08x16 - Everyone Into the Poole

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x16 - Everyone Into the Poole

Post by bunniefuu »

Chinese guy b*at to death.

Dog walker
found him this morning.

Says he wasn’t here
last night.

Looks like
blunt force trauma ‐‐

Struck a couple times.

Andy and sorenson coming?

They’re back at the house
waiting on a kidnap victim.

All right,
we’ll start a canvas.

Hey, fellas,
the girl in the red

Thinks the d. O. A.
Might be her father.


Is it my father?
Is it him?

Hi. Detective baldwin jones.
My partner greg medavoy.

You think you know
who’s down there?

I just want to make sure
it’s not my father.

That’s his car
and he’s missing.

What brought you here?

We own a restaurant. This was
his last delivery address.

About what time
did he go out?

10:00, I think. He sometimes
works all night prepping,

But he wasn’t there
this morning,

So we started driving around.
It’s him, isn’t it?

It’s my father down there.

You can take a look
in a minute, ma’am.

They’re just
finishing up.

[ Speaking chinese ]

She knew he shouldn’t
have come here.

They have zero regard
for human life.

Who are we
talking about?

The people who live
in this area.

We were ripped off three times

Before my father
finally said no.

Then why’d he come
here last night?

So, you’re saying it’s
his own damn fault?

No. I’m asking was
there something special

About the order that
made him come back here?

So, what, we’re greedy?
Is that it?

I didn’t say that, ma’am.

[ Speaking chinese ]

She wants to know
can we look now?

Can we, please?

Come on.

Hey, diane,
take the bag back a minute.

[ Sobbing ]

No, that’s okay.

There’s a little park
two blocks east.

Katie, just see
do you strike out in the city

Before going to brooklyn,
all right?

And don’t sign anything
before I see the place.

I got to see it first.
All right, I got to go.


Katie getting
a new place?

Theo needs his own room.
She’s helping to look.

Well, he’s growing up.

Bigger every day.

Man: fellas, this is the guy
we called about.

Yeah, half‐hour ago.

Victor poole, detectives
sorenson and sipowicz.

Wait till you hear
his story.

He ‐‐ what’s your job
again, sir?

Legal counsel
for the irs.

He flagged us down
off tompkins square park.

Says he’s been kidnapped
the last three days.

Dispatcher’s got a missing
persons out on him,

And, well, the fbi
was already up on it.

Let’s get you
a cup of coffee.

Hang on a minute.

Hey, lieu. Mr. Poole,
this is lieutenant rodriguez.

Why don’t you tell us
what happened?

Three days ago I was walking
from the grocery

To my apartment
near 5th avenue and 80th

At about 6:00
when two men grabbed me,

Put a pillowcase
over my head,

And threw me into a van.

Pretty daring.

They grabbed you,
and then what?

Well, billy drove the van

While tom took my wallet
and my cell phone.

He said that if I didn’t
give him my atm pin code,

He was going
to slash my throat.

After they got the money,
we drove to this place ‐‐

A whorehouse ‐‐ where they
kept me until this morning.

Why so long?

Well, I think
they were keeping me

So that they could take out
my daily maximum at the atm.

Did they know you were
counsel to the irs?

I don’t think so.

From my understanding,
you guys carry credentials.

Well, yeah, I had them
in my other pocket,

But they never checked it,

And when I got
to the whorehouse,

I tucked them
under a mattress.

Can you describe
this whorehouse?

There were about five rooms
with whores going in and out.

You were in plain view?

No, my door was closed
most of the time,

But a prost*tute did see me

When they insisted
that I have a freebie,

Which, of course,
I refused.

Of course.

How did you get free?

Early this morning

They threw me back
into the van,

Tied me up,
and drove me to an alley,

Where they kicked me out
face first into a puddle

Which I almost drowned in.

It took me about an hour
to get free.

Mr. Poole, before we start
bending our backs,

Between you, me,
and that coffee mug,

Is any part of your story
embellished at all,

Or did you
leave anything out?


The getting snatched
off 5th avenue

And the whore
they forced on you ‐‐

Is there a problem?

We’re not saying
we don’t believe you,

It just goes somewhat against
our general experience.

When adults disappear
for three days,

It’s usually their own doing.

Meaning what?

They step out on a binge,

They shack up
with a prost*tute,

And then
they’ll make up stories

To cover their tail
from their wives or girlfriends.

