05x25 - Reconciliation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x25 - Reconciliation

Post by bunniefuu »

Reece. McCann.

Reece, are you all right?

- McCann, l smell gasoline.
McCANN: Oh...

BLAKE: The tanks must be leaking.
We gotta get out of here.

Can't move.

You'll be all right.

Come on, let's get out of here, fast.


The fuel's going eve_here.
Gotta get out of here.

Sparks flying all over,
it's gonna get that gasoline.


Come on, Reece, we've gotta get
as far away from the plane as possible.

lf that blows, we're done for.

Damn it.
Come on, Reece, can you help me?

That fuel could go at any second.

Just a little further, come on.

Come on.


Another brioche?

WOMAN: No, heh, heh,
l don't want another brioche.

- l've had enough of eveything.
- Eveything?

ls a dangerous word
to use around here.

Oh, well, Adam, l've got a lot of chores
that l really have to do.

- Oh, do you?
- Yes, l do.

ADAM: On a Saturday morning?
- Yes.

When half of Denver
and all of La Mirage is still asleep?

Come on.

- l really have to go.
- Do l have to remind you?

Do l have to remind you

that l came back early from a tour
of inspection just to be with you?

l know you did.

Oh, you are so beautiful.

You're so special.

And you're vey important to me.


- Pragmatically?
- Heh, heh, heh. Yes.

Oh, well, that is vey romantic.

l see.
l'm gonna have to teach you a lesson.

- A lesson, yes.
- Heh, heh, heh. No.

There is carnal lust.

- Uh-huh. And...

- Hm?
- ...there is cash lust.

l wanna consolidate my position
as heir to Denver-Carrington.

l have some problems.

Relationships with my father
is a little strained,

but if you're with me,

there's no way l can't win.

- Well...
- Why well?

l think that Blake's empire
is big enough for eveybody.

No, it isn't.

You iust used the operative word:


lt's like sex.

lf you can't take it all,

it's not worth the effort.


l see. Well, if you do hear from her,
tell her it's urgent.

Mrs. Carrington.

Gerard, l've been tying to get through
to Claudia at La Mirage,

but no one answers.

And no one seems to know
where Adam is.

Keep tying to reach them.

l'm gonna go to the Civil Air Patrol.

They must have a report
on the search by now.

Right away, ma'am.

Why aren't Jeff and Steven back?

Good morning, Kystle.

Jeanette woke me and told me
you were here, but she didn't say why.

STEVEN: Let's see who's in here.
- Now, go.

- My pony went faster than Danny's.
DANNY: My pony's sick.

- Where's Grandpa?
- Oh, he's not here right now, Danny.

Would you take the boys
into the kitchen

and get them a glass of milk,

- Come on, guys.
JEFF: Go on.

Kystle, what's wrong?

Your father and Daniel Reece
are missing.

- What?
- What do you mean they're missing?

l mean Daniel's plane,
it's gone down.

Reece's plane?

Where were they going?

l don't know,
l don't know why they were together.

But what l do know is if l'd said
the right thing to either of them,

this wouldn't have happened.

We'll go to CAP headquarters
and see what we can do.

We'll call you
when we find something out.


l iust found my father,
l couldn't bear to lose him.

None of us could bear to lose him,


l'm worried about Mr. Reece.
He's unconscious again.

Well, let's hope he's only got
a slight concussion.


You've got some swelling there.

l think it'd be best
if you didn't ty to move.

McCANN: We all better move
out of here, real quick.

Yeah, the sky doesn't look
too good, does it?

Uh-uh. She reads storm.

A big one.

Better see what l can do about
finding some shelter for us,

in case they don't find us
before dark.

This altitude,
it's gonna be below freezing tonight.


So you broke your engagement
to Amanda last night.

This beautiful piece
was broken recently.

lt's been repaired,
and it's as lovely as ever.

lf you're tying to get me
to change my mind, Mrs. De_er,

l'm afraid it won't work.

Look, you don't seem to understand
your daughter's attitude.

l think that it's Amanda's attitude
that you are misunderstanding.

lf l know anything,
l know the signs of love.

And Amanda really is in love.

lf she is, it's not with me.

l think you're wrong.

But if love can't convince you,

maybe the good old
American dollar can.

l'm gonna be honest with you, Michael.
l've made a deal with your father.

Colbyco is willing
to spend millions of dollars

in order to help your county
on the road to a better future.

There's a lot at stake here, Michael.

l once told Amanda,
l'm now telling you...

Nobody buys me
unless l choose to be bought.

l might add, there are companies
other than Colbyco

interested in investing in Moldavia.

