04x02 - The Bungalow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x02 - The Bungalow

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

WOMAN (on PA):
Dr. Brinkel, call your office.

If you wanna talk
to the suspect...

I wanna talk to you, lieutenant.

To tell me how big a
mistake I'm making.

That I'm arresting
the wrong man.

You are.

Isn't it funny how I keep
hearing the same sad, old story?

The girlfriends, wives,
even ex-wives like you.

Look, lady, Mr. Jennings
had both the opportunity

to k*ll Mrs. Colby
and the motive.

That's impossible.

Krystle, stay out
of this, will you?

No, I won't.

This is a police matter.

I'm a police officer.

I'm doing my job.

( tense theme playing)

WOMAN (on PA):
Dr. Derwash, guests.

Nurse brought
your release papers,

and I arranged to have your
luggage taken downstairs.

If you're still determined
to go back to La Mirage

instead of going home
where you belong,

I'll drive you there,
now that, uh...

Now that Mark can't?

What did you tell
the police about him?

I told them what I knew
about him, that's all.

That he was a
professional tennis player

who had traveled
all over the world,

and he'd been involved
with a lot of wealthy women.

But, Krystle, more importantly,

the police have
evidence against him.

The tire tracks of his car
outside of Steven's cabin.

Only his.

Aside from yours and Alexis'.

Now, how can you defend the man?

That man saved my life.

How can you expect me not
to care what happens to him?

WOMAN (on PA):
Dr. Derwash, guests.

I know Mark Jennings a
lot better than you do, Blake.

Yeah, he's... He's done
some rotten things in his life,

but he's not a m*rder*r.

And who was it
that set that fire?

I don't know.

Mrs. Carrington,
your wheelchair.

Hospital regulation.

I got a car waiting
for me downstairs.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Miss Fallon?

How's Mrs. Colby doing?


One of the groundsmen
drove her home

after that fall she took.

What fall?

Well, she insisted
on riding Samson.


Against my warning.

When he returned to the
stable later without her,

we figured she must
have been thrown.

Well, I'll see how
she's feeling. Thanks.

And, Tony, put your
shirt on, will you?

(horse whinnies)

( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Kirby, are you all right?

I just ran into Tony.

You wanted to know

why out of all the
horses in the stable,

I chose to ride Samson.

It's not the first time I
took a header over a jump.

Why, you left out one thing.

It's the first time you
took a header pregnant.

I'll call Dr. Winfield. Have him
drive over and check you out.


No, you're not.

Leave me alone, please?

Kirby, look, I don't expect
things to be easy between us.

I mean, maybe if
Jeff weren't here,

we could still be
friends like before, but...

I don't wanna have
this conversation, Fallon.

Well, I do.

You just took a terrible
risk with your child.

I almost did the
same thing once.

On purpose.

Look, I'm all right.

I don't want a doctor.

Just leave me alone. Please?

( tense theme playing)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

WOMAN (on PA):
Dr. Brinkel, call your office.

Alexis, may I come in?

You are in.

Why, Blake?

Between the shock of
what I've been through

and the splitting headache
I've got from a concussion,

I don't need any
more of your att*cks.

Well, I'm sorry for what I said.


Is that it? La grande apología?

Well, what did you
expect me to do?

How'd you expect me
to react when I found out

that you had included
my name on that list

that you gave to the police?

I told you, they were
pressuring me for names,

names, more names.

Well, that's all
unimportant now,

because they've
arrested someone.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Oh? Who?

Mark Jennings.


Thank God it's over.

You don't sound
at all surprised.

Well, I'm not.

There's something
I'd like know, Alexis.

What was it? What...?

What was that unforgivable
sin that you had against Jennings

that would make him
want to see you dead?


You walk in here and question
me as though I were the accused,

rather than the intended victim.

All right. I'll tell you
about Mark Jennings.

He's after money.

My money, your
money, anybody's money.

Now, he tried first with
me, but he got nowhere.

That's when I
learned he was trying

his tennis bum wiles on Fallon.


No, wait.

Do you mean to say that
Jennings was involved with Fallon?

That's right. Our
beautiful and rich daughter.

And he almost succeeded
with her until I stopped him.


Well, Alexis, uh, I
really must thank you.

For once in your life,
you've done me a favor,

even though it was
totally unintentional.

You know, if you keep
up this kind of behavior,

people are gonna
start liking you.

Why, thank you, Blake.

I don't know what
you're talking about,

but people either
loathe me or adore me.

There's no middle
ground with Alexis Colby.

