05x02 - The Mortgage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x02 - The Mortgage

Post by bunniefuu »

STEVEN: You took Sammy Jo
to the airport with my son?

ADAM: She said she wanted to wait till
the last minute to say goodbye to Danny.

- You believed her?
- l had no reason not to, Steven.

She asked me to check her in.

The last l saw of her,
she was holding Danny

and she promised
she'd meet me in five minutes.

What else did she promise you,

Are you two arguing again?
What's going on?

Sammy Jo has disappeared
with Danny.

And my brother helped her.

- Did you, Adam?
- Of course not, you don't believe that?

No, l don't, and l'm sure that when
Steven calms down, he won't either.

So help me God,
if my child is hurt in any way...

Steven, l know that Sammy Jo
is capable of a lot of things,

but l know that
she would never harm Danny.

BLAKE: l'll do business with Lawlor,
but that doesn't mean l'll like it.

LAIRD: You don't have
too many choices left, Blake.

is gonna be bigger than ever.

All l need is capital.

Now, a three-month loan
from your bank and within a year,

l'll have the rest of the independents
behind me yapping at my heels.

l've gone over your list of assets.

The mansion alone
is worth a fortune.

Unfortunately, these days,
a house that size--

Forth-eight rooms.
--it won't be easy to find a buyer.

Mr. Carrington doesn't wanna sell it.
He wants a mortgage.

Of course, but keep in mind,

although we're talking about
a mortgage, that mansion is collateral,

and in the case of non-payment
of the loan, possible foreclosure.

Mr. Lawlor, exactly how much
is your bank prepared to lend us?

l'll need a few days to study this.


l asked that all calls be--

Yeah, all right.
It's for you. Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you.

Yes, darling, what is it?


Mrs. Gordon?

l've been looking for you.

Oh, Mr. Carrington,
l've just been tidying up Danny's...

l feel so guilty.

That beautiful little boy
was my responsibility.

No, no, no, Mrs. Gordon.
If anyone's to blame, l am,

for trusting his mother in the first place.
l was a fool to have believed her.

No, Mr. Carrington,
you mustn't blame yourself either.

l saw her,
she put on a vey good act for you.

When she was alone with him,

believe me, she was no mother.

Sammy Jo has no money, that means
she has to go to somebody she knows.

l assure you, if that girl needs money,
she'll come to us.

Blake's right, Steven.

Damn it, there's gotta be something
we can do.

- Have her picked up by the police?
- There's nothing we can do.

The fact is,
Danny's with his mother legally.

She was granted
unlimited visitation rights.

ln a case like this, it's virtually
impossible to get the police to act.

We may not like it,
but there's nothing we can do about it.

Well, there's something l can say
about it, Adam, l hold you responsible.

Come on, Steven.
Danny's my nephew, l love him.

Don't you think l want him home?

STEVEN: l don't know what you--
BLAKE: That's enough.

STEVEN: Where are you going?
- Don't do that to me.

- What's the matter with you?
BLAKE: Both of you!

Damn it, did you hear me?
That's enough, both of you.

We are all of us Carringtons.

And we are all of us facing desperate
problems in this moment of our lives.

And it's when things are bad,
when we have to struggle,

that's when
we Carringtons are tested.

We have to pull ourselves together.
We have to be strong.

We have to be what we always are,
an example to others.

Even if that means putting on a face

as we walk out our front door
into the world.

Now, certainly each of us
has a terrible tragedy,

but we're going
to b*at those tragedies.

Steven, you and Claudia,
your Danny will come back to you.

And you, Adam, you'll resolve
your differences with Steven,

and you'll be true brothers.

And as for Fallon...

Well, we'll find Fallon.

And she and Jeff will be married.

As for me, well...

What l've worked for all these years
building Denver-Carrington,

well, all those problems
will be solved too.

And this bad turn
that we all have taken,

well, that will disappear
like some ugly nightmare.

We are going to be all right.

Our family will prevail.

We Carringtons will prevail.

ALEXIS: Robert,
is there any word from Jeff Colby yet?

All right, keep tying.

Leave a message for him
to call me as soon as possible.

Oh, and get me
Conrad Stilman at my bank.


