08x17 - Dying to Testify

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x17 - Dying to Testify

Post by bunniefuu »

White male shows
the clerk over there

A receipt
through the glass door.

The clerk buzzes him in.
Right away he pulls out a g*n,

When the d. O. A. Walks into it
from the storage room.

They struggle for the g*n,
the perp plugs him,

Takes the money,
and he splits.

D.o.a. An employee?

No. He’s one
of their vendors.

They got video here?


Greg, check out the body.
We’ll take the clerk.

I’m detective danny sorenson.

This is my partner
andy sipowicz. What’s your name?

Molly worthy.

What can you tell us about
the guy who did this, molly,

Other than white male?
My eyes
never left that g*n.

Young guy?

Old ‐‐ late, um, 30s.

What was he wearing?

All I was looking at
was that g*n.

I didn’t see
anything else.

Think to when
you saw him outside

Holding that receipt
against the window,

Not when you
buzzed him in.

he was wearing black ‐‐

Like a black turtleneck
and a jacket.

The receipt the guy showed you
to come in ‐‐

Did he maybe drop it
on the floor?

I don’t know.

Could this have been it?

Looks like it.

All right, you know what?
You’ve been through a lot.

Why don’t you try
and relax?

We’ll talk to you later.

A receipt from one of them

Day charter bus trips
to atlantic city

Leaving at 6:00 a. M.

Plus a name and phone number
written on it.

Is that chaz? That looks
like a cell phone number.

Well, call this chaz up

Or trace the number
and bring him in?

No, bring him in.

He might be the perp,
or at least in on it.

That was my choice, too.
I was just testing you.

Yeah? How did I do?

Yeah, well,
stick with it.

You’ll make
a good detective someday.

That was detective jones
and medavoy.

They’re en route
with the man

Whose name was on the slip
of paper at the crime scene.

Notify sipowicz
and sorenson.

See if they’ve finished
the canvass.

I’ve got a big problem.

that’s third floor.

We’re small to medium
problems down here.

But we’ll give it
a sh*t.

Diane: what’s up?

I’m in the middle
of a retrial case

That’s been
dropped on me.

dr*gs and homicide
from eight years ago,

And i’ve got
witness problems.

In the wind?

Both eyewitnesses.

One of them is apparently
back in ecuador.

The other one was supposed
to show up today, but didn’t.

When do you need them?

Tomorrow. 9:00 A. M.

How did this get to be
an emergency?

My investigators
dropped the ball.

What can I say?

When was the last time
they had contact?

A week ago.
Why did the case come back
to begin with?

It went up on appeal
and was denied.

Then it went up
on a writ

ineffective counsel,

And they got it.
The defendant has money.

Who is he?

Billy "fat cat" richards.

Heard of him?

Heavy hitter. He still has
a lot of pull on the street.

So he’s done eight years.
Witness is in the wind.

Why not just
deal it out?

This is the only m*rder
we have him on,

But they think he’s
responsible for others.
Safe bet.

It came
from this squad.

Some detective named
mike roberts caught it.

Know him?

Knew him.

He’s dead now.

The witness has a sister
on the job.

Works roll call
in highway 3 in queens.

What did she
have to say?

Couldn’t help us.

So 9:00 a. M. Tomorrow,

I’m sorry, but, you know,
here we are.

You guys run with it.

Good luck.

How’s it going,

Good. Thanks.

What happened to the guys
who brought me over?

this is our case.

Gotcha, gotcha.
So, what can I do for you?

You seem a little
ill at ease there, charles.

I do?
I‐i don’t feel that way.

You sure about that?

Okay, all right.
He told me it wasn’t hot,

But in the back
of my mind

I thought
it probably might be

Since he was fired
from there a week ago,

But, I mean, come on ‐‐
a big‐screen tv for 200 bucks?

