07x11 - Little Abner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x11 - Little Abner

Post by bunniefuu »



When are you ever
going to call me joe?

I used to call you joe
when we were cops.

Well, when are you going
to start again?

Well, i’m glad to see

You’re feeling
a little better, joe.

I’ll just have one
of those, too,

All right?


The coffee ‐‐ "joe."

Anyway, thanks
for meeting me.

I just figured
I had to wait you out.

I got your messages.

I had to get things
settled in my mind...

And it’s a burden
off my shoulders, arthur.


It’s the uncertainty
that drains you,

The unclarity.

You come to a focus,

And that’s
the source of relief.


You’re talking
to a country boy, joe.

You never lived
in the country.

I guess I mean
I always felt like

You read five books
and understood them

For every magazine article
I ever glanced at

In the dentist’s office.

You need to talk down
to me, joe,

Make sure
I take your meaning.

Our differences

Are the product
of our sameness, arthur.

I called you a "go along
to get along" n*gro

Because I was afraid
to trust the world.

Let’s put whatever
political differences

We may have had
aside for a minute, joe,

’Cause i’m going
to tell you flat out,

I’m worried about
the way you’re talking.

What are your plans?

My plans?

Your plans, joe.
Your intentions.

I filed my retirement
papers yesterday.

I intend
to take a vacation.

So where you going?

Trinidad and tobago.

Do you want
the flight number?

Have you got it?

Since i’m going to get
while the getting’s good,

I will ask you to say goodbye
to baldwin jones.

Tell him I think
he’s in good hands,

Will you, arthur?

Can I get your word

That you’ll convey that

I’ll tell him.

Be well, arthur.

Take care of yourself, joe.


Greg: i’ll take
a peek around.

See if they got any
jerry vale on the jukebox.

I got the body.

What have we got?

D.o.a. Is patrick mullen.

His name and david lorenz
on the liquor license.

Anyone notify
the partner?

He’s on his way.

Who found the body?

Barman, when he came in
to open up.


You got it.

Have crime scene
process this.

You found the body?

Yeah, when I came
to open.

What’s your name?

Joe sambora.

Was that a surprise, joe,
how your morning began,

Or did you feel "this had
to happen to pat someday,"

Why you take so well,
at present,

Your boss being dead?

At present, i’m minding
my own business.

Okay, joe, let me go do some
of the rest of my job

While you decide
if you’re going

To give me
some civil cooperation,

Or i’m going
to drag you in.

There’s my other boss
over there.

Oh, jesus.

[ Sighs ]

Andy sipowicz.
I’m with the 15th squad.

That’s my partner
dead on the floor.

Yeah, i’m sorry.

Dave lorenz.

Andy sipowicz. You two
been partners a long time?

Yeah, friends since we were,
like, 8 years old.

Your loss,
not ever knowing pat.

Is that so?

Poor patrick.

was a good boss?

A great guy.

He was great overall.

Yeah, for a maniac.

Uh‐oh. Patrick was a maniac?

He loved life.

Yeah, he did.

Give me an image to work with,
like he was a hang glider?

Maybe if some bimbo was
dangling from his parachute.

Or she had a grip
onto something else.


We had to look through
some of your stuff.

Do whatever you have to.

Here’s mullen’s
address book.

Greg: lot of female names.

You might check if there’s
an angela zarelli in there.


She formerly went out

With that dino ferrera
that’s in jail.

Here it is.

Banged everything
that moved, the d. O. A.

No, he just had
enormous zest ‐‐ pat.

Lot of zest, huh?

All right, thanks a lot
for your help.

We’ll be
calling you in later.

Bring in that bartender
just to ruin his morning.

1729 7Th street.

Oh, right
in the precinct.

Hey, miller, the dispatcher
just got a call from your wife,

Reminding you to bring home
milk for the baby.

for shanice warner.

Back here.

She’s been through a lot.
Her boyfriend r*ped her.

Did you do a kit?

Yes, I did
the r*pe kit.

the police are here.

Hi, shanice.
I’m jill kirkendall.

Are you sure
you’re up to it?

Yeah, i’ll talk
to them.

