06x08 - Raging Bulls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x08 - Raging Bulls

Post by bunniefuu »

I know exactly
what happened

’Cause it almost got
my leg blown off.

Tell me, briefly,
exactly what happened.

Those two fool teenagers
come running past me,

Then turn and almost sh**t
directly at my leg.

You knocked your leg
against this corner here.

You would lie
in church on sunday.

Now that was
an execution.

He knew that
man, and he was
waiting for him.

He sh*t him down
and finished
him off.

Both those men were
police officers, mr. Lewis.

Don’t change

We got 2 cops down.

Szymanski’s off duty,
gets sh*t in the shoulder

Coming out of
that dry cleaner,

sh**t the other guy,
who’s a street crime

In the middle of a foot
pursuit with his partner.

Who were the

2 Kids with a g*n.
They pulled a holdup
3 blocks down.

They got away.

The kids sh*t szymanski

Or the plainclothesmen did?

The plainclothesman
that isn’t wounded

Said he nor his partner
ever threw a sh*t,

And the kids they were
chasing never turned around.

What’s the wounded
plainclothesman’s name?

Hudson, and his partner’s
name’s donaldson.

This could be
some jackpot.

Listen, don’t push him,
but see can he tell
you anything.

I’m on foot post.

I was actually
down a ways.

They’ll still probably
want to talk to you.

Sure. It’s just that
I didn’t see much.

Yeah. Well, they just want
to touch all the bases.

It’s andy sipowicz,

What happened here?

This was not racial.

Don’t tell me
what it wasn’t.

I didn’t know
he was a cop.

He sh*t me and I didn’t
know who he was.

You’re sure
he sh*t first?

I’m sh*t. I see him
pointing his g*n at me.

I returned fire.

His partner says neither
of them two sh*t.

I’d just been sh*t.

The guy I sh*t was
pointing his g*n at me.

What the hell
was I supposed to do?

All right, calm down,
szymanski. Lower your voice.

If it wasn’t him,
who the hell was it?

The kid
was on foot post.

He’s worth
a conversation.

Says he didn’t see
anything, twice.

Get yourself looked at.
We’ll talk more
at the house.

That guy swears
the kids did the robbery

Live in
the baruch projects.

Them and 10,000
other people.

He says he’d know ’em
if he saw ’em again.

Anyways, we’ll
ride him over

And see what
he comes up with.

Yeah, we’ll go canvass.

Hey, andy.

Possible complication.

Our boss has it in
for this szymanski.

Over what? What’s the boss
pissed off about?

Getting stopped
for a busted taillight
2 years ago

And the death of
martin luther king.

What do you know
about it?

My detectives haven’t
got back yet.

You know it’s szymanski.

Yeah. I know szymanski’s
one of the cops involved.

Being he is, would you
be more comfortable

I.a.b. Coming in front
on this one?


I’m saying with your
history with this guy.

And i’m saying i’m comfortable
running the investigation.

You check with
the hospital?

Szymanski’s been treated
and released.

Andy and the crime guys
are bringing in him

And the partner of the
plainclothes cop he sh*t.

The plainclothes szymanski
sh*t can’t give us anything?

No. He’s just hanging on.

If it is racial,
this is a disaster.

Szymanski put 5 in him.

There’s no way
to pretty that up.

Not that anyone
would want to.

I’ll keep you up to speed.

Like I said, anytime
you’re more comfortable

Us getting in front,
that’s all right, too.


I’m gonna handle it.

Just give us a second.


Just gotta talk
to our boss.

No problem.

How’s it going?

The better for seeing you.

That’s the rat squad.

Yeah, they’d sometimes
have to do with us
over in narcotics.

Don’t break balls.

They’re bringing szymanski

And the sh*t undercover’s
partner from bellevue.

That rookie cop was
also on the scene.

For a guy with
nothing to tell us

He was hanging
around pretty good.

So, andy, you’ll talk
to this rookie cop?

No. Being szymanski’s
the principal player,

I thought i’d talk
with szymanski.

All right.

