04x06 - Yes Sir, That's My Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x06 - Yes Sir, That's My Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

‐ [ Simone ]
You got a glove I can borrow?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Thanks. How'd the job come in?
‐ Anonymous, to 911.

All this blood, don't look
like he was moved, huh?

Yeah, he got it right here.

Greg and James are gonna
wanna be looking for a bum...

with a good pair
of black shoes.

I'm guessing size 12.

Andy, this guy
was carrying a piece.

Hey, Bob. Guy had this
in his pack.

Couple of b*llet holes in it.
Gas credit card receipt.

License plate number plus
the signature, Mike Kinnan.

Did you take this jacket
off this guy?

My man don't need it anymore.
You strip the shoes
off him too?

‐ Nah, somebody
b*at me to those.
‐ Go stand and wait over there.

Black limousine, right there.
He was driving it.

Would you say
it was a short limo?
What they call a town car?

It was a stretch.
Three men got out.

There was an argument.
The driver and two men
from the back.

Couldn't tell you what they were
arguing about. Kept on my way.
Wasn't any of my concern.

When was it you saw this?
Last night.

Can't say what exact time.

Could you describe
the passengers,
the two men from the back?

They were white.
One was short.

Wore a cowboy hat.

Cowboy hat?
I think it was a cowboy hat.

‐ And the other one?
‐ He was taller. Six foot.

‐ Anything else about
the clothes they had on?
‐ Nope.

[ Liquid Trickling ]


Both white males,

You sure on that?

What's your name, ma'am?
I don't mind telling you
what I saw,

but I really don't want my name
broadcast over the radio.

I understand it.
Just in case we have
to find you again.

I'll keep it in confidence,
I promise.
Margaret Norman.

Thank you, ma'am.

Woman pissed on my shoes.

Lieutenant Fancy?
Corner office.


I'm Jill Kirkendall.
Arthur Fancy.

I've heard nothing
but good things.

I'm looking forward to doing
detective work again.

‐ So, D.O.I. wasn't it for you?
‐ I locked up my quota
of building inspectors.

Well, the squad's out
at a crime scene.
I'll show you to your desk.

You can introduce yourself
around when they get back.

Excuse me, Lieutenant.
This man wants to speak
to a detective.

Says somebody's threatening
to k*ll him.

I'll talk to him, Lieu.
Point my desk out.

Yeah, okay. There you go.

How are you doing, sir?
I'm Detective Kirkendall.

Uh, look here. Uh, somebody's
making threats on my life...

and I'm hoping you can do
something about that.
What's your name?

Aries Mitchell.
Aries, like
the zodiac sign?

‐ Yeah.
‐ I'm a Scorpio.

That's the first time
in 20 years I ever said
that to anybody.

Dude named Bernard Mays
is looking to k*ll me.

I went out with his sister
for a minute, and out of
the wild blue yonder...

she pop up with a baby
trying to put it on me.

Oh, hell no. I'm not falling
for the rope‐a‐dope.

Do me a favor, Aries.
Talk so I can understand you.

Brenda's saying
I'm her kid's daddy.

But her brother Bernard's like,
he's gonna throw me off a roof
if I don't marry the girl.

Has he done you any harm
physically in any way?

Not yet, but that's the type of
dude that would follow through
on some crazy‐o‐matic talk.

Truth is, Aries, about all
I can do is hold your hand
and fix you some hot cocoa.

Old dude say he's gonna
throw me off a roof.
Is that legal?

The best you can do is try
for an order of protection.

[ Sighs ]
That's a‐‐

That's a hell of a way to die
if you ain't even the one.

I mean, I might understand
if I was the one.

I'm just‐‐
I'm trying to stay
happy‐go‐funky, you dig?

I ain't got time for this.
I can't arrest him, Aries.

But if you think it will help,
I guess maybe I could
talk to this Bernard.

Oh, yes. That‐‐ That
might could do some good,

Give him second thoughts
about doing something stupid.

You got an address
for this Bernard?
He live uptown somewhere.

Got Brenda's place, though.
Right here.

On First Avenue.
All right, Aries.

I'll see what I can do.
All right, thank you.

I regret ever laying eyes
on that big bitch, man.

Hey, boss.
Hey. Uh, Jill Kirkendall.

‐ Yeah, huh?
‐ So, what'd you get?

D.O.A.'s a white male, late 40s.
Mike Kinnan. A witness
puts him driving a limo.

