02x17 - Francine Redecorates/Arthur the Loser

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x17 - Francine Redecorates/Arthur the Loser

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Everyone has their own tastes
and likes something different.

♪ High as a plane or balloony ♪

♪ Slappy, sloopy,
gloopy, gloopy... ♪

Dresses in blue,
pink or lavender--

No orange ever!

A notebook is useless
unless you personalize it.

♪ Happy, hibey, hoopy, whoopy,
doopy, doofy, screwy, bluey... ♪

Hmm... can you come back to me?

♪ Goey, gooey,
chewy, flooey... ♪

Uh... this is hard.

A few good...

Shoes, shoes, shoes--

As many as possible!

Muffy, you
had your turn.

No, wait!

♪ Fuzzy, wuzzy, busalooney ♪

♪ Crazy, glazey,
crazy, lazy bus... ♪

Okay, I got it, I got it--

macaroni and cheese!

What do I like?

That's for me to know
and you to find out.

( crashes )


Will people
buy this stuff?

That's the beauty
of a yard sale--

one person's trash is
another person's treasure.


Maybe we should make this
buried treasure.

Here's more stuff.

These will make us money.

Where's that from?


Hey, these are mine!

She's trying
to sell my stuff.

It's worth big money.

You won't even miss it.

Put this stuff back
right now!

Cool-- a yard sale!

Got anything good
for cents?

Fish finder six--

with improved graphics.


I'll put
this out

but I don't think
anyone will buy it.

Hey, our favorite,
never-used wedding present.

( groans )


It's beautiful!

How much is it?

( door closes )

Hi, Fran...

( shrieks )

What... is... that?

An ottoman with
a foot warmer and TV tray.

Arthur's parents
let me have it for free.

No, no, no!

This is the last straw!

You are not bringing
any more revolting
junk into this room.

First, it was that lamp you got
when Tastee Cone closed.

Then it was that
ugly lava alarm clock.

And that reptile!

This madness must stop!

What about your things?

Lacy curtains

Lacy, ugly cats

Lacy pillows...

Lacy lace!

So what if my half
is lace-driven?

It has
a unified theme.

Yeah, nauseating--
that's the theme.

You are so ignorant.

Just wait till
your feet get cold.

Then you'll be sorry.

Mom, look!

Arthur's parents
didn't want this.

Can you imagine?

Uh... possibly.

I might as well hang
a sign on our door--

"Toxic Taste Dump."

What do you think
about this?

Your room's due for a paint job.

New colors will help.

Red and purple!

Mauve and gray!

goes with white.


The focus will be on
your interior design.

Come up with some ideas.

We'll hear them
at the family meeting.


Studying my
friends' rooms

Will give me
design ideas.

You have a lot
of stuff, Muffy.

Where's my bed?

I don't think I could
ever make my room

Look like this.

And that's a sacred
rock from the Amazon.


( yelling like Tarzan )



The exotic look

really isn't me.

This just isn't
my style.

It's not my style, either.

It's my mom's style.

Now, this is my style.

( groans )

( sighs )

We will now hear

ideas for the room
redecorating project.




You can sh**t
hoops from your bed!


It's disgusting,
and where's my bed?

Right here.

What have you got?

I have something
we can all live with.


Where's my bed?

This converts to a cot.

I can't sleep in a clock!

It doesn't matter--

those ugly flowers will
keep me up all night.

Wait a minute--
I've got it!

I have a
brilliant idea!

Take all your ideas

and put them

into one room.

Lower myself to
her level? please!

My friends have
their own rooms.

No one shares
with a frill-a-noid.

You think I like it?

I'd move in a minute.

I'll move.

I said it first.

I'm moving!


I love it!

It's like
having a loft.

( sighs dejectedly )

You can't live
in the living room

if your bedtime
is at : .

And the bedroom is all yours.

Katherine, the table
isn't part of your "room."

It's shared
space, mother.

It needs a unifying theme.

See? She's like bacteria

from a space

she spreads everywhere.

( zombie-like ):
Lace...I need lace!


( sighs )

Wow, your
own bedroom!

It's like your
sister's out of
the house.

I still have to share my room.

Turning the garage
into your bedroom

is an excellent
idea, D.W.

Now Kate won't bother you.

