05x17 - Triangles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x17 - Triangles

Post by bunniefuu »

There you go.

Yes, that's a good little boy.

Bad news?

Read this.

Looks like Blake's done exactly
what he set out to do.

Whatever he's done, l can undo.
Believe me.

Alexis, he's got an official seal
on this one.

Undoing Blake is one thing,
but the Chinese government?

Don't bet against me, darling.


Hello, Gerard?

lt's Mrs. De_er here.
May l speak to Adam, please?

Oh. Well, have him call me
the instant he returns.

BLAKE: Good morning, Gerard.
- Welcome back, Mr. Carrington.

Welcome home, Blake.
Hello, Adam.

- Hello, Jeff.
ADAM: Jeff.

Sure is nice to be home.

JEFF: Well, l'm glad that eveything
worked out.

Oh, we had some rough moments.

Which were resolved.

lncidentally, Lady Mitchell
was a tremendous help to us.

Thank you vey much
for the introduction.

Well, she's vey smart,
with a lot of connections.

But tell me, with the entire
U.S. State Department behind you,

why did you need Lady Mitchell?
What went wrong?

Well, let's iust say we had a cultural
misunderstanding with the Chinese.

The important thing is that we can now
start drilling in the South China Seas.

- That was our goal anmay.
- In which we succeeded.

l'll be in the libray.
l have some work to do.

- Blake, welcome home.
- Hi, Grandpa.

Hello, Little Blake.

Come on down here
and give me a hug.

Come on.

Jeff, your son will not let me
put on his jacket.

He insists that you do it.

And l told him he's not going to the zoo
until he does put on his jacket.

Hey, there. l'm glad to see you.
How are you?

- Fine.
BLAKE: Good.

Now, don't you know
that it's cold out there?

And when it's cold out there,
we gotta put our jackets on, don't we?

Gerard, would you take
Little Blake to Nanny?

GERARD: Yes, of course.
- Have fun now.

BLAKE: Yeah, have a good time.
- Bye.

Well, now l think l'll go upstairs
and spoil my daughter.

- Have you seen Kystle around?
- No, she's out.

Well, she didn't know
when you were returning.

Yes, of course.

Regardless of what the article says,

l am sure that you were more
responsible for Blake's success

than Lady Mitchell was.

Thank you. She helped.

She was iust the icing on the cake.

When billions of dollars are involved,
as they were,

why should Blake
turn to a total stranger?

Well, it's over with now, isn't it?
So it doesn't really matter.

Over with? Is it?

Oh, Blake may have those leases,

but where is he going to get the money
to develop them?

l mean, what is he gonna do?
What banks can he go to?

Well, you're his right-hand man.

- Surely he's told you his plans.
- Why?

Just because l'm his son doesn't mean
that l'm also his confidant.

He doesn't trust me.

He doesn't trust anybody.

Then he's a fool.

l trusted you, Adam.

l trusted you when
l was on trial for my life, didn't l?

- Yes.
- And you can trust me, Adam.

You don't have to prove yourself
to me.

Unlike Blake, l don't expect my children
to sign an oath of allegiance.

What are you asking for?

l want those leases.

l deserve them and with the right
information, l'm going to get them.

And l also want you to realise, Adam,
that your future lies with me.

Why waste your time with somebody
who doesn't appreciate you?

Mother, l won't deceive you,
but l won't be disloyal to Blake either.

No matter how l feel about him
right now, he is still my father.

Perhaps you should find
another source of information.

Maybe l will.

l want to place
a person-to-person call to Paris.

Lady Ashley Mitchell.

Gerard, is Mr. Carrington home yet?

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.
He's in the nursey with Kristina.

Oh, Mr. Reece phoned
and asked that you call him.


Thank you, Gerard.

l'll call later.

Oh, Kristina, how l've missed you.

l missed you so much.

There we are.

We missed you, Blake.

Hello, Kystle.

