05x12 - That Holiday Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x12 - That Holiday Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh. My favourite hotel suite
in the whole world.

And it hasn't changed a bit. Hm.

Thank you, darling,

for getting that would-be Italian
film star out, and us in.

Well, l did have to twist the arm of
nearly evey corporate contact l have.

- But if it makes you happy, Alexis...
- Oh, it does, it does.

Amanda, darling, why don't you
take a nap before dinner?

l've got a lot of phone calls to make.

l didn't realise
that wedding arrangements

could be quite so exhausting.

All right, l could use a rest.

- l'll call you before dinner.
- Okay.

Mr. Pyor,
thank you for all you've done.


Wedding arrangements.

Doesn't it have a lovely ring to it?

Church bells and choir boys.

Why have you changed your mind,
Alexis? Decided to mary me.

Darling, it's a woman's prerogative
to change her mind.

Oh, Dex, you look amully iet-lagged.
Why don't you take a little nap and--?

Oop. You said you would explain
as soon as we were alone.

Okay, here we are.
Just the two of us.


Why'd you change your mind?

And why were you so anxious
to get Amanda out of Denver?


l don't wanna lose Amanda to Blake
and his obsessive behaviour.

And l wanna mary you

because l finally realised
that l really am in love with you.

So much.

Do you love me too?

Ah, yes.
l love you and l wanna mary you.

More than ever, l want to mary you.

Come on, boy. Come on.

Allegree is up on the outside

to take the lead and pull away.

Come on, boy. Come on.

But it's Allegree way up front.

Allegree, by a length and a half.

Oh, he did it, Blake. He won.

Yes, he did. What'd you expect?

He's happy to be back here
in Denver running again.

He must have known
that you were watching him.

Allegree, who's copped
his third big purse in the past month,

will amazingly be put up for sale
at auction

by his owners
The Delta Rho Corporation,

at an auction here
at the Delta Rho farms.

A little bit about this
amazing horse's background--

Blake, why in the world
would anybody wanna sell him?

We did.

Well, yes,
but we needed the money then.

Well, maybe the Delta Rho
people see a quick cash flow now.

Do you know
what we're going to do?

We're gonna go to that horse auction
and l'm going to buy him back for you.

Oh, Blake, l appreciate the offer.

You know how much l love Allegree,
but can we afford that now?

Yes. Yes, l can handle it.

isn't what it used to be, not yet,

but l can afford it.

- Darling--
- Come on, now, now, now.

No arguments.


lt's so good to be able
to laugh with you again.

l don't function vey well
when we're at odds with one another.

All right, then, it's agreed,
we get Allegree back.

l've been wanting to buy you
something special anmay

for having our baby.

And besides, it's Christmas time.

Oh, Blake.

Monsieur Reece,
he won again this afternoon.

The way he ran,
a formidable animal like this,

you know l must have him.


Be at the auction, Monsieur La Salle,
you'll have your chance.



What did Mr. La Salle have to say?

That he wants Allegree,
no matter what the price.

- That was a beautiful race.
- Real beautiful, Charles.

- Sure you wanna sell that horse?
- l'd rather not,

but if l'm gonna concentrate
on Arabians, l've gotta do it.

Well, you'll get a pretty penny for it.

Mr. La Salle's gonna have to bid
a lot higher than he expected though.

Word on the street
is that Blake Carrington

- will pay a bundle for that horse.
- Who?

- Blake Carrington. Do you know him?
- Well, l know the name.

- Oil, as in Denver-Carrington.
- Oh, yeah.

- He used to own Allegree.
- Oh, yeah?

l hear he'll pay anything
to get that horse for his wife.

For his wife?

Must be a great marriage.
Or a damned shaky one.

Well, good for Mr. Carrington.

Let's see
if he follows through at the auction.


A modelling agency tells you

Birgit Helstrom was running around
Los Angeles and Seattle with De Vilbis,

and now you're convinced
that Fallon's alive.

l'm sory, Jeff, l iust don't think so.

Maybe she was suffering
from amnesia.

Why else would she say
she was married to De Vilbis?

l wish so much
that you would stop living in the past.

