05x13 - The Avenger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x13 - The Avenger

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, if l'm back in your life, Kystle,
it's by accident, not by design.

- l find that hard to believe.
- Why?

Because this gift doesn't seem
like an accident.

lt's far too expensive for that.

This frame is not
what you're upset about.

You come in here accusing me
of doing something. What?

- You're gonna tell me you don't know?
- No, l don't know.

Mr. Reece.
Casbah has begun to foal.

l'll be right with you, Charles.

Kystle, you have something
to say to me?

Excuse me, sir,
but Dr. Porter's tied up in surgey,

and Casbah appears to be
in some kind of trouble.

Forgive me.
l don't mean to appear rude,

but l've got a prize mare
who's in trouble

and a lot more valuable
than a picture frame.

Let me come with you. l can help.

lt's been a while,
but l was raised on a farm.

All right,
as long as you don't get in the way.

What are you doing?

Oh, please, Adam, leave me alone.

Claudia, what's going on?

l'm moving to La Mirage.

- You're leaving?
- Yep.

For good.

l realise that things
haven't been going vey well

between you and Steven,
but is this what he wants too?

lt's what l want.
Steven doesn't even know.

What about Danny?

Adam, you know that l love Danny,

but Steven made it pe_ectly clear
he's his son, not mine.

Carringtons have a way
of taking possession

and shutting other people out.
Steven is no exception. l'm sory.

You have nothing to apologise for.
You've been a real good friend to me.

l'm only sory
it took me so long to realise it.


There can be only two reasons
why you're in bed this late in the day.

Either you've had one hell of a night,
or you've been expecting me.


Oh, Brady, thank God you are here.

Hey, sweet lady.
l came to bring you joy.

- What's this?
- What's this? What's this?

- Oh, thank you.
BRADY: Are you all right?

Well, l don't know, Brady.

Brady, would you tell me,

why do l have to keep proving myself
all the time?

Proving how talented l am,
how strong l am, and how clever l am.

You don't have to prove anything,
not to me.

But tell that to Blake Carrington.

l mean, l've done eveything
he's asked me to do, Brady, and more,

and still he will not believe me.

- About being his sister.
- Yes.

No matter what l do.

You are your own creation.
Be proud of that.

l am a Carrington.
l don't care what l've created.


You have more than the Carringtons
could ever possibly hope for.

Oh, what? My talent? My voice?

And suppose that goes.
Then what do l have left?

Only my rightful name, Brady.

Well, what about us? What about
what we mean to each other?

But why does that have
to take the place of what's mine?

Why do l have to choose?
Why can't l have both?

l am a Carrington by birth.

That's who l am,
and, by God, that's who l'll be.

Oh. Oh, Brady.

We had a hard enough time
convincing Amanda

to come and live with us. Why do you
insist on sending her away?

For us, Alexis.

Because we need time
together alone.

Maybe Amanda should go back
to the mansion, live with Blake a while.


For the sake of our marriage,
Alexis, get her out.

Send her to Paris, anmhere.

You've always fought my relationship
with my children, but never this much.

- Why?
WOMAN: Mommy?

We're up here, darling.

- Am l interrupting you?
- No, no, Amanda.

l'm iust on my way out.

Hi, darling.

Sory, my timing's not the best.

Oh, no, it's all right.
We were just talking business.

Come and sit down. Come. Here.

- That's better.
- What is?

Well, l'm really glad that you decided
to come and live with us, Amanda.

l want us to be more than mother and
daughter. l want us to be friends too.

Were you friends with Fallon?

Well, not always,
but l think at the end we were.

l want to be friends too.

But you can't give me conditions,
because l'm not gonna give Blake up.

Darling, l'm iust tying to protect you.
You don't know him as l do.

- But he's my father, and l love him.
- You love what you think he is.

l know that evey child
wants a father.

And l don't care
what Rosalind told you,

Blake Carrington is not your father.

Then who is?

l've told you, l don't know.