If it wasn’t me,
he had five guys lined up

Who were going
to take it off his hands,

But i’ll absolutely
give it back

And eat the $200
and apologize to whoever.

All right,
we’ll deal with that later.

There was a robbery
on grand this morning

At a clothing store.
What do you know about it?


At the crime scene,
left behind was a note

With your name and your
cell phone number on it.

Is this ringing
any bells?

Who calls you chaz?

Oh, this guy named jay
who rides my bus.

I’m a charter bus driver.

He takes my 6:00 a.m.
Down to atlantic city,

once a month or so.

You only know him
from these bus rides?

Yeah. He sits in front.
Talks the whole time.

Why did you give him
your cell phone number?

Some business deal
investment‐type thing.

I gave it to him
just to shut him up.

All the time
he’s running his mouth,

He ever mention a last name?
Where he lives?

I just nod my head half
the time, not hearing a thing.

What’s jay look like?

White guy.
Big talker, like I said.

Always on the make.

like a month or so ago,

I was following an mta bus
and it hit a car,

And jay about flips out

’Cause he recognized the driver
of the car, so he ran out.

Said he was going to get in
the passenger seat,

Fake some whiplash, and get in
on some insurance money.

That type of guy.

Where was this?

Must have been on park ‐‐
in midtown.

The driver of the mta bus
was a black woman.

Yeah, ’cause I remember her
standing on the curb crying

Like she was going
to lose her job or something.

I’ll get greg
and baldwin on that.

All right, charles,
we appreciate your help.

And the big‐screen tv?

What big‐screen tv?

See you.

You got an exact date?

No. A month ago.

On park...

Somewhere in midtown,
you said?

That’s right.

Major damage,
minor damage?

We don’t know.


We don’t know.

Nothing. Are you sure
a report was filed?

We’re sure there was
an accident.

Yeah, well, unless there was
damage or injuries,

It don’t generate
paperwork here.

Don’t you keep
a daily log or something?

Daily log? What do I
look like ‐‐ captain kirk?

How many female drivers
you got driving on park?

What, off the top of my head?

Nah. Off the bottom
of your feet.

How many female drivers?

15, 20.

All right, just give us
their names and information.

Now that
I can get for you.

Well, it’s a good thing
I asked, huh?

May I help you?

I’m kara lowell.

I got a notification
to respond here.

Diane russell.

How you doing?

My partner
connie mcdowell.

This is kara.
Hi, kara.

So what do you need?

We’re looking
for your sister tisha.

I don’t know where she is.

When was the last time
you talked to her?

And where
was she living then?

New jersey.
She moves around a lot.

The reason
we’re looking for her

Is she’s supposed to be
testifying here on a retrial.
Yeah, I heard.

You wouldn’t happen to be
covering for her, would you?

’Cause we
could understand

Why you’d want to
if you were.

But this is
a m*rder case.
Yeah, I know.

I went through the first trial
with her eight years ago.

I know
everything about it.

We’ll get
a material witness order.

We’re going to do what
we have to to find her, kara.

Listen, we’re all on
the same job,

And i’m not trying
to be a bitch here,

But this is my sister,

And the guy she testified
against is a bad guy.

She came forward

I told her to back when
i’d just started on the job ‐‐

Before I knew
how things really work.

Would you want
your sister involved?

If she had already
come forward,

I’d know there wouldn’t be
a choice at this point.

I don’t know where she is.
Anything else?

I guess not.

Any other way
of locating her?

We could pull
kara’s phone records.

Then pull them.

Anti‐crime has a pattern
on our perp.

Four times
that have been reported.

Each one at an upscale
clothing boutique. Same drill.

Holds a receipt, gets buzzed in,
cleans out the register.

Two of the clerks said
before he left,

He took their i. D.,
Put his g*n in their face,

And said that
he knew where they live.

He would come back
and he’d k*ll them

If they ever said anything.

Probably did the same thing
to the other two clerks.

They’re too scared
to admit it.

