04x09 - Peter De Vilbis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x09 - Peter De Vilbis

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Hold the mayo on mine.

I'll take whatever
you're making.

I'm not really hungry.

I don't even know
why I came down.

Come on, Fallon,
let's clear the air, okay?

You don't have to run away.

I'm not. You are
and you have been.

Look, we both went overboard

making love that
night in Montana.

It was a mistake
and we both realize it,

and it's not going
to happen again.

But we do live in the same house

and occasionally we
run into each other.

And you'd like to think

we could raid the
refrigerator together

without feeling uncomfortable.

That would be nice.

Well, maybe I did
overreact a little.

A lot.

A lot.

What do you want
on your sandwich?

Well, I'll take whatever
you're making.

Ham, cheese, all the trimmings?


( dramatic theme playing)


We were just grabbing a bite.

Why don't you join us?


I just lost my appetite.

Kirby, I don't know
why you're making...



(handle jiggles)

Look, I-I don't know what
you overheard downstairs,

but we can't talk through a
locked door. Now open up.

KIRBY: Why? I have
nothing to say to you.

Because I want you to come out.

Now, you're not a
child anymore, damn it.

I don't know what I
am to you. I don't know.

Well, then why
don't you stay in there

until you figure it out?

Fine. In the meantime,
if you need me

I'll be downstairs
having a sandwich.

(door opens, closes)

( majestic theme playing)

Good morning, Mrs. Colby.

Good morning, Irene.

Hi, little Blake.

Did you fill that little tummy
of yours this morning?

Little Blake ate beautifully.

All of his oatmeal?
Well, just about all.



Now, what is that saying?

"We have to stop
meeting this way."

Something like that.

Maybe it's just
animal magnetism.

Don't start, Jeff.

Not even as a joke.

Which it isn't.

Where were you last night?
I went back to the kitchen

and you were gone.

Well, remember you
said you lost your appetite.

I lost mine too.

Twice in less than minutes.

Must be some kind of record.

Well, it doesn't
have to be that way.

Yes, it does.

I have to go.

Daddy. Good morning, darling.

Are you going to
that oil conference

in Los Angeles tomorrow?
Yes, indeed. Why?

I wanna hitch a ride with you.

You mean, you're gonna abandon
your hotel, even for one day?

No, no. It has to
do with La Mirage.

I wanna see an architect

who's doing some
exciting things there.

I haven't been getting
what I want for the new wing.

Is that all right?

All right. Consider
yourself booked.

Thanks. Bye.

Those were three-minute
eggs you ordered.

I'll see what's happening in
the kitchen, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Gerard.

Fallon, I've been waiting a week
for you to say something to me.

Say what, Adam?

That you apologize.

For having suspected me in
complicity with Jeff's malaise.

The word is "poisoning."

Yes, poisoning.

I was trying to protect Mother.

Oh, God.

Protecting Mother.

All I can say is you have
a very easy conscience.

What does that mean?

What it means

is anyone who could have
known anything that horrible

and kept his mouth
shut for even five seconds

is guilty in my book.

Father's forgiven me, Fallon.

Well, I haven't.

And I never will.

What's your problem, really?

Is this excess of
hostility on your part

due to the fact
that you're simply

going through a
period of starvation?

A kind of sexual anorexia?

How dare you
talk to me like this.

I dare.

And I also dare say
that what you really need

is some guy to help you out.

I understand you were quite
a free spirit in various beds.

Maybe you should
revive an old talent.

It would probably make you

one hell of a lot more
fun to live with. Uh-uh.

You did that once
before, and once is it.

You scum.

You're no better than Mother.

You and Alexis
are two of a kind.

Now, what does that
make you, Fallon?

We're all part of
the same family,

my beloved sister.

Lest you forget.

(door slams)

( upbeat theme playing)

It's good, huh?

You finished? Yes. It's good.

Where's Daddy?
Here, plenty of soup.

And the apple sauce
too. There's Daddy.

Good morning. Hi. Good morning.

You were sleeping so soundly,
I didn't wanna wake you.

Well, Danny did. He said,
"Hey, I'm hungry." Look at him.

He's trying to feed himself.

Where's, uh, Mrs. Gordon?
She had to go run an errand,

but she said she'd be back
before we both go to work.

(phone rings) Oh,
darling, would you get that?

I've got some
things on the stove.

Hello? ( indistinct speech)

Good morning, Mother.


Right. Ahem.


(imitates fanfare)


Oh, that looks great, but I'm
afraid I can't stay. I'm sorry.