I’m diane russell. Could you
tell us what happened?

Paul matson
did this to me.

I wrote his name on my arm ‐‐
in case he k*lled me,

Folks would know
who did it.

Doctor, if you stay here,

You could wind up
being called as a witness.

Is there something you’re
afraid of me hearing?

We’d like
to get shanice’s story

With as few distractions
as possible.

I want to make sure shanice
isn’t shamed or intimidated.

I want to tell it.
He r*ped me

And gave me
this black eye.

’Cause you were
resisting paul?

I was sticking up
for myself, that’s right.

And then he handcuffed me
naked to the radiator

And left me there
all night.

He unlocked me
when he went to work.

Here’s his numbers.
I wrote it all down.

Do you and paul
have a lot of disagreements?


Is this the first time you
had sexual contact with him?

Why should having consensual
sex on a previous occasion

Disqualify her
from bringing charges?

It doesn’t, doc, any more than
whatever bad prior experience

You had with our job
gives you a right

To interfere
with our work.

I’m saying this time
paul r*ped me.

We’ll take your full statement
at the station house.

Come by
when you’re ready.

You’re going to wait
on talking to paul?

We’ll call paul now.

Find that son of a bitch.

If he resists arrest
and you got to bust his nose,

That’s okay, too.

Okay, shanice.

[ Knock on door ]

What did it look like
with that girl?

Diane: she could’ve
been r*ped.

She sure had a shiner.

Her kit was positive,

But she and the guy
have been going out.

Her doctor was so busy
running interference,

She couldn’t really
get the story straight.

We’ve got paul matson ‐‐

The guy she says
did it to her.

We thought we’d
take a look at him,

Then maybe better if baldwin
and greg do the interview.

That makes sense.
I’ll tell baldwin.

Who’s that?

He tends bar
where the d. O. A. Was k*lled.

Are you
going to talk to him?

No. Andy had us drive
so he wouldn’t lose rapport.

Greg: andy was afraid
he might smack him.

Jill and diane want to pass
a guy to you ‐‐

Might have r*ped
his girlfriend.

We’ll talk to him.

Andy: what was his attitude
on the way in?


Sulky, huh?

So not how most people
come into the house ‐‐

Doing cartwheels
and carrying on?

Anyways, I need
to talk to baldwin.


Yeah, we have
this prior conversation

To conduct anyhow.

I want you to call
joe abner.


I had breakfast with him.

He said he was going
to take a vacation.

Last he was in here, he acted
like he could use one.

Said to tell you goodbye.
That could be why you call him.

Say goodbye back.

say goodbye back,

And keep him talking ‐‐

Form a real good impression
of how he seems.


I’ll do it right now.

go ahead and do it.

Pat didn’t care enough
about business

To get jacked up over it.

His partner and him
get along?

That’s not what happened.
Dave and him got along good.

This guy liked to hang out,
have a drink, chase tail.

You’re saying
that’s what got him k*lled?

Something in that area.

His partner mentioned
dino ferrera’s old girlfriend.

Yeah, pat was putting it
to angela.

Dino know about it?

Who’s to say?

He didn’t know that pat was
putting it to angela last night.

You witnessed this?

They thought i’d left.

This was a hot,
ongoing thing?

Sake of discussion ‐‐
if that rat bastard dino

Was responsible
for having pat whacked,

Would that rat bastard’s
plea bargain cover it?

A plea bargain, joe, covers
crimes that have passed.

Yeah, new crimes
aren’t covered.

I’d take
a hard look at him.

He could’ve reached out
from the joint.

You coming from any
personal animosity

With that suggestion
about dino, joe?


I looked at that cheese‐eating
scumbag on the merits.

Can’t be about a case.

No. The boss
reached out to baldwin.

whatever it’s about,

If i’d known i’d be staying
away from my desk this long,

I’d have taken my purse.

I know he’s got
a message machine.

And if he has a dog,
we’re driving him crazy.

I know where
lieutenant abner lives.

I dropped him when his car
was getting fixed.

Why don’t I
run over there?

No, i’m going to.

Yeah, they called me
about my car

Leaving some car accident.

