05x16 - Foreign Relations

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x16 - Foreign Relations

Post by bunniefuu »

Ashley Mitchell.

Her husband, Maynard,
used to call her his Yankee Rose.

He left her f million.

l see she's putting the money
to good use.

lnteresting clothes. Nice iewelley.

And still the iet set darling.

Cultured, witty
and a photojournalist to boot.

And you can't stand her.

- Does it show?
- A bit.

How do you know Lady Ashley?

Her late husband and my late husband
used to be great friends.

As long as neither Cecil nor Maynard
turned their backs to each other.

l suppose it was you
who arranged that meeting

between her Chinese acquaintances
and Blake.

lt wasn't easy,
but l managed to pull it off, yes.

Hm. How fortunate for your father
to have such a bright and loyal son.

l'm as loyal to him as l am to you.

Are you?


Then l'm sure you won't mind
keeping me informed

of how the negotiations go in Paris.

May l remind you, Adam,

that it was Colbyco
who started the initial proceedings

in the South China Seas.

And ifyou can get in on the deal,
you'd like to be given the chance.


Mother, l have no obiection to your
sharing in the potential windfall.

But l'm not about to play spy.

Spy? Adam, what a dreadful word.

l'm not asking you
to do anything so loathsome.

All l want you to do
is to keep me informed

in case there is a chance
of a potential buy-in.

Even a modest one.

Sory. No sale.

But if there's any message you'd like
me to deliver to Lady Ashley in Paris,

if l happen to be in the neighbourhood,
l'd be only too pleased.

Any message from me to the lady

would only cause you
huge embarrassment.

Mother, l don't embarrass easily.

l could change that in seconds.


lt's time for you
to make your first buy.

Not today.
l don't know enough about them yet.

You mean you haven't been doing
your homework?

- Yes, l have, but--
- They're Arabians.

A mistake could cost $ ,OOO,

- Right.
- Then it's time to take that risk.

Start choosing.

l think she's well marked.

Excellent legs, wide chest.

You said, ''l think.''
Do you think or are you sure?

l'm sure.

- Then you're considering her.
- Yes.


- l like her.
- Why?

Well, she has a good long neck,
nice eyes, strong shoulders.

You're buying her?

l'm not sure.

Where are you going?

l have something
l have to take care of, Kystie.

Good luck. You're on your own.

- Blake?
- Come in, come in.

l was upstairs in the nursey
with Kystina.

Nanny told me
you'd come home early.

l bought an Arabian today.

- Did you?
- Yes.

Did your partner
approve of your choice?

Daniel? He doesn't know about it.

- Yet.
- Yet.

Blake, come with me, please.

l want you to see the horse.

She's one of the most
beautiful animals l've ever seen.

Well, l'm sory, Kystle,
but l'm busy.

l have a serious business problem
and l have to prepare for it.

And l don't have too much time
before l leave.

Where are you going?

To Paris.

l'm flying the day after tomorrow.

l have to negotiate with the Chinese.

Blake, this horse, this is my Paris.

This is a part of my life now.

l'm happy for you, Kystle.

For your nemound hobby.

- But you're busy.
- Yes, l am.

l'll leave you alone.

You know, Blake, there was a time
when you'd say to me

that you had to go away on a trip

and you were sory
that l couldn't come with you.

When you'd show at least
some regret.

What happened to that time?

And l'd like to use this ad,

a four-colour one only,
for fortune magazine.

What do you think?

l like it. It's a good idea.

Well, l guess that wraps it up.

Luke, do you mind telling me
what's been bothering you?

lf it's because l lost my temper,
l said l was sory.

l have a lot of things
on my mind right now.

l understand, Steven, and don't wory.
My feelings weren't hurt.

Look, Steven,

l've decided, because of
the few overtures of friendship

that l've made toward you
that you have misunderstood,

l've decided to keep our relationship
on a strictly professional level.

And formal?

All right.
You can call me sir from now on.

Well, maybe not that formal.

Luke, when you said you wanted
to be friends, l took you at your word.

Friends aren't supposed to turn away
at the first sign of a temper.

They're supposed
to ty to understand.

l do understand, Steven.

Maybe l understand too damn well
the kind of problems you had.

You see, l had them once too.

l was married.

Now it's your turn
to work out your own problems.

Luke, l want you to know
l appreciate your honesty.


Adam, what is it?

Nothing important.

l'll call you later.

What a mess you're in, Steven.

lf you're asking me
to help you keep propped up

on that fence you're sitting on,
well, count me out.

l can't.

l won't.