Conrad. Darling, l need a big favour.

Blake Carrington must be tying
to raise money, millions.

l need to know
exactly how he plans to do it.

You'll get that information for me,
won't you?


DOMINIQUE: l'd like to know
whether you've made up your mind.

About your singing
in the new Sierra Room?

- l would love it. Please.
- Good.

Except you don't love it enough
to smile.

The amul truth is, Dominique,
l can't afford you.

Well, l detest amul truths.
Let's talk about beautiful possibilities.

Oh, this is ridiculous.
My budget is $ ,OOO a week.

Let's iust forget about the money.

What are you saying?
You're going to sing here for nothing?

l know that l can fill a house
in Paris and in Rome,

but l'd like the chance to see
if American audiences like my style.

- They'll love you.
- l certainly hope so.

When l get ready to move on,

l want to be sure that l've left my mark
here in Denver.

Mr. Ballard, l am honoured that you've
agreed to let me be a part of the team.

Thank you, Adam.
It'll be a mutual pleasure, l'm sure.

Well, now that, that's over with,
Iet's get on to business.

The business of my innocence.

Correction, Mrs. Colby, your guilt.

My what?

BALLARD: That's the way
the district attorney's office sees it.

Our best defence
is to see this through his eyes.

lt's a maxim l've employed
over the years and quite successfully.

ln this instance, Mr. Ballard,
l find that maxim totally absurd.

BALLARD: Do you indeed?
- Yes, l do.

Their case is purely circumstantial.

Your cheque to Mark Jennings
in the amount of $ OO,OOO

may be circumstantial,
but it's incriminating nevertheless.

Mr. Ballard, l am paying you a king's
ransom to defend me, not convict me.

we do have your cheque to deal with,

and your presence in the penthouse
at the time of Jennings' death.

And your relationship
with the deceased.

Mark Jennings and l
may have been together occasionally,

but l'd hardly call it a relationship.

The prosecution will make it appear
to have been the affair of the centuy.

Count on that.


Excuse me.

BALLARD: l'd hold all your calls
until we finished here.

Yes, well l still do have an empire
to run that is keeping me sane. Yes?

Oh, fine. Put him through, will you?



That's wonde_ul news, Conrad.
Thank you.

Thank you vey much.

This one says that he spotted Fallon
outside of Boise on the vey same day

that this woman claims
she saw Fallon in San Francisco.

Now you know what we go through,
Mr. Colby.

There's got to be
a hundred letters here.

Each one placing her in different
parts of the county on the same day.

How do you know
which one to believe?

You don't for sure.

You iust start with the most likely,
and work your way down the list.


Sergeant Roscoe.

Hold on a moment,
Iet me get a pad and pencil.

Okay, go ahead.

WOMAM: You're looking
for fallon Colby, correct?

That's right, we are.

Well, you can stop looking.
l know where she is.

ROSCOE: Are you sure
you're talking about Fallon Colby?

She's still wearing
her wedding dress.

That's right.

How many more letters, sergeant?

How many more phone calls
from sick cranks?

lt's not over yet, not by a long sh*t.

They're playing games
with Fallon's life.

She's out there.
Somebody's got to have seen her.

l want her found.

You've got to find her, please.

You wanted to see me, Blake?

How's my grandson's appetite

- How did you know l was with him?
- Well, he loves ketchup,

and you don't normally walk around
with a ketchup stain on your tie.

Little Blake's fine.

He keeps asking for Fallon.

He wants to know
when Mommy's gonna come home

and finish the stoy
she was telling him.

Those two people
who claimed they saw Fallon,

has Sergeant Roscoe
followed up on them yet?

We both did.
Wrong girl, wrong place, wrong time.

Jeff, the reason l wanted to see you
was l wanted you to know

that l'm reorganizing

Same name, new capital.

l had a meeting today
with Tyson Lawlor, vey promising.

And one way or another,
l'm gonna land on my feet.

Oh, l know you are, Blake.


all l have left is the income
from my trust, it's yours ifyou want it.

You mean,
you'd just give that money to me?

l'll give you evey cent l have
if you need it.

You've been like a son to me, Jeff
always have been.

