07x15 - Stressed for Success

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x15 - Stressed for Success

Post by bunniefuu »

Skinny little jerk.

He’s gone ‐‐ j. B.

the bathroom window

While he’s flushing
the toilet.

He told me
he’d stay the night.

Broke his promise to me,
this little jerk.

He’s a dope fiend, danny.

Thanks for the news flash.

What are you going to do,

Take the gimmick out
of his arm?


I’m trying to figure
what you’re doing.

You work on that.
Leave me a note.

This is your message, danny.
Read between the lines.

Yeah? Good.

[ Alarm clock buzzes ]

May I help you?

Yes, uh,
my name is michelle beacham,

And I own synchronicity.

It’s a vintage
clothing store.

On bleecker.
Oh, you shop there?

I was maria butyrskaya
for halloween last year.

That’s great.

Michelle beacham,
vintage clothing store owner.

I’m detective medavoy.

That’s my partner ‐‐
detective jones.

I think I bought
some stolen property.

How did that come about?

Well, I buy used clothes.

A girl came in
to sell some dresses.

They were beautiful,
beautiful dresses.

They were worth
a lot more,

But I just sort of
offered her $400

To start the bidding,
and she went outside

To talk to her boyfriend,
who I could see outside.

When she came back in,
she said yes.

You bought the dresses?

I made up some excuse

That I hadn’t seen the beading
on one of them.

I gave her $600.

There were 6 beaded l’envins
from the ’20s.

Oh, my goodness.


Three were stripped
for the beads,

But the other three were
in near‐perfect condition.

Had the girl done business
with you before?

No, i’d never
seen her before.

How long ago
did this happen?

Three weeks.
That’s how long it took me

To decide whether I wanted
to pay off my credit cards

Or be able
to sleep at night.

Most people
wouldn’t even experience

That type of ambivalence.

Here’s an inventory
and description

Of what I bought,

And that’s where you can
get in touch with me.

We’ll run a description
of the dresses

Through stolen property
to see if a match comes up.

Will you let me know?

You may just have brought
so much happiness

Back into someone’s life.

That would be nice,
because I know

I didn’t bring any
into discover card’s.

Ha ha ha.

You in a beaded l’envin ‐‐

Oh, yes.

Where’s sorenson?

He brought that junkie home
with him last night.

Did you know that?


Well, he did.

How’s it going?


What’s his problem?

Why does he have
to have a problem

To feed his fish?

Yeah, he didn’t see me
walk in. Morning, andy.

Where were you,
out getting your hotel permit

For your youth hostel
for skell junkies?

Don’t. I’m not going
to have patience for it.

For what’s that?

Do I need your seal
of approval

Who I reach out to?

Did I miss that somewhere
in the regs?

Anyways, the skell junkie’s
in the wind.

And you still got
all your appliances?

Hey, feed your fish.

The virgin mary
would tear her hair out

Behind his ball‐breaking.

Uh, excuse me.

I’m trying to find, um,

That’s who I need
to talk to.

Yeah, what’s going on,

Where do you want
to talk at?

Come here. Come on.

Good morning, bozo.

Yeah, good.

The hostel’s back open.

What’s going on?

Back at you, leslie.

When did you last
see your boy, danny?

I’m just coming at you
straight out.


Oh, come on.
We playing games now?

What, you mean j. B.?

I saw him last night.

All right.

When did you
see him last, leslie?

I’m just saying, you know ‐‐
excuse me ‐‐

He could use
an intervention, you know?

Where should I go
to intervene?

Well, uh,
if they intervene

Where I saw him at last,

It could be up at bellevue

On a bunch of big machines
and stuff like that.

He o. D.’D?

He was looking
pretty blurpled.

What gallery?

The one on b
at the hardware.

I don’t know if anybody
intervened with him or not.

Intervened meaning
they threw him out

On the street in front
of the hospital?

Yeah, I don’t know
if somebody stepped up.

Well, we know you didn’t,
right, leslie?


I got to go.
I got to go someplace.

Want some company?


Lost time.

Um, a friend of ours
is in trouble,

So, you know ‐‐

You on his side,
I know he’s coming out okay.

Do you get exhausted
from just being right

And perfect all the time?
Is that it?

You got all the doughnuts
you need?

Thank you, thank you.
It was very helpful.

