05x11 - Ultimate Rescue: Pups save the Royal Kitties

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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05x11 - Ultimate Rescue: Pups save the Royal Kitties

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on

the double ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem ♪

♪ Round Adventure Bay ♪

♪ Ryder and his team of pups ♪

♪ Will come and save

the day ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase, ♪

♪ Rocky, Zuma, Skye ♪

♪ Yeah, they're on

the way ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whenever you're

in trouble ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ We'll be there on

the double ♪

♪ No job is too big,

No pup is too small ♪

♪ PAW Patrol,

We're on a roll! ♪

♪ So here we go

PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

Diver flag up!


This reef is amazing!

It's like a fabulous

undersea garden down here.

Whoa, these sea cucumbers

look just like the cucumbers

I grow on my farm.



Oh, silly Chickaletta!

That's a sea creature,

not a pickle.

Oh, stay close to Mommy's side.

Who's the cutest little

scuba diver?

You are! Yes, you are!


(Both laughing)

Mm, yum!

No snack's more satisfying

than my salty squid jerky.

Mais non, cousin Horatio!

My meal is much more



(Gull squawking)




These animals appear to be

abnormally alarmed!


Whoa! What is that noise?

Let's see.


There's a bump on the ocean

floor that wasn't there before.

Hmm, we may be on the verge

of viewing a volcano

being formed!

I think then we should

go underwater

and check from

the diving bell.

No, I think we should take the

diving bell and look underwater.


Wait, we're saying

the same thing!


(Pups barking)

Hi there, Ryder!

Hi, pups.

I got blueberries,

fresh-picked 'em this morning.

Mm, berries!

You can go get some,

I'll keep watch.


Thanks, Farmer Al.

Mmm! They smell berry sweet!

May I try one?

Get your bowls

and I'll fill 'em up!

No problem!

(Barking excitedly)

Let's go!

Yum! Yum!

They'll need to be washed first.

I'll do it!


Water cannons!

Wash the blueberries

and not me, okay, Marshall?

Don't worry, I'll be careful.




Yuck! Wet!

Did you hear that?

Yeah, it came from somewhere

out at sea.

I'll go back to the beach tower

and check the sonar to see

what's going on underwater.


It looks like something's

shaking on the ocean floor.

That could explain the rumble

we heard.

(Watch beeping)



I've detected a new underwater


From my calculations,

it could blow at any time.





A volcano?

If it erupts, that could produce

a lot of ash in rough waters.

We better close the beach

until the danger's passed.

Cap'n Turbot, keep us posted

on the volcano's activity

and be ready

to get out of there fast!

Roger that, Ryder.

Turbot, out!

I better alert Mayor Goodway.


Mayor Goodway's phone,

Al speaking!

Farmer Al?

Where's Mayor Goodway?

She and Chickaletta went

scuba diving with Yumi.

They left their phones with me

to keep them dry.

Uh-oh, we just found an active

underwater volcano.

Volcano? They're in danger!

Don't worry, the Sea Patrol

will get them.

No volcano is too big,

no pup is too small!


Sea Patrol, to the beach tower!


Ryder needs us!


Ha! Cleared it!

I am good-- whoa!

Where's Marshall?

Yeah, where is he?




I'm feeling kind of blue.



Sea Patrol, ready for action,

Captain Ryder, sir!


The Turbots have discovered

an underwater volcano

about to erupt.


A volcano?

But Mayor Goodway and Farmer

Yumi are out scuba diving.

(Chickaletta clucking)

So, we have to find

and rescue them.

So, for this mission,

I'll need Marshall.

I'll need you to use

your rescue boat and scuba gear

to bring in the divers.

They should be below

their diver's flag.

I'm all fired up!

Chase, I need you to use

your megaphone and boat

to make sure everyone

in the water and on the beach

gets a safe distance away.

Chase is on the case!

All right!

Sea Patrol is on a roll!


Load 'er up, Robo-Dog!


(Alarm sounding)

♪ Go go go go go ♪

Robo-Dog, take us to sea!


♪ Go go go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go go go ♪

(Horn honking)

Chase, get everyone off

the water and the beach.

On it!

♪ Go go go ♪

♪ Chase! ♪

♪ Go go go go go ♪

(Siren blaring)

Volcano warning!

Return to shore!

Clear the beach!

Volcano warning!


time to find those divers.

On it!


♪ Go go, Marshall! ♪

Horatio, let's go across

the crater for a closer look.

For science!

Uh, I say circling the site

is safer.










(Watch beeping)

Uh, Ryder? Good news.

We're keeping a very close eye

on the volcano.

