04x02 - Hide and Snake/Muffy's New Best Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x02 - Hide and Snake/Muffy's New Best Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Everyone loves
a good secret.

Something only you
and your friends know.

That can be cool.

( beeps )

But you have
to be careful.

It can be hard
to keep a secret.

( laughing evilly )

give me the key.


I can't find it!

( beeps )

It must be here,
I just had it!

( laughing wickedly )


Barnes, don't do it!

( yelling )

( electricity crackles )

Oh, no.

Our secret is out!

Arthur, I'm going to do
those windows

As soon as you're
finished cleaning your...


Arthur, I asked you
to clean your room

Before you went
out to play.

I'll do it later,
I promise.

And did you give
Pal his bath?

( sniffing )

( yelping )

I'll do that
later, too.

I've got to go.

Binky's counting on me.

, , , , , , ,

Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four

three, two, one.

Okay, ready or not!

( yawns )

What's going
on, Binky?

We hid for minutes.

You didn't even
try to find us.

I thought you were supposed
to hide and then seek me.

I don't believe it.

Binky, how could you not know
how to play hide-and-seek?

Fooled you!

( guffaws )

They don't call me king
of hide-and-seek for nothing.

( kids groaning )

( laughing )

Hey, stop tickling!

Nobody's tickling you.

Somebody's touching my back.

( shouting )

Hey, a snake!


Interesting specimen.

He seems lost.

Maybe he's just hungry.

Let's take him
to the Sugar Bowl

then we can all eat.

I don't think

are part of his diet.

( thunder roars )

If he's lost, he'll be
stuck out in the rain.

Someone should take him home.

I don't think so.

Not me, my mom and dad
saw enough snakes

in the Amazon
to last a lifetime.

After that
porcupine incident

I can't bring pets
in the house.

Then I guess I'll take him.

Are you sure
your mom and dad

will let you
keep a snake?

Well, they never
said I couldn't.

Besides, look at him--
he wouldn't hurt a fly.

What's that?


Oh, it's just a toy...
for Pal.

Let me see.

No... I mean,
it's a surprise.


( babbling )

I'm done, can I go?

You cannot go anywhere

until you clean
your room

and give Pal
his bath.

I was just going
up to my room.

Good boy,
get that work done.

( babbling )

Speaking of pet care

what would happen
if a small animal

like, say, a snake,
just happened to...

follow me home.

Could I keep it?

A snake?

Of course not.

What if it were lost?

Arthur, stop stalling--
you've got a room to clean.

( doorbell rings )

I'll get it.

Can we come in?

It's important.

Just for a minute--
I have to clean my room.

You have to take
the snake out of here.

We know.

It might be dangerous.


( gulps )

According to
my reptile guide

we may have found
a poisonous coral snake!

Remember that rhyme?

"Red band near black,
venom lack.

Red band near yellow,
bite a fellow."

I say the red bands
were near black.

I say yellow!

Wow, we'd better check it.

Hello, everyone.

Uh, hello.

Arthur, you have work to do.

You can't play now.

They're not staying.

Just have to get
something upstairs.

Oh, no!

The red bands
were near
black, right?

I knew it!
It's dangerous!

Worse than that...
It's gone.

( kids' knees knocking )

I'm scared that
I might step on it.

Come on, guys,
we have to find it!


Look at this mess.

It could be anywhere!

( gasps )


Nothing to it.


( furniture moving upstairs )

Listen to them playing.

I'll have a serious talk
with that boy

about handling
his responsibilities.


It's time for your friends
to go home now.

You promised to clean this...


All clean.

( laughs nervously )

Uh, well...

Very good.


What's wrong, Binky?

I... we... that book is
on the wrong shelf!

( kids sigh in relief )

I thought we were in trouble
for a second.

We are
in trouble.

The snake is loose
in the house!

( thunder )

( door creaks )

Think of it as a game.

Whoever finds
the snake wins.

I forfeit!

Binky, Buster--

go downstairs.

We'll cover
this floor.

Hey, I think I got it!

Don't forget,
it may be venomous.

( barking )

Pal, it's just
D.W.'s jump rope.

( whimpers )

If you were a snake,
where would you go?

They're attracted to water...

( D.W. screams )

A sea serpent!

A sea serpent!

( thunder )

Ah! The power's out!

