07x07 - Along Came Jones

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x07 - Along Came Jones

Post by bunniefuu »

How’s it going, greg?

Ah, i’m a solo act.

Morning, andy.

You look like ham
without cheese.

I’m a solo act
without james next to me.

Guy had been in the drugstore.
Looks like he was going
to his car.

Clerk was the only one
that came forward.

You see
the sh**t?

When I heard the sh*t,
I ran outside

And then called 911.

Anyone suspicious
in the store just before?

I didn’t see anyone.

Aw, jeez.

Did you get her number?

all her information.

Thank you. We’ll be
contacting you later.

Woman: sorry.

Francis xavier collins.

Oh, god. He’s a cop!

You didn’t go through
his pockets?

We’re not supposed to.

All right.

You didn’t see this bulge
on the side of his shirt?

Miller, let me get
the command chief notified.

If we go through their pockets,
he breaks our balls.

Had a quarter feeling
this was a cop.

So did miller, andy.

[ Sighs ]

How are you doing, jill?

One foot in front
of the other, I guess.

Hmm. I keep waiting
to hear a better idea.

Are your mom
and your brother okay?

Was that one of them
beeping you last night?

Yeah, they’re okay.

I assume don made it
out of town,

Or I assume he would have
reached out for more money.

You’re wearing
bobby’s ring.

Yeah, i’m wearing it.

Never saw you
do that before.


[ Telephone rings ]

15Th squad.
Detective russell.

No, but, uh, I can relay
the information.

Uh‐huh. Right.

Hi, good morning.
I’m here to see
lieutenant fancy.

Is he expecting you?

I was transferred
to this squad.

Uh, there’s
lieutenant fancy’s office.

they’re on their way back.

I’ll call
if they have anything.

[ Knock knock knock ]

All right.

Lieutenant fancy,
i’m baldwin jones.

Good to meet you.

I’m transferring
to your squad.

I guess someone missed
making a phone call.

Not the first time
that’s happened on this job.

Uh, anyways...

So, bias incident
investigations unit.

Yes, sir.
We accomplished a lot,

But I wanted into
some real squad work.

I just found out
we got an off‐duty
cop d. O. A.

How’d that happen?

Looks like a robbery
in the street.

All right, let me
get you introduced.

Track down that
communications problem

Later on.

D.o.a. sh*t in the back
and robbed. No witnesses.

We go through his effects,
come up with a shield.

Frank collins,
worked narcotics
in manhattan south.

Chaplain’s office
is tracking down his wife.

This is baldwin jones.
He’s coming into the squad.

Andy sipowicz.
How’s it going?

Joe pavelka says hello.

[ Sighs ]
just came in on 911.

Trace the call
and get the tape.

Danny sorenson.

Good to meet you, danny.

Diane russell. My partner,
jill kirkendall.

Baldwin jones.
How you doin’?

Greg medavoy,

Uh, good to meet
you, greg.

Ahem. What’s that?
Fancy: anonymous tip.

The d. O. A. And his partner
were having an affair.
Oh, come on.

Phone lines go down

Before the tipster conveyed
if that was relevant?

Get the partner. Find out
what collins was working on.

It’s gonna be
skells did the homicide.

You and sorenson got to
run the triangle down.

Narcotics and vice
can help check the trace.

If collins was involved
with his partner, andy,

His wife won’t want to be
talking to female detectives.

Are we boring you?


I’m going to want baldwin
partnered with greg.

That’ll be yours.

Uh, come on,

Let’s get you
situated here.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I look forward
to working with you.

Yeah, same here,

"Joe pavelka says hi."
You know what that means,
don’t you?

I’d need a second
cup of coffee.

Baldwin over there
worked in the bias unit.


You know what that means.

Every word from now on
you got to dry‐clean.

Fruit, wink, wop ‐‐

Get them all out.

I’m done. I said mine
over my morning cereal.

He’s stand‐offish, too.
Did you get that impression?

This was my former partner
james martinez’s desk.


And this was his chair.

James went on
to become a sergeant.

Is that right?