Not saying
you’re doing that,

But if you were,

We’d appreciate
you telling us now.

I do not need
to make up stories.

I have been in hell
for the last three days!

So pursue it
like you said?

Yes! Yes!

I would like
to go home now.

Can I leave?

We’ll have a radio car
get you home.

Yeah, uh‐huh.

Okay, look,
i’ve got to go.

We’ll be in touch.
Yeah, right.

Make sure he gets home.
No problem.

Get on the telephone
to security and the dispatcher.

Even if the story’s bogus,

We’ll maybe clear out
a 5‐bedroom whorehouse.

Lots of room for theo.

I’d have to see it first.

What did you get?

D.o.a.’S a chinese
delivery guy

b*at to death
with a piece of concrete

From some sidewalk repair.

Yeah, we got a cell number

Off the restaurant
caller i. D.

To the phone that
made the last order ‐‐

Came back
to a louise dobkin,

Lives about three blocks
from the crime scene.

She wasn’t home,
but a neighbor says

This is her day
for shopping,

So she should
be back soon.

We left a note.

Diane russell?



Sign here ‐‐

Number 12.

Detective russell,
that is spectacular.

It looks
like a creative creation.

Oh, yeah, I guess it is.

They do all
the big weddings ‐‐

Catherine zeta‐jones,
barry diller...

[ Telephone rings ]

Andy: all right, good.
I’ll talk to you soon.

The doc?

Yeah, sweet note.

Okay. Uh, thanks anyway.

Well, that was the dispatcher.

No radio runs
at the time or place

This poole says
he was snatched.

to telephone security,

The fbi’s already got
poole’s cell phone up.

Very pretty.
From the doc at bellevue?

Completely out of the blue.

Yeah, huh?

If they bug you,
I can move them.

What, are you kidding me?

Diane, it’s fine.

Special agent neil squires, fbi.

Need to see lieutenant rodriguez
regarding victor poole.

Yeah, we’re working this case.

Andy sipowicz, danny sorenson.

That’s the lieutenant.

We’ll be
right behind you.

Uh, danny, uh...

Listen, I don’t really think
she’s serious with this guy.

I think this is more
like a face from the past.

If it was otherwise,
I could handle it.

Well, i’m glad
you’re saying that‐‐

But still, i‐‐i‐‐i
interpret this as, uh..

A gesture of friendship.

Can we go now?


According to the irs,
if he actually was nabbed,

It wasn’t likely
to be work‐related.

He’s a small‐timer.
He follows paper trails.

He made it
about his atm card.

He mention being
of the gay persuasion?

Didn’t come up.

Guess he keeps it
tucked away.

Coworker I talked to
didn’t know.

Had credit card hits
to some gay clubs.

in the last three days?

No, it’s peppered
through his history ‐‐

The mother lode
and the ballroom,

Some other fruit stand.
Made me think he spent

The last three days
shacked up.
Anyone see him
get grabbed?

No radio runs.
We’ll get on a canvass

At the location
he says he was grabbed.

[ Telephone rings ]

Lieutenant rodriguez.

Might stop by
poole’s apartment on the way.

What, go at him
with the gay bars

And see does he come off
the kidnapping?

Squires: couldn’t hurt.
Got it. Thanks.

That was telephone security
on poole’s missing phone.

Someone’s using it
near the chrysler building.

They’re going
to meet you out there

With directional vans.

That’s the first hit
on that phone.

I’ll tell you one thing,
if whoever’s got it

Isn’t an international

Trained to kidnap
like a mossad agent,

Our little friend
is a lying sack.

Have a nice goose chase.

Right, thanks.

Okay, security says
the phone’s on the move.

They just tracked it
from 47th and 8th

To 50th and 8th.

Whoever’s using it
should be within a block.

You’re being awful quiet.

I’m watching the street.

On the ride over here
you were quiet.

What are we talking about?

If it upsets you
russell got those flowers,

You’re allowed to show it.

That’s the only way to keep
from boiling over.

I understand that,
but i’m fine.

Andy, i’m glad that she’s got
something good going

With this guy.

Okay, i’m done.

Thanks for your concern.

Danny: here we go.

And the cash was fierce!

No, I ended up
having a good time.

Sure. It was
an in‐and‐out...

Excuse me. Put your hands
on the wall.

Excuse me?
What did I do?