Finally I have room for
all my friends to come visit.

( doorbell chimes )


What do you
want, Arthur?

Do you have any cake?

No! Now go away!

( Arthur screaming )

But the room
doesn't look right.

It seems kind of empty.

Maybe you just need more stuff.

If you see anything
you like

Call me and I'll
give you a hand.

Great-- all i find is something
Katherine would like.

There's nothing that's me.

Wait a minute!


( squeaking )

What on earth
is that?

Uh, it's a bat mobile.

I am so glad

I don't have to deal
with this anymore.

I am going to my room.

Ah, privacy!

( bats squeaking )

( squeaking )

( gasps )

They're so talented.

( screams )

Katherine! A bat! Help!

( in spooky voice ):
I'm so glad you don't
share a room, Francine.

( cackles evilly )

( shrieking )

( panting )

It was just a nightmare.


I know your room's kind of empty

so I brought
you something.

This is super.

I got something for you, too.

Oh, this is beautiful!

I'll have to put it...


Maybe you could put it
in your room...

Um, your real room.

You mean it?

Having my own room

isn't as fun as I
thought it would be.

A loft isn't as glamorous
as I thought it would be.

The walls are so thin.

Want to move?


We combined our
decorative resources.

Too bad you didn't
think of that.

What a great room,

Katherine has
such neat stuff.

I wish I had
an older sister, too.

You're so
lucky, Francine.

Yeah, I am.

KATHERINE: ( in distance ):
Feet off the furniture!

( all giggling )

and now...

Well, I just did the sun,
and now I'm doing clouds.

I just love to draw.

I love to put stuff on paper...

or... wood or whatever it is.

I started painting furniture
about a year ago.

I painted my desk first because
I thought the wood was ugly.

Then I painted it all black.

I have a moon in one corner

And the rest
just covered with stars.

What I'm going to do today

Is paint a bookshelf half, like,
solar system

With a moon
and planets and stars

and half sun
with clouds all around it.

I sketched it out.

Then I'll just paint it.

You can paint
almost anything on furniture.

I mean, it's just like
doing a regular painting.

You get to use
your imagination a lot--

You could do whatever you want.

You just have to be careful

and I think you'll enjoy
what you've done.

I'm done.

It's very pleasing to see your
artwork if you really enjoy it.

And now...

We need this basket to win!

If Francine passes me the ball

I'll take
care of it.

Pass it to Arthur!

Over here!


Go, Arthur!


( others gasp )

( blows whistle )

Arthur's team wins.

( others
cheering )

Don't cheer me.

It was easy.

Arthur, Arthur!


If we don't score, we lose.

I'll take care of it.

( blows whistle )

Binky's team wins.

Boy, sometimes winning is
a lot harder than you imagine.

( Pal barking )

( Kate crying )

( TV jingle plays )

What can we do
for fun?


♪ It's new, it's fun,
it's number one ♪

♪ What is it? ♪

♪ No guessing. ♪

I win!

No guessing-- the world's
greatest quiz game!

It's the most fun
you'll ever have!

Wow, I want that game.

They say

it's the most fun
you'll ever have.

More fun than
a roller coaster

or the last day
of school?

I want that game!

( change jingling )

Does making
those faces

Scare the money
into coming out?

( bell dings )

I win!

Hey, you got it!

Yeah, let's play!

"A scientist combined one liter
of H O with nine ounces of soil.

What compound did he make?"

Um... phosphorus?

Mud-- H O is water,
soil is dirt... that makes mud.

You got it
wrong, so...

( bell dings )

I win!

( TV jingle plays )

"A baseball is covered
with what material?"

If you
don't know

you don't know.

You'll never guess this.

Is it... cowhide?

( TV jingle plays )

I win!

( groans )

The site of
King Solomon's mines...

Would that be

Is it?

( defeated ):

( TV jingle playing )

I win!

You don't have
to do that

Just because it was on TV!

( bell dings )

Stupid game.

Let's play
"no guessing."

I'm not in the mood.

How about something else?

Please don't say "I win."


You lose!

After I lost
at bowling

I lost at
video games
and checkers.

I lose at everything.

I even lost my glasses.

I'll help you find them
for five dollars.


They're on your
head, Arthur.

( sighs )

I guess I'm just a loser.

