06x14 - Suspicions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x14 - Suspicions

Post by bunniefuu »

Iwanna know,
what kind of medicine was this?

I have no idea. How should I know?

I found it in the upstairs hallway
outside of Blake's room.

Blake is sick in that room.

And you think
Rita might be responsible for that?

Correction, I think Rita and you
might be responsible.

For a girl with a limited,
very limited imagination,

now, you're certainly pushing yours.

Now, that bottle may have contained
medicine for Mr. Carrington

and whatever ails him,
but how should I know?

Blake is one of the healthiest men
I know.

I don't ever remember him
being sick.

Well, maybe you'll remember it
this time.

- Why don't you go ahead--?
- Don't try and get rid of me, Joel,

because I'm not going anywhere.

And you're gonna sit down, there,
until you hear me out.

Sit down.

Now, from the very beginning,
you've screwed around with our plan.

I never wanted anybody to get hurt.

My Aunt Krystle's been hit
over the head

and locked up for weeks.

And now
something's wrong with Blake.

I've got to know what is happening.

Samantha Josephine,
I've been under--

We've all been under
a lot of stress lately.

You're frightened,
and I understand that.

But we're in this together.

Now, we can't let fear
make us turn on each other.

Why don't you
just try to understand--?

What I understand, Joel,
is that you can't con me any longer.

Something very dark is going on here,
and I'm gonna find out exactly what.



Come on.

Smile. Come on.

What are you doing?

Hey, look, I'm only gonna take
some pictures of you.

- Why?
- We're going to South America.

And you need passports,
and for passports, you need pictures.

Ergo the camera. Now, pretty smile.

Now, we have to think of
a new name for you.

You got any preference?

Oh, God.

All right. Well, I'll think of something.

Soon we'll be lying
on the beach together.

Side by side.

Basking in that sunshine.

All right, smile again.

Pretty one.



That's close enough.

What are you doing out of bed?

I have things to do
down at the office.

I got up early, Blake.

I made you a very special breakfast.

Yes, so I see. Thank you.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

Shouldn't you be staying home today?
I mean, the way you've been feeling--

Oh. Too many damn things to do
fighting that pipeline injunction.

I can't afford to sit around here.

At least have some breakfast.
You'll need your strength.

I'm not hungry.

- Well, you have to eat.
- I said I'm not hungry.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fuss.

It's just that I love you.

Now, I can understand
you're feeling this way.

But I'm trying, Blake.

You wanted me
to see a psychiatrist,

so I finally made an appointment
with one.

You did? What's his name?

Uh-- Cole. Dr. Richard Cole.

Cole. Here in Denver?
I've never heard of him.

So? Do you know the name
of every psychiatrist in Denver?

Who recommended him to you?

You don't believe me, do you?

Blake, what do I have to do
to make you trust me again?

I don't know.

I guess I just need time.

Trusting someone again
who you feel has lied to you, well...

I just need time.

Alexis Morell Carrington
Colby Dexter.

I need every article written on her
in the last five years.

Denver Chronicle, New York Times,
news magazines, all.

Well, you've come to the right place.

I'm a great admirer of Mrs. Dexter.

If a business tycoon
could have a fan, I'm one.

And it's obvious.

Oh, I do love you people
in research.

What would we journalists do
without you?

Oh, by the way, I'm especially
interested in Blake Carrington.

His m*rder trial.

- The Ted Dinard case.
- Yes.

I want a full account of the day
the ex-Mrs. Carrington

suddenly appeared to testify
against her former husband.

Wasn't that something?

I can personally quote it all to you.

Chapter, verse
and cross-examination.


Well, I was there that afternoon,
in the courtroom.

Really? How interesting.

I switched days off with one
of the other clerks just to make it.

What a sensation it was.

She was dressed in black and white,

with a picture hat, a black veil
and dark glasses.

Practically black too.

And what about
when she married Cecil Colby?

And he d*ed right after that.

I'd say
she's got a real black widow's kiss.

Yes, hasn't she?

I'll get her files for you.

- Is something the matter?
- Oh, no.

No, it's just that...

Has anyone ever told you
that you look like her?

As a matter of fact, yes,
on several occasions.

And in some very strange places.

once you're back on the throne,

what do we do
about General Torloff?

- Ah. My old friend who betrayed me.
- Hmm.

- What do you suggest, Michael?
- Exile?

And let him sit in Paris
and plot a new revolution?

No, Michael.
No, we eliminate the man.

That way, we do not have to worry.

Good morning. May I come in?

Of course, Alexis, do.

- Good morning, Michael.
- Good morning.

You're looking
even more ravishing than usual.