Very helpful.

What you need to do
is be more respectful

When you’re talking
about the possible dead.

That’s what you need to do.

Lisa, can you take these kids
up to the crib?


Yeah, go with the nice lady.

This is lisa, jenny.

Hi, jenny.

There you go.

Walk quick with me.

Stolen property ‐‐
I need to voucher that.

All right.

The baby sling’s
bought and paid for.

The baby sling’s hers.
What’s open?

Interview three.
Shoplifting collar?

I’m going to talk to her
down here.

I collared her myself.
You leave your babies

With that son
of a bitch, lucy?

Lucy: no.

Because right now
he’s got them in a bar.

The babies are all right.
They’re upstairs.

I’ll give you
a little background on this.

Here, take off
your coat, lucy,

And put it on the table.


That tear’s just there.

It’s not on purpose
to put things in.

What’s going on in your head,
exposing your kids

To their mother stealing
and getting busted?

I’m sorry.

The husband, he’s the one
that sends her out.

your husband’s name?


Does harvey work?

Not now.

With unemployment
at historic all‐time lows.


Couldn’t we just go home
if I won’t do it anymore?

No, you can’t just
go home,

And I need to talk
to your husband,

Otherwise your kids are
going to child services.

I can help you
with the husband.

Oh, god,
please don’t bring him in.

I know all his gin mills.

Just a second.

Everything’s such a mess.

I don’t want
to be a bad person.

You sit still.

So what’s your plan,

Find this guy wherever
he’s getting his load on

And drag him in by the hair?

Three times I caught her.
It’s him than sends her out.

If you can’t get her to leave,
what kind of night

Are you setting this woman up
for roughing the husband up?

Yeah, all right.

You take it easy
when you bring this guy in.

A detective called
about some personal property.

Which detective was that?

A detective medavoy.

And my name
is julianne maurice.

Ms. Maurice.

How do you do?

Sorry if I
startled you there.

You left a message

About certain lost property.

Why don’t we talk
at my desk?

My partner detective jones
and I will ask you

A few preliminary questions,
and then I suspect

We’ll have some very good news
in that regard.

Ms. Morris, my partner ‐‐
baldwin jones.

How do you do?

I noticed that although

You pronounce
your name morris,

It’s spelled as if it would
be pronounced maurice.

Please don’t turn this
into a game show.

No, certainly not.

Ms. Maurice, could you
show us a driver’s license

Or some other form
of picture identification?

Are these
my grandmother’s dresses?

just trust the process.

I don’t drive,

But I do have this

From the motor vehicle bureau.

Well, there’s one bureaucratic
hurdle overcome right there,

And if you have it,

If you could produce
any type of documents

Of ownership of the property
you reported stolen...

These are photographs
of my grandmother

Wearing the gowns
in question.

Those are
ample documentation.

I’m sorry that
they’re not in color.

They only had
black and white back then.

Oh, my god.

Those are going to be ample.

I will certainly want to reward
the person who found them.

Uh, being that you filed

A stolen property report,

We have to supervise
the exchange.

Shall I call the other party
and set up a time now?

I’ll come in
whenever it’s convenient

For the other person.

Just call and tell me
when to come.

All right.

Lucky your things
turned up at all,

Huh, ms. Maurice?

I apologize
if i’m seeming rude.

Obviously the dresses
mean a lot to you,

I’m sure probably because
of the family connection.

Do you think
that the three

Are damaged beyond repair?

I really didn’t get
that impression, ms. Maurice.

Please say how grateful I am
and that I intend

To pay a reward
and that i’ll be here

At the other person’s

Thank you for your work
on my case.


Those must be
some dresses.

Poor soul.

So what
did she do now?

Just have a seat, harvey.

No, but is it
the same thing?

Lucy had some things
from walgreens

She hadn’t paid for.

Oh, for god’s sake!

Your kids are upstairs.

I was just going to ask
where the kids are.

Yeah, they’re upstairs,
and they’re both fine.

But they were with her
while she was being a klepto.

You hypocrite bastard.

What is your problem?

The only problem you need
to be worrying about

Is your home situation.

I’m here to deal with that.
I don’t need his abuse.

Okay, so let’s keep our eyes
on the ball.

Have I been anything
but respectful bringing you in?

