08x04 - Family Ties

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x04 - Family Ties

Post by bunniefuu »


How's it going, feely?

How's it going?

Danny sorenson,
diane russell, tommy feely.

Me and him worked uniform
back when they raced chariots.

Heads up security here.

Got a guest here
who got r*ped,

b*at up real bad.

All right, folks, come on.
Keep it moving.

Sick bastards.

Diane: mardi gras ball?

Yeah, it's supposed
to be legit,

But it turns out it's these
degenerate swinger types.

Plus, the promoter
boned us.

You know, oversold it
to double capacity.

Totally overwhelmed us.

Who's that?
That's the victim's kid.

Her girlfriend
is watching her.

will be okay.


Deborah johansen,
here on one of them

3‐Day "I love new york"

Andy: who's the guy?
Her brother.
He's local.

Danny: he call it in?
Victim's girlfriend,
about 10:45 p. M.

Her and the victim's
daughter were on their way back

From "the lion king"
when they discovered her.

Let's keep the little one
out of here.

Hey, feely,
how about getting a room

For the girlfriend and daughter
till we're ready for them?

I can check, but we're
booked to the gills.

Feely, find a room.

Pull up
your security tapes.

You know, this could be
the end for me, andy.

I mean,
this could be my job.

Couldn't be worse,
huh, feely?

I'm sorry.
Don't listen to me.

I‐i'm roger johansen ‐‐
deborah's brother.

Detectives sorenson,
sipowicz, russell.

She's got to go
to the hospital,

Or at least
get out of this room.

Is she up for a couple
questions first?

She said the guy
was wearing a mask,

Like a court jester mask
from this mardi gras ball

I guess
they got going on.

I'll be real quick.

It was my idea ‐‐
her coming out and visiting.

I kept telling her
how safe new york's been.

Danny: hey, sarge.

You staying here, too?

No, I live
over on second avenue.

My place
was too small, though.

Can we get uniforms
at every exit

And snag up anybody
in a court jester outfit?

And maybe
get some men started

Going through
the trash cans.

Was he white,
black, latino?

I don't know ‐‐
the mask.

Could you tell
by his hands?

Uh, he had gloves on.
Where's my daughter?

We're putting her
and your girlfriend

In another room.

The worst part was when
I was tied to the bed

After he left,

Knowing that my daughter
would see me like that

And there was
nothing I could do.

All right.
We'll get you out of here.

Please don't let my daughter
see me like this.

There's, like,

56 Costume shops
in manhattan.

Call them
when they open up,

See who sold or rented
court jester outfits,

If they paid
with credit cards,

If they got
security cameras.

That's what I was
I was going to do, yeah.

So fancy has got that
computer training course

The next few days.

Going to get the squad
wired up.

Hey, even money greg's
addicted to chat rooms

Within a week.

Hey, morning, diane.

Morning. You guys
get any sleep?

Couple of hours.

Another 10 or 15 years,

I'll get used to
this detective chart.

Any word
from the hospital?

Her and her brother
are still there.

I talked to them
a little while ago.

He thinks she'll be ready
to come in

And give a statement
in another hour or so.

Anything jump out?

Yeah, feely talked to his
keystone kops security force,

Found out
that some assh*le

in a court jester suit

Was hitting on all the female
guests down in the lobby.

They warned him first,

Then told him
to hit the bricks.

Feely's guys say
there must have been

At least five of these
jester idiots prancing around.

Belmont hotel ‐‐ that's
where your r*pe was?

Yeah, what about it?

D.o.a. In room 813.

You're sure it was
the belmont hotel?

Just talked
to the cop at the scene.

Maybe connected
to the r*pe?

Going to have to talk
your buddy feely off the roof.

Head of security's
tommy feely,

Retired out of the 3‐2.

When you see him,
let him know I'm waiting

On those security tapes
from last night.

The r*pe was in 407.

Let us know
if they look connected.

Any semen
from the r*pe kit?

Lab tests out
for dna and blood type.

I'm checking anything
on court jester suits

With the local
costume shops...

When they open up,
seeing as it wouldn't be

Too fruitful calling now
when they're closed.


You're feely?


Worst 24 hours
of my life.

You got anything
on this?