But the bad news is

we have no choice!

We are stuck inside the crater,

and it is going to blow!


We're on our way.

Come on, Zuma.

To the sub-patroller!

Let's dive in!

(Alarm sounding)

Sea Patrol is on a roll!

The diver's flag.

That means Farmer Yumi,

Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta

are down below.

Arf, scuba!


Mayor Goodway! Farmer Yumi!


what brings you here?

You need to get out

of the ocean fast.

There's an underwater volcano

and it's gonna erupt!



A volcano?

Oh, my.

My thoughts, indeed.

Let's go, Chickaletta.


Where are you?

I'll get Chickaletta,

I promise.

It's too dangerous,

you have to head up now.

The Sea Patroller will pick you

up at the surface.

All right, I'm counting on you.

Hang on, Chickaletta!

I'm coming!

(Volcano rumbling)


Cap'n Turbot, François,

we're here to get you out

of that volcano.

Oh, the Sea Patrol is ici!

Oh, what a relief!

Zuma, deploy the sub-patroller

claws and grab the diving bell.


Captain Ryder!


It's working!

We're out!


It's the volcano,

she is going to erupt!

Ryder, we can move

on our own now.

Get your sub to safety!


Zuma, retract the claws.





(Chickaletta clucking)

I'm here, Chickaletta!



Look, Ryder!

Marshall's on the diving bell.

Marshall, brace yourself!

That bell is gonna--


(Marshall shouting)


Oh, look! Oh!

We've gotta act fast before

the diving bell drops

and hits the water.

Ready, Skye?

This puppy's gotta fly!

(All shouting)


Don't worry, Chickaletta.

Everything's gonna be okay.


Marshall, I have a parachute.

Grab the hook!


Our dangerous downward drop

has significantly slowed!

Whew, I was so scared,


Non, Horatio,

I was far more

frightened than you.


When it comes to flying,

I think we're both

a little chicken.


(Cheering below)



A little to the left.

Now, a little to the right.


Cut engines.

(Door clanging)

We're safe!

We are sauvé!


Oh, my precious Chickaletta!

You gave Mommy such a scare!

Thanks, Marshall.

You're such a brave pup.

You're welcome!

Whenever trouble rumbles,

just yelp for help.




Look over there!


A new island!

The volcano must have formed it.


I think we should call it

the Island of François.

Well, I think Horatio Island is

a much more memorable moniker.

François's Lava Land!

Turbot's Atoll!

(Others laughing)

♪ P-P-P-PAW, PAW, PAW Patrol ♪

(Bird squawking)

These carrots are super thirsty,

Farmer Al!

Actually, those are turnips,


But thanks for helping out.

I got my hands full

trying to get this big rock

out of the storm drain.

(Grunting, groaning)

Give me a hand, Garbie.

Or a horn.


(Garbie bleating)


You're right, Garbie.

It's time to call it a day.

(Animals yelping)

Yep, sounds like everybody's

ready for their supper

and bedtime stories.


Can I read them a fairytale

tonight? Please?

As long as there are no

big bad wolves in 'em.

It gets the sheep so skittish,

they have to count each other

to go to sleep.


(Garbie bleating)

All right!

I know the best story!

Okay, now pose like

a cobra snake.

And breathe in.


And slowly breathe out.


Zuma, what are you doing?

Pup yoga!

You should try it

with us.

It's a totally chill way

to start the morning.

Huh, maybe next time.

I'm on lifeguard duty.

Okay, now lion's pose.


Now, that's how a lion poses.


Okay, now downward dog.

Breathe in.



Got it.

Okay, now pups playing

beach ball pose!


(Rooster crowing)


Looks like it's gonna be

a beautiful -- ahhh!

(Animals chattering)

(Garbie bleating)

You're right, Garbie.

I better call the PAW Patrol.

(Ryder laughing)

(Watch ringing)

Hi, Farmer Al. What's up?

Me and my animals!

My farm's flooded, and we're

all stuck on the roof.

(Garbie bleating)

And on goat boats!

We'll figure out where

that water came from.

No farm is too flooded,

no pup is too small!


Sea Patrol, to the beach tower!


Ryder needs us!

(Ball deflating)

Who turned off the sun?




I call this pose "Wipeout Dog."



Sea Patrol, ready for action,

Captain Ryder, sir!

Great, because the Sea Patrol

has a different kind of mission


We're taking the Sea Patroller

to Farmer Al's farm.



Somehow Farmer Al's farm

got flooded last night.

So, we have to rescue him

and his animals,

and get rid of all that water.

So, for this mission

I'll need...