Nicole, it's not the past.
l know she's alive.

And-- And it's Christmas.

lf she can,
l know she'll ty and reach us.



l wasn't iust pretending before when
l told you how much l care about you.

So why shouldn't we iust forget

about those two people
who made our lives miserable?

Why can't we ty and build a brand-new
future for ourselves, together?

Help me find Peter's half of the map,
and the statue.

lt could mean a beautiful future for us.
A fortune.

For God's sakes, Nicole,
l'm not interested in money.

Don't you know that by now?

That's right, you're a Colby.
To the oil-fields born, huh?

How could l forget?

All right, when we get back to Denver,
l'll help you look for that map.

But for one reason
and one reason only.

Because it might lead to Fallon.


Kristina is remarkable.

She's gaining weight,
and her progress is excellent.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, Paul,
we'll be down in a couple minutes.

KRYSTLE: Oh, look at her, Blake.
Isn't she beautiful?


It's not just her looks--

Although she really is
her mother's daughter.


--it's her character and her strength
and her will.

l think she's gonna be home
vey, vey soon too.

A lot sooner
than we'd dared hope for.

Goodbye, my little darling.

Now, you keep gaining weight
so you can come home.

[BABv cRIEs]

Let's tell them this.

l'm willing to fund the new
hospital programme for $ million,

but on the condition that--

What is it, sir?


Mr. Reece?

Yeah. Nothing.

lt's iust that woman...

No, no, it couldn't possibly...



Mr. Carrington.

Well, l finally tracked you down.

How have you been, Amanda?


Oh, l'm fine. Kystle and the baby
are fine too. Just wonde_ul.

ls you mother there with you
right now?

No, l'm alone.

Well, l don't know quite how to say this
but l have some interesting news.

What sort of news?

The detective's report came in
a little while ago

and it leads me to believe
that we may know who your father is.

Oh, my God, how wonde_ul.
l can't believe it.

Well, l don't think either one of us
ought to believe it quite yet.

Amanda, l would like you
to do something for me.

Well, anything.

Would you come back to Denver
and take a blood test?

l know it won't prove anything
definitely, but at least it's a start.

Amanda, did you hear me?

Oh, l'm sory.

lt's iust that there's nothing in the world
that would make me happier

than to have you as my father.

About the test, l'll be back
as soon as the wedding's over.

What wedding?

- Well, didn't Mommy tell you?
- No, she didn't.


Well, that's fine,
just as long as you come back soon.

Oh, l will be.
l'll be on the first plane back to Denver.

Will you send my love to the family?



MAN [OVER PA]: Ladies and
gentlemen, please take your places

as the auction will commence
in five minutes.

Mr. La Salle, if l were you, l'd pay
particular attention to Number .

- It's an outstanding horse.


- Madame.

Uh, Charles, who's that?

That's the man l was telling you about.
That's Blake Carrington.

No, no, no, l mean the woman.

That's Kystle Carrington, his wife.

What's the matter?

l want you to pull Allegree
out of the auction.

He's no longer for sale.

Mr. Reece, we can't do that.

We have breeders that have come
from halfway around the world

for a chance at that horse.
They'll tear the place apart.

Do it.

MAM: Your attention please.
Item Number , Allegree,

has been regrettably removed
from today's auction.

You pull Allegree out of the auction
and now you wanna sell him to me.

- Why?
- You used to own him.

What's that got to do with anything?

You gave him to your wife
as a present, l understand.

l still don't see what you're getting at.

l understand too, that she sold him

to help you out
of some financial difficulties.

l didn't come here for a discussion
of my personal life, Mr. Reece.

Now, l've got my wife waiting for me.
Either get to the point, or l have to go.

Such loyalty in a marriage
is unusual in my experience.

l've certainly never had it,
but it should be rewarded.

So if your wife wants Allegree back,
she should have him.

Forgive me if l find this
somewhat difficult to believe.

l'm iust not used to a man in your
position making a gesture like that.

You're a man in my position,
Mr. Carrington.

Haven't you ever been guilty
of a quixotic moment in your life?