Housekeeper found him
about 8:00 a. M.

b*at, choked ‐‐
pinky finger cut off.

This was a full‐on brawl.
No one heard nothing?

The couple next door
heard some yelling

Last night
around midnight,

Maybe a scream or two.

Pegged it
for some kind of sex deal

Off of that mardi gras disaster
we had here last night.

Had a r*pe/as*ault, too.

Yeah, we heard.

You think
they're connected?

We just got here.

Who's the room
registered to?

John williams ‐‐
paid in cash.

Gee, I wonder
what the odds are

That being
his real name?

Sipowicz is waiting
on those security tapes.

Yeah, let me
go check on those,

I still got a job.

This is
mike sturtevant.

I've had prior contact
with this bum. He's a pimp.

Cell phone
in his pocket.

We have a future detective
in our midst.

That's my goal, sir.

Oh, I found this
under the coffee table.

Are you giving me
the finger, officer?

So who went through
his pockets?

That security guy.

He had them emptied out
by the time I showed up.

Feely? He was
on the job, right?

And he should
know better.

Do you want me to run
the cell phone numbers?

No, slow down there,


It's all yours.

Brained him with the phone,
it looks like,

And then strangled him off
with the cord for dessert.

A white pimp, huh?

Yeah, how about that, d.?

I can get you
some coffee or something.

No, we're okay.

We really appreciate
your coming in.

I just want to get this
over with and get back home.

We understand.

How's your daughter?

I talked to her on the phone
from the hospital.

I still don't know
what to tell her.

Were you able to get leads
on who might have done this?

Not yet.

What we need
to do now ‐‐

And I know it's going
to be difficult ‐‐

Is get
a formal statement

About what happened
last night.

Can you do that,

I'll try.

We were all supposed to go
to "the lion king" last night.

Who's "we"?

My girlfriend cathy
who came up with us,

And my daughter

A couple hours
before, though,

I felt a migraine
coming on,

And I couldn't go.

I should have
gone, though.

I should have
just toughed it out.

At around 9:00,
I went down the hall

To get some ice
for a cold compress.

The pain was so great,

I couldn't focus.

Did you lock the door
behind you?

I, uh...

I shut the door
with the dead bolt out

So it wouldn't
lock shut.

Was this guy
already in the room

When you got back?

And he choked me.

And he told me
he'd k*ll me

If I made a sound,

And I turned my head
to the side

So that I could breathe

Because his arm
was crushing my ‐‐

My windpipe,
and I saw the mask.

It was this white mask
with these

Scary red smiling lips.

I felt like I was
in a nightmare.

Diane: it's okay.

And then he r*ped me

And he b*at me,

And I told him he didn't
have to hit me,

That I wouldn't scream
or make him stop,

But he said, "shut up,"

And he just kept on
hitting me.

[ Sobbing ]

D.o.a. At the belmont's
a pimp.

The room was registered
under a bogus name.

We pulled the last number
dialed from his cell phone.

It came back
to a stella kensington.

Based on her priors,

We figure her
for one of his whores.

We deputized this cop ramos.
He's picking her up.

You run into feely?

Yeah, he's had
better days, for sure.

Where's those
security tapes

I've been waiting on
all morning?

He was getting an earful
from hotel brass

Last we left him.

He needs to get his ass
over here with those tapes.

Yeah, I'll call him
right now.

Is everything all right?

That r*pe victim
from last night's

In interview three.


All right.
Take it easy.

Diane all right?

Yeah. You know, andy,
I don't want you to think

That by not talking
to you about it,

I'm pulling something
over on you.

And what
would that be?

You going
to make me say it?

You don't have to
spill your guts to me...

[ Urinal flushes ]

Every detail
of your life.

Yeah, but this ‐‐

I've been wanting to talk
to you about this,

But I guess I was afraid
that you'd tell me to quit,

And I'm not about to.

I wouldn't
tell you that.

There are things
I would tell you

Regarding the job ‐‐

Repercussions and so forth
if this gets out ‐‐

But I figure
you know about that.

I do.

I know diane does.

She's happy?


You're happy?


Okay, then.

I didn't know bobby.

In that sense, I don't
feel I'm betraying him.

I just don't want to feel
like I'm betraying you.

No, you and me
are straight.

I appreciate that, andy.

