01x17 - Pups Save a Pool Day/Circus Pup Formers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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01x17 - Pups Save a Pool Day/Circus Pup Formers

Post by bunniefuu »

Paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

we'll be there on the double ♪

whenever there's a problem ♪

'round adventure bay ♪

ryder and his team of pups ♪

will come and save the day ♪

Marshall, rubble, chase ♪

rocky, Zuma, skye ♪

yeah, they're on the way ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

whenever you're in trouble ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol ♪

we'll be there on the double ♪

no job is too big, no pup is too small ♪

paw patrol, we're on a roll!

So here we go paw patrol ♪

whoa-oh-oh ♪

paw patrol ♪

whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

paw patrol (barking)

Now, when you come out the tube slide, you'll have a nice, soft landing!

Okay, I just need to tighten this bolt.







Soft as a Sandy cloud, and the new slide's all done!

I'm done, too.


I need to cool down, ahh!

You can say that again.



Hey, the pool is opening today!

Let's take a dip!

Sounds good!

As long as I don't get wet.

All right!

I can't wait to dive into the...

Empty pool?

We can't swim in an empty pool!

Everybody was planning to spend the day at the pool!

Alex, Katie...


I was planning to spend the day at the pool.

What happened to the water?

I don't know, but we have to find out!

This is a job for the paw patrol!

Let's go!

Come on, Marshall!

It's a pool day!

All ready, I just need a towel, and sunglasses and sunblock, and a hat, and some cold water, and of course, my Apollo superdog comic book.



I'm ready to float the day away.


Excuse us!

Pardon the pups!

Hey, it's the paw patrol!

Go, pups, go!

There's ryder!


(Puppies shouting)

Sorry, rubble!

Hey, pups.

What's wrong?

Ryder, we've got a big problem!


No water...

In the pool!

No water in the swimming pool?

What are we gonna do?

Don't worry, Alex.

The paw patrol will fix it.

No job is too big; No pup is too small!


Paw patrol, to the look-out!

Puppies: Ryder needs us!

Here I come!

Oh, ugh, ah!



Oh, ah, whoa!

Look out!


How'd I do?

The judges can't agree!


(Elevator dinging)

Ready for action, ryder, sir!


Thanks for hustling over in this heat, pups.

We have an emergency.

There's no water in the pool.

Yeah, how can we cool off in a dry pool?

First, we have to find out why the pool's empty.

It gets filled up from the town's water tower.

For some reason, the water isn't getting from the tower to the pool.

We need to find the problem, and fix it.


Marshall, I need you and your ladder to check out the tower.

I'm fired up!


Rubble, I need your shovel in case we need to dig up the pipes that carry the water to the pool.

They might be blocked.

Rubble on the double!

The rest of you pups head over to the pool.

We'll fill it in no time!

All right, paw patrol is on a roll!

(Puppies barking)

paw patrol ♪

go, go, go whoa!

Go, go, go (barking)

Marshall (barking)

Go, go, go, go, go, go ♪

rubble (barking)

Go, go, go, go, go, go ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol (tires screeching)

(Engines revving)

(Siren blaring)

There's our problem!

The pad holding up the tower slipped.

That bent the pipe that takes the water to the pool.

We have to fix the tower before we can fix the pipe.


It's a big job!

No job is too big; No pup is too small!

We just need a few more paws on this case.


Chase, the pipe from the water tower is bent.

I need you and your winch, and rocky and his forklift in a hurry!

Both: You got it, ryder!

Ready, chase?

Ruff, chase is on-- is that skye's bathing cap?



Be right back.

Chase is on the case!

(Kids sighing)

Still no water in the pool.

We have to find some way to help those kids cool down.



Be right back!

(Zuma barking)

Here's your popsicles, Zuma.


Thanks, Mr.


Now, you better hurry.

Those popsicles won't last long in this heat.

(Zuma panting)

Good thinking, Zuma!