And that’s what he did
this morning, you think?

Yeah. She was scared
out of her mind.

Wouldn’t hardly give us any
physical description on the guy.

Anybody get sh*t
in these other robberies?


Hold on one second,

Helena morris. She hit a car
five weeks ago with a bus.

No damage, but she kept a copy
of the accident report.

Where does she live?

Where do you live,

Um, she just moved,

So everything
is still in boxes.

Tell her no problem.

That’s no problem,
ma’am. Wait, hold on.

She wants to know ‐‐
can we come tomorrow?

She’s throwing
a birthday party

For her 5‐year‐old.

We’ll be in and out
in five minutes.

She won’t even know
we’re there.


Actually, ma’am,
we’re on our way.

[ Child yells ]

Okay, I found it.

Oh, uh, thanks.

Y’all ready
for some cake?

[ Yelling ]

Anybody listed
as a witness?

Driver of the car listed?

Yeah. Spence webber,
plus his address.

The bus driver said that
jay knew him, right?

I mean, that’s why he tried
to get in on it.

Let’s get jones and medavoy
to go hit up on this spence.

Yeah. Mrs. Morris, can we
take this with us, huh?

And we’ll
get it back to you.

[ Crying ]

Um, so, listen,
if you got things handled,

You know,
we need to take off.


Hey, uh, happy birthday.

Yeah, happy birthday.

We’re getting ready to sing
"happy birthday."

Here we go.

Same damn room, too.
My worst nightmare right here ‐‐

My worst ‐‐
coming back to this place.

This isn’t exactly a kick
in the ass for us, either.

Right here. Same table that
detective roberts worked me,

Even though I told him
I didn’t want to get involved.

Had my sister call me.
Tell me to cooperate.

"Just look at some photos."
Next thing ‐‐ i’m testifying.

maybe it’s some comfort

Knowing the guy you testified
against went away for m*rder.

That’s no comfort. Two thugs
sh**ting at each other ‐‐

One of them dying.

I could give a damn,
and I had to leave new york ‐‐

Change my damn name
because of all this.

We’re sorry that it
shook out like this, tisha.

Most cases
don’t go this far.

Well, I ain’t testifying again.
I’ve done it once.

Screw y’all if you didn’t
make it stick the first time.

We need you to, tisha,
and you’re going to have to.

I don’t have to do nothing.

This is m*rder.
m*rder gets handled different.

They’ll put you up
in front of the judge,

And you’ll get asked if this
is what you testified to

Eight years ago,
and if you deny it,

You’ll get rung up
for perjury.

You did us a favor
by coming forward,

And we don’t want this
to turn into something,

But we will not let this guy
get away with m*rder.

You know what the title
of my life story is going to be?

"Don’t get involved
or you’ll be sorry as all hell."

You’re making this 10 times
harder than it has to be.

Just get your testimony
over with,

He goes back to jail,

You go back home.

So when do I got
to do this?

Tomorrow at 9:00 a. M.

So i’ll meet you back here
at, what, 8:30?

Now what kind of host
would we be

If we invited you
all the way from jersey

And didn’t hang out
with you tonight?

All right.

But i’m with you two.
You’re smart enough to find me,

You’re smart enough
to keep me safe.

All right.

The bus driver
told sorenson 1‐f.

Man: yeah?

Yeah, spence webber?


A medavoy and jones

From the mta
reparation department.


Um, we understand
that you were involved

In a collision
with an mta bus a month ago.


Well, we’ve been assigned
to issue a settlement check.

Oh, hell yeah.
How much?

Can’t say.

See, the problem
we’re encountering, spence,

Is that there were no witnesses
to substantiate your claim

Other than the driver,

But since she works
for the mta,

She’s what they call
a compromised testimonial,

Which is their
fancy way of saying

That her version
can’t be used.

But my buddy jay
was driving with me ‐‐

Jason bazedon.
He was riding shotgun.