Now with Fallon not here,

l feel even closer to you.

Thank you for your offer,
but no, l'll get my loan.

why don't we pay a visit to Little Blake?

Find out what stoy Fallon's
been telling him, finish it for him,

and assure him
that when his mother comes home

she's gonna have
a new stoy to tell him, all right?

All right.

Well, if Sammy Jo should contact you,
please let me know immediately.

lt's vey important that l talk to her.

Thank you.

Steven, you're b*at,
it's after midnight.

Come on, ty and get some sleep.

You go ahead.
l've got one more call to make.

- That'll be all for now, Lin.
- Yes, Mrs. Colby.

l understand that Blake Carrington's
been to see you, Mr. Lawlor.

Tying to raise a little money.

Oh, more than a little, Mrs. Colby.

And l understand that you've been
scouring the county, as it were,

tying to put the package together.

The loan, l imagine,
is a little bit risky for you to handle?

l'm sure you understand.
Denver Lawlor is not a major bank.

We have to be vey careful
how we use our investors' money.

Oh, yes, because if you were
one of the major banks,

you would have known
where to go first, to me.

Blake Carrington came to me
for a bailout loan.

l'd hardly think
that you would be interested

in rescuing your ex-husband.

Oh. No, l'm not, but Blake Carrington
and l do have one thing left in common

and that's our children.

That mansion is part of their heritage.
l'll do anything to save it for them.

ls that really true?


Because of my children,
l want to be part of it.

Put up the money, all of the money.

Provided that l personally
hold the paper on the loan.

Well, what's important after all,

is that Mr. Carrington gets enough
money and time to reorganize, so--


You were discussing,
l believe, a three-month loan

with the Carrington mansion
as collateral.

And in the unlikely event
that the loan is not paid off in time?

You could foreclose, or e_end it.

Though l'm sure
you'd prefer the latter.

Don't wory.

l'll make certain nothing happens
to Blake Carrington

that l'm not personally
responsible for.

lt's vey late.

ls it?

Yes, it is.

- Come to bed.
- All right, darling.

l'll be up in a little while.

Things aren't going well, are they?

l'll be all right, it'll be fine.

l know l'm gonna get that loan
from Lawlor.

But there's nothing definite yet.

lt'll work.

l'll make it work.

You don't fool me, Blake.

You gave a vey brave speech today,

but you don't give a damn
about Lawlor, the mortgage,

or the Carringtons prevailing
in business.

What you do care about
is Fallon and Danny.

And if you could have them back, you'd
give eveything else up in a minute.

So don't ty
to hide your pain from me.

You don't deserve my pain.

Blake, we're in this together.

And when you hurt, l hurt.

And l feel responsible
for part of your pain.

l brought Sammy Jo into this house
and she took Danny away.

And l was married
to Mark Jennings once

and he came to Denver
and there were so many problems.

Maybe Kystle Jennings should never
have come into this family.

You are Kystle Carrington now.

And l don't wanna hear
any more of this talk.

You're right about Danny and Fallon.

They do mean more to me
than anything else right now.

But my business is important too.
It's as much a part of me as...

As my hands and my legs
and my entire being.

l feel so useless.

l wish there were something
l could do to help.

There's nothing that you can do.

Except keep on loving me.

l think l'd better get back to work.

And you and my child, go to bed.
You hear?

''Number five:

Regarding the acquisition
of ,OOO off-shore Louisiana acres,

attached are the figures supporting
the recommended Colbyco bid.''

l'm preparing a memo for you

which will give you an update on
all the projects l've been working on.

You don't have to do that, Steven.

No loose ends.
When l leave Colbyco, it's for good.

- l don't want you to leave.
- l have to.

We don't conduct business
in the same manner,

and you can't argue that one,
can you?

Forget our differences
in style or ethics.

l need you.

With my trial coming up,
l don't know how much time, if any,

l'm gonna have for running Colbyco.
You can't leave.

You've still got Dex, let him run it.

Dex has got
his own business interests

and they don't always coincide
with mine. You're my son.

Does that really matter?

Yes, it does.


l did not k*ll Mark Jennings,
but l'm accused of it,

and my whole life is at stake.