The kids will love these!

(Kids cheering)

Yay, icy popsicles!

Aw, melted goo!

(Kids groaning)

Whew, I am one hot dog.

Too bad there's no mustard and ketchup!


(Siren blaring)

Wow, the tower is really leaning.

It looks like it might fall over if we don't do something.

Okay, paw patrol.

You each have an important job to do.

Chase, I need your cable hook and winch motor.

Cable hook and winch, on the way!


Marshall, climb up and attach the hook to the corner of the tower.


Winch cable is hooked on!

Rubble, I need you to put dirt under the pads so we can make the corner of the tower level.

Let's dig it!

Rocky, use your forklift to pick up the pad so rubble can put the dirt underneath.

Let's do it!

Still no water in the pool.

(Kids sighing sadly)

Now what?

My turn!

Be right back!

What could be cooler than snow?

Check it out!

Here comes skye to cool us off!

(Kids cheering)




First I was a hot dog, and now I'm a pup-sicle!


Too cold!

Okay, pups, let's go!

Chase, start the winch motor.

You got it, rider!

Ruff, motor!

(Tires screeching)

Okay, rocky, lift the pad!

I'll fill in the gravel!


That did it!

Cement pad going down.

Okay, chase, let it down easy.


Winch out!

Great, it's level!

Now, let's fix the bent pipe and get the water flowing to the pool.

I'll see what I've got in my truck.

Here's an extra pipe!


Hurry up, rocky!

I'm ready to hit the pool and get good and wet!

I'm ready to sit by the pool and stay good and dry.

Ruff, wrench!

Shutting the water off.


That should do it!

Ryder: Let's see if we fixed it!

Now, this is a pool day!


(Biting, popping)


Sorry, dude.


Skye, I'm just about to turn the water back on.

The pool should start filling up any second now.


Get ready, everyone!

Ryder says the water is on its way!


Whoo, yay!

(Water gurgling)



The pool is filling up!

Whoo-hoo, let's swim!

Wait, it needs to be full before you jump in.

Kids: Oh!

All right, everybody, ready, set...

Get wet!



(Kids giggling)

Hey, ryder!

Hey, Katie.


Thanks for fixing the pool, paw patrol!

You're welcome, Alex.

Remember, whenever there's trouble, just yelp for help.



Okay, pups, time for the cannonball competition!

Not me!

I'm going to stay nice and dry up here.

On your bark, get set, go!


Here I come!


I'm wet!

Zero points for splashing the judge!


Oh, rocky, you're all wet!

Chase: Ladies and gents!

Pups of all ages!

Rubble will now perform his amazing skateboard jump!




Chase: And there's rocky on the tight...

uh, board.


Chase: Next comes skye, the pup with the pop, performing three backflips in a row!



Wait, don't forget the grand finale.

It's Marshall the magnificent!


Whoa, ah!


Hey, I did it!


Whoa, whoa!


Nobody does a clown fall like you, Marshall.


It wasn't exactly on purpose.

(Phone ringing)

Hi, raymondo!

Is the circus here?

The pups are super excited.

So am I!

Ryder, I have a big problem.

Only one of the circus trains has arrived, and I don't have anyone to help set up the big top.

(Elephant trumpeting)


Don't worry, the pups and I will help.

Thank you, ryder!

No job is too big; No pup is too small!


Paw patrol, to the lookout!

Puppies: Ryder needs us!


Wait for me!

Coming-- whoa!


Whoa, ah!


Made it!

(Puppies giggling)

(Elevator dinging)

Ready for action, ryder, sir!


Thanks for coming so quickly, pups.

There's a problem with the circus.

Isn't it coming?

Only half the circus made it.

The performers and most of the animals are stuck on a broken train.

Raymondo needs our help setting up the circus while the train gets repaired.


Chase, I need you and your winch to lift the big top into place.

Rocky, I need your forklift to set up the stands, and skye, I need you to fly up and place the circus flag at the tippy-top of the big top.

