02x11 - The Car expl*si*n

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x11 - The Car expl*si*n

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(tires screech)

What are you doing?

I'm leaving Camelot.


Fallon, I don't
wanna talk right now.

Well, I have something
I wanna tell you.

About how you suffered
during the abortion?

About the pain
you're in right now?

No, I...

Just shut up.

I don't wanna hear another
word out of that mouth,

you understand?

You m*rder*d my child.

Isn't that enough?

Damn it.

You really do hate me.

Hate you? No.

The person I really
hate is myself.

For letting you get out
of this house yesterday.

For letting you do what you did.

Well, if you'd just
stop what you're doing

and listen to me...


I know you.

I know you for
what you really are.

Do you?

And what exactly is that?

That you're not only selfish,

but you're also soulless.

You know something?

You never did know me.

Not in the beginning,
nor the middle,

nor the end.

You know, Fallon, there
was a time when I thought

I couldn't live without you.

Now I can't stand
the sight of you.

( dramatic theme playing)

Thanks, Enos.

Hey, uh, where do we take these?

Upstairs to Mrs. Colby's room.

Oh, yeah? Where's that, buddy?


That's all right, Joseph.
I'll show him where it is.

Looks great.

You Mr. Carrington?
That's right.

You wanna sign this here? Sure.

Come on, follow me.

( upbeat cheerful theme playing)

(knocking on door)

BLAKE: Fallon?

Come in.

Morning, darling.

All right, Lorraine.

Oh, what's all this?

Just a whim. Just a
very happy whim of mine.

Daddy. That's fine, Lorraine.

Appreciate your help, fellas.

Thanks, Mr. Carrington.

Daddy, isn't it way
too early for all of this?

Never too early
to say thank you,

and that's what I want to do.

I wanna thank you
for making the decision

to keep the baby.

I had no choice.

Yes, you did, and you made it.

Well, all I know is,
when the moment came,

I couldn't go through
with it because...

Because you're beautiful inside.

And because you know that
what's inside you right now

is beautiful too.

Look, you can open the
rest of these packages later.

I want you to take a
look at this right now.

What is it?

Open it and see. Go on.


It's beautiful.

Yes, isn't it?

And it's got a little history.

A very special history.

You see, both you
and Steven wore it

at your christenings.

And some years before
that, I wore it at mine.


Look at the embroidery
and the material.

I thought you said
your family was poor.

We were.

But I guess you could
say that my mother was...

rich with her fingers,

rich with her heart.

( sentimental theme playing)

How old were you when she d*ed?


I just... Just barely
remember her.

Except for her eyes.

She had the most
incredibly lovely eyes.

You know something?

I can still see them in you

when I look at you.

(sobs): Oh, Daddy.

Oh, heh, hey, no tears.

This is a day for the
future, to your future.


It's a day for joy.


With Jeff?

Well, Fallon...

it could all be good again,

if you two would just
talk to each other, just...

Just listen to each other.

Give it some time.


It's not gonna happen, Daddy.

Now, honey,

all I'm asking you to do is try.

( tender theme playing)

(door closes)

(knocking on door)


Good morning.

You sound tired.

I didn't sleep very well.

Hm. Neither did I.

Wondering where you were.

Where did you go last night?

I got in the car and
drove, just drove.

Nonstop, in a wide circle?

No. I stopped once.

To phone you, but
you didn't answer.

Alexis did.

Oh, then that was
you who hung up?


Well, if you'd asked
to speak to me,

you might have saved
yourself some of this...

unwarranted upset.



I think that from the
moment you found out

I couldn't give you a child,

I became less important to you.

And having Alexis close by
didn't bother you one damn bit.

I'm gonna ignore that.

Why, does it hit a nerve?

Because you're making
a big thing out of nothing,

and I want you to know that.

Now, Krystle, when we
talked on the telephone,

you said that you would see...

You promised that you'd
go to see Dr. Toscanni.

Now, did you?


Yes, I did.

Good. And I want you
to keep on seeing him.


Because you need him.

Do I?

Do I really?

Yes, you do. You
need somebody to...

To help you to pull
yourself together.

Now, don't you see that?
Don't you understand that?

( dramatic theme playing)


(door closes)


what is this about you quitting?

Do you really
need to ask, Blake?