BLAKE: Is it iust gonna be the two of us
for dinner tonight?

KRYSTLE: Claudia's still at work,
Adam's with the Morrisons

and Steven phoned to say
he'll be a little late.

- Still no word about Jeff, huh?
- No.


- Hello, Kystle.
- _e_q.

- _e_q.
- Welcome home.

JEFF: Thank you.
KRYSTLE: Hello, Nicole.

- Hi.
- Where've you been?

- We were iust talking about you.
- Well, we were in Bolivia.

And we were married.

You were?

Well, congratulations.

Well, why don't you
tell us about it over dinner?

All right.

And you have no idea
when Mr. De_er is expected?

Thank you.

- Hello.
- Hi, darling.

You don't know where Dex is,
do you?

No, of course not.

l suppose you've seen
today's Chronicle.

Doesn't Lady Mitchell look beautiful?



l think it's impressive that she's
taken up where her husband left off,

involving herself
in international affairs.

Hm. Ashley, despite her camera,

was always the power
behind her husband.

Maynard was a mountain of tapioca
without her.

Do you mind if
l take some of these magazines?

l'm off to bed.

No, darling. l've finished with them.

Good night, Mummy.

- Sleep well.
- Thank you.

l'd like to place a phone call
to Paris, please.

Yes, the one in France.




Merci, Paulette.


Alexis Colby.

l've been meaning to get in touch
with you for ages, Ashley.

lt's a pity to let one
of the few friendships in life

that really means something drop.


Hello, are you still there?

Oh, l'm here.

l wanted to tell you
how much l loved your coverage

of the queen mother's birthday.

l laughed, l cried. It was a ioy.


l'm still here.

And l'm wondering why you don't
sound like the Alexis l use to know.

Let's be as straightfomard
with each other as we've always been.


Well, not quite always, but go on.

l'd love to know how negotiations

between Blake and your
Oriental friends are proceeding.

Why? Would you like a go
on the South China Sea leases?


Still so perceptive, Ashley.

Yes. Yes, l'd like that vey much.

Now, why on God's good earth
should l bother to help you?

Because Maynard and Cecil
were good friends, for one thing.

The other thing or things being?

Well, you may need a favour
from me one day.

And if you know anything
about me at all, Ashley,

you'll know that l always deliver.

Let's put it this way, Alexis.

l'll behave in this situation
precisely as you would.

l've really got to rush.


Believe me, the only reason l went
to Bolivia was to ty and find Fallon.

l can't understand how you could think
that Fallon was still alive.

Because l wanted to.

Well, if you went down to Bolivia
to find Fallon, how could you--?

How could l mary Nikki?

- Yes.
- l don't know.

But with Fallon gone,
l just felt l had to do something.

ls that fair to your new wife?

l don't know that either.

But l've done it.

Right now l wanna concentrate on
business and finding a place to live.

Well, l still want you
at Denver-Carrington with me.

And as for a place to live,
well, this is your home.

No, no, Blake, l...

Jeff, this is your home.

lt's yours and your son's
and your wife's.

Blake, you're the most generous man
l've ever met.

And you're more than a father
to me.

- l iust can't take you up on that offer.
- Yes, you can.

lt's good to be back.


Good evening, Mr. De_er.

- How's Mrs. De_er, Lin?
- She's in her room.

And sir, please,
don't mention that l phoned you.

She hates people to know
when she's ill.

All right.


Off you go. Off you go.



Oh, Dex.

l wasn't expecting you.

Well, l'm here.

l suppose you came to pick up
your clean laundy.

No. l came by
to see ifyou were all right.

Oh, no, Dex,
l've got the most terrible headache.

l had to send Amanda away.
l had to be alone and rest.


l want you to know how unhappy
l've been these past few days.

How miserable
l've been without you.

l love you so vey much.

And l want our marriage to work.


But what?

We are going to have to make
certain concessions to one another.

Oh, Dex.

This isn't the time
and l'm not in the mood

for a session
of marriage counselling.

You're here. We're together.

What l want is to be held and loved.

You're not sick at all, are you?

lt's all an act, a play.


Aren't you glad you came in time
for the curtain?


Caviar for breaMast
is somehow unholy, Alexis.


no one was ever excommunicated

from either the church or society
for indulging in matinal fish eggs.

-And champagne at this hour?

At this hour in the south of France,

which is where l devoutly
wish we were, it's cocMail time.

People are drinking champagne.

So why don't we pretend
we're with them?

Two lovers celebrating a lovely

l'm sory--

You didn't know Dex was home.