You want to try it out,

[ Chuckles ]

Look at that.
It fits you good.

You know, uh,

I got two cousins
live in baldwin, long island,

Which is probably a long sh*t
where your name’s derived.

My moms named me after
the writer james baldwin.

Hey. "Invisible man."

No, actually, ralph ellison
was the black writer that
wrote "invisible man."

Ah, yeah. James baldwin.

"Go tell it
on the mountain."

There you go, greg.

No, ’cause my wife
took this course ‐‐

Uh, my former wife ‐‐

And she had her books
stacked on our night dresser.

So, are we
heading out soon?

Yeah, any minute now.

If you don’t mind,
I like being called d.

D.? Good.

Yeah, and, uh,
I like going with greg.


Greg: oh, here we go.

See you later, guys.

Was greg styling?

Baldwin jones.

Sorry I didn’t say hi
earlier. I was nervous.

John...uh, irvin.

Humph. This martinez
with his career ambitions.

How’s it working,
my friend?

What’s going on, danny?

What’s going on, j. B.?

Sun came up,
am I right?

Leave our hearts home,
bring our balls to the street.

That’s disrespectful.

Oh. ¿Con permissimo?

No, why don’t you stand
and tell me what you got?

Jimmy ippolito.

I got ‐‐ I saw something
around that cop.

I need some help
to move him.

How you going to move
jimmy ippolito?

Trying to get me
divulging trade secrets.

Just throw me the finance,
danny, and leave me
to my wily ways.

Jimmy ippolito’s
a junkie.

So what?

Are you going to use
to move him?

Why should I use?
I’ll do my act, he’ll do his.

Are you high now, j. B.?

What, did we suddenly
introduce a morals clause?

When did you start
using again?

I admitted no guilt ‐‐ a.

I thought we were on the trail
of a cop k*ller.

We are. You let your jones
bring you in here lying.

My small slip strikes
jimmy ippolito blind.

If jimmy ippolito
saw what happened
to that cop,

He’d be up here
looking to earn.

b*at it, j. B.

b*at it?

Walk out

And get straight
before I see you again.

Yeah, well, maybe
jimmy ippolito’s not up here

Because he’s not gullible
like certain other people,

All right, danny,

Who’s his friend?

Or cut him some slack
when he slips.

Good luck
finding your cop k*ller.

People around here

Got their values
all upside down.

Man over recording:
frank collins
was cheating on his wife.

He was having an affair
with lisa marantz.

Look at that part
of his death.

What the hell does
that mean? "Look at that
part of his death"?

No one at their station
recognized his voice.

Talking through
a handkerchief.

That’s some gossiping jerk,

Don’t know d*ck
about this homicide.

You saying we shouldn’t
look at the angle?

Female partner could’ve
had a jealous boyfriend.

Wife could’ve
hired someone.

And let’s not rule out
them two las vegas fruitcakes

With their magical tiger act
for possible suspects.

Don’t worry. We’ll come down
on the partner and wife

Like a ton of bricks.


Going to be
the partner.

Got that shifty look
about her, too.

[ Telephone rings ]

Arthur fancy.

How’s it going,

So I guess my phone’s
not out of order.

Yeah, baldwin jones.
That’s right.

Uh, this is
lisa morantz.

Andy sipowicz.

I was frank collins’

Danny sorenson.
Appreciate your coming over.

Come on.
Let’s talk in here.

Rest of your squad’s out?

Yeah, they’re out
working this.

45 Minutes.


You guys got
a direction?

Not yet.

Some lousy random flukey
street crime.

Yeah, robbery’s
a definite possibility.

Anyone you guys locked up
who had a hard‐on for frank

Get paroled or make bail?

No. Been racking
my brain.

Any situation frank
might have been in

That could have
made him vulnerable?

What’s that
supposed to mean?

We’re looking
for directions.

Well, don’t look in that one.
Frank was an honest cop.

No, that’s what
everyone said.

How long were
the two of you partnered?

Almost nine months.

Frank your first?

My first partner
3/4’d off a ruptured disc

Seven weeks
after we started.

Frank had a disc
twice that bad.