Yes, I need to ask.

Well, I formally resigned.

So I don't owe you anything now.

Now, listen to me...
Just leave me alone.

Jeff, you're going to listen.

I didn't ask you to
join Denver-Carrington

because you are my son-in-law.

Correction, past tense,
because I won't be for long.

Now, what does that mean?

It means I'm divorcing Fallon.

She asked for it?

Oh, yes, she asked for it.



When yesterday?

When she walked into that clinic

and destroyed my child.

Fallon didn't have the abortion.

( uplifting theme playing)

Make it thorough,
Marie, thorough.


Hi, Marie.


Yes? Would you
ask Mrs. Gunnerson

to order up some ice
cream for dessert tonight?

Pistachio. Mm-hm.

And banana. Mm-hm.

A sudden craving, no doubt?

A far cry from your mother's.

Oh, yes? What did she crave?

Oh, more exotic
foods, I would say.

When she was carrying you,

it was serving after serving
of asparagus vinaigrettes.

And with Steven, it was, uh,

loaf after loaf of lobster pâté.

We had to fly them in
from Paris back then.


Do you know where Krystle is?

Living room.


Hello, Krystle.

You're looking well today.

Am I?

Yeah, playing musical
bedrooms seems to suit you.

I'm not in the mood for any

of your flip observations
this morning, Fallon.

Just making small talk.

What else is there to do
in this house these days?

Any special plans today?

No, I think I'll read.

Oh, that's a good idea.

I haven't read a book in ages.

Oh, a month or so.

One of the maids
gave me this tome

on happy pregnancies.

I could flip through that.

How's Dr. Toscanni?

I don't know. Why?

Just a question.

Have you stopped seeing him?

I-I mean, going
to his office for...

consultations, is it?

I haven't decided whether
or not I wanna continue.

I see.

Well, that's certainly
your decision to make

and yours alone.

I think I'll go up and
start that book now.

Better yet, I think
I'll go into town,

do a little shopping.

Oh, if you do see Dr. Toscanni,
tell him hello for me.

Hi from Fallon. He just
might remember me.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Can I help you, miss?

I'm looking for Dr. Toscanni.

Oh, never mind.

(indistinct chattering)

Hello, Nick.

I called your office.

I found out you were
having a late lunch here.

I hope you don't mind
a little friendly company.

Why don't you sit down?


I took your advice.
I'm having the baby.


You're happy about it?

Don't I look it?

Yes, you do look happy.

Well, maybe that's because
I'm here with you now.


I think it goes a lot
deeper than that, Fallon.

You made a wise choice.

I hope so, for the baby's sake.

But I don't know the baby yet.

And I do know you.

And I know that
I love you, Nick.


my hand starts to
tremble just to touch you.

Fallon, someone may be watching.

Well, they probably
all know by now

that Jeff walked out on me.


This morning.

Look, I know how
rotten I can be,

but I also know that I
could change for you.

I will change.

I could be anything
you want me to be.

I'd really try.

Look, Fallon, you're
pregnant, you're still married.

Why don't we just say

that when we can have
our laughs together again,

maybe we will.


And the other side
to that is maybe not.

There's always another side.

And that's all the hope
you have to offer me?

That's all I've got.

( soft theme playing)

For you, Dr. Toscanni.
Mr. Carrington.

Thank you.


Hello, Nick.

I'd like to see
you this afternoon,

as quickly as
possible if you can.

It's about Krystle.

All right. You name
the time, I'll be there.

How about : ?


STEVEN: I'm fine.

I was just wondering
if my father,

uh, got home from Europe yet.

Yes, Steven, he did.

And I told him that you
and Mrs. Carrington's niece,

uh, were alive and well.

And that you had called
from an unidentified place.

Well, just tell him that we'll
both be home later today.

Thanks, Joseph.

Why did you say
we'd be home today?

Do we have to, Steven?

Don't you want to?

Well, sure,

but I'd rather go on
our honeymoon first.


(clears throat)

Like to this hotel.

That hotel's in Deauville.

Mm-hm. France, like it says.

Well, Sammy Jo, we'll
go someday if you want.

But first I-I have
to figure out...

I wanna go now.

Let me finish, honey.

Look, we'll go when I...

When I've got the
money to take you.


Okay. What's the next joke?

