08x06 - Writing Wrongs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x06 - Writing Wrongs

Post by bunniefuu »


Ballpark how long
she might have been here?

The tenant in 2‐b came out
with the trash

At 7:10 this morning.

The ligature marks
may be a scarf,

Some kind of fabric.

The body's
arranged too neat.

Got to be a dump job.

Got a book bag.

I guess they don't call them
book bags anymore.


Her panties
are pulled down here.

Tenant who called it in
know her?

Any i. D. In there?

Just a first name
written in a bio book ‐‐

Alyssa. Otherwise,
lip gloss‐type stuff,

Fuzzy hair bands.

They take all this stuff
to school with them.

It's got nothing
to do with school.

Name of the school

No. You know what my daughter
writes in all her books?

"This was stolen
from katie medavoy,"

And then her address
and phone number.

"Quisque pro omnibus."

"Something for everyone."

Arlington academy
over on 14th street.

My boyfriend in high school
and his sister went there.

Let me call the school,
see about her parents.

Quisque pro omnibus.


The things that stick
in your head, right?


Me and tucker cruising along
in the radio car

When this looney tooner
starts flagging us.

Followed him down here,
he shows us this guy.

I suppose it's too much
to hope he's got i. D. On him.

Look at these
neck bruises.

Lot of discoloration.

Yeah, and these are definitely
finger marks under his chin.

This guy was strangled.

Where might I find
this whacko looney tooner?

He's over there by that
jury‐rigged hut thing.

All right,
we've got no i. D.

On our open air‐loving
friend here.

When crime scene comes,
just have them try

To lift prints
off all of this stuff.

I'm assuming a lot of people
camp out here, right?

We've rousted 15, 16 guys
out of here, mostly mexicans.

Hey, danny, come here.
You've got to check this out.

Do me a favor
and cover this guy up again.

Is it that kind
of can‐do ingenuity

Made this country great,
or what?

This guy knows something
I don't know, that's for sure.

Yeah. That,
and something else, too.

Is that so?

This is my partner sorenson.

Okay. Okay.

Radio shack's competition
here is nicholas gilbert.

Nicholas, tell my partner here
what you just told me.

You got some information
for us, nicholas?

I already said it.
It's already out there.

Like you, too,
right, buddy?

Come on. Say what
you just told me.

Nothing. Nothing.

You didn't see
anything unusual last night?

You just told me you saw
two guys fighting over here.

No, I didn't
see anything.

If you didn't,
you didn't, right?

You can't help us if you've
got nothing to tell.

Except for how I
saw them fighting.


Saw who fighting?

Jefe and some others.

Jefe would be
the dead guy?

Could you see
who he was fighting with?

Oh, I don't know.

Where they live,
I have never been.

Why would you?
You've got cable.

The thing to do is
come along with us now.

Right now after I pack
my stuff.

We were actually thinking
your stuff would stay.

Not without my stuff,
I don't.

We could get officer lindsay
to keep an eye on your stuff.

No. If it's me and you,

Then it's my stuff
with you, okay?



Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay.

Watch where
you're going.

I've got it.
Just keep moving.

Steady, okay?
Steady, please.

Want to tell your buddy
he'd better shut up?

Back up, nicholas,

Okay, step away
from the cart, please.


Look, it's a package deal,
him and the cart.

You heard.

If he says he wants
a sponge bath,

We all
jump in the tub?

Josh, show nicholas here
to interview three.

That way.

Witness or suspect?

He's a witness to that d. O. A.
Under the fdr.

We think
he can help.

He thinks
he can help.

It's just going to take
a little deciphering

'Cause he's
out of his element

And he's scared...

And crazy.
Don't forget he's crazy.

Anything on the d. O. A.?

Nickname's jefe.

This is a homeless camp
we found him in,

So, you know ‐‐

No résumés
lying around?


He's got a microwave
in there, a tv,

And an electric
can opener.

He has to take his dumps
in the shrub,

But at least he can
get a can open

Nice and smooth.