Then you're lying.
Look, l'm here where you want me,

but you can't stop me from seeing
who l want when l want,

and that includes Blake Carrington.

You're a little brat,
and l'm not going to allow it.

Ty to stop me.

Dominique Deveraux, please.

Easy. Easy, now.


lt's her first.

- l know the feeling.
- Careful. She's mean with strangers.

She's okay.

She knows a friend when
she sees one, don't you, Casbah?

- How long since she started?
- About minutes, sir.

That's too long.
Something must be wrong.

The left foreleg
is twisted back on itself.

Foal's too big for the birth canal.

lf you push the foal back up a little,
you'll have more room to work.

l know. l'll ty.
But if the sac breaks, we're in trouble.


KRYSTLE: Shh. It's all right.
Easy. Easy, now. Shh.

lt's all right. It's all right.
We're with you.

Easy. Easy. Easy. That's all right.



Come on, sweetheart.
Straighten up your act.

Mama's waiting.

Sir, the vet is on the way.

So is the colt.

No, no, no. It's okay.

Easy does it.

The legs are pe_ect.

So is the mother.

Easy, now. It's all right.

Welcome back to Denver, Mr. Lloyd.

Well, l'm afraid my welcome back
is not what l expected.

- Oh? Sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.

What happened?

Well, l thought l knew my wife
vey well, Mr. Carrington.

You know, strong-minded, tough.

Well, that's not the woman
l came back to.

Mr. Lloyd, l'm not sure that l'm the one
you should be discussing this with.

Tell me something.

Why do you refuse
to accept the fact

that you and Dominique
share the same father?

Well, that fact has yet to be proven.

You iust claimed a daughter.
Where was your proof then?

There's a world of difference
between your wife and my daughter.

Amanda didn't come to me
claiming anything,

demanding recognition.

And unlike Dominique,

she didn't thr*aten me
if l refused that claim.

And she didn't come to you with
$ million to save your neck either.

That should prove something.

That iust proves
she's a smart businesswoman.

l promised her a sizeable return
on that investment.

A return beyond
even her wildest dreams.

Now, l promised that to her,
and l will deliver that to her.

l wanted to hear that from your
own mouth before l made up my mind.

- Made up your mind about what?
- Whether you're a friend or an enemy.

Now l know.

You'll find me a worthy opponent.

l've had to fight a lot of men,
Mr. Lloyd.

l haven't lost yet.

l wish you luck.

Oh, thank you.

Will there be anything else,
Mrs. De_er?

No, thank you, Lin. That'll be all.

Well, isn't this more civilised
than some crowded, noisy restaurant?

Of course it is.

No witnesses.


There's no crime
in having lunch together, Dominique.

Alexis, why the invitation?

l am a partner in Denver-Carrington.
You run Colbyco.

We have absolutely nothing
in common.

Oh, but we do.

We're both ambitious, determined,
professional women,

like sisters, really.

To prove my sincerity, l'm gonna make
you an offer that you can't refuse.


What exactly is that?

l'm offering to buy
all of your shares of Denver-Carrington

at a handsome profit.

And l'll throw in a few shares
of Colbyco too,

iust to make the deal irresistible.

Alexis, you are many things.
A sister is not one of them.

There is a reason that you're interested
in those Denver-Carrington shares.

l'd like to know, what is that reason?

A good businesswoman
takes advantages of a good deal

and doesn't question motives.

l always question motives.

That's how l've survived so long
and so well.

Denver-Carrington's stuck
in quicksand, and you know it.

- Maybe l like the challenge.
- Maybe you like Blake Carrington.


Yes, l choke on his name too.
Get out while you can, Dominique.

You are anxious, Alexis.
You are too anxious.

Common sense tells me

you've made me an offer
that l should not refuse, but--

Rumour and nasty speculation
tells you not to trust me.

You'd be far better off dealing with me
than you would with Blake Carrington.

That's like asking me
if l'd rather be clawed by a lion

or bitten by a cobra.

Either way, if l'm not careful,
l could be dead.


Oh, hello.

What are you doing?

