09x02 - Johnny Got His Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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09x02 - Johnny Got His Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Andy: previously
on "nypd blue"...

There’s a john clark,
works homicide
up in the bronx.

Yeah, that’s my dad ‐‐
john clark sr.

Let’s go, junior.

Connie mcdowell.

Who’s he?


You need to hear this.

What’s it about?


About five months ago,

This guy named legazi,

He hired me
to bury a rug.

Where’d you pick max
and this rug up at?

It’s a strip club.

Who’s going in with me
when I go see max?

You’ll go by yourself.

We’ll be set up
right outside.

No! No way. Forget it. I want
somebody in there with a g*n

Who’s watching my back.

You asked for me?

Yeah, we need you
to back up a witness

Who’s going to be
wearing a wire.
You got it.

I’m not letting you drink.

Go home.

Then come home with me.

Don’t drink tonight.

Come on.

Let’s get out of here.

That’s legazi.




You ought to consider
a ski trip, my brother.

This snow is top‐notch.

Yeah, it better be.

Who’s that?

That’s a neighborhood guy ‐‐

I told him that he’d
get his johnson tugged.

Legazi: only if you’re
doing the tugging.

Ha ha ha. Funny man.

Hope this keeps up all day.

What’ll you have?

Scotch and water.

So you sticking around?

Yeah, you know.

Thought i’d, uh,
hang out a little bit,

Maybe have a conversation.

I got to split, julian,

But thanks for the goods.

Yeah, in all honesty,
I got to ask you a favor.

What do I got to do
to get a guy taken care of?

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

Well, what are the steps
for you to...do a guy?

That’s awful quick.

I told him to go slow.

I told this idiot, "ease in."

Julian: there’s this black kid,
he’s selling cr*ck

On my mother’s stoop,
you know?

I tell him to boogie

And he pulls
a piece on me.

What do I care?

Well, you know,
I would do the kid myself,

But, uh,
it’s not in my wheelhouse.

What, it’s in mine?


Well, i’m thinking back
six months ago,

Me dragging a carpet
out of here.

That’s something you should
have forgot about, julian.

I got work to do.

Just tell me,
whatever this guy did,

Was it as bad
as disrespecting your mother

And putting a g*n
in your face?

Just needed doing.
Don’t make me a hit man.

Why’d you whack
that guy, huh?

I can’t believe this moron.

You don’t ask that.
That’s way too much.

Have you lost your mind?

All i’m saying is,
you know,

Whatever this guy did,

Can’t be any worse
than what i’m dealing with,

Unless he was a cop.

You saying he was a cop?

Why would I k*ll a cop?

No, i’m not saying
that you did.

I’m just ‐‐
i’m trying to make a point.

Come on.
Let’s go talk in the back.

Where we goin’?

I don’t like
talking business out here.

Let’s go in the back.

All right.

Why do you keep
looking away, baby?

Aren’t I sexy?

You’re perfect.

I’m just wondering
what’s in the back,

Where that guy’s
taking my friend

And inviting
another guy along.

If this kid’s got a brain,
he follows him.

Who cares?
You want a lap dance?

You know what?
He’s been a little sick.

I should check
to see if he’s okay.

Aw, come on, sugar.

My partner tommy.

He’ll want to hear
about that black kid.

Yeah, no problem.
Where we headed?

My office. Come on.

Julian: yeah, listen,
it’s a little bit
quiet back here.

I don’t think
I like this.

They made him.
They know he’s wired.

What’s this?

Is this a wire?

Let’s go.
Let’s go.

Don’t k*ll me!

Don’t move!

Freeze, assh*le!

Get down! Get down!
Stay down!

[ Horn honks ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Car alarm blaring ]

Get out!

[ Siren wailing ]
hold back!

Baldwin: put the g*n down!

Drop the g*n!

[ Yells ]

Watch it, kid!

[ Grunts ]

Lay the g*n down!

You just let him go
and lay the g*n down!