How are you?

Oh, l'm fine.

l'm sory l'm late.

l rode out to Half Moon Point.

l needed to be alone for a while.

Well, you must be vey tired.
You had a long trip.

Oh, no, no. No, not really.

As a matter of fact,
l feel invigorated.

The trip was successful.
Vey successful.

- Well, l knew it would be.
- Of course we were lucky.

We had some vey valuable
outside assistance.

But when you're in business,
you latch on to evey opportunity.

l guess you've learned that about
your business by now, haven't you?

Oh, yes. l'm learning a great deal.

Not iust about the horse business,
but about myself as well.

That's wonde_ul.

l'm pleased.

l iust hope
that you have a good teacher.

What does that mean?

Blake, l'm iust tying to succeed
at something without your help.

Now, l don't expect to do it overnight,

and l expect to make
some mistakes--

Kystle, let's not talk about it right now,
shall we?

You think the whole thing
is a mistake, don't you?

l didn't say that.

No, you didn't.
You just dismissed the whole subject.

Blake, these horses
are a deep fulfilment for me.

When l see a colt being born,
when it nuzzles its mother,

when it stands for the first time,
sniffing the air,

frightened, yet eager to run
to test itself,

the whole thing becomes
more than a business to me.

And l can't understand why
you won't let me share that with you.

Kystle, l have offered to help you.
l said that l would hire a trainer,

that l would add onto our stables
if need be, that l would guide you.

Didn't l say that?

And end up
making all the decisions.

Blake, you'd be controlling it
and then giving it to me as a gift.

l need to do this on my own.

Then how can you ask me
to share it with you

if you deliberately shut me out?

l have some phone calls to make.

Terrible, unbelievable bores.

- So you're not sory we left?
- Heh, heh.

l've never been so glad
to leave a place in my life.

You know what l loved?

When you told our gracious hostess

that her baked Alaska
was an insult to the th state.


ALEXIS: We can go to the Lewises'
for dinner on Saturday.

Do we even have to consider going?

Oh, it's good for business.

But l don't want you
to break the boredom

by doing any
of your animal imitations again.


Dex. Dex, stop it.


Dex, you're tickling me.

You're tickling me.

Yes, among other things.

GERARD: Mr. Carrington
will be right down, Miss Amanda.

Would you care to wait
in the libray?

No, thank you, Gerard. l'll wait here.

My God, it's the middle of the night.

Are you all right?

l'm sory. l didn't want to wake you.

Oh. Nonsense.

That's what children are for,

to keep their parents
from sleeping at night.

Come on, now. Tell me, what is it?
What's wrong?

l couldn't take it anymore.

You mean with your mother?

With Mummy and Dex.

Here. Sit down.

Come on, now.

lt's gonna be all right.


Mummy and l talked about my leaving,
and l wanted to,

but l wanted to wait
until you returned,

or at least to ask for your permission
before l came barging in here,

- but l iust couldn't stand living there.
- Now, hold on just a minute.

Amanda, you're my daughter.
This is your home.

You don't have to have permission
to be here where you belong.

Oh, Daddy.

All right.

All right.

Alexis, l am busy.

l don't need you barging
in here like this.

Now, if you've come here
to talk about Amanda--

You know damn well
why l've come here, Blake.

Yes, l know. You want in
on those China Sea leases.

That's right.

You and l don't do business together,

l'm disappointed in you, Blake.

One should always ty and
separate business from displeasure.

ls there anything else
l can do for you?


Oh, yes,
you could do me one small favour.

Ashley Mitchell and l
used to be vey good friends.

She's vanished,
and l'm tying to reach her.

You don't happen to know
where she is, do you?

Now, how would l know that?

This is a rather good snap of you,

Obviously taken by a professional.

Ah, yes, Ashley Mitchell.

''Blake, one more lasting impression.
Affectionately, Ashley.''

How sweet. And how apropos.

