06x14 - Raphael's Inferno

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x14 - Raphael's Inferno

Post by bunniefuu »

Don’t style about it,
ok, mike?

I mean, you’re not gonna
wear a hat or anything.

It wouldn’t be
the first limo

That ever made a pickup
at the staten island
ferry, danny.

I appreciate
your doing it.

I’m happy
to do it.

And you got the sign
and all?

I’ve got the sign
with "laurie" on it.

I’ve got her photo
you gave me.

If you’d let me
get going,
I have a chance

To actually be there
when she disembarks.

Shannon gonna get
your sister?

Yeah. Mike don’t got
his pickups till 2:00,

And he’s nice enough
to pick her up.

I hope he crosses over
at houston.

We caught one.

9‐Year‐old girl, d. O. A.

The owner had
the steel door put in

And all the windows sealed
keeping the junkies out.

Who had keys?

Just the super.
He’s been at the dentist
since 8:00.

When’d the d. O. A.
Go missing?

Not till 8:45.

The super come back
and opened up for us
at, uh, 10:07.

Who was with you
when you found the body?

The mother’s boyfriend,
luis hernandez.

The mother’s getting
herself together
to come down here now.

Where’s luis?

He went upstairs
to be with the mother.

Look, any doubts
were they involved,

If you’re not gonna
be with them,

You want to try
and keep the
principals separate.

She’s sh*t
at least once.

All that powder,
hard to tell
what else was done.

Which was probably
the point.

The powder
we’re making dry plaster
out of this bag over here.

Woman, sobbing:
I want to see my baby!

I want to see my baby!

I need to see my baby!
Oh, god!

You don’t want
to go back there, ma’am.

Oh, my sweet child!

I’m her boyfriend.

her daughter dead.

You luis?

Yeah. Luis hernandez.

It might help if
you come talk to us, luis,

While jennifer’s mother’s
pulling herself together.


Oh, my jennie baby.

I gotta come in
with you?

We’d really appreciate
your cooperation, luis.


All right.

When e. S. U. Gets here,
they need to probe
the ceiling and walls

For possible
access points.

Yeah, ok.

It’s hard to do
in all the commotion,

Keeping them separate.

Your sister’s in
the back with shannon.

Where in the back?

In the holding cells.

Both collars?

Just give me
a minute, andy.

Up here.

[Laurie laughs]

Hey, sis.


I was taking
a picture of laurie

For her scrapbook.

Yeah? The photo sh**t over?

I took an extra one
for backup.


Nice of mike picking
you up in his limo, huh?

I felt like
a movie star.

My pleasure.

Thanks, shannon.

Good to meet you, mike.

My pleasure.


Excuse me.



Anyway, sis,

I was hoping
it would be quiet,

But it turns out
we caught a case.

I need to go to
the museum of natural
history anyhow.

Some teaching project?

I know you hate
missing that.

Oh, yeah.
Any museum expedition.

Can we grab lunch
around 12:15?


How’s things?

Go to work, danny.

Yeah. I don’t want
to leave my partner
holding up both ends.

You all right, though?

It’s going good up there
at suny buffalo?

Yeah. It’s going good.

Shuffle off to buffalo.

What’s that?

That’s what
uncle lou says

Every time I leave
to go back.

Yeah. How’s uncle lou
and them?

They’re good. They’re
a 25‐cent fare ride away.

I’ll see you at 12:15?

Hey, you want mike here
to drive you to the museum?

It’d be my pleasure.

I like the subway.

I’ll see you.


What a doll.

Yeah. That’s why you
took pictures of her
in a prison cell.

Look, I only thought
for a souvenir.
I mean‐‐

Did she ask for it?

Danny, look,

If I gave offense,
I apologize. I‐‐

Yeah, it’s probably me
being the jerk.


Make it up to me,

Puttin’ in a good word?

I don’t think
i’m that sorry.

Luis says
he last saw jennifer

Leaving her apartment
around 20 to 9:00.

What, she left
for school?

No, no school today.

They’re doing something
to get the asbestos out.

Her mother sent her
to the corner for bread.

Maybe 40 minutes go by,
and maria gets worried.

We called the store,
nobody’s seen her.

