04x26 - Littlest Pet Street: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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04x26 - Littlest Pet Street: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Blythe: And the highlight of Littlest Pet Street's

grand opening will be the world premiere

of the first film at Furplex Cinema!

The world's first movie theater

designed for humans and their pets!

Blythe, can we make our own movie to play at the theater?

Of course! I'll even lend you my smartphone to film it.

What kind of publicity have you been doing

for the grand opening?

Publicity? Oh, dear!

Russell: 'Kitty Plays Piano and Falls'

has one billion views!

Blythe: Hey, what if we got Felina Meow to come?

With all her followers, we'd be sure to get a huge turnout!

Oh, Felina's owner just sent me her contract.

'Must provide first class travel accommodations

to the venue from Felina's home in...BERMUDA?

Of course I'll fly you to Bermuda.


Felina Meow, what a pleasure to meet you.

I'm Blythe Baxter and this is your--

Lame entourage?

Russell: What a feline diva.

Everyone fasten your seat belt!

We're headed into a huge storm and it looks like

we're going to have to make an emergency landing!

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me



This looks... um... What's the opposite of good?


No, this is worse than 'bad'. It's--

Really bad!

Well, thank goodness none of us got hurt,

but how are we gonna get home?

The radio's broken and I don't have any bars.

Aw, don't worry. I've seen worse.


You sure about that?

Yeah. Ho ho! I can totally fix this.


Mrs. Twombly: So good to be here at the opening

of Littlest Pet Street. The Pet Vet!

A great place to get my annual check-up.

Pawristas. Tasty! But no dawdling.

I have got to go to the premiere at Furplex Cinema!

Anna Twombly, you must have worked all night

on this opening.

Well, Felina Meow, this was a team effort.

And yes, it did take all night.

If only pets could really talk.

Ah, there's my assistant.

And mine.

So, Mrs. Twombly, you wanted to run down the checklist

for today's festivities?

Yes, I don't want to leave anything to chance

for Felina Meow's visit to Littlest Pet Street.

RSVP's received; bunting is up and new unveiling tarp

is on its way.

Today is really coming together.

Although it'll all be for nothing

if Blythe doesn't get Felina Meow back in time.

Don't worry, Mrs. Twombly,

I'll call her and see what's up.

Even though she didn't answer the first 25 times I called.

I'm so happy my owner dropped me off today.

I get to be here for the grand opening

of Littlest Pet Street!

What's with Mrs. Twombly?

I thought she'd be more excited about this grand opening.

Yeah, I'm excited. I'm not even sure why.

I think she's just very nervous about it all.

Oh, great. Now, I'm very nervous.

What? I'm highly suggestible.

Aw, don't be nervous, Vinnie.

And now I'm not. Ha ha. Thanks, Peachie.

DAD! I know you're doing your best, but is there any way

you could do your best a little faster?

Don't worry, Blythie. Once the engine's fixed,

I'll get some vines, tie these wings back on

and we'll be home in no time.

Would it save time if I went and got the vines?

What if you run into a wild animal?

Oh puh-leeze. There's not an animal out there

I can't out-talk-uh, outrun.

Ah, my little girl. You're really growing up, aren't you?

Blythe, your dad is right. We should come with you.

You know, for protection.

I appreciate everybody's concern, but I'll be fine.

Actually, we have ulterior motives.

We've realized that 'Pets on a Plane' needs a twist.

So, can we come along?

Also, you have the camera.

Well, OK, you can come along and borrow my phone.

Why would I need to borrow your phone, Blythie?

You said you couldn't get any bars.

Huh? Oh yeah. Heh heh. I guess I forgot.

I'll go get some vines.



No, that was 'ahem' as in,

'Ahem, let's not let a celebrity get a fur burn.'



I'm starting to really worry about Blythe.

It's not like her to ignore seventy-five texts.

Actually, it's not like her to ignore one text.


I'm just gonna assume that's something like,

'Don't worry, she'll be here.'

In the meantime, I'd better keep that I haven't heard

from Blythe a secret from Mrs. Twombly.

I think she's getting more stressed-out.

Mrs. Twombly: WHAT IS THIS?

Do you think all of those people waiting all day

to meet Felina Meow want to greet her

with squeak toys that don't SQUEAK?

You fix it or I will squash you!


Mrs. Twombly, you've gotta chill.

