07x22 - The Last Round Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x22 - The Last Round Up

Post by bunniefuu »

"I do not suck them
through a straw,

I do not cr*ck them
with my jaw."

Is daddy making that up?

"I do not pack them
in my back

Or take them out
for a midnight snack."

I want a snack
and orange juice.
A little later, theo.


How’s it going?

How you doing, theo?

I’m waiting for my test.

Well, yeah, huh? Hi.

Hi, danny. Sit down.

Oh, "green eggs
and ham," huh?

I used to read that
till I was cross‐eyed.

I’d read that
to my sisters.
Get me a water.

He can’t have that.

What’s up after, though,
theo ‐‐ ice cream?

They got icicle pops
in the bald room.

They’ve got fish,
theo, right?

a couple hours now, huh?

Make you come and sit.

Bring you anything,
a snack from outside?

Andy: no, thanks.

Well, i’m going
to get to work.

How’s ‐‐ how’s that
other situation?

Feels bad, you know.


Like that’s coming.

thanks for stopping.

Have a good test, theo.

God bless.

God bless.

Good to see you.

You too, danny.

The elevator’s opening.
You better hurry.

All right, then.

What’s the matter?

He makes me see
andy jr.

Did you hear anything
from the hospital?

Uh, danny
was going to stop

On his way in.

What’s this all about?

I’d like you to talk
about your partner’s problem.


The partner that
when she’s working,

She’s not here anyway,

And half the time
she’s not here.

If that’s
what you’ve noticed,

I assume
something personal.


Yeah, okay.

Yeah, well, i’m taking her
off the chart.

You know, do you feel
that’s necessary?

Absolutely, if her work
is unsatisfactory

And her partner
is not forthcoming.

Boss, why wouldn’t I
be forthcoming?

There you go.

I mean, do you think
I wouldn’t want

To be forthcoming?

If you wanted to, diane,
why wouldn’t you be?

Okay? All right?

If she’s in trouble,
tell me how.

Would you want that
in every single situation,

Or can you think
of a situation

Where you wouldn’t
want that told?

The job knows, diane.

The job knows?


I’m taking it
you were forthcoming

And you weren’t concealing
or complicit.

That’s how i’m going
to write up our talk.

You tell me
what the job knows.

Would you want that, diane,

In every single situation?

Now you need
to get out of the way.

Morning, jill.

Morning. Fingers crossed
for theo.

Yep, fingers crossed.

Hey, diane.

How’s theo?

They’re taking some
of the little guy’s bone marrow

To make their diagnosis.

11:00, Andy said.

Theo looks good,
i’ll tell you that much ‐‐

His energy and so forth.
He’s pale.

How long does it take?

The procedure?
I don’t know.

They put a needle
in his hip,

And that gives them
what they need.

Hollow needle.

So andy’s
going to be with him.

And katie.


Yeah, they’ll be
right by his side.

Someone should be
in the cafeteria

Once they do the test,

If andy needs
to walk away a minute.

I got that, absolutely,

Till they find out
what’s what.

And it’s not a cafeteria,
it’s more like a food area.

Why’d he have you in?

The job’s sitting
on don and denby...

And jill.


Hi, greg.

Hi, greg.

Were you at the hospital?

Yeah. The little guy
looked good.

He was bouncing around.

When are they going
to do that test?

11:00 They’re going
to do it.

Yeah, danny said 11:00.

Anyways, I don’t mean
to interrupt.

I’ll, uh,
have a good thought.

The boss told you
the job was moving on them?

Said he was putting it
on paper

I wasn’t concealing
or complicit

When he asked me
about jill’s behavior.

That’s a heads‐up
to get out of the way.

They’re not on her
without don and denby, too.

How’s it going?

Morning, diane.

Hi, baldwin.

Hey, partner.

Hey, baldwin,
be careful.

That was
a pretty open statement.

You don’t want to say
nothing in this squad

That someone don’t
have to work on

With a secret decoder ring.

You do what the boss said?

Get out of the way?
Did jill have that choice?

I wasn’t there
when don showed up again.

I don’t know
how he got over.

And neither of us
has kids, do we?

Or what don said
might happen.

Diane, tell me the play,
i’m down.

[ Crash ]

Greg: son of a bitch!

Door came off its hinges.
I fell on my butt!

Leave me alone.


"In the dark?
Here in the dark.

Would you, could you
in the dark?"