I’ll blow his head off!

If he dies,
you die, too.

Nobody wants that
to happen.

Now lay the g*n down.

They’re going
to k*ll me anyway.

Take it easy, man.
There’s a way out of this.

If I go, you go, too.

Drop the g*n!

Drop it!

How you doing, kid?

I’m all right. How’s the girl?

Get an ambulance
over here!

She’s getting help.

Gonna be all right.

You did good.

[ Indistinct chattering ]

Kid’s going to the o. R.,
Clean up the wound.

Just a precaution.

How’s his mind‐set?

He’s shook up,
but he’s tough.

Did uniform find
that julian assh*le?

Yeah, hiding in a dumpster
a block from the club.

Baldwin: heywood says
her office and the u. S. Attorney

Are hashing out his deal.

A sharp guy like that
ought to be put out to stud.

g*nsh*t d. O. A.,
Seventh and avenue "a."

Coffee shop.

I’m up.

No, you got duty captain.

Here’s the kid’s old man.

Detective clark.
I’m lieutenant tony rodriguez.

Your son was working
undercover for me.

Where is he?

They’re bringing him out.

When i’m done, we need
to have a conversation.




Thank god you’re all right.

I’m all right.

Any word on the lady?

A civilian took a round.
She’s doin’ fine.

We need to get him
to the o. R.

You can ride up with us.
I’m right behind you.

Specifically, I want to know
how this went wrong and why.

It was by the book, clark.
The perp flipped out.

You were part of this.

And holed up where
when the sh**ting went down?

Tony: it was detective
sipowicz who sh*t the perp.

They’re holding the elevator
for you, detective.

I’ll see you, sipowicz.

See you, dutch boy.

You know,

You’ve got some nerve
calling me that right now.

Your kid’s waiting.

Woman: janeane,
come to the nurses’ station...

You two
got a history, andy?

No, medavoy,
we just met.

I’ll be at the shrink.

How ya doin’?

Name’s mark lerner.

Him and his wife
were eating lunch.

Out of the blue,
his neck explodes.

Anyone see it?

Nobody saw a sh**t.

But before lerner went down,

The waiter thinks
he heard a tire screech.

Then there was a guy
feeding pigeons.

Says it was dead quiet.

All right. Thanks.

I’ll take the wife.

Name’s jennifer.

Hi, jennifer.

I’m detective mcdowell.

Can you tell me
what happened?

We were eating lunch,
and then mark was bleeding.

Did you see anyone
who might have done this?

Do you remember
hearing anything

Before he went down ‐‐

Tires screeching, yelling?

We were just eating lunch.

How long have you two
been married?

Five years.

Can you think of anyone who
mark wasn’t getting along with?

A business associate,
former girlfriend?


Were you and mark
getting along okay?

Forgive me, but...

Were you faithful
to each other?

Why would you ask me that
right now?

When something like this
happens out of the blue,

A jealous third party’s
a good place to start.

I was faithful to him,

And i’m sure
he was faithful to me.

At least
as far as I know.

I’m sure he was.

The waiter says he might
have heard a tire screech.

Or it might have
been on tv.

Either way,
he didn’t see anything.

Here’s a work i. D. ‐‐
Nyu english department.

Looks like
he was a teacher.

Wife said he wanted
to be a writer.

Anything else from her?

That’s it.

Woman: we’re
in downtown manhattan...

Hey, check it out.

An undercover
police operation

organized crime figures

In the strip club

into a hostage situation

And streetside sh**t‐out.

As many as 20 sh*ts
were exchanged,

Leaving two wounded
and the perpetrator dead,

sh*t and k*lled
by a detective also involved...

There’s andy.

Among the wounded included
a pedestrian eleanor gaines

And police officer
john clark jr.

Hey, turn it off.

Are recovering
at area hospitals.

This is macki west repor‐‐

Yeah, officer clark is out
of surgery and doing fine.

I understand the same goes
for the female victim.