We looked in the halls,

Walked around
the neighborhood,

Finally maria
called the police.

Where are you
this whole time?

I’m looking for jennifer.

Helping maria look.

The whole time
you’re with maria.


I just said so.

Did you know jennifer
to go down in
that basement, luis?

The super keeps it locked.

You never
been down there?


You ever been
locked up, luis?

What were you
locked up for?

Man, I answer that,
you’re gonna think
I did this.

You declining an answer,
making us pull your record,

You don’t think
that’s gonna increase
our suspicion?

Problem with a girl.

I did 18 months.

Well, how old
was the girl
you had a problem with?


That girl was 14
going on 30.

Oh, and jennifer
that we found dead
in the basement, luis,

Was 9 going on what?

Look, I served my time,

And I never done nothin’
like that since.

This was a sweet girl.

I’m as sick as anyone
over this.

You want to prove
your sincerity, luis,

By volunteering to take
a lie detector test?


I swear,
I wasn’t involved!


[Clears throat]

of the d. O. A.’S mother.

Any good?

Did 18 months for
being with a 14‐year‐old,

But he’s being
pretty cooperative.

Sorenson: said
he’d take a polygraph.

Hard to like him
if he volunteers
for a polygraph.

Yeah, unless he’s nuts
and thinks he can b*at it.

If he’s nuts,
he probably will.

you’re going to talk
to the mother?

We’re going back.
We’ll talk to her now.

That very obnoxious man
is connected to your case.


I’m george franklin.

I’m super where
that girl got m*rder*d.

Someone investigating
stole my tools.

You’re saying
a cop stole your tools?

I had my tools
in the basement,

I let your people in,
and now they’re gone.

I want my tools back.

A 9‐year‐old girl
in your building
was m*rder*d,

And god knows what else
got done to her,

And you want us
to look for your tools?

I’m sorry she’s dead,
but letting my tools
go missing

Ain’t gonna
bring her back alive.
I want my tools.

I’m not saying
go off the case.

Are you the only
two detectives in
the police department?

No. We’re the two
looking hard at you

For this homicide
as of now,

’Cause you’re the only one
with access to that basement.

I was the whole morning
at dr. Amfar bhutto’s
getting root canal

Until I came back
and unlocked that door
for the police,

And after I unlocked
the door for the police,

My tools went missing.

We’re going
to your building.

If we come up with
your tools,

We’ll let you know.

A drill, 3 hammers,
and a set of socket wrenches.

One more word,
you better hope we don’t
find those tools,

’Cause every one of ’em
will get shoved up your ass.

Oh, but don’t throw ’em
in the briar patch.

I don’t like
catching these,

The frail and elderly
getting preyed on.

Let’s don’t get
ahead of ourselves.

He didn’t climb
that flight of stairs

To volunteer for
the neighborhood watch.


Sherman rosenzweig,

Victim of
a forgery‐embezzlement.

Greg medavoy.

James martinez.

How do you do?

Let’s talk in here.


Right this way, sir.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

Now, this is
my bank statement.

The checks
i’ve marked...

Were forged by
your culprit

Anthony rosselli.

How do you know him?

I’ve never met him,
or i’d brain him
with my cane.

Um...so how did he get
your checkbook?

Using the naivete
of a 26‐year‐old woman.

I want her name
kept out of this,

But if you need it,
i’ll provide it.

Yeah, I think we’re
gonna need her name.

Alexis wilkenson.

God knows how
she was pressured
into doing this.

So, uh, where is alexis
at this point?


Her apartment’s
cleared out, her
phone’s disconnected.

How did you come to know
of this rosselli,
mr. Rosenzweig?

I found, uh, his picture
in her wallet.

Actually, I found
pictures of 2 men.

But he was the only one
she would talk about.

As far as your knowing,

He’s only connected
to the forgeries
on your checking account?

She would only
forge my name

If he had her under
some dominating
type of pressure.

Uh, mr. Rosenzweig,

Can I assume
that you and alexis

Were personally involved?

involved, yes!

I see.

Do you have
some question with that?


No. Uh‐uh.

Do you know where
we can reach this rosselli?

To arrest him?