Theo, let’s go put on
some circus pajamas.

Give me a secret ice pop.

After your test, son.

Afterwards, you can have
ice pops.

Can I come with theo
till his jammies are on?

You bet.

Let’s go.

Oh, boy.

Come on, daddy.


Here I come, too.


Boss tells you
to get out of the way,

He knows
who he’s talking to.

He thinks I will
give jill a heads‐up?

You do, I don’t think
he’d tear his hair,

If he had enough.

I’m going in five minutes
to be with andy.

How about if we talk?

That sounds like
i’m a skel, diane.

Am I a collar?

Yeah. Ho ho ho.

What’s going on?

As far as what, diane?

As far as what you’re doing

With your life and everybody
who cares about you!

Maybe if they minded
their own business,

They’d be feeling better!

’Cause you never reached out
to me, right, jill?

You never helped me get through
when it was bad, right?

Call us even.

You’re going to lose

No, i’ve got
what I need.

It’s about to happen.

Says who?

Never mind who.

What do you mean "now"?

I don’t have any time
at all?

Oh, jill.

You brought me in here.

Tell me what you mean.

No time.

No ‐‐ no time at all,
not even a day.



Okay, thanks.

Yeah, sure.

John: lost time?

Anyways, i’m going
to the hospital.

Love to andy.

Best to andy.

Okay, greg.

Lost time.

Uh, detective,

Could you give
this little bear to theo?

How’s the foot?

I used to keep an open‐toed
pair of slippers in here

From when marie and me
first separated

And I was living
in the crib,

But now, of course,
I don’t find them.

You’re not going to make me
find a new partner?

To tell you
the truth, d.,

Sometimes I get so hurt

That that’s not
beyond the realm,

From the level of exclusion
I periodically feel

From the goings‐on
of this squad, 100% candid,

That i’ve been experiencing
the last several days.

This, the refrigerator door
falling on my foot,

That I regard
as the appliances

On this floor
falling in step

With the people inside,

Supposed to be
my colleagues.

Present company excepted.

I’m glad you said that.

No one asked,
do I want

To drop by the hospital
or so forth,

Keep company with andy,

See how
the little guy’s doing?

The last couple of days,

People running
from desk to desk

Like it’s a relay race,

Confiding in each other
over something involving jill.

Even that lost time
you took the other day

It seemed to me
could have

Possibly been pertinent
to that

Where you come back,
confide in russell.

Believe me, greg,
when I came back,

I didn’t know no more
about what diane

Sent me out to do
than when I left.

I gave diane a couple
of chances to tell me.

So you didn’t get taken
inside the inner circle, either.

To tell you the truth,

I’ve had that feeling
once or twice

In my life before.



Anyways, essentially,

Present company excluded,
like I said.

Plus, it’s not like
I don’t realize

People got other things
on their minds

Past not stepping
on my toes.

If I was other people

And I didn’t want
a punch in the face,

I think the next few days
i’d be pretty careful

Not stepping
on that one set of toes.

My right set, yeah.

Hey, if I couldn’t be
no help to jill,

Andy’s little guy’s
all right,

Forget I ever
mentioned nothing.

That nicole ‐‐

Didn’t work out with her.

I’m confiding that.

All right.

We got our own
inner circle going.

Point taken.

Diane: okay.

Okay, denby.

I will meet you.

Hi, andy.

How’s our boy doing?

He took it good,
the doc said.

Good for theo.

Going to have discomfort
when the anesthetic wears off.

Yeah, I guess that’s
to be expected.

Yeah, that’s what she said.

She’s holding his hand there
in the recovery room.

The doc’s with him?

No, katie.

Anything happen?

The job knows.

The boss told diane,
"get out of the way."

Don’t read human nature
very good, fancy,

If he thinks diane’s
getting out of the way.


Saying he told diane,

Expecting her to give jill
the heads‐up?

Diane thinks jill’s
going to book.

She don’t run
with these assholes.

She don’t jeopardize
her kids.

You wouldn’t think so,

Unless her and the kids
are under duress.

Which is possible?

Suppose a guy needed
to disappear

So the world’s
a better place.

That’s something
completely private.


Asking about mechanics.

Bodies in dumpsters
get recovered.

Bodies in water,
any kind of weights,

Can still pop up.

A body 6 feet down,

No animal gets the scent.

In brooklyn,

Off flatlands
and pennsylvania avenues,

Used to be a landfill.