Well, he is.

Come and ioin us, Amanda.

l'm not really hungy, Mummy.

all l want is for the three of us

to have a cosy little
family breaMast together.

ls that asking too much?

l told you l'm not hungy.

You're in a lovely mood.

Didn't you sleep well?

No, l had terrible nightmares.

You know, of all my children,

l sometimes think
that she's the moodiest.

As for you...

What about me?

Well, with all your secrets,

l can hardly keep up with you

What are you talking about, Alexis?

l'm talking about a certain
Daniel Reece.

Darling, l do hope you don't
have any imminent plans

to go off adventuring with him again.

From what l've heard
about your exploits,

they can be quite dangerous.

And l'd hate to spend a fortune
on a widow's wardrobe again.

Alexis, l have absolutely no intention
of getting involved with Mr. Reece.

l'm glad to hear it.

How did you find out
about all that anmay?

Nobody's supposed to know.

Somebody knows
and somebody talked.

Well, that somebody
ought to keep his mouth shut.

If you can, Elizabeth.

- Jeanette, isn't it?
- That's right, Miss Simpson.

Mrs. Colby.

Of course, Mrs. Colby.

l'm sory.

You're iust the person l need.

After being away a week,
l have a ton of laundy.

Well, l'll ty to help, of course.

But since we're short on staff today,

l can't guarantee
it'll be done immediately.

Well, there must be somebody
around here

who can see to it that
l have decent clothes to wear.


Could you arrange to have a few
of Mrs. Colby's things done now?

That would solve
the immediate problem

and give her something to wear.

The rest, as quickly as possible.

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.

Half the staff has been down
with the flu this week.

The family's been doing
eveything they can

to make things
as easy as possible for them.

Oh, l appreciate your help.


Nikki, l'd like to personally
welcome you to the family.

Jeffs a wonde_ul man.
He's gonna make a good husband.

And he deserves another chance
at being happy.

l only hope, Kystle, that l can make
him as happy as Blake is with you.

Well, l'll be upstairs with Kystina.

l'll see you at dinner.

You didn't come home last night,

Where were you?

l went to a movie, then l stayed in town
at the Colbyco condo,

- not that it's any of your business.
- Who are you tying to kid?

l know where you were.

l know why your marriage
is crumbling.

You're back to your old ways,
aren't you?

You're having an affair
with the little f*g you're working with.

Steven, Adam, stop it.

Please, stop it.

What's going on here?

This has nothing to do with you,

ls that another dismissal?

Look, l can't deal with you
or your questions right now.

You never could, could you, Steven?

Answer me, damn it.

You never could.

l thought l could.

Obviously l was wrong.

Let him go, let him go.

When l said that you should ty
and make it work with Steven,

l was wrong.

You're going to have
to start living your own life, Claudia.

For yourself.



What do you want?

l have to talk to you, Luke.

Look, l'm not the one to help you
sort out your problems with your wife.

l'm not asking you to.

l've thought about us.

And l know what l want to do.

Where l wanna be and with whom.

HUANG: It was unfortunate
that such a disagreement

should have arisen
because of Rashid Ahmed.

Therefore, your proposals
will be considered and replied to

as soon as a decision
has been reached.

And how soon will that be,
Mr. Huang?

lt is impossible for me to predict.


Mr. Huang, l would like to assure you
and your delegation

that Denver-Carrington
is completely at your disposal.

And we will patiently await
your decision on this matter.



Hello, l'm Lady Mitchell.
Is the meeting over?

Yes, it is. Won't you come in?

The cars are waiting.
It's only a short ride, Mr. Huang.

After you, Lady Mitchell.


l knew the prospect of another trip

would be too strong for you
to resist, De_er.

What did you say to Alexis?

And what right do you think you have
going to my wife behind my back?

l didn't say anything to her.

Believe it or don't. It's up to you.

The way it was up to me to get out
of that godforsaken w*r zone

where you left me?

l knew you'd be able
to handle yourself.

Oh, you knew l'd get out?

- You're here, aren't you?
- Yes, l am.

And as long as l am,
Iet's get one thing straight.

De_er and Reece
are out of business.

Cool it, Dex.

- The store's still open.
- But you've lost your lease.

You'll never be able
to turn down a challenge.

l've got enough challenges
in my life right now.

Keep out of my way, Daniel.

Oh, God, l'm so drunk.


Amanda, you've had too much to drink.


- What are you doing?
- l'm just picking up my earring.


You're vey appealing.

But you know that.

Do you know what l'm thinking?

l'd like you to kiss me.

