03x23 - The thr*at

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x23 - The thr*at

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me, Mrs. Carrington.

Oh, sorry, Mary.

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Morning, Mary.

Good morning.

Are you feeling all right?


Just "yes" and that's
all. And then silence.

Now, Krystle, I know you were
just pretending to be asleep

when I came up
to bed last night,

and I know that you went
out jogging early this morning

to avoid waking up with me.

Now, look, I have enough
on my mind at the moment

with Alexis and
that damned merger,

so please don't add to it

by closing me out this way.

Blake, I don't know what you
have on your mind anymore.

Now, what does that mean?

Well, you've not only closed me

out of your business
affairs, but...

But also our family
affairs as well, is that it?


Yes, that's exactly it.

Now, I've tried to help you
and Steven get together,

but you've refused to bend.

Even to giving him
the benefit of the doubt

when he couldn't make
it to dinner last night.

And today your son is coming

to take his son
away from this house

and still you refuse to
try to get along with him.

Krystle, I must
tell you something,

and I'd like you to
sit down and listen,

and not walk away the
way you did last night.

I appreciate your
help, I really do,

but I am Steven's father,

and I'm the one who knows his
actions better than anyone else.

And I've had to
deal with the boy

long before you
came into our lives.

He's not a boy anymore,
Blake. He's a man.

And you just
said it, didn't you?

Before I came into your lives.

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

I thought you might
want to see this now.

My God, I don't believe it.


Joseph, ask Alfred to bring
the car around immediately.

I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to go.

We'll finish this
discussion later.

No! That's no fair.

Everything is fair.

You know you're beautiful?

No, I'm just cute.

No, I think you're
beautiful in every way.

That's why I think
you'll understand

how sorry I am about yesterday.

That. Our first fight.

Well, we had to start
someplace and sometime.

It's just that I got upset about

you being with
Adam in his office.

Oh, I got myself upset.

Saying that stupid thing

about how you should
stay away from Fallon.

Wait a minute, who's
apologizing to who here?

We're both apologizing
to each other.

It's nice. It's really nice.

I've gotta get to the office.

Don't forget, you have that
appointment this morning

with Dr. Winfield.


I feel fine.

I feel terrific. I'm
gonna cancel it.

You'll cancel nothing.

Now, it's Dr. Winfield...

Or what?

My handsome prince will
never make love to me again?

Well, that's a thought.

Oh, that's a terrible
thought. You know it.

If anybody has a cure
for what ails me, it's you.

Only you.

Oh, yeah?

What exactly ails you?

I have to get out of here.

Watch out for me later.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Morning, big fella.

From now on, you
can refer to him

as my son, the equestrian.

Oh, what, did he just
jump up on Oracle,

ride off and out-jump you?

Oh, not quite. I mean,
I was riding in the ring

and Maria, the new
nanny, was holding him,

and he looks at
me ever so wistfully,

so I picked him up, put him
in the saddle in front of me,

and now Blake Carrington Colby

has had his first slow
ride around the ring.

Was it a natural saddle?

Oh, watch out, Willie Shoemaker.

Glad to know my son from
now on is the equestrian, huh?

I've packed his
clothes and his toys.

He especially likes
the blue and red rattle.

And, Mrs. Gordon, he...
He's a pretty good eater.

He hasn't quite decided

whether or not he likes
mashed bananas, though.

Mrs. Gordon, would you wait
downstairs with Danny for me?

I'll be down in just a minute.

Of course, Mr. Carrington.

Krystle, I want you to know

that I meant what I
said the other day.

Oh, about, "I'm always
welcome at your apartment."

Well, you're both gonna
get very tired of me.

About dinner last night,

I ran into my father
a few minutes ago.

He's probably sore at you too

for trying to set up this
whole fiasco, isn't he?

Well, we've been
having some problems,

but that's between
the two of us.

Well, whatever
those problems are,

you've gotta know
I'm on your side.

Hey, don't forget
your rocking horse.

Listen, before you know it,

that little guy of yours
will be big enough to ride it.

Mr. Carrington,

Congressman McVane
is here to see you.

Oh, good. Show him
in, please, Marcia.

Pour yourself a
cup of coffee, Neal.

It looks like you
were expecting me.

I have been. It's
obvious, isn't it?

It's this Maynard story.

I think it's very obvious.

Now, Neal, I want you tell
me that this garbage is just that.

Garbage and a lie.