He’ll vouch absolutely.

You know how we can
get in touch with him?

Hell, yes, I do. I think
he just left for atlantic city.

He ain’t back till tomorrow,

That’s fine.

Okay, wait right here.
I’ll be right back.

All right,
we’ll be right here.

[ Whistles ]

So what’s the plan
for tomorrow?

Um, the perp
is in atlantic city.

We’ll set up on his apartment
at 6:00 a. M.

And wait for him.

Good night, you guys.

You sure you don’t want me
to arrange for a hotel?

This is what
she’s comfortable with.

The witness
we’re delivering tomorrow ‐‐

Me and diane are
keeping her stashed tonight

At diane’s apartment.

Break out the jiffy pop.

Yeah, drop by.

We’ll french braid
each other’s hair.

Ha ha.
Here’s the perp’s sheet.

It’s a decent record.
Variety of scams.

Weapons charge.

He b*at a m*rder rap
at trial two years ago.

So run a photo array
for today’s clerk.

We’d rather try
and flip this assh*le

Without getting her
in the middle.


All right. Good night.

Good night, boss.

Yeah, good night.

Now this is
more like it, huh?

He asks us
what we’re going to do.

We tell him
what we’re going to do.

End of conversation.

Andy, I got to talk
to you about something.

All right.

Why don’t you just
come out with it?

I’m looking into
transferring out of here,

And obviously I wanted you
to know first.

What happened? Why?

I thought I had a handle
on this diane thing.

But you don’t.

I was over it

As long as she wasn’t seeing
anybody else, I guess.

And that’s
eating at you.

Last night I was parked outside
of her apartment building

Looking up at her window.
Well, that ain’t good.

No, and that’s something
if you’d have told me

Six months ago
i’d have been doing it,

I’d have laughed
in your face.

Parked outside her apartment
is one thing.

Kicking in her door,
that’s another.

I’d never do something
like that.

That ain’t far‐fetched.

I know guys that have done it
over the same damn thing.

Which is why i’ve been thinking
I should transfer out of here.

Before you do something
you’ll regret.

I already regret
what i’ve done,

And I can’t imagine
what i’d feel like

If I did something worse.

Then, yeah.

Maybe that’s something
you need to consider.

I’ll tell
the boss tomorrow,

And i’ll keep you posted.


Tisha, try and relax.
It’s going to be all right.

It’s not that.
It’s being back in new york.

Just being here makes me want
to get high again.

Did you know the guy
who got locked up?

Kind of.

Was he your dealer?

He mostly had fools dealing
for him, but I knew him.

you leaving the city ‐‐

That sounds like maybe it was
a blessing in disguise.

No joke. I’d have o. D.’D
within a year if I stayed,

If fat cat didn’t
have me k*lled first.

Is this your man?

My late husband.

How long ago
did he die?

Two years.

And you still got
his picture up?

All my people who have d*ed?
I keep a scrapbook,

And I look at it
when I need to.

No way could I have
their pictures up. Too hard.

Everyone has got
their way of doing it.

Did you live here
with him?


Girl, move.

has it dawned on you yet

This might be
a sensitive subject?

Yeah, but she’s still
got to move.

Nothing says you got
to stay in one spot.

That’s what I thought when
this whole thing went down.

If I move out of new york,
i’ll fall apart,

But that’s just
your fears talking.

I appreciate the insight.

You can feel it.

You’ve been stuck here
too long.

You need to get up
out of this place.

Everybody’s got
an opinion, right?


Good morning, john.
Miss haywood.

Is the witness here?

Uh, yeah.
She’s in the coffee room.

I’ll get her.

Thank you for this.
Diane: no problem.

You’re taking her
to court yourself?

No. My investigators
are downstairs.

a little embarrassed

With having to get
you guys involved.

Tell them
not to worry about it.

Tisha, this is a. D. A.
Valerie haywood.

