take?
- All of them.

This is a community garden, son.

- That means it's for the community, not just you.
- I didn't know!

- I'll put them back.
- You can't.

Once it's been plucked, you've got to eat it.

What were you planning to do with all these? Open a restaurant?

I was just gonna give them away. Here, you can have them.

These are for you too. Gotta run, bye!

Pwah! These are tasteless.

Once you've had the real thing, it's hard to go back.

- Why don't you get more from that community garden?
- I can't.

I took too many and the guy who runs it got angry at me.

You could try growing your own. We grew some herbs in our window boxes.

I bet I'd be a great gardener! I've already grown mould in my cabinet.

I think it's a little more difficult than that!

How hard can it be? The sun and rain do all the work.

- Hey, are you through with that sandwich?
- Yeah. Why?

It's for my compost.

I think I'll call you Tom.

Ah! Shoo! Shoo!

It's been five days and there isn't even a sign of a tomato.

- What did I do wrong?
- I dunno, honey, but I think Tom may be...gone.

- Do you wanna keep him in your cabinet for a few days?
- Ah! No.

Mr Langley. Here, more compost. I already checked for bottle caps.

- Why are you throwing out this tomato plant?
- Cos it's dead.

- I k*lled it.
- Well, the hornworms have gotten to it.

That's what made these holes in the leaves.

And it's been over-watered. But there may still be life left in her.

- Him. I er... I named it Tom.
- Tom, hah? Follow me.

That's Douglas, George, Dwight and Mamie.

- I could put Tom right there, if you want.
- OK.

- Shall I put him in now?
- Hold your horses, Bucko!

That hole's not nearly deep enough.

Just resting my mitts on account of the arthritis.

- Oh! Let me dig.
- Much obliged.

- My name's Buster, by the way, not Bucko.
- I'm Fritz.

Buster, over here!

Look! I've already designed our first product -

Buster's all-natural tomato suntan lotion, for that fresh feel.

And I already sold a bottle!

That's great, but I won't have more tomatoes for several weeks.

But I already placed orders. I need three bottles by Monday!

Sorry, Muffy. Tomatoes take a while to grow.

But you can have some bok choi. It's a kind of Chinese cabbage.

Mmm, sounds exotic! We could do skin toners and anti-ageing creams.

- Hey, Arthur, have some bok choi.
- Ahem! That'll be dollars.

I'm not paying dollars for this!

You didn't expect Buster to give it to you for free, did you?

- Well...yeah!
- Actually, there's something I'd like in return.

Come on, people, put your backs into it!

I want this garden shipshape by . .

Those are weeds, not puppet strings, Professor! Give it some muscle!

Ooh... Ah!

Atta boy!

- Fritz, how's it going?
- They're a rag-tag bunch of greenhorns

who've never stuck their pinkies in a pot of soil.

- But by golly, I'm gonna make them gardeners!
- I think this is ready.

Mmm. That's the best tomato sauce I've ever had! Well done, Buster.

I can't take all the credit.

After all, they were the garden's herbs and Mum prepared it.

But I did stir the pot. Baxter Company... Follow!

Ah! Tomato sauce! Why didn't I think of that?

We'll make millions! It'll be called Buster's Own.

We'll charge double cos it's organic and...

- Here, Muffy. Have some garlic bread.
- Mmm!

OK, everybody, it's Friday and that means it's time for the...

EVERYBODY: Good Behaviour Award!

One of you was especially well behaved this week


Timmy. Tommy. Behave.

BOTH: He did it!

BOTH: Tibbles!

The winner gets their picture on the bulletin board and...

EVERYBODY: A cupcake!

- Hey, Tommy, look!
- I know...

- Chocolate cupcake!
- No. Something better!

And this week's winner is...

DW Read.




BOTH: He did it!


- Ah!
- Ha ha ha!

It's OK, DW. You'll get another one.

What you did really upset DW, so you're both getting a time-out,

so that you can think about your actions.

I obviously can't let you sit in the quiet area together,

so who volunteers for the first shift?

Let's both raise our hand and maybe we'll get a cupcake.

OK, Tommy. Your quiet time is over. Timmy, it's your turn.

Miss Morgan, look out behind you!

Timmy! Just for that, you get an extra two minutes in the...

Wait a minute, Timmy! Tommy's had his quiet time. It's your turn now.

- But, no! He...
- No buts. Come on!

Good one. We fooled her.

But we always switch our scarves when we get time-outs.

That's what makes it so fun.

Then why don't we make YOU the one who always gets the time-outs?

- Because you're better at it than me.
- I am?
- Oh, sure!
- Wow!


Don't mention it. Good night.

Wait a minute!


BOTH: He did it!