You either want Allegree,
or you don't.

lfyou don't, ha, ha, l can
certainly make other arrangements.

What was that all about?

Oh, iust a business proposition.
Something l have to think about.


l should think it should be obvious
to you by now, Amanda,

that Rosalind is out of town.

She always goes to Scotland
at this time of the year.

But don't you want Rosalind
to come to your wedding?

Of course l do, darling.

But l don't intend to postpone
the ceremony while we track her down.


The dates are set, Amanda.

Dex and l are getting married
in Mersham,

and then we're leaving for a couple
of days honeymoon at Castle Frayne.

Then the three of us are going to go on
a wonde_ul cruise of the Caribbean.

Dex is making
all the arrangements now.

But it's your honeymoon.

Amanda, l told you,
Castle Frayne is the honeymoon.

The cruise is a family holiday.


Maybe you'd enioy it if you invited
a few of your friends to join us.

Surely there must be
some special man,

a young beau that you'd like to ask.

No, there's no one.

Well, Amanda, you and l
may be mother and daughter,

but that's where the resemblance ends.
When l was your age--

lf you don't mind, l'd rather not hear
about your early sex life.

Well, l was going to exaggerate it
beyond all credibility

to ty and bring a smile to your face.

What happened to your smile,
Amanda, that beautiful smile?



Your coming along
would mean so much to me.

lt would make up for all the time
that was lost between us.

And it would make me so happy.

Your wedding present to me.

All right, l'll come.


AMANDA: Are you gonna
go through with the wedding

after what happened between us?

Well, what happened, Amanda,
was unfortunate.

l regret evey moment.

But l have no intention
of letting a single incident with you

ruin the one relationship
that matters in my life.

And that's Alexis?


And forget about me
and my feelings?

l won't forget you.

l can't forget you.

Then you do care for me.


l do. Vey much.

Then you'll stop the wedding?
You won't go through with it.

if circumstances were different...

l hate you. l loathe you.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together
in the sight of God

and in the face of this company

to ioin this man and this woman
in holy matrimony,

which is an honourable estate
instituted of God,

signifying unto us the mystic union
between Christ and his Church.


And it is therefore not by any
to be taken unadvisedly or lightly,

but rather discreetly,
soberly and in the fear of God.

lnto this holy estate,

these two persons present
come now to be joined.

lf any man knows any lamul cause
why they not be joined together,

let him now speak
or forever after hold his peace.

l require and charge you both,
here in the presence of God,

that if either of you know any reason

why you may not be united
in marriage lamully

and in accordance with God's word,
you do now confess it.


what's wrong?

What's been wrong?

You've been upset
ever since l got back from California.

ls it Luke Fuller, because l went
to Santa Barbara with him?


No, of course not.

Well, then what is it?

You're the one who always insists on
openness and honesty in our marriage.

Why don't you tell me?

Steven, l, um...

l slept with another man
while you were away.


l asked you a question, Claudia.
l want an answer.


Dean Caldwell.


l've been desperately lonely.

lt won't happen again.

l promise you.


say that you believe me.

- And that l understand?
- Yes.

And that you forgive me.

Aren't l man enough for you,

Oh, darling, of course you are.

l love you. l love you.

Leave me alone. Just leave me alone.



Now will you tell me
what we're doing here?


- Allegree.
- Mery Christmas, darling.

BLAKE: Ha-ha-ha.

Oh, Blake.

Oh, Blake, ne_ to Kristina,

this is the most beautiful gift
you've ever given me.

l don't understand.
How did you get him?

The owner and l
came to an agreement.

Oh. It's gonna be a mery Christmas.

lsn't it, Allegree?


Mr. Reece, here are the two back
issues of the Chronicle you asked for.

This layout in the Melbourne News
is bad, really amateur.

See that Johnson straightens up
or we get a new managing editor.

Still going through with your plans
to buy the Baylor chain in Florida?

Yes, wrap that one up.
All seven newspapers.

Oh, uh, Mr. Reece,
the Carringtons were just here.

They collected Allegree.


And as you instructed,
l scheduled our flight for :OO tonight.

Cancel that.