You're happy,
she's happy.

You rent jester outfits?

Can you check?

No, court jester.

All right, thanks.

All right, look, you don't know
what I'm talking about,

You probably don't
carry them, right?

How's it going
in there?

She's still
in a lot of pain.

I can imagine.
Are you okay?

There a detective jones here?
I'm stella.



What's his problem?

I was going
to ask you.

Right this way.

You need a telephone book
or something?

Kiss my ass.

I was just offering.

Mike sturtevant ‐‐ how long
has he been pimping you?

He's my manager.

We ran both of you for records.

There's nothing in there

About 2‐week lounge gigs
in the catskills.

Three years
I've worked for him.

He called you at home
last night at 9:30.

It was the last
phone call he made.

The last call he made
last night.

The last phone call
he's ever gonna make.

Oh, my god.

What was the call

He was going
to a poker game

Over at the belmont.

Said he was going to be

And wanted to make sure
I was on for my 10:00 date.

Oh, my god.

Did he say who he was
playing cards with?

No, but brenda might know.
That's his bottom lady.

I'm meeting her for lunch,
so I could ask her then.

We'll ask her.

Where you meeting
for lunch?

over on lex at 12:30.

So, you work pretty steady,

Or is it more
the bachelor party,

Shriner convention
type thing?

Booked solid.

Huh. I'll be darned.

Brenda's last name?


Brenda's a midget, too?

It's little person,

Like I'm supposed
to know that.

You know, you're not
so tall yourself.

Is brenda
a little person, too?

No, she's big,
blonde hair.

Poor mike.

He was a special guy.

We could lock you up
till after lunch

To make sure you don't
tip brenda for whatever reason,

But, uh, she's been
pretty helpful.

No, I'm cool.
I won't talk to her.

You can go, then.

I knew a midget
in high school.

Wendy overacker.

Yeah, huh?

She was voted
best school spirit.

Spunky little thing.

Would you go out
with her?

Would you?

I asked you first.

Come on.
This stays in the room.

I guess
under the right circumstances.

You know, business trip,
something like that.

Yeah, I'd give it
a whirl.

Would you?

Never thought about it.

Well, it's not like it's been
keeping me up nights.

What's this?

Oh, that midget woman
left it.

Can you call her up
and arrange getting it back?

Little person.
They don't like ‐‐

Okay, okay, can you just
take care of it for me?

Hey, guys.
We have the security tapes,

Plus employees list,

Mardi gras guest list,

Everything I could think of.

I don't suppose you got
any leads on the r*pe, huh?

Who's the suit?

Oh, andy, can you and me
talk in a private room?

Who's the suit, feely?

Lawyer from the hotel.

They want to try and settle
with the r*pe victim asap.

We're going to go have
a conversation

With the d. O. A. Pimp's
bottom lady.

Any movement on that?

Nothing past
what I just said.

Are those
the security tapes?
Right here.

Yeah, we're going to need tape
from the front desk camera.

See who checked
into room 813.

Think they're connected,
r*pe and d. O. A.?

We don't know yet.

What do you say, andy?

Brokering the sit‐down

Could go a long way
to saving my job,

And what I gathered,

Because of the p. R. Jackpot
the r*pe and m*rder got us in ‐‐

They're talking
major numbers here.

Could be a nice windfall
for these poor people.

You guys can be in the room
if you want.

You sure, feely?

I mean, we wouldn't
be putting you out?

Come on, andy.

Go ahead.
I'll take care of this.

Thanks a million, andy.

What's up?

Deborah, there's a lawyer
here for the hotel,

And because
of what happened,

They're ready to make you
a settlement offer.

I don't know anything
about the numbers

Or what
they're going to ask,

But I'm sure
it's going to involve

A confidentiality
aspect ‐‐

Not talking to the press
and the like.

You think we should
talk to him?

Do you feel up to it?

If not, I'll tell him
to get lost.

I guess we got to deal
with it sooner or later.

You tell me what
you want to do.

Will you stay here?

Of course.

We'll talk to him,
I guess.

Deborah, my name
is james edelman.

I'm an attorney representing
the belmont hotel.

On behalf
of my employers,

I want to tell you
how deeply sorry we are.

Thank you.

Now, I'm here right now
to offer a settlement,

But I'll walk
out the door

If this is
a premature conversation.

