02x06 - The Aftermath: I

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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02x06 - The Aftermath: I

Post by bunniefuu »

You can have my toast Gwen

It was a good movie right Gwen

I dub the casa Gwen

Got anything with G

But I can't leave without say goodbye to Gwen

Dad asked me what I wanted to be in

What's going on everyone welcome to the brand-new totally off the hook

Total Drama Action

aftermath show

We're coming to you live to dish everything Total Drama Action, this is where the real action is

You may remember us from such series as total drama island it's even more thrilling sequel Total Drama Action

Which we were voted off of for kissing and lost out on a million bucks

I still say making out makes for awesome television today now, we've got a road show and this is way more fun, right?

Now hang with you and we're super stoked for the new season what you guys think of it so far a film on

Totally awesome, right?

We are so psyched to be here, yeah speak for yourselves

I was speaking for myself, but glad you reminded us you're here Eva everyone

Peeps from first season they may be losers but not in our book right Jack

All right, we've got Kody

And know

Ezequiel school, let's give it up for IVA

Katie and Sadie

Michael oh whoops. Okay and Tyler

Here you are dude, but somebody please tell Lindsay

We've also got a ton of text and emails from all of you

Plus we'll have a couple of you on webcam, which is super super cool easy

I mean kaleidoscope will be here

We're Trent, right what happened to him is just so wrong

We felt so terrible for Trent like he wouldn't nuttier than my sister's peanut allergy

But he's still super cute I barf in my mouth a little every time I think of what happened to him

Oh my gosh, me too

Okay, cool, thanks for that it's almost time to welcome our first guest but first take a look

At these time on Total Drama Action may have been short

But it was a real wild ride the girl got a monster crush

And later suffered a serious blow at the hands of chef hatchet

Chef thinks he's k*lled her. Look out freak Diaz serves the dude right Oh

Watch love this part check her out Oh arias, man. Oh, really?

It was Duncan that k*lled is his chances when the two took to the stage

Ooh the drama but ever the diva is he will be back for more

Our first guest has impersonated a grizzly and was caught peeing in a pool

Currently number eight on the RCMP s most wanted easy aka colitis go

I'm walking me back here

Hi Jeff, so glad to be here awesome to have you but bummer about the show gotta be tough

Losing out on a million big ones. Yeah. Well you would know

Old boyfriend Graham he got a restraining order against me last year remember that Graham so funny, okay

we were in the courtroom and a judge was all like you cannot come within 200 meters of the plaintiff where you shall suffer the

consequences of this courtroom

Was hard but we made it work by the way Graham you should get new blinds for your room

What are they made of lead? They couldn't see a thing with my binoculars?

Mr. Graham cr*cker. I'm totally into crackers right now. They're just so flaky

Kind of like someone we know

So Izzy, how did it feel to be the first one voted off the show? I don't know Jeff. How did it feel?

We were the first ones voted off the show with a disappointing

Humiliating a sobering experience. Jeff sure was disappointing. I mean, it's like you've got dreams for this money in

Hey, man, I'm supposed to be asking the questions

Well, not yet, but it will be once I write it and you open the book

What went through your head after being voted off when you realize you're not getting a gilded Chris award? Well, I can't lie to you

Wow, it's that painful to remember no, I just can't lie to you

I was outfitted with a lie deterrent microchip that emits shock waves at the first hint of dishonesty. That's a really nice top Ridge

Okay, so what exactly did losing out on the gilded Chris mean to you

It meant I missed out on that buttery chocolate statuette. Oh, I once took an art class sculpting chocolate nudes

My instructor said I had a real flair for cocoa

He said I was totally loco

That's what he's actually said. I think it's time. We play a fun little game called truth or

Works like this we ask you a question

And if you give the wrong answer a huge hammer will swing down and knock you clear out of your chair

Cool, if my implant doesn't get me the hammer will

Should we give it a test run?

Nice one East Joe Bridge a question, please. Hi, yeah

Okay season two started off so well for you, where'd things go wrong?

I think it was when I turned down that secret alliance with chef

You mean chef actually tried to form a secret alliance with you uh-huh

He said he'd help me win this thing if I shared the money with him

Wait, I think they got a never-before-seen clip


I'll help you man up and win this thing. We split the prize money. It did 50. I

Don't think so

I can't believe chef did that awesome impact

I would never hurt that intern

Chef's went and made a demon deal with DJ. Yeah, I think chef through the acting challenge with Duncan

So DJ's team won and I lost but hey, what do I know?

Apparently, let's hear from a viewer now glue Punk's 350 asks, do you think DJ will get busted?

Well, I don't know about DJ but I busted my arm once yeah look not double-jointed

Should we move on to Trent yeah

Trent is such a stand-up guy

He did not deserve what happened right Oh totally not and all because of when whoa back up Bridge

Couples breakup wasn't Gwen's fault Trent lost out on a million bucks because of Gwen

So Gwen went behind Trent's back and told his team to vote him off. That doesn't mean

Well, what oh, man, what are you kidding Gwen did what this is a joke, right? Oh,

Did someone not tell the dude oh

Sorry man poor Trent, how was I supposed to know that?

Was harsh Toph Greg when may have asked Reds team to vote him off

But dude was purposely losing all their challenges. They would have done it anyway

Maybe but Gwen's daft red in the back

She dumped him and told his team to vote him off the show to cover her own butt. That's low

Gwen should pay so should twit Trent isn't innocent in this. What about the time?