But you're expected in Monte Carlo
for Christmas.

l won't be in Monte Carlo
for Christmas. l'll be here.

What about your plans
to go skiing in St. Moritz?

Cancel that.

And the board meeting in London
in two weeks?

l'll have to make that one.
But l'm coming right back.

Mr. Reece, uh, forgive me for
asking this, but what is going on here?

l mean,
first your behaviour with Allegree,

and now cancelling these plans.

Heh. You think l've lost my mind,
huh, Charles?

l asked you a question.

Well, l think it's a little out of character,
yes. For Daniel Reece.

Maybe you're right, Charles.

Maybe you're right.

Thank God you're here.
l've been tying to find you for days.

So where is your mother now,

Somewhere in the wilds
of Westmoreland, honeymooning.


Meanwhile, l'm positive
she took my passport before she left.

Rosalind, help me, what should l do?

Oh. Well, l'd say wait the two days

until she returns with her husband,

But l don't want to wait.

l want to get away from both of them
as soon as-- As soon as possible.

What's really troubling you,
my dear?

You used to confide in me.

When you were iust a little bit of a girl,
just this high.

All those years you were growing up.

Has even that changed?

How can l confide in you,
after you lied to me all those years?

l had no choice, Amanda.

But l love you. You know that.

l couldn't love you more
even if you were my own daughter.

l know that. l do.

Oh, l wish--
l wish that l could make up

for all the pain you've gone through
these past months.

- You can.
- How?

My father.

Oh, what about him?

Tell me who he is.

Rosalind, you have to know.
Alexis must have told you.

No, no, she never did.

Rosalind, please tell me.


Mery Christmas, little one.

- Her first.
- Only the first of many.

Blake, l'm sory that you and l
had to go through so much pain

before we could be this happy.


Mery Christmas, darling.

Amanda? What are you doing
sitting here alone in the dark?

Waiting to see you.

Dex, would you excuse us?

Darling, l'd like to have a few moments
alone with Amanda. Is that all right?

- l'll be in the bar.

Well, what a charming welcome.

What's the matter
with my petulant little daughter?

Let's iust say that l don't appreciate
your stealing my passport.

Stealing your passport?
Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, you never touched it?

Well, you left it laying around

so l put it in the safety-deposit box
with my jewelley.


Then you and l
will go down to the lobby now,

and you'll give me back my passport.

Amanda, l don't have
to accompany you, you're not a child.

You can give this to the desk clerk.
Tell him l gave it to you.

lf there's any problems,
give me a ring.


Amanda, what's your hury?
l mean, why do you need it tonight?

Where do you think you're going
when you have it?

Back to Denver.
To my father, Blake Carrington.

Yes, Rosalind told me.

And if you do anything to harm her,

l'll make your life miserable.
l swear it. l will.


Blake, l iust dropped by
to say thank you

for inviting me to spend Christmas
with you and the family.

Brady's off to Tokyo and it would
have been a vey lonely holiday for me.

Well, that's what partners are for.
Sit down, won't you?

Partners, yes.
l'd say l've been a good partner.

l've handed over millions
to salvage Denver-Carrington,

l've put my marriage to Brady
in jeopardy,

l risked my life in Istanbul.

l would say that l've been
a pretty good partner, Blake.

Oh, you're much, much more than that.
l think you're an excellent partner.

But that isn't enough.

l want you to finally acknowledge me
as your half sister.


Or you will make the
acknowledgement for me. In public.

l'm glad you understand.

You release that stoy to the papers
and l'll deny it. l have no alternative.

And l'll come out of it all right,
and you, you will have gained nothing.

But it is the truth.

ls it? That is iust the point: Is it?

Yes, it is, damn it. Yes, it is.

Why don't you find the only person in
the world who can confirm that truth?

l'm way ahead of you.
It took quite a while and it wasn't easy,

but l've already
tracked down my father.

He told me that he has slept
with a lot of women in his time,

but your mother
was not one of them.

He is lying.

He's lying. You know the kind of man
he's always been.

The lying cheat he's always been,
but do you believe him? Do you?

Dominique, l am vey grateful
for all that you have done.