I do not
want to offend you.

I understand.

The alternative
to a settlement agreement

That we could
make happen today

Is you taking
the hotel to court.

You'd win, as I'm sure
these detectives would tell you.

These detectives are not
part of this negotiation.

Forgive me.

But after you win,
the hotel would appeal,

And this process
could go on for years,

Keeping you mired
in the details

Of what I'm sure is the worst
experience of your life.

I want this over with.
I want to go home.

I will
cut you a check

For $500,000 today,

And you will not have
to give 1/3 to an attorney,

Although I'm not trying
to talk you out of getting one.

$500,000 ‐‐
A half a million dollars ‐‐

And you can start healing
and get on with your life

In financial comfort.

What do you think?

It's up to you,

I can't tell you
one way or the other.

I want this behind me.

How ‐‐ how do we
do this?

I've got a car outside.

We can go back to my office
right now.

Do you need them
for anything else?

No. We're done for now.

Thank you
for being there for me.

It really meant a lot.

Take care of yourself.


Freak show
they had there last night.

Hotel was teeming
with freaks.

I found three calls

Out of deborah's room

One to 911,
one to roger's apartment,

And one at 11:00 a. M.

To an office at allied
insurance in astoria.

Deborah's brother
work insurance in queens?

No. He works
in the city.

I'll check out who this is,
have him come in.

Andy, can we
talk a minute?

Yeah. Sure.

I guess
you've figured out

Danny and me,
we've gotten close lately.

Yeah, with you two
having to cover for me

The last six months,

Which I never got a chance
to thank you for that.

I mean close like


Is it with you?

'Cause that's part
of what's been eating me up ‐‐

How you'd feel
about it.

Comes a point

When you have
to find a way to be happy,

Or at least be willing
to accept it

When it comes your way.

But then there's
how I feel afterwards,

And if I'd known
I would have felt that bad,

I never would have
gone through with this,

Not just for my sake,
but for danny's, too.

He's still a kid
in a lot of ways.

If you think
this is wrong like this,

Maybe you'd give him
a heads‐up

Before he leaves his feet
more than he already has.

It's been almost two years
since bobby passed,

And I'm more screwed up now
than I was then.

Maybe it's tougher now
because you're waking up...

Coming alive.


All I know is,

It's so unfair.

It'll always be unfair,
him leaving that soon.

Danny: thanks
for coming in, jim.


How long you been working
for allied insurance?

Oh, uh,

Going on three years now.

So, you think
now you could tell me

What investigation
my name came up in?

Do you know deborah johansen
or cathy alderson?


So neither of them
called you yesterday?

Why? What did they say?

You think maybe we're
getting off on the wrong foot?

Okay. I went to high school
with deborah and cathy.

Is something wrong?

So one of them
did call you?

Deborah did, seeing if I
wanted to get a beer.

Why did you
just lie about it?

After high school
we had ‐‐

I guess you'd call it
an affair,

Which damn near
broke up my marriage

When my wife found out.

I lied
because I'm married, okay?

I got kids.

So you and deborah
had sex yesterday?

Absolutely not. We had
a couple of beers,

Like, at 3:00,

In the lobby bar
of the parkcrest hotel.

She wanted to have closure.
That's how she put it.

That's all, but I would sure
like to know what she's saying

And who she's
saying it to.

Deborah was r*ped
and beaten last night.

Oh, jeez.

You had no contact with her
after drinks at 3:00?


My god, she's not saying
that I r*ped her?

We're asking you.
Maybe things got out of hand.

I don't know how to respond
other than saying no!

Who can vouch
where you were last night?

My wife and kids.
I was home,

But, please, I can't
tell my wife.

So you wouldn't mind

Giving us a confidential
dna sample?

What is going on?

Hopefully it's you
telling us the truth.

I'm married.

Yeah, we got that part.

Okay, we had
a couple beers,

And me and deborah ‐‐

It's always been hot
between us,

And we got a room

And we had sex,

And I left at 4:30
and went home.

Did you ej*cul*te
inside of her?

Aw, jeez,
I have to answer that?

Unless you want
to mull it over

And we'll stop by
your house later on

And see
where you're at with it.