Oh, sorry,
I leaned on
the switch.

There it is!



So they helped him clean.

What's suspicious
about that?

Would you clean
one of your friends'
rooms, even now?

There's a sea serpent
in the bath tub!

Okay, what's going on?


D.W. left,
so we're washing Pal.

Why waste water?

( growling )



We shouldn't go in there--
it's my mom and dad's room.

You want them
to find the snake?

Good point.

Snakes like baskets

and boxes are

kind of like baskets.

We have to
search them all.

Looking for


Um... Did you
want us

to carry these
boxes downstairs?

If you don't mind.

That'd be very... helpful.

( gasping in fright )

Oh, no.

Well, it's not
in the fridge.

What happened?

It's down here!

Everyone split up!


( gasping )

The picture on this TV
is getting worse.

( static hissing )

( groans )

Hey, you fixed it!

( gasping )


I knew I saw
a sea serpent!

I'm telling!

D.W., if you help me

I'll read you that book
about the frog

every night for a month.

You got a deal,

( barking )

Not now, Pal.

( whines )

I don't like
you kids playing

in the house.

and please take that snake
out of Pal's dish.



Look, his red bands
are near his black ones.

He's not

See, told you.

Hey, nice-looking king snake.

I saw these around here
when I was your age.

Because of his coloring
some people confuse him

with the very dangerous
coral snake.

How'd he get
in here?


Think we should
let him loose here?

Dad said to let it go
where we found it.

But we found it in your shirt!

There goes the greatest
hide-and-seek player

the world ever knew.

Want to finish that game
of hide-and-seek?

Only if you swear
not to pull out a snake

just when you're losing.

Never again.

I'm it.

( kids laughing )

, , , , , ...

( dinging )

Can't stop!

Going to Muffy's!

The most perfect
best friends I know

are Francine and Muffy.

They're always happy
for each other.

I got it!


Got what?

My acceptance to soccer camp!

That's so great,

You're my best friend

And I just had
to tell you first!

Something great happened
to me, too!


Lame whoostle shoes.

Oh, that's so great,

And they like to do everything

We need
to celebrate.

What should we do?

Play soccer!
Go shopping!

BOTH ( unenthusiastically ):
That sounds... great.

I thought they were perfect
best friends...

I think we made
the perfect compromise!

A few hours of shopping,
a little soccer

and then back
to my place

for the annual
Q.V.C. makeup
and jewelry awards!

Yeah, it looks
like we've got

a whole half hour
of sunlight left.

Oh, that's perfect,

This way we missed
the heat of the day!

Muffy, ready
whenever you...

( Muffy screaming )

What is it?!

A snake?!

It came right off my foot!

There's a lawsuit in this

( phone beeping )

Daddy, shoe emergency--
soccer field.

Maybe I should let you
practice alone

so I can tell cook

what hors d'oeuvres
to make for your party!

( horn beeping )

It's going to be
so much fun tonight!

( sighs )

( gasps )


Oh, no, watch out!

Oh, hi, Jenna.

Sorry, I got
carried away
with my kicking.

It's hard when I have nobody
to practice with.

( techno music playing )

Poor Francine.

She missed the awards

for best designer logo
on a belt buckle

and the salute
to fake eyelashes!

( doorbell rings )

I'll get it!

Oh, it's just
the entertainment.

Come in.

( dog barks )

I wonder if she's sick?

So he said, "You're impossible"

and then I said,
"You're impossible"

and then he said...

( beep )

Ignore that;
I hate call-waiting.

( busy signal beeping )

I'm just going to keep
redialing until I get through.


( busy signal still beeping )

( dial tone humming )

( dialing )

And the phone was
busy all night

and she never came!

Maybe she just doesn't
care all that much

about makeup
and jewelry.

That couldn't be it.

She's always done
whatever I wanted

I know-- after you left
the soccer field

a spaceship came down...

FRANCINE ( sarcastically ):
And they kidnapped

No, their laser beam

and accidentally whacked
the soccer ball

into Francine's head,
and gave her amnesia!

Muffy... Who?

( gasps )

Hmm... well, you know

I've always thought soccer
was dangerous.

...remember the way
he kicked the ball?


Oh, hi, Muffy.

Sorry, I didn't...

( gasps )

Your party!

I'm so sorry!