Well, we certainly
want to talk to him

On this alexis’ whereabouts.

Any, uh, svengali‐type

He may have had on her.

All right.

Phone number,


Believe me,
he’s the culprit.

She was completely
satisfied romantically.

I was doing
some hell of a job.

What are you doing here?

What does it look
like i’m doing?

You work
in the building?

I’m a tenant
in the building.

That’s where I live.

You mind if I got
some residential pride?

Got a thousand people
walking through here‐‐

Cops and doctors,

You know
what happened here?

I know
what happened here.

God rest her soul.

We’re here
about the little girl
d*ed in the basement.

Her mother went
to the funeral home.

What’s your name?

Rafael vasquez.

Did you know
the little girl?


Not too much.

No idea
what happened to her?

How i’m gonna know
what happened to her?
Some maniac.

You know luis hernandez?

Was it him?

He could’ve done it,

Crazy as he gets
on his liquor.

Are those your tools?


Who was working
on that radiator?

I was working
on the radiator,

But those tools
aren’t mine.

Those tools
was lying out there
on the floor today,

And I got trouble
getting heat
into my apartment,

So I was working
on the radiator
with a wrench.

When did you
first see ’em?

No, the tools.

Eh, like 10:00.
Those look like
the super’s tools.

You’re gonna have to
come in with us.

Over what?

The super reported
his tools got stolen,

And they’re in your custody.

Those tools
was by the radiator.

Somebody must’ve
put ’em there.

You gonna start
breakin’ balls now?

How we might be able
to rectify this, rafael,

You want to let us look
in your apartment?

Hell, no. I don’t want you
to look in my apartment.

Nobody’s gonna jam you
for a little reefer
or the like.

That’s what you say now.
How i’m gonna trust you?

All right, come on,
you’re going in.

Hey, I was mopping
the floor out here.

Yeah, well, now
you’re riding down
to the station house.

Come on, let’s go.

You guys are makin’
a big, big mistake.

It won’t be
the first one, anthony.

Anywhere within
a 50‐foot circumference,

You’re takin’ your lives
in your hands,

Because the way my luck
is going, guaranteed,

At some point next week,

I’m gonna be blasted
to smithereens

By some runaway
wreckin’ ball.

We’ll take our chances
being innocent
bystanders, anthony.

And we’re gonna talk
about this over here.

Let’s go.

You know a, uh,
sherman rosenzweig?

I never met him.

But we may end up
in the same insane asylum.

It’s time to stop
crackin’ wise, anthony,

’Cause this mr. Rosenzweig
puts you involved

In an embezzlement scam
his checking account.

Who you wanna talk to
is alexis wilkenson.

Who would that be?

Don’t piss in my ear
and tell me it’s rainin’.

If i’m in here,
you know who alexis is.

We’ll think for us,

You think for you.

What’s your connection
with alexis?

My connection, as part
of my overall lucky life,

Was alexis decided to back
my pizza review web site

’Cause I was mr. Right.

Your pizza review
web site?

That’s the same
dead‐fish look

When I told my aunt
I had a web site for books.

Who would subscribe
to a web site for books?

Did you maybe suggest
alexis could get

The financial support
you were lookin’ for
from mr. Rosenzweig?

No. I was presented
with financial support

As the first part
of "surprise thursday."

What was, uh,
surprise thursday?

That’s the day you get
$4,600 I never asked for

And I find out
alexis is a man!

Alexis is a man?

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah!

Alexis is a man!
Alexis is a man!

How many times
do I have to shout it?

Mr. Rosenzweig said
the embezzlement figure
was over 8,000.

Oh, yeah.

Well, she told me
the other 3,500

Was to go to philadelphia
for an operation

So she could come back to me
with a real love channel.

You got an address
for her in philadelphia?

At the days inn
and the clinic.

She wrote it
in 15 different places
in my apartment.


Mr. Rosenzweig gave us
photos of these 2 men.

This, of course, is you.

Who would
this other person be?

This is alexis
before her hormone sh*ts.

If i’d have seen
this picture before,

The entire course of my life
would be different.

Those tools was
on the back stairs.

All I did was
pick ’em up.

When was that?
Today, this morning.