Chase is on the case!

Green means go!


Let's take to the sky!


Rubble, I need you to drill some holes for the tent's big poles.

Marshall, I need you to set up the trapeze with your ladder.

And Zuma, I need you to help set up the tumbling equipment.

Rubble on the double!

I'm fired up!

Let's dive in!

All right, paw patrol is on a roll!

paw patrol whoa!

(Puppies barking)

Marshall (barking)

Go, go, go, go, go, go ♪

rubble (howling)

Go, go, go, go, go, go ♪

paw patrol, paw patrol (tires screeching)

(Sirens blaring)

(Screeching, sirens blaring)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls and pups of all ages!

The circus set-up is about to begin!


(Elephant trumpeting)

Okay, pups, on three!

One, two, three!

(Puppies barking)

How's that, ryder?


Let's put it up.

Here are the poles!


And here are the holes!

Chase, your winch hook!

Winch hook, coming right up!


Okay, chase, lift the big top!

Here it goes!


All it needs is the flag!

We've got that covered.



This pup's got to fly!



We did it!

The big top is up!

(Puppies cheering)

Way to go, guys!

Almost done with the bleachers!


Got it!

The trapeze is in place.

I love the teeter-totter act!

Me, too!



(Skye giggling)

You guys are supposed to be working.

I know, but every time one of us lands...

The other one totally flies back into the air!

Hang on, Zuma!



Thanks, ryder.

Yeah, thanks.

That spinning was making me dizzy!

(Phone ringing)


Hola, Leo, what's up?

(Lion roaring)

Ha ha, oh, Leo, calm down!


Ay yi yi, it's not that bad.

I will think of something!

Everything okay, raymondo?

It's Leo.

He's upset at how long the repairs are taking on the second train.

Lions are very excitable.

Breathe, Leo, breathe!

Ugh, I hope they get it fixed soon.

People are already lined up.

There's raymondo!

Time to start the show!

Ladies and gentlemen!

I have bad news.

(Audience gasping)

Most of our circus animals and performers aren't here tonight.

I'm afraid the show can't go on.

No circus?


But I love the circus!

Me, too!

It's okay, pups.

I know who can get the circus going.

Puppies: Huh?

Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry!

The show will go on!

There's a group here already with talents that will amaze you.


Yay, who is it?

It's the paw patrol!

They'll perform in the circus.


Whoa, ah!


(Audience gasping)

(Audience laughing)

Ha ha, ladies and gentlemen, Marshall the magnificent clown!


Heh, thanks, everyone.

All of you pups have talents we can use in the circus.

Let's do it!

You bet!

Yeah, all right!

Paw patrol is on a roll!

(Puppies cheering)

Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you a very special treat.

A guest ringmaster!

Thank you, raymondo!

We have a very special show today, our very own circus pup extravaganza!

(Circus music playing)




Ruff, wing!

This puppy's got to fly!

(Skye giggling)



Now without wings!



(Barking, fire bell sounding)

My house!

My house!

Oh, it's one fire!

I'll put it out!


Water Cannon!



(Meowing, audience laughing)


(Cheering, applauding)

(Audience laughing)






Ha, yeah!




And now, the grand finale!

(Elephants trumpeting)


Hup, hup!


(Audience cheering, elephants trumpeting)

(Cheering, applauding)

Yay, paw patrol!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's have a round of applause for eunice, Ellie, ryder and the paw patrol!

Thank you, thank you very much!

I have a special announcement.

The other circus train is fixed, and it's on its way here!

(Audience cheering)

Ryder, I must thank you and the paw patrol for saving the circus.

It was fun.

Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!

(Puppies barking)



Great job, everyone.

You put on an amazing show.

You sure are good pups!

Okay, team, let's head home!

(Puppies giggling)



Ruff, ruff!

See you next time, raymondo.

(Horn honking)

Thank you, ryder!

(Elephant trumpeting)
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