Zuma, I'll need you to use

your sub to go underwater

and find out what's causing

that flood.

Ready, set, get wet!

And Marshall,

I'll need you to use your boat

to rescue the animals who are

still floating around.

I'm all fired up!

All right!

Sea Patrol is on a roll!


Load 'er up, Robo-Dog!


(Alarm sounding)

♪ Go go go go go ♪

Robo-Dog, take us to sea!


♪ Go go go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go go go ♪

(Horn honking)

Robo-Dog, Farmer Al's farm

is that way.

We'll need to take this boat

on land.

Activate amphibious mode!

(Tires screeching)

(Garbie bleating)

Well, I'll be a turkey's uncle!

(Motor revving)

Robo-Dog, activate aquatic mode!

Ryder, please hurry!

These animals are getting

kind of fidgety.

(Animals chattering)

Corny, stop chewing on that!

Robo-Dog, head towards the barn.


Zuma, find out where that

water's coming from.

On it, Captain Ryder!

(Garbie bleating)

Marshall, use your rescue boat

to bring in Garbie.

I'm coming to get you, Garbie!

In goat, that's "Baaa!"


♪ Go, Zuma! ♪


♪ Go go go ♪

♪ Marshall! ♪

♪ Go ♪

Thanks, Ryder.

I still don't feel right

leaving my animals out there.

It'll encourage them to come

over if they see you here,

but they might need help

getting in the cage.

Chase, can you ride to the roof?

Aye-aye, Captain!


This is one strange farm.

Hey, Ryder, I just found a hose,

that's still running!

Okay, Zuma, follow that hose

to the faucet and turn it off.

I wonder how the hose

got left on.


I forgot all about the hose

when we went inside.

Ryder, I got Garbie!

Good job, Marshall.

Robo-Dog, lower the platform.

Okay, lift him up!


Hi, buddy.

Want to go over

and see Farmer Al?


Okay, this sheep's ready

for the ship.


Easy does it, Fluffy!

Everything's okay.

Uh, Captain Ryder?

How are we gonna get Big Bettina

into that little cage?


Rocky, we're gonna need some

kind of a gangplank

for Bettina to walk across.

Right, but what can I use?

I need something long, flat

and sturdy.

How about Garbie's boat?

Don't lose it, reuse it!

Look, Bettina, we built you

a special cow bridge.

Go on, go see Farmer Al!



Easy, Bettina.

We'll get you back home.

The faucet! Pawsome!

Now to turn it off.

Ryder, I've shut off the water.

Great job, Zuma!

Calm down, calm down,


Ryder, these critters aren't

very good sailors.

I know who can calm them down.

Zuma, why don't you try

some pup yoga?


Breathe in.

(Animals inhaling)

Now, breathe out.


Nice work, Zuma.

But we can't stay on the water


If only I'd moved that rock

away from the storm drain.

So, that's what keeping

the water here.

The drain is blocked?

We'll just move it now.

Rubble, take your rig down there

and move that rock

to drain this water.

Time to pull the plug

on the pasture!

♪ Go go go ♪

♪ Rubble! ♪

♪ Go go go go ♪

That is one big rock.

But I can move it!

(Drain gurgling)

Got it, Ryder!

You better get out of there

fast, Rubble.

Draining water can have

a powerful pull.

Gotcha! Reverse.


Just... need...

a little more power!


Wow, Farmer Al's field

sure is draining quickly.

(Watch beeping)


Uh, Ryder?

I could use a little help here!

Hang on tight, Rubble.

We'll be right down.

Zuma, Rocky, let's go, go, go!

You got it, Ryder!


Getting a little dizzy!

Need some help!

Okay, pups, stay back.

If you get too close,

you might get caught

in the whirlpool, too.

How will we pull Rubble away,


We're gonna need to catch him


If I just had a rope...


Or a hose!


Rocky, I'm gonna use your truck

to anchor the rope.

Zuma, stand by.


Okay, Rocky, back up!


Zuma, use your claws to pull

Rocky back.


Hold on, Rubble! Almost there!


Are you okay, Rubble?


I'm fine.

And now, I finally know what

it's like to be a bubble

at the end of a bath, heh heh!

(All laughing)

(Animals chattering)

Thanks for everything,

Sea Patrol!

You saved my farm!

Whenever you find your farm

underwater, just yelp for help!

Hey, Farmer Al!

Did I forget to turn off--


--the hose?

Oops. Sorry.

Ha ha, everybody

makes mistakes,

but you can help

by drying off

some wet sheep!


♪ P-P-P-PAW, PAW, PAW Patrol ♪

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