They was
on the back stairs.

You own a r*fle, rafael?

A r*fle? No.
Look, I make no claim
those tools are mine.

You give ’em back to franklin
and tell him to go to hell.

When was the last time
you saw jennifer dieguez?

Couple of days ago.

You didn’t see her today?

My family was
visiting all morning.

Startin’ when?

9:00, Maybe.
My mother, my brother.

Your mother
and brother usually
come that early?

My mother had
some soup for me.

She knew
I hadn’t been eating.

Why was that?

Losing my job...
My wife and kid leaving.

Vicki couldn’t take me
being out of work.

See, but I eat soup
even if i’m feeling bad.

Rafael...are we gonna
find your fingerprints
down in that basement?


You ever been
down there?

You sayin’ no,
if we go ahead

And we find your prints
down there,

That makes you guilty
of first‐degree m*rder.

Thinking back...

I might have been
down there,

Once, 2 weeks ago.

How’d that come about?

Franklin left the door open.

I went down, looking
around down there.

But then I left,
’cause it was hot as hell.

It wasn’t that hot
this mornin’.

But it was hot as hell
when I was down there.

Is that when
you stole his tools?

I found those tools today.
I want to be released.

You ain’t going
anywhere, rafael.

You’re in custody
for tool theft.

And we need to talk
to your mother
and brother,

Who supposedly
visited you.

You got the number?

I give you the number.

But I don’t have anything
to do with that basement.

I don’t have to do
with that mess.

My sister.

Hi, sis.

This is my partner
andy sipowicz.
Laurie sorenson.

How are ya doin’?

Good, andy.

[Clears throat]

Uh, we work in here.

Just a second?

what’s the matter?

I lost my watch.


On the subway.

That’s gone.

This woman was crying,

And I went over
to help her,

And after she got off,
I realized she took it.

So some miserable
scam artist
stole your watch.

She said she had gotten
robbed at a grocery.

I had my arm around her.

I said I wanted shannon
to drive you, laurie.

I didn’t want you
on the subway.


They look
for kind people,
these scummers.

They run that on who
they know will help.

We’ll file a report,
but that watch is gone.

Could we not file a report
and just go to lunch?

Oh, sure. We don’t
have to file one.


lunch is no good.

I should have stayed
at the museum.

Dinner is in stone,

I don’t go back
until friday, danny.

No, no, no, no.
Do not go back
to staten island.

We’re absolutely
having dinner tonight.


to meet you, andy.

Uh, pleased to meet you.

Draggin’ him away.

After I leave,
he’ll be dragging you.

Ok, sis,
see you later.

Laurie: ok, danny.

What jumped off?

E.s.u. Didn’t find
a separate access
to the basement.

Maybe this rafael’s got
a second set of keys

To that steel door.

Him having
the super’s tools,

Copping to being
in the basement 2 weeks ago?

We got a definite case
with the d. A. For a warrant
on his place.

Or maybe we could
seek that subsequently.

We could seek the warrant
subsequently also.


[Muffled] yeah?


Yeah, andy!


Yeah, andy.

This mr. Rosenzweig

He was bringing down
the hammer pretty good

To me indicates
he wasn’t just
layin’ back.

You know
what I mean, greg?

Yeah, I got that
impression as well.

That would rule him
out, not bein’
in the neighborhood

Where this alexis
was carryin’
his male equipment.

In which case, how
could he miss it?

In an alley or sittin’
in some john’s car,

I can see how they can
get away with it.

it’s the protracted‐
deception aspect

That gives you pause.

I guess they, uh, they
do some type of tuck.

Yeah, yeah.
At any rate, james...

The relevant question is,
do we tell mr. Rosenzweig?

He was ballin’
a man, greg.

How is it not
gonna be relevant?

and I both know

That once
that old man finds out

This idiot with the
pizza review web site
wasn’t involved,

Mr. Rosenzweig’s
not gonna want
this alexis locked up.

Once he finds out
alexis was alex,

Mr. Rosenzweig’s mind
might change.

What was
puttin’ the spring
in that guy’s step

Was thinkin’ he was
a stick man, james.

He don’t care
about the money.

this is gonna knock him
for some hell of a loop.