And that you're going
to sue that woman

and her newspaper for libel.

I want you to tell
me something, Blake.

You tell me that despite your
denials at our last meeting,

that you are not behind this
snooping into my personal life.

Now, first of all, damn it,

I don't traffic in
that sort of filth.

And then I'd have to be an
idiot to destroy your reputation,

because that would mean
destroying any chance

for you to help me with
the merger postponement.

And with Blake Carrington,
business always comes first.

My family comes first
and then my business,

but that's beside the point.

Now, I want you to
think for a minute, Neal.

Who else is no idiot?

Who realized
that your credibility

can be damaged by this article?

Destroyed, as a matter of fact.

And who doesn't want
this merger postponed?

Alexis, of course.

Now, think back. Do you
remember that night at Fallon's party?

Do you remember the way
she threatened you with:

"Enjoy your title, congressman.

Enjoy it as long as you can."

Neal, I told you yesterday
to look for your real enemies.

Well, my hunch is that you
can stop looking. Right now.


This is Neal McVane,

let me speak with
Mrs. Colby. Now.

Just a moment.

That didn't take long.

It's McVane.

Tell him I'm not
available, Adam. Not ever.

Mother, the man
sounds desperate.

I'm sorry, but she can't
talk to you, congressman.

Can't or won't?


Darling, would you pass me

one of those
chocolate-covered croissants?

I had them specially
flown in from Paris

and I feel like
indulging myself today.

I'm concerned about you, Mother.

One delicious croissant?

Oh, don't worry, darling.
I'll work it off. I always do.

Not pastries.


McVane is dead, Adam.

You just talked
with a political ghost.

So much the worse.

He's obviously figured out
who the source of the story is.

I wish you'd let
me in on your plan.


I would have discouraged you

from doing anything
so easy to detect.

I suppose you would have
recommended secrecy,

as in the case of your
trying to poison Jeff?


I took great pains in front
to protect myself and you.

Don't turn your back.

You might find
McVane's Kn*fe in it.

It was tough, but
she finally agreed.

How long?

Ninety days.

Ninety days.

And it'll all be over.

And Steven Daniel Carrington's
custody will be legally

and exclusively his father's.

Cheers to that exclusivity.

Thank you.

Thanks for making it happen.

Thank you, Sammy Jo,

for that swell
sendoff you gave me.

She told me my son
would be better off

with a straight father.

You did hear what I said, Chris?

I heard.

Well, in these last few
weeks, in all our meetings,

you and I have
never talked about it.

My father's trial. You
weren't in Denver then,

but they put me and
what I am on a cross.

Steven, I knew all about it.

Your relationship
with Ed Dinard.


His name was Ted.

Ted. I feel for what

you must have gone through,

but you're one lucky guy.

I mean, your wife not
coming back with you.

It probably wouldn't
have worked out,

because she'd have blamed
everything that went wrong

on your past.

Thanks for understanding.

There aren't too many people
on the other side who can.

Including my own father.

If you have a problem,

you're gonna have to
take it up with the manager.

I'm on my way home.

There is a problem,
it's between you and me.

You're not going anywhere
until we get this straightened out.

She set it up and you were
just the innocent victim, right?

That's right. I was the victim.

Mm-hm. Your room. Champagne.
A towel wrapped around you.

My mother in your bed.

Alexis plays rough, Fallon.

She's not the kind of
woman who loses easily.

Oh, really? Then how can
you say you were framed?

If you weren't having
an affair with her,

then how could
she be a poor loser?

Did you ever sleep
with her, Mark?

See? You just
answered my question.

You went to see Dr. Winfield?

Well, yes and no.

Now, what is that
supposed to mean, huh?

I went to his office
where I saw this nurse,

and we talked about
how I was feeling,

and she said "Oh?"
and gave me a blood test.

Which shows positively,

that I am positively
and absolutely pregnant.


Do I have to tell
you again? I will.

Oh, no, I heard.

I love what I heard.
They're sure?

Yes. And on Monday I'll go back,

and Dr. Winfield himself will
give me a complete examination.


I'm all right.

No, you're not.

I'm just a little dizzy.
It's natural, isn't it?

Well, I'm not so
sure. When Fallon...

What about Fallon?

She wasn't dizzy this
early in her pregnancy?

Something like that?

Look, this is my
pregnancy, not Fallon's,

so could I just have our
baby without comparisons?