Oh, thank you.

I'm glad you're here, Michael.

I need a witness.

- A witness?
- Yes.

These are the contracts
I had drawn up, Galen.

Redraft of the banking agreement
we discussed, makes it all totally legal.

And irrevocable.

Do you know something, Alexis?
I said you were a ravishing woman.

Let me add to that,
a perceptive businesswoman.

Oh. Ravishing and perceptive?

How gallant of you
not to say shrewd.

You're not being shrewd,
my dear, just careful.

I respect that in anyone.

Thank you.
Michael, would you please sign?

I have to drop this off with my staff
as soon as I get back to the office.

Well, I should read these first.

It's quite in order. Sign.

Here's your copy.

Thank you.
I'm sorry I seem so abrupt,

but I do have to hurry.

And, Galen,
you're looking so much better.

- Handsome as ever.
- Well, if still a bit helpless.

Well, off you go then.
As you said, you're in a rush.

- Yes, I'll see you both later.
- All right.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

- Father.
- Yes?

- How can you promise--?
- What I don't know I can deliver?

This contract is signed in ink,
my son, not royal blood.

Alexis Morell Carrington
Colby Dexter.

She is shrewd, Michael.

But so am l.

Very shrewd.

Miss, this bottle you've brought here
contained some liquid.

- It's empty now.
- What kind of laboratory is this?

Don't you have machines
that can tell what was in it?

Well, yes, we do.

Then I want it done as quickly
as possible, understand?

Young lady, as quickly as possible
could mean maybe even a week.

What? Why?

Because we are very, very busy.

Forget busy. This is an emergency.

And I'm willing to pay you, a lot.

So how much?

First things first.

We have to introduce motions

to allow construction
of the pipeline to begin.

And then we can go on and, uh...

We can...

- Where was l?
- The introduction of motions, Father.

To do what?

Begin construction on the pipeline,

Oh, yes. Yes.

Well, now I think we ought to talk
about gaining easements.

We, um...

I thought I asked for some coffee
to be brought in.

Barbara did bring it in, Father.

There's your cup. She just filled it.

Oh. Yes, of course.

Blake, it is obvious
that you are not feeling well.

Well, I do feel a bit nauseous.

I guess
I'm still a little under the weather

because of that bug
I came down with.

But I want to keep on doing
what we're doing here.

Now, about the easements...

Father, are you sure you're all right?


Maybe pushing myself this way
is doing more harm than good.

Blake, I was going over the reports
last night.

I have some ideas on the subject.

Let me handle this.
It's really no problem.

Fine. All right, that's a good idea.

Thank you.

But I think I'd like to go over
a couple of details here first.

And then you will go home.


Adam, when we're finished,

if Dominique has some further
questions, you fill her in on them.

Adam's been on top
of the whole situation.

- You will do that, won't you?
- Of course I will, Father.

I'll do anything I can to help.

- Meg.
- Yes, Mr. Carrington?

I need a legal form
to grant power of attorney.

- Get it for me, please.
- Of course.

Whose name should I put
on the document?

Oh, I'll handle that.
Just get me the form.

Blake, I have to talk to you.


Not quite.

What are you doing here?

At the moment, I'm having
some lovely non-b*rned champagne

and velvet-smooth caviar.

Not the kind you serve, Alexis.

I'm also having this wonderful
little fantasy as we speak.

Picture this, Alexis.

Blake is taken ill, he goes home,
leaves me in charge.

And who should come barging in
but you.

Now, if you want something, anything,
you're going to have to deal with me.

What a lovely fantasy, Alexis.

And what a lovely truth.

And so very briefly,
what can I do for you?

Very, very briefly, Dominique.

I own percent of those
South China Sea oil leases

and I'm not about to let important
business decisions be made by you.

Do I have to remind you,
my dear woman,

that Denver-Carrington
owns percent of those leases,

and that I own half of that?

Surely you can swallow those facts
without choking on them.


Dominique, Dominique,
I don't think that you and l

should have another one
of our petty little arguments.

The fact is that Blake isn't well.

I think you and I should work together
to handle things until he's better.

Work together? Oh, Alexis, please.

No, no. Absolutely not.

Dominique, you don't know anything
about this business.

You are a saloon singer.

You run a record company.

And the oil business is so different?

Oh, yes, it certainly is.

But if you persist in pursuing
this rather reckless course of action,

you better look behind you,

because I'm going to be looking over
your shoulder every step of the way.

That is your privilege, Alexis.

But please remember,

I'm used to working with a Kn*fe
in my back.

The flu?

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Well, I'm not convinced.

I think it's something
much more serious than that.