We’re not
psychiatrists, greg.

It’s up to him if
he wants to press charges.


Yeah, I suppose.

the hold‐up?

We’re cuttin’ you
loose for now.

Sorry to put you out.

I’m out from
under suspicion?

You know rafael vasquez
on the first floor,

I don’t know him.


If anything develops,

We’ll contact you
and jennifer’s mother.

He’s involved
with k*lling jennifer?

We don’t know.

Oh, detectives,
this is mrs. Vasquez.

I’m doris vasquez
that you contacted.

We appreciate
your comin’ in.

What information do you need
confirmed about my son?

Let’s talk in here.

Are you investigating
the dead girl
they found?

We’re looking
into that, right.

My son wouldn’t
be involved.

Did you see rafael
this morning?

He’s losing weight from
his family problems.

I brought him soup.

You brought him soup
at his apartment.

Rafael had nothing
to do with that girl.

What time were you
at rafael’s apartment till?

8:30 Sometime.

You left around 8:30?

I counseled
with him over
his family problems,

And then I left
to take care
of my husband.

My husband’s

He’s going
to lose his legs.

Ever counsel
with your son rafael

Over the hole he’s got
in his closet?

What hole?

He’s got a hole
covered with a rug.

The hole goes down
to the basement,
mrs. Vasquez.

I don’t know
about a hole.

And rafael don’t have
to do with basements.

Did you ever know rafael
to lose his temper?

He should have lost
his temper with vicki,
and he didn’t.

His wife that left
with their daughter.

As soon
as times go hard,

Rafael loses his job,
she leaves with the niña.

And you got
to bring him soup.

She’ll see.
One day rafael
will have a good job

With good pay,
and then she’ll
want him back.

Ok. Thanks very much,
mrs. Vasquez.

Where is rafael?

Rafael’s in custody
right now for stealing
the super’s tools.

He didn’t. He don’t
have no need for those.

Anyways, thanks very much,
mrs. Vasquez.

When is he
getting released?

We’ll have to
let you know on that.

What did you find
at that building?

That rafael
that’s in custody

For, uh, stealin’
the super’s tools,

There’s a tunnel from
his first‐floor apartment
down to his cellar.

How did e. S. U.
Miss the egress

In the basement

The hole’s in the ceiling

On the other side
of an inner wall.

Once he had her down there,

There’s a 12‐inch separation
between the 2 walls.

He could have dragged
the little girl
through that

To where we found her body.

How you gonna
go at him?

We’re gonna put our heads
together on that.

Uh, your sister called.

She said angela’s
at 7:00 is fine.

That was her now?

No. That was
bigmouth mr. Franklin

Wanting to know
about his tools.
I handled it.

Did we hear from the m.e.
If the autopsy r*pe kit
came back?

They said
they should have it
in half an hour.

That’d close it.

Yeah. Whatever the kit shows,
andy, the tunnel’s still
the card you turn.

Positive r*pe kit,
at least we can
play to a motive.

Otherwise, we have
to get sympathetic

How he’s
under instructions
from other planets.

Hey, we could walk
into that room now, andy,

And find rafael in that cell
standin’ on his head

Tryin’ to spit up
his own nose.

Ahem. Even you being
so close‐mouthed,

I gather she doesn’t
come into town
that often.

Don’t worry about that.

I can warm him up.
You can come back

No. I’m good.

We’ll wait 10 minutes
for the m.e.

Good. Fine.

She took that all right,
losin’ her watch.

Better than me.

She’s gettin’ her
teacher’s certificate

In primary education,

She enjoys workin’
with the little ones.

Your people
out on staten island?

Ahem. My aunt and uncle.

Our younger sister’s
a second‐semester junior
at albany state.

She’s gonna be
a dental technician,

You grow up with
your aunt and uncle?

Since i’m 6, uncle lou
and aunt karen.

The girls were 3 and 1.

Then I went in service.

[Clears throat]

Our parents are dead.


Let’s not wait
on the r*pe kit.

Yeah. Hit him with
the tunnel, rafael.

You talk to my mother
and brother?

We talked
to your mother.

Arturo got day work?

Your brother
didn’t come in.