Okay, I did,

But ask yourself, if we
had sex in the afternoon,

Where's the sense
that I would r*pe her later

And b*at her?

Why isn't deborah
telling you this?

We'll check it out.

So deborah's
a good person otherwise?

I ‐‐ you know,

A little lost,
I guess ‐‐

Bad luck with men,
bad luck in general.

Do you know
her brother roger?

He was
kind of a slimeball,

Had a problem
with dr*gs.

I think
he has aids now

From sh**ting up
or who knows what.

Look, where
do I stand here?

Where you going to be
the rest of the day

In case we've got
to get ahold of you?

Not at home.
I'll be at my office

Sitting at my desk
until you call me.

I'll spend the night there
if I have to.

If your story holds up,

You'll be getting
back to your happy home,

Such as it is.

Uh, brenda martin?


[ Whistles ]

Over here.

When that little person hoss
said brenda was big,

I didn't think
she meant ‐‐

Me neither.

Uh, stella
already told me about mike.

Just like
we asked her to.

I take it you want to help us
find whoever whacked him.

Hell, yes, I do.

Mike was
always good to me,

Plus I've got
this pros charge pending

I wouldn't mind seeing
get tossed.

We can work
with you on that.

Talk to johnny dumont.

He and mike been
hanging out a lot lately.

Johnny invited mike
to a poker game last night.

Now, I mean,
I don't see johnny

Having the guts
to k*ll anybody,

But he was going to be
with mike last night.

Any other names?


You know, I knew

This was going
to happen someday.

Mike always had to be
walking around

With a big roll,

eight grand sometimes,

Wrapped up in a rubber band
in his pocket,

And that stupid‐ass
diamond pinkie ring.

Where are we
going to find this johnny?

Throwing back boilermakers

Over at smitty's
on third.

That was me and mike's spot.
That's where we met johnny.

So you're one
of mike's girls, huh?


He keep you pretty busy?

Busy and protected.

All right, we'll take care
of that collar

If you're
playing straight with us.

So, this mike
dealt with fringe stuff,

I guess, huh?
No offense.

Specialty acts,
he liked to call it.

He could
get you anything.

So, like,
uh, little persons,

Big gals, obviously...

Grannies, amputees.

Crazy‐ass mike.

I remember one time
this pervo german guy

Comes to town, right?

That's cool, but I think
we've got everything.

Uh, yeah. Good.

I really hope you nail
whoever did this.


How you holding up?

Okay, I guess.


Saw my daughter finally.
Talked to her.


Do you know
a jimmy sysler, deborah?


I know jimmy.

Have you seen him
since you've been in town?

Yeah. Yesterday.

Why didn't you
tell us about it?

He's married,

And I didn't want
to involve him in this.

I see now that
that was wrong. Sorry.

So, uh, you two had sex
earlier in the day?

Do we really have
to drag him into this?

Yeah, we really do.

We were just going
to have a couple of beers,

But ‐‐


It's just that we said that
more than a few times.

"We'll just
meet for a beer."

Yeah, right.

Did you tell the e. R. Nurse
you had sex earlier?

I didn't tell anyone.

If we could, I'd like
to keep it that way.

I don't want to get him
in trouble with his wife.

It was my stupid idea.
I called him.

It's just that
something like this,

As far
as the investigation,

It's better
to be completely honest.

I just felt
so guilty afterwards.

I don't know,
thinking about it ‐‐

It was that guilt
which triggered the migraine,

Made me stay
in the hotel last night.

I feel another one
coming on.

We'll get you
back to the hotel.

Can I use
the restroom first?

Sure. Come on.

Good. Thanks.

That was
the hotel lawyer.

Deborah's brother just left
with a check for $700,000.

He dicked 'em up
200 grand?

He asked that 90%
of the settlement

Be listed as "general damages,"
i. E., Pain and suffering.

General damages
are nontaxable.

Roger knew his way
around the fine print.

Did you run him
through bci?

Roger's got three arrests
for bad checks in steubenville,

Receiving stolen goods
in massillon.

Deborah's carrying 18 grand
in credit‐card debt.

She has unprotected sex
with this sysler

A couple of hours
before she's r*ped,

And she don't tell
nobody about it.

He's married. Maybe she is
just covering for him.

Or maybe she needs
a sperm donor,

And jimmy's her man.