Look, me being a rich man's
son doesn't make me rich.

It's not like I had a
grandparent who...

Who left me a huge trust fund.

I'm broke, Sammy Jo.

( tense theme playing)

You could have told me this.

Why? Does it make a difference?

Does it?


Well, sure.

I wouldn't have
spent over ten dollars

on these dumb magazines.


We don't have to
go back to the house

right this minute, do we?

( romantic theme playing)

( light upbeat theme playing)

Fallon, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.

I was just on my
way to the village

to buy some new paintbrushes.

But I thought that
maybe it would be nice

if you and I had
some tea together.

It's getting a bit chilly.
You'll catch a cold.

Good, I hope it's fatal.

If it is, tell them I
want a huge funeral

at the St. Dennis Club

to celebrate what was
once my happy life.

After all, I had everything.

You do have everything, Fallon.


Leave me alone, Alexis.

Can't you say it?

Can't you say it just once?


I am your mother and...

And whether you
believe it or not, Fallon,

I really do love you.

I think you could use
somebody on your side

other than Blake right now.

And I am.

The man that you
stayed out with that night,

is it his child, Fallon?

Is that what's bothering you?

It's Jeff's child.

Are you sure?

Well, there are a lot of things
in life that I'm not sure of,

but, yes, I'm sure of that.

Well, then the
man's not important.


what's wrong? Please, tell me.

Whatever our differences
have been in the past,

I want to help you.

That night,

in here after I'd been with him,

you warned me to be
careful not to get caught.

But you didn't warn me
not to fall in love with a man

who's just slammed
the door in my face.

Who is he?

I can't tell you that.

He's married, is that it?


But there's someone else.

I see.

Do you... really love him?


I'd do anything for him.

Well, then you
have to fight for him.

And fight her too.

Do you know who she is?


Well, then find out,
Fallon, and fight her.

I don't know if I can.

I don't know anything anymore.


Oh, Fallon.

Oh, darling.

It's all right. Cry.

Get it all out.





It's been a long time
since you said that.

Cry, darling.


It's all right.


It's all right.

( tender dramatic theme playing)

Blake phoned me.

He wants to see me in an hour.

Have you told him
anything about us?


I think he suspects something.

There's nothing to suspect.

Oh, yes, there is.


Feelings, ours.

I want you, Krystle,
and you want me.

That's enough.

What I want is time.

I'm so confused.

I need time to think.

To think about what?

Alexis and your husband?

I'm not really sure what
happened between them.

You saw the newspapers.
My God, what do you need?

Pictures they didn't print?

Oh, Krystle.

Divorce him.

Before he dumps you for her.

She's still in her studio.
She's still on that property.

You can't tell me

a man who can move
oil tankers in the Mideast

can't get rid of an ex-wife
in his own backyard

if he wants to.

Divorce him, Krystle.

Get it over with now.

Nick, everything's
happening too fast.

I have to have that time.

Oh, don't you see?


Why is it, wherever I am,

with you or without you...

I only see you?

( romantic theme
swells dramatically

(majestic theme playing)

(elevator dings)

Dr. Toscanni?


Jeff Colby.

Remember me?

Oh, yes, we met
at the house once.

Nice to see you again.

Same here.

My wife talks about
you all the time.


Does she?

About how you, um,
helped Claudia Blaisdel

to snap out of her problem.

I was quite
impressed too, doctor.

Well, that's my job.
I do the best I can.

You know, there have been
times when I wanted to suggest

that Fallon go see
you and talk to you.

But you don't know
her very well, do you?

No, I don't. No.

Well, she's her own
person, her own woman.

And I guess if I said
anything now it, uh...

Well, it would be
too late anyway.


Good seeing you again, doctor.

Nice to see you again.

I realize that you haven't
been treating Krystle very long,

and I didn't expect miracles.

That's nice, because I'm not
very good at conjuring them.

But she's, uh... She's
made no progress.

She's more depressed than ever.

Her thinking is
more disoriented...

Wait a second,
Blake. You just said it.

I haven't been treating
her very long, okay?

That's not the real problem.

What is?



If people don't react

just the way Blake
Carrington wants them to,

when he wants them to,

then Blake Carrington
just pays somebody

to push the right
button, and boom.

Goodbye depression,
hello oriented thinking.