Why not? I've
gotta run downtown.

I've got a meeting
with my mother.

As in breakfast meeting? Yeah.

Steven, I thought your
hours were your own.

Until the office that you work
real hard in at least opens.

Believe me. I would rather
stay here and be with you.

But I've been doing
some research

on this tar sands
project in Canada,

and Alexis needs
to talk to me about it.

She needs to talk to you?

Or she wants to steal an extra
precious hour with her son?

I could use a translation
on that one, Claudia.

Okay, here it comes.

The operative
word is "irritated."

I am irritated with your mother.

Because she seems to
demand a lot of time from you.

Which I should be
spending with you.

Yes, damn it.

Well, I'm sorry, Claudia,
but I'm in the oil business.

And you of all
people should know

it's not a -to- operation.

I've gotta get dressed.

( melancholy theme playing)


( dramatic theme playing)

Thank you.

( mellow theme playing)


I'm in the middle
of it right now.

Alexis' version of why
the merger was called off.

"'The Denver-Carrington

has set no records for creative
growth, ' said Mrs. Colby.

'And Colbyco, therefore,
cancels the merger plans.'"

That amounts to
slander on her part.

Yes, but I can't sue her
because it would open up

the whole ugly
incident with Jeff.

Then I want your okay
to issue another release.

Covering Denver-Carrington's
financial growth rate

for the past six months.

Which we both know is more
impressive than Colbyco's.

And I think we
should publicize it.

Hm. Fine.

I like your fighting
style, champ.

Oh, I've just begun to fight.

Then go to it.

Now, how about some coffee?


Incidentally, there's
something else I want from you.

The pleasure of your
company on a trip tomorrow.

Los Angeles? The oil conference?

Mm-hm. I'd also like to
go out to the racetrack.

There's a horse I'm interested
in running in the seventh race.

Sounds like fun.
Then you'll go with me?

Yes. Good.

Because I've already
reserved a suite for you there.

Did you, now?


Well, back to business.

I'll have copies of my release
ready to hand out there.

Just in case it hasn't
come out in the press yet.

Oh, Krystle?

( majestic theme playing)

Are you enjoying
yourself with all this?

I mean, are you happy here?

Yes. I am happy.

I woke up in the middle
of the night and I thought,

"What a good
feeling sharing his life.

Being near him again."

"Him"? I hope you
were referring to me.

Yes, referring to you.


Marcia. MARCIA:
Yes, Mr. Carrington?

Call Jensen's phone, will you?

Tell Mr. Jensen I'll
be by this afternoon

to talk about designing
a very special ring.

Right away, sir.

(inhaling, exhaling)

Just coffee this
morning, Mrs. Colby?

Yes, that's all. Thanks,
Jack. You can go.

Good morning, Jeff.

What's all the urgency?

What the hell is this?

Oh, I believe it's called

the financial section
of The Chronicle.

Which prints self-serving
lies for rich ladies.

How much did you
pay this reporter

to get him to
believe this garbage?

I don't like your tone, Jeff.

And I don't want
you speaking for me

without consulting me first.

I own half of this company,
in case you've forgotten.

No, I have not forgotten.

Let me tell you something.

When an important merger is
approved by the government

and then called off,

people in this industry
are going to gossip.

Something you're not used to.

Something that I thought
that should be ended

in the most effective way.

You know, I've been kidding
myself for the past week

that I'd find a way
to live with you.


In business.

Oh. But the kidding is over.

From now on, I want
nothing more to do with you.


What do you want?

Buy me out or I buy you out.

( tense theme playing)

All right.

I'll buy.

But in your late uncle's name.

Name your price.

You own percent
of Denver-Carrington.

The shares my Uncle Cecil
bought up trying to do Blake in.

I'll trade you of my
percent of Colbyco.

An even swap.

Blake let you off easy.

If it had been up to me,

I would've stepped
in and ruined you.

Now make up your mind
while there's still time.

( dramatic theme playing)

ALEXIS: Just follow
my orders, Gerald.

I run this company, and
when I want your opinion

I'll ask for it, councilor.

(elevator door opens)



Darling, come in. What
have you got for me?

The latest data on the tar
sands just came into the office.

Oh, good.

Not so good?

It's just that I
don't understand

your sudden
interest in that arena

when economically,
it's not all that feasible.

Darling, I'll be the
judge of that. Thank you.

If that's a dismissal,
I'm not ready to go yet.

Oh, Steven,

I would never dismiss you.

But I will dismiss these
ladies. Uh, thank you.