Said to see
detective kirkendall.

You paul matson?


i’m detective kirkendall.

This is my partner
detective russell.

Hey, my car didn’t
leave no accident.

Excuse me.

Lost time, john.

Let’s talk about it
in here, paul.

I’m the only one
that drives my car,

And I definitely
would’ve noticed if i’d left.

Here we go.

That’s our conversation.


Actually, paul,

We need something else
straightened out.

Couldn’t be. I got it.

This isn’t
about your car, paul.

Not my mustang?

Not any car.

Then what?

This is about shanice.

She says you r*ped her.

That bitch is lucky
i’m not filing a complaint

On her stealing
my neck chain.

Try not calling her
a bitch.

It makes us feel
you got anger toward women.

I want to talk
to men detectives.

You don’t get to pick.

Take it easy, diane.

I don’t have to listen
to that crap.

I talk to men detectives,
or I ain’t talking to nobody.

Matter of fact, i’m only
talking to an african‐american.

He only talks to a brother.

Diane, easy.

Look, uh, we’ll see
what we can do.

Home ‐‐ all night.

What are you going
to lie about that for?

We know
you were at the club.

We know pat mullen
threw a hump into you

On top of the bar.

Why don’t you ask
whoever saw us

Whether pat was fine
when I left?

The two of you didn’t
have no disagreement ‐‐

Perhaps pertaining to dino?

Pat and I never fought.
We never had a cross word.

Patrick was a gentleman.

How about dino?

Dino had other qualities.

Do you say that
affectionately, angela,

Or, like, with some type
of hostility toward dino?

How do my feelings
towards dino

Pertain to pat
getting k*lled?

How about ’cause we’re
wondering if maybe it was dino

Who pushed the button
on pat?

Oh, come on.

That don’t make sense
to you, angela ‐‐

Dino gets resentful over you
thinking that pat’s

Such a sweetheart
and a gentleman

That you’re throwing humps
into him in public places?

It don’t make sense.

With him ratting everyone out,
who’s going to answer

Any button dino pushes?

This is angela thinking dino
would be restricting himself

To reaching out
to mob guys exclusively.

There’s guys on dino’s tier,
got buddies outside

Who’ll do a hit
for 500 bucks,

And they never even heard
of don corleone.

Anyways, that’s not where
dino’s at these days.

He’s been
encouraging me to date.

We’ll be talking to him.

We’ll be sure
to let dino know

Who gave pat mullen his
last piece of ass on earth.

Do not drive that man
any further into despair.

If you talk to him,
you’re going to see.

The dino of today is not
the dino of the past.

I know. I visit him
every two weeks.

He never even asks
to see my tits anymore.

A perfect gentleman.

I don’t know if we’re ever
going to solve the homicide,

But I guarantee you we are
going to be interviewing

A procession of people who were
damaged by this assh*le pat.

This is a case

Where the true perpetrator
is the d. O. A.

On an unrelated subject,

That dino must have
some set of problems

To turn down a look
at her tits.

All right.

Baldwin jones.

All right. Paul matson.

My partner greg medavoy.

How’s it going, paul?

Look, man,
I couldn’t be straight up

With them detectives
I was talking to.

You know how that goes.


So, uh, tell me
about last night.

This is about the girl
being freaked out

’Cause me and her
are on the downside.

You didn’t r*pe her?

I’ve been hitting that thing
for three months.

What would I be needing
to r*pe her for?

So her being so willing,

How come shanice
winds up with a black eye?

By her lifting my gold chain
from the nightstand.

That’s got
my st. Christopher.

My moms gave me that.

So, uh, you hit her
to get it back?

No, man,
it ain’t like that.

Her taking the chain was just
part of her going psycho.

She started spitting
and screaming and b*ating me.


’Cause I was letting her know
that was it for us.

You know,
after I freaked her.

So you’re saying
that you broke up with shanice,

She started hitting you,

And you gave her a black eye
fending her off?

Yeah. I’m talking about
b*ating me on my head.

I had to grab
some handcuffs ‐‐

Fix her to the radiator
till she calmed down.