Better check with dcpi
before you go to press.

What’d you get from nyu?

Lerner shared an office
with another associate professor

Who said he may have
been seeing a t. A.

In the communications
department ‐‐ donna finer.

she wasn’t at work today,

So anti‐crime
is grabbing her up.

Is she out sick, what?

No scheduled classes.
We called bci.

running her through now.

Sorry to bother you,

Phone call.

Press is burning up the lines.
Run it for sipowicz.

it’s not the press.

It’s detective olivera
from the 8‐3.


When you’re ready,
we’ve got something on the case.

I’ll be right out.


I didn’t get a chance
to say thanks

For getting me
out of the bar last night.

Don’t mention it.

That’s my general tact
when it comes to gratitude,

But you taking time to talk
and making coffee

Saved me
from a lot of trouble.

Did you get home all right?

Yeah, fine.


I won’t burden you
like that again.

Helping a friend
isn’t a burden.

[ Telephone rings ]

John: 15th squad.

Shrinks go better
than last time, andy?


They’ve got more respect for you
now that you’re a tv star.

Saw your face
on the news.

Detective g*ns down
cop k*ller ‐‐

Very heroic.

Detective, michael daily
from the "daily news."

Refer him to dcpi.

I’d hate it
if my kid saw that.

They got tvs
in the class?

The older grades
got the internet.

They know everything
the minute it happens.

way too informed.

Maybe take the day off,
go pick him up.

I think you’ve earned it.

I got to work the case.

I could pick up theo
and keep him busy
until the end of your tour.

Yeah, we got the case.
Take care of your business.

Yeah. I don’t want him getting
impressions from other kids.

I got to go.
My mother was just
robbed at her apartment.

Is she okay?
They said she was conscious.
I’ll be on the air.


Get theo.

Any indication he knows
what happened, you call me.

All right, run the case.

Where’s the woman
who lives here, the victim?

Just went
to the hospital.

Lieutenant rodriguez,
maria olivera.

Why wasn’t I notified

Before my mother
was taken to the hospital?

They just pulled out
less than two minutes ago.

That’s why I gave you
my cell number.

What’s her condition?

She’s got bruises on her face,
her arm might be broken ‐‐

But she’s conscious.
She didn’t hit her head?

Well, I don’t know,
lieutenant. She was ‐‐

What was she like
to talk to?

She was a little groggy.

She see who did this?

The guy was wearing a mask.

What about canvass?
My partner just started one.

We’ve got narcotics
doing a sweep.

So you’re at square one.

We’re getting under way.

Who’s this?

Lieutenant blount,
this is the victim’s son

Lieutenant rodriguez.

I heard it was a lieutenant’s
mom, I scurried down.

Hell of a thing.

I’m heading to the hospital.
When i’m done with that,

I’d like to be involved
as much as possible.

Hey, whatever we know,
you know, too.

You talk with witnesses,

I’d like
to be in the room.


If you’re worried about the girl
being alone in the room,

I don’t let it happen.

Tight leash.

Still, I want
to be hands‐on.

You’ll be up to the second,
I promise.

But let me
take care of the room.

Nobody ever walks out
with a smile on.

Sometimes they can’t
walk out at all.

Be as careful as you can.
I’ll be at the hospital.

Maria: lieutenant...

Before you leave, could I
get a little background?

He thinks of something
helpful, he’ll call us.

Goes without saying, right?

Tony’s here, ma.


My sweet boy.

Hi, mom.

Are you
in a lot of pain?

It’s okay now.

The nurse
gave her medication.

What’s the doctor say?

My face is b*at up
and‐and my arm is broken.

Yeah. We’re
waiting on a cast.

Tell me how this happened.

I came home
from the grocery,

And I had just got
the door open

When I felt
a shove from behind.

He must have been waiting
in the alcove

Where the super
won’t fix the light.

He pinned me on the ground

And then he started
punching and punching.

Was there anything about him
you could recognize?