And half sister or not, l think
you're quite an e_raordinay woman.

And l'm proud to have you
as my partner.

Can't you accept iust that?

No. No.

Because one way or another,

l am going to make you
accept the truth.



CLAUDIA: ''lt was early
that first Christmas morning

when the young drummer boy
turned to his mother

and told her about a beautiful dream
he'd had during the night.

He dreamed that the king
had sent a special messenger

to ask him to play his drum
at the royal Christmas party.''

- Wow.
- Yeah. Gosh.

lt's-- Hi, Steven.

- Claudia.
- Hi, Daddy.

- How you doing there, ace?
- Fine.

He's really into a Christmas stoy.

Well, then maybe l'll read him one.


- You been a good boy? Are you sure?
- Mm-hm. Yeah.

l'd like to be alone with my son,

- mHISPERS] l love you.
- mHISPERS] Love you too.

Have you been looking
in your stocking?


Okay then, you get a stoy.
Come on.

Hello, Amanda.

Gerard told me that you were here.
That you wanted to see me.


What is it, child? What's the matter?

l have something to tell you, but...

But what?

l'm suddenly afraid to.

Oh, come on now, you don't have
to be frightened, not with me.

Rosalind told me
that you are my father.


Oh, Amanda.

What did she say?

Well, she told me
that when Alexis came to Switzerland,

she was pregnant.

And she confided to her
that you were the father.

But that no one should know.
Not ever.

Well, l knew. l knew
from the first moment l saw you.

The vey first moment.

And l wanted you to be my father
so desperately.

l am, darling. l am.

Strike the harp and join the chorus

fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

follow me in mery measure
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

While l tell of Yuletide treasure
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

fast away the old year passes
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Hail the new, ye lads and lasses
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Sing we joyous, all together
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Heedless of the wind and weather
fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la


Thank you, you were delightful.

Ho, ho, ho!

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

Mery Christmas, eveybody.
Ho, ho, ho!

MAN: Mery Christmas.
SANTA: Mery Christmas, eveybody.

Mery Christmas,
Little Danny and Little Blake.

How are you? Ho, ho!

Come on, follow me. Ho, ho, ho!


SANTA: Ho, ho, ho!
JEFF: Ooh, look at that. Say thank you.

- Come on back here now.
LITTLE BLAKE: Thank you.

Let's see what we got.

SANTA: You're welcome. Mery
Christmas. What do you have there?

Look at that, it's a baseball glove.

We're gonna
play some catch tomorrow.

- Hey, that's a good-looking mitt. Yeah.
KRYSTLE: Oh. Ha, ha.

What do you got?


- Huh? Is that nice?
BLAKE: Now that is a terrific truck.

- Lookit, the back opens.
- Yeah.

Well, now one for Blake.

All right, l love opening presents.

Oh, my.

That's beautiful.

Oh. What a lovely painting of Fallon.

lt's the most wonde_ul,

most thoughtful gift
that l've ever gotten.

Or ever will get.

Thank you, darling.

Did you see this?

Kystle, what a wonde_ul idea.


That's Mommy.

Yes, that's Mommy.

l love you, Mommy.

Can she hear me even in heaven?

Yes, she can hear you
wherever she is.

Steven, would you mind putting this
over there please? Thank you.

Oh, nanny, would you mind
taking the children up? It's rather late.

SANTA: Ho, ho. And l'll help. Ho, ho!
STEVEN: You go with Santa now.

BLAKE: Good night, Danny.
KRYSTLE: Good night, Little Blake.

LITTLE BLAKE: Good night, eveybody.
ALL: Good night.

SANTA: Mery Christmas.
LITTLE BLAKE: Good night.

Good night, Little Blake.

l'll be up in a few minutes, Danny.

Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho!


l'm sory for what l said last night.

ls this your Christmas present to me?
A holiday beau geste.

l am sory. l was iust feeling--

Steven, don't apologise.
What you said was true.

Danny's your son. He's not mine.

Attention please.

Eveybody, please, attention.

l have a vey special announcement
to make

while all of the family is gathered here.
It's an important moment for all of us.

l'd like to propose a toast,
a vey special toast,

to a new addition
to the Carrington family.