But my mother verified
about bringing me
the soup, huh?

Let’s postpone the soup
discussions, rafael.

Let’s talk about that hole
in your closet floor

Goes down
to the basement.

That was there
when I got there.

Did you reopen that tunnel
to the basement?

Why would I reopen it?

That don’t fly, rafael.

This is a child homicide.

Answer questions
with questions,

You start
taking a b*ating.

I don’t deal with
no basements,
all right?

If there
was a tunnel
from my closet,

a previous tenant.

No circumstances you go
down to the basement?

Correct, all right?

All the above‐ground
floors are burning,

You don’t go down there?

You go down into hell?

No. I try to avoid that.

But i’m supposed
to go down?

’Cause why?

You were saying
a few weeks ago
it was hot as hell.

A few weeks ago,
it was colder
than a witch’s tit.

Never got above 20.

You said you were
in the basement
a few weeks ago,

And, when you
were down there,

It was hot as hell.

Hey, i’m through.

If she explained
about the soup,

I’m outta here.

Rafael, we found a tunnel
from your apartment
into the basement

Which otherwise
the super keeps locked
with a steel door.

We found a 9‐year‐old girl
from your building

Dead in that basement.

Franklin probably
did it, then.

He’s a prick.

He don’t mind
what he does.

He can go to hell
with his tools.

You give him back
those tools,

Tell him to go
to hell.

What don’t franklin
mind, rafael,

k*lling a 9‐year‐old?

You said it.
I didn’t.

Or working in hell?

He’s the super.
Ask him.

I don’t deal
with that mess.

That’s not
what my mother
raised me for.

To work in no basement?

Even if i’m unemployed

And I can’t get no
other job, all right?

Even if your wife leaves
with your child?

Don’t ask me.
Ask vicki.

That’s not what
i’m raised for.

That’s not
what I can do.

You ever crawl down
to that basement,

Remind yourself of where
you can’t ever work?

Remind myself
what I can’t do?

That’s a previous

Maybe he wanted
to be a super.

What happened
to jennifer, rafael?

Ask a previous tenant.

What do you think
the previous tenant did?

she taunted him.

Don’t ask me.

She sent him
a mind message

That she was with
her family still

And his wasn’t,

Or his family
had left.

Maybe he lost his temper
and hurt her.

He didn’t r*pe her,

And then took her down
through the tunnel.

Maybe he wanted a job
he couldn’t take

Because of circumstances
over his control...

And he had to eat
her soup instead...

[Crying] and that’s why
he lost his family.

Maybe he deserved
to be in hell.

How’s it goin’,
mr. Rosenzweig?

What’s new?
Let’s talk back here.

Just don’t tell me
she’s dead.

No, alexis
is not dead.

The truth is,
mr. Rosenzweig,

As far as your
checking account

We don’t feel that
anthony rosselli
was involved.

We spoke with
tony rosselli,

And we had occasion also
to speak with alexis.

You’re definite
she was on her own?

If she loved me,

How do you account for her
taking the money?

Is there any reason she
could have taken that money

That would piss
you off so bad,

Any fact you could
learn about her

That would make you say...
To heck with this alexis?

Tell the philadelphia p.d.
To lock this alexis up.

To heck with
my positive feelings

And the great times
we had

With me doing
the hell of a job I did
in the sex department.

If I found out that
she was an escaped
n*zi w*r criminal.

She’s not.

I don’t want to know.

I don’t let myself
be a financial dupe,

Whatever the strong
emotional attachments

She still
may have with me.

None are so blind,
huh, james?

The moral for me
is more like,

Viagra’s got a lot
to answer for.

I don’t know
what kind of sense

This rafael’s statement’s
gonna make.

He admits he did it?

They’ll find blood evidence
in that tunnel.

Yeah. They won’t find it
in rafael’s closet.

He washed it up
after he dragged her down.

Rafael had mother problems.

It started to feeling

Like we were in there
with norman bates.

Who’s norman bates?

Do me a favor.

Next time you don’t
take a reference

’Cause of
your recent birth,

Keep it to yourself.

Hi, andy.

Hi, diane.

He don’t know
who norman bates is.

Oh. Norman bates.