They turned it into
a wildlife refuge now.

Got real sandy soil,

No roots or rocks.

Easy digging.

The hole would get dug
without the body around

So when the body got there,

It’s just a few minutes
to fill the hole.

And then the leaves and twigs
would need to get scattered,

Cover the digging.

And a decent person
who did all that,

His life
would never be the same.

I don’t want it
to happen, andy.

I’m trying
to steer away from it.

You don’t want
your pants down if it does.

Any idea when you’ll hear?

No, they said a few hours.

They said never rush
a pathologist.

All right.

[ Coughing ]

I’m developing
my leisure skills.

You find
this rendezvous brazen

Given the possibility
we’re being watched?

Not for you.

I bought this checker set

From this
african‐american gentleman

Who says it’s been
in his family for 20 years.

How easily we put
the past up for bid.

Tell me, denby.

All the qualities
i’d want in a friend,

You exhibit ‐‐ steadfast,
loyal to the point

Of personal
and professional risk.

Referring to you

Reaching out
to your partner

Who reaches out in turn.

So here’s the picture ‐‐

Fugitives in flight.

Not funky fugitives, diane.

fleeing in comfort.

It must have some appeal

Or why give your partner
the push?

I didn’t see you or don
in the picture, denby.

I thought she might
grab her kids and go.

Perhaps you had
some deeper intention.

Perhaps you were employing
a self‐motivation technique

With which I am
personally familiar ‐‐

I.e., Painting yourself
in a corner.

Do you know what half smart
means, denby?

Diane, cornered, I find

That what i’ve never
considered before

Is not only possible,
but intriguingly,

What i’ve wanted
to do all along.

So that’s how a scumbag
turns into a skel?

Diane, all this putting
yourself in harm’s way,

Are we being 100% honest
with ourselves?

I ask in this hurried fashion
because i’m planning a trip,

And i’m now convinced
you’d like to come.

Denby, are you trying
to turn me out,

Or do you want me
to pull you back?

Little late for that, diane.

Getting saved has to wait
for my next time at the plate.

If you want
to hurry that along,

I’d like it fast
and from the back,

And i’d like to be surprised,
and if you do it,

I bequeath
all these checkers to you.

Ready, aim...

So, she’s got his results.

Theo’s bone marrow study
showed what’s called

A red‐cell
maturation arrest.

Come on, now.

The red cells he’s making
aren’t fully formed.

Why is that happening?

We don’t know. He’s also
not making enough platelets,

Which is called

What’s his disease?

When multiple elements
of the marrow are compromised,

We begin to worry
about leukemia.

Oh, no.

I know that’s
a frightening word,

And it’s my responsibility
to say it to you,

But I also want you
to understand

There’s just
as much likelihood

That theo’s problems
are being caused

By something else.

Is there more likelihood?

I wouldn’t weigh
the likelihoods

In one direction
or the other.

Oh, god.

Theo’s white count is
almost normal. That’s good.

It’s not normal?

It’s a little low,
but not dramatically.

We need to follow theo,
monitor his blood values.

He’ll have to stay here?

No, you’ll bring him in
once a week.

And when are we going
to know what’s happening?

I can’t tell you
that for sure.

Theo may be having
what’s called

An idiopathic reaction
to medicine he took.

His marrow may have been
knocked out by a virus.

He’s been sick.

I know. You told me
he had a cold.

So this could be
from that?

If it is,

As suddenly as his marrow
stopped functioning,

It may start up again.

I wish I had
definitive answers for you.

I promise whatever turns out
to be causing this,

We’ll have ways
to help theo.

Don’t say you can cure him
no matter what.

Don’t lie
and then take that back.

Some diseases
have no cure, mr. Sipowicz,

But many do,

And in every case,
we’re able to help.

Here they go
with double talk now.

Why don’t you
take theo home

A little later on?

I’m sure he’ll be
a lot happier there.

All right, thank you.

Yeah, thanks.

Now, the pathologist
is backed up.

They won’t hear
for a couple of hours.

How’s theo?

Oh, he stood it
like a champ,

Them taking
the bone marrow.

So that began frank,
you, and jill.

I hoped she’d tell me
she was trapped,

Ask for help.

She reached out
to don instead.

How do you know that?

Denby showed up
to tell me.

They’re ‐‐ they’re
getting ready to go.

Who? What, jill’s
taking her kids?

