06x09 - The Proposal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x09 - The Proposal

Post by bunniefuu »



MARTHA: Mr. Carrington, Kristina's
crying and I can't quiet her down.

Oh, yes, I can hear her.

Thank you, Martha. We'll be right in.




- Darling.
- What is it?

Martha just rang.

Kristina's been crying
and she can't seem to quiet her.

Oh. The baby.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

You're going to be all right.


You're gonna be all right.

- Yes, you will.
- What is it, Martha?

Oh, here's your mama.

She must have had a bad dream.

I've been trying my best,

but I think she wants
her mother's arms around her.

There now.

Your mama's here.

I don't understand, Mrs. Carrington.

She's usually so quiet
when you hold her.

Here. Let me take her.

All right.

All right.

All right.


Well, I guess she really wanted
her daddy.

Yes, yes, I guess so.

Martha, I think she'll be all right now.
We'll put her to bed.

- Thank you.
- All right. Good night.

Good night.

Darling, are you sure you're all right?

Yes. Why?

I'm just a little worried about you.

You don't seem to be yourself
these days.

Even-- Heh.

- Even little Kristina seems to notice it.
- Heh.

Well, it must be the antibiotics
that I'm taking.

I'm not used to taking pills.


Hello, Rio.


Hello, Sam?

Sam, it's Alexis.

Look, I'm sorry to wake you,

but, um, I wondered if Dex were there,
by any chance.

He's not.
No, no, I'm not worried, it's, uh--

It's just that your workaholic son's
been out in the field

for a couple of days and I thought
maybe he stopped by to see you.


No, no.
Everyhing's fine with us, Sam.

Yes. I'm sorry.

Okay. Bye.

Oh, wait a minute, Sammy Jo.
I'd like to talk to you.

Have you been fighting with Krystle?


She's been acting
very strangely lately.

I thought if you two had had words,
it would make it understandable but--

No, we haven't.

Auntie Krystle's probably just tired.

I think that big party for the Colbys
really put a strain on her.

Oh, she's handled parties
bigger than that many times.

Do you know this doctor
that she's been seeing?

Dr. Travers?

Uh, what do you mean?

I don't think he's doing her
any good.

Do you know which one of her friends
recommended him?

Sorry, Blake.

Sammy Jo, um,

I think I'd like to go out to Delta Rho
this afternoon.

Could you meet me out there?

- You wanna come to the ranch?
- Yes.

I'd like to buy Krystle that Arabian mare
that she fell in love with.

The one that's named, uh, Pencyl--

The one they call Selena.

I, uh-- I think we sold that horse.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Krystle was very fond of her.

I'm sorry too.

Well, I'm sure I can find her
another one.

It'll be good for Krystle
to have a new project.

this afternoon isn't a good idea.

The vet's coming.
Two of our horses are sick.

What kind of a rancher are you,

You sound like
you don't wanna make this sale.

I'll be out there this afternoon.

Now, you, uh, please,
don't say anything to Krystle.

I'd like to keep it a secret.
See you later.

Steven, where's your mother?

At the hospital with the king.

That's where she was three days ago
when I left.

And Galen's surgery's this afternoon.
She wanted to be there.

And to hell with her business, her
marriage and everyhing else, right?

Well, I'm handling things
while she's away,

as far as her business is concerned.

Her marriage I leave to you.

Thank you, thank you.

Just let me say just one thing, Dex.

You're the one who's supposed
to have some fine principles

about loyalty to a friend.

Well, my mother doesn't abandon
her friends when they're in trouble.

I stand by my friends.

Then why don't you try
standing by your wife?

Did it ever occur to you
that she may need you right now?

Dinner, hmm?

Strictly business. Promise.

I need to discuss this injunction that's
being brought against our pipeline.

Oh, I see.

So if you needed to discuss business
with Adam or Blake,

you would insist that you do it
over dinner.

Well, why not?
Business dinners are quite common.

Mel, uh, Jacket A is much too harsh.