Never has been
and never will be.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( tranquil theme playing)

Oh, Krystle. I'm
so glad you came.

I hated to phone
you after the fire,

and the way you must still feel.

Oh, I'm feeling
a lot better now.

I know you must have mixed
emotions about being here,

but I had to phone
you. I couldn't reach Jeff.

I'm due in Colorado
Springs for a meeting

that I can't get out of.

Joseph's still not back.

And I just didn't want
Kirby to be alone.

Fallon, I'm glad you phoned.

Is Dr. Winfield here yet?

He's upstairs with her now.

Good, I'll... I'll talk to
him when he's finished.

She's really off-balance.
She needs help.

Well, I've gotta go. Thanks.


You don't know about
Mark yet, do you?

What about him?

He's been arrested.

The police say he
set the cabin on fire.


Alexis accused him of
trying to get back at her

for breaking you two up.

My mother is capable
of saying anything,

or doing anything that
will get her what she wants.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(engine starts)

( suspenseful theme playing)

BLAKE: I wanna convince Krystle
that I'm not railroading Jennings.

And I'm gonna get to
the bottom of this myself.

Just locate Neal McVane

and a private investigator
named Morgan Hess.

I wanna talk to both of them.

And today.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)



Fallon called me.

She, uh, thought you might
like a hand to hold for a while.

Mine happens to be free.

I'm really tired.

Well, it'll just take a minute.

I had a talk with Dr. Winfield.

He told me the good news.

The good news, really?

Yes, everything's
gonna be all right.

You're not gonna lose the baby.

If that's it, Krystle...

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

That the doctor could be wrong
and the worst could happen yet.

I'm no stranger to this
kind of experience, Kirby.

And I wouldn't lie to you
about something this important.



Go on, cry.


Just remember how beautiful
everything's going to...

No, it can't be.

I have to lose this
baby. I can't keep it.

You don't know you're saying.

I do know.

I can't keep this baby
because it isn't Jeff's.

It isn't Jeff's.


No, you're right.

I didn't know what I was saying.

I-I didn't mean that, Krystle.

I-I didn't mean it.

I-I don't know
what I was saying.

It didn't... Stop. Shh.

(sobbing) Shh.

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

It's Blake Carrington, Mr. Hess.

I know you're in there.

The black-haired witch you
were married to send you here?

No. But she filled me
in on your relationship.

And that thr*at that you made

when she didn't
lend you that money.

And now you wanna
know where I was last night.

Let's say that I'm interested.

So were the police. They
already questioned me.

Obviously, they
liked my answers.

So why don't we
cut out the comedy

and get down to real
business, Mr. Carrington?

Real business such as what?

The reason you're here.

You see, my line of
work is selling information.

My guess is that you wanna buy,

just like every jealous husband.

Is that so?

Yeah. That's so.

Now, as per instruction
of Alexis Colby,

I investigated your wife
Krystle's first husband,

as well as your
wife Krystle herself.

And I think, uh,

well, you'd like to
know what's going on

between them these days.

Okay. I'm ready to talk.

After you tell me
what you're offering.

Offering to pay?

Well, what else?

I mean, you work your
marketplace, I work mine.

Heh. Both of us for pay.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm not buying.

I don't traffic with
slime like you.

Now, what were
you doing last night

while that fire was being set?

Well, I told the police.

Well, tell it to me.

All right.

All right.

Thanks to Alexis Colby
turning me down, I...

I got worked over by a couple
of unfriendly types I owed.

So where was I?

In the emergency room at
the Denver Memorial Hospital,

getting put back together. Okay?

( suspenseful theme playing)

If I ever need any information
about my wife's fidelity,

I'll ask my wife.

( dramatic theme playing)

( tranquil theme playing)

Jeannette, have you seen Kirby?

She went out for a walk a
little while ago, Mr. Colby.

I told her she should rest.



Of all the days for me
to be out of the office.

Don't worry about it.

Hey, I got the news
and I came back,

and I turned around
and rushed home.

It's all right.

Are you all right?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Shouldn't you be off your
feet and not walking around?

I can't stay cooped
up all the time...


worrying. I'm...

I'm so frazzled. I just thought
a walk would do me good.

But, sweetheart,
the doctor said...

I'm not talking about the baby.

I'm talking about my father.

Where is he? He was supposed
to be home by dinnertime.

Kirby, your father's
always on time.

So he's got a little
credit coming, huh?

Oh, Papa.

Uh, there's a phone
call for you in the library.

Your office calling.

Thank you, Joseph.

Well, Papa, you are home.

I was so worried.

And what about me, Kirby? I...