It's beautiful work as usual.

I'll see you next week.

Well, you obviously have
something else to say,

so why don't you say it?

I've been waiting a week now

for you to tell
me the real story

behind your decision
to call off the merger

with Denver-Carrington.

Why is it I'm not
entitled to know

what's going on here at Colbyco?

Steven, trust me. I
know what I'm doing.

And maybe, just maybe,
Blake's involved in this.

What do you mean?

Did his threats the
day we came back

from San Francisco
change your mind?

Of course not.

Hollow threats from your
father don't bother me.

( tense theme playing)

Oh, Steven, don't
look at me like that.

Other people do and I
don't care, but not you.

Oh, darling.

Everything that
I do, I do for you.

Colbyco belongs to you
and me and your son.

Together the three of us,
we're gonna conquer the world.

You should make that
the four of us, Mother.

I'm married to Claudia now.

Darling, how could I
forget? I do know that.

I'll be at the office.

All right. And I'll be
all over the place,

I have a million things to do.

( majestic theme playing)

You're out of Colbyco.

Yeah, and now I'm out pounding
the pavement looking for a job.

Well, there must be somebody
in Denver who might use you.

Well, do you need anyone
to sharpen your pencils?

How can I say no to a man

who owns percent
of my company?

And who's like a son to me?

Couldn't have come
at a better time, Jeff.

I'm off to Los Angeles tomorrow.

You can mind the store here.

I'll arrange an office for you,

but in the meantime,
you use this one.

Well, it's a bit small,

but I think I'll manage.


(door opens)

Adam, come on in.

Good morning, Father. Jeff.

I've got some very good news.

Wonderful news,
as a matter of fact.

Jeff is back where he belongs.

Here at
Denver-Carrington with us.

That is wonderful news.

Congratulations, Jeff.

Thank you.

I'd like to suggest that
we forget about the past.

That's behind us.

By the way, Adam.

We're gonna both have to
be very nice to Mr. Colby here

'cause this time
he's come aboard

with a big chunk of the company.

Well, I think it's time for
a little champagne, huh?


(intercom buzzes)

Yes? ( indistinct speech)

Oh. Yes, of course, send her in.

(door opens)


Nice to see you.

Thank you, Alexis.

I'm here to pick up Steven.

We're having dinner
at the St. Dennis.

Oh, well, you must try
the house pâté, it's divine.

I'm not here to talk about food.

Would you like
a glass of sherry?

No, thank you.

I suppose you're angry
because I went by the apartment.

Mrs. Gordon must have told you.

She said you came
into the apartment

and went through our
bedroom closets like a tornado.

Now, Steven is a
married man, Alexis.

He does not need his mother

to supervise his
wardrobe or his life.


What is so funny?

It's not funny,
really, it's just that

it wasn't his wardrobe
that I was going through,

it was yours.

It was mine?

What is wrong with mine?

Oh, nothing.

Nothing at all. It's perfect
if you're Claudia Blaisdel.

But you're Steven
Carrington's wife.

I just wanted to surprise you

and buy you a few
new chic things.

That's very kind of you.

Not at all.

Would you like a biscuit?

No, thank you, it's
very kind of you.

Except that my husband
happens to have a very good job.

And I work as well.

So I really don't need
any gifts from you.

Oh, but you do, Claudia.

You see, you're new
to Steven's world,

and don't think you really
know what's expected of you.

Steven no longer
lives in that mansion.

Or in that world.

Steven's name is Carrington.

And he's always
going to bear that name

and that image.

I thought it's what's inside
a person that's important.

Well, of course, it is.

But you have to
accept that the world,

and society,

judges us by the
way we act and dress.

You wouldn't want to drag
Steven down, would you?


I'm sorry if I've upset you.

So please accept my apology.

I'll think about it.

(door opens, closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

JEFF: Well, if there's any
doubt that it can be accomplished

within the next hours,

I wanna hear
about it personally.

(indistinct speech over phone)

All right, thank you.

(knock on door)

Come in.

Oh, excuse me.

I was out riding in the area,

thought I'd drop by and
see Blake Carrington.

One of the servants
said I'd find him in here.

Well, Blake's not here.

Uh, he's going to
Los Angeles tomorrow

with his former wife
and his daughter Fallon.

By the way, I'm Jeff Colby.

Dex Dexter.

Sam Dexter's son.

I saw you at the board meeting.

I'm sorry about
your father's illness.

Well, thank you. He's
coming along slowly.

Uh, Since Blake's not here,

is there anything
I can do for you?

