06x13 - Dead Girl Walking

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x13 - Dead Girl Walking

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.

Hey, how’s it goin’,

Who called in the doa?

And don’t tell me
it’s that big queen.

The body’s over here.
Looks like it’s been dumped.

We got her.

Doa got a name?

There was i. D. In her wallet
for an elvira iglesias.

How in the hell’s a guy
like that figure

He’s got a future
as a female whore?

Yeah, he must’ve
had a very poor
guidance counselor.

Uh, you found
the body?

I will never
look down another
excavation hole.

Thank god
she wasn’t face up,

Or i’d have d*ed
on the spot
from shock.

Who is it?
Do you know?

Uh, there’s some i. D.
On the body
for elvira iglesias.

That’s elvie?

Oh, my god.

What was elvie’s story?

She’s a pisces,
if that helps.

Oh. Yeah. That’s
a place to start.

15Th squad,
standin’ by.

Central: transferring
you to unit command.

10‐4, Boss

Fancy wants you and me
back at the house.

I don’t know.
Let me tell them.

I wish I had
your figure, honey.

Do you work out?

punch the bag.

Some of my tricks
have me throw ’em around
a little.

Maybe if I got
methodical about that...

Fancy wants me and him
back at the house.

You wanna take a look
at elvie for us, topaz?

No. Thank you very much.
It’s already been
a full morning.

All right.

Jill and you are
gonna take this?

Yeah. What’s it
look like?

Uh, big bruise
above her left eye.

No ligature marks.

I didn’t get
under the dress.

Anything else
in the wallet?

Uh, no. Just the one piece
of social security i. D.

Either they had her
in a car and dumped her here,

Or someone on one of
those upper floors oughta be
pitchin’ for the yankees.

Topaz: excuse me!

Do you suppose I could
possibly get a lift?

Thank you so much.

Don’t speak to me.

Thanks, john.

How’s it goin’?

This is lieutenant
graham from the 2‐7.

Danny sorenson.


How’s it goin’,

It’s detective dornan.

What happened?

That’s what it’s about,

Thought i’d come up here
and let you know
I was demoted

And bring my new boss
to keep me company.

Maybe if we talked about
what we are here for...

Detective dornan made
a collar in the 2‐7.

The perp puts at least
4 crates of weapons

In the apartment
where he bought his g*n.

The supplier’s apartment’s
in our precinct?

Probably not right,
pushing off collaring
the suppliers

On you guys
to work by yourselves.


Detective dornan
should work the warrant.

I was talking about
the supervisory presence.

Sure, boss.

Lieutenant, want to
supervise a warrant?

No, lieutenant fancy’s
probably busy.

I’ll supervise.

I guess you don’t learn
from your mistakes,
do you, dornan?

You know us colored folks‐‐
slow learners.

Dornan, what the
hell’s goin’ on?

You gonna ask me
that, sipowicz?
Meaning what?

You’re lucky I don’t
throw you out that window.

You don’t think
I could do it?

Take it easy,

You gonna get in my face,
too, you little piss pot?!

Don’t call him sarge.

I’ll throw you through
the same window.

I’ll put the both
of you through it
at the same time.


We’re gonna get on this?

Yeah. Let’s get on it.

Where we goin’?

I thought we’d get
a cup of coffee.

I thought we were
goin’ to work.

No. I’m gonna get
a cup of coffee.

I’ll wait
right here.

Actually, i’m gonna
get some tea.

What were ya,
pickin’ up
desk supplies?

Andy, I thought you
come in here to piss.

Did you hear what he
accused me of, huh?
This arrogant dornan.

He had
an accusatory tone.

I didn’t take
his exact reference.

I took his reference,
believe me.

He’s gonna throw me
through a window?

You were good
about that.

You were good not
jumpin’ back at him,

Knowin’ that he was
just venting.

There’s venting,
and there’s breaking balls.

This is about
the suarez case

That he thinks I got him
to reopen.