AMANDA: l think it looks better
over there, don't you?

l'd check with Alexis before
l started rearranging things, Amanda.

l'm not rearranging.

l'm iust making myself at home,
which is something

my mother's gonna have
to get used to. That's the trouble

with having your children around.
They tend to mess up your tidy life.

- Well, not all children.
- Just brats like me, right?

Well, if that's the way you feel, Dex,
why did you ask me to come back?



l had no choice.

To our little colt
one hour old and still goi_g strong.

By God, l've never seen anyone
gentle a horse the way you did.

- That's a gift, lady, and you've got it.
- Well, thank you.

Thank you for your timely arrival.

Um, l have to be going.

Do you always leave
before you finish what you start?

l came to return your gift.

l've done that.

Kystie, you and l have iust
been through something vey special.

Don't you think that entitles me
to an explanation?

My sister loved you,
and you walked out on her.

Walked out on her?

Well, yes, l left,
but l didn't abandon her.

- l didn't love Iris. She knew that.
- You told her that?

l wanted to love her.

But l was in love with someone else.

l couldn't help that.

She understood.

Well, l can't believe that.

Before l left
we sat down, and w!e talked.

l told her how l felt.

l told her l didn't wanna hurt her
and that l had to leave.

She understood.

And she didn't say anything else?

- No.
- And you never spoke to her again?

She said she thought it best
if we never see each other again.

And we never did.

Kystie, what was it you think l did?

You really don't know, do you?

No. That's the truth.

l swear it.

l believe you.

lt was iust a misunderstanding.

Don't leave, Kystie.


We have a new life to celebrate,

So we do.

- What are you going to call him?
- Um...

- Verdad.
- Truth?

Mm-hm. Somehow that little colt
helped you discover the truth about me.

Dr. Stanch to Emergency Room .

Dr. Stanch to Emergency Room .

Oh, nurse,
would you happen to know

whether my wife
had been here today or not?

No. She phoned,
said she'd be by later.

- Well, did she say what time?
- No, she didn't, Mr. Carrington.

l see. Thank you.

They look so delicate.

Don't let their looks fool you.
Arabians are strong.

Delicate, yes, but strong.

Like you.

You have a real talent
for horses, Kystie.

Have you ever thought
about working with them?

Actually, l have.

l've always dreamed
about working with horses.

Well, why don't you?

l iust had a baby.
l waited all my life for her.

Oh, that's nice.

Could do both.

My mother did.

l was raised with horses.

A gift like yours
shouldn't go to waste.

l wouldn't know where to begin.

Oh, l can show you
all there is to know

about training horses, selling them,
building a business around them.

No, l don't think so.

Why not?

Blake has his career.
Why shouldn't you have yours?

You know, l've seen
plenty of marriages like yours:

rich husbands
who pamper their wives

with clothes and furs and iewels,

and parade them around
like China dolls.

lt's good for the husbands.
Gives them power.

But is it good for the wives?

You don't know anything
about Blake and me.

And what about you?
You've got power.

Corporations, newspapers, wealth.

l like to think l'm the exception.

A relationship involves two people
as partners,

not one dancing
to the whim of another.

- You don't know my husband at all.
- Don't l?

Tell him you wanna start your own
business. l'll tell you what he'll say:

''Your business is here with me
as my wife.''

Maybe that's where l wanna be.

Kystie, you can be anything
you want to be.

You can make
that dream come true.

The only one standing in your way
is you.

Oh, Blake,
l've had the most e_raordinay day.

- Kystle, where have you been?
- l just came from the hospital.

l know Kristina's only three weeks old,
but l swear she smiled at me.

And before that, l returned
the picture frame to Daniel Reece.

Well, that couldn't have taken
all afternoon.

l've been worried about you.

Oh, Blake,
something vey special happened.

Daniel Reece isn't anything
like the man l expected him to be.

l watched him deliver a foal.
In fact, he let me help.

You couldn't have phoned to tell me

that your car hadn't broken down,
or that you weren't in an accident?

lt never occurred to me.