Oh, well, l am sory that
l can't oblige.

What l would like
is for you to be quiet.

Alexis is asleep.

But not dead to the world.

What's the matter with you,


A little too much vino tonight,
l'm afraid.

Yes. What's your excuse?

She's out cold.
l'll take her to her room.

Why don't we both do that, Dex?

Will there be anything else,
Mrs. De_er?

No, thank you, Lin. That will be all.

l didn't think you'd still be here.

Well, l've been awake all night.

l wanted to talk to you, Amanda.

Do you think l could have
some black coffee?

No, you can't.
This will be much better for you.

lt will absorb all the alcohol
that you absorbed.

One last touch.

Don't you think it's a little late
to tell me how to behave?

Drink it.

Drink it, Amanda.

l've been giving a lot of thought
to how you grew up.

And l'm going to admit
that l was wrong.

You mean you're finally admitting
that Blake is my father?


l'm iust giving you the opportunity
to find out firsthand

what a less-than-pe_ect human being
and father Blake is.

So l think you should take him up
on his offer to move in to the mansion.

At least for a while.

What's the matter?

Don't you want to move in
with the mob?

- Are you throwing me out?
- No.

l iust want you to get in touch
with your true feelings.

ls it because of last night?

Coming home drunk.

l mean what happened with Dex.

l think it's better, Amanda,

if you'll keep your schoolgirl fantasies
to yourself.

About Blake.

You don't have to move in
to the mansion if you don't want to.

But l've been giving it
a lot of thought

and l think that you need
to spend some time with him.

Just as l need to spend
some more time with Dex.

After all, we are newlmeds,
to use a quaint old-fashioned term.

All right. l'll talk to my father
as soon as he gets back from Paris.



Michael, this is getting out of hand.

l want ashtrays emptied,
dirty glasses picked up.

l want this-- That is disgusting.

And he said, ''l was so broke,
l couldn't even pay attention.''



- Not funny?
- No.


But then again, you're cute enough
not to have to be funny.

As cute as that night in Mexico City?

Look, Bill
l'm a married wom! an now.

That night was a haze then
and it is right now.

Come on, let's dance.

No, l think we had better cool it,
all right?

What's the matter?

No, l'll tell you.
You don't feel secure here.

And who would, with her husband's
first wife looking down on her?

But that's okay.
We'll take care of that.

Could you get up, please?
Thank you.

Excuse me.

Young man,
that chair is vey fragile.

Mrs. Colby,
that's Miss Fallon's portrait.

Bill, stop it.

- Get down.
- Hey, Brian, give me a hand.

This isn't funny.


What is going on here?

Who's she?

This party has iust ended.

l'd appreciate your leaving.
All of you.

MAN: Come on, let's get out of here.
WOMAN: What a downer.

Kystle, l'm sory.

Nikki, Fallon will always be
a part of this house.

And as long as you live here,
you have to respect that.

Well, you win again, don't you?

The delegation arrived
Ied by Mr. Huang.

l explained
your unavoidable absence.

We sat for a few minutes,
exchanging amenities

and then they left without ever
presenting their reply to the proposals.

Damn it.
They didn't say why they were leaving?

Well, it was obvious.

Yes, of course, they were insulted
and annoyed that l,

the head of Denver-Carrington,
wasn't there

and that you proceeded without me.

You know how sensitive they are
about things like that.

l regret the impulse, Father.

l didn't fully realise, Father.
l'm sory.

l know you are, Adam,

but l have warned you about
your tendency to move too quickly.

Now, how the devil am l gonna get
those people back here to negotiate?

What about Lady Mitchell?

- Lady Mitchell?
- Lady Ashley Mitchell.

She's vey well connected
in international politics.

Let me see if l can find her.
Perhaps we can arrange a meeting.

With no introduction, no leverage?

Why should she bother to help?

From now on, Adam, l want you
to consult with me about eveything.

l intend to handle
these things myself.

KRYSTLE: l know, l know you're sleepy
and you wanna take your nap.

But l iust wanted to hold you
a little longer.



You smell so good after your bath.

Guess what.

Your daddy's coming home
in a couple of days

and l'll bet he brings you
a vey special present.

Yeah, because he loves you.

And l love you too.


We miss him, don't we?

Yeah, Uncle Cecil and l
spent a couple of weeks with her

and her husband on Lake Como.

Oh, seven or eight years ago.

We got along fine.

Yeah, of course. l'd be happy
to phone her and arrange a meeting.

Well, l'm sure it'll work out fine.

All right.