We got an alarm out on the car.
We're also gonna run
a p*stol check.

The guy had an ankle holster
and no w*apon.

Medavoy, uh, he found
this homeless woman.

Says the D. O. A. had a beef last
night with two of the passengers
he was driving.

‐ Savino.
‐ How's it going? You got
a few minutes for me?

Yeah, sure.
We'll notify the wife.

Try for a line from her
on the guys he was driving.

So, how are you
doing on the homicide
in Bobby's building?

Still a mystery, as much
as I get to work on it.

So, what? You wanna
talk in there?

‐ Back in a second.
‐ I could see why you wouldn't
want this conversation...

in front of your boss.

Hi, Bobby Simone.
How's it going?
Hi, Bobby. Jill Kirkendall.

Transferred in from
Department of Investigations.
We heard you were coming in.

If you get a chance,
good‐looking bald guy with
the mustache over there,

that's my partner,
Andy Sipowicz.



Bobby, I don't know what
your problem is on my case, but
I am done babysitting over it.

‐ What are you talking about?
‐ You gonna play
cherry with me now?

‐ You're tracking mud all over
my case and I want it to stop.
‐ How am I tracking mud on it?

Henry Coffield gave me
the names of those shys,
I turned 'em over to you.

Let's talk about
that nut‐job breeder
sold the victim her dog.

Tell me about
reaching out to him.

I'm wrong calling
the dog breeder.
Then what?

Then you put a hankie over
the phone, tell him you're me
and thanks for the help?

I'll tell you the truth.
I could halfway look at you
for the homicide.

You're acting wacky enough.
My alibi's pretty good.

What are you saying?
You like these shys
that Henry owed?

What, now we're on
the same team again?

Nick, come on.
I overstepped.
I'm sorry.

What do you want me to do,
jump out the window?

I don't like the shys.
They're a bunch
of coked‐up assholes.

Nobody in my office
sees 'em having stones
to whack this girl...

just showing Henry
they mean business.

You figure they'd give
him a good ass‐kicking

My head's up my ass
with this case.
I'm nowhere.

Could I go hard
at this Henry?
For what?

Maybe he's circling what
he really is trying to say.

Maybe he just needs
to get shook up.

[ Sighs ]

Yeah. All right.

You want me to do it
at your house?

Do it in my boss's office.
I'll watch your car.

Hey, Nick, I'm looking
not to bump into you no more.
Yeah, I know.

Talk to him here.
All right.

[ Doorbell Chimes ]

‐ Sheila Kinnan?
‐ What's happened?

I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

‐ What's happened to Mike?
‐ There's no easy way
to tell you.

Your husband was k*lled
last night, ma'am.

Would you like to sit down,
Mrs. Kinnan?

Can I get you some water?

How‐‐ How was he k*lled?
Was he k*lled in the car?

There was a homeless woman
said she saw your husband
get out of the limousine.

There were two men in the back
of the car. They got out
of the car and sh*t him.

The limousine was stolen.
We're looking
for it right now.

Fourteen years.

Fourteen years
he lived through
going into burning buildings.

When did Mike retire?

He was injured in 1991.
They forced him out.

He hated driving.
Sometimes the men
that he drove‐‐

I knew that things
upset him.

Certain things
that he saw and‐‐

Mrs. Kinnan, did you
deal with the rentals
for the limousine?

No, I‐I booked the rentals.

Yeah, last night was‐‐
He drove Mr. Curry.

He picked him up
at his work at 8:00.

I can give you the address.

Was this Mr. Curry
a regular customer?

He was a big tipper.

He tipped my Mike a hundred
dollar bill every time.

[ Sniffles ]
I think he was a h*m*.

I got that impression
from the things
that Mike didn't say.

‐ Here.
‐ Thank you.

You know, my husband really
loved being a fireman.

He loved it so much
he couldn't even talk about it
after he had to stop.

He couldn't even see his friends
because they were still
doing it, you know.

Now I'm not gonna
have anybody to talk to.

[ Sobbing ]

We're very sorry.

[ Baby Crying ]

[ Woman ]
Who is it?
Police. Brenda Mays?

You Bernard Mays?

Let's talk inside.
What about?

You know Aries Mitchell?
What about him?

What's your relationship
with him?

He goes with my sister.
I want to talk
to your sister too.

She's taking care
of her kid.
You got a warrant?