I can't 'chill' until I know Felina Meow is actually here

on Littlest Pet Street taking the tour

and making her fans go, 'Awww.'


And where is Blythe?



Hey, look over there.

We should go over to that waterfall.

It will be perfect for a big action sequence.

Ooooh! That'll be nice.

Yeesh. What a sickening happy-fest.

Are you pets always so supportive of each other?

Well, not always.

Sometimes we actually argue about who's most supportive.

Really? I mean, ugh! Really?

Felina, are you ready to do your scene?

Actually, I'm ready to do nothing!

Perfect! Wait, what?

You pets are amateurs and watching you work together

made me realize I'm way too big a star

to appear in your silly little movie.

Hey! That's not very nice.

Besides, all you make are silly little videos.

Yeah, who are you to talk to us like that?

Um, a kitten with two-billion internet fans.

I've got more clicks than a ballpoint pen factory.

And a weakness for terrible metaphors.

Heyo, oh yeah girl, I went there, snap, snap, snap.


This is Blythe Baxter.

When you hear the beep, leave me the deets.

Blythe, it's Youngmee, again and I'm freaked right now

because there's no you, there's no pets

and there's no Felina Meow, who has gotta take her tour

of Littlest Pet Street or Mrs. T is gonna lose it!

Gotta go. Byeeee! Felina Meow is going to be here on time!


I cannot believe Felina is big-timing us.

Well, I could always do more scenes.

I've been working on my 'angry' expression.

I am just so darn angry! Grrrr!

OK, pets, I've got enough vines

so let's get back to the Pet Jet.

I see from your expression that you don't like this

and I get it. If I were a dog,

then the last thing I'd want to be is a cat.

But it's the least we can do for Mrs. Twombly.

I just hope none of my dog friends see me.

Attention, everyone! May I present the internet sensation

that you've all come to see: Felina Meow!


[excited laughter]

I am so adorably cute as I fall down, over and over again

because I'm a silly cat who doesn't know better.



Now, who wants a poster?


Gotta... get... some... air.

Something take your breath away?

You must be Felina Meow.


Dr. Handsome Face!

Oh, you know me. I'm flattered. And a huge fan.

What brings such a big star to my

humble little veterinary concern?

May I give you a check-up?

[lovesick sigh]

Wait a minute. You're that quack who insulted my singing!


You've got some nerve, Dr. Fake Doctor.


[confused chatter]

Time to go, Felina.

Felina: I'm not doing your silly movie.

What makes you think we want you in our silly movie?

Oh, so now you don't?

Of course we do!

Blythie, please check our fuel level.

[pets arguing loudly]

Please! I'm trying to concentrate!

Yeesh, it was just a simple request.

Oh, sorry Dad, I was just...

Fuel level's good, Dad.

Well, OK, then, let's light this candle!

[engine power up]


[power down]

AGH! NO WINGS! Plane. Not. AIRWORTHY! [sobs]

[groaning sigh]

Dad, the Pet Jet may not be airworthy,

but what about seaworthy?


Pepper, you are going to be so much better than Zoe

at convincing everyone that you're Felina.

This costume doesn't even fit me right.

And what happened to my tail?


Hello, Pawristas!

Who wants a genuine pawto-graphed photo

of Felina Meow?


The famous Miss Felina Meow in my café.

I have seen all your videos on the world wide web.

Well, isn't that nice?

That one where you done fell in the puddin' [giggle]

Some fine comedy, there!

C'mere. Give Fuzzy a big ol' hug right now.

OK, Felina. It's time to stop chit-chatting

and start paw-tographing.





Remain calm.



Well, I think I got it.

And for the sail?

Bermuda shorts. Not just stylish, but practical, too.

Gotta hand it to you, kiddo,

your idea to turn the Pet Jet into a sailboat is brilliant.

Now we just gotta push her into the water.

Just push it [grunt] into the [grunt] water.

[crash] Agh!

DAD! Pets, get on the Pet Jet. Are you OK?


I mean, other than this day being nothing but FAILURE!

What else could possibly go wrong?


Charging rhino.

I appreciate you trying to cheer me up with a joke,

but I happen to know that one.

Rhinos don't charge because they always carry cash.



Dad! Look out!



Get off my beach!

This is not your beach!

Well, you don't have to yell about it.

Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell.

It's just that we were trying to get off the beach,

but as you can see, we're stuck. Can we talk about this?