Okay, nicholas, we
came through on our end

With lugging the cart up
and all.

You're all wearing metal.
I can smell it.

All you kind of guys
wear so much metal,

And it hates me.

All right.
You see that there?

That's what they call
a good‐faith gesture.

Okay, I was making
a pot noodle in my microwave.

When my microwave
moves around,

Sometimes when it comes back
it doesn't work for a while.

It's going to happen
this time too, I bet.

You were cooking, and heard
jefe fighting with some guys?

I used to be like you.

I really, really wanted
to know things sometimes,

But now people
want me to die.

Hey, we're not going
to hurt you,

And on one else is,

As long as you're here
with us, you're okay.

came in with me

To watch
a soccer match once,

And he stole
my socks.

Mauricio is
one of the guys

Who was fighting
with jefe?

Uh‐huh. I looked
and looked,

And my socks were gone.

He came back one day,
and he was wearing them.

The other one.

Is there a name
wearing these socks?

When you see him,
you just got to hide

'Cause he might hear
just one wrong word,

And he just hurts,

And he came up
from behind jefe

And pulled him
away from mauricio by the neck,

And what he did to jefe
made him go down.

Tell us who this guy is
and we can pick him up,

Or keep it to yourself
so he can choke you

With a pair
of disputed socks, probably.

It's okay.
You can tell us.

Diego. Shh. Shh.

All right, you know
any places

Where we could maybe find
either of them hanging out?

Mauricio, he begs
at the country kitchen

For booze money.

Where's this diego
hang out?

In the shadows.

All right, you just sit tight.
We're going to get somebody

To keep you company.
You're safe here.

Okay if I put
my watch back on now?

Live your life
how you want to live it.

Is there anything
we can get you, mrs. Lipton?

No, thank you.

When the school
called me and told me ‐‐

Which we apologize for.

We asked them to wait

Until we could tell you
in person.

After they told me,

After I could think
a clear thought,

I went to alyssa's room

And pried open
her confidential chest.

That's what
she called it.

She never let me
look in there,

But now it doesn't
matter much, does it?

I don't know
what's here,

The things
she kept from me.

This is a big help,
mrs. Lipton.

Did alyssa say where she was
going to be last night?

She was supposed
to be home.

I've been working p. M. S
this month at bellevue.

I'm a nurse,

And I told my supervisor
that I didn't want p. M. S,

But I work
in the coronary care unit,

And the regular p. M. Nurse
is on maternity leave,

And it was either that
or probably lose my job.

So you don't know
where she was,

Who she was going
to meet up with?

No, I don't. She'd
withdrawn a lot lately,

But they tell you

As long as your teenager's
getting good grades

And isn't using dr*gs
or alcohol

And keeps curfew,
to respect their independence,

So I did,
and I don't know.

Do you know if she
was seeing anyone?

I asked a couple times.
She said no.

Any boys or men
she was close with?

I don't think so.

Any men in your life
who have been around alyssa?

No. Alyssa's dad d*ed
when she was 9.

Was alyssa

before she was k*lled?

There are some indications

There may have been
something along those lines.

We can't say
for sure.

So she wrote these
for a creative writing class?

She kept them locked up
in a box

With other personal stuff.
Mother never saw them.

Any other personal stuff
stand out?

Not like these essays.

In this one we've got
the guy seeing her

Walk by on the street,
to and from school every day.

Young guy, 20s about.
Janitor or super, maybe.

She passes by his building
on the way to school.

He flirts, she likes it.
He's a cute guy, muscles.

He's older. He's funny.
It's flattering.

He walks a shortcut with her
behind the building.

That's the first time
he r*ped her?

She's ashamed, keeps it
to herself and steers clear

Until one day
on her way home

He's waiting
and she can't hide.

And he says it's her fault
for flirting.

This is where she
describes his apartment.

Something makes her
go there with him.

Maybe she thought she could
control the situation this time.

We get a decent
physical description

In the second essay. Maybe
enough to knock on doors.

I wouldn't mind knocking
on her teacher's door,

See how he could put a grade
on these so‐called "stories"

And think that
should be the end of it.