You're good on police procedure,
huh, Bernard? Three collars
in three years.

I thought this was
about Aries Mitchell.
I'm here to let you know...

that threatening people's
lives is a serious matter.

Sheet you got, you don't
wanna be doing that.
Who says I've been doing it?

You've been threatening
Aries Mitchell.

See, y'all don't
even know.

He got my baby
sister pregnant.

Then he tried
to play her off
like last week's garbage.

There's recourse other
than threats and v*olence.
Go to Social Welfare.

They can make him
do the right thing. That way
you stay out of trouble.

Went running to the police.
Do you want a problem
with me?

Because you're on the verge
of a real problem.
Are you hearing me, Bernard?

I hear you.

[ Baby Continues Crying ]
Is that baby all right?

It's crying.
I know.

I want to see is
that baby all right.

Back up.

Brenda? Brenda?


Come on out.

I'm Detective Kirkendall.
Is your baby okay?

Yeah, uh, he's just sleepy.

What's his name?

‐ He's just a week old.
She hasn't named him yet.
‐ No, huh?

She'd like to name him after
Aries, if that punk would do
what he's supposed to do.

Brenda, like I told Bernard,
there's a right way to get
the father to do his duty.

All right.
You gonna remember
those things we said?

‐ Yeah.
‐ All right.

Have a good day.

A Mr. Curry called
from his car.
He said he's parking.

I got the boss.


I've got something
for your desk.

I noticed you had a frog.

And here's another one.
It's rubber.

[ Squeaks ]

Like the human‐condom cutoffs
I've got on for underwear.

[ Fancy ]
I know. It's a Comstat
meeting, Lillian.

I gotta prepare my cases.
No, I can't leave early.

Look, if I don't
make it on time,
then forge my signature.

Yeah, all right.
[ Handset Settles In Cradle ]

Parents' Night
at Jennifer's school.

The teachers lay the work out,
and each parent's
supposed to sign.

‐ You got a Comstat meeting
in the morning, huh?
‐ I told Lillian to sign for me.

So, we got this guy coming up
who hired the D. O. A.'s
limo last night.

The D. O. A.'s wife says
this guy was a regular
customer and that he's gay.

Did she think he was
capable of v*olence?

Didn't get that hit.
Maybe he had
some nasty friends.

[ Simone ]
That must be him.

I gotta talk to the boss.
All right, I'll talk
to him in the pokey.

Yeah, I'll come in.

I'm being harassed
by this P. A. A. And I gotta
draw the line on it.

She give me that. It's rubber.
She's a rubber fanatic.

Tells me she's wearing
condom undergarments
and every other damn thing.

‐ You tell her you're married?
‐ Don't take a backward step.

Are we talking physical
advances, Andy?

She corners me all the time.

She makes physical adjustments
with my collar and so forth.

Yeah. All right,
I'll talk to her.

Yeah, I feel
you gotta step in.

‐ All right.
‐ [ Groans ]

Can you be less oblique
about what you need with me?

At the moment
I just need to know your
whereabouts last night.

Has some crime taken place?
Because I certainly
wasn't involved.

Are you interested
in cooperating here,
Mr. Curry?

Just answer the questions
that I'm putting to you,

Detective Sipowicz,
Lawrence Curry.

How do you do?
Good. Where were
you last night?

Mr. Curry, we know a limousine
picked you up at your office
last night at 8:00.

Where'd it take you?
I went to have a few drinks
at a bar before going home.

I'm not supposed
to be drinking.
My wife doesn't know.

‐ What bar?
‐ I don't remember
the name of it.

‐How long did you have the limo?
‐The driver dropped me
at my home around midnight.

Now, I want to know
what this is about.
You by yourself in the limo?

‐ Is Mike Kinnan all right?
‐ No, Mike Kinnan is not all
right. Mike Kinnan is dead.

‐ Oh, no. Oh, my God.
‐ What do you know about that?

‐ I don't know
anything about it.
‐ You're a liar.

Mr. Curry, you were
at a gay bar last night.
Isn't that right?

Did you pick anyone up?

You understand
that I'm married?

Cooperate and we will try to
minimize the embarrassment.

Mike took me to a place
in the Village, the Frolics.

There's a young man,
frequents that place, Luke.

Walks around in cowboy boots
and this ridiculous hat.

I picked him up
around 10:00.

We went with a friend
of his I hadn't met...

to a hotel on West 46th.