A tattoo or a scar?

It happened so fast, antonio.

Did he say anything?

He said he was going
to r*pe me and then k*ll me,

But I screamed
and I scratched at him

Until he went away.

Who would do this,

Someone who’s going
to get taken care of.

Don’t get yourself hurt
on account of me, antonio.

Just ‐‐
mama, just relax, okay?

Don’t worry about a thing.

Take a seat, ms. Finer.

I’m detective mcdowell.
This is detective sipowicz.

I saw you on the news
this morning from the sh**ting.

Yeah. You, uh...

You know a guy
named mark lerner?


When’s the last time
you saw him?

Last week, I guess. Why?

How are things
between the two of you?

Pretty steady
or a lot of dustups?

What is this about?

Were you and mark lovers?

Great. This is just great.

Do I need an attorney
or something?

Why would you need
an attorney?

I just don’t feel
like going to jail

For something I had
nothing to do with.

Then just tell
the truth, donna.

We’ll do our best
to keep you out of jail.

We were lovers.
He broke it off.

Sipowicz: when?

Two weeks ago,
but no matter what he says,

I am not a stalker
or a vandal.

What makes you think
he’s calling you that?

Why else would I be here?

He runs over a nail,

And suddenly i’m glenn close,
i’m going to boil his rabbit.

I’m studying
to be a news personality.

I’m not a tire slasher.

Mark got a nail
in his tire,

And he thinks
you put it there?

The day
after he called it off,

He got a flat.

It was a coincidence.

Do you know
where mark is now, donna?

experimental american lit?


He was sh*t
this afternoon.


Is he all right?

He didn’t make it.

So let’s talk
a little more

About him wanting
to break things off.

Are you serious?

He’s dead?

Where were you
around 11:30 this morning?

I‐i don’t know.

He’s really dead?

Yeah, he’s really dead,

And you’re not
explaining your whereabouts.

11:30, I was at my
elective at suny ‐‐

On‐air interviewing.

People saw you there?

Did you ever mention
your relationship troubles

To anyone else ‐‐
maybe someone with a g*n?

I don’t know
anyone with a g*n.

How about someone
who might take initiative,

Maybe someone who was looking
to get in your good graces?

You think I had something
to do with this?

I loved him.

I wouldn’t hurt him,

And I don’t
know anyone who would,

Or anyone with a g*n,

Or anyone who’s capable
of k*lling someone.

I’ve never even met
anyone like that...

Except for you.

Lieutenant, how’s your mom?

She’s fine.
What are you doing here?

Crime scene got a print
from the apartment.

Why didn’t you call me?

I was in the area.

"Up to the second"
means "up to the second,"

Not "I got information,
now i’m going to sit on it."

Hector acevedo ‐‐
long rap sheet,

Spent the last eight years
locked up.

He’s been out for the past
two months, and I hear ‐‐

Did you bring him in?

No, we can’t find him.

Did you check
his addresses?

They’re bogus or old.

What about the numbers
he called

After his collars?

Most have been checked.
We got nothing.

So you waste time
to bring me the name of a ghost?

I wanted to know
if the photo rang any bells

On where to look for him,
seeing how it was you

That put him away
eight years ago.

I’m told he used to
dye his hair blond,

Call himself kiki.

Son of a bitch.

What’d he do?

Big‐weight trafficker.

And he did
at least two homicides,

But he b*at them at trial.

Did he give you a hard time
after the collar?

Didn’t seem any more
than usual at the time.

But I got close
to this guy.

I spent a year with him.

Looks like hell.

Any idea
where to look for him?


So if I accepted that
and split,

The next place you head
wouldn’t be acevedo’s hangout?

You’re calling me a liar?

Just asking a question.

Did you forget
that i’m a boss

Or that the victim
is my mother?

I know she’s your mother,
but this is my case.

I can’t let you
look for him alone.

Another homicide
in the street, boss.

Houston and columbia.

You guys roll on it.