That case your wife

Him takin’ that second look
was his choice, dornan’s.

I asked him, yes.

But did he not
turn me down once?

And was I ready
to let it sit?

Was that how it went?

He turns me down,

Not trustin’ on the basis
I passed some remark

To a panhandler
7 years before‐‐

Was he collecting
for the united n*gro
pizza fund?

Fine. Fine. Beautiful,
let’s leave it
right there.

That’s how you
answered dornan?

That’s exactly how
I answered dornan,

An attitude
to that effect.

Off his own conscience,
several weeks later,

Dornan comes back to me
that he’d reconsidered,

Maybe suarez was
a fall guy, huh?

Any risks with the job
that that guy took

Off reopenin’
a cleared case‐‐

Those are on him, pal!

Those are on him!

You did that cheese‐eater
a solid, correct?

I hope you’re not
gonna turn out

To be slow
on the uptake.

Yeah, I did do martens
of i. A. B. A solid, andy.

It had to be i.a.b.
That looked at dornan.

Martens that you
did a solid for‐‐

He could tell you why
dornan got demoted.

Well, shall I call martens
this minute?

I can hand dornan the phone
and let him ask.

Can we please get
the hell to work?

I’m not taking crap all day

’Cause you got busted back
from sergeant.

Yeah, you’re welcome.

Dornan, hold off tellin’ me
what a big favor you did

Puttin’ me in on this case
until the next comstat meeting

When the chiefs ask
10 different ways

If I pulled an end run
to make myself look good,

’Cause you know that’s
the stink graham
will put on this.

The stink
he’s gonna put on it‐‐

We thought black
instead of blue.

You’re pissed off,
’cause as far
as you go...

For 30 seconds,
he was right.

The elevator down, dornan?

It doesn’t have to
stop at detective.

He’s gonna reach out
and get back to me,

[Coffee room door opens]

Pow‐wow’s over.

Can I help you?

It’s for my daughter.

Your name?

But not if she’s
been arrested.

Mrs. Iglesias?

You the one
that called?

I’m diane russell.

You’re elvie’s mother?

I ain’t having no part
of her being arrested.

No. Uh, she’s not arrested.

So if she was arrested,
how come she wouldn’t
have called me herself?

Yeah. Uh...

This is my partner
jill kirkendall.

How do you do?

So...what’s it about?

Why don’t we go
in the coffee room?

I reported her missing
6 months ago.

The clock is running
on that.

Have a seat.

Sweet coffee?


Here ya go.

So you, um,

You haven’t seen
your daughter
for 6 months?

Apply to the court,

No set time
when they admit she’s dead.


Mrs. Iglesias‐‐

Her godmother made her
a $5,000 term insurance

When elvie got christened.

$2.00 all those months.

And when lucinda
d*ed 7 months ago,

I been keeping up
with those payments,

No matter what
I needed that money for.

Generally, it takes 2 years
till they declare ’em dead.

Anyways, my partner needs
to show you something.

What is it?

I need you to look at some
photographs, mrs. Iglesias.

I’m afraid of what
you’re gonna show me.
Is it to do with elvie?

I’d like you to tell me
if you recognize the girl
in these pictures.

I got no choice, do i?
You need me to do it.

I’m ready.

It’s her!

It’s elvie!

All right,
mrs. Iglesias.

Oye, she’s gone!


It’s definitely her.


Was she sellin’ herself
in the street?

We’re still trying to
put her story together.

Because that’s why
I put her out.

You filed
a missing persons
report on elvie

After putting her
out of your place?

I put her to
a wayward juvenile home

Because she was
selling herself.

Then she lived with me
until she disappeared.

We got a lot closer.

This is her?

Sure, it is.

You wanna look at
the other pictures?


I will.


She took some b*ating.


Make sure

You catch the bastard
did this to her.

Then they’ll issue
the death certificate.

Police! Freeze!
Everybody, get on your feet!

put your hands up!