You couldn't have taken five minutes
to say that you were gonna be late?

l didn't think l had to report in.

Oh, Blake,
l want to do something with my life.

Something l've always dreamed about,
but never thought possible.

Now, look, Kystle,
if you're talking about a career again,

l think you already have one.

Seems to me that being a mother
and a wife is a full-time job,

and not one to be taken lightly.

Well, l was iust thinking about,
in a small way,

getting involved with horses.

Horses? We have horses.

- No, l mean Arabians.
- Arabians? Why?

l mean, they're beautiful, but...



- They're only show horses.
- Like me.

Kystle, will you mind telling me
what kinds of notions this man Reece

has been putting into your head?

This is something
l've always dreamed about doing.

You mean daydreamed about doing.
This is reality.

But l can make it a reality if l ty.

Kystle, l don't think
that you fully understand

what's involved
in something like this.

l do.

But l can't seem
to make you understand.

l can't talk to you.

l have so much to tell you,

and l can't talk to you
about anything anymore.

- Hi, Kystle.
- Hi, Steven.

Kystle, what's wrong?

Nothing. Eveything is fine.

Come on. We're friends, l know you
better than that. What's wrong?

l guess it does
have something to do with you.

- With me?
- And your son.

Come on, let's talk about this.

Kystle, what is it?

lt's about Sammy Jo's father.


That's iust it.

Her father, little Danny's grandfather,
isn't Frank.

- What are you talking about?
- Sammy Jo's father is Daniel Reece.

- How long have you known this?
- A long time.

lris swore me to secrecy.

She was pregnant when Daniel left.

l thought he ran out on her,
but l was wrong.

l talked to him.
He didn't know anything about it.

- Did you tell him?
- No.

But doesn't he have a right to know?
And doesn't Sammy Jo?

l don't know what to do.
l promised Iris, and...

Daniel Reece is a stranger, not only
to Sammy Jo, but also to my son.

- Well, so, what do l do?
- We keep this between us.

There are
three people's lives involved

We better think about it vey carefully
before we just change them forever.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

Please sit down, Mr. Lloyd.

Let's get down to business.

You're a sophisticated man.
l'm sure you understand the subtleties

of the business world
and high finance.

l know how to make a buck, yes.

Well, then l'm sure
you were as amazed as l was

when your wife turned down
my vey generous offer.

What offer?

ln exchange for her shares
of Denver-Carrington,

l was offering her
a substantial amount of money,

plus valuable shares in Colbyco.

Didn't she tell you?

- No, she didn't.
- Vey strange. l...

l thought that you and your wife
had a vey close relationship.

l'd hoped that you could influence her,
but obviously you can't.

Why are Dominique's shares
in Denver-Carrington

so important to you?

l'm a businesswoman, Mr. Lloyd.

l realise the potential of
Denver-Carrington under my control.

And it has nothing to do
with your feelings toward Blake?

Absolutely not.
l'm merely ambitious.

Ha, ha. With a vengeance.

lf you want my help, you'll have
to come up with a better reason

than ambition.

Blake Carrington has robbed me
of many things in my life.

Right now, he lives in a mansion
that should be mine.

But your wife's investment
enabled him to pay off the mortgage.

And you want me to convince her
to sell out to you.

Yes, l do.



But Dominique runs
her own business.

Think about it.
It could be vey lucrative.

Thanks. There isn't enough
smoked salmon in the world

to get me to change my mind.

Steven, l've been looking for you.

- Not now, Adam, please.
- About Claudia.

Claudia is none of your business.

She's a part of this family.

And l'm sick and tired
of you and Blake telling me

that family business
is none of my business.

- Claudia's my wife. l'll deal with her.
- Deal with her?

Steven, she doesn't need
to be dealt with.

She needs to be talked to
and, above all, listened to.

Fine. As soon as l'm done here,

l'll go upstairs,
and Claudia and l will talk.

How's that?

Steven, she's not upstairs.
She's gone.