Kiki had a baby mama
in hell’s kitchen.

You driving or me?

I’ll drive.

We’ll start the canvass.

Man: just doing
business as usual,
then all of a sudden...

What do we got?

Guy was walking along,
just dropped.

Anybody see a sh**t?

No one even heard a sh*t.

All right, thanks.

"Charles spivey."
Nyu library card.

The d.o.a.
From this morning ‐‐ lerner.

He was faculty at nyu.

Anything there
about this guy being faculty?

No, looks like
a student card.

Still, both nyu.
Could be related.

Some psycho on a k*lling spree,
i’m trying to get to my kid.

Anything jump out?

Hot dog vendor said the guy
went down like he tripped.

Then he saw the blood.

So nothing.


Entry and exit wound
the same as lerner,

So get esu
to search for the slug.

What, are we thinking
these two are connected?

With my luck,
yes, we are.

Over there.

Here we go.

Where do you think
you’re going, huh?

We’ve got some questions, kiki.
We need you to take a ride.

Come on.

I didn’t do nothing!
Shut your mouth!

Wait, is that
antonio rodriguez?

Shut up, kiki!

Yo, man,
you got serious, bro.

You need some prison life
to get that smile back.

You know what?
We’re not going to brooklyn.

15’S closer.

What, are you trying
to get me to jackpot?

No, i’m just telling you
where we’re going.

I got to call my lieutenant.

He’s going to want
to roll on this.

That’s up to you.

No, son, you’ll be back
in school tomorrow.

I just wanted you out
a little early today.

Go have fun,

And, yeah, we’ll talk
about it later, okay?

All right, why don’t
you put john on now?

Yeah. Okay. Bye‐bye.

Catch me up
on the sh**t.

Run it for him.
I’ll be right in.

Hey, hey, john?
[ Telephone rings ]

Hang on a sec, will you?


No comment. Call dcpi.

John ‐‐
[ telephone rings ]

Hold on.

Call dcpi.

No. No, not you, sarge.

Yeah. What do you got?

Working on a possible connection
between lerner and spivey,

And every thursday at 9:50,

Both got out of class
within a floor of each other

In the nyu main building.

And these two
passing in the hall

Somehow invoked the rage
of a third party?

Factor in lerner’s mistress,

And thus far, you’ve got
a definite nyu theme.

Anything on spivey?

No sheet. His roommate
said he was from fresno.

Philosophy major,
made good grades.

Did the roommate mention
a mark lerner or the mistress?

Neither of them.

And esu couldn’t
locate either slug.

Guess we head out
and recanvass.

Knock, knock.

Excuse me.

We got sh*ts fired

At a gas station
at second and "b."

b*ll*ts out of nowhere,
but uniform says

That there’s a slug
in the sheetrock wall,

Could be intact.

Get down there
and follow it to ballistics.

We’ll get you
a little bell to ring

So next time, you don’t
have to say "knock, knock."

I don’t even know
what i’m doing down here,

And I got
to get my balls broke?

Perp was in the neighborhood.
I was just trying to save time.

You talked to him?

I was waiting
for the big g*ns.

Let’s do it.

Come on, blount.

So what’s up?

What are we doing here?

What we’re doing, homeboy,

Is telling you to shut up,

’Cause i’m
who asks the questions.

Express your whereabouts
noon today.

Kiki: express my whereabouts?

I hereby tell you
that I was out and about.

Anybody vouch for you?

Where’s rodriguez?
I was expecting a reunion.

That you back there, tonio?
What’s up ‐‐

Hey! Eyes front, stupid.

Yo, man, you’re going
to break the table.

Yo, why you disrespecting me
with this low‐rent chump, bro?

Keep talking trash,
you’re going

To find your ass back in jail.
You want that, kiki?

No, ma’am.

Explain the scratches.

I’m nailing this really feisty
piece of ass.

Name and number.

What am I doing here, man?