She’ll take care of you
from here.

Nice to meet you,

I really appreciate
your cooperation.

As quick as you can make it,
all right?


Nice meeting you.
You, too.

See you later.
You’re going to be fine.

Remember what I said.

I’ll remember.

Colorful history
you got here, jason.


You started young.

Yes, sir.
Unfortunately, I did.

You b*at a m*rder rap
at trial two years ago.

I don’t like
the word "b*at."

It makes it sound like
I really did it and got off.

No. I talked to the detective
who investigated the case.

You b*at it.

Detective flannigan?

I’m assuming that’s who
you’re referring to.

He’s got his opinion,
and I got mine.

What were you doing
yesterday morning,

Say, 10:00 a. M.?



All over.

You got a job?

No. I’m between jobs.

How do you get
your money?

Little gigs here and there.
Ask and ye shall receive.

That’s my policy.

I don’t trip where my next
buck’s gonna come from,

It just always does.

You ever driven to canada,

Yeah, actually, I have.

Remember driving up there ‐‐

Getting ready
to cross the border

There’s that last exit ‐‐

That last chance they give you
to stay in the united states?

I do remember.

We know you robbed that
clothing store on grand.

We know
you sh*t that guy.

We got witnesses
that put you there.

This is your chance
right here to come clean,

And we’ll work on how it was
a robbery gone bad.

If you make us
round up these witnesses

And go through all this
paperwork and man‐hours

Proving what
we already know,

This whole thing is going
to turn adversarial,

And it’s going
to be worse for you.

I’ll be heading into canada,
in other words.

This is your chance.
Many years of your life

Are going to be decided
by you right now or by us later.

Do you know why
I got into that jam

With that m*rder two years ago
to begin with?

Why I almost
got sentenced for it?

By talking to detectives

Who acted like they gave
a damn about me.

Now you want to talk
about canada? Fine.

I actually have some funny
stories to share about that,

But as far as criminal acts
I did not do...

I got nothing to say
about nothing.

Do we lean on him
a little?

No. He’s one of those guys
who could take the b*ating.

He’d probably enjoy it.

We’re going
to have to bring in

That sales clerk
from yesterday.

Get her to make an i. D.

Look, can you
take care of that?

I got to talk
to the lieutenant

About that thing.


You got a minute?


Um...i’m putting in
for a transfer.

Obviously, you’re going
to have to sign it,

So i’m giving you
a heads‐up.

Is this about me?

No, not at all.

You’re a great guy.

You’re already
a great boss.

Are you going
to give me a chance

To talk you
out of it?

I mean, i’m not going
to let a top detective

Get out of my squad
without a fight.

No, this is a done deal.

Mind if I ask why?

Personal reasons, um,
nothing I want to get into.

How about we talk
openly here for a minute?

I don’t know
how open I can be,

Seeing as it’s personal,

And I don’t really want
to get into it.

Fair enough.
I’m not sure if this is going

To affect your decision,
but, uh, you should know

Diane’s putting in
for a transfer as well.

When did this happen?

This morning.

I, uh,
I guess we should talk.

Yeah, we probably should.

You’re transferring out?

Yeah, I am.

You don’t need to.

Actually, I do.

No, diane,
this is on me.

No, it’s not, danny.

It is.
I thought I could handle it

And I can’t,

And whatever vibe
that i’m putting out there

That’s making you

I apologize for that.

Let me be the one
to leave.

You don’t need
to disrupt your life.

Danny, I do need
to disrupt it.

I need change.

Everywhere I look
in this place,

I see the people and things
that hold me to my past

And...i needed that
for a long time,

But now I have a chance
to move forward,

So I got to take
that chance.

I‐i feel like I drove you
out of here.

No. You didn’t.

It’s just time
for me to leave.

We have a suspect in custody
on what happened yesterday.


Right now we’re building
a case against him.