Now, l can't save that
and run Colbyco too.

l need you.
You can't walk out on me.

l'll stay until the trial's over.

Thank you.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
Yes, l understand, Heny.

There's nothing complicated
about saying no.

it's easier than saying yes.

Thank you. Thank you vey much.

Strange how quickly old friends
become just acquaintances.

Well, maybe Billy Waite
will come through.

l hope so.

- You all right, darling?
- Yes.

No, l-- l go tomorrow.

- Are you sure there's nothing wrong?
- No, nothing.


there's something
l'd like you to have.

Four million,
five-hundred thousand dollars?


Where did it come from?
Where'd you get this money?

lt's our money, Blake.

Your engagement ring, l suppose
you decided not to wear it today.

And what about your furs,
the sable and the mink?

And your bracelets and your earrings
and your necklace and your pendant,

what'd you do with them?

You sold them, didn't you?


Well, damn it, Kystle, l told you
they were not for sale. l told you that.

What's happening to us?
My God, what's happening to us?

Blake, l did what l did
because l love you.

Do you know
how much l really love you?

And wouldn't you have done
the same thing for me?

All l've ever wanted was
for our marriage to be a partnership,

a real partnership.

Can't it be that?

l'm so sory all this has happened.

Do you know much l love you?

And always will,
my wife, my wonde_ul wife.


Push them, push them down.



Now you push my fingers.
Push them down.

Yeah. He's got a natural gift,
doesn't he, huh?

Can ''Clair de lune'' be far behind?

Oh, l'd say
give him another year or two.

Let's ty it now, ready? Push.




Thattaboy, ty it up here.

Yes, he's right here.

Jeff, it's Sergeant Roscoe.

Here we go. Mrs. Gunnerson's
chocolate chip cookies.

Come on.

ls there any word yet, sergeant?

l'll be right there.

would you take my son out to play?

Yes, Mr. Colby, of course.

Come on.

Jeff, what is it?

Sergeant Roscoe,
he's at the morgue.

He wants me to come down
and identify a body.

- They think they've found Fallon.
- Oh, my God.

Where was the...?

Where was she found?

The bottom of a rock quary
north of the city.

Probably pushed there
after an as*ault.

She was naked,
badly bruised, face, torso.

Ready, sergeant?

lt's not Fallon.

Oh, the poor girl, whoever she was.

Jeff, Fallon is still alive.
You know that, don't you?

What about the ne_ time?

And the time after that?
How many more bodies?

l don't want you to say that.
l don't even want you to think it.

You've got to believe she's all right.

Jeff, your son needs you.

Now more than ever.

All he has right now is his father.

Fallon is alive,
and she will come back.

What do l tell my son, Kystle?

What do l say when he keeps asking
when his mother's coming home?

You tell him ''soon.''

''Vey soon.''


Thank you.


lf you're that handsome man
from room service,

won't you please wash my back?

What if l'm not?

Then you'd better be my husband
because he's my second choice.

- l have here a solid-gold invitation.
- An invitation?

Dominique Deveraux, to sing
in one of the biggest hotels in Vegas.


l'm sory, but that's impossible.

Wait a minute, did l miss something?
l thought you said you wanted

to make your name as well-known
in the States as it is in Europe.

Brady, l do, and l will.

Well, here's your chance,
national exposure.

Record sales, the works, right?

That's right.

And since you record for my company,
l have something at stake here.

So, what's it gonna be?

- Denver or Vegas?
- Denver.

l don't believe this, l really do not.

Brady, please don't get upset.

l promise you,
l will have the future l want.

Now, that's really enough talk.
This is playtime.


So good news, Mr. Carrington.

With your mansion and grounds
as collateral,

Denver Lawlor's prepared
to offer you a loan of . million.

Twelve-two? Why, the grounds alone
are worth more than that.

Money's vey tight
for that kind of property, Blake.

We knew that going in.

We're discussing a mortgage.

This is my best offer.

All right, , .

l want you to go over those papers
as quickly as possible.

And then find out
how much Avril Dawson is asking

for all the old
Denver-Carrington assets.

Particularly the oil fields.