Give me the phone.
Put your hands on the wall.

All right, all right!

I’m hanging it up now.

Right. Thanks.

Security said
the line just went down.

What’s your name?

Fabiola dasilva.

Look, I was just
taking a stroll.

where’d you get the phone?

It’s mine.

Yeah, right.
Come on, let’s go.

Wait. Why? Why?

Guys, what are you doing?
Oh, my god. Ow, my hair!

Be quiet.

Move it over, honey.
I never sat

Next to an international
spy/t*rror1st before.

My name’s louise dobkin.

I got this note to see
detectives jones and medavoy.

Hi. Detective jones,
my partner detective medavoy.

This way, mrs. Dobkin.

This woman owns
a cell phone?


In 17 years on the job,

I can count on one hand the
number of times i’ve seen

Flowers in a squad room.


Hey, john, mind finding
a place to stow these

Till the end of the tour?

Sure, detective.

Can’t let them see you
be a girl.

Too distracting.

Couldn’t be from a cop.
Way too much style.


Oh, lucky you.
It’s going well?

Yeah, pretty good.

I didn’t
have to come down here

To tell you
the cell phone isn’t mine.

I gave it
to my granddaughter.

She lives with me.

What’s her name, ma’am?

Sylvia dobkin.

She done something wrong
with it?

We don’t expect so, ma’am.

It’s just that it was used
in a minor crime,

And we’re trying
to figure out what happened.

Well, she ‐‐ she’d never
be involved in a crime.

Well, then maybe she lost it

Or it was stolen
or she loaned it to someone.

Like to a friend
or boyfriend,

Maybe someone you’ve
seen her hanging around with

That you don’t
quite approve of.

Oh, I like all her friends,

And the two boys i’ve seen,
they’re real gentlemen.

What are their names,

Michael and anthony.

I don’t know their last names.

Where is
your granddaughter now?

School ‐‐ walker high.

Do you think
maybe you could, uh,

Stick around while we
have her brought in?

We really need to nail down

What’s going on
with this phone.

Well, sure.

Uh, her father ‐‐
my son ‐‐

He just wasn’t any good,

And her mama’s working a job
in south carolina.

She’s had a lot
of heartbreak,

But she’s a good girl.

You ‐‐ you’re sure
she’s not in any trouble?

We don’t expect so, ma’am.

Look, I was just talking
on the phone!

What is this about?

It’s about the person
that owns it, fabiola,

Which we know isn’t you,
so start a step past that.

I got it off a john.
It’s legit.

He gave it to me.

Name of the john?

All I know is louie.

Look, give a last name,

Or we’re all three going
to go sit at the stroll

Till he shows again.

He comes by
once a month, maybe.

Then we’ll get
to be close friends.

See, that phone is hot as lava,

So unless you start
doing better than louie,

It could very well
get you locked up

For a good, long time.

For using a phone?
No, for being involved
in a crime

That the phone
is a part of.

Are we in step yet,

All right.

There’s this place I take
dates to in hell’s kitchen,

And it was sitting
on the floor,

So I took it.

How many times you been there
in the past three days?

A lot.

You seen this guy there?

Lots of guys like him
go to that place.

And this one
might have been

Behind a closed door
you wandered in...

Maybe getting
his pipes cleaned?

If a door is closed,

I have no business
going in.

I work one room
at a time.

What’s the setup
of this place?

Front area’s
a smoking gallery,

Rooms in the back,

We pay 3 bucks a bang.

"We" being prosts,
mostly like yourself,

Or women, too?

You know, I could
take offense to that,

But since
we’re being official,

Yes, both trannies
and biologicals.

Who do you pay
the 3 bucks to?

Oh, I don’t know
their names.

They’re just these two
skanky white dudes.

Address of the place?

[ Sighs ]

And, by the way,
"biologicals" means ladies

That were lucky enough
to be born ladies.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Hi, baby.


Grandma, what’s going on?

Just got a few questions
to ask you, sylvia.

Shouldn’t take long.
Right this way.

Greg: thanks, kearns.

Sorry to drag you
out of school,

But something came up
in an investigation

We’re hoping
you can clear up.

What were you doing
last night, sylvia?

Were you out?

I was at a movie.

What did you see?

The "gladiator" movie.


I didn’t know
that was still playing.

Did you have
your cell phone with you?


Someone did a minor crime
with it last night.

It wasn’t me.