Typeface too bold, too dense.

Let's just scrap this one completely.

- Are you saying business dinners--?
- Are quite common.

I see.

I think the key word here, Garrett,
is business.

So perhaps if you need to discuss
business with Blake or with Adam

that you do so.

It is absolutely no concern of mine.

Oh, I see. My mistake.

I thought you were an equal partner
in Denver-Carrington.

Yes, I am.

Then I thought
you were a serious businesswoman.

I see I was wrong.

No, I'm a very serious

I am much too serious
a businesswoman

to ever allow business
to mix with romance.

Unfortunately, Garrett,

I have discovered
that you are not the kind of man

to keep our past out of this.

Is that wrong?

Mel, Jacket B is good,
but really not too good.

It's a little old-fashioned,
it's not very exciting, it's not today.

Let's do something else with this one,
all right?

Is it wrong?

Yes, Garrett, it is wrong.

You see, Garrett, what happened to us
happened a long time ago.

Look, what I wanna know
is why you seem so determined

to keep pleasure out of your life.

I would really like you to leave.

I see that I've hurt you very much.

I didn't know that before. I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.
Now would you please leave?

If that's what you want.

There is just one other thing.

I haven't been able to prove it yet
but I suspect that Jason Colby

is buying large blocks of stock
in my record company.

Tell your lord and master
that I am coming to Los Angeles.

And I intend to do everyhing
in my power to stop him.

He'll never get away with this.

I'll tell him that.

There's a certain sadness
about you.

Something has gone very wrong
in your life.

If there is, Garrett,

you would be the last person on earth
that I would tell.


You wanted to see me, Father?


Take a look at that newspaper.

What is it?

There is a coalition
of farmers and environmentalists

that's trying to get a temporary
restraining order against our pipeline.

We have to appear at a hearing.

Adam, you laid the legal groundwork
for this.

I wanna know something.

Do they or don't they have
a legitimate claim against us?

- No, they don't.
- You're sure?


I'm warning you.

If you took any shortcuts,

if you left us open for anything,
you're gonna hear about it from me.

Father, I did my job.
I cut no corners.

All right.

Then fight them
on this restraining order.

I don't want construction held up
one day longer than is necessary.

I won't disappoint you.

If you remember, you once told me

I'd have to work very hard
to earn back your trust.

You'll find once I'm through with this,
I will have done just that.


But I want a progress report
on every step of this.


We're in big trouble, Joel.

Blake is coming to the ranch.

Didn't you hear me?
Blake Carrington is coming here.

What if he sees you?
What if he sees Krystle?

He won't.

What if we set up
a dummy corporation?

Cayman lslands would do.

For God's sake, read my lips.

Blake is coming.

Look, if you would just let Rita
go to the damn lawyer

and get the will changed,
we could all get out of here.

This is getting too dangerous.

My dear Samantha Josephine,

if you'd do your homework,
you'd realise that Mrs. Carrington

can't change the terms
of Daniel's will.

Nothing would arouse more attention
than if she were to try.

Then why did we risk our necks?

Simply to begin a process
of transferring money, slowly, quietly,

to our Cayman corporation.

You'll get all the money.
It'll just take more time.

And what do we do
in the meantime?

Twiddle our thumbs and wait
till we get caught and thrown in jail?

We won't.

Mrs. Carrington is tucked away safely,
where even Blake can't find her.


You have reached Dr. Travers.

Nobody can take your call,

but if you leave your name
and number after the beep,

Dr. Travers will get back to you
as soon as he is available.

Dr. Travers, this is Blake Carrington.

I need to speak to you
as soon as possible.

Will you call me, please?

You see? I thought of everyhing.

Walter Lankershim dead?

I lost track of him
these past four or five years.

He was an old scoundrel,
but I'm sorry to hear about it.

Well, scoundrel or not,
he was Matthew Blaisdel's partner.

And he's left me the well
that they developed together.

- The Blaisdel-Lankershim well?
- Exactly.