Roof clear!

Clear here!

Don’t look like
they used this place

For nothin’ but stashin’
these weapons.

My informant says
the guy’s here
sellin’ it by noon.

Greg and james,

Take the cars, go around back,
and secure both the entrances.

Ok, boss.

Thanks to e. S. U.

We’re gonna sit on this
for a while.

Check out all the firepower.

Lots of weaponry
out of the hands
of the evil‐doers.

It’s gonna look good
on your résumé.

M.e.’S squeezin’ shoes?

Why do we want fingerprint
i. D. S off the doa’s body

If the mother already
i. D.’D the photos?

He didn’t
meet the mother.

Elvie iglesias?

Do you have information
about her?

Yeah. You could say
I got information.

Can I help you?

Um...i just heard
I was dead.

What’s your name?

Elvie iglesias.

A girlfriend
on the street told me
I got m*rder*d?

I wanna tell you where
to put my remains.

You havin’ a good time
with this, elvie?

A doa we found today
had i. D. Of yours.

You want to make your life
a lot simpler,

You tell us what you know
about that.

You don’t gotta
thr*aten me.

I come up to do
my responsible duty.

That joanie yanez
must’ve gone through
my wallet

When we was doin’
laundry or so forth,

And the dead girl’s
probably her.

Why’d she want
your i. D.?

Next prostitution collar
on her own name,

She do time
for habitual.

So you sold her yours?

I don’t know
about selling.

All’s I know,
either it’s joanie
you found,

Or she sold my i.d.
To someone else.

That’s joanie.

And this is jimmy chavez
did this to her.

Been b*ating joanie
trying to
intimidate her.


So she’d let him
peddle her stuff.

Jimmy is a half‐ass
wanna‐be pimp

And a no‐good prick
that k*lled joanie.


I’ll tell you
where to look.

Why would your mother
tell us this was you?

Wishful thinking.

One time I was tryin’
to get this perp
back to his place...

"What, you ain’t got
no daytime phone
number for him?

Well, i’m his neighbor,
and I gotta get in touch
with him.

"Oh, so you got
the number,

"But you don’t
trust me with it.

"A’ight, a’ight,
well, if you his friend,

"You better call, tell him
to check on his place

’Cause I hear somebody
breakin’ in that bad boy."

That brought him back.

Where’d you learn
to talk like that?

At my father’s knee.

I thought you had money.

My mother worked
at the post office.

My father mostly
hung out drinkin’.

How’d you get
an education?

My mother always
talked up education.

That’s right.
Same as mine.

I guess
she put it in my head
that’s what I wanted.

Took me 7 years
to get my b. A.

Working as a uniform cop,

Livin’ in fear
if I quit night school,
she’d go upside my head.

Senior year
in high school
I used to hire a kid

To write my english
papers for me.

You write a good report now.

First years on this job,

I, uh, I used to
pick my partners

By who knew how to type.


[Woman screaming]


15Th squad to central!

10‐13, Officer sh*t,
1622 third street.

We need a bus and additional
units forthwith!

You hit anywhere else
other than the vest?

I think I took one
in the arm.

[Rapid, shallow breathing]

This’ll look great
on my résumé.

I’m all right...
I’m all right.

No, no. Don’t come
to the apartment.

I’d rather you brought it
to the station house.

Henry, you sure
this isn’t something

You’d be as comfortable
dropping in the mail?

Ok. Mm‐hmm.

Till around 6:00.

[Irritated sigh]
henry caulfield,

That moley guy
manages that building
bobby got left.

He wants to see you?

He has some documents
relating to bobby’s birds.

I mean, bobby did
leave him his birds.

That henry didn’t strike me
as the pigeon‐flying type.

Bobby kinda liked him.

He always made me think
of woody allen.

I‐i‐is this
the wrong place?

Uh, who are you
looking for?

They said come upstairs.
Do I keep on going up?

I’m diane russell.

You left this
for my son jimmy.

