05x08 - Lost Israel: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x08 - Lost Israel: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I help you?

I'm steven egan.
This is my wife sherrie.

How do you do?

We think we need to talk
to a detective.

Can I help you?

Yes. I'm steven egan.
This is my wife sherrie.

I heard what you said.
You need a detective.

Our child is missing.

We woke up this morning,
and he was gone.

He must have gone out
at some point
during the night.

Why don't we
talk about all this
in our coffee room.

This is my partner
detective sipowicz.

How do you do?

How do you do?


Some kind
of refreshment?

No, thank you.

mr. Egan?


Here's a picture
of my son.

I'm afraid
this may be my fault.

How's that?

Not that we had a fight
or anything of the sort.

Brian and I are
really close.

Well, why would you
be saying

That you think it
might be your fault?

I think this is part of me
taking him to the park,

That he made
a friend there,

And now he's got some naive
peter pan‐ish idea

About taking care
of this guy.

And that's where
he may have gone.

How old is brian?

He's just 8.

What park are we
talking about?

Tompkins square park.

I wanted brian
to be able
to trust people.

I think I've got
this faddish

"Understand everyone
and teach your kid
to understand everyone

And see the other guy's
point of view..."

What does this all
have to do with
tompkins square park?

He befriended this
strange homeless guy,

And instead of saying, "brian,
he's a perfectly nice guy,

"And I'm sure there's a reason
why he is the way he is,

But at the same time,
I'm not comfortable
with your being with him,"

I say, "great," you know?

"It's great you've got
a new friend."

I'll never forgive myself
if something's happened.

We don't know
anything's happened.

All this concern,

I expect that you've
looked for him
in the park.

Believe me, we have
scoured the park.

Can you give us
a description
of this guy?

I haven't seen him.

You haven't
seen him at all?

I'm telling you,
this is my fault.

Why don't you stop
saying it's your fault

And answer the questions
my partner's asking you.

Sir, can you describe
this guy for us?

I can give you a photograph
of both of them.

I don't think he's
a drug user or a drinker.

If I'd sensed that,

Even I would have
drawn the line

At brian's having
anything to do with him.

You know his name?

I should have said that.
I'm sorry. Israel.

I just feel like
every second brian
is not being looked for

Is wasted time.

Has brian ever
run away before?

Mr. Egan: never.

And neither of you
feel like he's been
unhappy recently.

Maybe he's
just acting out
to get you worried.


I don't feel
he's been unhappy.

I haven't seen that.


Ordinarily there's
a 24‐hour wait,

But, under
the circumstances,

We're gonna go ahead and
contact missing persons.

And you'll start looking
for this israel?


We'll do that.

Can you please
give me a minute?

Sure. All the time
you need.

The guy
talks too much,

And he don't
talk about
the right things.

Their kid's
still missing, andy.

D.o.a. By the williamsburg

How old?

20‐Year‐old female.

I think me and andy
got one here, boss.

Mr. Egan: thank you.

Homicide by
williamsburg bridge.

You don't give that prick
a chance being involved?

I give him a chance.

Man: officer.

They found hester m*rder*d.

What's your name?

Herschel rosenblatt.

It's looks like she's
been r*ped, also.

My poor sister.

All right. Give us
a minute, herschel.

Construction worker
found her this morning.

Who told the hasids?

The brother hadn't
heard from her
for 3 days.

I guess they were out
looking for her

And heard
we found her body
over the police monitor.

Big girl.

Yeah. He said she was
real self‐conscious
about that.

She walked this bridge
every day for exercise.

Defensive cuts
on the arms.

She didn't go down easy.

Looks like
a half‐assed try

At setting
the body on fire.

Uniform: you saw the bottle.

Yeah. You don't know
if that's real,

Or them trying to sell
the sex aspect.

this is my father.

All the pictures.
All the touching.

We're sorry
for your loss.

We can't just
claim her body?

Our religion orders
prompt burial.

No, we can't
permit that just yet.

The medical examiner has
to look over the body.

It's a required procedure.

I've done reading
on your branch
of judaism

Connected with
another case.

I'll absolutely
request an autopsy

With minimal intrusion
on hester

Consistent with what
the coroner needs to do.

Let's get you in a car
and get you a ride home.

Thank you.

Come with me, sir.

Don't touch them,

I wasn't
going to, greg.

I know they don't
like strange women
touching them.

I, uh, read up on them

When andy and I were
working this torah case.

Uh, the hasidim have
some very interesting
wrinkles to their sect.