Except it seems as though

it was, ahh, appropriated
by Denver-Carrington.

Well, now, Claudia,

I don't think "appropriated"
is quite the right word.

Oh? What is, Blake?

Well, some time back,
Matthew and Walter ran out of cash,

and they came to my company
for a loan, which I agreed to,

then they defaulted.

And that well was, uh--
Was their collateral,

and it became
Denver-Carrington property.

It's as simple as that.

- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- No, I wouldn't.

I'd like to pay back that loan.

I'll pay you back out of production

as soon as the title
is transferred back to me.

But, Claudia,
it doesn't work like that.

That well has already been
incorporated into our company.

I wanna make good on the loan.

You could just as easily separate it
if you wanted to.

You could unincorporate it.

Well, I'm sorry, I couldn't do that.

You see, I have stockholders.

Stockholders I have to answer to.

That's your answer to me?

As difficult as it is, yes, I'm afraid so.

You know, I remember the pressure
that you put on Matthew and Walter

when they started out.

You would have done anything
to get that well.

And you got it.

But it doesn't belong to you.
It's mine.

Claudia, we've been through a lot
over the years, and I care about you,

but you're accusing me right now
of something illegal,

and I don't do things illegally.

No, you don't have to
do things illegally.

You've got the might
of Denver-Carrington behind you.

You can find a way to make it legal.

Claudia, for your own good,

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave
before this goes any further.

Hello, Michael.

How is he?

They've sedated him for surgery.


Oh, God, Michael,
I hope he makes it.


Alexis, I know I've thanked you
for all you've done for my father.

But I've only just learned
why you've done it.


My father told me.

When he was a prince,

you were in love
and were planning to marry.

But his father wouldn't allow it.

Yes, that's true.

I have such wonderful memories
of that time.

Memories aren't the reason
that I did it.

Then why?

Why is everybody
making such a big deal out of it?

You can't feel responsible
for the revolution.

There was unrest in our country
long before you arrived.

Surely, you don't feel guilty
about that?

Oh, guilt is an emotion
that I don't suffer from.

Guilt is for insecure people.

No, I was--

I was just trying to right a wrong
that was done to your father.

You know, it's strange that people
think of your marriage

as an arranged one,
because what arranged it was love.

You and Amanda met.

You fell in love and you married.

And now I hope you're going to live
happily ever after.

Don't worry.

Dex, they're bringing Galen
into surgery.

- Where's your mother?
- With Michael.

And the king.

Immediate family
doesn't seem to include me.

But it does include Alexis.

Dex, I don't know what to do.
I think I've made a terrible mistake.

Don't know
what you're talking about.

Dex, please listen to me.
You're the only one I can talk to.

I should never
have married Michael.

Look, I am not your psychiatrist.

I am not your father.

Well, then be my friend.

Michael doesn't love me.
He couldn't.

Not the way he treats me.

I honestly think he only married me
for appearances.

Dex, please help me.

You're the only one I can turn to.

Amanda, I can't handle your problems
right now.

I've got too many of my own.

We'll keep you informed,
Mrs. Dexter.

Thank you.

Come on, Alexis, let's go home.

No, you go, Dex.
I'm gonna stay here.

He's gonna be in surgery for hours.

Yes, I know that.
But I feel better about staying.

You go home. I'll join you later.

You leave too, Amanda.
There's nothing you can do here.

Michael, I want to be with you.

What's the point?

I'll call you if I need you.


Darling, get some sleep.

You look like you need it.

I'm fine, Mommy.


Michael, isn't there anything
I can do for you?

I want to help you.

Amanda, you told your father
you wanted a divorce.


I don't need your pity
just because my father's sick.

I care about you.

And I care about your father.

Look, I understand how difficult this
is for you and I just want to share it.

Can't you see?
This happens every single time.

You're shutting me out, Michael.

You won't let me touch you,
you won't let me love you.

Is this the way you want it?

Michael, it isn't weakness
to admit what you're feeling.