Definitely do that.

D.o.a.'S two best friends

Are coming in
with their parents.

They canceled classes
for the rest of today.

So that's where
you go every day, huh?

You sit in front
of that diner

Till you've
got it up to get loaded?

Yeah. That's my patch, man.

Them people got theirs.
That's mine.

You know a guy
named jefe?

Yeah, I know
the chief.

How do you know him?

I've been sleeping
down at his place.

He was there first.

Under a ramp‐like thing.

I met him there.

You see him there
last night?

Yeah. Later on
we talked.

About what?

Frostbite. I got it
last year.

Now I get cold,

It gets white and tingly again
where I got it.

Jefe got it on his face
one time real bad.

Who else was there
swapping frostbite stories

With you and jefe?

Just him and me.

Diego didn't drop by?

Yeah, he might've.

15 Other guys
sleep under there regular,

Lots of other guys
in and out all night.

We're not talking
about all night.

We're talking about when
you were b. S.'Ing with jefe.

Yeah, diego might have
been there for that.

Jefe's always got
something to sleep on,

Even if it's
just, like, turpentine.

So, what, jefe
went stingy on you?

That's why you
started b*ating on him?

No, no, no, no. I left
before that went down, man.

No, you were seen
making it happen

With your buddy

Seen? Who's doing
all this seeing?

Is it nicholas?

Let me tell you,
nicholas sees lots of stuff.

You two guys
seem too smart to be

Running and jumping off what
nicholas might be saying.


We're smart enough

Not to need
your wise‐ass advice.

I'm just saying, man ‐‐

We're just saying
we've got you

Standing over jefe
when jefe went horizontal,

So his m*rder
lands on you

Unless you
give us diego.

No, man. I ain't
giving up diego,

And that's the last
I say his name.

You're making a mistake,

No, it's nicholas
making the mistake, man.

You're awful cocky

For someone
looking at a m*rder rap.

I just take it
day to day, man.

Yeah, I'm jim sykes.
I spoke with detective medavoy.

Yeah, I'm greg medavoy.
Thanks for coming in.

Jim sykes,
lewis mccready,

Our daughters
joanna and kelly.

This is just awful.

Yeah. We're all
very sorry.

Detectives russell
and jones.

Anything on who
might have done this?

Nothing yet.

Would you two
mind waiting here

While we talk
to your daughters?

It's a problem
if we're in the room?

are usually more candid

When they're not
around their parents.

They've already been
through a lot today.

We're not going
to add to it.

We just need to talk
to people that knew alyssa,

And we need them
to be honest.


You two okay
with that?

We're right here
if you need us.

Did either of you
see alyssa last night?

I didn't.
I'm grounded this week.

I can't even
talk on the phone.

Did she say where
she was going to be?

She didn't tell me
anything at school.



So you don't know

If alyssa went home
directly after school?

I thought she did.

Normally I would have
called her later, but ‐‐

So alyssa seemed pretty normal
at school yesterday?

I guess so.

But lately,
the last month or so,

She's been busy a lot.
Kind of kept to herself.

Kind of.

Busy with what?
Did she say?

No, but I guess a lot
of people are this time of year.

Like, they extended

Till 8:30 every day,

Did she have
a boyfriend?

There was tom last spring,
but they broke up,

And she said
she was glad,

And, anyway,
he moved to st. Louis.

Any other guys in her life
she talked about?

No, not really.

Lots of guys
had crushes on her.

She was so pretty.

There's nothing else
you can think of

That might help us?


If you do think
of anything ‐‐

Anything that could help us
find out who, um,

k*lled your best friend,
just come by or call.

Just you and I
will talk.

Hey, sarge, get an r.p.
To transport our guy in the cell

Over to central booking.

We'll come down after we
finish the paperwork.

Go look
for diego now?

What, we're supposed
to wear our shoes out now

Looking for a first‐name‐only
homeless guy,

No description, no places? No.
We'll give it to patrol.