Goodbye. l'll see you soon.

Oh, that was Blake.

Didn't he ask to speak to me?


He said he would call back
to talk to you.

You never could lie vey well, Jeff.

Well, it was strictly a business call,

Yes, operator, l'd like to place
a person-to-person call to Paris.

Lady Mitchell.

l understand the predicament you're in,
but how can l help?

Well, l was hoping
that you could bring your influence

to bear on the Chinese and get them
back to the negotiating table.

lt's that simple and it's that difficult.

l hope you're not giving me credit
for more influence than l have.

Well, from what l've heard,
Lady Mitchell,

you've got the entire
Chinese delegation bewitched.

Well, maybe half.

The delegation, that is,
not the bewitchment.

May l call you Blake?

Yes, of course.

And l'm Ashley.

Do you know something, Blake?
We've met.

l wouldn't have forgotten.

That's vey gallant of you.

But it's true.

Well, let me put it this way.

My favourite camera
got a good look at you.


Six years ago?

l was on special assignment
for World finance magazine.

Oh, yes, the oil conference.

Right, the lobby of the Sacher Hotel.
Absolute pandemonium.

There must have been
three dozen photographers.

Actually l didn't get a good look
at you till aftemards

when l developed the film.

And l remember thinking,

''Now, of all the men in this room,
there's only one who's really attractive.''

He was an American.

From Denver.

Well, that's vey flattering.

l know. It's getting late and you wanna
be getting back to business.

Blake, would l be right in assuming
that Alexis would not approve

of your successful negotiations
with the Chinese?

l got a call from her,
hinting as much.

Well, your assumption is quite correct.
Alexis would not approve.

Good. l'd be thrilled not
to be a party to her manipulations.

l see that you know her.

Only too well.

Daniel, meet Fantasia.

Has a familiar ring to it.

KRYSTLE: And the first tangible
evidence l'm now a fully vested member

of the breeders' community.

- And you feel wonde_ul?
- Oh, yes.

- Proud?
- Vey.

- You shouldn't.
- Why not?

Because you've got
a long way to go

before you can feel
so damn good about yourself.

What's wrong?

Look at her.

The iaw's too narrow.

It is not.

Look at the hips. Too shallow.

Hocks, weak.

- And look at this tail.
- What's wrong with her tail?

DANIEL: You tell me. You're supposed
to know Arabians by now.

Well, l do
and there's nothing wrong with her tail.

She has pe_ect tail carriage.

And there's nothing wrong
with her hips or her hocks.

Why, Kystie?

Why what?

Why did you let me
talk to you like that?

Whether you bought
the right horse or not--

And that is the right horse.
--is not important.

But what is important is that you must
never let anybody push you around,

not if you're gonna get along
in this business.

You mean
that was some sort of test?


Well, l don't like it. How dare you?

How dare you do something
like that to me?

That's better. Come on, get sore.

- Come on, come on.
- What?

That's what l'm after.


Come on. You are terrific.

There's something
l wanna show you.

You know, l'm real proud of you.

And the grand piano
is going right about here.

- Oh, l didn't know you played.
- l don't.

But l can have a grand piano,
can't l?

l'll learn.

Now, up in the loft.
Come on up.

l'm gonna have a picture window,
Iots of big comfortable chairs.

KRYSTLE: Bookcases?
- Yes.

Right ne_ to the stereo.


Are you all right?


Say something.


Oh, you fraud. You frightened me.

Just wanted to see if you cared.

Of course l cared.

Well, l'm happy to hear that.






What do l miss most?

An all-American,
big juicy hamburger.


With corn on the cob.

Butter sinfully oozing
over each and evey kernel.

Homemade potato salad,
sweet and dill pickles.

Apple turnovers
and/or chocolate layer cake.

- Seven layers.
- Stop, Blake.

Please, stop.

You know
what l'm gonna do for you?

Ne_ time you come to Denver,

l single-handedly
am gonna barbecue for you

the best hamburger
you've ever eaten in your life.

lt's a date.

And the ne_ time you're in France,
l'm gonna take you wine tasting.

All right. What's your preference,
red or white?


Oh, as long as it's from Bordeaux.

You know, l have a vineyard there

that's probably my favourite place
in the whole world.

Well, l'm afraid l really must go.

l wanna thank you again
for all your help.

Blake, all l did was arrange
for a meeting with the delegation.

You did the negotiation.

Brilliantly, l might add.

Goodbye, Ashley.

l thrive on impulses, Blake.
l just gave in to one of them.



l'm not so sure about that.
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