Oh, I heard you had an accident.

Thrown from a horse.
Are you all right?

I'm just grateful that
you're home. And relieved.

Why didn't you phone us,
tell us where you were going?

Well, I had a lot
of thinking to do.

About you and your happiness.

Oh, I never want you to be hurt

by anything or anyone.

You must know that, Kirby. Yes?

I do. Heh.


I'm going to be just fine.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)


(door opens)

Come in, please.

I wanna go over
your evaluation report

of the South China
Seas prospects.

The one you prepared for Mom.

What about it?

Well, I know you
agree with my opinion

that the potential is fantastic.

I'm sure you'll agree we
should move on it now.

Adam, you're having this
conversation with the wrong guy.

It's Jeff's okay you should
be getting on that project.


Sacred name invoked again.


I'm as good or better
an executive than Jeff,

because I grew up
having to rely on myself,

not a rich uncle.

Adam, what exactly
are you getting at?

All right.

Let me lay it out for you.

Jeff, who is not our brother,

is unwilling to recognize
anyone's ability or worth,

unless that someone was
brought up in his rich man's club.

Steven, I know
that you're young.

And not yet that
rigid in your thinking.

I also know that the
two of us together

are one hell of a lot
more imaginative than Jeff.

We have something
worth protecting together.

Go on.

Jeff Colby is an
outsider, Steven.

He's not even in the
family by marriage anymore.

You and I, as brothers,

should and must band
together against him.

That's blunt enough.

Well, do you buy my bluntness,
and the truth of that bluntness?

No, I don't.

Why not?

Because you've
got Jeff all wrong.

See, Adam, Jeff has worked
damned hard for what he has.

And he's more than just
an ex-brother-in-law to me.

He's more like a real brother.

So I'm not going to Kn*fe him.

And I'm going to see
that you don't either.

( tense theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

Well, you're looking
better than I expected.

Partying already?

I'm going to a charity affair.

Hm. How nice.

So you just wanted to
come by and see me. Why?

How could you tell
the police that story

about Mark having
a motive to k*ll you?

Very simple. He did.

And the police
obviously think so too.

As usual, you're...

You're all gratitude,
aren't you?

Mark dragged you out of
that fire. You do know that.

So I've heard.

Well, let me tell you about it.

I saw him risk his
own life to save you.

My God, how low will
you sink to get revenge?

I'm in no mood for this sort of
thing now, thank you, Krystle.

But Mark rejected
you. We both know that.

Is this your way of
paying him back?

I'm the one who
did the rejecting.

And perhaps the paying back
came from your beloved Blake,

who hired somebody to k*ll you.


Yes, that's right. To k*ll you.

Because you walked out on him.

And Blake doesn't
take kindly to rejection,

particularly from women.

You're insane.

Oh, I should know about Blake.

He was madly in love
with me, remember?

Look what he did to me.

He exiled me from my home

and from my
children for years.

Blake is no k*ller.

And neither is Mark.

So I guess we know
what that means.

Do we?

I don't.

It means that somebody
else tried to k*ll you,

and they're still out there.

What makes you think
they won't try it again?


Good luck, Alexis.

( tense theme playing)

WOMAN (on PA):
Dr. Reinhart, a call.

( majestic theme playing)

NEAL: Why didn't
I return your calls?

Because I never got them, Blake.

Because yesterday,

once the police
got through with me,

I took all of my
phones off their hooks,

and there we were:

me and my hangover.

Pals to the end.

And what did you tell
the police, congressman?

Well, I told them that I had
made up my mind to k*ll Alexis.

To either choke her or deposit
a b*llet in her conniving brain.

Tit for tat for
ruining me politically.

Heh. Except...

Except for what?

I needed courage,

and so I look
for it in a bottle,

and then I went on
a monumental drunk.

In fact, I still can't remember
how many days it was.

But I do remember this.

When Alexis was
in that burning cabin,

I was passed out in a cheap bar

on the south side of this town.

Did the police check that out?

Apparently so.

I haven't heard anything
from them since yesterday.

Neal, I'd like to take
a little ride out there.

Just the two of us. Now.

Is there something wrong?

Now, look, Blake, they
have arrested a suspect.

I know that,

but I'd just like to
hear that story of yours

from the bartender himself.

All right, I'll take you there.

But considering everything

that Alexis tried
to pull on you,

why do you even care who did it?

Well, the fact is, I
don't care who did it.

I just wanna be damned
sure I know who didn't do it,

because in spite what
some people think,

I am a fair man.