Did you just
call me a bastard?

it’s obvious to me

That you can tell lucy
has a problem.

She’s a friggin’ kleptomaniac.

Whether she’s a kleptomaniac

Or she’s taking things
because of some idea

Right now
your family needs help ‐‐

Having to be in the police
station when i’m out of work?

Is that what you were doing
at mallory’s,

Looking for a job at the bottom
of that rock and rye?

I hope you never have to deal

With the depression that comes
from being unemployed.

Harvey, what I need
to hear from you is whether

You’re prepared
to keep your family together.

Isn’t that what
i’ve been trying to do?

Which means
if these charges go away

And lucy comes home,
you’re going to keep making

A good strong effort
finding work.

Has she been complaining
about that?

Lucy absolutely has not
been complaining about that.

Hey, i’m willing
to make 100% effort.

If you think I like
being dragged down

To a station house,
you’re out of your mind.

Nobody dragged you, assh*le.

No, but I definitely
take your point,

And off you
showing good faith,

I’m going to put the charges
against lucy in abeyance.

And in the next week,
if you come in

And show evidence
of employment,

Or even places
you’ve applied,

That’s going to show me
you going the extra mile,

Maybe even more
than she has.

Hey, i’m not going to
hang up any dirty linen

About who puts his oar deeper
in the water

In this relationship,
but it’s me.

All right.

I really appreciate that

And you reaching a hand out
to try to help lucy.

All right.

It’s nice to be appreciated
once in a while.

I mean,
that is the girl I married.

I’m glad you’re reaching out
to make this new effort.

Where’s he going?


You see that? This has
gone too far with him.

I had to take myself out
of the catching order

And everything else.

Do you want to work
on those stolen dresses?

You realize you take his side
every available choice?

Oh, andy, stop it.

He’s dead ‐‐ j. B.


Then someone b*rned him up.

He chose what he wanted.


That wraps him up
in a nice little bow.

You can’t live
other people’s lives
for ’em, danny.

It’s just running
away from your own.

We could be in
each other’s lives.



On b...

At the hardware store.

And someone...

Set the room on fire.

Arson should look at
the building owner

For settin’ the fire.

They’re gentrifyin’
over there.

[Stifled sob]

A skell junkie,

He’s dissolvin’ over
in tears.

It’s all right, danny.

He b*rned up...
Like my sisters.

They’re alive, danny.

That’s right...

That’s right.

I don’t know
how to live.

And me,
with my manual
at home.


Hey, it’s okay.

I got your hair
full of snot.

Oh, that’s nice.

No, i’m just kiddin’.

I was just sayin’
what I was afraid of.

[Sirens in distance]

Ms. Maurice:
you know...

I know
I should see them...

I know
I should see them.

These are the dresses,

And the damage
is the damage,

Whatever the damage is,

And so why don’t I just
reimburse and reward you...

And look at
the dresses later.

I’m making this
for $1500.

That’s fine.

I know you could have
sold them for much more,

And I wish I could
afford to pay you more,

But I can’t.

It’s fine,
don’t worry about it.

Thank you
so very much.

You’re welcome,

Could you
fill in your name,

I’m sorry,
I can’t remember it.

Uh...it’s michelle beacham.

Could you
fill it in?

I will...

But I wanted you
to know it.

All right.

Do you need some help
with them, ms. Maurice?

No. I don’t know

If i’m going to
be so happy

As my mother would be
to get them back

Because of the missing beads
and other possible damage.

Did your mother
have the dresses
before you?

They were in my safekeeping
when they were stolen.

They belonged to my mother...

And since they were stolen,

She had a fatal
cerebral incident,

Or they say accident.

I’m sure that’s
what I hear them say,

But I think

That they must
mean incident,

Don’t you?

I’m sorry your mom d*ed.

Before the dresses
came back,

Well, it’s two weeks.

I’m sure it’s just
a question of time

Till I feel better.

I’ll tell you,
a lousy break

Is this skell junkie c. I.
Burning up.

He confided a dream to me
where this happens

To his sisters
that he takes care of.

He was saying that.

He confided that dream
to you?

He said
j. B. Had b*rned up

Like his sisters,
almost as if

It had really happened
to them.

And so he was
terrifically upset?

What’s he doing now?

I think he’s washing up

And getting ready
to come out, andy.