And at a much lower cost.

Have you discussed this
with your father?

l will, when l'm able to leave Denver.

l have some other business here,
then in New Orleans.

l think it best if l move
from this apartment to a hotel.

l thank you vey much
for your hospitality.

Goodbye, Michael.

Have you been eavesdropping again,

Well, l thought it was protocol
not to interrupt royalty.

Even if his county is only a couple
of acres bigger than Central Park.


So is Monaco,
and it's not doing too shabbily.



Yes, Charles, what is it?


All right.

That was news about Daniel Reece.

And Blake.

What sort of news?

They crashed in the Rockies
shortly after taking off out of Denver.

Oh, my God.

Are they alive?

Nobody knows.


l iust risked my life to save his neck,

and the damned fool
goes and crashes his plane.

Oh, no.

Blake, no.

l found a shack.
It's not too far from here.

No food, but a couple of pieces
of furniture. At least it's shelter.

- Are you all right, Daniel?
- Yeah, he looks bad.

His pulse is weak, probably shock.

- Well, his leg was pinned in the crash.
- Yes.

Badly swollen, could be a fracture.

Yeah, internal bleeding, too, l bet.

JEFF: We've been watching the storm.
It's getting worse.

What's your visibility?


All right. Damn it.

Jeff, this is Pete Davis,
the Communications officer.

JEFF: Mr. Davis.
- Mr. Colby.

We're having trouble finding them.

There's no signal
from the plane's ELT.

The antenna probably broke off
in the crash. It happens sometimes.

Any current information, sir?

We have to put the mission
on hold.

Colonel Mason,
whose decision is that?

l'm mission coordinator,
so you can say it's mine.

- l can't iust leave my fa--
- Mine, sir,

along with the Air Force
Rescue Coordination Center.

lt's night and the weather's too hea_
for the search to continue.

There's no point
in putting additional lives at risk.

The search will be resumed at dawn,
weather permitting.

We can't stand around
while my father is out there all night,

possibly hurt, dying from exposure.

Steven, these people are volunteers
who risk their lives enough.

We can't ask them
to double that risk.

You don't seem to understand.
l'm talking about my father.

He's like a father to me too.

Jeff, they'll never survive
in that mountain.

Well, l realise that.

l'll take a helicopter up.
l'll continue the search.

- Good, l'm coming with you.
- No, no, without you.

Now, Steven, Blake sure as hell is not
going to thank me for risking your life.

l need another licensed pilot
to help me in an emergency.

l'm coming with you.

Okay. Let's get some gear.

Jeff, shall we--?


Sory about that.

All right, Dominique.
Now say that with a smile.

Ty to say it
with just a little bit of feeling this time.


lt really was a great party.


Brady wasn't there
and you miss him.

l know, it's dumb, it's stupid.

l guess years of what l thought
was a good marriage...

...it's not so easy to forget.

A little piece of paper
and...it's all over.


Excuse me.

Hello? Yes, Kystle?


Oh, no.

Yes, yes, please call me
as soon as you know anything.

Yes, please.

Right. My God.

lt's Blake. He's missing.

He's been in a plane crash
and he's missing.

Jeff has taken a helicopter up
to search for him.

Oh, my God.
l hope Blake is all right.

Ashley, exactly what is between you
and Blake Carrington?

- What?
- You heard me.

Don't give me some silly stoy

about he's iust someone
you're photographing.

What sort of stoy do you want,

l would like the truth.

All right.

l'd heard about Blake Carrington
for years.

And then l met him.

Dynamic, successful, vey attractive.

Men like he aren't easy to find,

So l decided
l was going to have him.

- Go on.
- So l followed him here to Denver.

And then l began to realise

that he was so obviously
in love with his wife

that l didn't stand a chance.

And l found myself turning
to another man to...

To talk to, to be with.


Who is that, Ashley?

l'd rather not say.

l hope that you are telling me the truth,
because if you're not,

don't expect me to stand by

and watch you destroy
Blake and Kystle's marriage.

Jeff, l got a great idea.

Let's head back.

As soon as the iob's finished, Hank.

We'll not only head back,
l'll buy you a nice steak when we land.

Are you kidding, pal?

lf this zero-visibility and these bumps
aren't jolting any sense into you...

Am l hearing right?

ls this the same Lomher who flew
over su1c1de missions in Nam

and now advertises himself
as the right man for the right money?

We're not gonna find anything
in this weather.


Blake Carrington's alive, Hank,
l know he is.

And if it's humanly possible,
he'll figure out a way to let us know it.

We'll have to save some of this stuff.
We can't burn it all.

lf that snow ever stops,

we're gonna need signal fires
to guide a rescue team in.