Oh, come on, I... I was
just concerned for you.

Well, thank you,

but pregnancy is a
condition, not an illness.

So if you'll just let me
get up from this chair,

I'd like to finish
some shopping.

Sure, yeah.

I didn't really come out
here for lunch, Fallon.


Then why? Not to play tennis.

I don't allow ties on the court.

I came for your help.

For you to bury your
hatchet and be my friend.

I choose my friends
very carefully, Adam.

That's always been my style.

We were friends once,

before either of us
knew who the other was.

I'd rather not talk about that.


The bond between sisters
and brothers is there,

whether you want
to admit it or not.

And I want the bond
between you and me,

and me and Steven to be there.

Really there.

Well, in case you've forgotten,
I already made it clear:

if you wanna be
friends with Steven,

you have to make it on your own.

You know, when I was growing up,

I always envied the kids
with brothers and sisters.

I've tried with Steven.

I've tried very hard.

Well, you must have
done something wrong.

I was genuinely concerned
about him and his wife

and he thought I was making
a cr*ck about his lifestyle.

"Thought"? Maybe you did.

Look, Adam, if you
wanna be close to Steven,

just love him.

Accept him, don't judge him.

Come in.

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby,

but the medical convention
booked in for Monday?

We guaranteed single
rooms for the entire group,

but they have just added
on a last-minute booking,

and the hotel's full
except for suites.

Oh, well, give the
good doctor a suite

and charge him for a room.

What's the name, Mitch?

Dr. Jonas Edwards.

From Billings, Montana.

"Billings"? Do you know him?

I've heard the name.

I won't keep you, Fallon. I
can see how busy you are.

See you.

You're not well, boy, are you?

I'm very well.

Those eyes are just
a little too bright again,

and there's that
tautness in you.

Do your parents know
what happened to you?

That a high-school kid
wanted to experiment once

with a few assorted dr*gs?

There's nothing to know.

I saw the promised visions.
It all passed and I got over it.


You haven't told them.

There was nothing to tell.

Son, I nursed you for months.

I went through the whole
breakdown with you.

I never want to
hear that word again.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Let me get the door.

Thank you.

Right. See you later.

Okay, bye-bye.

Mrs. Gordon, did
you forget something?

Hello, Steven.


The name's still
Deegan, not Gordon.

She's my son's nursemaid.

Yeah, I figured. I saw
them on the way out.

Great looking boy.

Thank you.

Come on in.

Nice place.

Not yet.

Yeah, but it's a home.

It's a lot nicer than the hotel

I've been living in ever
since I came to Denver.


Happy housewarming.

It's sherry. Very dry.

The best kind. Thank you.

I didn't attach a card.

Well, you just said it.
"Happy housewarming."

If I had attached a card,

it would have
included a confession.

A long overdue one.

You're not really a lawyer.

I'm gay, Steven.

Do you wanna hear
the story of my life?


It's the same as yours.

I doubt that.

Do you?

Do you?

A serious relationship with
a man I was involved with.

My determination
to turn straight

by marrying a woman
I was confused about.

What happened?

We divorced.

I left the East and came
out to Denver to start fresh.

But life in the closet
is life in the closet,

no matter what the map says.

Are you surprised?

I don't know. I don't
look for these things.

Steven, the reason I
came here is to tell you

that I admire your courage,

a courage I'm not
yet sure I have myself.

But at least I've come far
enough to admit it to someone.

I'm glad you told me.

Me too.


how about a glass of
this very dry sherry?


You know something?

I think you and I

are two people who need friends.

To friendship.

To friendship.

Oh, hello, darling.
I'm glad you're here.

I just came by to see the baby
and I wanted to talk to you too.


My name is Fallon.

It was my father's mother's
name and it's my name.

Look, Fallon,

I know how upset you
are about Mark and me,

but you are wrong.

I saw what I saw.

I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about the fact that
you not only have a mother,

but a mother who
cares desperately

about your happiness.

As far as I'm concerned, I
don't have a mother anymore.

Look, Fallon.

Please try and understand.

It almost broke my heart

when you threw a wonderful
man like Jeff out of your life.

A man with a quality and
stature that you deserve.

But then to find out
that you were getting

emotionally carried away by a...

By a tennis bum,

well, you left me
no other choice

except to expose the
man for what he was.

He's not worthy of you, Fallon.
He's completely worthless.

And you of all
people should know.

You wanna know
something else, Alexis?