I actually think that Blake is quite ill.

He's irritable,
he's lost his concentration.

And his relationship with Krystle
is hardly a bed of roses.

In fact, they're not what one might call
"Colorado's sweethearts" these days.


There's usually an "and" when you
have something to say about Blake.

Yes, there is, isn't there?

Well, to be blunt, Adam,

I don't think he's in any shape
to be running Denver-Carrington.

That's quite an "and,"

Well, you don't seem too stung by it.

Nothing the "queen bee to end all
queen bees" says stings me, Mother.

Besides, you haven't finished
what I imagine you were about to say.

That being?

That Blake be removed
from running the pipeline deal.

That Dominique be eased aside.

And that you take control.

Oh, Adam, you're so clever.

But I don't think it's gonna be so easy
to pull the wool over Blake's eyes.

That's why
I'm going to need your help, darling.

To convince him that this
is the wisest thing for him to do.

I don't think
that's going to be necessary.

- Why not?
- Because I'm involved now.

With your best interests at heart,
of course.

Of course.

Look, Mother, Dominique
may be sitting in Blake's chair,

but I'm running the show.

So consider your apprehensions

Till later, Mother.



May I come in, Father?

Oh, yes, yes. Please come in.

What is it, Adam?

Papers for you to sign.
We discussed them this morning.

I have to file them by this afternoon.

Well, I don't remember
our talking about papers.

Don't you?
We were discussing them

and you said something
about feeling dizzy.

Oh. Oh, yes, of course.



Just give me the pen.
Where do you want me to sign?

Right down there.

Just once. I'll have copies made.

That's it.

Thank you.

Thank you, Father.

This will do nicely.

Hello, Dominique.

Won't you please come in?

Will you sit down?

- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- No.

But I would like to hear
why you asked for this meeting.

It concerns your deposition
regarding our proposed pipeline

and how it will affect the environment,
in your opinion.

- Well, what about it?
- Well, it's full of inaccuracies.

I've marked them for you in red.

- Blood red, looks like.
- Corrective red.

Those errors have been fed
to the media as facts.

Dominique, they are facts.

will settle for a retraction.

No, no, no, we demand a retraction.

You're not listening.

I said they are facts.

Still, I'd rather talk about us.

Dominique, you know I adore you.

Jonathan, please.

I've made myself very clear
on that subject.

I haven't changed my mind,
and I am not going to.

Okay, Dominique.

If it's business you want to discuss,
you've got it.



- What is it, Adam?
- I miss you.

Very much.

And I want you to come back home.

Well, I can't.

- You mean you won't.
- No, I mean that I can't.

I have business here
that I have to finish.

And I am not coming back
until I get the title for that oil well

that your father stole from me.

There's no longer any need
to prove anything.

Why? Why not?

Because I got Blake to sign a paper
that gives power of attorney to me.

To me, Claudia.

I have free reign
over all of Denver-Carrington now.

I can do whatever I want.

I can transfer funds,
I can set up my own companies.


I can certainly transfer your oil well
back to you.


I'm here. I'm still here.

You don't sound very happy there.

You mean am I convinced?
I'm not convinced.

- Are you calling me a liar?
- Adam, I'm not saying that.

I'm only saying
I don't know if you would use that.

You meant I was lying.

Your King Galen...

What about him?

He spends money, like a king.

- Seems appropriate.
- Except that it isn't his.

Take a look at this list of expenses
since he came to live here.

Oh, I don't have to look, darling.
I've checked them.

Of course you have.

- After all, you authorised them.
- Yes, I did.

Down to the last penny,
and they're all legitimate.


Alexis, Moldavia is like a black hole.

No matter how much money
you pour into it,

you'll never see a return.

You're shouting again, Dex.

You're damn right I am.

You promised me that we weren't
going to fight about this, remember?

Yes, I remember, but I thought
you would come to your senses.

Alexis, you are gonna run
your company into the ground.

No, I'm not.

And I am perfectly in sync
with my senses, thank you very much.

So would you please try
to stop undermining me

and my deal with King Galen?

Oh, your very extravagant majesty.

Now, look, Alexis, he is gonna
continue spending your money and--

Now, listen to me.
I've got more important things on mind

than a few measly
household expenses.

I've got to figure out a way
to remove Blake

from managing that pipeline.

You have got to figure out what?

You heard me, lover.

And then
I want to put myself in his place.


- There you are.
- Thank you so much.

- You're English, right?
- London born.

- So, yes, you're quite right.
- Are you visiting here in Denver?

I am.

- Well, what do you think of our town?
- I adore it.

Had a marvellous afternoon,
in fact, at the morgue.