You don't want me
dipping too deep

Into my strange
information fund, huh?

It just doesn't look
like this homicide

Had a big religious

No, no. This don't look


Hey. Sometimes
I bore myself.

It's the homeless guy

The missing kid's father
was talking to us about.

Hasn't said a word to us
since we picked him up.

What do you think
that's about?

Don't seem like an act,

But you'd think the father
would have said something.

I don't know.

You sure you don't
want nothing to drink?

But you understand
what I'm asking you?

Show me what I asked you.

Can you write, israel?

Write your name
down here.


Did you print that,
or did someone else?

He's asking you,
can you print?

If you can print,
print something.

All right. Take it easy.
No one's gonna hit you.

We just wanna know
if you can write,

If you can answer
our questions.

You want your book?

I think he had a bible.



What's this? What's
this supposed to mean?

"It stood upon 12 oxen,

"3 Looking
toward the north

"And 3 looking
toward the west

"And 3 looking
toward the south

"And 3 looking
toward the east.

"And the sea was
set above upon them,

And all their hinder parts
were inward."

That's what you
wanted us to look at?

That don't mean nothing.

This is about oxen.
That's what you
wanted us to read?


A kid is missing
named brian.

Do you know who
we're talking about?

Do you know
where brian is?

But you know who
we're talking about.

Yeah, that's right.

Brian's a little boy.
Do you know where
he is, israel?

When'd you see him last?
Did you see him today?


What, 3 days ago?
You saw him 3 days ago.

Who was he with?

Was he with his mother
or his father?

One for the mother.
2 For the father.

How about yesterday‐‐
his mother or his father?

You didn't see him

Israel, is brian alive?

I don't think
he's acting.

Oh, he's half wacky,
but you get kind of
a harmless hit.

Which I don't think
he's acting.

Bobby: what was that
with the bible?

Nothing. I think it's like
a security blanket.

This guy, he pointed
to some message
in his bible about oxen,

But neither of us felt
like it meant anything.

Do you think
he's involved
with the kid?

He knows the kid.
He said so.

So he's not a mute.

I mean he indicated
he knows him.

Yeah. He hasn't
spoke yet.

And we don't think
that's an act?

He may be able
to speak,

But I don't think that
he's hiding anything
by not speaking.

Yeah. He's trying
to answer our questions.



He didn't grab
this kid?

I don't think he did.

Body of
an 8‐year‐old boy.

Oh, god. Oh, god!

I don't wanna
work this.

I seen too much
of this now.

Everybody else is working
the other homicide?

What's that
supposed to mean?

I can take somebody
off the other.

I just had
a momentary feeling.

What is this,
a kangaroo court?

Where we going?

Vacant lot.

Around the corner
from tompkins square.

Thank you.

That missing boy

Detectives simone
and sipowicz
were looking for,

He turned up

James: oh, god.

Want to run ours
for the boss?


The missing boy was
the d. O. A., Huh, boss?

Yeah. Some uniform
picked up a girl

Trying to buy gas
with a credit card

Issued to
hester rosenblatt.

That's our d. O. A.

Jill's got the girl
they collared in 3.

Excuse me.


[Speaking spanish]

That's not gonna do
any good with us,

Hump a doorknob,
how about, lady?

You ever notice
people that use
language like that

Live lousy lives
in general, edis? Huh?

Why don't you
cut me a damn break?

$10 Worth of gas‐‐
who cares?

We want to know where
you got hester rosenblatt's
credit card.

My mother had it
under her mattress
where she hides everything.

Like I wasn't gonna
look there right off.

What's your mother's name?

Lupe chavez.

The both her
and her boyfriend
are junkies,

Always stealing stuff.

You know where
your mom is right now?

I know her hangouts.

If you help us
put a net on her,

We'll forget about
the 10 bucks.

What do you say?

I got no loyalty
to her.

She left me
in the street
a long time ago.

Ok. So let's go, then.

We want to tell you
something, israel.

Before we tell you,
we need you
to understand something.

Both of us understand

Someone's emotions
carrying them away.

We see that all the time.

And it's not something
anyone's angry about
or where we disapprove.

You see, part of our job

Is where
if someone needs help,

If their emotions
have carried them away,
part of our job

Is starting that process.

Now, just as an example
that being carried away

Isn't something
that we haven't seen before,

Detective sipowicz
wants to show you
some magazines.

These are magazines
that in the course
of our job

We come in contact with.