( dramatic theme playing)

MAN: Oh, morning,
Mr. Colby. Morning.

This telex from Hong Kong
was delivered a few minutes ago.

Tell Adam Carrington I wanna
see him in his mother's office.

Yes, sir.



I hear there's a telex
that interests you.

A lot, Adam.

I just got a warning from
Colbyco's man in Hong Kong.

"No more exploratory work
in the South China Sea."

So what?

We have leases
promised in that area.

I ordered Hong Kong
to do studies from the air.

You could have gotten us
in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Who gave you the
authority to issue that order?

Jeff, in case you've forgotten,

I'm the one who's been
dealing with these people.

I haven't forgotten, pal.

I remember your little
trip to Colorado Springs

with Kirby as your translator,

and how you tried to
att*ck her in a motel room.

Just a second. I'm
not through with you.

Hasn't Alexis made
it clear enough to you

that I'm running Colbyco now?

And that anytime you have
a policy decision to make,

you are to make it through me.

( ominous theme playing)

Through Jeffrey Colby.

Well, if I didn't understand
it before, I certainly do now.

And now, may I go?

And get this as you go.

You may think of yourself

as a hotshot from Montana

who was gonna be
a big man in politics,

but around here
you're just hired help.

( ominous theme playing)

The judge didn't believe me.

What happened?

I've been charged with
arson and attempted m*rder.


They'll release you
on bail, won't they?


One hundred thousand dollars.

Looks like I'm gonna
be here for a while.

I mean, a few
used tennis rackets

don't add up to much collateral.

Mr. Jennings,
you're free to leave

anytime now. MARK: What?

Your bail has been posted,

so you can collect
your things and go.

Who put up the money?

Mr. Blake Carrington.



Thank you.

You know, I haven't
changed my mind about Mark.


I have personally checked
out McVane and Hess,

and I'm convinced
that neither one of them

could have set that fire.

Then why did you
post Mark's bail?

Because I think
you're wrong about me.

I'm not an unfair person.

I still think that
Mark is guilty,

but I'd like to give him a
chance to prove that he's not.

Oh, Blake, I wanna thank you.

You're welcome, Jennings.

I'll give you a
lift to your hotel.

Krystle, I appreciate...

Really appreciate
everything you've done.

There's something I have
to take care of right away.

( mysterious theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)




( frenzied theme playing)

(Alexis grunting)

Nurse! Nurse!


Mrs. Colby, what's wrong?

Somebody just tried to k*ll
me, smother me with that pillow.

Oh, God.

When was this, Mrs. Colby?

Just now, just now.

I didn't see anyone.

Just a doctor down the hall.

You must have been dreaming.

I was not dreaming. I
wanna get out... Calm down.

And until I do, I
want an armed guard

outside my door. Calm down.

My life is in danger.

You're being released
tomorrow morning.

( dramatic theme swells)

( mellow theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

(door shuts)

Your bags are in
your room, madam.

I trust you'll be
comfortable here.



Thank you, Steven.

Mother, I think your
hair looks terrific like that.

Well, after it was singed
off and they butchered it,

Dino came to try and do
what he could in the hospital.


But that's not what's
bothering me, Steven.

I mean, I'm... I'm glad
to be out of the hospital,

but it's this place. It's...

It's so big and there are
so many dark corners.

I... I keep on thinking
about that pillow

coming over my face.


it's very understandable
after all you've been through

that you might have
a nightmare like that.

Oh, how do you know
it was a nightmare?

I-I keep on remembering
what Krystle said.

She said that the
person who did it

might come back and try again.

Oh, and I can
still feel that pillow.

We've all had dreams like that.

They seem so real
while they're happening.


Come on.

You're not gonna try
to make me believe

that you're actually afraid
of something, are you?

My mother? I can't believe that.


Oh, that's right.

Try and make me
smile. I need it badly.

Oh, Steven, I've been so
down since that awful fire.

God, it was terrifying.

I know.

I know what it's like
going through fire,

but every time it comes to mind,

you've got to remind yourself
firmly that you survived it.

That it's behind you, and
push it out of your mind.

My son.

My handsome son.

Playing parent to
his mother. (chuckles)

( tense theme playing)

You know, Steven, it
really hurts me to say this,

but I have to say it
because it's the truth.

You're the only one of
my children who loves me.

Who truly loves me
without reservation.

Listen, Mother, if
you're all right alone now,

I think I'm gonna get on home.

I've got a date to take
my son to the park.

ALEXIS: No, I'll be
fine. STEVEN: Yeah.

ALEXIS: Kiss the
baby for me, will you?