So i’ll talk with
this rookie cop baker?

Yeah, good.

let me get him a soda.

So when szymanski
gets here,

You mind if I sit in
on your interview?

Sit in meaning watch?

Well, if
I meant watch, andy,
I would’ve said watch.

So sit in means that
you may want to be
asking questions?

If the spirit
moves me, yeah.

You do the interview.

I didn’t say I wanted
to do the interview.

No, you do the interview.

’Cause I am not gonna have
someone sitting over me

Like a guilty conscience‐‐

"Did you screw this guy
to the wall hard enough

Over sh**ting that innocent
black plainclothesman?"


Talk to me here
in the coffee room.

Talk to you?

Yeah, talk to me.

How you doing, donaldson?

How you doing?

Sorry about
your partner.

He did me a solid once
when I was
first cop on the scene.

Yeah, that sounds
like him.

Sorry about
your partner, too.

Jimmy stupek still breaking
balls at the academy?

Mr. Clean?

Yeah, he’s
still teaching
martial arts.

You guys called him
mr. Clean?

Yeah, the shaved head,

Looks exactly
like that genie

On the mr. Clean

When I was there
he still had like
a bozo fringe.

I guess he went
total after I left.

So what do you got
for me, neil?

On the sh**ting incident
I got nothing, you know?

Just that it’s
a hell of a thing.

The plainclothes
cop down.

The whole thing.

You know,
the off‐duty cop

Got one in
the shoulder also.

That szymanski?

All right, well,
why don’t you give me

The nothing‐you‐got‐
for‐me in detail, neil,

So instead of
spending the afternoon

With my pain‐in‐the‐balls
dinosaur partner

Pissing in my ear I got
inadequate information,

I can spend it him
pissing in my ear
I got too much.

That’s that sipowicz.

Yeah, he’s
breaking me in.

Giving me the advanced
course in anxiety.

"One thing you want
to avoid, danny,

"The one thing you
want to avoid‐‐

"Do not make a mistake

"Your opening years
on the job.

"A mistake coming up
will haunt you

Your remaining career."

So that’s got me good
and relaxed.

Yeah, I know
how that goes.

I don’t think
you can do the job

Looking over your own
shoulder like that.

I do what I think
is right,

And i’m not tying
myself up after
with second‐guessing.

Yeah, well.

Yeah, well, what?

Yeah, well, it’s easy not
second‐guessing yourself

If you haven’t done
anything wrong...

And making hypothetical

Yeah, well,
that’s the point.


Although if I did
whatever I did

And my intentions
were right,

By me not
second‐guessing myself

Or covering things up,

I got a chance my
intentions coming out.

Those are seen, and not
just whatever I did.

Yeah, well, what is it
you’re trying to say?

What are you driving at?

I’m talking
to another cop, neil.

I’m not driving
at nothing.

I’m saying if another
cop told me something

Where some intention
of his went wrong,

I’m making damn sure
his intentions

Cast a good strong light
on whatever it is
he did

That didn’t have
the outcome he wanted.

I’m making
damn sure of that.

But first I gotta know
what happened.

Well, maybe I got
something to say.

I hear a sh*t outside.

I draw my g*n.

My first step out,
a round hits me
in the arm.

Someone dressed
like a bad guy is
pointing his g*n at me.

I defended myself.

What would you do?

The guy dressed
as a bad guy is hudson.

The plainclothes cop,
as I found out later.

And you believed it was
hudson who had fired on you.

Riding over here,
after the fact,

His partner donaldson
tells me hudson
didn’t fire...

And he didn’t fire

And you sh*t hudson
5 times.

Somebody fired on me,

And it sure as hell
looked like it was him.

What was this,

The phantom b*llet?

Me and hudson

Were on opposite sides
of the street pursuing
2 robbery suspects.

I’m looking ahead of me
up the street.

I hear this g*nsh*t
over on hudson’s side.

I see this guy.

I don’t know who he is,
this szymanski.

Now, he’s holding a handgun
and he sh**t hudson,

Close range,
a bunch of times.