The r*pe kit comes up positive
even if there is no r*pe.

And someone beats her
like that

So it will look

Everything she's said
so far tracks.

If we're wrong,
she gets from this department

10 Times what she got
from the hotel.

Where's her girlfriend

deborah's daughter

At the hotel.

Let's get her in here.

I'm ready.

Yeah, uh,
we'll be right with you.

I'll drop her off
and bring back cathy,

Make sure the two of them
aren't alone together.

We got a guy might be
in on that doa pimp.

Check out the tape
in the vcr.

There might be a sh*t
of your guy checking in.

A tape
of the hotel hallway?

Hotel only has cameras

At the front desk,
lobby, and exits.


Um, feeling better?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I've just got
a lot on my mind.

Is there anything
I can be doing here?

What I need right now,
danny, is just a little air,

Some room to figure out
some stuff for myself.

You can talk to me
about it.

And you'll want to fix it,
and you can't.

I just need
a little room.

But we're okay?

We're okay.

You know
a mike sturtevant, johnny?

I've never been
too good with names.

How are you
with faces?

Oh, yeah, okay.
Mike. Right.

When did you
see him last?

Dates, time frames ‐‐

Never been too good
with those, either.

Like, ask me
when my mom's birthday is.

You'd think
I'd know that, right? No.

Where were you last night?
We'll leave your mom out.

Out and about.

Happen to stop
by the belmont hotel

At any point?


Now, unless you've got
an evil twin story

That you're
prepared to float,

I'd say that's you checking in
at the belmont hotel.

There's a guy looks a lot
like you on surveillance

Walking in and out
of room 813 last night,

And guess
who we found m*rder*d

In room 813 this morning?

We live
in the electronic age.

I don't know if anybody's
broke the news to you yet.

So I was there. That don't
mean I k*lled mike.

Sure as hell does, as far
as the d. A. Is concerned.

Why don't you check
that tape of room 813

And see who else
was walking in and out?

Don't recognize him.

How about
I give you a hint?

That way I didn't
actually tell you who it was.

I'm not
in the mood for hints.

See, judging
by your general disposition,

We figure you're the one

Whose job it was
to lure mike into the room.

Then you closed your eyes
and started humming to yourself

When the real business

So now you're going
to tell us, not hint,

Who the muscle was,

And save yourself
20 years in the process

'Cause I know
you don't do time good.

Tony posada.

I told mike it was a $10,000
buy‐in to the game.

I dummied up a roll

To show him
I had the same.

Tony was supposed to make it
look like a setup,

Take off me and mike
as soon as we walked in.

Tony goes at mike
with a blackjack.

Mike ducks it,

And they go at it
like two hurricanes,

Off the walls,
into the bathroom,

And tony's just
bashing mike's head in

With the damn phone.

Finally, tony gets
that phone cord

Around mike's neck,
and just ‐‐

[ Imitates trachea
being crushed ]

Tony walked away.
Mike didn't.

A couple of hiccups
but, overall,

A pretty airtight plan
you put together there.

This Kn*fe
I found on you ‐‐

Use it
to cut off mike's pinkie

For that diamond ring?

He was dead already.
What's he need his ring for?

Thanks for coming in.

We're cutting it close
as far as our flight.

Yeah, well,
when a settlement happens,

Big flags go up and we
have to look into things.

You know
a jimmy sysler?

Yeah. I went
to high school with him.

You know about jimmy
and deborah

Working up a sweat
at a hotel room yesterday?

First I've heard of it.


Check our thinking here,

Deborah and her brother
cook up

This phony r*pe scheme,

Make it happen the night
of the mardi gras party.

She screws an old friend
from her hometown

So the r*pe kit
will come back positive,

Begs off going out
'cause of a headache.

You take the kid
to "the lion king,"

She fakes the r*pe,

You walk in
at a prearranged time.

Hotel gets
its checkbook out.

How about that b*ating?
How'd she fake that?

For 700 grand,
you'd take the b*ating.

50 Grand.

Deborah settled
with the hotel for 50 grand.

Cathy, they settled
for $700,000

About four hours ago.


Roger told me
they settled for $50,000.

Then roger
conned you, too.

All you're looking at is
filing a false report...

I want to go home.