I don’t know, danny.
That’s what it sounds like.

Yeah, all right.

All right, let me see
where the rat squad is,

If we’d have an audience,
whatever we need to do.

You want to talk in here?

You want us to?

Yeah, sorenson,
I was in here overnight

Hooking up your microphones
to our tape recorders.

Humor me.

Look, we aren’t
going to argue.

If a house is up,
innocent people get hurt.


And this house is up.

And when is it
going to be over?

Refresh me why
you’re in that loop?

I’d never say innocent
should get me there.

Yeah, that would
be childish.

Let me go with
I can’t work worrying

That my phones
are monitored

And my movements
are being watched.

You don’t get day and date
when this is over, sorenson.

How about a month?

Well, junior,

You won’t feel pressured
like this next month.


Tomorrow ‐‐

I’d still be avoiding
gray‐area phone calls

Or shacking up
with some other guy’s wife.

But it shouldn’t go
much longer than that?


That’s one in your bank.

You’re not my banker.

Medavoy, baldwin.

So, first, could someone
get hurt career‐wise?


Physically hurt
could happen, too.

What’s going on?

Yeah, how can we help?

Say a situation developed,
a street situation,

A cop and a skel
are trying to book.

Grabbing the cop up
would be on you guys.

The skel’s on you.

Where’s the cop wind up?

He don’t make you
do different, at the house.

Is he a collar?
If the son of a bitch

Makes it to the house,
call the rat squad.

The cop’s
not in the squad?

The cop’s not,

But a cop in the squad
might be with him.

With him and the skel.

Who’s going to take care
of that cop?

Well, either someone
will be with us

To take care of that cop,

Or otherwise, we leave her
on the street.

I’ll tell you when.

[ Telephone rings ]

15Th squad.

Where are you?



This makes a lot of sense.

This makes a lot of sense.

What I said before
about the burial

And so forth,

That’s on me.

That’s on me.

I’m sick of asking.

I’m sick of asking.

I’m telling you
what he don’t deserve...

And he don’t deserve
to be sick.

You prick.

None of them
deserved any of that.

You prick.

If it’s me,
put it on me,

Or don’t you
got the balls?

Do what you want.

Do what you want.

This idiot
isn’t going to notice.

Don’t let him be sick.

Please, don’t let him
be sick.

I’ll do whatever you want.

Just tell me
and i’ll do it.

I’ll stop sorenson
if you want.

take care of my boy.

I don’t want you
to think i’m a criminal,

At least not the way
you think I am now.

I’d see him in the crummy
basement place he had,

Like I could separate
what he was from loving him

And being with him
from the rest of what I was.

They k*lled a guy who was
guarding the drug stash

For the people
donny worked for.

That’s who denby showed me
in the dumpster.

Don and denby have been
selling dr*gs out of town.

I wouldn’t take dr*gs
with him.

He kept trying to make me,
and I wouldn’t do it.

Once I saw in his eyes
how much he hated me

And wanted to hurt me,
and he saw me see it.

The next day kyle told me

That frank had gone
to the mountains with don,

And I haven’t
seen frank since.

Oh, my god.

Don’s taking me
to see frank tonight.

He promised.

He said he had to do it

To keep me
from trying to stop him...

Jill ‐‐

And when he does,
i’m going to k*ll him.

Jill, suppose don’s lying.

If he’s hurt frank,

Don’t you think
i’m going to k*ll him?

If he’s hurt frank,

Don’t you think he’s
going to try to k*ll you?

Jill, where is his place?

I’m meeting him at 5:00.

I’m picking up kyle,
and i’m meeting him there,

And don’s going to take me
to see frank.



Ohh. You can’t do anything.

You can’t do anything,
or he’ll hurt frank.

This is going to be okay.

How does it feel?

Tape it up, i’ll be able
to move pretty good on it.

Cop you and me
are going to be grabbing up,

I think that’s a narcotics
task force detective

Named harry denby.


Denby’s who diane
had me follow the other day.

I see.

Must be diane danny meant
might be with us

Dealing with the cop
that isn’t denby,

Which means the other cop
has got to be jill.

D., Much as I am
mr. Sensitivity

When I am out
of the information loop,

Certain situations
i’ve learned

I’m better working

It’s just us talking,

And if we keep talking,

The next subject
is going to be

Who’s the skel
danny’s taking care of

And how is he
going to take care of him?