Oh, my God, Amanda.

I don't want my father to die.

I know he's gonna be all right.

But whatever happens, we can make it
because we'll be together,

if only you'll let me in.

If only you'll let me love you.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, God, it's gonna be all right.

Everyhing's gonna be all right.

- Claudia.
- What a fool I was.

I thought just because he helped me
once that I could trust him.

- How could I have been so blind?
- What's happened?

You know what really gets me?
His arrogance.

He thinks
just because he's Blake Carrington

that he can walk over anybody
who gets in his way.

That's what I've been trying
to tell you.

The money doesn't mean
anything to him.

I mean, what difference
does one crummy well make

with all the money he's got?

He just can't stand
to see anybody get anything.

He's got to have it all.

He has to have control.
Doesn't care what he does to get it.

Well, it's true.

Look how he made you grovel
for lying to him,

just because you didn't
ask his permission to marry me.

But was he lying to me
when he told me

that he was going to sell La Mirage
for the sake of his grandson

and then he gave it
to his royal son-in-law?

That's because he's Blake Carrington.

He never lies.

I hate to say I told you so,

but maybe now you'll appreciate
how I've been feeling all these years.

This was my one chance
for financial independence.

My one chance not to be the poor
relative grovelling for a handout.

He just can't stand it.

Claudia, Claudia,
you are not the poor relative.

Now, I promised you
when I married you that one day,

everyhing he has will be ours.

Now, are you ready to get it?

Oh, yes, I am ready.

And we will play by his rules.

The only thing that counts
is winning.


Good afternoon.


No, please don't.

I'm sorry.

Just for a little while.

But why?

I thought I did everyhing
that you asked.

I'll undo it as soon as I can.







Hasn't Blake paid the ransom?

Are you trying to get more money?
Is that it?

Don't you see? If you tell him
that I'm here, he'll pay you anything.


Just tell him.

Oh, no.

Oh, please, not that.

I can't breathe.

Let me go home
to my husband and my family.




Come in.

How are you feeling,
Mrs. Carrington?

Oh, I'm feeling better.

Ready to play doctor?

Oh, honey, thank God.

I missed you so much.

Wait a minute. Now, wait a minute.

Dr. Travers' prescription
is coming right up.

Oh, baby.

We have the whole afternoon

Your husband is at Delta Rho,
buying you a horse.

A horse?

That's right. Remember to be surprised
when he gives it to you.

Well, what am I gonna do
with a horse?

Why can't he buy me something
like expensive jewellery

so I can take it with me
when we clear out of here?

By the time we clear out of here,

you'll be able to buy jewels
until they're coming out of your ears.

Meanwhile, a prize Arabian?
That's not too shabby.

I hate horses.

They scare me.

Ever since one kicked me
when I was a little girl.

Correction, you love horses.

You're an excellent horsewoman.
Just remember that.

Stay in character
and the rest will fall into place.

Now, uh, no problem slipping Blake
the sleeping pills?

Uh-uh. He likes us to have a drink
together before we go to bed.

You know, he really loves me.

I mean, her.

I just open the capsule,
pour it into the drink and, bam,

he's out like a light
for about three hours.

- He doesn't taste it?
- Doesn't seem to.

Well, he probably loves you
so much,

he can't see, hear,


think, anything but you.

I'll bring you some more pills.

Well, I don't wanna share you
with anybody.

Dear Mother.

She gave you something to do
to make you feel needed.

- Well, I'm sorry--
STEVEN: Damn it, Adam.

Colbyco and Denver-Carrington
are partners in this pipeline.

- An injunction could hurt us both.
- So?

So Alexis put me in charge
for Colbyco.

I'm the executive
advocating Colbyco's policy,

meaning you and l
have to work together.

You might as well get used to it.

This is a legal matter, Steven.

It calls for a lawyer.

You'll only be in the way.

I'll be in the way
if that's how you choose to look at it.