Do you know l've heard men say

that they'd go to the ends
of the Earth for her?

Made any reservations, Blake?
l mean, she is beautiful.

lf you will excuse me,
l have to leave to go to a meeting.

Beautiful and full of surprises.

A bit like me, wouldn't you say?


Miss Amanda?

Yes, Gerard?

You have a visitor, Mr. De_er.

l won't bite, Amanda.

- l've come to apologise.
- For what?

lt seems that l've gone out of my way
to make you dislike me.

Does it really matter to you?

Yes, vey much.

l've behaved vey badly toward you.

l've accused you of being a child.

Maybe l was accusing myself.
l don't know.

What are you tying to say, Dex?

That you're a sensitive woman.

And that l'm sory if l hurt you.

And if l could change things,
l would.

What would you change?

Amanda, Alexis and l--

You wouldn't change anything,
would you?

Just ty to understand.


l wasn't told that you were here.

Don't wory, l was iust leaving.

Amanda, l didn't mean to interrupt.
l'll be upstairs if you need me.

No, it's all right.

We're finished here, aren't we, Dex?

Darling, are you all right?

He iust came to apologise and to
make peace between me and Mummy.

And then what happened?

lt's not important anymore.

''And in the end, the house
with the red shutters was built

and the whole family,
all of them happy and proud

and a little bit tired, moved in.''

l used to read to you
out of the same book.

l know.
My fingerprints are all over it.


Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

Oh, l thought it was about time
l took him to his room.

Yeah. He's exhausted.

Thank you.

Good night, kiddo.

Oh, this iust came for you.

Oh, yes.
l was expecting it. Thank you.

You know, Steven,

seeing you there with Danny

makes me think
about you and Claudia.

Husband, wife and son,
the pe_ect picture.

Oh, it wasn't pe_ect.
Nothing ever is.

But there was a lot about it
that was right.

l think about Claudia, too, Dad.

But l can't change things for you,

for your sense of family,
of being a Carrington.

l'm not asking you
to change anything for me.

l was thinking about you.

What was your life like before Claudia?
What is it now?

You may be throwing away
your one chance to be...

To be what? Normal?

l won't pretend that
that doesn't matter to me, son.

But l wasn't going to say that.

l was going to say you may be throwing
away your chance to be loved.

Truly loved.

You know, l think your son and l
are beginning to become pals.

He actually took my hand today
without my having to ask him.

And Kystle and l had a talk.

l think we understand each other
a lot better now.

Oh, listen, quit worying about all
the other people. They'll come around.

Jeff, it's not them that
l'm worried about.

lt's you.

l iust want you to be happier than
you've ever been in your whole life.

Well, l'm not really sure
l can be happy anymore.

Well, l love a challenge.

And l love you.

Eveything about you.



Okay, - . Game point.

- Nice forehand.
LUKE: Thanks.

Good save.

Got that one.


STEVEN: You give up yet?
- l've just begun to fight.

Oh, nice reach.

LUKE: Loser buys lunch.
- Oh, now you tell me.


STEVEN: Nice form there. Nice form.
- Thanks a lot.


lt's a good sh*t, eh?

You'd do anything for a free lunch.

lt was your idea, wise guy.


Hey, Steven, how about dinner
at the diner tomorrow night?

- We ate there two nights ago.
- Well, it's worth a return trip.

- Why not?
- Good.

Hey, about this weekend.

l don't wanna be pushy,
but my kid sister's flying in Friday.

Maybe we could all go out to dinner
Saturday night.

Luke, l think it's a little early for me
to meet the family, okay?


BLAKE: Mm-hm. Good.
- What is?

This press release announcing
the auctioning of my oil leases.

l don't understand.
You fought so hard for these leases.

Oh, l'm gonna hold on to
percent of them.

But l'm gonna auction off the other
percent to the highest bidder,

which means
l'm gonna have a partner.

You see, l need the capital from
that auction to continue my drilling.