He’d been hiding it for five
years so he could keep working.

He have
any family problems?

Anything that might
give us a direction?

Frank loved his family.

He loved his wife,
and he loved his kids.

Any brothers or sisters
he had problems with?

Pain‐in‐the‐balls in‐laws?

No. I don’t know.

He didn’t have no problems,
or you don’t know?

Don’t think he had any.

I didn’t quiz him
on his family relationships.

You partner with somebody,
you don’t need to quiz them.

I don’t know any problems
he had, okay?

Hey, lisa,
you got a bus to catch?

Your partner just got sh*t.

Hey, screw you,
saying that to me!
Come on, andy.

No, but she’s resentful
we got to ask questions.

I’m a little upset
my partner got k*lled,

All right, assh*le?

I don’t mind
if you’re a little upset.

Mind if i’m trying
to clear a cop homicide?

Yeah, and I don’t
want it solved.

Really? Why?

What else
do you want to know?

i’m out of here.

Oh, jeez,
let me rush to think.

Were you involved
with frank, lisa? Huh?

Is there anything
we should be looking at?

Oh, man.

No, is that unheard of?

Screw you, all right?

In all that screwing,
i’m not hearing a "yes" or "no."

I’m done with him.
I don’t answer no more
questions from him.

Were you and frank
romantically involved?

Frank was married,
and I have a boyfriend.

Jack gorman at the 3‐4.

I’m waiting to hear her say

She wasn’t screwing
her partner.

You prick.

You prick! God!

[ Crying ]
oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

You wouldn’t be
the first, lisa.

It has nothing to do
with what happened,

I swear to god.

All right.

All right.

[ Knock knock ]


You show me
a lot of initiative.

This won’t take long.

Coordinating on a case
with the feds.

On this transfer...

Baldwin jones.


Want to tell me

Why you didn’t
give me a phone call?

Don’t make too much of it,
arthur. I had it on my
to‐do list.


Wasn’t a lot to say,

Bias unit
wasn’t a good fit,

And I knew baldwin was going
to the right command.

Was he
a discipline problem?


What made the fit bad?

When it was time
to swallow or spit

On whether or not
to find a hate component,

Baldwin still tended
to chew.

He saw complexity

Where I felt a simpler
standard should apply.

You and he disagreed.

We disagreed.

How is the 15th, arthur?

How’s, um...


Yeah. Sipowicz.

How is he coming along?

Still doing his job.

Not that his type
of r*cist prick ever does,

Or you’d ever
hold him to it,

But I guess he has you
to thank for that.

I guess we all
have you to thank.

Thanks for
the recommendation on jones.

Did I recommend him?

A good cop has to know
how to listen.

I’m pretty busy here,

Andy: anyways,
that’s accomplished.

This girl
collins was riding with

Admitting that
she and collins were involved

Even though that don’t
have d*ck to do

With him being k*lled.

How long
you going to wash?

I’m finished now.
I’m going over to dry.

Middle of the interview,

The partner mentioned
dating a cop at the 3‐4
jack gorman.

Maybe look at him
for a jealousy motive?

She mentioned the 3‐4 cop
to steer us off.

She hadn’t admitted
to sleeping with her partner

At that point.

We’re still going
to bring the 3‐4 cop in
just to be thorough.

Mrs. Collins is here.

You said to let you know

Yeah, because now we get
to make the widow miserable

Asking her
a bunch of questions

That don’t have nothing to do
with the price of eggs.

Go ahead. Just go ahead.


Sheesh. Looks like
he was on one of them

Carnival t*rture wheels

Where those guys throw
those daggers at you.

Anything coming
off the sweeps?

Not yet.

Anyways, that was definitely
the right allocation,

Putting our cr*ck
new manpower out there.

First day on the squad,

Would you have assigned him
one of those family interviews?

Got an answer
for everything,

This guy.

Andy, breathe.

I don’t do that stuff.

I’m anne collins.

Andy sipowicz.
I’m sorry for your loss.

This is officer walsh
keeping me company.

My partner
danny sorenson.

Sorry for your loss,
mrs. Collins.