Neither you or hudson
are wearing your vests
at the time?

Man, you know
how uncomfortable
those things are.

All right. So you see
hudson getting sh*t
a bunch of times

While you’re running
across the street
to help him?

I’m running
across the street.

I’m shouting,
"we’re cops."

Crazy as he looked,

Never occurred to me
this guy standing over hudson,

This szymanski,
was a cop, too.

Until he
identified himself.

Yeah. Until he
identified himself,

It never occurred to me.

So the other cops’d
know who you were,

You and your partner
in plainclothes,

I’m assuming
that the both of you

Were wearing
the color of the day.

You with me,

Color of the day
for plainclothes‐‐

Were you wearing ’em?

No, we were not.

No, you were not.

Sipowicz, you know
as well as I do

Plainclothes don’t wear
the color all the time
so they don’t get made.

They put it on
when trouble jumps off.

And this that happened
in the street today‐‐

That don’t count
as trouble?

It jumped off too quick.

The trouble
happened too fast.

Now, we were chasing bad guys.
We couldn’t get the colors on.

You understand
what happened?

Yeah, I do.

I’ll be back with you
in a minute.

When the trouble starts,

Him and
the sh*t plainclothes

Aren’t wearing
the color of the day.

How was szymanski
supposed to know that
these guys are cops?

This baker, andy,

He says now
he threw a sh*t
in the street.

From where?

From the other side
of these plainclothes,

From where szymanski was.

He says he thinks
it’s his b*llet
hit szymanski.

If the bad guys
are up the street
the other direction,

Who in the hell is
this rookie sh**ting at?

Well, he didn’t know
about the bad guys
up the street, this baker.

He thought the plainclothes
were the bad guys.

Gotta help szymanski, no?

Remains to be seen.

How is this szymanski
gettin’ jammed, andy?

If these plainclothes
weren’t wearing
color of the day,

They got weapons drawn,

And szymanski gets sh*t
from their direction‐‐

Heat of the moment,
szymanski’s gotta believe
they’re the guys who sh*t him.

Who’s gonna hang him
for that?

My office.

Remains to be seen.

I want both those
plainclothes’ g*ns

Szymanski insists
they sh*t at him.

I want to make sure
he’s not right.

didn’t sh**t at him.

And how do we know that?

’Cause it’s the one mistake
they didn’t make.

My guy threw the sh*t
hit szymanski, boss‐‐

This rookie cop baker.

And he admits that?

he admitted it to me.

He thought the plainclothes
were the bad guys,

Throws a sh*t
that hits szymanski instead.

This being
behind the plainclothes

Not wearing
the color of the day,

So neither this baker
nor szymanski know
they were cops.

I see.

These guys ran
the tables, you know.

They weren’t even
wearing their vests,
neither of the plainclothes.

So are we gonna try

To put hudson’s
getting sh*t 5 times
at close range

On some mistake
he and donaldson
made, too?

No, I don’t think
andy’s saying that, boss.

Well, I think
we can put the 5 b*ll*ts
off szymanski being sh*t

And seeing hudson
in front of him
with a g*n

And deciding
to take care of business.

Hudson not being
conscious just now

To tell us
whether or not he,

Um, identified himself
as a cop while szymanski

Poured round after round
after round in him.

Yeah, well, maybe if he
was wearing a vest like
he was supposed to do,

Hudson’d be conscious now
so he could tell us that.

You had donaldson
sitting in front of you.

Did you ask him what
szymanski looked like

While he was putting 5
in hudson’s belly?

No, I didn’t ask donaldson
what szymanski looked like.

I didn’t know
that facial expressions
were possible felonies.

5 b*ll*ts is
a lot of b*ll*ts.

I’m interested
in szymanski’s mind‐set.

Hey, boss, if you still
need to hurt szymanski,

You better do it
with a blunt instrument,

Because he was right
in this sh**ting.

[Frustrated sigh]


It’s over!
It’s over! It’s over!

It’s over.

the first‐aid kit?

Cabinet in my office.