Elderly woman fought her way
out of a r*pe this morning.

Your name came up.

Look, i’ve been out of the can
just two months, baby.

My nose is clean.

Explain your fingerprint
in her apartment.

Where’s the apartment?

Cadmon tower, 6b.

See, I work for a plumber

Who’s got a contract
with cadmon tower.

I’ve been in a lot
of those apartments.

I’ve touched
a lot of stuff.


Explain what your print’s
doing in this woman’s blood.

What’s that now?

The only way your print
winds up in her blood

Is if you’re the one
who did her harm.

Now explain that.

Or we could stop
wasting time

And start talking about ways
of getting you in front of this.

Sweating now, eh, stupid?

Tony: shut up, blount.

Listen, amigo,

You can’t b*at a cop’s mom
and skate free.

You will leave evidence ‐‐

Fibers in the carpet,
hairs in a sweater,

Or blood prints

Right smack in the middle
of the kitchen linoleum.

Right in the kitchen, huh?

I’ve never been
in the kitchen ‐‐

Legit or otherwise.

He blew it.

He blew it.

It’s just an example, kiki.

Let’s get back
to helping you out.

You don’t got my print
in nobody’s blood.

Besides, you know,
I get plenty of trim.

I don’t need to go

Banging no cop’s
chili‐picking mama.

That attitude
might straighten out

With some lost teeth.
What do you say?

I want a lawyer, homeboy.

Sounds good.

I’ll meet you over there.


What are you doing here?

Great news.
Good, I could use some.

got us on the air.

They already responded
to the crime scene.

They i. D.’D the b*llet

As coming
from a rare hunting r*fle.

There’s three
registered in the state,

One in the city.

Well, we locate the owner
in the city?

Gerald vennit.

He lives with his parents,
who haven’t seen him,

But his employer says
that vennit does scut work

At various
construction sites.

One is near a building
at third and "c,"

Which, if you were
moving around,

Different sides
on higher floors

Or the rooftop,

And you had a high‐powered
hunting r*fle with a scope,

You could nail
all three sh**ting spots.

I‐i figured that out
looking at the map.

Yeah, andy suggested
that I do so.

Good work, both of you.

But, um, until we actually
talk with the perp,

We don’t know
if these are random sh**t,

Which they appear to be.

How is actually
getting a perp facilitated

By you standing here
talking to me?


You kicked acevedo.

Yeah, blount’s walking him out
with some stern words.

Good, ’cause those were
great in the room.

We’ll recanvass,

Your mom said
that he spoke to her,

We can run a voice lineup.

That’ll work.

You going to hunt
this guy down?

It’s not your business,

But i’m going to the hospital
to see my mom.

She was released
an hour ago.

Then i’m going
to her apartment. Are we done?

What the hell
are you doing?

I was going
to ask you the same thing.

Get out of this car
and get out of the area.

If you’re going
to talk to my suspect,

Don’t you think
I ought to be there?

Are you sure
you want to be here?

I don’t want
this case blown twice

On account of bosses who can’t
get out of their own way.


Freeze, assh*le!

Put your hand up slowly

Or get your brains blown out.

Protection against intruders,
you know.

Everybody should have one.

Like my mom, huh, kiki?

It’s clear.

Close the door.

Got to be some lunatic,
holding a grudge eight years.

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

You crossed the line.
I’m a cop.

Busting scumbags is my job.

A cop pretending
to be a scumbag kind of
blurs that line, eh, tony?

Doesn’t give you the right
to come after my family!

Hey, you were like a brother.
You came after me, remember?

I was working an assignment.

Yeah, right.
You ate at my table,

Came to my baby girl’s

Doing my job!

You know,
my girl’s 12 now.

She don’t even recognize
her father.

You chose to be a criminal.
You knew the risks.


Well, now you know yours.

Are you going
to write a statement now

Or back at the house?

Why don’t you go get
my lawyer, man?

I ain’t writing nothing.

Go to the car.
I’m staying here.