I totally forgot!

How could you possibly forget?

I won't say
I told you so.

( gasps )

( bell rings )

Hey, Francine!

What did you want
to talk to me...

Binky, how rude.

Can't you see
I'm shouting?

Hey, Francine!

You want a ride home?

Oh, that's, um...

I'll wait in the car,

Hey, what's going on here,


And how did you just forget
last night?

I set up the whole awards show
party just for you.

I know.

Well, we were playing soccer

and then Jenna said
she had

the new soccer
bloopers video...


I said I was sorry.

You never asked me

if I wanted to watch
the awards

and it was my day
to celebrate

and if I'm going
to soccer camp

I need to practice.

Well, I...
I can play soccer.

I can!

I just had
a shoe emergency!

You saw!

Okay, if you
want to play.

I do!

I did it!

I'm walking the...


( Muffy grunts )

Okay, you guys, I'm ready now.


I got it!

Come on, Muffy.

Okay, I...

( both laughing )

Over here--
I got it!

Look out!

( Muffy cries out )

( Jenna and Francine laughing )

Okay, that was
a great workout.

Now let's do
something fun.

What do you mean?

This is fun!

Maybe I should just find
a best friend

Who wants to do
the things I
like to do!

Go ahead,
I'm not stopping you!

( gasps )

Well, maybe I will!

Well, maybe you should!

Well, maybe I...

Watch out!

( gasps, screams )

You're trying to give me

Okay, Brain, before I play
with you

I have to ask
a few questions.

Question number one--

did you think it was fair
when diamonds lost to emeralds

in the Q.V.C. jewelry awards?



I was undecided, too.

Question two-- what goes best
with silver lame shoes?


A black chenille gown with red
vinyl belt and matching socks?

I never thought of that!

Oh, Brain, I'm so excited.

This is going to be
a great friendship!

Okay, here's
the last question.

Don't worry, it's
an easy one.

Which is more important:
fashion or soccer?


I really thought you
were going to pass.

So this is what failing
feels like.


No, I don't like soccer...


As much as I like
Tae Kwon Do.

( karate yell )

I feel like shopping is
a waste of time

better spent reading poetry.

Oh, neat, I have
a test, too!

What is the best
thing to do

when Leo is rising

from the house of Capricorn?

Congratulations, Buster.

You're the first person
to pass the oral exam.

Now it's on
to the shopping test.

That includes
lunch, right?

Of course, that's where we
compare our purchases.

( gasps )

Oh, look!

How adorable!

What do you think?


Clothes... everywhere...

Can't... breathe...

( screaming )


( panting )


( sighs )

Better now.

I must say, you're
the only candidate

who's passed every test.

You love spending money

and you have a refreshing lack
of tolerance

for other people's stupidity.

You're just about
perfect in every way...

This French fry
is underfried!

I demand a refund!

Time to go, D.W.

Thanks for watching her
while I was shopping, Muffy.

If only you didn't
have to take naps.

Only one name left.

I've got to make
this one work out.

I can finally go on this ride
without spinning it.

Francine always spun it
as fast as she could

and it made me sick.

Are you as bored as I am?

( snoring )

You want to see
, Explosions
and a Supernova?

Nah, Francine said
it's too talky.

Okay, how about
Slobbering Idiots?

Let's go
to this one.

Francine loved
Kickball Kids!

And that part

where the girl
kicked the ball
into the sphinx

and made it burp--

wasn't that something
Francine would do?

Are we going to shop
or talk about Francine?

All right, this is way better.

Who gets to kick off first?

Nobody, I guess.


What kind of a game
is that?

There's Jenna!

Maybe we can play

Hi, Jenna!

Where's Francine?

Oh, she got weird today
and went to the mall.

She did?!

You guys want to play?


maybe later.

I thought we were
going to play!

You guys go ahead
without me.



You're shopping?!

I'm not shopping

I was just looking
for, um... uh...

Me, too.

Look, I was thinking

it's okay if you don't
like to play soccer.

And you don't have
to shop with me.

Best friends
don't have to be

with each other
hours a day.


Hey, let's celebrate.

What should we do?





( both laugh )



Don't tell Muffy

but I think you're kind of
more fun to play with.

You're fun, too.

Hey, you want to see
Slobbering Idiots?

Who wouldn't?!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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