Let the guys
who know those streets

Look for this idiot

Instead of us walking around
and calling his name out

Like we're looking
for a lost dog or something.

Hey, andy, danny.

Hey. How's it going?

10 Pounds.
20 More to go.

Good for you.
Let patrol have it.

No, I still feel like
going out anyway, okay, andy?

I'll grab up someone
in anti‐crime

And you do the fives
on mauricio.

Hey, gibson,

Uh, how's it going?

Since you asked me
five seconds ago?

No, the 10 pounds.
You look good.

It's a bitch,
isn't it?

How'd you
lose the weight, andy?


Hell, I should be coming in
at 95 pounds, then.

Hey, remember
your niece cynthia?
Why wouldn't i?

How's she doing,

She's good.

She moved here to the city
a couple of months ago.

Job switch.

No kidding, huh?

She asked about you
a while back.

I figure I did my part
already, though.

Hey, why don't you tell her
I said hi

The next time
you talk to her?

You tell her.
I got her number right here.

You got one of them
hand pilots.

Christmas gift
from my kids.

Yeah, huh?

I'll be taking
a hammer to this by easter.

This is the worst thing

They've ever had
to deal with here.

Before I started they had,
I think, one su1c1de ‐‐

Carbon monoxide ‐‐
but that was years ago.

We have these papers
alyssa wrote

For your creative
writing class.

What was the assignment

I don't really
give out assignments.

I tell them the format. They
come up with their own topics.

That way I don't get 18 versions
of the same thing.

What did you think

When alyssa
turned this topic in?

I thought
they were very powerful.

She was
extremely talented.

So you weren't disturbed,

When she handed in
this first one,

I was greatly encouraged.

They were all visceral,
angry, detailed,

The conviction of it.

And when
the second one came?

I was concerned,

But I didn't know
what to do.

You mean other
than asking her about it?

Last year a colleague

Wrote a recommendation
to princeton

For one of his students.

When she was accepted,
she was so thrilled,

She hugged him
in front of the class,

And then the whispers

Soon he was informed
that a different girl

Was saying that he
had made advances toward her,

And then another.

He was asked
to go on sabbatical

While the rumors
were investigated.

Eventually he was
brought up before the board

And fired.

Then, six weeks later,
his wife filed for divorce.

It's a modern‐day salem.

So you were afraid
to talk to alyssa,

Or to anyone
about her?

I did finally
speak with her.

This is
her third story,

The last one.

Ugh. In it
she finally wrote his name ‐‐

Chris manahan.

Now, whether this chris
is real or imagined,

I don't know.

And you held
onto this because?

She wouldn't
take it back,

And it was then
that I asked her,

If she needed
to talk about something,

I would put her
in touch with someone

Who could help her,

But she just shook her head
and walked away.

That's all I could do.

Uh, yeah, hi.
Is, uh, cynthia there?

Oh, hey.
Uh, this is andy sipowicz,

Remember, from ‐‐

Yeah. Yeah,
how's it going?

I heard you
moved back to the city,

And, uh,
how's that going?


So, I was thinking
maybe I'd, uh,

That I'd treat you

To a better late
than never

"Welcome to new york"
dinner, or lunch,

you're amenable to.

Well, uh,

Could you hold on a second?

Let me just
check my calendar.

Well, hey,
you know what?

Actually, I do have
an opening tonight,

So I guess that would
make it dinner, right?

Yeah, go ahead.
You take that call,

And I'll just ‐‐
I'll see you there at 8:00.

Same spot? Yeah,
you remember how to get there?

Okay. Yeah.

Oh, boy.


I need a sitter
for theo.

Uh, john,

I'm going to need
to ask you a big favor.

Name it.

You think you
could squeeze in

A little trim later?



Uh, yeah, desmond.
Hey, how you doing?

Andy sipowicz.

Listen, your daughter,
she's a babysitter, right?


Law school, huh?
Time sure flies, huh?


The manager will be
back in an hour.

You chris manahan?

Yeah. Why?

Come on down.

We need you to come with us,
answer some questions.