Go to the car!

What are you doing?

You have something to say? Talk
about where you were at noon.

I want my lawyer.
You go get my lawyer.

No lawyers, kiki.

You made this personal.

That’s how we’re going
to play it.

You can’t do this. Yo, lady,
why don’t you come on?

Noon today!

I was settling a debt.

Is that a confession?

Look, you sold me out, okay?

I didn’t trust
nobody but you.

Tell me the truth!

Did you break in on my mother,
or are you a dead man?!

I did the break‐in.

You’re going
to stand up to that

In your statement to the d. A.
And anybody who asks.

You come off of it,
and i’ll k*ll you.

And don’t you ever

Come near my family again.

Are we clear?


Are we clear?


Give me your arm.

Drop it!

Drop the g*n, gerald!

It’s not mine.

There’s no reason
to hang onto it.

I didn’t hurt those people.

I’ve got dignity.

We’re not saying
you hurt anybody.

We just want
to talk to you.

And we can’t do that calmly
with all this hardware out.

Drop the g*n, gerald,

And let’s talk.

I ain’t going down
like a chump.

I can’t put the g*n down.

Won’t nobody know
who’s the man.

You’re worried nobody
will know you’re the man?

It’s the man with the g*n ‐‐
mr. Bang.

Mr. Air k*ller ‐‐
look at him!

Put it down, gerald,
and we’ll make sure

Everybody knows
you’re the man with the g*n.

What’s the status?

Your guys are talking
to him on the roof.

Any sh*ts fired?
Not so far.

Let emergency service
know where to go.

What have we got?

The guy’s a nut.
Major wacko.

We’ll walk out real slow

So all the cameras
get a good look.

We’ll even deliver you every one
of tomorrow’s papers,

All with your face
on the front

And a headline
saying who’s the man.

You’re going
to blow me away.

Only if you don’t
put it down.

Then you’ll be carried out
covered up in a body bag.

No press,

No cameras,
you’re nobody.

Drop it,
you’re a tv star.

Now, you want to be alive
to see that, don’t you?


King of the airwaves.

meet tv’s newest star.

I’m going to be
a tv star.

His mother
will be thrilled.

He’s just
taking a statement.

Then i’ll send him down.
Well, thank you, sir.

Uh, acevedo’s ready
for central booking.

I’ll take it from here.

Uh, let me.

You probably want
to get back to your mom.

I appreciate it.

I was pretty rough
on you today.

It’s tough to handle someone
coming after your family.

Doesn’t make you
my punching bag.

I apologize.


It’s good
working with you.

You too.

We’ve got
the sn*per’s statement.

Big‐time loser
who wanted respect.

And the nyu connection ‐‐
waste of time.

We should have
seen that, andy,

Given the sh**t happened
a block from nyu.

Yeah, i’ll b*at myself up
later. I’m leaving.

You’re wanted at the hospital
for a photo op

With the kid from narcotics.

The commissioner’s office

You’re kidding.

You’re a star. Enjoy it.

But think how much time
we could have spent

Trying to connect
unconnectable dots

When these folks may as well
have been faceless,


Detective mcdowell?

Jennifer lerner.

Of course.

Connie: mrs. Lerner,
come on in.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

We were just about
to give you a call.

There’s been an arrest
in your husband’s case.

The guy confessed.

That’s good.

May I ask a question?

Did mark’s death
have anything to do

With him maybe
having an affair?

Why do you ask?

I was going through
a drawer in his desk,

And I found a note,

And I didn’t write it.

Did you find any evidence
that mark had a mistress?


Nothing like that came up.

Greg: his death
was a random occurrence,

The result of a disturbed person
with a g*n.

Thank you.

Thank you
for your hard work.

You’re welcome.



Not so faceless anymore.

No, sir.

[ Indistinct chattering ]

You okay?
You’re not drowsy or anything?

John clark jr.: I’m all right.
Take this sling off.


There’s my hero.