I know you have to.

I didn’t want to talk
to you in my house.

Be more comfortable
in our coffee room?


Ahem. Briefly as we can,
mrs. Collins,

There anyone you feel
we should be talking to

your husband’s death?


I wish he d*ed happier,

In his more natural

That’s the only thing.

I see.

Frank was so good,

And he had
a lot of happiness,

And he was
a wonderful dad.

Is that so?

And that he should die

And feeling bad
about himself

Is what
i’m really sorry for.

What was it
making him unhappy?

In his personal conduct
and way he lost control.

In a relationship?

He lost control
of his behavior,

And he knew
that I could tell,

And the harder
he tried to control it,

The more ashamed he’d be
and unhappy...

And even the boys got
where they could tell,

Even though
he kept up with

What they’d do together.

Did it have anything
to do with him dying ‐‐

The out‐of‐control

She’s not selfish.

She was sorry
it was happening.

She’s not
a selfish girl.

To have to die

Before he came back
to himself is...

Thanks very much
for coming in.


Probably just something bad
that happened ‐‐

Seeing him come out
of the grocery or so forth.

just on the street.

That’s how
we’re going to go at it.

The day female cops
got assigned

As partners in radio cars,

The wives demonstrated
outside police headquarters.

Like that was the day
guys invented cheating.

Don’t tap the t*nk.

I wasn’t tapping the t*nk.

You were thinking
about tapping the t*nk.

This tomas is in a bar.

A little while
after collins gets sh*t,

A guy he’s seen around
comes to him and says
he wants to cop.

Which isn’t
the other guy’s usual act.

Tells tomas
he did a bad thing.

If tomas will bring it back,
he’ll pay $15 for a $10 bag
to get himself right.

Tomas scores the bag,
brings it back ‐‐

Guy don’t want
the dope no more.

He had a couple
of drinks in him.

He’s calmed himself down,

Presumably not feeling
as much remorse

About the bad thing
he did this morning,

I.e. Possibly
murdering a cop

Is what tomas is thinking,

And, uh, we feel
it’s worth a sh*t.

We got a name?

No name, but tomas says
every time he’s in the bar,

This guy is, too.

So that’s probably
where we can reach him.

We got tomas for possession.

Says he’ll pick the guy out
for a walk and 500.

$500 If the guy’s right
for the m*rder.

Yeah, 500 if he’s right.

Get backup from anti‐crime.

Come on. I’m going to get you
into something unrecognizable.

Not like what
he’s got on.

Hey, what the hell is wrong
with what I got on?

Before i’d put
a shirt like that on,

I’d throw myself
under the "a" train.

Don’t hit him, andy.
I think they got to use him.

I think that’s one
of your nicest patterns.


Police! Nobody move!
Hands where
we can see them.

Get your hands
on the bar.

You can’t even have a drink
without the cops busting in.

Hey, have we got
a warrant on you?
No, man. I’m clean.

Do you want to go to jail?

Do you want to go to jail?

Shut up and turn around.

Okay, ready.

[ Disguised voice ]
i’m scared. I’m scared.

It’s okay. Just relax.

What the hell is this,
the unknown comic?

What did I tell you?
Man, I love his stuff.

Turn around.

Greg: just point.

That’s him.

What’s going on?
What did I do?

Shut up.
What you bothering me for?

Get all your answers
down at the station.

Cops come in, distract us
with the unknown comic,

Collar my homeboy
with the raggedy hood

And that cheap‐ass

You need to check yourself
in the mirror, my brother.

Man, i’m looking good.

have you got a minute?

You sure that’s all
you’ll need?

I’ll hold the fort.

What’s the matter?

Um, that b*rned‐up d.o.a.
From last night in the 27th?

Don’t forget decapitated.

I’ve got an idea
who that was,

A pretty good idea...

And if it was a guy

Where there
was no upside, really,

Anyone knowing who it was

And a big downside
emotionally, you know,

Where a surviving
family member’s feeling

About herself
and her whole family situation

Would be so much better
without knowing

How it was this guy had d*ed

Or that he had d*ed,

Would you tell her
who he was

And what had happened?