About what?

We'll tell you
when you get down here.

No. I ain't moving till I
know what this is about.

Want to take
the express?


Get down here.

I want to know
what this is about.

You done something you need
to be worried about, chris?


Then let's go have
a friendly conversation.

Let's have it here.

Get your ass
in the car.

So, maybe you did
do something

You need
to be worried about.

Last time I got
in back of one of those,

I went away
for two years.

You mean for that r*pe
you did in coney island?

Which was a railroad ‐‐
two years

Because they took
that skanky cheese bag's story

Over mine.

Yeah, right.
Get going.

Ever thought about just
saying the heck with it

And taking this all down
with clippers?


So, a date,
I guess?

I wasn't listening,
but I couldn't help but hear.

I‐i hope you see
the difference.

Yeah, you know,

It's, uh, time to get back up
on the horse, I figure.

Detective, I'm just going
to put this out there, okay?


I could babysit for theo
if you're stuck.

Well, uh,
I'll tell you,

I, uh, I actually got
a couple of calls out,

And, uh, you know,

I figure I'll give them
first cr*ck at it

Since, uh,
since I called them first.

Sure, but if no one
is available,

I would be more than happy
to do it.

that's nice of you, john.

I babysit for my nephews
quite often,

And they're right around
theo's age.

Okay, well,
I'll consider that,

And, uh,
if it comes down to it,

We'll see where we're at,

But I'm pretty sure
I got somebody lined up.

Just putting it
out there...

As a friend.

Okay, look at that.

That's just great.
That looks real good.

Real good.

Okay. Thanks a lot.




Nothing on diego,

But he's sure got a rep
out there as a tough customer.

He'll turn up.

So, meantime,
do we kick mauricio

Or see if he
leads us to him?

It would be
some pain in the ass

Tailing a homeless guy.

I'm just a little worried
that this nicholas ‐‐

His testimony
won't stand up.

That's a concern,

Even though he saw
the whole thing go down,

He can name the players,
and he has no hidden agenda ‐‐

It all goes out the window

Because he takes
an occasional reality break.

All right, listen, we keep
mauricio in the system ‐‐

Let him know
we mean business,

And then we
yank him out tomorrow.

See if he's feeling
a little boxed in

And ready to deal.

I'm also a little worried
that maybe one of the reasons

This mauricio is so cocky
about going in

Is that he's going to put
the word out on nicholas.

Also a concern.

I'm going to go talk
to the desk sergeant

And try and snag nicholas
a cell downstairs.

It's supposed to be
freezing tonight anyway.

Do you know
alyssa lipton?

Oh, hell.
Now what's she saying?

How do you know her?

We've talked
a couple of times.

About what?

Nuclear fusion.
Man, we talked.

You flirt with her?

Yeah. 'Cause that's what
you do with a flirt ‐‐

You flirt, so, yeah.

Lose the tone,

You're saying
she flirted with you?

She would ask me if she could
feel my bicep, for god's sake.

I'm not supposed
to talk to that?

I'm not made of stone.

That why you r*ped her like
that girl on coney island?

r*ped alyssa? No way.

But you did have sex?

this chick would hang around,

Watch me work, ask me
if her skirt was too short.

It was like something
you'd read in "forum."

I'm not kidding.

I tried to resist,

But this girl
came on to me like coffee ‐‐

Hot and strong.

I mean, I'm a man.

You're not made
of stone.

That's my point exactly.

So you had sex
with alyssa lipton?

I told her to run along.

I told her more times
than most guys would've,

But she always came by.

Yes or no ‐‐
did you have sex?

Yes, okay?

You know
how old she is?

Yeah. 18.


Get out.
She told me she was 18.

If she's 18,
why are you resisting so much ‐‐

Telling her to get lost?

That's a good question,
you know?

I don't got an answer for that
off the top of my head.

15 Makes it
statutory r*pe,

So it doesn't matter
what your side is.

15 Makes you a scumbag r*pist
of little girls

And puts you front and center
for what happened last night.