Don’t you start
b*ating on each other,
you hear me?

What did you hear?

Hey, I ain’t
heard nothin’.

You didn’t
hear nothin’,
am I right?

I got problems
of my own.

[Locks door]

[Locks door]

What’s the matter
with the both of you?

I’ll transfer
the hell out,

I’m telling the both of you
right now.

I’m not working
where this crap goes on.

Lock this.

[Locks door]

Hey, shannon.

You got a minute?

What’s going on?

Your p. A. A. Took
a collar in the 2‐7.

Oh, man.

she shoplifted

Some perfume
at rutherford’s,

Plus there was
some back‐and‐forth

With the security boss
grabbed her up.

Dolores didn’t say
she was a p. A. A.?

Cop that took the complaint,
teddy delfino,

Recognized her from
being over here returning
some vouchered property.

Did delfino
say what kind
of back‐and‐forth

There was
with dolores and the
security supervisor?

Yeah. Teddy said
the supervisor said

She was offering sex
if he’d let her go
for the shoplifting.

And what was
dolores’ story?

That the supervisor
tried to get over on her
in his office.

Delfino’s at his house
if you want to call him.

Yeah. We’ll, uh,
we’ll call delfino now.

Ok. She seems like
a really nice girl.



Her not reaching out
is bad.

If we make this go away
and she’s looking
to jam herself up,

We didn’t do her
any favors.

Might just push her
into something worse.

The thinker.

Does this happen often?

World w*r iii.

Between who?

Andy and the boss.

One minute
they’re talking
like gentlemen

About the case‐‐

Szymanski sh**ting
the plainclothes?

Next thing,
they’re breaking
each other’s shoes,

Next thing, they’re
in the bathroom

Hittin’ each other
with haymakers.

Was he here for it?

He said he’s got
his own problems.

And no one else was here?

That szymanski was
in the coffee room.
The door was closed.


Greg and james are still
at the projects, um,

Looking for the two
that got it started.

Did you get anything
on canvass?

Plenty. Just nothing
that made any sense.

Are they all right
alone in there?

Beats the hell
out of me.

[Donaldson speaking

Who are you
talking to?

The hospital.


We gotta figure
something out.

We could k*ll each other,
I could get a heart att*ck,
or so forth.

Have you got chest pain?



But my father d*ed
of a heart att*ck
when he was 43.

What, did he have
a bad diet?

He had hypertension.

And he was a drunk.

It’s the tone
that sets me off.

That look.

"I got your number.
I know what you are."

That’s the look
that sets you off?

Yeah, that’s the look.

I thought you
patented that at birth.

I got your number.
I know what you are.

You’re a drunk.
You’re a mess.
You got race prejudice.

Make that move
with your thumb
like you did for sorenson,

Pointing at me
in my office.

That point
i’d lost my temper.

That’s what got us
throwing punches,
doing that with your thumb.

We threw punches
’cause you chased
in here after me.

I don’t take that
off anybody,

"what do you expect?"
Thumb stuff.

Look, look, look.

No, you’re right.

I’ve worked too hard.

They’ll launch us
out of here.

Any big future
you got at one p. P.,
You can forget about it.

That’s the kind
of sideways cr*ck
you never miss making.

You’re not ambitious?

What’s wrong
with being ambitious?


I withdraw
the sideways cr*ck,

And I withdraw
my thumbs.

I feel like
I can read your mind.

I feel like
I can read your mind.

Any cop, all colors,

I feel like
I understand you the best.

Now, how the hell
can that be?

The kid’s all right.

He’s not gonna
take it anyplace.

What about
the plainclothes?


That may be
a conversation.

I’m arthur fancy.

How do you do?

Anything off the canvass?

Yeah. Let’s talk about
the canvass, andy.

No, we didn’t get anything
off canvass.

I told them what
we found out here,

How the sh**t
went down.

As far as me and him,
things got...

Somewhat out of hand.

Uh, shall we call delfino
on this other thing?

your chief concern’s
your partner.