‐ Who was the friend?
‐ Billy.

I don't know if either
of them used real names.

The three of you
left the hotel
together afterwards?

You, Luke and Billy?

Mike took me home,
I tipped him...

and told him he should drive
the boys the rest of the night.

‐ Describe Luke and Billy.
‐ My experience,
these are not violent boys.

Describe them physically,
Mr. Curry.

All right. Okay.

Luke is around 5'6",
very pale skin,

brown eyes, black hair,
medium length,
delicate body.

Facial hair?
Distinguishing marks,

He's clean shaven,
no tattoos.

The other one did have a cut,

a scar, uh, along here,
about two inches in length.

‐ Like a surgical scar? Or did
it look like he was stabbed?
‐ That's beyond my expertise.

Geez, you were expert enough
to know that these boys
weren't violent.

I'm doing my best
to help you!

This is the worst
moment of my life.
Can you understand that?

‐ What else about the other one?
‐ Whatever you think of me,

I'm able to recognize
a good human just d*ed.

Hey, the boys that you put in
that car with their beautiful
bodies and ridiculous hat,

those are thieves,
Mr. Curry.

They are hustlers who will
hurt whoever they have
to hurt to get over.

You wanna get right with your
conscience? Concentrate on
helping us find these assholes!

That's all I wanna
hear coming from you.

Uh, Geri?

This is awkward. I need to talk
to you about your relationship
with Detective Sipowicz.

All right.

How would you describe
your relationship with him?

Well, Detective Sipowicz feels
you've been, uh, inappropriate,

making references
to your undergarments
and so forth.

Have you made those kind
of references?

I may have mentioned
I was wearing
a rubber undergarment.

Had Detective Sipowicz
indicated he was uncomfortable
with that kind of talk?

He said he was married.
I didn't take that as saying
he was uncomfortable.

Well, what did you
take that as?

I thought he was indicating
he wasn't interested in
a serious type relationship.

More of a fun type.

But you understand now
that he's not interested
in that type of relationship?

Well, I think he
could've told me that,

but yes, I do.

And I'm a little offended
that he would expose me to
this kind of embarrassment.


If you're asking
do I get the message,
the answer is yes.

All right.

And I'm sorry
people can't get past
their emotional restraints.

D.O.A.'s last fare gave us some
guys to look for that worked
out of a couple of gay bars.

[ Fancy ]
You'll go out later on?
[ Simone ] Yeah.

Have you met Andy Sipowicz,
Bobby Simone?

I met Bobby.
Hi, Andy.

How's it going?
You were at D. O. I., huh?

Yeah, yeah. Boss,
you got a minute for me?



No callback
from Henry Coffield?

‐ No.
‐ You wanna start
working on this?

Yeah, let me get started.

What a little baby you are.
What a little tattletale.

That guy I talked to earlier,
said he was getting threatened?
Yeah. What's it about?

His ex‐girlfriend's brother
was hassling him...

over not taking responsibility
for the girlfriend's baby.

‐ I went to talk to the brother,
try to cool it out.
‐ During a meal period?

The ex‐girlfriend was there
along with the week‐old baby,
bawling the whole time.

Lieu, a week old infant cries,
the mother's breasts start
going like spigots.

This girl just stood there.
So, you think
the baby's not hers?

I'm wondering if I shouldn't
be looking for reports
of missing black newborns.

Well, you can do that, Jill.
But you need to hear me
on going out by yourself.

It was a soft complaint. I
didn't want us to have to take a
case on it and get no clearance.

Understood. On the other hand,
you go out by yourself
during a meal period,

some kind of beef gets filed,
how do we back up
your version of the story?

You're right.

Reach out
to Missing Persons.

[ Chattering ]
♪ [ Dance ]

‐ Talk to the bartender?
‐ Yeah.

He's gonna give you
the high sign?
If one of them show up.

These punks got half
a brain between 'em, they'll
be hitting Florida by now.

And if they don't,
they will be here
on the hustle.

How's Russell doing
on her undercover?

I guess okay. She don't
talk to me much about it.


Get the hell away from me.

Is that our boy there?

Right there.

That's him.
You see anyone else who looks
like the other guy?

[ Simone ] The guy over there
in the gray suit must've
been waiting for him.

They're getting ready
to leave, Andy.

Kid looks like he's packing
on his left side.
Yeah, I caught that.

Come here. Come here.
Relax! Relax!