Jimmy chavez.

Why don’t you come in
and have a seat?

Is it truthful
about the auto accident?

Th‐that’s what you want
to talk to him for?

Do you know
where jimmy is,
mrs. Chavez?

Because once
it was a message if
he was injured in a...

A subway accident,

But then when he comes in,
it wasn’t about that.

He was arrested
for a b*ating he did

And a robbery he did.

I have something else
I am afraid of.

This was at the bottom
of a duffel bag he’s got.

I was going to do his wash.

Do you know where that blood
came from?

From him doing wrong.

I learned this
in my prayers.

I can’t allow it.

No more.

We’ll see if the blood
on your son’s shirt

Matches any crimes
we’re investigating.

Do you know
joanie yanez?

Jimmy went to school
with her.

Uh, her mother brought
her over for jimmy
to catch chicken pox.

Has he seen her recently,
do you know?

A couple of months ago,

He said
he ran into her.

Did he get her
into trouble, too?

I would never, ever,
ever sh**t a cop.

Yeah, never say never,
huh, assh*le?

Someone was bustin’ in
down the hall.

Thought it was a robbery.

I took a couple of drinks,
I knew what I had to do.

Make sure that’s
not an act.

come on.

Don’t let ’em
do nothin’ to me.

Don’t worry, brother.

No hard feelings
you tried to k*ll me.

I’ll get back to ya.

What the hell
happened out there?

You mean, how am i?

I mean, how does a guy
come through the door

In a supposedly
secure building

And start
throwing sh*ts?

The building was secured.

The sh**t came from
another apartment.

Get out from
behind my desk.

And why wasn’t
the door secured?

E.s.u. Ripped the locks off
taking it down.

You question my tactics
one more time,

And i’m kickin’ your ass.

In about 30 seconds,

You’re gonna be wishing
you could talk
about tactics.

You can imagine how much
tolerance we got,

Anything out of you
we think is bogus.

You do what you did
on your own?

Totally on my own.

What’s your connection
with that apartment?

Just knowin’ keene.

Oh, you and him
are just neighbors.

That’s it.

And you’re gonna
risk your life

And not mind blowin’ away
however many people

Just bein’
a good neighbor.

I didn’t know
you guys was cops.

Any possible
burglary sounds

Comin’ out of
your neighbor’s

You come in
g*ns blazing?

on door]

It’s busy!

Fancy: open the door.

Willis: I didn’t come in
g*ns a‐blazin’.

I just peeked
my arm around.

Greg and james,
do the interview.

Greg and james,
it wasn’t my fault.

Dornan: what’s
going on?

My office.

Any hints?

What the hell is
i. A. B. In it for?

Nobody’s done
anything wrong.

Oh, this is good.

I.a.b. Probably
figures the boss may
have been at fault

For taking those 2
in the vest.

We gotta take a look
at this g*n guy

Somehow getting
a heads‐up on what
was gonna go down.

Yeah, my usual rate
sellin’ a perp
advance notice

Is 50 bucks.

What are you
askin’ him for?
It was my information.

Anybody sold out
the warrant,
it’d have been me.

Seems like he’s talking
to you, too, dornan.

It wouldn’t have to
have been intentional.

Oh, we don’t have
to be on the take.

we’re just idiots.

Did any of you have
any outside contact

Once you knew
this was goin’ down?

Knowing, if I did,
cops could get k*lled,

Like almost happened,

In the half hour between
hearin’ about it
and us headin’ out,

I did mention
the upcoming operation
to several tradespeople

Concluding with my grocer.

Martens: so your statement
would be you had
no such contact.

That would be correct.

And that would also
be your statement?

Yeah, my statement also.

You’re smarter than this,

Maybe martens
is only up here

’Cause someone’s
twistin’ his arm.

Come on, what do
you have for me?

The same I asked them.

I put the whole thing

Sipowicz: come on, dornan.