Believe me,
when this release hits the newspapers,

there's gonna be a stampede
down to Acapulco to be first in line.


Mm-hm. That's where
the oil conference is ne_ week.

But you iust got back from Paris.

l know, but l have to leave again.

ln a couple of weeks,
l could go with you.

Well, l'd like that vey much,
but l'm afraid l can't wait that long.

Couldn't you have the auction here?

No, that's not possible.

we need to spend time together.

l'm sory, Kystle,
but l can't postpone this.


lnstead you'll put off
our being together, is that it?

Excuse me. There's a phone call
for you, Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you, Gerard.


l'll be right there.

One of my colts is sick.

Well, can't Daniel Reece
take care of that colt for you?

Daniel Reece left town last night.

They can't reach him.

lt's not good.

What is it?

lt's a particular dangerous disease
that colts are vey susceptible to.

lt's colitis-X.

And the recovey rate is vey slim.

The horse is running
a high temperature, and he's suffering.

l'm sory, Mrs. Carrington.

lf l were you, l'd have him put down.

You mean destroy him?

Mrs. Carrington,
sick or injured horses are vey fragile,

suicidal in a way.

They panic, hurt themselves.

You'd be saving yourself time.

And you'd be saving the colt
from suffering.

But there must be something
you can do.

Some medication you can give him
to make him more comfortable.

There's really not much chance
of recovey.

But he deserves that chance,
no matter how slight.

Do eveything you can to save him,

Don't give up.


Well, that does it.

l'll have that press release typed up,
proofed and ready in the morning.

Luke, we have to talk.

Something tells me that
you have to talk and l have to listen.

l don't know how to say this.

lt's over, isn't it?

Luke, l'm starting to care for you
a great deal.

And the more that happens,
the more frightened l'm becoming.

What are you afraid of, Steven?
l'm not going to hurt you.

lt's me l'm afraid of.

l'm afraid of losing any sense
of who l am or what l want.

l did that once before, Luke.

Ted Dinard.

You're a different man
than you were then.

No, l'm not.
l loved Ted, but l was split in two.

l couldn't live that way again.

Do you understand?


l loved him, but not the life.

l wanted a wife and family.

Oh, and all the trappings
of a normal life.


Normal is loving someone, Steven.

Sharing and giving,
growing together.

Not eveyone is capable of love.

Sometimes l think it's a real gift.

And if it is,

well, what difference does it make
whom you love,

as long as you do love?

l have a son and a wife, Luke.
A family.

And l hurt when l'm not with them.

l'm sory,
but l'm gonna ty to make that work.

This has to end before l hurt you
more than l already have.

l'm sory.

One of these days,
l'll learn to knock.

- Well--
- Luke, we'll talk later.

There's nothing left to talk about,

l don't expect you to believe me,

but l was on my way to tell you
that l love you.

l want you back.

And on your way, you iust happened
to take a little bit of a detour.

l was iust saying goodbye to him,

lt's over.

lt's over?

When did it begin?

Were you two lovers

when you accused me
of being a whore with Dean?

Or did you do this out of spite?

l felt alone and hurt.

l turned to Luke.

l felt alone and hurt
when l turned to Dean.

But maybe
you just needed an excuse.

Damn it, Claudia. You knew who l was
when you married me.

Was l iust an experiment to you,
to see if you could make me over?


l love you and l miss you

and l want my family
back together again.

- And what about Luke?
- It's over.

And the ne_ time?

All l can promise is to ty my best

to be a good
and faithful husband to you.

That's all l can do.

Yeah, all right. Yeah, yeah.

But keep digging.
l wanna find out who's behind this.


l didn't expect you
until the weekend.

l iust got off the phone with J.J.


Have you spoken
to your lamer lately?

Or have you been too busy
globetrotting with Blake Carrington?

Brady, my father was dying.

We went to his bedside.

lt was not a pleasure trip.