Blythe. You can't negotiate with a rhino!

The name's Tuffplate, Stompy Tuffplate.

I didn't mean to overreact,

but whenever strangers show up, I get all... [roar].

Not my best quality. Anything I can do to help?

Actually, there is.

[softly] OK, here's what we're gonna do...

Um, you wanna explain what just happened there?

No time right now, Dad. I have a plan!

Well, actually, Stompy Tuffplate and I have a plan.

Wait a second! You and a rhino named Stompy have a plan?

Sounds good, but do you have an explanation?

Um, I didn't want to do this right here, in this way

and I know it'll sound like I hit my head

during the emergency landing, but...

I can talk to rhinos.

And not just rhinos. Any animal.

Dogs... cats... hedgehogs... And they can talk to me.

Oh. I know.

You know?

Oh yeah. I've known all along.

But we should probably get on the Pet Jet.

I think your plan is about to go into motion.

Here I come!



Thank you, Stompy!

Dad: We owe you one!

This time it's gonna work... totally.


Can't believe I let Mrs. T down.

Can't believe I'm talking to myself.

What if I talk to myself forever?

What if I can't stop? No, Youngmee, you can stop.

No, you can't!

I think the pressure has made Youngmee go a little...


I'm on it.

Oh, hey there, Peachie.

You're so cute! I have to take a selfie.

Thanks, Peachie. I feel much better.

Mrs. Twombly: Youngmee! Come quick!

Look at the crowd in front of the Furplex Cinema!

And they're all waiting to see Felina Meow. So where is she?

Mrs. Twombly, I'm afraid Felina isn't--

Oh, there she is.

The flight from Bermuda must have been rough.

You are positively green in the face.

Oh, well! Your audience awaits.


I am just so darn angry.

[sweet growl]


You have great comedic timing, Penny Ling.

I think our action movie works even better

as an action-comedy.

Hey, everybody, I'd like-

Let me guess. More ice in your water bowl.

Your seat cushion fluffed.

Your litter changed.

I'm on it!

No, I'd like to apologize.

You would?

So, you don't need your litter changed? Good.

I'm sorry for being such a diva.

I've always been a solo act.

I've never filmed with other pets before.

And when I saw you all working together

and having such a good time, well,

I guess I got a little jealous.

Anyway, I hope I didn't ruin your movie.

Well, Felina, now that 'Pets on a Plane'

is 'Pets on a Boat', it'd be great to get an ocean chase.

I'll have you know, cats hate water...

which will be hilarious! Let's do it!


Uh, Dad? So, that whole 'talking to pets' thing...

I know you must be worried about me.

Oh, I'm not worried at all.

You're not?

Nope. Talking to pets is just one more wonderful way

that you're exactly like... your mother.

You knew that she could talk to pets, too?

Of course! No secrets allowed in marriage.

Although she never found out that my 'homemade' butter cake

was actually store-bought.

So if you suspected I was talking to pets,

why didn't you ever say anything?

I knew you'd bring it up in your own time.

When you were ready.

Remember what I said about my little girl growing up?

Aw, Daddy!


I don't remember the plane being quite so dusty.

No no no no no!

The grand opening of Littlest Pet Street

is happening really soon.

At the speed we're going, we'll never make it in time!

Why are you smiling?

'Cause I know you'll come up with something.

You always do.


Excuse me? We're trying to get to Downtown City

and we're in a bit of a rush. Could you give us a lift?

Not a problem, headed that way myself.

We're here to celebrate the official grand opening

of Littlest Pet Street.

And I am proud to introduce our newest Pet Street venture:


And now, you know her from such internet videos

as 'Kitten Tumbles Off Stool'

and 'Kitten Spills Milk'... FELINA MEOW!


Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Blythe: Youngmee! Wait!

[panting] Just... made.... it!

Why is Vinnie wrapped in a rug?


Good luck, Felina.

There's one thing I need.

No. I am not walking this red carpet...

without my entourage...of friends.



Dramatic Announcer: It's pets; it's a boat,

it's 'Pets On A Boat'.

♪ [dramatic music]



You know, I met that girl.

She and I are very close.

Well, Mrs. Twombly, everyone's really having a great time.

They are, aren't they?

Although I just wish there was some way we could ask the pets

what they think about it all.

Think I should tell her?

Someday, kiddo. Someday.
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