Well, that is why I'm
paying you, isn't it?

And paying you quite a lot.


My accountant's very impressed.

Heh, he's gonna begin
to wonder about me

when I tell him I
resigned from this case.

And why are you resigning?

Because of me?

No, no way.

Because of Krystle.

You see, Blake, I don't believe
she needs psychiatric help.

What does she need?

That's a good question.

Maybe you can answer it.

Someone more
considerate than I am,

by your standards?

Come on, I didn't say that.

Shrinks don't talk that way.

No, I wanna know.

I want your opinion. Go on.

( tense theme playing)


Nick, what do you
got against me?

Got against you?
I hardly know you.

I mean, really know you.

I'm a man who's
a judge of people,

and I sense something about you.


You're holding
something against me,

and I wanna know
what the hell it is.

That's a question you ask a
guy if you've done something

to hurt him. Have you
done anything to hurt me?

No. Well, if you haven't hurt me

or my family, then
everything's okay, right?

Your family? Now, what does
your family got to do with this?

( ominous theme playing)

My family, my blood,
all the Toscannis.

If somebody hurts us
or somebody we love,

then we pay back the
hurt, you understand that.

But if you haven't
done anything, Blake...

I enjoyed the drink.

( tense theme playing)

Marcia, get Larkin in Personnel
for me, will you, please?

MARCIA: Mr. Larkin
from Personnel on one, sir.

Hello, Ralph.

Will you send up the file

on Dr. Nicholas
Toscanni, please?

Right away.

Yes, I have seen it before.

But I wanna look it over again.

( dramatic theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)


Hey, hey, hey,
what are you doing?

What are you doing?

Just like church bells.

I want everyone
to know we're back.

Well, they know now.

Good, then we can
gather them all together

in the ballroom
and tell them and...

Sammy Jo, listen, let's, uh...

hold off on that
for a while, okay?

I, uh... Well, we
can't do it that way.

Why not?

I have to tell my father first,

and he's probably
still at the office.

Do you always have to
be so formal with him?

Well, at least I don't
have to be so stiff

with my aunt.


Hello, mother.

What was all the noise about?

Steven will fill you in on it.

Well, we just wanted to let
everyone know we were back.

And all in one piece,
I'm happy to see.

Oh, you heard
about the race I won?

Race? What race?

You see, there
was this car race...

Did she make you do it?

No, she didn't make
me do anything.

Except maybe just
have a little fling with her.

Would you disapprove of that?

Steven, that girl means
absolutely nothing to me.

Well, she does to me, mother.

I married her.

You did what?

Steven and I crossed the
state line and got married.

What's the matter?

I thought you'd be happy.

Aren't you, Aunt Krystle?

You should be.

You did it.

Did what?

Married yourself a Carrington.

So like it or not,
I'm one now too.

Mrs. Carrington.

Mrs. Steven Carrington.

Does Steven's father
know about this?

No, I haven't told him yet,
but I'm sure he'll be happy.

Mother, I want you
to like Sammy Jo.

She's a wonderful girl.

And one day I'll get to
love her as much as you do?

I hope so.

There's something else, mother.

I'm going to be a
professional race driver.

So she did get
you involved in that.

She introduced me to racing.

And it's the second-best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Is it?

Mother, don't you see,

I've finally found someone
and something that...

That I can really be happy with.

A child bride and a dangerous
and expensive new career.

Steven, those
cars cost a fortune.

Where are you going to
get the money to buy one?

I was hoping to borrow it.

From you.

Borrow? From me?

For a racing car?

Oh, Steven, do you
really want me to finance

your k*lling yourself? No!

Listen, I...

No, I'm not going to listen.

And I wouldn't bother asking
your father for money either.

We both saw you nearly die
once after that pool accident,

we can't go through that again.

We love you too much.

( dramatic theme playing)

Hello, Krystle.

Hi, Steven.

No congratulations?


Well, what did your father say?

Well, I haven't told him yet.

Well, what do you say, Krystle?

I mean, aside from
the congratulations.

You're worried about something.


I'm concerned about
the way this all happened.

Why did you have to run away?

Why couldn't you
have told us first?

You know, this is very strange.

I mean, I thought I
had at least one friend

in this house.

Steven, I am your frien... Look,

if you don't approve, if
my father doesn't approve,

I don't care.