Eh. Go meet your sister.
I got the 5.

I got the next one.

Good night.

Elvis presley was
already a big success

By the time
this kid was born.

Andy, by the time
sorenson was born,

The beatles had
already broken up.

Eh, I didn’t pay
any attention to them.

What’s his sister like?

She’s a very nice girl.

Hey, jill.

Hey. Hi, andy.


I, uh, went with
the chicken and pasta

For our dinner again.

Oh. Third day’s lucky.

Is dolores mayo
working here?


I’m james mayo‐‐
jimmy mayo‐‐

Her father.

I’m john irvin.

I had word
she was working here.

You might want to talk
to a detective.

Why? It’s a mystery
if she’s working here?

Did you pick
your plants?

Dolores mayo’s father
is outside.

Does he know
she’s dead?

I didn’t know
how to tell him.

You’re dolores’ father?

James mayo.

Diane russell.

Jill kirkendall.

I’m looking
for dolores.

I been outta town.

We have some sad news
for you, mr. Mayo.

What’s going on?

Dolores passed away.

I got forwarded
a christmas card

That she was
working here.

This past christmas?

The one before this.

How‐‐how long ago
did she die?

A few weeks ago.


Why don’t you sit down,
mr. Mayo?

No, this...wasn’t
what I planned.

I planned for proof...
Life’s never too late.

Was it dr*gs?


Anyone else involved?

We didn’t file
any charges.

When did you last see
dolores, mr. Mayo?

When she was 13.

That christmas card
was a breakthrough

On her end.

The one you got
over a year ago.

Are you
in judgment on me

On how long it took
to get in touch?

It took as long
as it took.


I don’t question
god’s plan.

I’ve got a puny vision.

I wasn’t around when he
was putting planets up

Or saying where
the oceans should be.

Maybe you were.

Maybe right now

We’ve had all the conversation
we need to, mr. Mayo.

We’re sorry
for your loss.

As long as it wasn’t
some son of a bitch
taking advantage,

’Cause she got her share
of that with me.

This builds up
frequent flyer miles,

If you ever
want to take a trip.

I was thinking about
going to rio.

Cold snap last month,

I was thinking about
going to rio.

What’s that?

Sorry you got robbed.

It was what I remembered
from 3 years ago,

Unless you
subsequently switched.

That’s it.

I’ll ride you down
to the ferry.

Thanks a lot.
That was great.

Thank you.

You want to ride over
on the ferry with me?

No. I can’t do that
tonight, laur.

They’re all ok,

Yeah, they’re ok.

And school’s ok?

June, right?

You’re getting
your teacher’s

It’s a little awkward
you’re not in touch,

Who, with aunt karen
and uncle lou?

It hurts their feelings
a little.

I’ll get in touch
with aunt karen
and uncle lou more.

I definitely will.

Don’t be so lonesome,

I’m not lonesome,

I’m busy.

Ok, sis?

Did shannon
take south street
down to the ferry?

I didn’t notice.

Yeah, ’cause that’s
definitely the best route

If this guy speaks english.

And that shannon’s a nice guy
if he happens to call.

Once I was in service,
and with being a cop,

I could put
decent money away.

Provide solid educations

As far as their future
job employment.

They’re lucky they’ve
got you for a brother.

Well, i’m lucky
I got them for sisters.

Are you kiddin’ me?

I’d as likely
been locked up

As decently employed.

Oh, yeah?

You would’ve been
a bank robber?

No, but I become
a true long‐ball thr*at

Behind a couple
of beers, nadine.

I get some peculiar
ideas of fun.

Maybe all what went on

Was god’s only recourse

Preventing me
screwing up.

Well, anyway...

I like
your ideas of fun.

I just wish
you’d get them

A little earlier
in the night.

This wasn’t me
showing up
after the bars.

I was walking since
I dropped my sister off.

I figure,
appear at 1:30,

When you’re half‐asleep,

That’s my best chance
of gettin’ lucky.


What’s that?

Me pushin’ my luck.

What’d you mean before?

Before when?

When you said,
"all that went on."

All that went on?

I’ll tell you when
i’m ready to tell you,

All right, nadine?

Good night.
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