‐ [ Simone ]
Just like that, Luke.
‐ How do you know my name?

He got hit in the head with
a meteor when he was a kid,
gave him strange mental powers.

Come on. Back off.
Sorry, guys. I only got
one set of cuffs.

‐ So, what's your real name?
‐ Rick Ousley.

This couldn't be any more
simple, Rick. We've got
a m*rder*d limousine driver.

We've got a witness that puts
you and your friend Billy
in back of that limousine.

We've got the victim's
registered .32
in your pocket.

The only way you improve
your situation is you tell us
everything went down...

between you, your partner
and that driver.

‐ Then what happens?
‐ Well, that depends
on who did what.

Plus mitigating factors
like remorse.

I didn't sh**t that driver.

‐ Billy sh*t him.
‐ What's Billy's real name?

‐ Bill Lynch.
‐ Why'd he sh**t the driver?

Didn't want to drive us,
after Larry had paid him. Tried
to throw us out of his car.

Was there some kind of
disagreement there? 'Cause
that could be significant.

There was. There was.
Billy had some speed.

And he was snorting it
in the backseat,

and the driver pulled over and
he said, "Get the hell out."

Billy was like, "No way. That
old guy just paid you $100 to
take us where we wanted to go."

So, me and Billy, we wouldn't
get out of the car.

Well, finally we did.
I got out first and then Billy.

I thought we were
just gonna talk it out.

Mm‐hmm. And then
what happened?

Billy said, "Well,
you're not gonna drive us
like the old guy said.

Then give us that $100 he
gave you." Then the driver
started name‐calling.

And that's when Billy
took out this g*n that
he's got and he said,

"Okay, how about this?"
That shut that sucker up.
He gave up the $100 that point.

No sh**ting at that point,

Absolutely not. And I
thought it was settled.

But Billy must've had
trouble on his mind, huh?

Billy told the driver
to move away from the car.

So, the driver,
he steps away, but Billy‐‐

Billy fires a sh*t anyway.

Now, I swear, I didn't
know he was like that.

‐ He just fires the one sh*t?
‐ The driver goes down.
But the guy,

he starts groping for his ankle
and Billy pumped a few
more sh*ts into him.

Reached down, he took the guy's
g*n out of his thing.
He said, "Let's go."

I'm totally numb at that point.
How's the driver's g*n
get in your pocket?

Billy said that you need
something on the street
to handle yourself.

He knows more than I do.
I've only been out there,
like, a couple of months.

He's been out there,
like, a couple of years.
So, he gave it to me.

‐ Where's Billy now?
‐ He was headed for Jersey.

Eventually he was headed
for Florida, but he said
he'd get himself picked up...

at a truck stop
and leave the limo there.

What was he gonna
go to Florida for?

He's positive.
You know, the H. I. V. bug.

He's got this guy in Daytona
he was screwing for his meds.
Some kind of new inhibitors.

‐ You know that guy's name?
‐ No, I‐‐

I got the guy's
phone credit card.

That would be in your wallet.
You guys took that, you put
it in a manila envelope.

‐ You're gonna have to write
all this down for us.
‐ We got in the limo...

and Billy was driving and
he's freaking out, right?

He's saying, "We gotta get out
of New York." I'm like,
I just got to New York.

Plus I didn't sh**t anybody,
so I don't gotta run.

So, you want me to stress
how sh**ting that guy‐‐
that that was all Billy, right?

And that I was trying
to settle the argument?

We're desperate to have
you do that.

I'm glad I told you
what happened.

I feel a little bit better.
I feel less remorse.

That's nice of you.
I'll think about it.

Lieu, morning.
Morning. How'd you do
with Missing Persons?

One possible.
A black woman checked out...

of Roosevelt Hospital
last week with a newborn.

Her mother reported
her missing three days ago,

but now she thinks she might've
gone to North Carolina.

Can't move on that.
I'm gonna put you into
the catching order.

‐ Okay.
‐ No more social work
for this guy.

Aries, what's going on?

Bernard rolled up on me
in his raggedy‐ass Pontiac.

Slammed me up against a
brick wall wanting to know why
did I bring the cops into it.

He would've k*lled me
right there if I didn't say
I would marry Brenda.

When you broke up with Brenda,
she didn't say anything
about being pregnant?

You don't seem too impressed
about me getting slapped up.
He choked me by my neck.

I'm gonna look at that.