Just so it's clear,

I'm gonna see every scrap of paper
that crosses your desk,

attend every meeting,
get a log of every phone call you take.

Gonna have
my bedroom bugged too?

To find out what kind of business
I'm conducting with your ex-wife?

If that's what it takes to stay on top
of this injunction, I'll do that.

Forget it, Steven.

Blake put me in charge of this because
he knows I can handle it myself.

And that's exactly
how I intend to handle it, myself.

Wrong, Adam.

You and I are working together
whether you like it or not.


How is he?

He's out of surgery
and in the recovery room.

Nothing to do except wait.

So you thought you'd come home.

No chance of seeing him till tonight.

Oh, darling, hold me.

I want to feel your arms around me.

My arms, Alexis?

Are you sure?

I mean, they're, uh, quite plebeian.
Not the least bit royal.

Darling, I don't want to fight.

I wanna make love.

So the pendulum
has swung back to Dex.

No, Alexis.

I'm not your lap dog.

There when you want me,
to be brushed off when you don't.

Darling, your wounded masculine pride
is showing.

It's you I love. Can't you tell?

From the way you've been behaving
lately, no, frankly, I can't.



you told me once that the only reason
that you helped me rescue the king

was so that I'd make a choice
between the two of you.

Well, I've made my choice, darling.

There was never any contest.

It's you I love.

You're the one I want.

You're the one I want
to share my bed with, to sleep with,

to spend the rest of my life with.

No one but you.

- Oh, Alexis.
- Oh, darling, shut up.

Honey, no.

- Why not?
- It's too dangerous.

I didn't mean for you
to stop kissing me.

- Did you sign a prenuptial agreement?
- What's that?

You know, something you sign
before marriage,

arranging for the disposition
of your money if the marriage ends.

Well, how should I know?
I'm Rita, remember?

Well, find out.

Well, how am I supposed
to do a thing like that?


While you're at it, find out
where he keeps his family documents,

his will.

The will?

What do you wanna see that for?

It will tell us exactly
how much he's worth.

Joel, what exactly are you up to?

I thought you were only in this
for a cut of Sammy Jo's inheritance.

Knowledge is power.


Damn, Joel,
I thought you locked the door.

Just a kid.
Nobody's gonna listen to him.

We've gotta get out of here.

I don't know how much longer
I can keep this up.

I'm jumpy as a cat.


The only bad part
is it's gonna be a while

before we can make love again.

Part of the sacrifice
we're gonna have to make for our art.

Our art? I don't call this art.

I call this kidnapping, as*ault
and illegally transferring of funds.

None of that matters.

A true artist only answers to himself.

Find that will.

She certainly is a beauty.

That's Penny Selena.

She's as good a brood mare
as you will find anywhere.

Sammy Jo, didn't you tell me
that she'd been sold?

I guess I was wrong.

She's sound, isn't she?

I mean, she isn't one of the horses

that the vet came out here
to see today.


Uh, it cleared up.

We didn't need the vet after all.


Well, she's got excellent

Flat top line,
nice, well-laid back shoulder.

She's as close to perfection
as you'll ever see.

She's magnificent.




All right, Sammy Jo,
you've got yourself a deal.

Great. Let's go back to the office
and write it up.


First you didn't wanna make the sale
and now you can't wait to write it up.

I knew you wouldn't mind
making some money.

And you were right.

Let's walk the horse
back to the stable

and then we can go inside
and deal with the paperwork.

Up here.

I am very happy about this.

I can't wait to see my wife's face
when she sees her.


Oh, come back.





You lied to me.

I am at Delta Rho.

- What?
- I saw Blake.

He was here, looking at horses
as if nothing had happened.

And Sammy Jo was with him.

But she couldn't know that I'm here.

Does she?

I don't see anything out there.

Oh, my God.

That woman who looks like me.

She was here that day.

And I had on her clothes.

That's right, Mrs. Carrington.

That woman who looked like you
has replaced you.

And Blake hasn't paid any ransom,

because he doesn't even know
you're gone.