Wow, Tommy, you were even better at getting that time-out from Grandma

than you were at school.

- Here you go, DW.
- OK. Time to wreck the castle!

Stop right there, young man! This is my replacement cupcake!

- I just wanna ask you something.
- Frisk him, Emily!

He's clean.

- What is it?
- Can you...

- teach me to be good?
- It's a trick, Emily. RUN!

- No, I mean it! I don't wanna be punished any more.
- Ah!

You can't be good, you're a Tibble!

Can you believe Tommy thinks he could ever learn to be good?!


Yeah, who's next - Timmy?!


Well, hello, ladies. And how are YOU doing this fine day?

- Shall we escort you to school?
- Why, girls, you look cold.


You're right. No-one could pull that off.

I can't believe he even asked you!

It's not THAT funny!

I mean, if anyone could teach him, it would be me.

- I DID win the Good Behaviour Award!
- So have half the kids in pre-school.

What would you give me if I could do it?

If you can get a Tibble to win the Good Behaviour Award,

I'll do all your snack-time clean-ups for a month.

So I'm gonna get a cupcake?

IF you get the Good Behaviour Award,

which means IF you're good at school,

which means IF you pay close attention to my lessons.

Chocolate cupcake? I hate vanilla.

These are gummy slugs.

Every time you do something good, you get one. Understand?



You have to do something good first.

Lesson number one...

What do you do when you see someone holding a toy that you want?


No, Tommy!

You say something.


- A-a-ah!
- No! You say...

What a nice toy you have. May I play with it?

That's what I said...


No! Come on now!

- What a nice toy.

Wh-wh-what a c... g... w... g...

BOTH: What a nice toy.

BOTH: May I play with it?

Very good. Again.

Wh-what a...

A... A toy.

May I...

It... Play?

Ah! Close enough.

I did it!



OK. You're walking with someone and you come across a puddle,

there's only room for one person to walk past it,

what do you do?

Wait! Wait! Wait!

Maybe I should stop asking what you do and just tell you.

Wake up, Tommy, it's morning!


Ha ha ha, Tommy! Gotcha!


Where's Tommy?

OK. Pretend I'm Miss Morgan.

You're coming to class and you have an apple,

what do you do with it?

- Hold that thought.

I mean, don't hold it!

Hey, DW, is Tommy there?

'Tommy's busy right now. He can't come to the phone.'

I cleaned up the mess.

Can I go to DW's?

He's hogging candy!


- Ow!
- Oof!


It's not your fault.

Once a Tibble, always a Tibble!

It's not that simple, Emily.

Tommy has four years of bad behaviour to unlearn.

A tree house isn't built in a day!

- How many days is it built in?
- I guess you're right.

But if you could have seen how his eyes lit up

when he finally realised that flowers weren't for eating!

So what's the next lesson?

Tommy, remember what we learned about flowers yesterday?

Oh yeah!


That's it, these lessons are over!

Emily's right. Once a Tibble, always a Tibble!

I'm gonna go wash THIS off.

Wait! DW!

- You promised!
- Hey!

Leave her alone, Tommy.





EVERYBODY: Tommy said sorry!

What's going on over here?

Nothing, Miss Morgan.

Everything's just fine.



His final test -

parent visiting day.

If he can just get one parent to say, "What a well-behaved boy!"

He's still gotta win that Good Behaviour Award.

Here you go, Miss Morgan.

It's a lot bigger than an apple.


Oh dear! Let me clean that up.

Would you like some more punch?

What a beautiful dress you're wearing, Mrs Halser!

It's Mrs Terasini! She'll see through him in a second.

You're one of those Toggle twins.

My granddaughter's told me about you!

Oh, you must be Sarah's grandma.

I've heard so much about you too.

Can I say, you're even more charming in person!



Someone smeared paint on the blackboard.


I saw who did it.

It was a Tibble!


I thought so!

What so you have to say about this, Tommy?

But I...


I'm sorry, Miss Morgan.

Would you like me to clean it off?

You're not supposed to say THAT!


I will not engage in roughhousing!

What a well-behaved boy!

Time for the Good Behaviour Of The Week Award.

And the winner is...

Tommy Tibble!



I hate vanilla!

Where's the chocolate one?

I'm sorry, Tommy. I made a vanilla one today.

I want chocolate!

I'm supposed to get chocolate!

He's back!

It's not like it was all for nothing.

I'm sure he at least learned something.

Hello, DW.

What a nice sand castle you've made.

May we please destroy it?!

After you, Timmy.

Thank you, Tommy.

You are most kind.



BOTH: Tibbles!

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey

# What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play

- # And get along with each other.
- Hey

- # What a wonderful kind of day.
- Hey
- What a wonderful kind of day.
- Hey! #
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