Far as being pregnant, I ran
into her two months ago, she
didn't have two words to say.

How did she look?
Didn't look pregnant. She's so
damn big though, who's to say.

Are you willing to press charges
against Bernard?

What choice do I got?
I ain't marrying his sister.

‐ We're gonna pick him up.
‐ You think they're scamming?

‐ That baby ain't even hers?
‐ I'm not sure what's going on.

Make yourself comfortable.
Where did the kid
come from then?

4:00, Henry. That's right.
You don't show up here,
I'm coming to Brooklyn.

I'm gonna padlock your apartment
and your ass is gonna be out
on the street.

Hi, Bobby.

Unfamiliar face.

There's another one.

Jill, uh, Kirkendall.
Came over from
Department of Investigations.

What's she like?
I don't know. I haven't gotten
a chance to work with her yet.

So, how's your stuff going
with Jimmy Liery?

He's expanded
his circle of friends.

I guess hanging around
the airport will
do that for you.

I don't know
what that means, Diane.

He's not just
hanging out with rusty
stickup guys anymore.

You gonna tell me any more
or you just gonna say enough
to make me crazy here?

I don't know how to talk
to you about it, Bobby.

It's not a lot of fun for me.
You should tell that
to the boss.

‐ I'm on the guy for reasons.
‐ You screw their reasons.

This guy Liery's
not setting up to dynamite
the World Trade Center, is he?

I'm not sure what
he's setting up to do yet.

I'm not drinking with him
and I'm not sleeping
with him, okay?

Mugging it up a little bit
with him, maybe?
Oh, Bobby.

[ Fancy ]
Go out with Jill.
Pick a guy up.

I gotta go meet Liery.
Okay, everyone but Diane.

‐ Diane Russell.
‐ Jill Kirkendall.

I'm sorry, I'm on a case.
Look forward
to working with you.

[ Sipowicz ]
All set? I got the keys.

Acts like she'd just as soon
be changing a tire.

So, how's Diane liking
that undercover she's on?

I'm not too sure.
She's not too comfortable
talking about it.

Yeah, I don't know
how comfortable
I'd be working like that.

Guys putting
their hands on, so forth.

It's not something you gotta
worry about, right, Greg?

There he is.

[ Bernard ]
What you doin'?
I'm trying to put this‐‐

You gotta cover
the baby's head, man.

Oh, I don't‐‐
Well, cover his head
for me.

‐ Don't even think
about running.
‐ Freeze!

Put your hands flat
against the car.
Put your hands on the car!

‐ Now, Bernard, do it!
‐ Put your hands flat
on the top!

What are you doing to him?
Why are you all
landing on me?

Aries said he gonna
marry her, so there ain't
even a issue no more.

What somebody says with
your hands around their throat,
that can't be held to them.

‐ That punk better not back out.
‐ Shut up.

‐ Brenda,
we're taking you in also.
‐ Bernard.

You don't wanna know
what I'd do you didn't
have that badge and g*n.

That's gonna remain one of
those theoretical questions,

Right this way.

I'd like to talk to you,
Just hang on a second.

‐ Coffee room?
‐ Yeah. Let me just
talk to the boss.

[ Kirkendall ]
Any problems?

There might be some thinking
that this baby got stolen.

There's a real weird hit
coming off this girl.

So why is this guy
who hired the limo
back here?

He brought a lawyer
for the perp, asked
to talk to you and Andy.

Lawyers up the kid
who does the m*rder.

You should've heard this
guy in the interview. He's all
torn up the D. O. A. got m*rder*d.

Looks like he got over it.

Don't spend too much time
with this assh*le.
I want you in with Kirkendall.

‐ What do you want?
‐ I engaged a lawyer
only on the basis...

of Luke having nothing
to do with this sh**ting.

He said he made you
understand this.

You're not as stupid as you'd
need to be to believe what
you're saying to me right now.

‐ Are you saying you didn't
believe Luke's story?
‐ You know I didn't.

That's absolutely not true.
Luke told me...

it was Billy
who pointed the g*n
and Billy who sh*t it.

Now, under those circumstances,
I wanted to make sure...

Luke doesn't get used as a patsy
because he's in custody
and Billy got away.

Nah, us evil, lazy cops don't
need to use Luke as a patsy,
Mr. Curry.

See, 'cause Billy's banging
a scumbag a lot like you
down in Florida.

We got ways to reach out
for Billy.