What do you mean?
What happened last night?

Alyssa lipton
was strangled to death.


We found her body
this morning

Across the street
from your building.

That's what all those cops
were over there for?

That was alyssa dead
over there?

now hear this ‐‐

I ain't seen that chick
in two weeks,

And last night

I was at a buddy of mine's
bachelor party in jersey city.

I passed out
at ron's place after.

I just made it back for the oil
delivery at noon today.

I got 20 other guys
who'll tell you.

The bartenders
will tell you.

All night, all morning ‐‐
there were people all around.

I'll do a dna thing.
I'll take a lie detector.

I did not k*ll
that girl.

No way.

So, uh, you got that cell
lined up for nicholas.

That's good.

Yeah. Hopefully we can fit
his cart in.

it's plan "b."

What's up?

Hey, are you free tonight
to watch theo maybe?

Oh, no, andy. I'm going out
to dinner with my sister.

Oh, okay.

You got a date?

It's just a little something
I got to do.

What about katie?

No, no, 'cause, uh ‐‐ yeah,
it is a date I'm going on,

And i, uh, she'd ‐‐
it just wouldn't be right.

Well, I wish I could
help you out, andy.

Gay john offered.

That's my luck,
in a nutshell.

What's wrong
with john babysitting?

He's gay.
That's what's wrong with it.

I mean, come on, andy,
how long you known him?

A long time, and he's been gay
every day of it.

but this is john, though.

I'd trust my life
with john.

Yeah, well,
so would i,

But I am talking about trusting
him with my 5‐year‐old boy.

Andy, he's gay.
He's not a child molester.

You can trust john
to be alone with theo.

So you'd let him sit
with your kid if you had one?

In a new york minute.

Yeah. Okay.

Hey, did diane
say anything to you?

She said it ended.
That's all she said.

Oh, I really
screwed it up, andy.

I had my chance with her
and I screwed it up.

Nobody screwed nothing up.
It just ‐‐ it didn't take.

That happens.

I felt like a kid
around her.

I acted like a kid ‐‐
all clingy.

I was out of my head.

Come on. I need some help
getting that cart downstairs.

Hey, I don't got to worry
about you, right?


Just remember ‐‐ the first
thing you don't want to do

Is let what happened make you
start not wanting to be here.

So this manahan ‐‐
he alibied out?

Bachelor party in jersey city.

All day yesterday
and last night.

He r*ped this girl, though.
Read her essays.

If it makes you feel
any better,

You can ruin his day
and lock him up,

But once it gets to my desk ‐‐
no complainant, no complaint.


He did time for sexual as*ault
two years ago.

One more log on the fire
shows he r*ped this girl.

Does he owe
any more time?

His parole ended
six months ago.

You know what
you can do?

Check and see if he registered
as a sex offender yet

In his current address.

If he hasn't,
I can make a meal out of that.

We checked.
He registered.

Then I recommend
voiding the arrest.

Call central booking,
void the arrest, and kick him.

Well, let someone else be
the bearer of his good news.

"Your accuser
can't confront you

"Because someone else
m*rder*d her,

So go forth, r*pist,
and prosper."

I'll kick him.

Diane: I'll help.

And, uh,
I'll call central booking.

Then I'll go home
and check in with my youngest.

Find out what she's learning
in school.

I'm sorry. I wish
there was more I could do.

People are saying
good things about you.

That's good to hear.
Thank you.

Keep it up.

I will.

Did you call them?

Did they tell you?

15, 16 sh*ts,
at least, I did.

b*at it.

I can go?

You sound surprised.

I'm not surprised.
I'm validated.

Why ‐‐ because you got away
with raping a 15‐year‐old girl?

That ain't what happened.

No, that is
what happened, chris,

And you should
start making tracks

While your luck
is still good.


Now what?

We done?

Now we're done.

Can I take a message?

Hold on one second.
Here he is.


Oh, yeah.
Hey, how's it going?

So you got my message?

Oh, okay.

Well, i, uh, I appreciate
your calling back.