We'll start a buy-back
as soon as we get our money.

l'll review the papers tonight, and if
they're all right, l'll have you sign them.

Of course,
, isn't gonna be enough,

but with the and a half
from Kystle's furs and jewels,

and the money
from the antiques and the paintings,

that should bring us close
to million.

Which is a devil of a lot more than
l had when l started out years ago.

You're right, l don't understand.

You could be a headliner in Vegas.

You could go on
and give a concert in Carnegie Hall,

and then the Kennedy Centre.

lnstead you choose to sing
to people in a Colorado bistro.

Where l choose to sing
is not really the issue, is it, Brady?

That's not really why you're angy.

You're angy
because for the first time in my life,

l'm not going to do what you say,
l'm going to do what l want.

Oh, come off it. When have you
ever done what l want?

Unless it was exactly
what you happened to want too.

Brady, you are so used
to people letting you run their lives,

that you actually believe
they want what it is you give them.

l am not one of your puppets.
l never have been, l never will be.

Listen to me, Dominique.

You have a birthright,
a God-given birthright,

and that's your voice, a great voice,
a great future.

And you're throwing it away here.

That is my business.

Because, Brady, there are birthrights
and then there are birthrights.

What's that supposed to mean?

l will tell you about it someday.

l want you to tell me about it now.

Hey, we're married, remember?

Married people
are supposed to talk things over.

You weren't so quiet when l gave you
advice about your nightclubs.

Where to buy, when to buy.

You weren't so quiet when those
vey big bucks started coming in

from those businesses
l put together for you.

Brady, l have got something
going right here, okay?

l've started a secret love affair.
As a matter of fact,

it's with that lifeguard down by the pool,
he's vey attractive.

why do you really wanna stay?

You've done this already.
You've played the small clubs.

You've moved up.
What's behind all of this? Why?


Because of Blake Carrington,
that's why.

Because before l'm through,

l'm going to have him
exactly where l want him.

What the hell does Blake Carrington
have to do with you?

Tell me!

l've got a feeling that your mind
is not exactly on the game tonight, son.

l'm thinking about mother
and her trial.

Oh? What about it?

l'm gonna help Warren Ballard
defend her, father.


And that may upset you.

Adam, your mother and l
may end up fighting forever,

but it's got nothing to do
with our children.

Now, you've got
your own relationship with her.

That's your right.

No matter what l may feel about her,
it's got nothing to do with you.

You mean,
you wouldn't like to see her in prison?

Whatever my feelings are
about your mother, they're my own.

Now, what do you say
we sh**t some real pool, huh?

Yes, sir.







LIN: Will there be anything else,
Mrs. Colby?

No, thanks, Lin. That's all.

Alexis, Jeff is doing eveything he can
to find Fallon.

Steven has hired a private detective
to track down Sammy Jo and his son.

Warren Ballard is an excellent attorney.
Maybe the best.

- l know, Dex. l'll be all right, really.
- l hope so.

Because you're gonna be on your own
for the ne_ few days.

- Why?
- l'm leaving for Wyoming this morning.

- Business.
- For how long?

Well, l'm not sure,
but l'll make it as quick as l can.

Dex, darling,
Wyoming has a telephone service.

Please, can't you do your business
from here?

A board meeting's been called.
l've got to be there.

Oh, Dex, l really need you now.
With the trial coming up,

- and Fallon and eveything.
- Well, you're not afraid, are you?


No, of course l'm not afraid.

You'll be fine.

Yes, l will.

So you go off to Wyoming

and don't forget
to pack your cowboy boots.

- Am l early?
DEX: Oh, just in the nick of time.

l've got a plane to catch.

- l'll be back soon.
- Good.

- Adam.
- Dex.

Adam, l didn't expect you
for another half hour.

Yes, l know, but this can't wait.

Mother, they've set the trial date
for November, l'm sory.


Well, that doesn't give us
vey much time, does it?

l can ask for a postponement.

The sooner we get it over with,
the better.

After all, they don't have
one single piece of solid evidence.

Except a certain cheque
in the amount of $ OO,OOO.

Damn that cheque.

l should have k*lled Mark Jennings
before l ever gave it to him.