- What do you mean, she's gone?
- She's moved to La Mirage.

l don't know if you give a damn or not,
but l do.

For you and Claudia,
but especially for Danny.

He's already lost one mother.
Is he gonna lose another?


STEVEN: Claudia.
l know you're in there. Answer me.

- Claudia.
- Steven, keep your voice down.

- Please.
- Pack your bags.

You're coming home.

- l am not going anmhere.
- Did you even bother to leave a note,

or were you counting on Adam
to be your messenger?

Would you please leave?
We'll discuss this another time.

- Come on. You're coming home.
- l am not.

you're coming home with me.

- Now, come on.
- Now, leave me alone!

l'm tired of you pushing me away.

You're my wife,
and it's time you started acting like it.

Don't you come near me.

lf you have to prove that you're a man,
you find somebody else.

Now, get out.

Go to the Chronicle, then.
Tell them your stoy.

lf my own father won't accept me,
l want Blake to do it.

l don't give a damn
about anybody else.

Do you know how it feels
to have your own brother

look you in the eye and deny you?

He took your money
and didn't give you what you wanted.

He never promised to.

When he took your money,
that was promise enough.

Now, you told me
you wanted to get him.

Now, do we go after him or not?

l'm not sure
l'm ready to do that, Brady.

How much convincing do you need?
Blake Carrington is your enemy.

Now, let's talk about
how we go after him.


Jeff. How you doing?
Good to see you.



l'd offer you a drink, but it looks like
you've had enough already.


What's the problem?

Marital problems.

You ever have marital problems?

A relationship's tough on anybody.

l'm sure you'll work it out.
Claudia seems like a terrific woman.

l used to think so.
l don't know what l think anymore.

Can l get you something?

About anything. l want another one.

l think you've had enough, friend.

- l know when l've had enough.
- Steven, take it easy.

l'll take care of him.

Look, give me your car keys.
l'll drive you home.

Steven, give them to me.

Look, l live iust a couple of blocks
from here.

We'll stop by my place
and make some coffee.

l'm sure you don't wanna go home
in this shape.

No, l don't.

Not like this.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Let's go.


Dr. Yeager, call the operator.

Dr. Yeager, please call the operator.

How would you like somebody staring
at you morning, noon and night?


She needs a break, Kystle.

So do you.

Well, when can she come home,
Dr. Harris?

Soon. She's out of Intensive Care.

But we wanna keep her isolated
so we can keep a close eye on her.

Your daughter's life right now
is here in this nursey.

But yours is not.

But she can come home soon,
as you said?

Kystle, it doesn't take
a trained eye to see

that you and Blake are going through
some difficult times right now.

Whatever problems you've got,

you can't expect your baby
to solve them.

Well, l know.

lf you merely sit and wory
and do nothing,

all you'll get is depressed.
That won't help you or Kristina.

Well, l would never do anything
to hurt her.

Then get on with your life.
Find an interest. Something for you.

Take responsibility
for your own fulfilment.

Do it, Kystle,
for her sake and yours.



Denver's grateful for your
generous contribution, Mr. Reece.

Well, thank you. l've always
been interested in medicine.

l think your hospital
is a fine institution.

Well, looks like the hospital trustees
went all out with this one.

lt's quite a party
they're giving Mr. Daniel Reece.

Yes. It's not evey day
that a man donates $ million

for a new hospital wing.

Hi, Kystle. Blake.

- Oh, you look lovely.
- Thank you.


- Mr. Reece, good evening.
- Good evening.

l understand
that we're gonna be neighbours.

- How do you mean?
- Well, your new wing at the hospital

is gonna be right ne_ to the one
that l donated last year.

Well, it gives us
something in common, doesn't it?

l understand you're interested
in buying the Chronicle.

Yes. It's a good newspaper.
l think l can make it better.

Always good to have new money
and new blood in our town.

l'm flattered that you should take
such an interest in my activities.

Only where it touches my life.

Now, we're both men of the world,
Mr. Reece.