What would it do to you
not telling her?

What would it do to me?

Carrying it around,
you didn’t.

I‐i’m not the one

I’m worried about
right now, andy.

If it was me...

Pretty soon I wouldn’t like
seeing her no more,

Working next to her.

Everything would remind me
of the secret.

Would you be willing

To, uh, let the relationship
go bad that way ‐‐

The partnership?


I’m also available
for checkers.

You’ll know how to do it.

What’s up?

Wants me to fix a ticket.

Jack gorman.

Andy sipowicz.
My partner danny sorenson.

Danny: thanks for coming over.

Have a seat.

You heard about
this cop homicide?


Danny: frank collins.

Yeah, I heard.

Lisa morantz that was partnered
with collins said the two of you
went out.

We stopped four months ago.

Sorry for the personal

Whose idea was stopping?

Whose did she say?

She said it was her idea.

Okay, then.
I go along with that.

You know who she got
involved with subsequent?

Not really, no.

You weren’t interested?


She said she got
involved with collins.

Okay, then she got
involved with collins.

Do you want us to like you
for this homicide?

I’m not involved
in this homicide

And lisa’s
personal life anymore.

You account for your time
this mornin’?

I’m a doorman
at the worchester.

I’m on videotape
till 7:00 a. M.

The d. O. A.
Was called in at 7:15.

Okay, then i’m a suspect.

I drove 80 miles an hour
from midtown,

And I got lucky finding
the guy on the street.

I k*lled the prick
over my ex‐girlfriend

Falling in love with him.

Thanks for coming in.

How bad’s lisa taking it?

She’s taking it hard.

Totally blind alley.

Josh, can you help
baldwin a minute,

Put this guy
in the pokey?

This came in.

Baldwin’s some efficient,
huh, calling ahead

To run this darnell james
through bci?

How you going to go at him?

What do you think?

Think maybe we should see
what kind of chops he’s got?

Might as well.

He falls down at all,
this baldwin, i’m there
to step in.


How do you want
to work him?

Go ahead and take him.

Let’s see what kind
of chops you got.

You sh*t a cop, darnell.

What the hell
are you talking about?

You sh*t a cop.

I didn’t sh**t nobody!

Come walking in
on my drinkin’,

Bringing some fool
with his head in a bag.

It was a cop you sh*t,
and he d*ed.

I didn’t rob anybody
or sh**t anybody ‐‐

Cop or no cop.

Lie, darnell,
i’m going to bust you up.

I ain’t going
for something I didn’t do.

Baldwin: you’ve got to show
me you didn’t mean for it
to be a k*lling.

Your man
got hearing problems.

It’s the onliest way you’re
going to b*at execution.

Is that my act,
sh**ting a damn cop?

You got my sheet
right in front of you.

I see two street stickups.

You see a single damn time
a g*n was fired?

You gonna let that
speak for you?

Show how this was an accident,
or sit there actin’ a fool?

sh**ting any damn person
ain’t my act.

And putting me sh**ting a cop
over some chump change?

You must think
i’m a damn idiot.

How much money was it
got stole from this guy?


I told you
not to lie, darnell.

You stole money.
You know how much you took.

Think i’m going to stand
for you b*ating on me?

What if I ask
for a damn lawyer?

Ask for a syringe.
You k*lled a cop.

Without explanation
or remorse,

You’re a dead man.

Get up and sit down.

Make me believe
this happened

Without you meaning it,

I’ll stand up
in court with you

And i’ll say that
to the judge.

Will you, my brother?

You sh**t him by accident?

I didn’t sh**t him at all!
Don’t hit me. Don’t hit me.

The damn g*n
just went off on me.

My g*n’s
a little poo‐putt .22,

Two nights ago
I took off some fool,

He had a damn
.380 a*t*matic in his belt.

That’s what k*lled my man.

You got that right.

It was the g*n
that k*lled him.

The damn g*n went off

While all I was doing
was cocking it.

That’s the whole damn thing
that happened.

Think I want to sh**t
somebody in the back?