I dropped a dime to the guy
who owned the g*ns,

Pocketed the payoff
for that,

And then reached out
to have this other fool
come in here sh**t’.

And the reason
for that being...

To treat this job
the way it’s treated me.

Take your time, dornan.

Then we’ll talk again.

[Clearing throat]

Proud day for all of us.

So you won’t want
anything to do

With announcing
the capture
of these weapons.

No, i’ll stick around
for that.

Has it ever been
that this thing
did make change?

What do you need?

Change for 2 bucks,

’Cause my
willpower’s a joke.

What, you want me
to use a megaphone?

Look, i’m making change.

I asked around
about dornan.

I appreciate it.

He went down
for improper

2 Cops got caught
out of command

While he was
patrol supervisor.

Was it legit, or did
someone reach out
to hurt him?

Sorenson, a black guy
with dornan’s attitude

Works this job 15 years,

He rubs a lot
of people wrong.

Now, say without
knowing about it,

A guy like that has one
of our field associates
under his command.

You guys had a cop
in dornan’s station house?

You wanna ask questions
I can’t answer,

Or you wanna
take the point
i’m trying to make?

Say dornan’s
out on patrol

And 2 of his guys sneak
out of the precinct
to do something stupid‐‐

Picking up dry cleaning,

Or maybe one of them’s
got a new goom
he wants to impress

Driving by her
beauty parlor
in his sector car.

Anyone lookin’
to hurt dornan‐‐

Anyone he’s pissed off
over 15 years‐‐

Can use that.

My partner’s worried
if dornan got demoted

For reopening
the suarez case,

If maybe some boss
took a burn he made
the job look bad.

I know sipowicz’s wife
was the push behind that.

Yeah, and andy’d feel
awful guilty.


I doubt
that that was it,

Someone pissed off
over suarez.

But you can’t tell me
who did reach out?

Sorenson, you helped me
with a case.

You didn’t find me

And carry me
from a burning building.

People are gonna
start thinkin’

That you don’t know
how to count.

Yeah, right.

Thanks, martens.


Hey, you got 2
dollar bills coming.

Yeah, maybe I was
setting you up

For taking a bribe.

Stranger things
have happened.

You oughta
get that looked at.

I don’t need it
looked at.

Did you give that guy
a talkin’ to?

We were
appropriately stern.

Willis says the guy
that owned the g*ns
whose apartment we was in

Is headed
for virginia beach.

That must be where he’s
holding this idiot willis’
whole family hostage.

Nah. As far as why
he threw the sh*ts,

Willis says he was
just trying to make

A good impression
on this other guy,

Get the last payment
he owed taken off
the g*n he bought.

Martens said that
wasn’t what dornan
got jammed for,

Reopenin’ that case.

What did he
get jammed for?

Oh, he wouldn’t
give me that.

Just said dornan
pissed a lot
of people off.

So this could be martens
payin’ off your solid

Without actually
givin’ you d*ck,

Which would be typical
of this cheese‐eater
son of a bitch.

That he wouldn’t
tell me anything
else about it, andy,

I took martens
being specific

Your wife
wasn’t involved
for reliable.

Far as that goes,
he’s accurate.

This dornan’s
hostile attitude...

People get tired
of that crap.

Anyway, I hope you
don’t feel like

I got you out there
in harm’s way.

Last I looked,
I was over 21.

Over 21, pretending
you’re free and white.

I’m not helping with
the execution, dornan.

Finish the job
you’re doing on yourself
somewhere else.


Yeah, ok.

Yeah. Good workin’
with you, dornan.

Just walk around
blaming other people

For your own miserable

Sipowicz, turn around and
be glad i’d rather drink

Than b*at your balls off.

With me, it was never

If that’s what you want,
let’s take it outside.

If that’s what I want,
i’ll do it right here.

Yeah, right here
in the house,

’Cause it’s less
a fight with me
you’re lookin’ for

Than what that’ll get you
from the job.