What's in there
we're not unfamiliar with

And we understand about.

And if someone were to go
further than that...

Where their emotions
would carry them away...

We understand that, too.


Look at these, huh?
You like young boys?

Huh? Hmm? Hmm?


Brian's dead, israel.

We just found him dead.


Did you do it?

and wailing]

Did you do it
with your emotions
out of control?


Mr. And mrs. Egan,
thanks for coming
back in again.

Is there any news?

Simone: there is
some news, yes.

Why don't we go talk
in this interview room.

If you could just
follow detective sipowicz.

Please, if you know
something, we want to know.

We did recover the body
of a young boy
this morning

In a...lot

Near tompkins
square park.

Oh, no...

Is it brian?

Are you, uh,
able to look
at a photograph?


Yes, ok.

You want to prepare

I understand.


That's him.

That's brian.
Oh, god.

Oh, no!

Oh, no...


Who did this?

Was it that homeless lunatic?

We have israel
in custody now.

Did he confess?

You want to take a minute
with your wife, mr. Egan?

I want to know
if you've arrested
the bastard who did this?

He, uh, hasn't been
arrested yet,

But like I say,
he is in custody,

And we are
questioning him.

Did he do it?

Does he admit
that he did it?

Where did you find brian?

In what kind of proximity
to tompkins square park?

He was, uh, found
in a vacant lot

Around the corner
from the park.

Probably not in the park,

Because they clear that park
of vagrants every night.

And was brian
sexually violated?

Yes, he was.

[Sherrie crying
and moaning]

Did israel
ever talk with you?

I don't think he talks.

But that's part of what
drew brian to him,

This big shambling creature
who didn't speak.

Did that draw you
to him?

What do you mean?

Well, this big,
gentle guy,

Did that reassure you
that it was all right

For brian
to play with him?


I must have
given him the message
it was safe to be there.


And for that,
I will never forgive myself.

Excuse us.

Did, uh, do you guys
need anything?

Can you get us
our son back?

This twisted bastard's
gonna lead us by our noses

How to make this case.

Shut up, andy.

You don't think
this guy's involved
in this?

I think he's involved,
and I think he smells
that he's a suspect.

How about setting
this kid up
to meet this guy, huh?

How about setting up
that‐‐that mute bastard
for the frame?

Andy, he has
thought this through.
He is very smart.

As smart as he is,
he's not going
to let us

Go to bat with him
a million times.

All right, look.

We go outside
for a minute
and clear our heads.

We come back
with some soft drinks

So these people
won't think we've been
talking with them outside‐‐

I'm sorry.
We need to go.

Uh‐‐uh, don't go yet.

C‐can we just
talk with you

Just a couple
of minutes more?

My wife is devastated.
We need to go.


W‐we're very sorry
for your loss.

Can we talk again
maybe later
this afternoon?

I'll see
what the situation is.

I think you have someone
you should be talking to.

Well, we're going
to do that.

We're definitely going
to be looking at him.

Mrs. Egan,
I'm‐‐i'm so sorry.

You don't know
what it's like
to lose a child.

No, ma'am, I don't.

I'm very sorry.

[Breathing hard]

I let him see
that I liked him.

I screwed this up.

I knew I shouldn't
have worked this.

I knew I shouldn't have
worked this.

This about
my daughter edis?

She do something stupid?

Got caught using
some credit cards

She said she found
under your bed.

The woman whose name
was on the credit cards

Was found dead
this morning, lupe.

Now, right now
it looks like
you k*lled her.

Hey, why couldn't
it have been edis k*lled her?

She's who had
the credit cards.

Edis didn't k*ll
that woman, lupe,

And probably
you didn't either.

Get smart.

This a big‐time case
for you, right?

'Cause I saw it
on the tv.

Right. That's mainly
'cause the body
was found on a bridge.

Good visuals.

So I could get a walk

If I brought cooperation?

Well, we could talk
about some type
of arrangement.

You know, maybe
I got to stop protecting him.

Your boyfriend?


He's a junkie.

He usually just does
robberies, but he went
further this time.

He k*lled the girl.

Victor done robberies before
at the bridge

With no problem.

With the jewish girl,
it goes wrong.

She's heavy, you know,
and pretty strong,
fights back.

It ends up with victor
having to k*ll her
against his will.

Victor told you this?

He was scared.
He needed help.

He was worried
you'd connect the m*rder

To the robberies
he'd done there.

I want a new life,
but then victor
goes and does this,

Makes a m*rder*r
out of himself.