I hate myself right now.

I hate myself for going
along with your rotten scheme

to break up Krystle and Blake.

And I hate myself for
not recognizing sooner

what a decent woman Krystle is.

Decent woman indeed.

What are you doing here, Alexis?

I came to see Fallon.

I wanted to talk to her,

but you've seen to
that, haven't you?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about a woman

who has done
everything in her power

to alienate my daughter
from me. Namely you.


That's a word they
invented for you, Alexis.

You've never stopped
trying to destroy my marriage,

and you've got your
son and his father

barely speaking to one another.

Is that really of so much
concern to you, Mrs. Jennings?

You still are, you know.

Get out of here, Alexis.

Get off your property?

But it isn't really
your property,

is it, Mrs. Jennings?

Get out!

I know what's wrong with you.

The empty-armed Madonna

mourning the baby
that she couldn't have

and the baby that she
almost got to adopt.

Gone now.

That is it, isn't it?

Oh, you miserable bitch.

Oh, no, you don't.

Wait a minute,
Alfred. Back up a bit.

What the devil is going on
here? Will somebody tell me?

Are you going to
answer me, Krystle?

Are you going to answer me?

Well, all right, I'll
tell you something:

I will not have this.

No matter what
the provocation is,

I will not have my
wife acting this way.

A common brawl in a lily pond.

With her.

Like a couple of
female mud wrestlers.

I won't stand for it,
do you understand?


would you please
help me out of here?

Did you see her? Did you
see what she was trying to do?

She was trying to drown me.
She's no better than an animal.

Yes. I can only guess
that you started this

and that she had
to defend herself.

I have no intention of standing
here and arguing with you

and catching pneumonia.

Krystle, you've been in there
for more than an hour now.

Come on out, please.

Do you hear me?

What are you doing?

I'm leaving.

I'm checking into La Mirage.

Are you going to tell
me what this is all about?

You've done an
unforgivable thing, Blake.

You've not only humiliated me,

but you've done
it in front of her.

The woman who cost us our child.

There are times when
husbands and wives must...


Well, Alexis was
right about one thing.

She reminded me that I'm
not legally married to you,

and I'm not sure I wanna be,
because what am I in your life?

Maybe if I hadn't lost the baby,
maybe if I could still have one,

we'd be closer.

But as it is, I
was closer to you,

closer to the core of your
life, when I was your secretary.

And don't bother calling
one of the servants.

I haven't forgotten how
to carry my own bags.

Now, wait.



Mrs. Carrington, I hope you
were comfortable last night.

I just want you to know,

Mrs. Colby is having your things

moved into a suite
within the hour.

Thank you, Melinda.

What's that about?

I'm staying here.

What's the matter, Krystle?

Good morning.

I'd like to speak to you for
a moment if I may, Krystle.

I'll wait for you down there.

Excuse me.


This came for you this
morning. Registered mail.

I was on my way to the office,

I thought I'd bring it to you.

It's your final decree.


I was hoping that
you might forget

about what happened yesterday

and come back home
where you belong.

That is, unless
you're still angry.

Well, I'm not
really angry, Blake.

I'm hurt.

And about coming home:

I'm not sure I belong
there anymore.

I have a lot of
sorting out to do.

What is it you want, Krystle?

I don't know what I want yet,

but I know what I feel.

I feel empty,

because I don't think
you need me anymore.

And Alexis...

What about Alexis?

She's never really left
you, has she, Blake?

Ever since she came
back two years ago,

it seems like every
time we turn around,

there she is, messing things up.

I don't know, maybe...

Maybe what?

Maybe there's
just too many ties.

Now, that's ridiculous.

Is it?

She's the mother of
your three children,

and now she's your
business partner.

I had nothing to do with that.

But she is back in your life.

You're being irrational

and thoroughly
unreasonable about this.

Am I? Am I really?

The meetings, the phone calls.

Well, maybe you
don't even realize it,

but she's more involved
in your life than I am.

And not just business.

I mean, you talk to her about
Adam and Fallon and Steven

and tell me not to be concerned.

Now, don't you see,

I can't pretend that
my life didn't exist

until you walked into it.

What do you want me to do?

Do you want me to pretend
that my children were never born?

That Denver-Carrington was
just something that I imagined

and didn't spend more
than half my life to build?

Krystle, you...

You are the single most
important person in my life.

I love you.