You already got me
in all the job trouble
I need.

If that was true,

I would take
an ass‐kicking

Just to make myself
feel better,

But I have come
to find out it’s not.

No, huh?

The job
did not hurt you

For reopening
the suarez case.

Just my turn to be
black man in the basket.

That’s why they hurt you‐‐

That chip on your shoulder
you’re carrying around.

Of course,
if I was white,
that’d be dignity.

Big blinkin’ sign‐‐

"This way
to dornan’s chip."

"No activity without
dornan’s chip
entering in."

I can’t stand ’em,
always laughing.

For 26 years,
I never took that.

The cops that are glad
that you flopped

Know they can’t
carry your jockstrap.

They’re glad because they know
what I thought of them.

You’re gonna throw
your career away

To spite assholes
like that?

Now, I have no regrets
for reaching out on suarez.


Don’t thank me
for telling the truth.

I only did it
because it was right.

It’s been good enough
for 26 years.

It’s gonna have to be
good enough now.

I’ll see you
tomorrow, john.

You’re leaving?


Good night.

Where you going?


You gonna let graham
be the only boss

Standin’ next to
those g*n crates

When they have
that press conference?

You’re damn straight.

I’m ashamed
we’re both bosses.

I’d be ashamed to be
standing there
next to him.

You are gonna let graham
take the boss’s credit
by himself

Even if that makes
it look like

Some bigger boss
sat you down?

What’s that to you?

Oh, you see...

You people are as crazy
as anybody else.

Good night.

Yeah, yeah.
Good night.


Make sure they
fill out your pass

To let you out

Medavoy, martinez.

We’re through for the day.
Finish your 5 tomorrow.

What’s up?
We’re leaving.

We’re leaving?

Screw him.



Andy, it wouldn’t
hurt us gettin’
a little ink

Off recovering
those crated weapons.

Then you stay here,

No. God forbid

My wife and parents
see me doin’ good
in the news.

Your boss authorize
your leaving?

He wasn’t around
to ask.

You leave me to stand alone
at that press conference,

You’re not gonna like
the statement I issue.

Yeah. I read those
statements verbatim.

How about standing at a mic
in someone else’s house

Without even your own
detective next to you?

What kind of statement
does that make...boss?

[Quietly] fancy
wanted us to do this?


This was me sh**ting
ourselves in the foot

So them people don’t think
they got the market cornered.



Cancel the press conference.

Yeah. Ok, thanks.

Foot cop looks
to grab up chavez

Off the alarm
we put out.

Dopey carjacks a cab,

Drives it
into a dump truck.

Tells the cop in the yard
he knew what we
wanted him for.

Is he going out
of the picture?

Nah. Broken leg
and collarbone.

They’re operating
on him now.

Can I help you?


Diane: hi, henry.

Yeah, hi.

So, where you
want to do this?

Right here.

D‐did the blowhard
leave yet?

I can sit there.

Here. Sit here.

As far
as him dying,

I’m no good
at letters.

No, I understand.

As far as the building,
that’s goin’ ok.


I hope you’re not
pissed off on that,

Him leaving the building
in my care.

No. No, i’m just
as glad he did.

Uh, I wanted to update
you on the birds,

Which he left to me
to complicate my life.

Th‐there’s a list.

That’s alphabetized
by names

And cross‐referenced
to the leg‐band numbers.

I didn’t know
they had names.

Well, I gave ’em

I got tired
of calling out,

"118 Npa."

Bobby used to just say,
"him" or "her."

Well, I gave ’em names.


That’s good.

Or, uh, "that one,"

He’d say.

Hmm. This looks
really thorough.

I don’t know
if you’re aware

He instructed me
to take ’em upstate.

So they could
fly back home.

He sent me on a jaunt
to new paltz‐‐

His, uh, good‐bye

I only assume
he didn’t realize

I’d never been
out of the city.

Anyway, that went ok.

I actually met
an old biddy up there

Who’s coming
down next month
for the stamp show.