Maybe next time.

Mm‐hmm. Yeah.

All right, john, uh,

I'll take you up on it.

You're sure?

Like, uh, 7:30.

Only if you're
100% comfortable, detective,

Because the whole idea

Is you being comfortable
when you go out

So you can have
a good time.

No, I'm, uh,
I'm comfortable. Really.

And grateful.





Hey. Come on.

Over here.

Do you think you either
keep a promise all the way

Or you don't?

I think that if you
break a trust...

It has to be
for a very good reason.

But if you agreed

To keep someone's secret
if they kept yours,

No matter what,

Then maybe there's
no good reason.

Did you make a pact like that
with alyssa?

We said
no matter what...

But we never talked
if one of us ever...

You know, d*ed.

That doesn't mean you're
going back on a promise.

A true friend
would try to help her now.

That's a good reason ‐‐
the only one.

Alyssa said that
her and mr. Jessup ‐‐

They were together,

But if anyone found out,

It would've been
beyond bad for him,

For his job,
and everything.

How long had that
been going on?

I guess
a month or so.

Were they having sex?

She said they did it
in his car

The first few times,

But then they went
to this place ‐‐

The clements house ‐‐
like a hotel.

She liked that
a lot better.

I'm really glad
you came back, joanna.

Now that she's dead,

Having secrets
seems even wronger now.

I hope
she's not mad at me.

I'm sure she's not.
I wouldn't be.

My stuff is all wiggly
'cause it's free.

Well, I'm sure
anything you need,

There will be someone around,
and here's your pizza.

You got a whole pie
all to yourself.

I felt this all coming
before it was there.

Like a storm ‐‐
like a dog before a storm.

I just shook,
and shook, and...

Hey, don't be scared.
It's all going to work out.

The door. I won't make it
if they close the door.

All right, how about this?
Huh? That all right?

All right,
I'll make sure

The officer knows
to keep it open.

Here's your pie.

Here you go. That's for you.
It's a magnet.

That belongs to you now.

I'll put this up on my fridge,
and it's going to stay there.

Oh, really? Well, okay,
if you think so.

Have a good night.

I know that's true.
It is. It is. Wait.

Shake on it, right?
Shake on it.

You're one
of the good people.

You are, too,

Just hang in there
the best you can.

We appreciate you
coming in.

Did that third paper
I gave you of hers

Help at all with that ‐‐
what's‐his‐name ‐‐

Chris manahan?

that's his name.

We picked up chris
as a result.

Oh, well, that's great to hear.
I'm glad I could help.

Except chris
didn't k*ll her.

That's conclusive?

That is.

But you said something about me
looking at some pictures.

Well, uh, not some.
Just one.

That's my license photo.

The evening shift desk clerk
at the clements house hotel

I.d.'D you
from that picture.

Plus ‐‐
witnesses put you and alyssa

In and out
of a room there.


Okay what?

Okay, I would meet alyssa
at that hotel sometimes...

And, yes,
we were intimate.

I did not k*ll
that girl.

You're not talking

To a bunch of 15‐year‐olds here,
mr. Jessup.

I think maybe I need
to talk to a lawyer.

No question.
You can do that,

But you ask for a lawyer,
and we're out of it,

And the next thing
you know,

You get dragged
through a long trial.

Your face
is all over the news.

Your wife and kids?
They're in the news.

Inmates you'll be
bunking with one day ‐‐

They'll know you,
and you'll be marked,

And they won't care
what the real story is.

They'll just know you as the guy
they saw on the 6:00 news

Who was convicted of raping
and k*lling a 15‐year‐old.

Or you can, uh,
hold off on the lawyer

And work with us...

Keeping it as private
as possible.

Alyssa's friends

Said you were both
deeply in love with each other,

And when that's the case,

It can be called
crime of passion. Use it.

She had her sights
set on me.

The long looks,
hanging around after class,

Following me out to the car,
pressing notes into my hand,

And I warned her.

I told her
this was inappropriate,

But that was like
fuel to her. Finally ‐‐

And then you
couldn't let her go.