Did you maybe loan
the phone to somebody?

No, I didn’t loan it to nobody.

"Anybody," girl.

Syliva: anybody.

Actually, i‐i lost it.

I saw you
with it yesterday.

I lost it
in the afternoon.

Well, I saw you with it

Before you left
for the movie.

Sylvia, we want to get you
back to school

As soon as possible,
but that’s not going to happen

Unless you tell us the truth.

If you don’t,
we have to do what’s called

A voice lineup.
You know what that is?

You get on the phone
with someone,

from a chinese restaurant,

And that person says
whether or not

You’re who called
last night.

And then we know
you were involved,

But we don’t know
the circumstances,

Which goes a long way
in determining how much,

If any,
trouble you may be in.

Now, you didn’t lose
the cell phone, did you?


Do you have it with you?

Why don’t you give it
to me right now?

Did you call
a restaurant last night?

Who were you with?


Anthony woodside.

What did you do, girl?

I just called the place
and ordered,

And when the man came,
I left.

Did anthony
approach the man then?

And he took the food.

And what happened
after that, sylvia?

I don’t know. I left.

Look, it was anthony
thought it up.

He said,
"let’s get some chinese."

I said,
"I ain’t got no money."

He said,
"we’ll just take it."

And what made him think

That was the right thing
to do?

He don’t like
the chinese folks

’Cause he says
they don’t like us

Or hire us.

They just come
to the neighborhood

To take money.

Does anthony
go to school, sylvia?

Baxter high.

Okay. We’re going
to talk with anthony.

Now, if you don’t mind,

We’re going to ask you

To stick around
for a little while.

Hey, victor.

You mind
if we come in?

No, please.

Have you made
any progress?

Uh, got a couple
of questions to ask.

Do you know
a he/she prost*tute

Named fabiola dasilva?

she knows you.

This a friend of yours?
My brother.

You don’t throw them back
with fabiola

At the mother lode
or maybe the ballroom?

I do not know
whoever this person is.

But you do go
to those clubs, right?

They came up
on your credit card.

Then you know I go there.

What kind of clubs
are those?

They’re gay clubs.

This place that you say
you were held,

You know what kind
of prostitutes work there?

No. I just knew
that they were prostitutes.

You didn’t notice a little
something extra hanging

Under their miniskirts?

See, what we’re doing here,

We’re putting
two and two together.

I don’t understand what this
is supposed to mean

Or what it has to do with me
being kidnapped and robbed.

It just makes us wonder,

Are you lying to us
about the whole thing?

To cover up something else,
like we said before.

And, like I said before,
i’m telling the truth.

But since now we know

You got something
worth hiding,

The question needs
to be asked again.

No, i’m not lying.

Then why
would this prost say

That you were a customer?

Because she’s who’s lying.

Are you out at work?
Do they know you’re gay?

If you’re worried

About this conversation
leaving the room,

It won’t, but you’ve got
to speak up now.

I cannot believe you.

We’re going
into this whorehouse

With big a*tillery, victor,

And if one of our guys
gets sh*t,

I don’t want you living
with blood on your hands

’Cause you were afraid
of being outed.

If you come clean now,
there’s no shame in it.

I spent three days
terrified of being k*lled,

And now this?

Just pointing out

You are interrogating me
like i’m a criminal.

I was the one
who was kidnapped.

They had a Kn*fe
at my throat.

Now, I don’t know
if you really plan

On raiding this whorehouse
or not,

And if you do, I truly hope
that no one gets hurt,

But if someone does,

You have got a hell
of a lot of nerve

Putting it on me!

I guess we’re done here.

Yes, you are.

Sorry to waste your time.

Hands up! Hands up!

Police! Police!
Everybody freeze!

Everybody stand up!


Both of you against the wall!
Against the wall!

Get off the bed!
Hands up!

Man: just let me
get my clothes on.

Against the wall.
Get up.

Woman: take it easy, okay?

You find
poole’s credentials?

Nothing in there.

Nothing in here.

Let’s go.

All right,
who’s running this place?

He’s taking the fifth.
I’m taking the fifth.

Is that right?

Shut up.

Whoever they are,
they’re criminal masterminds.

Okay, bright eyes.



Y’all grab me from school,

Embarrass me
in front of my friends,

And I don’t even know
what this is about.

Where were you
last night, 10:30?

Seeing a movie.

Which one?