It had better stop soon.

lt's getting colder in here.

McCann's lost a lot of blood.
He can't last much longer.

And that goes for all of us.

l don't know about you,
but l'm not ready to die yet.

l've got too much
unfinished business out there.

Does that unfinished business
include my wife?


Look, l'm grateful you saved my life.

But l'm going to do eveything l can
to take her away from you.

When we get back to Denver,
fair warning:

the fight's still on.

l'll be waiting for you.

Thank you, Adam.

l'll never forgive myself
for not being here when l was needed.

Well, you're here now.

And you shouldn't feel guilty
about being away,

doing a iob
that Blake asked you to do.

Anmay, there wasn't anything
you could have done.

Did anybody tell Jeff that?

He was crazy
to go up in this weather.

Well, he's only doing what we all
would have done, if we knew how.

What if it's too late?

What if Daddy's dead?

Blake, dead?

Don't be silly.

Blake's not ready to die, not yet.

You know, l remember once,
about a year after we married,

our house caught fire
in the middle of the night.

Blake managed
to get Adam and l out safely.

And then we realised that one
of our servants was trapped inside.

Blake suddenly raced into the house,
and l stood there, absolutely petrified.

And then he came out and he was
carying our butler, Joseph, his--

His hair was singed, his clothes
were ripped, he was covered in soot.

But he was alive.

You must have loved him once
vey, vey much.

Oh, yes.

Yes, l did.

When Michael's father
forced us to separate,

l thought l'd never
Iove another man again.

Then l met Blake,

and l realised how wrong l'd been.

Well, what happened
to ruin eveything?

What happened?


Mommy, how is it possible to tell
when you're in love, really in love?

Well, it's when you
respect somebody

and you admire them

and you're iust happy being with him
all the time, but not miserable.

Misey in a relationship is a sure sign
that you've made a terrible mistake.

- Does that help?
- Yes.

lt helps vey much.


JEFF [OVER RADlO]: Calling
CAP headquarters. Do you read? Over.

FRED: Dex, Mr. Carrington?
We have Colby on the radio again.

Thanks, Fred.

Jeff? Steven. Can you hear me?

JEFF [OVER RADlO]: l can hearyou
fine, Steven. How are you feeling?

My iaw's k*lling me,
thank you vey much.

Right now, believe it or not,
l'm worried about you.

Why don't you come on back and--?

Jeff, De_er here.
What's your visibility?

lt's not good.

Any sign of the crash site yet?

Negative, nothing yet.

- Any lights, fire signals?
- Negative.

Okay, listen to me, Jeff, l've flown
Ionger than you have, let me--


this may come as a surprise to you,

but l happen to know
what l'm doing.

- Out.
- _e_q.

Turned off the transmitter.

He has enough to contend with
without your telling him what to do.

Why don't you
just get the hell out of here, De_er?

- Good news, the weather's improving.
- Then l can go up.

l thought you were too smart
for stunt heroics.

Look, Fred,
a friend of mine is in trouble.

lt's dark out there.

There's no point in anybody going up,
not before daylight.

Chances are if Carrington, Reece
and the pilot have survived till now,

they'll make it to morning.

Jeff, look at the gas gauge.

You're gonna have
to turn back soon for fuel.

You know that, don't you?

Yes, l know that.


Look over there.

A distress signal.

l'm taking her down.

Hank, there's a light in the cabin.

Hello? Hello?



- _e_q?
- Thank God you're alive.

lt is you, Jeff.

Are you all right?

- Here, l'll help you up.
REECE: No, l'm all right, he's not.

Sit up. Easy, easy.


What's happened?

Blake's fine.

He was checked out by the doctors
and released from the hospital.

Oh, thank God.

What about the others?

Daniel was released too.
He got away with a minor concussion.

And the pilot is gonna be okay.


- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

Well, something is wrong, Alexis,
and l guess we should talk about it.

- All right, l'll get you a drink.
- No. No drinks right now.

l want this to be clear,
as clear as it was to me yesterday

when l watched you listen
to the news about the crash and Blake.

You're still in love with him.

You always have been
and you always will be.

You're wrong.
You're completely and utterly wrong.

You feel nothing for the man?

Well, of course l have
some feelings for him.

l was married to him for seven years.
He's the father of my children.

Those are the good feelings.

There are other feelings, too,
as you know.

Feelings of deep hurt,
rejection and betrayal.

Maybe another woman
would've tried to forget those by now,

would have let them go.

- But not Alexis.
- Oh, no, not Alexis.