She runs
the bed‐and‐breakfast

I stayed at.

A dump, that place.

Anyway, his letter said
keep you posted
on the birds.

Thanks, henry.

And generally,

I wanted to,
you know,

Express my sympathy.


That‐‐that he asked me
keep you posted,

Did he have more

You were supposed
to ask me to do?

Ok. Um...so long.

Did you want this?

No. Keep it.
I got it on disk.

Is it official yet?

You mean, your daughter
elvie’s being dead?

I notified
the insurance

Just to get
the wheels rolling.

Well, now you have
to notify them

Your daughter’s
still alive.


I guess you not seeing her
all this time,

You forgot
what she looked like.

That wasn’t elvie
in those death photos?

Come here, mrs. Iglesias.

This is the pokey room,
mrs. Iglesias.

This is the cell where
you oughta be spending
the next couple of hours

Till you’re transported
to central booking

And locked up for filing
a false police report.

I was sure it was her.

That’s crap.

I was filled with grief.

You filed
a false police report

With intent
to commit fraud.

I was the beneficiary
to that christening insurance.

I got a whore
for a daughter.

You don’t think
she’s dead to me?

Go on! Break my balls!


Go ahead. Just, uh...

Just don’t
do it again.

They got those shows‐‐

When something happens

And then it turns out

Like..."They said
she was dead,

But it was all
a big mistake."

What are you
talking about?

Like sally jesse
or whatnot.

If I could get on,

Then will you
come on, too?

"They made a mistake
that broke my heart,

But what a relief
came after."

Even if her and me
made up,

And she come on, too.

"They didn’t talk,
and they hated each other,

"And she had to die
to get it better,

And we watched."

That could be
a whole hour.


Is your daughter
so dead to you,

You don’t wanna know
how she’s doing?

No. How is she?

She’s ok.

Don’t hang around
too long.

Anyway, um,

I was thinking,
after you left,

Probably bobby
would want you

To stay in touch on,
um, how the birds are

And things at the building.

Maybe once a week or so
you could call,

Or, uh, we could
have coffee.

Anyway, henry,
take care.

Hears chapter and verse,
this dornan, you know,

The favor he did me

Was not the culprit
for his career disaster.

He still walks away
with plymouth rock
on his shoulder.

Andy, he’s gonna
harbor resentment
gettin’ flopped.

How you gonna understand
this other lunatic?

He walks away from
his own press conference.

I tell you, you could live
amongst them for years

And not fathom that.

We walked away, too.

Hey, you back
your boss’ play,

Just like you’d
want him to back you.

What the hell
is this now?

Looks like the boss
buying a beer.

This guy goes home.
He’s a family man.

This dornan was sayin’

He was gonna go
for a drink.

Don’t look like he’s
waiting for anybody.

I’m goin’ over.

If he don’t seem hostile,
then join us.

Yeah. I got your back.

How’s it goin’?

What’s goin’ on?

You’d as soon
be by yourself?

No. Go ahead.

I’m in here
with sorenson.

So, uh, how was
the press conference?

We didn’t
go to that.

Hey, boss.

Hey, danny.

So, why didn’t you go?

Dornan split,
you split.

We’d have been
standing there

With a bunch of r*fles
and that glory‐hound
tubesteak graham.

You figure we don’t
got scruples, too?

You think you’re
better than we are?

You lettin’
the traffic thin out?

It’s the damnedest thing.

I’m afraid to go home.

Yeah. I know
what that’s like.

What are you
afraid about?

Telling my wife
I got wounded.

That you were out there
taking chances.

Many’s the night

She’d have loved me hit
with a falling safe,

My first wife,

But she was always
afraid i’d be sh*t.

I didn’t mean to bring up
unhappy memories, andy.

No, I understand.

Andy lost his grown son
in a street sh**ting.

I’m sorry.

He was on the job
in hackensack.

He d*ed a hero,
andy’s son.
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