I gotta draw a line,
you know?

Where is victor now,

He's getting us
plane tickets
to puerto rico

Where my grandma is.

We're supposed to leave

Where's he getting
the tickets?

I know the place.

You're going with us,

Point him out to us.

Yeah. I can accept that.

Let me start
going through 61s,
robberies on the bridge

We can maybe
put on victor.

Let's go.

Come on.

Yeah, I got it all.

Thanks a lot.


How's it going?

Wading our way
through the scummers

On this hasidic
girl's m*rder.

How about you?

Crime scene says

Our kid definitely
was k*lled somewheres else
and moved,

And that he showed signs
of a**l scarring.

Are the parents
coming back?

Lawyered up.


Anyways, what?

Anyways, diane was asking
how the case was going.

That little boy was moved,

And they think
he had been violated
over a long period of time.

No semen.

When the parents
get here,

You make a show
out of dropping me
from the investigation.

telling the father
whatever I was thinking,

Him maybe being
involved, bobby didn't
feel that way,

And his point of view
wins out.

Don't oversell it
with him.

You know how
to do it.

I tipped the guy
I liked him.

You don't know
if you did that or not.

We know.

Anyway...maybe diane
splits the mother off.


Folks, thanks
for coming back in.

Daniel davis.
I'm representing
the egans.

How do you do, sir?
This is my boss
lieutenant fancy.

How do you do?

I'm sorry for your loss.

We're grateful
you're continuing
to help us.

The egans
have some ideas

About following up
on this homeless man

That they feel
is involved.

We'll bring you
up to speed on that,
and, uh,

This is detective russell.
She'll be talking
with you now

Along with, um,
detective simone.

Mr. And mrs. Egan.

Diane russell.
How do you do?

Why don't we go
in the coffee room.

How you holding up?

Fine. Thank you for asking.

Russell: may I know
your first name?


I'm so sorry
about brian.

Anywhere you like, folks.

Don't you want
to talk to us

In that room
with the cell?

Well, mr. Egan,
you know, every detective

Has his own way
of conducting
an investigation.

Uh, I really didn't think
it was 100% appropriate

To talk with
you and your wife
in there to begin with.

So I gather detective sipowicz
is no longer in charge.

I'm sure that you're aware
it's been, uh,
very difficult

To try and communicate
with this israel.

But we have
established a rapport.

Have you confronted him?

No, we haven't
confronted him as of yet.

We're hoping to save that
for something, uh,
more productive.

But we're beginning
to get back
some of the results

From the lab tests.

What do those show?

No surprises there, sir.

and sexual as*ault.

we're hoping to get

Some more specific details
from you

So that we can
go at this israel with.

Has he indicated to you
where he sleeps?

Because, you know,
they throw them out
of the park at night.

Yeah, well,
we picked him up
in the park,

And he had
his possessions with him.

It seems to me
brian and I
once walked with him

Past a residence
a block or so from...

Where you found brian‐‐

An unoccupied building‐‐

And he seemed to indicate
he sometimes slept there.

Do you remember me
mentioning that to you,

You know,
that could be very helpful.

Even if we don't
find anything there,

One might tell the suspect
that you did find something

And making him think
that you have evidence

That might encourage him
to...tell you what happened.

Before you try deception,
why don't you check

And see if you do find
something there?


Why don't you show us
where you're talking about

And that's absolutely
what we'll do first.

Maybe you and i, sherrie,
could use that time to, um,

Talk about other
acquaintances brian had‐‐
just covering all the bases.

Do you mind
doing that, honey?


Daniel can stay with you.


You see where I mean,

The place
on the corner.

the travel agent's place.

You think we're deaf,

How many times
you gonna tell us?

I swear he's comin'.
I ain't tryin'
to screw with you.

Well, if he
don't come soon,

Your deal's gonna
take a little trip.

There he goes.

There he goes.

There he goes.

What's the matter?

I'm making him show up.


that's victor?

You saw him before
you closed your eyes, right?

Hell if I did!

What's she doin'
with him?

Medavoy: who?

Who's the girl
with victor?

Lupe: that's inez.

Martinez: now, don't get
out, lupe. Stay here.

He's supposed to
keep away from her!

Lupe, you stay in this car
until we have victor.

Let's go!
Hey! What'd I do?

Just relax. We'll talk about it
at the station house.

Victor, why is this

Oh, my god, lupe.

I'm gonna kick
your ass, inez!

And victor's, too!

Oh, come on!