One of the things that we need
to put this guy away

For k*lling that man
in your store

Is a positive i. D.

From who?

From you.

I‐i didn’t get
a good look at him.

Uh, molly, ahem,

We ran this guy’s record
and a pattern came up

As far as how he does
his stickups.

Now we know, based
on what he’s done before,

That he must have
threatened you.

Did he take your i. D.

And say he knew
where you lived?

I really don’t want
to get involved.

Well, look at these photos
and see if you can spot him.

Uh, that way we’re sure
we’re dealing with the right guy

And we can go at him
and get a confession

And you don’t have to worry
about nothing.

He said he’d k*ll me.

He’s a coward.

Just give us
a little help, molly,

So we can put him away

And make sure
he doesn’t do this again.

Then I can go home?


It, uh, it just came together
really clearly in my head.

It’s a good move.
Start fresh.

That’s exactly it.

Hopefully, a spot will
open up somewhere soon.

Transfers can take a while
to go through ‐‐

A week,
sometimes a year.

Yeah, but i’m going
to pull, uh,

Whatever favors I got
to make it happen.

If you want to make a change
sooner than later,

Have you thought
about just taking

A hardship
leave of absence?

No. No, I haven’t.

Did you take one
when bobby d*ed?

No. Working was always

What got me
through the worst days.

Still feel that way?


Leaves of absence are meant

For people to straighten out
situations in their lives.

This was two years ago.

Tell them you didn’t
get it behind you

And you need time now.

Bobby was on the job.

There’s nobody going
to turn that down.

Can you afford it?

when, uh, bobby d*ed ‐‐

The union insurance.

So maybe
you put in for a year,

See how you feel.

Either way, you can come back
as quick as you want.

If it’s a week from now,
it’s a phone call,

And you’re back on the job.

It’s something
to think about.

I’ve been thinking
about it.

I’m tired of thinking
about it.

This sounds good.

This could go
into effect...

Mine took two days
to process.

When did you
take a leave?

When my dad d*ed.

Sorry to hear that.
Was he on the job?

He was a chief of police

Upstate ‐‐
saratoga springs.

How long
did you take off?

Six months.

[ Knock on door ]

Come on in.

A.d.a. Haywood called.
They lost the witness.

From this morning?

One of the defense lawyers
had food poisoning,

So they got a continuance
for the day

And she was dealing
with that

And they left tisha alone
for a minute

And she took off.

Uh, uh, she asked
i‐if you’d know

Where to look for her.

Her sister,
her old spots...

I mean, our guess is
as good as anybody else’s.

She’s going
to call back.

Tell her
we’re heading down there.

Did he make any noise
about lawyering up?

Not yet, but he b*at
a m*rder rap two years ago.

So he knows how it works.

[ Door opens ]

Did he flip?


So what’s
the next step?

We got to bring the clerk
back for a lineup.

See if that
gets him to go.

So now she’s locked in
for the whole ride.

She’ll be thrilled.

[ Door opens ]

Now, remember
they can’t see us.

Just point him out
if you recognize him

And we’re out of here.

And then
that’s it, right?

Yeah, once we get
a positive i. D.,

We got him
in a stranglehold.

I still don’t understand
why I have to do this.

I already identified him.

This is the official i.d.
This is the lineup.

This is when
we really box him in.

Number 3.

How’s that for quick?

Everybody but number 3
can go.

Let’s go wait
in the coffee room.
For what?

We’re going to see
what he’s got to say

Now that he’s been picked
out of a lineup ‐‐ come on.

You guys should take a sh*t.
We already tried twice.

You got it.
We got to flip this guy.


Next time I tell her that
she can go home for good,

I want to mean it.

Jason bazedon?


Detectives medavoy
and jones.

Either ‐‐ either somebody’s
confused here

Or, uh, those two detectives
didn’t do their job

Which, between you and me,
wouldn’t be the first time.