No, I'll, uh...

I'll catch up with him
when he gets back.

But you can clear
up some confusion.

I thought you were a
co-owner of Colbyco.

I was. I'm with
Denver-Carrington now.

Well, things happen real
fast around here, don't they?


Then I've got to assume

that this is a step towards
reactivating the merger.

(clears throat)

Dex, the merger's off.


Well, there's got to be an
interesting story behind this.

There is.

But you're not going
to tell me about it.

You'll be receiving a memo

about my joining

along with the other
board members.

Well, I will be sure to open
all of my mail from now on.

It's nice to see you again.

Nice seeing you.

( majestic theme playing)

Hello there.


Name's Dexter.

Mark Jennings.

Well, I see you two have met.

Mark, you know
where your room is.

Uh-huh. The, uh,
downstairs suite.

Is something the matter?

Oh, no, no.

Except maybe I
happen to have arrived

at an inopportune moment.

Unorthodox moment would
be more to the point, Mr. Dexter.

Dex. Mr. Dexter,

I usually do business at
my office, not my apartment.

So, what was this
pressing matter

that you had to see me about?

An invitation to dinner.

Oh, an invitation to dinner.

Is that so pressing?

The truth and nothing but?

That would be nice.

Well, apparently, Jeff
Colby has left you for Blake.

So there's more to
calling off that merger

than you claim there was.

So therefore, I
figured that we could

break breadsticks together

and talk about what really
goes on behind closed doors.

That's what closed doors
are for, to keep out the curious.

Now, I'm terribly sorry
I have to turn down

your wonderful
invitation to dinner,

but you found your
way up here all right...

you can find your way down.

Well, that's unfortunate.

Because I happen to know

of an excellent little
Italian restaurant.

Well, is this some sort
of, uh, compulsion of yours

or a old Wyoming custom?

Going around kissing
women that you hardly know.

As I said the last time,

only when they have
fantastic mouths.

Wyoming, like in
"Ride 'em, cowboy?"

Not amusing, Mark. I'm
paying you for protection,

not for your alleged
sense of humor.

I'd like you to
fix me a martini.

Vodka, a whisper of
vermouth, two olives,

and make sure that the
glass is properly iced.

Shall I bring it to your room?

Just leave it on the bar.

Oh, and, Mark,

in future, I suggest

that you remain in your
room until I call for you.

Just a whisper of vermouth.

Maybe next time, cyanide.

( majestic theme playing)

(knock on door)

ADAM: Come in.

Morning. Good morning.

Press release on
Carrington Plaza.

I'd like for you to
read and okay it.


I'll get to it later.

I'd like to have
it released today.

The lady is in a hurry.

The gentleman is right.


Is it because the lovely
Krystle is in Los Angeles

and you'd like to
collect a little lovely glory

while she's gone?

Well, it was my idea

to toot Denver-Carrington's horn
about a new real estate complex

that happens to make
a great contribution

to the beauty of the community.

And almost all in
one breathe. Bravo.


But you're forgetting
one thing. Such as?

You're tooting your
own horn along with it.

Well, it just so
happens that "ambition"

is not a dirty word
in my dictionary.

(intercom buzzes)

Excuse me.


What is it, Jeff?

Yeah, I'll be right there.

( romantic theme playing)

Don't go away.

I'll be back.

We've got a management
problem out at the Big Pine fields.

I want you to check
out our foreman.

There have been
a lot of complaints.

I can't do that.

I'm gonna be tied up the next
few days at Carrington Plaza

going over the new mall.

At whose orders, Blake's?

No answer, Adam.


Because you made
that up to avoid

doing something
I asked you to do?

I don't care what you
think about anything.

( tense theme playing)

But let me tell you this anyway.

Denver Carrington's
real estate operations

require as much
attention as its oil ventures.

And Blake lets me
use my own initiative.

You're not going anywhere yet.

Ever since you came to
Colbyco right up to now

you've been fighting
me all the way.

I wanna know why.

Very easy answer.

Because you've
never recognized me

or treated me as an equal.

Oh, that's a crock,
Adam, and you know it.

You know what I think it is?

It's that you wanted
Kirby but she wanted me.

Which makes you the
winner and me the loser.

Well, if that makes you
happy, Jeff, think what you like.

Meantime, if you're
looking for me,

try the Carrington Plaza.

(door closes)

Nor in mine.

What? Ambition.

It isn't a dirty word in
my dictionary either.

In fact, it's one I live by.