No, we ran
into each other
on coincidence.

Oh, and that was
a coincidental kiss
you gave her, too, right?

in the car, lupe!

Lupe: you got a lot of
explaining to do, victor!

I think it's this one.

All right,
let's take a look.

looks like somebody
was living here.

Do you see anything

You said there was
another place, too?

What's that?

Are those bloodstains?


It looks like they are.

To some extent,
maybe we're wasting
a little time

Asking mrs. Egan
about other suspects
like this.

Asking mrs. Egan
about other possibilities,

Even if only
to rule them out,

Makes the possibilities
we don't rule out stronger,

But I know what
you're trying to say.

I lost a family member
to an act of v*olence, too.


My dad.

It was just devastating.

I'm sorry.

Well, i‐i've had time.

If brian has to be gone,

I wish you'd had at last
the little bit of healing
time gives.

Nothing's going
to heal this.
It's too terrible.

We're not made
to bury our children.


Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

I can't live
through this.

It's all right,

It's all right.

[Quiet sobbing]

It's all right.

This sick bastard, sher.

He had a piece
of bri's clothing.

I don't care,
I don't care.

I just want
brian back.

I care.

Excuse me
just a second.

This guy's a monster.

What's goin' on?

This guy is
a monster, boss.

He leads me
to the kid's shirt.

I hold off showing
that I see it
for a second

So I can check out
his play,

He can't hold back.

He can't wait for me
to bring crime scene

So that they
can find it.

No, he's gotta
bring my hand to it,
to his own kid's blood!

No way it's not a plant?

None. No way.

There's no way that
you can mistake
the buildings.

He fakes going into
the wrong building.

He knew what he was
going for when we're
walking out the car.

I want this guy,

How are we gonna
get him?

I got her to open up
a little.

How are we gonna
get him?

Bring that israel down.

Make that prick think
he's off the hot seat.

Do you usually change
your mind so often

About how to conduct
an investigation?


What you weren't alone
in feeling may have
been inappropriate

In detective sipowicz's
dealing with a grieving
family member

Can be an asset
in talking with a suspect.

Let me have that.

What is this, israel, huh?

This is brian's shirt
with blood on it.

Don't you be makin'
no goo‐goo eyes like you
don't know what's going on!

That's brian's blood
on that shirt,

And we found it
where you sleep.

Now, either you
start letting us
know the truth here,

Or you're gonna have
a big problem with me,
you understand?

Do you understand,


I don't know that we

Necessarily need
to be here, steve.

It's all right.

I need to get
a soda.

Does anybody else
want one?

He's dead!
Brian's dead, israel!


All right,

Look, we gotta
straighten this out.

We gotta straighten
this out.

[Quiet sobbing]

Nobody's saying that
you wanted this to happen.

So this would be
what they call
hard cop/soft cop?

Yes, you...

Could describe it
that way.

I kind of think
that you really
liked brian.

You did.

But brian's dead,

He's dead.

Somebody k*lled him,
might not have
wanted to,

But he lost
his self‐control.

He lost
his self‐control,

And just for
one minute maybe,

He couldn't control
his emotions.

Now is there any way
you can help brian's
mom and dad

Get some peace of mind
over this?

Stop wastin' time!
You treat him decent,

He don't give you
no cooperation.

The decent part's over.

Believe me...

I've dealt with guys
bigger than you,

And it's always me
that leaves walkin'.


Me and detective simone

Are gonna give you
a few minutes
to think about this,

And then we're
gonna come back,
and when we do,

We're gonna ask you
some questions

That you can nod your head
to "yes" or "no."

And I better be satisfied
that I'm gettin'
the right kind of nods,

Or afterwards you're gonna
be lucky you can move
your head at all.

I see what you were
talking about...

Him being an asset.

Yes, um...

Detective sipowicz
is a piece of work.

Lupe say anything
about her part in it?

Pretty much
pinned it all
on you, victor.

That bitch.

She took part, man.

She covered up
the‐‐the fat girl's m*rder.


The fat girl
had a name...

And a family

And a whole community
that's grieving
for her right now.

You, uh, you take that
into account. Maybe you
do yourself some good.

Lupe's losing her looks.

That's why she's
hating inez so much.

These crimes were committed
because of junk‐‐

Junk that lupe's on
same as me, man!

If I was clean,
I would've never done it!

tell us all
about it.

I'm telling lupe's part, too.


Don't leave
that out.

The way to collar egan
is through his wife.

It may not be conscious,
but she knows what he did.