Yeah. Thank god
he’s stable now.

The sh*t
that hit szymanski
came from a uniform cop,

So that corroborates
your account.

We also need to report
your not wearing vests,

Which’ll probably be
a 10‐day rip.

Could you put in we wore
the vests during inspection,

Then took them off
once we left the house?

I’ll put in your boss
inspected you for vests,

Whether it’s true
or not.

The tactical error,
not wearing
the color of the day,

You can get off
with a slap like
"warned and admonished"

Or put back in uniform,
which as you know,
isn’t our call.

Look, lieutenant,
I know this isn’t your call,

But as far as this
getting written up,

I did explain
to that detective

How quick the trouble
jumped off.

Why we didn’t
get the color on.

Then that’s how
he’ll write it up.

That detective
doesn’t look
to hurt cops.


This was personal.

You understand that?

Yeah. I don’t look to hurt
other cops either, lieutenant.

All right.

Think that goes for
that szymanski?

Go be with
your partner, donaldson.

Yes, sir.
Thank you.

This is as much me
as him...

Throwing my thumb
at his nose.

That’s what set it off.

That’s your take on it?

I wasn’t taking
a position, andy.
I was summarizing yours.

Next time i’ll say,
"I hear you."

So let me get
a story set with this baker.

How bad’s it gonna be
for me?

It’s not gonna be bad,

As long as
we’re on the same page.

All right.

I’m puttin’ you told me

At the scene

You had something for me
on the incident.

That I told you that
at the scene.

But you wanted to say
at the station house.

I appreciate
where I think
you’re going with this.

Under those

Thinking those guys
were bad guys,

You throwing the sh*t
is no jackpot.

Yeah. The potential jackpot’s
not coming forward right away.

But you did, neil. Ok?

At the scene.

You came forward to me

As one of
the investigating

I got a contribution
to make.

I’m sure you do.

When I realized
what I did...

For various personal
family reasons...

I got very afraid
I would lose my job.

Neil, you chose
to tell me.

I look to hurt you
over an hour
and a half delay,

Took no skin off
anyone else’s nose,
then i’m a bum.

Go on out and
take care of business.


Very much.

Just checking
if they started

On the gallows.

You won’t get hung
off our report.

What happened
to your lip?

A rookie cop sh*t you
from the same direction

As the plainclothes
who were coming at you.

The plainclothes
having their weapons

I mistook the sh*ts
coming from them.

We also found out
the plainclothes

Weren’t wearing
the color of the day.

There you go.

That’s why I did
what I did.

You didn’t mention that.

No, I didn’t.

Was that ’cause
you didn’t notice?

I didn’t notice that they
weren’t wearing something?

I also didn’t notice
that they weren’t
wearing pink tutus.

Szymanski, even not
wearing the color,

If those plainclothes
were white,

You would’ve
thought twice.

I would’ve given them
a better chance
at being on the job.

Of course, then
they wouldn’t have been
as good at fitting in.

The weight’s still
on them, lieutenant.

They should’ve been
wearing the color.

I don’t disagree.

As far as you
putting 5 in hudson...

Lieutenant, 5 years ago
I was with my wife‐to‐be
out in park slope,

And I got jumped
and beaten
by 3 black kids.

Once these 3 black kids
realized I was a cop,

They took my g*n
and tried to cut off
my trigger finger

With a penknife.

And what I was
standing here thinking‐‐

2 Years ago when
I stopped you for
that busted taillight

And broke your balls,

Was I looking
to get back
at those 3 kids?

And if I was,

Maybe that’s how
this black plainclothes
wound up sh*t,

’Cause pissing you off
got me transferred
to this precinct

And dropping
my dry cleaner
over on houston

And putting me out
on the street today

To sh**t that
black plainclothes cop.

Or maybe that’s what
made me put 5 into him

When maybe one
would’ve been enough.

And if that’s true,
what does it mean?

I don’t know, szymanski.

And I don’t think martens
from i. A. B.’S gonna know

And if it’s all right
with you,

I’m not gonna give him
a chance to decide.