Did they tell you
what’s going on here?

about somebody getting k*lled,

Which i’ve stated repeatedly
I know nothing about.

Were you informed
by the other detectives

That you’ve
just been picked out?


[ Sighs ]

Okay, well, then, uh,

We’re here
to let you know that.

Doesn’t mean I did anything.

Did those other detectives,
uh, point out

How you could help yourself

By talking
about the crime,

Especially now
that you’ve been i. D.’D?

They mentioned it,

But, like I said,
I didn’t do anything,

So it kind of fell
on deaf ears.

Okay, then, uh,

It was me
who was confused.

We’ve, uh,

We’ve had complaints
from people who said

Some detectives have failed
to properly point out

The advantages of getting
in front of a case.

We were told by our boss
to come

And make sure
you did know that

Since this is going
to the grand jury tomorrow.

Now, if you want to talk,
we could talk.

This isn’t about
what’s good for me,

It’s what’s good for you.

possibly shaving 10 years

Off a crime
you will get rung up for?

How’s that
not good for you?

what the detectives said

When I was up on a m*rder charge
a couple years ago

And talking to them
almost got me put away.

We looked into that case.
That was all circumstantial.

You’ve been i. D.’D
in this one.

This is a whole
different deal, jason.

So who’s saying
they saw me?

They got multiple witnesses.

Look, this is my luck

That’s on a serious downturn,

You know when it started?

I was in atlantic city
two weeks ago, rolling craps.

All the numbers covered,
full odds on every one of them,

2 Grand behind the point ‐‐
know what I did?

I rolled one of the dice
off the table.

You what that means?

Your next roll’s
a seven.

Every time,
and my luck’s been

On a serious downturn
ever since.

Well, don’t make it worse
by clamming up

And not explaining how this was
a robbery that went bad.

You clam up,
the d. A. Will make it look

Like you wanted
to k*ll that guy.

Let us help you
with your statement, jason.

We know
the right things to say,

The things
the judges want to hear.

You know what?

There are
intangibles out there

That have always
guided me along,

And I appreciate
you guys’ advice, but, uh,

I’m going to put my faith
in those intangibles and...

[ Whispers ]
just keep my mouth shut.

You know what I mean?

You’re making a mistake.

i’ve made them before.

Mcdowell, russell ‐‐
from the 15th.

Over there.

Do you know her?


You have anybody for this?


Any witnesses?

No. This is a serious
drug location, though.

I got some people
I could talk to.

She must have panicked,
went out looking to cop,

And they found her.

Who’s "they"?

She was
supposed to testify today

Against a high‐profile dealer,

Billy "fat cat" richards.

So no chance this wasn’t
just a drug deal gone bad.

You’re going to want to look
into this fat cat richards

And who he’s got working
for him on the street.


I’ll notify her sister.

Is it tisha?


I’m sorry.

Yeah, so are we.

How did it go?

Full steam ahead.

Did he admit to it?

Not yet.

He will, though.

But I ‐‐
I could go?


You really stepped up,
and we appreciate it.

And where we’re at now
is, ahem,

We have 72 hours

To either have a hearing
in criminal court

Or bypass that and go
before the grand jury.

You only go
before the grand jury

If you have strong evidence,
and let me tell you,

We’re going straight there

Well, good luck.

And we’re going
to need you there.

What for?

To testify what you saw.

Won’t take long at all.
The sh**t won’t be there.

His lawyers won’t be there.
Just you and the grand jury.

And let me tell you,

Once this guy knows
that he’s been indicted

With a felony
in supreme court,

He’ll plead out.

What if he doesn’t?

He’ll ‐‐ he’ll plead out.
Don’t worry about that.

I’ve been doing this
for 22 years and this guy ‐‐

He’ll plead.

What if he doesn’t?

Then we go forward.

Go forward,
like ‐‐ like what?

Like take this to trial.

And ‐‐
and I have to testify?

That’s a possibility.