You pulled Allegree out of that auction
to sell him to me,

and you lost a chance
to make a big k*lling.

You gave my wife
a vey expensive picture frame.

What are you up to, anmay?

Good evening, Kystle.

Good evening, Daniel.

Perhaps this isn't the best moment
for this conversation, Mr. Reece.

l hope we can continue it
sometime in the future.



Took me a long time
to track you down.

Be at my place tomorrow.
We have to talk.

- Not on your life.
- l've got a lot to talk about.

My talking's done
as of this moment.

l didn't realise
that you two knew each other.

Well, not any longer.

Let's get ourselves a drink, Alexis.

Would you mind explaining to me
what that was all about, Mr. Reece?

No, Mrs. De_er, l don't think l could.

Excuse me.

Are you sure you know
where the combination is?

Trust me.

- What if it's not in here?
- You looked eve_here else.

The attic in the house.
Fallon's room. Eve_here.

Now, Peter gave Fallon that map,

and my bet is
it's right here in front of us.

''Peter De Vilbis.''
That's Fallon's handwriting.

Peter's half of the map. That's it.
Jeff, we found it. Ha, ha.



Now, the process itself
is worth several million dollars.

But you have to play that off
against the cost of the development.

Our Research and Development
department is vey high on the project.

They have good reason to be.

Denver-Carrington has put a great deal
of time and money into the process.

We feel that it has long-range potential
throughout the petrochemical industy.

lt's a bit expensive at present, yes,
but once it reaches full operation,

we feel confident that the cost
will be reduced drastically.

BUSINESSMAN: Well, l don't know,
Blake. There's no reason--

Kystle, would you care to dance?
Would you mind, Blake?

- No, of course not.
- Thank you.

- Excuse me, Blake.
- Nice to see you again, Blake.

He's rather an attractive man,
don't you think?

Don't iust stand there and sulk, Blake.
Swallow your pride,

and let's show them
what dancing's all about, shall we?


Alexis, that's quite enough.
Thank you vey much.

Thank you, Blake.

Dex, your wife.

- Having fun?
- l always have fun at parties, darling.


Joe, give me another one, please.

JAzzv DANcE musIc]


Excuse me.

Blake, what's the matter?

- You're acting as if you're iealous.
- Do l have reason to be?

- No.
- Okay, then l'm not jealous.

Well, something's wrong.

What were you and Daniel
talking about earlier?

Only asked him some questions.
Questions about my wife.

l thought l had a right
to some answers.

Why didn't you ask me?

All right, l will.

Why did he sell me Allegree?

Why did he give you
that picture frame?

And why was l so long at his farm?
l'll tell you why, Blake.

Because a foal was being born,
and it was a beautiful moment.

And l helped.

l was filled with memories
of unfulfilled dreams.

ls that so hard to understand?

Sometimes you are vey naive,

Now, l'd like to go home.

All right, l'll leave the car
out front for you.

Oh, Blake. l've iust come
from Dominique Deveraux.

She's in my office,
and she'd like to see you.

All right, thank you.

Dominique. Claudia said
that you wanted to see me.

lndeed, l do.

- l wanted to be the one to tell you.
- Tell me what?

l've invested quite heavily
in Denver-Carrington,

and a considerable amount
of my investment

went to repay your mortgage
on your mansion.

The courts call that mismanagement
of corporate funds.

You're suing me?

Exactly, big brother.

And it's all worth it iust to see
that expression on your face.

Oh, excuse me, Blake.
Gerard's calling you from home.

Thank you.

Yes, Gerard?

No, that's quite all right.

He did?

How long does he have to live?

Well, book me on the first flight out.

Thank you.

What is it, Blake?

lt was a long-distance phone call
from Sumatra.

Your lawsuit is gonna have to wait.

My father has had a heart att*ck.

He's dying.

Not your father, our father.

l am going with you.


Bartender, Scotch and soda, please.

You said if l decided
to go into business, that you'd help.



lt's iust like dancing, Kystie.

One step at a time.

Then teach me.
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