Thank you.

How’s it going,

Do‐‐do we know
each other?

Gerald griswold,

Well, what’s it about?

We appreciate
you coming in.

I’m jill kirkendall.
This is diane russell.

What’s it about?

You detained dolores mayo
for shoplifting

At rutherford’s
earlier today.

She stole a $49
bottle of perfume.

You know, rutherford’s
is in the 27th precinct,

Just in case
you’re unaware.

We know where
rutherford’s is.

Dolores mayo works here
in the 15th precinct,

You’re not telling me
she’s a cop?

No. She works
in our squad
as a civilian aide.

Dolores is a decent person
who’s having emotional
problems right now.

We’re wondering
if some accommodation
can’t be made

Short of pressing these
shoplifting charges.

I don’t think so.

She was hostile
and belligerent.

Has she been in trouble
before in your store?

I’m telling you,
she was very hostile
and belligerent with me.

And how were you
with her?

What do you mean,
how was i?

How did you act,

Oh, come on.
I could see this coming.

All right, listen.
She was willing
to trade sex

If I let the charges go.

She made that offer
in so many words?

It was body language.

Oh. She offered you sex
with body language.


Any chance you weren’t
translating right, gerald?

You can bully me
all you want.

I know what
she was offering.

And that’s gonna show
on the videotape
from your security office?

No. The machine was off.


How’d that happen?

We told you
this girl is having
emotional problems.

She may or may not
have shoplifted

That doesn’t
give you the right
to prey on her.

Look, did she tell you
she did not come in there

Dolores didn’t turn off
that video camera, gerald.
That was you.

So you want to try
explaining that
to your boss?

The shoplifting
can go away.

But don’t tell me
that girl did not
come on to me.

Well, what if we talk
downstairs, dolores?


That’s great.

How soon can you get in?



When can she get here?

She was calling
from the pay phone
around the corner.

Wouldn’t talk to us
if we made her come up
to the squad?

Greg and james
and the baruch
housing cops

Grabbed up 2 kids
they like for starting
all this nonsense.


So, um, where are you
on that jackpot with dolores?

She’s coming in now.

She’s coming into work?

No. She’s coming in
to talk with us.

Then she needs
to talk to me,
’cause this ain’t working.

You think that part could
wait a day or so, boss?

[Telephone rings]

Yeah, it can wait.

15Th squad.


She’s downstairs.

Why don’t you sit
in the chair, dolores?

Yeah, ok.

Thanks for not
making me come upstairs.


You need to talk
with lieutenant fancy

About missing work.

Well, right about now
I don’t think that’s
my number‐one problem.

The head of security
at rutherford’s

Is dropping charges.

Is that right?


Dolores, us reaching out
for you like this

Doesn’t have to be
a good thing.

It won’t be a good thing

If it keeps you
from facing up
to you having a problem.

I’m not a career
klepto, ok?

A lot of the klepto
collars I made, dolores,

People were trying
to get attention

And get themselves
jammed up
at the same time.

I just said
this is the first time

I ever stole anything
from a store.

It’s not the first time
you got yourself jammed up

Looking for some attention.

You did that
in that strip club
just last week.

You’re kinda tall
to be talking
like dr. Ruth.

Dolores, you are
getting yourself in trouble,

And if you
don’t get some help,

It’s gonna get worse.

Listen, do I
have a job or not?

Because that is
what I need to find out
from this place.



I mean it.

We don’t know
about that.

You’ll have to talk
to the lieutenant
about that.


Ok, thanks.

I’ll call him tomorrow.


Can I go now?

You were never
in custody, dolores.

We were talking to you
as friends.

I know.

Come on in.

Our guys collared
the street thieves

The 2 plainclothes
were chasing
when the trouble started.

What about
my part of it?

We didn’t find any cops
behaving culpably.

Including szymanski?

Especially szymanski.

Szymanski took a round
from a rookie cop named baker

Who saw the plainclothes
running at him
with their g*ns out

And mistook ’em for perps.

Why didn’t baker
report that at the scene?