What did J.J. want?

lt's not what he wants.
It's what somebody else wants.

Control of Deveraux Group,


There's a phantom company
right here in Denver

who's out to take over
and destroy you, Dominique.

Any idea who it might be?

No. No, l haven't.

Ty Blake Carrington.

No, l don't believe that.

There is no reason for that,
not since my father told him the truth.

Blood's not thicker than oil,

He still has a reason to destroy you.

You served him papers, remember?
You're suing him.

l have dropped the lawsuit, Brady.

You what?

He is my half-brother, Brady.

What the hell's wrong with you?

l've practically lost my company,
and somebody's tying to take yours.

Baby, we are not going to lose
our companies.

l have inherited over $ million.

And together we are going
to save your company

and fight the takeover bid
for my company.


We used to be one hell of an act.

But it seems you want the spotlight
all to yourself.


Mrs. De_er, l'm sory.

lt's all right, Robert.

Well, well, Dominique.

Dominique. Wasn't there
a singing nun by that name?

lf there was,
you'd better start praying to her.

l wanna know why Colbyco
is tying to take over my company.

Oh, l have a world of reasons,

But if you really want me
to back off, l will.

As long as you agree
to my demands.

And what are those?

l want the -percent share
of Denver-Carrington

that's presently controlled
by your company.

l want you to resign as the executor
of Tom Carrington's will.

And l want you to leave Denver,


Well, now that you've told me
what you want, Alexis,

why don't l tell you what l want?


l want you to stop pushing me,

because you are going
to push me too far.

And l want to warn you,

l have no intentions
of crawling into the gutter with you.

You should know
that l'm a street fighter,

and l can get vey dirty.

Vey dirty.

ls that it?

l suppose that is it.

For now.

l appreciate your concern, Adam.

But Steven and l
have to work this out for ourselves.

Oh, for God's sake.

Why is eveyone in this family
so afraid to reach out for help?

Aren't we friends?

You know we are.

You know about Luke, don't you?

That's what you and Steven
were fighting about.

Yes, l know.

lt's over between you, Claudia.
You're going to have to face that.

l'm not so sure.
He's talking about a reconciliation.

- What?
- Yes.

After what happened,
what's bound to happen again?

What did you tell him?

- l told him l'd think about it.
- Oh, Claudia.

Adam, Steven is my husband,
and l love him.

l have to work this out.

Claudia. Claudia.

How long
are you gonna waste that love?

Steven's not going to change.

He'll hurt you again and again.

l'm scared, Adam.

l'm scared about life
without him and Danny.

l don't know what to do.

You're gonna have to be strong
and accept what's happened.

Claudia, you're going to have
to file for a divorce.

Maybe you didn't hear me,

l said the head of M-and-L Records
has agreed

to help us fight that takeover bid.

That man is a hood and you know it.
l will have nothing to do with him.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

l iust spent three hours
talking him into this.

My answer is no.

Besides, darling,

l've found someone else
who can help us.

- Blake Carrington.
- Are you crazy?

For all you know, he's the one
who started this takeover bid.

But he is not.

And he is willing to help us,
and l can trust him, Brady.

You used to trust me.

Oh, darling, please, li--

You must listen to me.

That's all l've been doing,
listening to you.

Hearing my wife tell me
how she doesn't need me anymore.

She's got Blake Carrington.

What are you talking about?

You know, there was a time,

when you had problems,
you'd come to me.

You'd ask me to help you
with whatever was bothering you.

But now,
what the hell do you need me for?

l'm losing here.

And l don't like losing.

Brady. Brady, please.

Brady. Brady.

You want Blake Carrington,
you've got him.

But you cannot have both of us.

We're through.


Brady, no.

Yes. No.

No, there's no need to wory.

We'll take care of it together.

Right, Dominique.

Right. Goodbye.

Amanda, you're gonna get me
into a lot of trouble.