Mm‐hmm. Now, you keep these
handcuffs lying around?

my brother henry ‐‐

He’s a corrections officer
down at the tombs ‐‐

They’re his cuffs.

Turns out I didn’t
have the key.

My brother was on shift.
I couldn’t call no locksmith.

Naked woman
cuffed to my radiator...

He might not understand.


So I gave her
a warm blanket, some water,

A cup to pee in ‐‐
first thing this morning

I went out and got
a metal drill bit,

Came back,
cut her loose.

Well, paul, we still got
shanice saying r*pe.

Brother, that’s the thing.
It ain’t just my word.

I got proof
there was no r*pe.

What kind of proof?

Got a videotape ‐‐
me and shanice buck wild.

You can see for yourself
she was into it.

She knew
about this video?

Hell, no!
Got this rig set up.

Couple of motherboards
and some wires

That run through
to my vcr.

I got the lens
hidden in my closet.

You tape yourself
having sex?

Yes, sir.


In case
i’m falsely accused.

These b*tches come after
your nest egg.

Look what happened
to tyson.

Can we see this tape?

I’ll call my brother
and have him bring it.

Give him a call.

All right,
give me the horn.

[ Knock on door ]

Andy: he does look glum ‐‐

Should we warm him up
with a couple jokes?

How’s it going?
Thanks for bringing him over.

Danny sorenson, dino.
My partner andy sipowicz.




Come on,
we’ll talk down here.


It’s hot in here.

Uh, you want us
to turn it down?

It could absolutely be me.

They got me upstate ‐‐
you freeze your balls off.

Still, i’m intolerably hot.

Had you down here
to testify?

Case after case.

Well, you’re such
an eloquent witness.

Is that some implication?

Never. No.

Danny: so, we just got
a few questions, dino.

Where were you going
with that ‐‐

I turn on my own?

Dino, you and me
probably don’t got

12 Grades between us,
but the last I looked,

Eloquent was like,
uh, john kennedy.

Oh, what you can do
for your country...

There you go.

Danny: dino,
you know pat mullen?

Owns a place on ludlow.

Had a couple of good times
with a certain friend.

Who with?

Danny: angela zarelli?

Look, I talk to you
out of courtesy.

You turn your cards over,
I respond,

You let me go back upstate.

You got a policy on angela
fraternizing, dino?

Hands off. I want the girl
to have a life.

No feelings whatsoever,
however she might carry on?

Do I look like stone?

Do I look like
some greek statue?

No, you don’t.

But i’m a realist.

I’m also going through
a very down time with my, uh...

Relationship abilities,

Which i’m half worried
has to do

With what they’re
feeding me up there.

She was screwing pat mullen?

She was seen
talking to him is all.

Big rep like you got,
we figured we take a flier ‐‐

Did you reach out
for pat from upstate

In a fit
of homicidal rage?

Hey, the dino of today

Is not the dino you guys
must have heard about.

Hey, who is?

I hammered it home
to this guy

That that angela
was banging mullen.

He’s totally unrelated
to the case, this dino?

Totally unrelated,

And the complete
depression anyhow.

We’re done with him.
Thanks a lot.

Hey, tell them upstate
they might try cutting down

On dino’s dose
of saltpeter.

This paul’s brother ‐‐
that’s the prison guard...

The guy paul had
bring the tape in?

Yeah. He obviously feels
paul’s an assh*le.

He said, "what kind of trouble
is my brother in now?"

He didn’t know
what’s on the tape?

So he’s in the same
boat with us.


We don’t know what’s
on the tape, either, baldwin ‐‐

If he’s having consensual
sex with this girl

Or b*ating on her
or what.

Ooh, you finally
made the bed, huh?

So, where’s my cooler?

I’ll get you
your wine cooler

As soon as I get
my props.

You walked right past
the liquor store

And didn’t stop
to buy me my coolers?

That’s ’cause
I had my mind...

You know what?

I’m going
to watch this afterwards.

[ Laughing ]

Hard to call
that resistance.

Of course, she hasn’t
got that shiner yet.

What did I miss?

They’re watching the tape
in the coffee room.