It's done.

( dramatic theme playing)

FALLON: I'm getting a
divorce because it's what I want.

If only for my own sanity.

Well, then get it.

I'm not worried
about visitation rights

after the baby's born.

That's right, you
can visit all you want.

Just make sure
I'm in Tibet when...

Now, stop it, will you?
The two of you, stop it.

I've heard enough.

Now, I love you both.

I've never asked
anything of either of you.

But I will not tolerate

your even thinking
about a divorce.

Oh, won't you?

Well, it's all I'm
thinking about.

You mind your
tongue, young lady,

do you understand that?

Now, my concern...

is for the core of the
kind of people we are.

Now, you both have been reared
with extraordinary privileges.

But along with those privileges

goes inbred responsibility.

Fallon responsible? Heh.

Now, Jeff, I want
no interruptions,

not from her and not from you.

Now, you both have conceived
another responsibility, a child.

You owe that child
the right to be born

with a mother and a
father under the same roof.

I insist that you live
under that roof together,

if not as husband and
wife, a-at least as parents.

You want me to move
back into the house again?

And I want you to
abandon the idea

of an immediate divorce.

Now, will you at
least do that for me,

for a while?


( somber theme playing)


I'll move back into the house.

For as long as I can take it.

And only that long.

(door closes)

Now, Fallon, I know you.

I don't want just lip service.

Does my grandchild,

and your baby, come first?

Sure, Daddy.


( mellow theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)

The Hopkins report
got waylaid in mimeo.

I put a copy on your desk.

I'm really glad you
decided to stay on, Jeff.

Well, it's a pretty
tough world out there.

This one's not so bad.

Listen, um...

I'm glad you decided
to stay on too,

and not go to South America.

Well, your uncle still has
his people looking for Lindsay.

There's no point in
my making a move

till they find out where she is.

I, uh...

I spoke with Joseph
at the house earlier.

Oh, really? What did he say?

He misses me?

He told me Steven's married.

( dramatic theme playing)

Krystle's niece.



Well, that's wonderful.

That's really wonderful.
Don't you think so?

What I'm thinking
right now is about you.

Me? Why?

What do I have to do with this?

You and Steven.

We were lovers
for a little while.

That's over with.

Just like Matthew's over with.

Look, I've got a
whole new direction

going for me now.

So does Steven.

I only hope that his will
be as happy as mine is.

( mellow theme playing)

(door closes)

( upbeat cheerful theme playing)

Hank, the practice
was awful, awful.

What are you doing in
there? Get out of there.

You can't make the
club in the tub. Out.

What about the safety blitz?

Third and four, I guarantee
you they're coming.

Who's gonna pick 'em up?

That fullback doesn't
know the difference

between a red-dog
and a beagle hound.

See you out on the field.


Thank you. Yep.

I'm Ray Bonning,

an associate of
Logan Rhinewood's.

Yeah, what can I do for you?

Mr. Rhinewood's very unhappy
about one of your players.


My quarterback?

Did he say why?

He doesn't have to
say why, McAllister.

He just wants you
to get rid of him.

Lose him, quick.

Look, I'm busy here,

and I don't...
And you'll do that.

Lose him.

( tense theme playing)

JOSEPH: Carrington residence.

I'd like to speak to
Mr. Carrington, please.

( mellow theme playing)

Say, can you tell me where
I can find Coach McAllister?

Oh, Mr. Carrington,

I think you'll find him
in the weight room.

Thank you.

Two forty-five, coach.

All right.

Two forty-five.

McALLISTER: All right.
Make it hurt. Make it hurt.

All right.

(men grunting)

Hi, sir. Hi.

Sam, how are you?

Good afternoon, Mr. Carrington.

Listen, I'm sorry to
have to phone you

and get you down here.

I know it's out of your way.

No, no, not at all,
as a matter of fact,

I should come down
here more often.

Now, what's this about Hobart?

Actually, he's
looking pretty good.

Uh, knee coming along fine?

He's one of those praying
quarterbacks, you know.

Never hurts.

(both chuckle)

The reason I got you
down here is, uh...

those two guys over there.

( tense theme playing)

I heard you were a
visitor here today, Bonning.

Why not?

Mr. Rhinewood likes to
keep his eye on things,

through mine.