Or keep up the act

And you'll be on the hook
for felony fraud.

No one is going
to see any money.

I want to see
a copy of that check.

Maybe more than that,

You want to see your bed
back in steubenville

in the next five years.

That son of a bitch.

What was
your play in this?

That creepy
son of a bitch.

Now, or we go
get roger's version,

How it was
your idea.

I don't know what happened.

I swear to god,
I didn't want to know.

Roger said he'd pay me
10% of whatever

If I took rachel
to "the lion king"

And came back to the hotel
after and called the cops.

That's it.

That lying bastard.
He said they got $50,000,

Not $700,000.

Let's get
deborah back in.

Give a heads‐up
to the d. A.'S office?

I'm here
to pick up my scarf.

Yes. I have it
for you right here.


I'd like
to introduce myself.

I'm john irvin, and I ‐‐

Let me guess.
Little‐people issues.

Since I was a child.

I saw "the wizard of oz"
when I was 7,

And it's had a stranglehold
on my imagination ever since.

Everybody's got their thing,
you know?

I know,
but it's still wrong.

I make my living
off it being wrong.

We've got
to make a run, john. Hey.

Any luck?

We're getting there.

If you have any
follow‐up questions, detective,

Or however I could be
of any help.



Thanks for the scarf.

No. Thank you.

Back and forth,
back and forth.

This is really
getting hard on me.

Sit down.

Cathy flipped.

like "flipped out"?

Flipped from, like, lying
to telling the truth.

So that 10%,

That's 10%
of nothing now.

This is valerie haywood.
She's with the d. A.'S office.


To either put you in jail
as a principal in a felony,

Or keep you out
as a witness for the people.

Cathy went
for the second one.

Here's your chance.

Otherwise you risk ending up
with the b*ating,

No money,
and the jail time.

And I understand
you have a young daughter.

What are you
going to do to her?

What are you
going to do to her?

If you agree to testify

the other participants,

Including your brother...

Then you won't
take her away from me?

Then I won't
put you in jail,

And I'll recommend
that you keep your daughter,

But this is all contingent

On your
substantial cooperation.

Was it
your brother's idea?

And you humped sysler
to trick the r*pe kit?

Who's the fourth?

Who do you mean?

Who put
that b*ating on you?



Your brother
b*at you like this?

I've been beaten worse
for nothing,

And what I have to do
to support my daughter...

She's who I did this for,
plus roger.

He wanted to see the world
before he d*ed.

He really thought
it was going to work.

Shame on you.

Jimmy sysler?
Detective sipowicz.

You can go home now.
Don't worry about it.

Just go home.

A brother doing that
to his own sister.

You get
that second perp?

Yeah. They're both
locked up downstairs.

What the hell is that?

It was downstairs.

Tommy feely
sent it to you.

[ Hisses ] look at this.
Hotel crap.

Cheap bastard.

If there's a shoehorn
in there,

I could
actually go for one.

Can we talk later?

Sure. I'll stop by.


Hey, what's going on?

I just picked up my messages.
You got my sister here?

Yeah. She's here
all right.

What for?

What are you doing?

Shut up.

Is this a joke?

I guess a guy who would
b*at his sister bloody

Might get a kick
out of this. Turn around.

I want
to talk to her.

Turn around.

You want a lawyer?
I would, too.


I'm trying to resist
the urge to b*at you

Like you b*at
your sister.

Go ahead. b*at me.

b*at me bloody.

You all right?

Just a little chilly.

Well, you want
to go back down?

No. It's okay.

One of those days

That don't scrape off
so easy, huh?

This was bobby's coop?


He's always going
to be with us, isn't he?

I can't
compete with him, diane.

No one's
wanting you to compete.

I just didn't expect it
to be this hard.

I've tried.

I've really tried
to let him go,

But the more I tried,

The more I knew
I couldn't get past it.

Then it's no good,
is it?

I wanted it
to be good.

I really did.

I just talked
to andy and told him

How strong the direction
we were headed was.

Knowing all he knows,

He didn't say
how wrong this might be?

That's not
the part I heard.


I guess I ought
to take off.

I'm sorry, danny.

Hey, if we hadn't
taken a sh*t,

I'd have wondered
a dozen times a day

Why we never did.
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