STEVEN: I will.

Bye, darling. I'll see you soon.

Okay. Get some rest.

Oh, Adam.

I didn't know you were home.

Then we're even.

I didn't know you were
intending to be home either.

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(intercom buzzing)


WOMAN (on intercom):
Mr. Carrington,

a Mr. Colby is here to see you.

Oh, send him in, please.

Blake, forgive me for
barging in on you like this.

You don't have to apologize
for coming into my office.

You know that.

I've had this thought
I've been wrestling with,

and I'd like to
try it out on you.

With Alexis temporarily
out of commission,

the reigns of Colbyco
are right in my hands now.

Yes. What about it?

Let's try b*ating
Alexis at her own game.

She pulled a fast one on me

to get control of
my Colbyco stock.

Now is my chance
to k*ll her merger plans

before she can
get back to block it.


What do you think?


You know, Jeff, there
aren't many people

that you can count on
down to the bottom line.

Sometimes people
who are closest to you,

people that you love,

but you, you're there
again and again.

But let's face it.

With the boards of both
companies behind Alexis,

she's got the clout.

I don't think there's a
chance that anybody

could tear that
away from her now,

but I appreciate the thought.

(intercom buzzes)


WOMAN: Joseph
Anders on Line for you.

Thank you.

Joseph, good to hear from you.

Mr. Carrington, I...



What is it?

Is something wrong at the house?


Oh, God, God.

My little girl.

Is it the baby?

Jeff is here with me now.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

BLAKE: Did something
happen to Kirby?

Oh, I must... I must help her.

I must... I must help her.

Well, just tell me what it is.


My life is falling apart.

Mr. Carrington, the only
way left is to protect my child.

Protect Kirby from what?

What's going on? Tell
him I wanna talk to Kirby.

Joseph, Jeff wants
to speak to his wife.

JOSEPH: What? The house?

The house unleashed it.



What? What are you
trying to say to me?

What did you unleash?

No, no.

There's no other way.

Goodbye, Mr. Carrington.

BLAKE: Joseph?


Joseph? Joseph?

What's wrong?

I don't know.

Whatever it is
he's planning to do,

I'd better get to the house.

There's something
terribly wrong.

I've gotta help him.

( ominous theme playing)

( ominous theme swells)

( dramatic theme playing)


What's all that about?


What it looks like.

Next question: "Adam,
why are you going?"

Answer: Because
under the circumstances,

it no longer makes
any sense to live here.

I'll send for the rest of
my things in the morning.

Darling, look, I know
that you're upset

about my thr*at
to disinherit you.

But that's all forgotten now.

I'm back in your will?

As of this moment, yes, you are.

I'll call Gerald
Wilson in a little while

and let him know.

A mother trying to show her
son how very much she loves him

by reinstating him
into her last testament.

Oh, darling, you make
it sound so morbid.

"Will" is a far
more cheerful word.

Well, slightly more cheerful.

You think it all comes down
to money, don't you, Mother?


Your own personal
very almighty god.

To be doled out when
and as it strikes you.

To be denied at whim.

Life is often whimsical, Adam.

Well, I wasn't amused when
you threw that accusation at me.

That I might have been
the one who tried to k*ll you

to stop you from
changing your will.

Oh, darling.

I just wasn't myself after
that terrible experience.

Adam, I may or may not
approve of your actions sometimes.

Listen to me.

I said I may not,
but you are my son.

And I do love you.

Do you?


Well, I don't want
that sort of love.

Not anymore.

Because I know now that
when the chips are down,

it isn't really there.

I'm only sorry that I went
to such extremes to earn it.

Where are you going?

For the moment,
Mother, La Mirage.

But do you really care, Mother?

Do you really give a damn?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

He's not upstairs.

He's not in the kitchen either.
No one's seen him there.

Check the wine cellar?
He's not there either.

Where's Kirby?
She's finally asleep.

I didn't wanna disturb her.

He did say that he
was at the house,

that he had unleashed something.

Maybe he didn't say "unleashed."

Maybe he said:

"the house... Alicia."


His wife.

My God, could he have
gone to the old house?

The place that Kirby was born?

Come on, Jeff.

Where is the house?

I know where it is.

( ominous theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(horn honking)

(horns honking)

We've got to be coming up on it.

I know it's this
street right here.

Keep a lookout for
a tiny little bungalow.

That's it. There it is.

That's the house.

(doorbell buzzing)


No. No.

He's gotta be here.
His car's out front.





(body thuds)

I'll get an ambulance.

Why, Joseph?

Good God, why?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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