She couldn't let me go ‐‐

So you got angry
with her.

I got scared.
The phone calls,

The threatening notes
left under my wiper blade,

Coming to my house,
wanting to talk to my wife.

I have young children,
for god's sake.

I saw my life unraveling.

And you k*lled alyssa
to shut her up.

No. I agreed to see her,
and I pleaded with her.

She would not listen, and I
raised my fist to shock her ‐‐

To scare her ‐‐

To let her know that I was
serious to leave me alone.

She just started screaming,
and i‐i grabbed her neck...

And I guess I must have
blacked out at that point.

I don't remember much
after that.

Do you have
a history of blackouts

Or was this
a one‐time deal?

And this chris manahan
who r*ped alyssa ‐‐

Set this whole nightmare
in motion ‐‐

What happens to him?

Let's worry about
what happens to you.

[ Imitates cars crashing ]

Come here, theo.

No. I'm warm.
I have socks on, too.

Yeah, but, uh,
you should put this on, too.

I‐i don't think you should
be in just pajamas.

I'm fine.

your babysitter's name ‐‐

Theo, just listen
to daddy, okay?

Your babysitter
is named john,

And he works with daddy,
and he's a good guy.

Will john play
car crash pileup?

Uh, listen up, son.

Now, uh,
john is a friend,

And, uh, I wouldn't have him
babysit you if he wasn't,

But the same rule
applies to john

As to everybody else
when I'm not around.

What's that rule?

Nobody treats me bad.

and if they ever did...

I tell you.

That's right.

Will john play
car crash pileup?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Well, uh,

John doesn't strike me
as a gear head somehow.



Come on in.

this is theo.

This is john from work.


Nice to meet you,

I've heard so many
great things about you.

I brought you a gift,

But I'm going to give it
to your dad

Because I'm sure
he's told you

Never to take anything
directly from a stranger.

Anybody ever wants
to give something to you,

They see your dad first.
Here, dad.

Please, please,

Please, please, please.


What do you say?

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

It's my first‐time‐
sitting‐for‐theo present.

John, can we play
car crash pileup?

Is dad okay
with car crash pileup?

Yeah. Yeah,
dad's okay with it.


I'm, uh, sorry.

That's the last time
I check in.

Don't apologize for that.

Well, it's the first time
I've been out since ‐‐

Since the last time
that we were out,

And, uh,
it's my first time

Away from my little guy
in a while.

You check in
as often as you want.

And, uh, he's got
a new sitter tonight,

So that's why I keep
checking in, you know?

'Cause he's new ‐‐
the sitter.

I'll, uh, I'll stop
with all that now.

You're an attentive,
loving father.

Stop thinking
that's not attractive.

Okay, but, um,
right now from here on out,

You and me
are enjoying dinner,

Which, uh,
I'd like to say

I'm glad you were able
to be here

With this short notice
and everything.

Oh, yeah,
my calendar is very full.

you'd have to get in line.

No, I'm lucky
it worked out.

Well, I don't
get out much, andy.

I'm the lucky one.


If I do go out,

It's to a reading
by one of our authors

Or by an author
we might want to work with

Or just an author I like.

Otherwise, I'd just be home
in bed with a book.

Well, that's ‐‐

That's because those are
the things you like to do,

So you do them.

That's not because you
don't have other options...

An attractive woman
like you.

Andy ‐‐

I'm lucky that you
were free tonight,

And I'm glad that you
moved back into the city.

I could say nice things
about you, too.

Well, hey,

Don't feel any pressure
on that or nothing.

Well, I could.

My uncle eddie told me
some things to start with.

Uh, eddie did?

Well, I asked him to,
but, yeah.

I won't say
what all he told me,

But it was all good stuff,
rest assured.

You ever been
to the empire state building?

Once, but, god ‐‐
years ago.

You want
to go after this?

I mean, see if anything
has changed?


But is it even open?

Well, if not,
I'll tin us in.


It's my key
to the city.

It could really come in handy
on a night like this.
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