No one's looking for you,
so no one's gonna find you.

I guess that just leaves

you and me,


How is he, nurse?

Well, he's doing fine.

I'll be outside if you need me,
Mrs. Dexter.

Galen, thank God you're all right.

Thank you, Alexis, for everyhing.

I only did
what anybody else would do.

Galen, do you remember
just before the operation,

you said something about making me
the most powerful woman in the world.

Do you feel well enough to tell me
what you meant?



Make Moldavia
like Switzerland used to be.

Bank secrecy laws.

You'd get deposits
from all over the world.

For you only.

For me?

You mean you'd let Colbyco
control the Bank of Moldavia?


we're talking about billions of dollars.



You could only do that for me
if your country was under your rule.


People in control are ruthless.

They must be overthrown.

It's too difficult.

Even for you.

To mount a coup?

Restore your monarchy?

Too difficult for me?

Sounds like a challenge.

And I adore a challenge.

Move Galen here?

What the hell for?
This isn't a hospital.

That's just the point.

He needs a home,
a comfortable place,

not the sterile environment
of a hospital.

you're no Florence Nightingale.

Now, what the hell
is going on with you?

All right, I'll tell you.

He needs a base of operations
in order to mount a coup

so that he can regain control
of his country.

And since when do you have
a patriotic allegiance to Moldavia?

Dex, you've seen the sort of monsters
that are running that country.

DEX: There are thugs running
countries all over the world.

That's their business.
It's none of mine.

And I am not going to have
our marriage ruined because of it.

What does our marriage
have to do with it?

Dex, come and sit down.

Sit and let me tell you.

he will have the complete downstairs.

Now, he'll have his own
round-the-clock nurses

and we'll be completely separate.

We won't even know he's there.

Alexis, how would you feel if I installed
a former lover in our home?

Do you think
you would stand for that?

That is completely irrelevant.

- Is it?
- Yes.

What does this guy have over you

that you're so willing to throw me
and our marriage out to move him in?

Why do you always act
as if I have to make a choice?

Darling, the thing that's always been
so delicious about our relationship

is that we've always allowed
each other our own space.

Now, you knew the sort of woman
I was when you married me.

So why are you suddenly insisting
on all these ultimatums,

telling me what I can
and cannot do?

You haven't answered my question.

Galen has made me an offer
that could be worth billions.

If it means giving him
temporary shelter,

why should you get so upset
about that?

I'm sorry that you can't see it, Alexis,
but I am through trying to explain it.

Oh, God.

Why are you so stubborn, Dex?

Why can't you once, just once,
give in?

You want it your own way, Alexis?

Well, you can have it.

And you can share it
with His Royal Highness.

Now before you go any further,
I want you to close your eyes.

Got a surprise for you.

Come on.

What is it, Blake? Why can't I see?

You will in a minute. Come on.

Okay. You can open them up now.


A horse.

Well, that's not just any horse.

That's Selena, darling.
You remember?

Oh, yes.

Selena, this is Mrs. Carrington.

Go on, darling. Get to know her.

She's yours.

Nice horsey.

Come on, girl.

What is it, darling? What's wrong?

I don't know.

Well, you're trembling.

I'm sorry.
I don't know what happened.

I just got scared.

I thought you'd be pleased.

Oh, I am, really.

It's a lovely gift.

It must be this illness.

All right, Steve, put her back in.
Thank you.

Krystle, what is it? Is it the horse?

- Do you want me to take her back?
- No.

It's not the horse's fault, it's mine.

Oh, can't we just forget about it?

No. There's something wrong,
and I wanna get to the bottom of this.

I'm just not myself lately.

I have such a terrible headache.

I have to go back to the house
and lie down.

You know, that Dr. Travers
isn't doing you one damn bit of good.

Blake, please, don't be angry.

How can I help but be angry?

I'm going to see to it
that you get to another doctor.

You're gonna go to my doctor,

and then we're really gonna find out
what's wrong with you once and for all.
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