To my daughter,
Amanda Carrington.

To you, darling, welcome to our house
and to our hearts.

Welcome, Amanda.

Steven, did you know about this?

That's the first l've heard.

JEFF: What a wonde_ul surprise.
STEVEN: Welcome.

- Thanks.
JEFF: That's great.

Oh, yes.

lt's going to be rather nice to have a
daughter around the house once again.

- What was that all about?
- l don't know.

But l don't trust her.
She wants something from Father.

Wants what?

l don't know yet.
But l'm gonna find out.

Let's find out together.

Amanda, dear, this is for you,

- with love.
- Oh.

Oh, Daddy, thank you. It's beautiful.

So much for Daddy.

How about a Christmas kiss
for your mother, darling?

AMANDA: Mery Christmas, Mommy.
- Oh, mery Christmas, darling.


Well, l suppose you all know that
Dex and l were married in England.

And that explains your glow.
Mery Christmas, mother.

Oh. Thank you.
Mery Christmas, darling.

CLAUDIA: Alexis, l'm so happy for you.
DEX: Thank you.

Best wishes, both of you.

- We finally did it.
JEFF: Congratulations.

Beautiful bride and a lucky groom.

Oh, yes, he is lucky, isn't he?
Ha, ha.

All right, Amanda.

Get your gifts together.
They're expecting us at the apartment.

l've been invited to stay here,
and l'm staying.

Well, l'm cancelling that invitation,
however kind and paternal it may be.

l insist that you come home with me.

Alexis, our daughter is not a child.
She can make up her own mind

whether she wants to stay
or whether she wants to go.

Obviously, she wants to stay.

And she can,
for as long as she wants.

ln this house that you've lured her to.

What the devil are you talking about

You'll stop at nothing,
will you, Blake?

lsn't it enough that you've robbed me
of my other children?

Must you take this one too?

The only one that's mine to love,

l've had enough of this.

You say your goodbyes
and we're going home right now.

You speak to her, Dex.

She doesn't seem to hear me.

We want you to come home with us,

Both of us.

- Wonde_ul party last night, wasn't it?
- Yes, it was.

Thank you. l iust wish Kristina
could have been here with us.


But having your children
and their children, it was vey nice.

Just toast for me this morning,
please, Elizabeth.

What is it, darling?
Upset about Amanda?

Oh, of course not.

She's your daughter, Blake,
and she's always welcome.

But does that mean that our door
is open to her mother as well?

No. Alexis had no business
barging in like that.

But she always does.

This was our party, Blake,
for our family.

Well, she is Amanda's mother.

And you know her well enough
to know that she will go anmhere

and do anything
to control her children.

lf l hadn't let Amanda
go with her last night,

Alexis would still be here
this morning.

Excuse me, this iust arrived for you,
Mrs. Carrington.

Oh, thank you, Gerard.

That man Reece,
is his first name Daniel?

Yes. Why?

l used to know a Daniel Reece.

ls that the same man?

Yes, it is.

He was my sister's bo_riend.

What was he to you?

What do you mean?

Well, l mean, why would he give you
something like this?

Oh, it was taken at his company picnic.
l went with Iris and him one year,

but l don't know
why he would give it to me--

No, no,
l'm not talking about the photograph,

l'm talking about the frame.
Do you know what this is worth?

What are you talking about?

Well, it's not iust tin and cut glass.
It's worth several thousand dollars.

- Well, that's impossible.
- Is it?

l assure you
it's worth all of that and more.

l think it might be a good idea
ifyou returned it.

Of course l'm going to return it.

What do you think
l intended to do with it?

Well, l don't know
what you intend to do with it,

l'm merely suggesting
what l think you ought to do with it.

Well, l don't need you
telling me what to do.

l am not telling you
what to do with it.

lt certainly sounds like it to me.

Where are you going?

Blake, iust once,
trust me to deal with my own life.

Mery Christmas, Kystle.
It's good to see you.

Really good to see you.

l'm here to return this.

How dare you come back into my life
after what you did?
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