My coach told me
about your concern

for my quarterback.


Then we have an understanding.

No, we don't.

I don't want you
meddling around here,

you understand that?

Now, if Rhinewood doesn't
like the way I run this team,

he's got a bona
fide offer from me

to buy back what I sold him.

Is that it?


You stay away from my players

and stay away from my coach.

That sounds like an order.

It is.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

I just got back from a
meeting with Daddy and Jeff.

I'm glad to see somebody
has something to celebrate.

Don't tell me, you just
won a free trip to Omaha.

I just got married.



Sammy Jo?


And you're just in
time for a little toast.

Well, maybe just a little.

Oh, Steven.

Not that girl.

That girl is my wife.

Well, she's very
pretty and very sexy,

but... you have to
talk in a marriage too.

A grown-up talk, hopefully.

Sammy Jo is smart,

in what's interesting to me.

She can make a bed
without a wrinkly sheet.

Fallon, I love her.

Can't anybody understand that?

I love her.

Well, it does happen
to some of us.

The lucky ones.

I wish you luck,
Steven. I mean it.


( mellow theme playing)


Off to the hounds
already, I see.

No, I was actually going riding.


Uh, Marie, would
you get those bottles

of champagne I ordered, please?

I asked Jeanette
if I could borrow

Fallon's riding clothes.

I don't think she'd mind.

I mean, we're kind of sisters,
now that I'm married to Steven.

You did hear about that?

Yes, I heard about that.

I was thrilled to bits.

Alexis, I guess I could
call you Mother now.


No, it's not okay.

Neither Alexis
nor Mother is okay.

I'm Mrs. Carrington.

You will remember
that, won't you?

Sure. That's easy.

Mrs. Carrington.

That makes three of us now.

( upbeat theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who is it?


Come in.

I figured you'd show
up sooner or later.

Well, considering
what's happened

between my son and your niece,

of course I've shown up.

Now, about this
ridiculous marriage.

What about it?

It's all your fault.

Is it?


Well, don't tell me you
give it your blessing?

Oh, I've always been a
pushover for true young love.

True young love.

Tell me, just how
old or how young

is your little niece?


Because I want to
annul this travesty

that my son has
become involved in.

My niece is of age.

So I guess that settles that.

Don't try to overwhelm
me with your cool,

my dear Krystle.

And don't try to tell me that
you really approve of this...


child marrying into
the Carrington family.


I see.

Now I understand
your peculiar behavior.

You're obviously far
too upset by that picture

to be able to
think realistically

about anything.

Including the problem
of Steven's mistake.

I'm thinking about
you and my husband.


I would too if I were you.

Think what you like,
Krystle, about Blake and me,

in Italy together
for those few days.

And think that maybe,

just maybe,

we're two people who were
really meant for each other.

( dramatic theme playing)



NICK: Hello.

(breaths deeply)

Hello, Nick.

It's Krystle.

Alexis was just here.


(cries): I have to see you.

I kept clinging to a shadow
of a doubt with Blake.

How did you feel about that?


I knew he'd...

been manipulative
in business, but, uh...

Well, I...

I just didn't wanna
face the fact

that he could be
that way with me.

I didn't want it to shatter,

the dream I had
that love and trust

always went together.

He went to bed with her, Nick.

Alexis as good as told me

and that makes me
feel even less a woman.


( slow sentimental
theme playing

Say it again, Nick.

What you said this
afternoon, please.

I want you.

I need you to be
with me, Krystle.

I'm going to Blake right now.

And I'm gonna tell
him face to face.

I want a divorce.

( heartfelt theme
swells dramatically

BLAKE: It wasn't a very
pleasant interlude this afternoon

with Bonning, but
you gotta expect that

when you have partners.

Well, how was it resolved?

That's just it, it
wasn't resolved.

They're a tricky bunch.
They can be pretty rough.

BLAKE: But I can play
that kind of game as well.

Are you gonna have dinner
at home with us tonight?


If anything, to celebrate
the news about Steven.

What news about Steven?

(tires screeching)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Watch out!

(both panting)

Blake? Thank God.

Blake, are you all right?


Huh? Yeah.

Yes, I... I think I am.



Jeff, where are you?

I'm here, Blake.

I can't make anything out.

My God, I can't see.

I can't see anything at all.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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