Shouldn’t we be
watching it, too, d.,

In case we have to go
back at the guy?

You want
to go in there, greg?

Go ahead in
and watch it.

Well, we could watch
after the girls.

Would you be more comfortable
doing it that way?

I’d be more comfortable
not watching white people

Watch black people
have sex.

I think that may be
a little personal problem

I need to deal with
on my own.

Wonder where
the boss has got to.


I guess he’s
with lieutenant abner.

Yeah, I guess so.

Hi. I’m concerned
my husband’s in danger.

His, um, business partner
was m*rder*d this morning,

And i’m concerned
he’s in danger, too.

I think you want to speak
with detective sorenson.


Danny sorenson.
Can I help you?

My name is sara lorenz.

Related to dave lorenz?
Yeah, he’s my husband.

This is mrs. Lorenz, andy.
My partner andy sipowicz.

How do you do?

We’re investigating
the homicide.

Pat mullen’s m*rder.

Mrs. Lorenz is afraid

Her husband dave
could also be in danger.

Want a cup
from a bad batch of coffee?

No, thank you.

We’re approaching this
for now

As a robbery went wrong.

I see.

In which case your husband
wouldn’t be in any danger.

I see.

The other hand,

Him and me are open
to suggestions, mrs. Lorenz.

I know they had to deal

With, um, undesirable types.

Had your husband
or his partner

Borrowed any money or the like
from specific undesirables

They were having trouble
paying back?

No, i‐i don’t know.

So this ‐‐ this worry

For your husband
being in danger,

This is more like a general
misgiving you’ve got?

Mrs. Lorenz,

Unless they’ve
got mental problems,

People don’t tend to make

Voluntary trips
into the station house

Off general misgivings.

I think
I speak for andy feeling

Something specific’s causing
your worries, mrs. Lorenz.

I don’t know...

But somehow he...
He could be upset

About some phone records.

What are
the phone records from?

Our home ‐‐

Between our home
and his work

At times
when dave wasn’t at home.

Or at work, either?

Ahem. So these
would be phone calls

Between yourself
and maybe his partner?

Is the danger
you’re worried dave’s in

From being arrested,
mrs. Lorenz?

That maybe he was so upset

About these phone records
you’re describing,

Dave went and did something
to pat at the bar?

That’s my fear.

You were having
an affair with his partner?

That’s dave’s fear.

You and pat
were not having an affair?

I’m so worried about dave.

How’d he come to look
at the phone records?

He asked to see them.

When he’d had two sidecars,
which he never does,

He made me show them,

He didn’t say anything,

And then he left.

Did he have a g*n?

I think he took
the g*n with him.

It’s my fault.
I broke his heart.

Saying he had a basis
on his fears ‐‐ dave ‐‐

About you and pat?

He was so sorrowful
that pat was dead.

That’s the only hope
I have that davie didn’t...

All right, thanks very much
for coming in.

He really was so sorrowful.

Isn’t that a basis
for cautious optimism?

Yeah. Maybe all this
can work out.

That woman ‐‐
she couldn’t face the truth

If it jumped
out of a mailbox.

How’d you get her
to the stairs,

Tell her it’s the roof?

I picked the husband up.
We’re asking him to come in.

He’ll come in, this poor mutt.
Just tell him we need help.

Selfish bastard, this pat.

If he’d have lived,

They’d have figured him
for the jerk he was.

This charm and stuff ‐‐
that only lasts a while.

Then you’re revealed

For the selfish
drunken prick that you are.

Call and get this guy in.

Paul says you came at him

After he accused you
of stealing his gold chain

And you got the black eye
when he was fighting you.

Even if he was lying,

Because the videotape shows
that you didn’t tell the truth

When you said he r*ped you,

The district attorney isn’t
going to charge paul with r*pe.

He gave me that chain,

And he gave me this black eye
getting over on me,

And no damn videotape is going
to show any different.

Now I want
to see that thing.

What’s that going
to accomplish

Except to upset you,

And how are you so sure?

You’ve seen the tape?

You’ve seen it?

I agree with my partner.