’Cause nobody wants
to give him a hard time.

No, I know.

The boss never
come back from comstat?

Take off,
i’ll sign you out later.

I want to make arrangements
for him at duffy’s.

Yeah, go ahead.

You lose somebody you like,

They don’t have
to be dag hammarskjold...

Willy sutton.

If they’re close to you,
you’re going to get upset.

Anyways, i’m going to see
to him at duffy’s,

Then i’m going
to get my load on.

You’re going
to get your load on?


Well, that’s good.

That’s facing up
to the problem.

Andy, have you ever seen
the inside of a saloon?

Which proves exactly what?

I’m not looking
to prove nothing.

No, but you think that you
can carry on like this, huh?

Upset about every damn thing

Till alls
that gets you any peace

Is them stupid paper clips?

You remind me
of my first wife katie.

The minute she got up
till she laid down at night,

She’d exhaust herself
with worry.

I wouldn’t figure
you gave her any cause.

Am I who
we’re talkin’ about?

Andy, let me go see to him.

Sure, go see to a junkie

You couldn’t help
alive or dead.

You’re going to lose
all your normal friends.

Who you should be seeing
is that nice girl upstairs.


Hey, jill.


Where were you?

Out walking.

Slide over.

One of those, huh?

Yeah. Collared a woman
shoplifting at walgreens

Who’s lucky she’s not
a career criminal

Because she’s bad
at what she does.

Got her kids with her ‐‐
3 and 1.

Husband’s out of work,

Got a leg up
on being a drunk.

You know, i‐i take her
for acting out.

Figured she’s looking
to get out

Of the domestic situation.

Long‐term, you’d hope
that would turn her

Into heading for a shelter,

Which means presently
keeping her out of jail,

Plus there’s two kids
upstairs in the crib...

Who you want to keep out
of the system.

Meanwhile, every time
I get things cooled down

Between the husband and wife,

Laughlin from anti‐crime

Starts lobbing molotov
cocktails onto the barbecue.

How’s laughlin get
into the picture?

Isn’t that a puzzle?

There’s something
about this woman,

This situation,
that pushes his buttons,

He’s got to come in
like the caped crusader.

Poor danny’s so upset.

That junkie informant
of his o. D.’D.

That kid j. B.?

I guess danny had him
at his apartment

The night before,
trying to get him to kick.

At his apartment?

Danny seemed so lost.

He was crying before
in the locker room.

Said he didn’t know how
to live.

Anyways, andy was out there
trying to counsel danny.


Yeah. Let me see
how that went.

You know, my youngest, uh,

Is always bringing
hurt birds home.


Between him and frank,

He’s the one I worry about.


Yeah, how’s it going?

Whatever we’d like
to see, laughlin,

She’s staying
with that guy.

Everything else
is conversation.

So you kiss up to him,

Treat him like he’s got
an ounce of responsibility

In his body?

Laughlin, while he’s taking
her and those children home,

Acting like
he’s the responsible one

In the marriage,

Suppose harvey stops by
some employment office.

Well, suppose he lucks
into a job.

Better hope
they don’t dope test you

On your way out of here.

I’m not on dr*gs.

I know what the system
will do to those kids.

Their best chance is
her staying alive long enough

To figure out
another way to live.

If we improve her odds
this much,

We did our part.

Are you sure this
isn’t you telling me

You got the corner on knowing
how to help people?


My concern is not
as legitimate as yours?

Absolutely not.

Because I know what
that home life is like.

I’m a veteran
of that home life.

So don’t be de‐legitimizing
my concern.

Anyway, um,
I hope we can let them

Find their way.

well, this is excellent ‐‐

Very thorough description,
and, uh, we’ll see

That it’s
appropriately circulated,

And, of course, if she should
come back into your store

To sell you more property,

You should assume
that it’s stolen

And contact us

That’s a good plan.

A good deed like you did,

I expect it’s
a little disappointing

The person benefits wasn’t
a little more enthusiastic.

Oh, it’s not that.

People in
the secondhand business

Spend a lot of time
in other people’s skin,

Imagining their lives.

I’m good at that,

Which, I guess,
is a blessing,

But it can
also be a curse.

How so?

I keep thinking
of that poor girl’s mother

On her deathbed,

Wanting to see her lovely
dresses one more time,

How if I hadn’t delayed
bringing her dresses back,

She would have.