They’re just setting up.

I’ll be down the hall.

It’s all right.

My son junior says
you stood up today.

Appreciate it.

How are you feeling?

Good, good.
I’m just a little sore.

That’ll go away, but you’ll
always feel it when it rains.

Thank the man, johnny.

I’m sure he’s got
someplace to be.

Can’t thank you enough.

You bet.

Man: everybody’s here?

Great. Deputy commissioner
is on his way.

Let’s go.

Dad, get me up. I don’t want
to do this sitting down.


It’s a photo op
for the kid.

It’s invite only.
You understand.

I was ordered here,

By the commissioner’s

No, the vatican, dad.
I mean, what do you think?


Whenever you’re ready, sir.

One moment, tom.
Detective sipowicz.


Officer clark.

I am deputy commissioner

That was great work.
How’s the arm?

Uh, knowing
what could have been,

I’ve got no complaints.

He’s a tough kid.
You must be proud of him.

Forgive me
if this goes quickly.

I’ve got a meeting
with the mayor.

It’s not a problem
at all, sir.

Thank you.

As you know,

What with the world
trade center tragedy,

This has been
a very difficult year

For the city
and for this department.

However, the death of those
heroic officers and firefighters

Did serve to underscore
a mainstay of the job,

And that is a willingness
to sacrifice

One’s own well‐being
to save lives.

It is in that spirit that
we honor these men here today.

This officer
was a true hero today.

Therefore, I am honored
to promote john clark jr.

To detective third grade

And to present him
with this gold shield.

[ Applause ]

Congratulations, detective.


The detective shield
can be earned

With one heroic act,

But it takes a career
to earn detective first grade.

Detective andrew sipowicz,

For 24 years of service,

For countless acts of heroism,

You are hereby promoted
to detective first grade.

[ Applause ]

Thank you. Thank you.

Congratulations, gentlemen.
You have done the city proud.

That concludes
this news conference.

Thanks, everyone.

Be with you
in a minute.

There’s one more thing,

The commissioner
would like to know

You have preference
of command.

That’s ‐‐ that’s something

He’s going to want to give
some thought to, sir.

Actually, working narcotics
has put me in touch

With a lot of commands,

And i’d like to work
at the 15th.


Nice work, andy.

Thank you, sir.


Dad, check this out.

Guess i’ll be
seeing you around, huh?

Don’t count on it.

He’s going to rethink
going to the 15th.

What are you
talking about?

When your father
has 26 years on the job,

You consult him

Before planting yourself
in a hellhole.

You afraid he’s going
to work actual crime

Instead of getting cats
out of trees with you?

Go drink your grade pay.

Don’t forget
the way you got it ‐‐

Cost my son
a hole in his arm.

No, dad,
he saved my ass.

Sipowicz: forget it.

I’ll see you around.

Next time,
we’ll go early in the morning.

It’s better
early in the morning.

Are the fish
more hungry then?

They’re hungrier, yeah.
That’s how you say that.


Theo, uh, why don’t we
sit here for a minute

And watch the boats
go by, okay?

So, uh...

You had a fun day
running around with john?

I didn’t
have to go to school.

Yeah, well, that’s not
going to happen a lot.

You see, theo,

Daddy was on the news today

Because a bad man
had to be stopped

From hurting people.

What happened?

Daddy had to sh**t the man.

Did he die?

That’s not what I wanted
to happen,

But, yes, he did die.

I know that’s scary
to think about,

But I want you to understand
that I did it

To save
good people’s lives.

Will someone sh**t you?


No, son.

Nobody’s going
to sh**t daddy.

Daddy will always
be here with you.

[ Ship horn blows ]

Look at that boat.

It’s pretty neat, huh?


You okay?

Ready to head home?

First, can I go look
at that man’s fish?

All right.

Go look at the fish.

When I grow up,

I’m going to be
like you, daddy.

I want to k*ll
bad people.

Ooh, nice fish.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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