Yes or no!

Can you please,

Just give me
a straight answer?

If it went to trial,
yes, you’d have to testify.

He pushed the g*n barrel
into my forehead.

He looked me in the eye

And said he would k*ll me
if I ever said anything.

Molly, he’s a coward
and a loner

With no friends
out on the street,

And he’s going away
to prison

For a long, long time
no matter what.

Don’t let him
get into your head.

If you want,
we can put you

In a hotel tonight
until you testify tomorrow.

Do I need to?

We don’t feel you do.
I’m just saying

If it would make you
feel better.

I just want to go home.

Come on.
We’ll get you there.

[ Knock on door ]



You, uh, come by
to check up on me?


I appreciate it.

Well, how are you
holding up?

I’m really not up
for talking about it.

I’m sorry, but...

It was sweet of you
to come by.

Valerie, I ‐‐

I know you don’t like
talking about work,

But you can’t section off
your life like this.

You’d run yourself
into the ground

Trying to hold up the walls.

I’m here, okay?

For you,
and one of the benefits

Of having someone
in your life is

Being able to lean on them
when you need to.

Hey, don’t be stubborn.

Let me be here for you.

Food poisoning ‐‐
that snake defense attorney.

They knew she was
a squirrelly witness,

And I should have seen
that move coming.

Nothing you could have
done different.
I could have warned her

That it might take
a few days.

I had it in her head

That she’d be
in and out today.

I could have dealt
this thing

So that we wouldn’t even
have to go back to trial.


This guy’s a k*ller

Who should have got
the needle.

There’s no way you would have
dealt this down

To three more years
for him.

So quit doing this
to yourself.

Diane and connie ‐‐

I don’t even know
what they think of me.

This isn’t your fault.
They’re not blaming you.

Now i’m really going
to get that son of a bitch.

He thinks
he’s going to walk

Because he took out
a key witness?

I’ll introduce the transcripts
from her prior testimony

And i’m going
to shove this whole thing

Back down his throat.
Food poisoning ‐‐

How could I not have
anticipated that?


Get your jacket on.

We’re going out.

Come on. We can, uh,
we can get a drink,

Uh, just walk around,

But i’m not going
to let you stay here

And keep sinking
into what you could’ve done

Because that’s nonsense.

Now let’s go.


Stay here.

Let’s just stay here.

Where’s your doc tonight?


How long ago
did your dad die?

Five years.

Your mom’s still alive?


How’s she doing?

All right.

One of the reasons
I took a leave was

Because she didn’t even know
how to balance a checkbook.

My dad took care
of everything.

Were you close
with your dad?

We didn’t talk
for a long time, actually.

We had just started again
when he d*ed

And, uh, that’s a regret.

What happened ‐‐

If you don’t mind
my asking?

When I was 16,
I got pregnant.

I didn’t show for a while

And I was scared
and in denial.

I didn’t come to my mom
about it

Till I was
four months along,

And, you know,
she went to my dad,

Which I didn’t want her
to do,

And my dad took charge,
of course, and...

We went the adoption route,

And that caused a big rift
for ‐‐ for a long time.

How old is the, uh...




You know where she lives?

I dug into it.
Maybe I shouldn’t have.

I mean,
I haven’t contacted her

Or intruded
or anything like that,

But...i know where she is.

Does that make it harder?

I just think now, at 15,

All the things I wish
someone would have told me

I could share with her,

But i’m ‐‐ i’m sure

Her adoptive mom
is there for her.

I mean,
i’m sure she’s fine.

Anyways, um...ha ha.

A‐are we ‐‐ are we coming up
with our worst memories

To try and top
what happened today

So we don’t feel so bad


Well, it’s not working.

Uh, the adoption thing ‐‐

Whatever we’ve told
each other today

Stays between us.

Would have been nice
to work with you more.

Let’s keep in touch
either way, all right?

I’d like that.
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