The newspaper morgue.
It's a library of sorts.


Marvellously worthwhile.

Have you been here
at La Mirage long?

Since it opened.


So I assume you know Mrs. Dexter.

Alexis Dexter.

I mean,
her daughter did start the hotel.

I can't say that I know her, but she
does come in here pretty often.

With Cecil Colby,
before they were married?

Yeah, I knew Mr. Colby,

but the in-spot then
was the St. Dennis.

I heard that she married Mr. Colby
in the hospital.

Is that actually true?

- Ha-ha-ha. That's what I heard.
- And on his death bed?

Uh-huh. I heard that too.


She comes back to Denver
to testify in a m*rder trial

and then marries Cecil Colby
moments before he expires.

That woman has a thing
about death.

An obsession.

They call it necrophilia.

A what?

Look it up sometime.

It's much too morbid to go into now.

I'd rather you pass me
the macadamia nuts,

if you don't mind.

[AS RlTA] Back home,
we used to call it the evil eye.

It's spooky, Joel.

The way Sammy Jo
keeps looking at me

ever since she found that bottle
outside of Blake's room.

Princess, I want you
to put that out of your mind.

You shouldn't have left
that warning label on it.

All right, I made a little mistake,
but that was in the past.

And that's the future, I suppose.
Another bottle of poison?

Well, that is what it is, isn't it?

What it is, princess,
is your passport.

Your passport to stardom.

Because you're about to play
the greatest scene

that's ever come your way.



I want you to use this
on Carrington tonight.


I want you to give him his medication
and wait for it to take its effect.

The night will pass.
It's gonna be a long one for you.

But it'll end at dawn.

At which time, respiratory failure
will probably set in.

- Probably?
- I don't know exactly.

I mean, it's not an exact science.
I don't know precisely.

But whenever it happens,
I want you to wait ten,

exactly ten minutes.

And then, being a good and loving
and frightened wife,

I want you to make a call for help.

But before it ever arrives,
Blake Carrington has passed on.

And then I want you
to call for an ambulance,

and I want you to shriek it,
as in a Greek tragedy:

"Oh, dear God, he can't be gone.

Please, please save him,"

Talk about
award-winning performances.

Your dreams, our dreams,

become a reality.

A multi-million-dollar reality.

Starring you.

Directed by me.

- Joel.
- What?

I don't think I can go through with it.

Of course you can.

- But--
- No buts, you hear me?

I've spent weeks preparing you,
training you for this.

You've done beautifully so far.

And now it's the third act.

Almost time for our bows.

- What if we get caught?
- We won't get caught.

We've been through
the toughest part.

The rest is a piece of cake.

- But, Joel--
- I said no buts.

This is it. There's no turning back.

- Joel--
- Listen to me, damn it.

We're beyond deciding
whether we go on with this or not.

Blake Carrington's a rich man.

Blake Carrington's
a very smart man.

He'll find out somehow
what we've been doing.

And he's got the money to get us,
if he lives.

So tonight,

by this time tomorrow,

Blake Carrington
will be in the hereafter.

And we'll have what we came here,

So do we talk about her
over the first course

or shall we wait for dessert?


The determined duchess of Branagh

who followed you all the way
from Moldavia to Denver.

To help my father regain his throne.

There's nothing personal.

If you insist.

Look, Michael,
as far as I'm concerned,

you can do
whatever you want with her.

Just keep her out of my sight.

Good evening, Your Highnesses.

I couldn't help but notice the two
most attractive people in the room.

Elena, how very nice to see you.
Please, come and join us.

Thank you. Ahem.

Michael, I've heard
from the underground.

The man called Dimitrov,
our key contact, he's been captured.

Elena, my husband and l
are having dinner right now.

So would you mind continuing
your discussion tomorrow?

- Amanda.
- Michael.

Allow me, please.

There are people's lives
at stake here,

and every moment we delay
could cost more.

Every moment?
Isn't that a little bit of an exaggeration?

Elena, look, why don't we meet
on this first thing in the morning?

You see, I did promise my wife
a very special dinner.

Of course.

Excuse me, Your Highnesses.

Will you excuse me for a moment?

What are you doing?
Keep your hands off me.

It's not gonna work.
Do you understand?

No, I do not understand.
Just what are you saying?

You may be able to fool other people
with your political idealism

and your love for Moldavia,
but you can't fool me.

Because I know
it's my husband that you want.

Oh, God,
how blind you are, Amanda.

Can't you see
what's brought me here?


You don't know what it's like
to lose your homeland,

to have people despise you
because your father is a traitor.

You just do not know.