Sometimes luck
goes in cycles.

Don't worry,
you'll win soon.

How about
a game of cards

before your
luck changes...

I mean, to help
your luck change?

Do you have
any threes?

I've never been

This close
to beating you at cards.

Do you have any sevens?

I can't lose to D.W.

She'll tell everyone!

Mmm... no sevens.

Go fish.

Look, a swarm
of lightning bugs!


Do you have

Any nines?

I win!

How could I lose?

I was so close
to winning.

Now I know, Pal--

if my luck won't change itself,
I'll make it change.

All I have to do
is find the easy questions.

If I don't get this next
question right, you win.

Hey, is that a break
in the time-space continuum?

What? Where?!

Very funny.

You can't delay
losing any longer.

Here's your question.

"What is the largest city
in France?"


Each basket in basketball
is worth two points.

That's right.

( bell dings )

I win!

Wow, you got
nine questions in a row right.


( gulping noisily )

Could I have more lemonade?


That's called "icing the puck."

The equator.

A lobster.

The Boston Red Sox.

I win!

Want to play three out of five?


Wait until I ask a question.

Hey! That's the right answer.

( embarrassed ):
What a coincidence.

Arthur sure got good.

He never loses.

If it were anyone but Arthur,
I would think he was cheating.

But Arthur would never cheat.

( yawning )

Arthur, did you
finish your homework?

Almost done!

The most exciting thing
about winning is when you win.

I love that feeling!

Ooh, ay...

( bell dings )

I win!

Let's go seven out of ten.

You'll just win again.

Let's do something else.

When did you put up
these mirrors?

They make a room seem bigger.

I can't help it if
I win all the time.

I'm just
a winner.

( Arthur fakes
a sneeze )

Oh, did you miss?

That means I win.

You did that
on purpose.

Come on, it's part of the game.

If you can't take the
competition, don't play.

Arthur was a bad sore loser,
but he's a worse sore winner.

I wish he'd lose again.


He's beaten almost everyone
at school at everything.

Everyone but Binky.

No one wants to
play against Binky

Because he cheats.

If Arthur loses
at his favorite game

He might go back to normal.

Hey, Binky!

Hey, I hear
you're afraid

To play that
game against me.

Who said that?

It was...

Something I thought of
all by myself.

So, you afraid or what?

Don't you have
anything better to do?


With everyone watching,
I better not cheat.

Binky's losing!

He's creaming you.

Why don't
You cheat?

I don't know how
to cheat at this game.

You got to know stuff.

What did he say?

You don't
want to know.

"What is the third planet
from the sun?"

Uh... mars?

( imitates buzzer ):

( all cheering for Binky )

Why are my friends
rooting against me?

Everyone wants
you to lose

because you've been
acting like a jerk.


You need
to talk to me?

Buster, everyone
hates me.

I've been winning games
but losing friends.

You should never have cheated.

Everyone wants to see me lose

But it's impossible
to lose against Binky.

Cheating got you
into this--

Why not cheat?

Cheat to lose?

Make sure he gets
the easy questions?

Yeah-- you got any food?


Then I've got to go.

I got an appointment
with a chocolate soda.

That's exactly
what Buster would have said.

Whose turn?

You have to ask me a question.

Oh... my shoe's untied.

"A four-legged, barking canine."

You mean,
like, dog?



A basketball is full of... air?


The bread around a hot dog
is the bun.


Yes, you win.

Yes, I win!

I beat the champion.

Now I am the champion!


You beat me.

( others gasp )


Arthur, you cheated?

And you lost anyway.

I hope this
teaches you

that cheating's not worth it.

Believe me, it sure does.

Let's go to the Sugar Bowl
and celebrate my losing!

No, let's celebrate
everything being
mormal again.

"And Buster,
I'll never cheat again.

"Thanks for your good advice.

I couldn't have worked it out
without all your help."


You might want to know
the secret formula

for drawing Arthur.

We'll do two letter O's,

hook them together with a little
upside-down letter U.

Then we'll do a larger
letter U like this.

We'll do a straight line here.

Two dots here.

Two lines here.

Two dots here.

A curved line for his mouth.

I will add his ears.

And there's Arthur.

That's great!

What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! What
♪ Hey! ♪
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