Good, now that
we've got that settled,

may I go and get
on with some work,

after you okay my
release? In a moment.

After we discuss my helping
you up the ladder, so to speak.

( romantic theme playing)

Nice approach.


But a bit out of date, Adam.

You seemed to
enjoy it nonetheless.

Oh, I did. There's more.

I just bet there is.

Your bed? Or yours.

Maybe I should let you
in on something. Mm-hm.

I do not partake of sex
unless it's for mutual pleasure.

And I do not mix
business with pleasure.

Well, that's honest enough.

If anything, I am
a very honest type.


My okay. Okay?

And this round
goes to you, Tracy.

But the fight isn't over,
and it won't be until I win.

Now, how's that for honest?


MAN (over PA): And Vague
Lady together on the front end.

Then Pugitte is back in third.

Longest Day and Vague
Lady continue stride for stride.

In the run for the wire,
Longest Day, Vague Lady.

Then it's back to
Pugitte following in third.

And at the wire,
Longest Day on top.

The sixth race order of finish,

Longest Day was first,
Vague Lady second,

and Pugitte third.

And that result is now official

with the exacta paying $ ...

Jeff, how are you?

Exacta pay off $ . ...


Ed, how are you?

Darling, you remember
Ed McFadden,

he was at our wedding.

Oh, of course, hello.
Good to see you.

My daughter, Fallon. Fallon.

Hi, Ed. Would you excuse me?

I'm gonna get our
table and place a bet

before the next race.

Come on. Let's
have a drink. All right.

Oh. I'd like to put $
on number seven to win.


I hate to see beautiful woman
to throw their money away.

You should put it on number one.

Really? Allegre.

A beautiful famous
horse from South America.

Where you're from?

It's where I've been
living the past few years.

Well, where I come from,
we make our own decisions.

So it's still number seven.

The horses are
nearing the starting gate

for the seventh race.

Mutual windows
will close shortly.

Ladies and gentleman,
please place your wagers.

The most incredibly lavish
wedding I'd ever been to.

And I gotta tell you, Blake,

your wife is even more
gorgeous than she was then.

Ed, you've been in
Australia for quite a while.

Apparently you don't
know that Krystle and I

are no longer married.

Well, then, it's certainly the
friendliest divorce on record.

You two might even make
the... The Guinness Book.

They're in the gate. Looks
like the race is about to start.

See you later.

All right. Nice
to see you again.

Darling, you see the
reactions I'm getting?

When are you gonna
make an honest man of me?

The flag is up. They're all
in line, ready for the start.

They're off.

It's Paris Red
showing early speed,

with Chocoholic in second.

Billy's Hope is third.

And there goes Captain
Fisbee moving up on the outside.

Going into the clubhouse turn...

Come on, Captain Fisbee!

And Paris Red are the
early leaders by two.

Billy's Hope is dead third

with Emma's Wit right alongside,

in fourth by two lengths.

Chocoholic follows in fifth.

Small Virtue, Allegre,

straight and away
down the back stretch.

Captain Fisbee and Paris Red

stride for stride on
the lead by two lengths.

That's Chocoholic
following in third, by a neck.

Billy's Hope is
fourth. Now, Allegre.

He gains ground
right on the way...


Around the far turn.

Captain Fisbee draws
off by two lengths.

Seven! Paris Red
follows in second

as Allegre begins to
gain ground strongly.

They're in the stretch.

It's Captain Fisbee... Seven.

Allegre is up on the outside
to take the lead and pull away.

Looks like it's number
one in the lead.

Yeah, he's a
beauty too, isn't he?

I don't think they're
gonna catch him.


Paris Red, third and
Chocoholic, fourth.

But it's Allegre
down in front. Seven.

Allegre by a length and a half.

In the seventh race,
number one, Allegre, won first.

Number seven, Captain
Fisbee second, number four...

Well, that looks like a
very promising young horse.

What's the matter, Fallon?

Oh, nothing.

Except next time I get some
advice from a handsome stranger,

I'm going to take it.

(knock on door)

Aren't you coming
to dinner with us?

No, thanks. I'm gonna go
over some sketches there.

I'll just order something
from room service.

Are you sure? I'm sure.

You two do not need a
chaperone, and I need to work.

So leave me alone, okay?

All right. See you
in the morning.

(knock on door)

I told you two...


Hi. You look surprised.

Shouldn't I be?

You didn't take my tip.

So I placed a bet for you.

A thousand dollars at -to- .

And these are your winnings.

I can't take that.

What can I do with
it, throw it away?

Look. Who are you?