We gotta buy time
to let that work on her.

as a prosecutor,

I would salivate over
going to bat against
the homeless mute.

Have you listened
to a damn word
anybody's said?

I listened to what
everyone said,

And I credit your
suspicions against
this guy egan.

I'm saying,
in terms of evidence,

You could present
against the mute today,

And a grand jury
would indict.

He's a clever man.
That's how this guy
set it up.

Wonders why people
call him assh*le.

Quiet, andy.

You want my moral reaction
to this guy, detective,

We can have a separate

Yeah, I'll see can I
change my dinner plans.

Is there an argument
the best way to reassure
the husband

Is to go ahead and
arrest the homeless guy?

Yeah. You'll shut
the case down.

What's that gonna
do to israel?

Sounds like he's
slept in worse places

Than jail.

Accuse him
of this kid's m*rder,

You're gonna break
his heart.

If we have to
put him through
some temporary changes

To get the father
locked up, andy,

That's how it has to be.

This egan is rich,
and he's got a good lawyer.

You really think arresting
this israel's gonna get
this guy charged?

Hold israel.

Cool the husband out,
saying that we like
this israel,

But we can't charge him just
yet because then we would
have to get him counsel.

That'll get you some time
with the wife explaining it.

I'd like to do that with
the husband and the lawyer
in left field.

Who tells this israel
he can't leave?

There's word,

We arrested the man

Who k*lled your daughter,
mr. Rosenblatt,

And, uh, we got
a confession from him.

I see.

You can rest easy he won't
be on the street anymore.

Under the circumstances,

We were able to get
the medical examiner

To release
your daughter's remains

Without an invasive

You can get hester
in the morning.

I am so grateful to you.

My, uh, outsider's
understanding of
hasidic law, uh...

Everything possible
of hester's remains
is to be collected?

If her blood
was spilt, yes.

This is, uh...

Soil and such
from the area
where hester d*ed.

I thank you for this.

You're welcome.

We're sorry
for your loss.

No one else in the squad
would've known to do that,


What I said‐‐
how I was gonna hurt you‐‐

Don't be afraid about that.
You hear me, israel?

[Clearing throat]

You gotta stay.

We'll, uh, we'll bring you
food to eat,

There's a lavatory
down the hall,

And you'll sleep
on the cot here.

You like the radio?

I'll try and get a radio
brought up here for you.

Do you understand me?

We need to keep you here,

But I don't believe
that you did any harm
to that boy.


Any feelings
on brian's dad?

What do we got, more oxen
against the walls?

"The proud have forged a lie
against me,

But I will keep thy precepts
with my whole heart."

Give me another message.

[Clearing throat]

"And she called unto
her husband and said,

"Send me, I pray thee,

One of the young men
and one of the asses."

"And he said,

"Wherefore wilt thou
go to him today?

It is neither new moon
nor sabbath."

"Then she saddled an ass
and said to her servant,

"Drive and go forward,

Slack not thy riding
for me."

For a minute there,
I thought we were
on to something

With the proud lies
and precepts.

All right. Somebody'll
be up here with your food.

Try and get some rest.

How'd he take
to being held?

Showed me some
relevant scripture,

Go forth on an ass.

I see the mother
10:00 tomorrow.

Does she try letting
her know we don't
like this israel?

Backing it how, andy?

Right now the evidence
points him out.

Look, on the other side,
all we got now

Is the kid being
chronically r*ped
on an autopsy,

Which the husband
is gonna have

5 Different doctors
that's gonna argue
the other way.

So let's just stand me
up against a wall

And put a b*llet
in my head for
suggesting an approach.

No, let's just say that I
disagree with your suggestion

And not try to turn this
into a conversation about you.

God forbid you ever
made a mistake.

You know, andy, sometimes,
you are high‐maintenance
like a broad.

Whoa, oh, this is really
helping me think straight.

[Sighs in angry frustration]

You feel bad,
I feel bad for you.

I gotta find a bible.

She knows he did it,
and he knows she does.

Don't wait on him
telling you.

It's waiting for her
behind a door.

He's trying to get her
to stay away from the door

So the thing behind it dies.

And the thing
frightens her so much,

She's letting him do it.

How do you get her brave?

She's gotta feel the thing
waiting for her,

Needing her to live.

Brian's dead,
but this is still alive.


I've gotta make it...

Her child.

Horrible as it is...

Covered with
brian's blood...

She's gotta open
the door to save it.
I've gotta help her...

Open the door.
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