With what the tape shows,

The d. A.’S office
won’t prosecute.

That doesn’t mean
we don’t have sympathy

For your situation...

Or we believe the rest
of what paul’s saying.

We’ve got him so we can see
if he’s got other charges.

So you two sat there
and watched him do me.

Take it easy, shanice.

Well, maybe because
it happened to me,

You just don’t think
it counts.

That’s a lousy one.

Boyfriend’s definitely
supposed to be a collar.

I guess she, uh,
let her wounded pride

Get in the way of telling
what happened straight.

he’s got no warrants out.

Should we let him go?

If nobody needs
the pokey room,

I wouldn’t be in any frenzy
to let that prick go.

Maybe the draft in there
will give him the flu.

Baldwin, if we did
something to piss you off

When you
brought in the tape,

Diane and I wanted
to apologize.

You mean for sitting there
breathing in and out?

It sure seemed
like you got pissed off.

i’ve got some work to do,

Toughening up my skin.


Here I spend all this time
trying to soften mine up.

I can see that.



He sh*t himself...

Sitting in an empty bathtub.

If he’d have had family,

I’d have pulled him out
and put him someplace else,

Make it look like
he was cleaning his g*n,

But there was ‐‐

There was no family
or pension to protect.

He was faking it just
to save his reputation ‐‐

The same cops

That you’d be looking
to protect him with

Would be the ones
who’d know what you did.

But you feel guilty,

No matter what you did
or didn’t do.

You did everything
you could.

I had concerns,

But I couldn’t see a way
to constructively intervene.

Just have to accept
how you’re going to feel.

an interesting point.

an interesting point.

If he had been white,

I would have notified
early intervention.

Man, what are you telling me
that for?

I was afraid he’d think

I was trying
to cost him his job.

I was more comfortable
risking him k*lling himself

Than that he’d
think about me that way.

But that’s just something
I have to live with.

He wasn’t going
to be stopped.

So where are you
with your case?

Girl made
the wrong complaint.

This guy b*at her
and chained her to a radiator.

The one thing
he didn’t do was r*pe her.

So the sex was consensual.

And on tape.

Her lying,

The doctor writing up
the r*pe complaint ‐‐

There’s no way
to make her credible

On the stuff
that did happen

And her assh*le boyfriend
cops to.

A lot of times, baldwin,

A precinct squad’s
the last part of the system

That’s about justice,

About people getting
what they deserve ‐‐

Victims and skels.

I’m going to let
this paul matson go

With a warning.

The boyfriend that b*at her up
and chained her?

Yeah, that’s him.


Let him go
with a good warning.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for you, too,

So, how’s it looking?

We’re starting to put
a few things together.

Uh‐huh. Could it have been
dino ferrera, you think,

Getting it done
from prison?

We’re tending to think no.

No? I mean,
out of jealousy?

Pat couldn’t keep it
in his pants with that angela.

It’s not looking
like that.

[ Groans ]

Poor pat.

You talk about
what a great guy he was.

Guys like that make enemies.


Go around
sticking it to women

With prior relationships.

Guys, look,
you know the expression

"Thinking with your joint"?

That was pat, and you couldn’t
hold it against him.

Hey, if he were
sticking it to my wife,

I could hold it
against him real easy.

No, that’s ’cause
you didn’t know pat.

That’s the one point
i’m trying to make.

Pat was the salt of the earth,

And the last thing
he wanted to do

Was half of the stupid stunts
that he pulled.

That’s why I say
"thinking with your joint."

I’d still feel pissed off.

Yeah, that’s because
you didn’t know pat.

Your wife sara came in,

Worried sick that maybe
it was you that k*lled him.

I k*lled him?

she was worried sick.

What was her basis,

Some business‐type
disagreement‐type basis?

No, that you thought

She was having an affair
with him.

Aw, no, come on.
Come ‐‐ come on.

You didn’t think
she was having an affair?

Look, I have irrational fears,
all right?

And I had irrational fears
on this subject

On the basis that
pat’s a very charismatic guy.

Now, I may not be

In the top 100
charismatic guys in america...

And pat tends to think
with his joint.