What Alexis wants and needs is you.

l love you, Dex.

l wanna believe you, Alexis.

Believe me, l love you.

Father, it's good to have you back.

Thank you, Adam.

Oh, Blake.


Thank heavens you're all right.

Kystle, it's so good to see you here.

- l think we should get you upstairs.
- All right, just a minute.

Where's little Kristina?

At the hotel.

You're still at La Mirage.


Well, it's, uh...

lt's late, l'm a little tired.

l'll have Alfred drive you back.

Oh, by the way...

Daniel Reece is all right.

Looking for more trouble somewhere,

Still the ever-compassionate, Dex.

''How are you, Daniel?

Why, l hear you nearly froze to death,

l did hear, but apparently you have
thawed out and are back in business.

Tell me, what were you doing
in a plane with Blake Carrington

- and how the hell did you let it crash?
- Oh, that's not important.

What's important is this.

- We've got a iob to do in Libya.
- What?

Oh, Daniel, you've got to be nuts.
l mean, insane.

You have to be out of that appendage
of yours you call a mind.

Hello, Kystle.

Come on in, Kystle.

Hello, Dex.

Oh, Daniel,
l'm so happy to see you're all right.

- l'm fine.
- He's fine,

except for one problem:

he's crazy.

You're crazy.

What does he mean by that?


You should have heard him
before you came in.

What are you up to now, Daniel?

l owe Blake a lot.

But l'd still cross him if l had to.

lf you told me it was me you loved,

would you leave Blake for me?



When you first heard about the crash,
who did you think of?

lf you had to make a choice,

who would you wanna see first?

Blake, right?

Yes, Blake.


He saved my life, Kystle.

l think you should know that.

l owe him a lot.

Oh, don't wory,
l'll be leaving Denver soon.

Daniel, there's something
we've got to discuss.

Not now.

l'd really like to be left alone
right now.


What is it, darling?
What's worying you?

What could be worying me?
You're safe.

You sure it isn't something about
your Prince Michael?

Why do you ask?

Oh, l don't know,
l suppose l shouldn't have.

You didn't seem to be in love with him,
so when the engagement was broken,

it turned out to be vey good news
as far as l was concerned.

Well, it was a blow to my ego.

After all
being jilted isn't exactly'fun for any girl.

But is that all that's bothering you?

Oh, l don't know, Daddy.
l'm so mixed up and confused, l just--


- Good morning, Blake. Hello, darling.
AMANDA: Hello.

- Anything else, Mrs. De_er?
- No, thank you. l'll see you in the car.

Amanda, could you find me a vase
to put these in, please?

- You mean, you'd like to be alone?
- Yes.

l'll see you in a moment, Daddy.

What is it, Alexis?
What do you want?

Believe or not,
l wanted to see how you were.

But since l see you're fine,
l want to talk to you about Amanda.

Blake, l want you to call
Prince Michael and convince him

that he's made a terrible mistake
in breaking this engagement.

This is a vey desirable marriage.

Desirable for who? You?

None of my feelings
about the young man,

or losing Amanda, have changed.

l'm gonna do eveything l can
to stop that marriage.

Why do you insist
on sabotaging this marriage

after all l've done
to make it happen?

What have you done?

Oh, so that's what's been
bothering Amanda.

l knew there was something wrong
about that engagement.

You made some kind of a deal,
didn't you?

You sold her.

l bought her a chance at happiness.

Get out of here, will you?
Just get out of here.

Now, you listen to me, Blake.

Damn it, l am sick and tired
ofyour holier-than-thou attitude,

of you always being the iudge
of who's right and who's wrong.

Well, l nurtured
and l gave birth to Amanda alone.

l should've kept her
away from you forever.

Will you please get out of here?

- No, l won't.
- Leave him alone, Alexis.

- l am going to protect my children--
KRYSTLE: He asked you to leave.

--from you, a tyrant and a bully.

Take your hands off me, Kystle.

l want you out of this house
and away from eveyone l love.

l won't let you hurt them anymore.

Most of the people that you love
happen to be my children.

- You better take your hands off me.
- Not until you're out of here.

- l want you out of my house.
- Your house?

This was my house while you
were living in a shack somewhere.

Alexis, if you don't go down
those stairs and out that door,

l'll throw you out myself.

l wouldn't want you
to exert yourself, my dear.

l'm leaving.

But l shall return.

- Lovely flowers, Mrs. De_er.
- Thank you.


You forgot something.

KRYSTLE: The time has come, Blake,
for us to decide.

We can either save our marriage
or end it.

l'd prefer we save it.

What a remarkable coincidence.
So would l.

Then you have to listen to me.