Is it even legal
for you guys to be

Talking to me
without a parent?

I’m only 16.

16’S the cutoff, anthony.

What movie?
What’s it matter?

Well, it doesn’t, really.

The only thing that matters

Is that you weren’t
on 14th street around 10:30.

You weren’t there,
were you?

Maybe ordering chinese food
with your friend sylvia dobkin?

Is that
what she said?
What do you say, anthony?

Look, she’s got
a thing for me,

And if she says something
against me,

I say because
I turned her down flat

A big player.

I do get around.

You ever been
locked up before, anthony?

See, that little
smart‐ass attitude of yours

Wouldn’t go over very well
in jail.

Yeah, they give them,
what, a couple of days?

Orientation they call it.

They let you settle in.

Yeah, and then they g*ng‐r*pe
you in the shower.


We don’t want to see that
happen to you,

But until we know
what went down last night,

We can’t help you out.

Were you hungry?
Were you bored?

Or did you maybe want
to take a bit of a sh*t

At a chinese delivery guy?

Sylvia indicated
you had something

Of a political stance
in that regard.

Yeah, they got no respect
for black folks, am I right?

You ought to know.

They don’t hire
outside their kind,

Jack up prices.

How do you feel about them
coming into your neighborhood

Just to take your money?

They’re like roaches.

So why not take them all
for a bag of food?

They’ll just scurry off
and make more, right?

That’s a way of thinking.

Is that what you were
thinking last night, anthony?

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

We’d love to see you
walk out of here, anthony,

But if you
keep stonewalling,

Our hands are tied.

Sorry, bro.

Well, we’ve got to step
out a minute, anthony.

Seems your father’s here.

Your face just went gray,

Did not.


Well, you sit tight, player.

Mr. Woodside?

Detective jones,
detective medavoy.

I heard you took my son
out of school.

Let’s, uh, talk in here.


I don’t need coffee.

I want to know what’s
going on with my son.

Mr. Woodside,
there’s a good chance

Anthony was involved
in a crime last night.

We’re just trying
to sort it out.

What kind of crime?

We think he may have taken
some chinese food

From a delivery man.

I don’t believe that.
He was at a movie.

Well, one of his friends
makes him involved,

So we’re fairly certain
he wasn’t at a movie.

Yeah, see, the problem is

Anthony’s refusing
to speak with us.

You talked to him
without me there?

He’s 16 years old.

You’ve got no right
talking to him alone.

Actually, we are
within our rights,

And as far
as him being involved,

His silence is forcing us
to take the word of his friend.

Has anthony had
any trouble in the past?

Absolutely not.

Probably on account
of you raising him right.

I run a strict house.

Can I see my son?

[ Chuckles ]

Normally we don’t
allow for that, but, uh...

But, um,

Maybe if we all went in
to talk together,

You could
help him understand

That it’s
in his best interest

To tell the truth.

Yeah, that way we can
discuss circumstances,

Which goes a good way

Toward whether or not this case
is even worth an arrest.

Anthony has
never been involved

In any kind of trouble,
and neither have i.

I work hard.
He works hard.

We don’t want you worried,
mr. Woodside.

I know he didn’t do
anything wrong,

But do we need an attorney?

Well, you’re definitely
within your rights

To have an attorney,
mr. Woodside,

But then we’d have
to shut down

All the proceedings.

Meaning we’d have to go
with what his friend told us,

Mainly that he was involved.

So he’d be arrested?

We’d have no choice.

Best bet for the time being

Is for all of us
to go in there

And get the truth
once and for all.

Then he can go home?

Well, that would have
to be assessed later,

But it’s everyone’s
strongest wish for your son.

Up, genius.

All right, sit. Come on.

Let’s chat about that nifty
little operation

You got going.

cr*ck in the front,
whores in the back ‐‐

Real niche sort of a place.

I was there
seeing a friend.

Was this friend the one
that talked you

Into branching
into kidnapping?

I don’t follow.

The contents
of your pocket, billy ‐‐

Atm card
and irs credentials

For victor poole.

Say you found them,
and in two seconds

He’ll be picking you out
of a lineup.

Look, am I going
to incriminate myself

If I talk
about my business?

The place
you were just visiting?

Can I speak freely on it?


I know victor poole,
and victor poole is a menace.

How is he a menace to you?