And how danny’s going to
take care of that skel ‐‐

What good can come
of us talking about that?

This works.

Time’s gone on, baldwin,

I’ve learned to recognize
the difference

Between believing something
and needing to believe it.

Like sometimes

I might need to believe
I was part of something

Or I ought to be
a part of it

Or I should do something
to prove I was a part of it,

And that’s
an important difference.

’Cause if i’m stand‐up,

I’m going to back
what I believe

Even if it gets me hurt
or jacked up.

That’s how my life
makes sense.

But if I get myself
hurt or jacked up

Just ’cause I wanted
to believe something,

I wasn’t being stand‐up.

I was acting like a kid
or a damn fool.

Is that what you think
i’m doing?

I don’t know.

I can’t decide
that difference for you ‐‐

If you believe
you’re a part of something

Or if you want
to believe it.

Yeah, I believe
i’m part of something.


Then you do
what you got to do.

I just wanted someone
to hear his voice.

Everything’s great.
Everything’s right on time.

Baby, I can’t talk
right now.

All right.

All right, baby.

Don’t k*ll me.

Did I write all this
information correct?

It’s all correct.

No, look at it!

It’s all correct.

Please don’t k*ll me.

Shut up.

Please. I’ll never
talk to her again.

See, you believe that
because you’re a skel.

That’s why it’s no point
in listening

To nothing you got to say.

You will reach out again
’cause that’s who you are!

I got him to take
a good sip of apple juice.

Is he back to himself?

He’s so groggy.

He took a good sip, though,
before he dropped back off.

We’re all part of him.

He won’t give us more
than we can bear

If we let him help us
with the load.

So then what are you
choking for?

Because sometimes
it’s hard to remember.

Going along,

Let’s help each other
to remember.

Thank you, katie.

Thank you, andy.

This is crap, you know.
This whole story’s crap.

All I know
is what they called in.

Out comes harry denby?

They’re sitting
on a drug location

On an old case.

Out comes harry denby,
high and holding dr*gs.

I’m telling you,
that story’s crap.

I shouldn’t have contacted
you ‐‐ cop under arrest?

Hey, we got him.

Where do you
want this guy, boss?

Where do you want him,

Put all your department property
on the p. A. A.’S desk.

I would need
the use of my hands.

Where’s kirkendall?

Kirkendall didn’t
go out with us.

Kirkendall took
lost time.

Where’s her ex‐husband?
Ask these guys.

Did sorenson grab him?
Where’s sorenson?

He didn’t have a radio.
I guess he’s on his way in.

I don’t know who you guys
think you’re playing with.

I want where sorenson is

And where this prick’s
running buddy is.

People are getting suspended
if I don’t find out.

That’s danny now.
He didn’t have
a radio ‐‐ danny.

This guy was b*ating feet
around the corner where I was.

He had two spoons
in his pocket, no i. D.

That’s don kirkendall.
I talked to him once in jail.

There’s your mystery solved.

I got to make
a personal call.

Use my line.

Put him in the cells

Okay, sergeant.

This guy was in a position
to hurt one of us and didn’t.

Hurt you with a g*n?

Yeah, with a g*n.

I thought maybe you meant

Hurt you telling the truth.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Gasps ]

Hello? Yes.



And is it even worth discussing
that other situation?


Thanks so much.

Kyle, things are going to get
happier for you real soon,

And your mom’s going to talk
to you about all of it.


Right now i’m going to need

To talk to your mom
by herself.

I understand.

Okay, honey.

Are you sure
frank’s still alive?

He’s upstate
in canandaigua,

Some girlfriend of denby’s.

He’s fine, jill.

Danny talked to him.

After you pick frank up,

I don’t know that there’s
much sense coming back.

No, I know
where i’m going.

Do you need money?


Don’s alive.

Not to me.

Jill, i’m a drunk,
and the first thing

I got to know
is i’m never cured.

I want you
to keep this with you.

Diane, no.
That’s bobby’s ring.

And I want you
to keep it with you,

And when that prick
reaches out from prison,

You hold bobby’s ring
and remember.

I’ll remember everything.

You remember everything.

[ Sighs ]

Now go get frank.

Andy: that’s good.
That’s much better, danny.

You, too.

[ Hangs up ]

As long as I have you,

For as long as I have you.

I do so like
green eggs and ham.

Thank you.

Thank you, sam I am.
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