Of course, there is
no way humanly possible

You could have known that.

When you live
in other people’s skin,

What’s humanly possible
doesn’t matter.

That’s the curse part.

bud, please.

And a jack back
when you get a second.

Who you trying
to catch up with?

I heard they were running out.
How’s it goin’, laughlin?

Not too bad if you
don’t mind a world

Filled with assholes.

Well, does that include me?

Are we going to
have to throw down?

Present company excluded.
How’s it going with mary?

Good. You know.

No hard feelings on that,
all right, sorenson?

In what respect?

I had a thing for mary,
all right?

That’s why we broke up
being partners.

When they took us
to anti‐crime,

I was feeling
so overprotective.


Never mentioned that?

Yeah, she might have
mentioned it.

That why you’re sitting there
breaking my balls?

No, i’m trying
to get my load on,

And I guess
I drew the lucky card

Where you get to piss
in my ear.

Excuse me
for assuming one minute

We might have shared
the same job

Or work experiences
or attitudes

Or drawing human breath.

Wait a minute.
You’re leaving?

I know when i’m not wanted.

Laughlin, come on.

Sit down.

You know, we lose
our senses of humor,

And where are we?

Yeah, we’re dead
without those.

We’re dead on our feet.
We’re dead as doornails.

What did you say,
they were running out?

Yeah, all intoxicating
spirits ‐‐

That’s the rumor afloat.



Yeah, before
everything’s gone.

You know that kirkendall
in your squad

With the serious rack?

Be nice, laughlin.

Builds this guy up
I got personal knowledge

Is a wife‐b*ating scummer.

Puts the two of them
back together!

As opposed to what?

Gold shields stick together.

What was the alternative
to putting them back together?

The alternative
was giving him

The ass‐b*ating
that he deserved

For sending her out there
to do what she did

While he sat on his drunken,
wife‐b*ating, unemployed ass.

But I took care of business.

You did?

Yeah. I saw too much of that
growing up, sorenson.

I’m not about
to turn my back on that.

That’s not why I took
this job.

So, uh, how did you
take care of business?

I waited for him
outside the liquor store

That I know he goes to,

And I broke the bottle
in his hand

And humiliated him
on the street.

He’s going to know,
all right?

When he goes through
that door to her,

He’s going to know
he’s got me on his shoulder.

All that weight from you
being on his shoulder

Is going to
be comfortable for him?

Hey, jill.

She’s dead.

Oh, my god.

He did it?

After what you did to him
outside that liquor store,

He went home
and fractured her skull.

So now she’s dead,
he’s going to jail,

And those kids are going
into the system.

Nice work, laughlin.

You looked after that family
real good.

You’re lucky
you’re not a man.

No you’re lucky i’m not a man,

Because i’d like
to b*at your balls off.

There are enough problems
on the street

Without us adding ours on.

Now, you had problems
in your family growing up,

Get over it.

The hell with you,
man or woman.

No, I know who I am,

I know who I am,

And i’m standing right
in front of you.

Are you all right, jill?

Yeah, yeah, i’m all right.

Are you?

Yeah, i’m good.

Night, danny.

Yeah, good night.


So, this is wrong, yeah.

This is wrong.
This is inappropriate.

I shouldn’t be here.

You seem to be drunk.

Oh, i’m drunk.

I’m drunk.

Come on in.

Lovely place.

Thank you.

You know what kind
of drunk I am, diane?

Dizzy ‐‐ i’m a dizzy drunk.

You want to be dizzy
sitting down?


Well, you, uh,

You want to lie down
on the sofa?

Well, as humiliating
as it would be...

Could i?

Go ahead.

[ Groans ]

I’m going to lie right here
on the sofa,

And i’m going to put
one foot on the floor

As an anti‐dizziness

Boy, you are
a sorry picture.

Yeah, I can only imagine.

you got that manual?

It’s, uh, it’s 1:30
in the morning, danny.

I don’t know what
you’re talking about,

And, um, I have
to get back to sleep.

Fine. Thanks for letting me
sleep here.



I’m, uh, going to take
my shoes and socks off

Once I stop trying
to not throw up.

The "how to live" manual
we were talking about

In the locker room.

Yeah, no rush.

I wouldn’t read it tonight
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