I do know a liar and a hypocrite
when I see one.

So stay out of our lives.



- Well what?
- Well, I brought you some clothes.

That's my dress.

Well, of course it's your dress.
They're all your dresses.

You don't think we'd
stroll through downtown Denver

and go for a fitting, do you?


It's perfect to light up
all the loveliest cities in South America.

How do we get there?

I know what you're thinking.

You're trying to plan an escape,
aren't you?

Well, let's see.

We begin our journey
at a small airport in a private jet of--

Oh, yes, of course.

You'll be heavily sedated.

So you see, it's pointless to ever think
of getting away from me.



Do you have to answer that?

Oh, I'll be brief, darling.

I mean, the servants wouldn't put it
through unless it were very important.


No, stop it, stop it.

I see. All right, look,
I'll meet you in minutes.

What are you doing?

- Elena.
- What?

The situation at home
is much worse that we thought.

Not only has one key member
been caught, but an entire cell.

I mean, the whole counter-revolution's
in danger.

But how can you trust Elena
with all of that?

Look, I've known her for years
and I do trust her, implicitly.

Can't you see
what she's really after?

Can't you see that all she wants
is to come between us?

Well, how can she
when nothing in this world can?


Now, I must go.

There are phone calls to be placed
and things to be done urgently.

I do love you, Amanda.

I love you so much.

Here, Blake. A cup of herb tea.

It'll calm your stomach
and help you sleep.

I really don't want any. I...

- l, uh--
- What is it?


I feel too sick
to drink or eat anything.

This bug, I'm afraid that it's
a little more serious than I thought.

I'm gonna see Dr. Tyler
in the morning.

That's a good idea.
That's a very good idea.

In fact, you should have
decided that days ago,

but tomorrow will be fine.

In the meantime, drink this.


It's bitter.

Well, it's supposed to be bitter.
That's why it's so good for you.

Mrs. Gunnerson made it. She says
her whole family swears by it.

I really don't want any.
I feel dizzy right now.

Blake, please,
it might make you feel better.

Come on.

Now, drink it all. That's right.

All of it.

The night she met Blake Carrington

was exactly a week
after her th birthday.

They'd had nothing more
than one dance together

when she waltzed over to me
and she whispered,

"I have just met my husband
and the father of my children.

Would you like to say hello
to the very handsome,

very rich, and very sexy chap?"

Good morning, Mrs. Dexter.

Good morning, Patrick.
Is my son here yet?

No, not yet.

Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Patrick.

Good morning, Mother.

Good morning, Adam.
You're exactly three minutes late.

Am l?

Mother, that woman in red,
do you know her?

Oh, she's gone.

- I think she was staring at you.
- Heh.

It's not unusual, Adam. People do.


You may be wondering why I wanted
to talk to you at this ungodly hour.

Well, you said something
on the phone about Blake.

If you're concerned
about his bout with the flu...

I think it's more than the flu, Adam.

I think it's something
much more serious than that.

I want to know everyhing
that's going on in that house.

I want to know
just how incapacitated Blake is.

Listen to me, Adam.
If he is incapacitated,

I want him removed
from that pipeline deal.

And if anyone's going to take over,
it's going to be me.

Do you understand?



It's Krystle here, remember?

Why are you giving Blake
heart medicine? Why?

Heart medicine? Girl, I don't know
what you're talking about.

I just came from a laboratory.

I had the contents
of that bottle you dropped analysed.

There'd been heart medicine in it.
Now, what's going on?

Nothing. Now, for God's sake,
will you stop this?

I'm stopping nothing
until you tell me the truth, damn it.

I've got to know what you and Joel
are doing to that man.


We're poisoning him.

- You're--?
- Well, you asked, I answered.

So you can forget about our cut
of your daddy's estate.

Blake Carrington is gonna die
and I'm gonna inherit a lot.

A whole lot, millions.

It's Joel.
He's been poisoning you, your mind.

What's happened to you?

No, Rita,
you can't go through with this.

It's already done.

Now, you're in this
just as deep as we are.

So you'd better keep
your mouth shut, you hear?

Because if you don't,
well, all of us go to jail.

- Steven.
- What are you doing here?

This is an emergency.

- Which means you're in some trouble.
- Listen to me, this is serious.

- Look, I've gotta get to my office.
- Steven, it's about your father.

I think he's gonna die.

What the hell are you talking about?

Blake, you shouldn't be out of bed.

Krystle, something...

Something is wrong. I don't feel well.

It's my chest. I have a pain.

Please, help me.

Krystle, did you hear me?




GERARD: Dear God.
- Gerard, call an ambulance.

Yes, sir, right away.
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