Oh, Adam, l didn't mean that.
That was just a figure of speech.

- Adam, you do believe me, don't you?
- Of course l do.

But l'm your son, Mother,
l'm not a juy.

Um, that'll be all for now,
l'll finish by myself.

Thank you vey much.

- Hi.
- Hi.

l wish you would please
stay for tonight.

At least until after the opening,

l can't stick around here
and run a business in Los Angeles.


do the show tonight,
then come with me, please.

l can't.

l-- l iust can't, you know that l can't.

Stay, please stay.

You're really gonna throw it away,
aren't you?

All right.

Oh... Oh, Brady.

See you later.


- Evening, Mr. Carrington.
- Good evening.

Mr. Carrington, hello.

Miss Deveraux,
nice to see you again.

l've been hearing some
fine things about you.

Have you? You weren't nearly so polite
the last time we met.

No, l wasn't, l'm sory, l apologise.

l'd had a vey difficult day.

- l'd like you to meet my wife, Kystle.
- Mrs. Carrington.

Miss Deveraux,
l've heard many of your records.

- l'm a real fan ofyours.
- Thank you.

We're looking fomard
to seeing you pe_orm tonight.

Thank you vey much.

l hope we meet again,
Miss Deveraux.

Oh, we will, Mr. Carrington.
Believe me.

She certainly does like
to make cyptic exits.

Yes, intriguing.

Blake, she has something against you,
l can feel it.

she doesn't even know me.

The vey thought of you

And l forget to do

The little ordinay things

That eveyone ought to do

l'm living in a kind of daydream

l'm happy as a king

And foolish

foolish though it may seem

To me that's eveything

The mere idea of you

The longing here for you

You'll never know

How slow the moments go

Till l'm near to you

l see your face in evey flower

Your eyes in stars above

lt's just the thought of you

The vey thought of you

My love

Kystle? Has Blake left yet?

He left for a meeting with Avril Dawson
at his bank.

- Is eveything all right?
- Sergeant Roscoe called.

He has someone at headquarters
who saw Fallon.

Could you tell Blake that
when he calls in?

- Yes, l will.
- Okay, thanks.

The prices l gave you
were just estimates, Blake.

l owe it to my bank's clients to get
the best possible price for their assets.

Carrington One,
the Hollow Hills field in Kentucky,

the Deep Gorge field in Alaska,
l'll give you cents on the dollar.

Well, we're asking .

And for the China Sea oil leases,
l'll give you cents on the dollar.

Blake, you're out of your mind,
they're worthless.

Those leases may be worthless
to you, Avril.

There's a naval force
sitting right on top of them.

You can't get to them,
and nobody else can either.

- And you can?
- l will.

l'll give you cents on the dollar
for the first three fields,

and cents
for the China Sea leases.

you're back in business.

Eighteen million,
nine-hundred thousand.

l'm really surprised, Blake.

l never would have expected
Alexis to bail you out.

What are you talking about?

The mortgage on your house, Blake.

Where do you think
this money came from?

Alexis holds the mortgage
on my house?

Yes, as a matter of fact l do.

What the hell
do you think you're doing?

Oh, well, let's iust say
that l'm getting even, Blake.

ln three months time, when that note
becomes due and you can't pay it,

that house belongs to me.

Why are you doing this?

You bought that mansion
as a showplace for me, remember?

And, by God, now it's going to be.

And when you
and your precious Kystle drive away,

l'm going to stand at the door
waving goodbye.

There have been times
when l've wanted to k*ll you,

but not now.

You've got a m*rder trial coming up.

When they find you guilty, l wanna
be there and take a look at your face

when you realise that
you're not gonna be living in my home

for the rest of your life,
you're going to be in a prison.

And that's the day
that l can't wait for.

Of course l picked her up.
It was raining, late, she was all alone.

Did she say anything to you?

Not much.

She was shivering. l pulled down
a blanket and wrapped it around her.

Where'd she say she was going?

She asked me where l was going.
l told her Portland, Oregon.

She said,
''That's where l'm going too.''


Sergeant Roscoe.


l checked you out. You're for real.

l'm on my way to Portland.
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