He spent three days
banging whores two at a time,

Smoked up $1,500 in rock,

And didn’t have a dime
to pay for any of it.

He’s a menace.
He’s banned.

Explain you ripping off
his atm.

He says I ripped him off?
Son of a ‐‐

He give me his wallet
and his pin,

Then put it on me
to cover his nut.

We got witnesses
who will i. D. You

Grabbing poole
off 5th avenue

And throwing him
into your van.

I don’t know anything
about that.

Okay, you’ve had
your fun, billy.

You told
your little story.

Now can we be serious?

Fellas ‐‐
there’s a possible deal
on the table,

And there’s two assholes
vying for it.

Now start talking sense
and you take the deal

Or we go get tom
and give it to him.

He’s going to tell you
exactly what I said.

Poole is a swine.

Up, idiot.
We’re trading you in.

Things any different

With your father
in the room, anthony?

I still didn’t do anything.

Last night were you
at the movies like you said?


Greg: who’d you go
to the movies with?

Jimmy reid.

Mr. Woodside, would you mind

If we went back
into the squad a moment,

Call jimmy’s mom,
see if she’ll confirm?

Baldwin: or is that
a waste of time?

Did you take food
from a delivery man?


He’s lying. You’re lying.

I’m not.
I know you well enough
to know when you’re lying.

What the hell
made you steal food?

We’ve got a fridge
full of food!

[ Crying softly ]

I’m sorry, pop.

Get your head up!
Man makes a mistake,

He stands up for it.

Anthony, start by saying

How it was
supposed to go down.

Sylvia was going
to make the call,

And when the guy showed,

I was just going to put
the garbage bag over his head

While she took the food.

That’s not quite
how it went, though, right?

Did the man
resist you, anthony?

When I put the bag on him,

He grabbed sylvia.

Then you set
to fighting him off?

I hit him on the shoulder.

This is
through the garbage bag?

So maybe, thinking you were
hitting him on the shoulder,

You could have been
hitting him on the head?

I didn’t mean to.

But were you using
your fists,

Or did you have something
in your hand?

Greg: maybe a piece
of concrete?

You hit the man
with concrete?

Just till he let go of her.

How bad is the man hurt?

We’re still waiting to hear
from the hospital.

What happened after the man
let go of sylvia?

I took the food

And we ran into this building
off avenue "a"

Where we could
get into the basement.

What did you do then?

We ate the food.

Oh, my god.

I was just trying
to take the food.

I didn’t think it mattered.

Why wouldn’t it matter,

’Cause he’s just
a chinky‐eyed thief

Like the man at the bodega.

Wait. Who’s this, now?

That’s what I call
the korean grocer

Who eyeballs you
when you come in.

He’s not supposed
to go in there,

But I never said steal
from people.

It was just a prank.

Well, it’s not anymore,

And you’ve got
a lot to answer for

When you get home.
When can I take him home?

We’ll have to run this
by our d. A. First.

Then I can take him home?

We hope so, mr. Woodside.
Meantime, sit tight.

Did he finish
writing that statement?

Just finished.

Well, what time
do you think

I’ll be able
to take him home?

Uh, we need to have
a conversation

About that, mr. Woodside.

I’ll get the ball rolling
with central booking.

The fact is,

You’re not going to be
taking anthony home today.

He’s being arrested
and taken to central booking.

What do you mean arrested?

How much food did he take?

If that man wants me
to make it up to him,

I’m happy to do it.

Mr. Woodside,
the man your son robbed d*ed

As a result of his injuries.

The man d*ed?

So your son’s being charged
with a robbery/homicide.

You made me think
he was coming home.
That’s not the case.

You had to know
his injuries were bad.

You may want to get
your son an attorney now.

He would have had one
two hours ago

If it hadn’t been for you.

You know, I can understand
that white cop lying to us,

But you’re a black man.
We’re black folks.

I know that, mr. Woodside.

Our a. D. A. Will be by
to talk to you and anthony.

Boy, didn’t anyone ever
teach you any pride?

Is that what you
were teaching your son

With that korean grocer?

I just said
don’t patronize the man.

And you called him
a chinky‐eyed thief.

You don’t think
that played in?

I was teaching my son
to be a proud black man.

And you ended up
teaching him

To think about those folks

The way white trash
thinks about us,

Like we’re animals,

And now a family’s
lost a husband and father.

Now, maybe what happened
isn’t all on you,

Mr. Woodside,

But I know for sure
none of it’s on me.