Look, I love pat,

And I love my wife,

And whatever
irrational fears I had

Or irrational fears
that sara might have had

That I might have done,

I did not m*rder pat.

So let’s take that one
off the radar screen.

I think
you m*rder*d him.

Hey, i’m sitting here
telling you I didn’t do it.

I love pat.

I think you loved him
and you m*rder*d him.

You went to the club

With the phone records
showing him and your wife

Talking to each other
when you were out of the house,

And you asked pat how a guy
charismatic as he is

And friends and partners
with you

For as long as he’d been

And knowing how you loved
your wife,

Thinking with his d*ck
or not,

How could he do something
like that?

Pat couldn’t come up
with a good enough answer,

Maybe because he’d been
thinking with his d*ck

Recently with angela,

Or maybe his answer
was too good.

Maybe he told you,

"Hey, that’s me.
That’s who I am."

And you knew
if you didn’t k*ll him,

You would forgive him even
for tearing your life apart.

That .38 at the crime scene,
mr. Lorenz,

We got lifts off the shells
in the other chambers.

Your prints are on file
at the state liquor authority.

Earlier you come forward

Before we build up
incriminating evidence,

It goes better for you.

Don’t give the motive
to the press.

I got two kids.

Let the kids think
it was a business thing.

You did not intend
for this to happen.

That g*n was at the club.

You did not bring
that g*n with you.

All right.

Thanks for the tip.

I’ve had all of this cell
I need.

Yeah, we’re going
to let you go now, paul.

Open this up.

If all your properties
are in there,

Sign the outside
of the envelope.

Video set you straight?

Shanice lied
on me raping her.

I want to give you a good
warning over hitting shanice

And chaining her up
like you did.

That was a spur‐of‐the‐moment‐
type thing,

Her coming at me.

See, this here
is my st. Christopher

I was telling you about.

Hey, sure there wasn’t
a $100 bill in there?

I didn’t find $100, paul.

Well, I guess i’ll sign.

You know,
’cause I tell you,

If shanice
filed a complaint,

That’s something we would
definitely collar you for.

Easy, my brother.

What’s the matter?
I heard you.

A brother your size needs
to know his own strength.

Did you think about that
when you were smacking shanice

And chaining her
like you do a dog?

I’m talking about you
smacking your hand

Down on my shoulder.

If I wanted
to break your shoulder,

You’d have a broken shoulder
now, paul.

I was trying to get you
to pay attention.

Have I got it now?

Yeah, man,
you’ve got it.

Hitting that girl,
chaining her up,

Hiding cameras,
taping yourself having sex ‐‐

It’s the same thing.

You’ve got a problem,

If you take it out
on shanice again,

You will find out
what broken bones feel like.

You keep this up,
i’m going to get me a lawyer.

You want to get
yourself a lawyer?

You look in one half,
i’ll look in the other.

All right.

You walk yourself out.
And you’ve been warned!

Jill: how’d you do?

He gave it up,
this poor schmuck dave.

Abner from the vice unit...

Yeah, that baldwin
worked for.

He ate his g*n.

Yeah, this is
danny sorenson at the 15th.

Yeah, we need a d. A.

To take a statement
in a homicide.

I talked to the guy,


Yeah, thanks very much.

He’d really appreciate
a root beer,

This dopey dave.

Abner ate his g*n.

You want me to go down
and get the root beer?

No, I got it.

Ahem. Do you feel
you should go in there?

I figure
if he wanted company,

He wouldn’t have
the blinds closed, andy.

You’ve never met
anybody complicated enough,

He’d draw the blinds
signaling he wants company?

I don’t think the boss
is signaling that.

Just don’t take the tone

It’s out of the realm
of possibility.

I guess everyone’s heard
joe abner’s passed.

Yeah, that’s lousy,

Not that he’d be hoping

To see my name featured
in the visitors’ book.

Good night.

Good night.
Good night, boss.

Would you wait up?

I don’t have the answers
for you, baldwin.

I can’t tell you
why he d*ed.

It’s all right.


So, did you give that guy
a talking‐to?


Yeah, I gave him
a good talking‐to.
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