How did you find
me and get up here?

The security in
this hotel is very...

As first-class as
the hotel? Yes.

To answer your questions,

I've many friends at the
track who gave me your name.

And I'm pleased
that you like the hotel,

since I own it.

And, by the way, my
name is Peter De Vilbis.

Peter De Vilbis.

The infamous playboy?

That's a terrible thing to say

about a man who
works as much as I do,

in countries.


(violins playing)


I didn't order this. I
didn't order any of this.

The management did.

To celebrate your winnings.

And our meeting.





Thanks a lot.


(Fallon chuckles)

Thank you for a
very special evening.

And good night.

It will be a good night,

for the two of us.

What I meant was...
Can I say it for you?

I want you.

( romantic theme playing)

And you want me.

( romantic theme playing)

It's unforgivable.

What is?

That anyone could be so
beautiful when she wakes up.

How did you know
Allegre was going to win?

You're changing the subject.

I wanna know.

It's my own horse.

And I flew it here in my
jet to race in the States.

Your jet, your
horse, your hotel.

Do you own everything?

I own many things.

Wait just a minute.

Are you impressed?

Oh, you remind me
of another man I know.

Someone I've adored
ever since I was a little girl.

Then he's much too old for you.

Hee-hee! He's my father.

Well, that sort of
competition I can take.

Well, Fallon knows we're
leaving for Denver right after lunch.

When I spoke to her on the phone
she said she was coming down.

I would imagine
it'll be just a matter...

Oh, here she comes.

Hi. Hello, darling.

Hi. Thank you.

What can we get you?

Oh. I'm not having
anything. Thank you.

I had a huge
breakfast in my room.

Well, I'm sure
that we can dig up

something for you on the plane.

We can't have you
skipping meals, young lady.

Daddy, I'm not coming
back with you and Krystle.

I have some unfinished
business here.

Well, you sound
very happy about it.

I guess I am.

You finally found somebody?

Well, it's a little early to
tell, but I think maybe I have.

So I'll see you both very
soon. I have an appointment.

Bye. Bye.

Well, she hasn't looked like
this in a long time, that glow.

And over an architect's plans?

Well, whatever it is, it
sure agrees with her.


Well, now, it's
just the two of us.

( romantic theme playing)

Thank you.

I don't know which
is the prettier.

(knock on door)

PETER: Who is it?

MAN: Everett.

Hurry this up, Everett.

I'm meeting a fascinating girl.

Maybe you should skip the
girl, Peter, and come with me.


Because I just got
a telegram from Italy.

Your friend wants the
million you owe him.

And he wants it now.

Tell him to wait. He'll be paid.

Look, those boys don't wait.

You've got to do something fast.

I'm your lawyer, I don't
wanna be your undertaker.

I told you, I'm meeting
a fascinating girl

whose father has millions.

So how does that help you?

I had her last night.

The money may take
a few days longer.

( ominous theme playing)

A cruise. That's a very
good idea, Mr. Colby.

Well, Kirby's been having a
rough time of it emotionally.

Her father's death, I
know. I read about it.

So tragic.

And I thought I'd like to
surprise her with a trip.

Have her get away from
everything completely.

Well, her records
here are excellent.

She's, uh, in her fifth month,

and everything's coming
along just fine, so...

Excuse me, doctor, but I think
you have the wrong records.

Kirby's only three
months pregnant.

Mr. Colby, these are
the correct records.

Mrs. Colby was
three months pregnant

when she first came to me.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door slams)

(classical piano playing)

I wanna talk to you upstairs.


( dramatic theme playing)

Jeff, what is it?

I wasn't brooding.

I promised you last
night that I wouldn't.

Aren't you gonna
say anything to me?


What is the matter?

I wanna know what kind
of a game you're playing.

What are you talking about?

I wanna know how a girl I
love and trust could lie to me.

Marry me, knowing she's
pregnant, three months pregnant.

You did know, didn't you? I...

You knew and you
planned to go on

living with the lie, right?

Ending how? How, Kirby?

By pretending your full-term
baby was premature?

I didn't know I was pregnant
when we got married.

I never would have gone
through with it if I had known.

I love you too much for that.

As much as you
love the other guy?

I don't love him.

Oh, I see, you
just slept with him.

Jeff. Just like an
ordinary tramp.

Jeff, don't. I was r*ped!



Who r*ped you?

Who r*ped you?

(exhales shakily)


Oh, my God, you're
carrying Adam's baby?

( dramatic theme playing)


( majestic theme playing)
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