So, tom,
how long have you and billy

Been working together?

A little while.

He’s the fast‐talker
of the partnership,

While you take
care of the silent,
brooding chores?

He talks fast.

You consider yourselves

He’s all right.

He says you’re an idiot.

Don’t stare at me.
He said it.

He says the kidnapping
was your idea

And that you
were going to k*ll him

If he didn’t go along.

You’re lying.

He’s cutting a deal
with the d. A. Right now.

He’ll walk
in a couple of years,

And you’ll spend

The rest of your life
locked up.

He ain’t cutting no deal
’cause we didn’t do nothing.

That guy was partying.

Yet somehow he piss‐tested
clean for dr*gs

And the tr*nny prost
who worked them back rooms

Never saw the guy before.

And two witnesses saw you
run up on poole

On 5th avenue
and choke‐hold him

Into the van.

All of what we just said,

That’s what got
your partner thinking,

"Maybe i’d better start
looking out for number one

And sell out that idiot
for a sweetheart deal."

He said that?

If he was lying
about how this was your idea,

Your testifying to that
could void his deal.

Leaving you free
to make your own deal.

So I walk in a few years

And he gets done in the tail

For the rest of his life?

Maybe, but we’ve got
to get things straight

Before you get anything.


[ Sighs ]

Wasn’t my idea.
It was his idea.

What was the idea?

Grab some guy
looks like he has dough

And take it.

[ Chuckles ]

So, uh, you grabbed
this irs lawyer

Because he looked like
some guy who might have dough?

Yeah, and he does.

Atm says he’s got,
like, 8 grand.

That why you kept him
three days,

To bleed his account?

Feed him 5 bucks
of grub a day,

He spits back 500.

Cash cow.
Why’d you end it?

Bill found his i. D.
Under the mattress ‐‐

Flipped, freaked out.

What happened?

He said, "wake him up.

We’ve got to get him
out of here,"

And so we were both
scared to death,

And we put him in the van

And drove him over
by tompkins square park,

And billy wanted
to whack him then,

And I said, "no way! No way!

This is our boy here."

The lawyer was your boy?

We were with him
for three days.

We fed him.

We even tried
to get him laid.

He wasn’t into that.

I didn’t want to whack him,

So I just opened the van door
and booted him out.

That k*ll that prick
billy’s deal or what?

Write it down.

I’m assistant district attorney
valerie haywood,

And i’m here to go over
the next few steps

In your case.

I thought
we were going home.

No, ma’am.

Sylvia’s being placed
under arrest.

She didn’t have any part
in stealing that food.

by knowing it would happen

As a result
of the phone call,

She made herself involved.

You didn’t say that.

We were busy figuring out
what happened, ma’am.

Mrs. Dobkin,
what we need to do now

Is focus
on what’s happening next.

First, you’re going to be
taken to central booking.

I’ll try to get her arraigned
at night court,

And depending on the judge,

Hopefully a reasonable bail
will be set.

Does that mean
it probably won’t be?

Normally there’s no bail
on a m*rder charge,

But it depends.

m*rder charge?
What are you
talking about?

The delivery man
was k*lled in the robbery.

Oh, my god.

So she’s got
a m*rder charge?

But why
has she got anything?

She just made
a phone call.

Like I said before ‐‐

So by cooperating with you,

She put herself in jail?

That’s up
to a judge, ma’am.

What have you done?

She was involved in a crime

That turned into a m*rder,
mrs. Dobkin.

We trusted you,

And you lied
straight to our face.

I said we’d do our best
to get her home.

You lied!

She made a phone call!

She didn’t mean
to hurt anybody!

Well, in the eyes
of the law, ma’am ‐‐

You knew you were
putting this girl in jail,

And you lied to do it.
I’m right, aren’t i?

She’s going to jail.


For how long?

I’ll recommend
a manslaughter charge

To my bureau chief,

And the judge may take
her age into consideration,

But she’s looking
at a minimum of four years.

Oh, my god. Grandma!

Sentencing is really up
to a judge, ma’am.


Shame on you.

Shame on all of you.

Something happen
with these people

That’s going to bite me
down the line?

I didn’t make any promises
or guarantee any deals.

I just said we’d do our best

To get her home
as soon as possible.

Knowing what
she was up against?

That’s how we work homicides,

Or don’t you know that yet?