I guess I have from the moment
when you walked into my office

and smiled and said,
"Hello, I'm Krystle Jennings."

And from that moment to this,

I've never looked
at another woman.

Now, right now, you...

You think I'm
obsessed with my work

and other people
and other things,

but try to understand this:

No matter how much love
two people have between them,

a man is made up of
many things. Of love.

Love for his family. His work.

Love and work.

Now, if I have
failed to show you

how much I love you,

I'll make it up to
you, or at least I'll try.

I promise you that.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe you do need
time to sort out things.

But come home.

Let me be with you
while you do sort them out.

I can't.

Please understand that I can't.


What's wrong?

Papa, I'm thrilled
about this baby,

but morning sickness this soon?

What if I have eight
more months of this?

Oh, it's too much
to think about.

I wonder if it
runs in the family.

Was my mother like this
when she was carrying me?

Uh, I don't remember.

Darling, why don't you
go out for a little walk?

The fresh air will
do you good. Yes?

Where's Mrs. Carrington?

I lost a pearl and
diamond earring

in the lily pond yesterday

and I want her to give
you the authorization

to have it drained immediately.

Mrs. Carrington isn't here.

Then I'll wait.

Then you'll have a long wait.
She's moved out to La Mirage.


Well, what your mistress, or
rather, your ex-mistress does

is of no concern to me.

What is, is my earring.

And by the way, Joseph,

I happened to overhear what
your dear daughter was saying

about her dear mother.

I wonder how she'd
feel if I ever told her

the truth about that woman.


You wouldn't do that.

Oh, wouldn't I?

Have the pond drained
immediately and we'll see.

Mrs. Colby,
Mr. Carrington is on Line .

Is there anything else
you need before I leave?

No, nothing. Thank
you, Bernard. Good night.

Oh, and, Bernard, you did well.

It was a very good first week.

Thank you, Mrs. Colby.


Yes, what is it, Alexis?

Well, I'm glad I
tracked you down.

I'm still at my office.

Have you read the article
in this afternoon's Reporter?

Yes, I read it.


Then I think it's about time
that you and I got together.

Since poor Neal's
influence in Washington

is going to be nil from now on,

I think it's about time that you
came over here so we can talk.

Are you ordering me to
come over to your office?

No, Blake, I'm
simply suggesting,

and strongly, that
we talk this out.

You know, I'm sick and
tired of your delaying tactics,

and I just want you
to know that I am not...

Damn it, don't you
hang up on me, Alexis.

Did I interrupt your
phone call, Alexis?

Why did you do that?

Will you answer me, Neal?

Let's say I had a sudden urge.

What's wrong with you?

What are you doing here?

I came here to visit you.

After waiting in the men's room

for everyone to
clear out of here.

This is a very nice office.

Thank you.

May I pour myself a drink?

How have you been, Alexis?

You're as beautiful as ever.

Oh, um...

I haven't been too well, I...

I'm catching a cold
and I'm very tired.

That's not good.

Now, that really is not good.

And I have to go. I
really have to leave.

Yes, of course.

Of course.

But first, I want
you to read to me.

Read to you?

My mother used to read
to me when I was a kid.

It always calmed me down.

This article.

This article.

I suppose you've
been savoring it.

The labor of your love.

I don't know what
you're talking about, Neal.

Oh, I think you do, Alexis.

I think you do.

You see, yesterday,

when the Claire Maynard
story broke in the Chronicle,

I called some
friends in Washington.

I still have a few.

And it seems that
a man named Hess,

from Denver, did
the original legwork.

Of course you know him.


I don't know anyone called Hess.

That's strange.

Because he seems to know you.

I had his office
checked last night

and you are listed
on his Rolodex,

not once but twice.

Alexis Carrington

and then Alexis Colby.

All right, Neal.

If you know me at all,

you'll know that I
always repay my debts.

Now, you betrayed
me and I've repaid you.

Well, I'm gonna k*ll you.

No. No, Neal.

I'm gonna k*ll you! No!

Let her go, Neal.

Let her go!

What the hell is the
matter with you, anyway?

Now, go on, get
out of here, go home.

Aren't you in enough
trouble already?

This score's not settled yet.

You all right?


He was trying to k*ll me.

Oh, Blake.

Thank you for saving me.

Well, the next time, there may
not be anybody around to do it.

The next time?

If you go on ruining
other people's lives,

I wouldn't give a
dime for your chances

of holding on to your own.
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