Detective sorenson
said baker did tell him,
at the scene,

That he had something
for him,

But he wanted to give him
the details
at the station house.

How is it
everyone in manhattan

Took those plainclothes
for bad guys?

We’ll, they’re supposed
to look like bad guys.

They’re also
supposed to wear
the color of the day.

Both of us know
wearing the color
at all times,

Trouble or not,
makes the plainclothes
as cops.

Detective sipowicz’s
interview with donaldson

the trouble jumped off
in such a way

That the plainclothes
had to prioritize.

It was chase the perps
or stop and put the color on.

The plainclothes chose
to risk their own safety

By chasing the perps
in order to protect
the citizens on the street.

I assume hudson
wasn’t wearing
his bulletproof vest

For similar
heroic reasons?

Hudson, by not
wearing his vest,

Didn’t damage anyone
except for hudson.

Leaving the 5
that szymanski
put in him.

had just been wounded.

Discharging 5 rounds
under those circumstances

In the heat of the moment

Doesn’t strike me
as surprising.

What happened to
the side of your face?

I bumped into a door.


Good night.

Yeah, good night, boss.

I put that this baker
approached me
at the crime scene.

Yeah, that’s right.

Makes sure
russell puts that.

You know, it looks like
this plainclothesman
donaldson is stand‐up,

Not seeing nothin’
between you and the boss.


I was not gonna hurt
donaldson in my 5,

Or his partner neither.

No, I was just saying‐‐

Never feel you need to help
me do right by a cop, danny‐‐

White, black, or chinese.

So that wasn’t another cop
you were hookin’
and grapplin’ with

In the locker room.

We weren’t in there
as cops.

No, as idiots.

You think
it’s that simple?

Hey, all’s i’m saying...

I’ll get the hell out.

Transfer till you
find a squad got no
racial tensions, danny,

You better keep
your personnel folder

How about settling for one
where my co‐workers

Aren’t whistling punches
past my ears?

You’re right about that.

That’s the idiot part.

I don’t dispute you
on that.

That’s all.

I just don’t like
getting stirred up.

Well, please accept
my apologies.

Car trouble?

When I said good night,

I meant to include you
in that.

Boy, there’s several hours
of tossing and turning

I don’t have to
worry about.

I meant to include you,

And at the last minute...

I didn’t.

So what are we gonna do,

Every shift
draw up a list

Of possible
to clarify?

No, but I can see,
end of the shift,

Making sure we say
good night or so forth.

I got no objection
to that,

So things
don’t carry over.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

What, are we gonna
say it, like,
8,000 times?

All right,
let’s cut it out.



[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Baby’s sleeping.

How’s it going?

Andy, what happened?

I walked into a door.

How’d it go at rikers?

They getting an idea
who shanked suarez?

They got no leads?

Suarez was the punk
of a prisoner
who lost a fight.

The prisoner who won
took suarez as a trophy.

And the one who lost
m*rder*d suarez

To show the other guy
the fight wasn’t over.

He copped to this,
or that’s the story
that’s circulating?

That’s the story
the snitches are telling.

There were no witnesses.

No one else
was in the laundry room.

I keep thinking
about suarez confessing
to a homicide

That he didn’t commit

So that other people
would think

That he’d defended
his brother’s memory...

Winding up
in that hellhole
as a sexual pawn.

And I keep imagining...

What he must have
thought the world was...

As the shank went in

And he bled to death on
that laundry room floor.

A guy on the outside
wants something done in prison,

He uses what’s going on

Say a bad guy
on the outside
wants suarez dead.

That type’s always got
friends locked up.

Friends inside tell him

Some prisoner’s
carrying a torch

Over losing suarez
for his bed pal,

Or he wants to get even
with another prisoner

Gave him an ass‐kicking.

Maybe the bad guy
on the outside

Gets what he wants done

Financing the other prisoner
getting his vengeance.

I’m not saying
that is what happened,

But it’s possible.

You feel like
you owe him justice.

Let me help you
try to get it for him.
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