I know it fine, baldwin.

Then what’s the problem?

It doesn’t bother me
lying to career criminals,

But these are kids
doing a prank.

Yeah, well, you tell that
to the dead guy’s family.

I’m not saying
they shouldn’t be punished,

But they’re not bad kids.
They just did a bad thing.

You see the difference.

so I shouldn’t have lied?

You did what you had to do.
It’s your job.

It just ought to sting
a little.

It stings a lot.

That’s the kind of cop
I want to work with

And the kind of man
I want to be with.

We collared up
on the kidnapping.

The second guy float?

Went at him
with the partner’s statement.

He’s writing.


Mr. Poole,
a. D. A. Valerie haywood.

I hear there’s some good news
on your case.

I assume you need me
to give you a statement.

Tomorrow will be fine.

Call my office
and we’ll set it up.


Yeah, you’re welcome.

Was that directed at me?

It was directed at my partner,
but since you heard it,

I got a news flash, victor ‐‐

Them writing the statement
means the case cleared.

Are you looking
for a pat on the back?

I’m just wondering
if you understood

That this is a good outcome.

And i’m wondering
if my sexual orientation

Is going to be
in the "daily news" tomorrow.

Actually, we decided to keep
that out of the paperwork.

Didn’t seem relevant.

Is that an attempt
at assuaging your guilt?

For what?

Putting me on trial
for being gay.

I don’t think
we did that.

Look, maybe we came at you
a little tough,

But that didn’t affect
how we conducted the case.

You made me feel like this
whole mess was my fault.

All right,
sorry if your feelings are hurt.

Excuse me, mr. Poole.
It’s not my business,

But knowing
detective sipowicz,

There’s no doubt
in my mind

That any questions
you may have been asked

Or doubts that arose
were pertinent to the case,

And I think they proved that
by solving it.

You’re gay?

You’ve worked here a while,
you like them,

And i’m sure they like you,
but behind your back,

They say awful, nasty things
about your lifestyle.

I guarantee it.

Is that you, andy?


How was your day?

Good. Where’s theo?

He had a bath

And he’s changing
into his jammies.

Dinner’s almost ready.

I’m going to go say hi.

Oh, when you come back,
you need to take a look

At some of these places
I saw today.

This one I think you should
go see after dinner.


Apartments go
like lightning, andy.

Two places I looked at,

Couples barreled by me
with checkbooks

And gave deposits
on the spot.

Okay, I can go see a few.

The option is brooklyn.

I know you’re not thrilled
about it.

I said i’ll go.

You’ve had a long day.

I don’t mean
to put pressure on.

No, it’s something
we need to do.

We need the space.

And the privacy.

And the privacy.

I just want to be like
a normal, engaged couple ‐‐


I’ll go tonight.

Oh, one last thing.

Take a look at this.

It’s a list
of possible wedding guests.

Well, I just had
some free time.

you ever heard the phrase

"Jumping the g*n"?

I’m sorry, andy.

We haven’t even talked about
what kind of wedding or where.

At one point,
we were even talking

About a civil ceremony,
which means no guests at all.

Please keep your voice down.

I’m just saying we need
to talk about it.

Okay. I just get excited.

I thank god for my fortune.

It’s okay.

It’s good.

Are you sure?

It’s been a long day.

I’m going to go
see theo now.


Hey, buddy.

What happened to your shirt?


Katie: two minutes
till dinner!


[ Both laughing ]

You can, uh,
put those anywhere.

What do you think
they take,

Birds of paradise,
sun or shade?

Well, given the name,
i’d guess sun.

That’s why
you’re the detective.

This is a beautiful place,

Thanks. You want tea?

Oh, i’d better not.

I’ve got a clinic
at 7:00.

What about you,
early tour tomorrow?

Early tour?
Listen to you.

Well, i’ve picked up
a few things

The last couple of weeks.

Pretty soon
i’ll be reaching out

And making collars.

All you need is a g*n
on your hip.

I don’t remember you
answering my question.

Uh, yeah, I do have
an early tour tomorrow.

Okay, then, i’ll, uh...

Call you tomorrow.

Definitely. Thank you.

What for?

Oh, dinner, flowers,

Giving me the time I need
to get easy with you.

I don’t, uh,
want to rush anything.

Oh, uh, watch your back
with the skels.

Well, um, will you stay
a little while?

Are you sure?
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