He kissed Heather. Gwen was totally wrecked

Remember, I remember tried totally cheated on point for season. That was Heather's fault

She tricked Trent into kissing her a dude hardly needs to be tricked into kissing the hottest girl on the show

What I cannot believe you just said Heather was the hottest girl in the show I mean

He shouldn't have kissed her, huh? I wouldn't have

It's the truth you're super hot to bridge you're sweet and caring, you know Heather's just got an edge

It's called being mean or have you forgotten how office she was to me for a season. She was like that with everyone

Oh and yet you still think she was the hottest girl on the show. Maybe you should be dating her

Well, maybe you should be with Trent sure defending a dude enough

Did I show you guys that thing I can do it to my eyelid I

Think it's time. We take a break. Oh, no, you want to break up who's just Greg bridge. I

Think she means a break for ads

TDA was brought to you by chefs roadkill cafe with sundaes our bring your own meats, you hit it we spin it

When in Trent with Geoff and Bridgette got a little sidetracked, but we're good now right guys

Fine, right whatever

Fine. Okay, since our lovebirds can't agree on anything

Bridget's on Team Trent and Jeff is on Team Gwen


We need help settling this little lover's quarrel

So thanks for all your texts and emails. Oh

And feel free next time to use ESP. I'm psychotic. I think you mean psychic

I'm pretty sure my therapist had psychotic. Okay, should we check on Trent first?

Okay a look at Gwen and Trent's relationship check it out Oh

Young love I remember what that was like

Trent only had eyes for Gwen when he sang her a song at the talent show. What a sweetheart

Yeah, he was a real sweetheart when Gwen was buried alive and Trent forgot to dig her up

The beach incident was totally forgotten until Heather came up with a plan to kiss Trent in front of Gwen

when was

Devastated so what's Trent plus Trent made it up to Gwen by supporting her in the final challenge

He ran alongside her carrying a rock

It was sweet and it won Gwen over once on the film lot when entrants hook up didn't last long

Forced onto opposite teams the stress of competition

Finally got to them. You mean it finally got to Trent

Uh, so he got a little love struck when dumped him and told his team to vote him off

He was sabotaging. His team's challenges. The grips would have voted him off

Anyway, dude did not deserve to win the million bucks. Okay

Either we talk or you thumb wrestle?

Fine talk. Okay. We know how you two feel

Let's hear from everyone else at first. I was totally on Team Trent

I mean poor guy, but seeing that video reminded me of how devastated when was when trenches Heather

You mean one Heather kissed Trent same thing. Ah, no it is not

That's like saying you got our fav blue swimsuit in the second grade before I did when I got it first you did not

Dig - I'm definitely team Gwen. She's hot and I ever bra

I'm on Team Gwen not because I like her but because Trent is a loser by choice

Maybe it's time we bring out Trent

You went behind my back in the worst kind of now you find me

Our next guest was unceremoniously dumped by his girlfriend and cheated out of a million bucks

We're live on the TVA aftermath with Trent everyone good to have you on the show, dude

Brutal about before Jeff is really sorry about what happened earlier. It's cool wasn't his fault. So

What happened Trent?


I'm not really sure things were going great until Gwen and I were split on different teams then she and Duncan started hanging out Oh

Duncan is so gonna get it then the competition set in and something else

You mean how crazy things got how crazy you got careful how you answer this?

Cuz a great big hammer could come down and knock you right out of your pants, huh?

I guess somewhere I decided Gwen was more important than the money. Oh

Come on

Where's that hammer who was a million bucks? Dude, we gave up the million bucks. I don't know

I guess I just lost my game. I really let my team down

sorry grips, I

Gotta ask you about the whole number 9 thing dude, check it out

nine motes nine Flags

nine wicked jam rooms four letters in your name five letters and Trent's put them together and you get

He can't be doing everything nine times just for me

Dudes, this is so not where my lucky number nine comes from it is

Duncan that idiot dude sure knows how to play the game. The number nine thing has nothing to do with Gwen

I had this toy train my granddad gave me as a kid right before he died one of the wheels fell off

So there were only nine I was devastated

So my mom told me nine was now my lucky number. Oh

I am so on Team Trent. Me too

New Duncan was up to something I thought

See how mortified when is well, this is what she's going to look like when she learns the truth

We've got a lot of emails here snowgirl writes Trent what kind of girl are you into? Oh

It was a girl like when guess I'm gonna have to find a new type

Sorry girls but it's time to check in on our webcams. We've got ginger from Sudbury. What's up ginger?

Yeah, thanks ginger we've also got Steve the Yeti from Vancouver

Ha ha ha. How's it going? Dude, Chris. McLean is the best host ever

How'd you get your own show? You stink? Yo Chris if I wanted to take a hot tub out myself. Oh

You want the webcam Chris?

Believe word isn't says the girl's crazy

Oh, and we've got a call hello

You're on Team IVA why

Oh speaking of getting pounded it's time for that's gonna leave a mark

Oh the humiliation never ends dudes, here's what you didn't get to see on the show

I know you want to lay the guy out forward said to Gwen, but I think the monsters about to beat you to the punch

Do you guys think I could sing a song it's something I wrote after Gwen and I broke up

You never text me back anymore

Now I remember the nights we stared into the sky, but now you make me feel like do

And though I never told you that summer girl you were my entire world

But now you're gone

Reach I'm sorry about all that stuff with Heather. I think you're the hottest girl

I'm not on the planet. I

Mean you're hot too you guys are lucky. You've got such a healthy well-balanced

Relationship, can we get that hammer out here? I guess that's a wrap Geoff and Bridgette

We'll see you next time if they don't get fired


Which means we'll be coming to you live

Don't forget to join Chris next time for the most dramatically thrilling episode of Total Drama
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