Daniel Reece...

Yes? What about Daniel Reece?

l think of him--
l've always thought of him as a friend.

Now, he may have
misunderstood that,

but he knows now
that there's only one man that l love.

And that's you.

He knows that?

Because l told him.

And he also told me
that you saved his life.

l iust wanted to give you the freedom
to make a choice between us.

Didn't you hear what l iust said?

Don't you want to hear it?

l made my choice a long time ago.

lt's you l love.

Do you know how much l love you?

Oh, Blake.

Blake, all the time you were missing,
all those terrible hours,

l kept thinking one thing:

How empty my life would be
without you.

And all l kept thinking was how
l couldn't bear to live without you,

how sick l'd be
if someone took you away from me.

That will never happen. Never.

What are you doing here, Amanda?
Where's Alexis?

Mommy's visiting Blake,

so l thought this would be a good time
for us to talk.

What do we have to talk about?

l've told you.

That you love Alexis.

And l care about you vey much,
but, yes, l love Alexis.

Tell me, have you been happy with me
even for just one minute?

No, not happy.

There was too much pain,
too much guilt.

l know, l've been wondering
about that for days

and l can't remember ever feeling
anything but desire, hurt and anger.

And what do you feel
when you're with Michael?

The same things, l suppose,
but there's something else.

When we're not fighting,
we have such a good time together.

We talk, really talk, and we laugh.

Then mary him, Amanda.

l don't think he'll have me.
It's as simple as that.


Thank you, Dex.

Look, it's not what you're thinking,

l was iust saying thank you.

Were you?

Thank you for what?

- Shall l wait for you, Miss Amanda?
- Yes, thank you.

Michael, can we talk?

l'll be iust a minute.

Let me speak first.

About your behaviour,
it leaves vey much to be desired.

Oh, really?
Well, from what l've heard,

you revel in having women
flinging themselves at you.

lf that's what you're doing now,
l don't like it.

l don't like that you didn't apologise
for your behaviour the other night.

- l'll bet--
- What?

That you treated the duchess
of Branagh a bloody lot better.

The duchess, as it happens,
treated me a bloody lot better.

lf you've come here
to start bickering with me,

l'm sory, but l have a plane waiting.

Michael, that's not why l came.

But if your affairs are waiting,
of state and of business, of course,

l have no intention of detaining you.


l don't want us
to part like this, either.

Well, see for yourself, Michael,
this is the way we are parting.

''Michael, can we talk?''

Those were your vey first words
a while ago.

Look, what did you really
want to talk about?


That l've made a discovey
over the past few days.

An important one.

A vey important
and interesting one.

That l love you.

That's all l wanted to say.
Goodbye, Michael.

Could you say that again?

l'm not sure l heard you, Amanda.

l love you.

Well, what a pleasant surprise.

l thought our last talk was iust that,
our last.

Last time l didn't finish
what l started to say.

There's something
l think you should know.

Oh, something going on
in Cambodia

or Guyana or the Dominican Republic
l should know about?


...your almost dying twice...

...convinced me
that l should break my promise to Iris.

Heh. What promise?

When you left Dayton,
my sister was pregnant.

She had a daughter, your daughter.


Her name is Samantha Josephine.

We call her Sammy Jo.

Oh, well, heh...

- Yes?
- May l come in, Blake?

Yes, sure. Come on in, Jeff.

Kystle phoned from La Mirage,
she's finished packing.

Kristina and the nanny will be home
and Kystle will follow shortly.

You look tired.

Why don't you let those papers fend
for themselves and get some rest?

All right.

l wanna thank you again, Jeff,
for saving my life.

Thanks aren't necessay.

Anyone would have done
the exact same thing.

ln fact, Steven would've
been with me, but, uh...

l sort of persuaded him not to come.

BLAKE: Yes, heh, heh,
l understand that, by force.

Yes, a little bit by force.

Still, l want you to know
how much l appreciate

your risking your life for me.

Thank you.

l've always admired you
and respected you.

l've considered you
more than a father to me.

l suppose what we talked about
some time ago back, my adopting you,

that's still out.

You're a Colby,
you wanna remain a Colby.

l can understand that.

l'm gonna rewrite my will.

And l'm gonna include you in it.


Along with the stipulation
that you'll be the one

to inherit control
of Denver-Carrington.

Thank you.

Uh... Heh.

l can't tell you how moved
and honoured l am by this.

Thank you.

You're not gonna do this to me.

No matter what l have to do
to stop you.

l'm your son.

Your eldest son.

l'm your true son.

And Denver-Carrington is mine.

lt's mine.

lt's mine!
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