That ain’t my act.

Think I want
to sh**t a damn cop?

I need
the hair‐trigger .380

To make me believe you,

You going to
take me to it?

That’s a nice interview.

You’d have liked to see
what kind of left he’s got.

Hey, baldwin.

Hey, greg.

I was changing a damn
typewriter ribbon.

I got ink
all over my hands.

Oh, d., Right?

You want me
to call you d.

It ain’t no big thing.

No, no, i‐i’ll get it.

I’m going to take my run.

Oh, yeah, huh?

Headquarters, I run the fdr
to the 59th street bridge.

Here i’m going to try it
up to 72nd street.

Stretch it out
a little, huh?

Well, you’re a growing boy.

Anyways, uh,
I was going to invite you

For a sandwich
or a bite to eat,

But that’s obviously out.

Want to go out?

No, go ahead
and take your run.

I can take my run
in the morning.

No, that’s some good
discipline routine.

Probably I should be doing
some rational equivalent

Of that myself.

Well, keep me company
a few blocks.

No, no, no.

We’d wind up at bellevue.

Hey, i‐i feel
we worked good.

I, uh...

I appreciate you extending
yourself to me, greg.

Well, i‐i felt that
was, uh, very reciprocal,

Completely candid.

All right.

Here we go.

Hey, boss.

Excuse me.

We’ve got a runner
in the squad.

D. Here’s a runner.

Good night.


We’ll be more fun tomorrow

When we’re not pinned
to our desks.

All right.

Have you got a minute?

I‐i’ll just say good night.
See you tomorrow.

see you tomorrow, greg.

I’ll see you tomorrow,

Ah. All right.

I finally hooked up
with lieutenant abner.

I’m not a boss‐hater, loo.

People have honest

Did him not calling
have something to do with me?

There’s a detective
in this squad

Your old boss thought

I should have done something
about a long time ago.

Not calling is just his way
of reminding me ‐‐

His way of saying
i’m not on the team.

I take people
as I find them, baldwin.

I try to do that, too.

I try to live like that.

Anyways, um,
i’ll see you tomorrow.

We’re going to have to walk
down these stairs together.

sometimes I just talk

To hear my own voice.

The voice on that
911 tape, andy ‐‐

That didn’t sound like this
gorman we interviewed, did it?


To me it didn’t sound
like him, either.

The new guy’s good.

Baldwin ‐‐ a name like that,
his mother was setting him up

For a childhood
of fistfights.

I’m figuring
her naming him joe

Might have rubbed
you wrong, too.


Oh, baldwin.


You collared up?

A skell went to rob frank.
He wouldn’t give it up.

The case is good?


As far as
our conversation, lisa,

Nothing’s going in
on that.

As far as
that conversation,

I hope you understand having
to take a certain tone.

I loved frank.

If i’d been involved,

I would have wanted you
to go at me like that.

Anyways, there’s nothing
on any of that aspect.

I feel like he...

Was punished
for what I made him do.


Don’t put yourself
in the middle of the universe.

Frank’s wife don’t bear
you no ill will, lisa.

She told us that ‐‐
her own words.

Oh, god.

She said, "his partner
is not a selfish girl."

Where’s the skell?


I don’t think
I should see him.

As far as that jack gorman,
that cop from the 3‐4...

What did jack say?

Just confirmed
your information ‐‐

That the two of you’d
had a relationship,

That for whatever reason
it stopped,

And, you know,
he just asked after you.

No five on that, either.


Sorry for your loss.


Can we go in here?


All you’ve been
through with don

And knowing what he chose

As far as what kind of life
he was looking at,

What kind of things
could happen

Living that kind of life...

Anything could happen to don.

Isn’t that right?


And if that happened,

How much would it be important
to know about that?

I’m asking because yesterday
after you went to see don

And did what you felt
you needed to do for him,

You said you felt
like you paid a ransom,

That you and the boys
could be free now

So some new jolt wouldn’t
be around the corner...

Where the details could break
your heart and the boys’.

Would there be any point

In knowing the details

If something
had happened to don?

♪ ♪
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