What do you mean?

lf you don't eat those eggs,
Mrs. Gunnerson is going to be upset.

She's vey proud of her cooking.

l know it's hard for you right now,

being in a new city
with a new family and...

No, really, l'm fine.

l've made some friends at school

and between painting and drawing
and finding my way around Denver,

l've been vey busy.

Then what's the problem?
Is it your mother?

Oh, Mummy's always a problem,
but really, nothing's wrong.

All right.

When you're ready to talk about it,
l'll be ready to listen.


l know something that will put a smile,
a real smile, on your pretty face.

- Acapulco.
- Acapulco?

- Isn't that a bit sudden?
- l'm going with Blake.

Haven't you read the stoy about him
in this morning's Chronicle?

Not yet, but l will.

Well, darling, l'd like you to pass by

and see me at the apartment
before you leave.


ALEXIS: _manda, even though
l allowed you to go and live with Blake,

l still want us to be close.
l do love you.

Mummy, l still love you too.

But maybe it's better
if we don't see each other for a while,

at least not until l get back.

- Goodbye, Mummy.
- G_bye.



l knew it.

Blake's going to have to sell off
some of his South China Sea leases

in order to pay for his drilling.

Well, l'm not about
to be left out of this one.

When that auction starts in Acapulco,
l'm gonna be there.

So will l.

l can handle the bidding by myself.

it's only gonna be a short trip.

Alexis, in case you've forgotten,
l own a new drilling rig company.

l want Blake to give me
the contract to drill.

You can talk to him about that
when he gets back, can't you?

l'll handle it there.

You've got your interests in Acapulco,
l've got mine.

l know.
But are they purely business interests?

lt's nothing short of a miracle,
Mrs. Carrington.

He's iust fine.

Maybe more miracles are possible
if we just allow them to happen.

Mrs. Carrington.

Mr. Reece iust called
with a message for you.

He's on his way here,
and he'd like you to wait.


As a matter of fact, here he is now.

Charles, please apologise
to Mr. Reece for me.

l can't wait. l'm sory.

Yes, l've read the reports,
and they're fine, as far as they go.


l want the precise figures
on those revenue projections,

and l want them on my desk
in the morning.

Yes, this is a critical situation,
and l must have all the current data.



All right, good. l'll be there early.

Blake, Kristina and l have decided
that you need company on this trip.

What are you talking about?

We're going with you to Acapulco.

There's no reason Kristina can't travel,
and l'll be with her evey minute.

Well, Kystle, this is a business trip.
It's not a vacation.

We won't get in the way.

Blake, we need
to spend some time together.

You've been away travelling
so much.

We miss you.

And l miss being with you,

but l'm gonna be working on the plane
going down there.

l'm going to be having breaMast,
Iunch and dinner

with men who have come
from halfway around the world

to bid on those leases.

lt's gonna be nothing but business.

Can't you understand that?

Of course l can.


Darling, when l get back,
we'll find time to go someplace.

l promise.

All right?

That's a nice photo of you.

Ashley Mitchell took that in Paris.

She thought l might like to have it.

She's vey good.
You should have it framed.

l'm only going to be gone
a couple of days.

So much can happen
in a couple of days.

Nothing that you can't handle,
l'm sure.

Jeannie, where are the new
bathing suits l brought back from Rio?

l'll get them for you, Mrs. De_er.

Okay. Now, let me see.

This isn't any good. Oh

Do you know where the skirt
to this dress is?

- It's right over here.
- Oh.

How about this?

Jeannie, l'm going to Acapulco,
not Calgay.


l'll get it.


Lady Mitchell?

Yes, yes, put her on.

Ashley, how good of you
to return my calls, finally.

What do l want?

l'm going to Acapulco
for a couple of days,

and l'd love you to be my guest.


Oh, yes, yes, of course,
he's going to be there.


Oh, you won't disappoint me,
will you?

Goodbye, Ashley.
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