And you're not here to
protect Luke. You're here
to get off on him.

To sit there all excited
in the visitors' room,

really coming to understand
Luke's awful life growing up.

No wonder he turned out
to be a murdering whore.

He seems to have captured
your imagination as well.


Well, there you go,
Mr. Curry.

All that A. C. L. U. stuff,
that's out the window,
just you and your dirty soul.

Geri. You call me if this
degenerate don't leave.

Where's Bernard?

Some other detectives
are talking to him right now.

I'm asking about your baby.
I'd think you'd be
more worried about him.

[ Cooing ]

I'm asking where he was born.
What hospital?

Beth Israel.
What day?

Last week.
How long was your labor?

Brenda, me and Detective Simone
both got kids.

It's written all over your face
this is not your baby.

When can I see Bernard?
Tell me about the baby.

That's the only way
we can keep you together.

Me and Bernard?
That's right.


Bernard thought to do it.

'Cause this way
Aries would marry me
'cause I liked him.

Tell me his plan.

Um, uh‐‐

Hung around the hospital,
out the entrance.

And when the girls would
come out with their babies,

I'd say that they could ride in
Bernard's car for a dollar
to where they lived.

And this girl wanted a ride.

So, Bernard lied
in the car.

He said I couldn't have babies
and she could have
$500 for hers.

And then she wanted
to get out of the car.

And then this girl
started yelling.

So, he got her around the throat
in the alley so she'd be quiet.

And you took her baby.

[ Sniffles ]

Where's the woman's body?

[ Sniffles ]
She's in the alley.

Bernard was gonna pay her.
He had a money order
to fill out.

You gotta take us to the alley
before you can see Bernard.

Then I can see him?


Okay. I think I can find it.

[ Knocking ]
Excuse me.

Is that Henry?

Jill's gonna need you to take
a ride with her and Brenda.


Nice piece of conversation
there, Detective.

Someone using my room?
What do you mean?

I was saying, is someone
using the coffee room?

So, what did those
Brooklyn detectives
think of those guys?

What did they think about
the shylocks you owed?
Solestri and Leone.

They weren't involved
in the homicide.

You sure about that?

Yeah, they're sure and
I'm sure about it, Henry,

so shut your mouth
about Solestri and Leone.

Who are you, the bad guy
in Hogan's Heroes?

Who else should we
be looking at, Henry?

You want to give me
my glasses back?

Who else should we be looking
at for k*lling this girl?

I've told everyone I could think
of including those shylocks.

You want,
I'll pick some names
out of the phone book.

No, Henry,
what you said first...

was that you didn't
know anyone that
could've been involved.

That was in the hallway
when that girl
was lying there dead.

Then you give Detective Savino
about a half dozen names.
People you cop reefer from.

People you cop speed from.
People from the O. T. B.

You gave him
a half dozen zeros
is what you did, Henry.

So, now
you're humiliating me?
You take my glasses off my face?

What, you want to
make me feel bad?
I look like a mole.

I know what I look like.
See, what I'm wondering,

a guy who can't keep
an appointment until
he stiffs on a few first,

maybe he can't come up
with the right suspects...

until he stiffs out
on a few of them too.

I don't even understand what
you're saying, and I think
you're a total assh*le.

I'm done playing with you,

you twitchy little creep.

I've told you everything
I could think of,
you son of a bitch!

Now, give me my glasses!
I will break your glasses
in two, Henry!

I will take your shoes
from your feet...

and I will kick you out
of this building barefoot.

I don't know who
it could've been!
Oh, yes, you do. You do!

You're looking for the guts
to come up with it.

I don't.
I liked her so much.
I respect you.

I will humiliate you, Henry.

I will put you out there
naked in the street.

It must have been some crazy
off of her living up there.

She used to live
there before her.
Who did?

My mother. Before Sara
moved in the building,
my mother lived up there.

When she got sick,
I moved her downstairs.

How does that fit in, Henry?
I don't know.

I don't know.

If there was, like,
this junk letter
addressed "Super"...

with my mother's
old apartment number,

some guy looking for me
picks that up.

Who would have known you lived
in that building, but not
what apartment you lived in?

How the hell would I know?

Someone I was being
a big sh*t with!

Someone I told
I was getting that building,
and then maybe I backed out.

On what?
On the deal.

Tell me what happened, Henry.
Please give me my glasses.

Come on. Tell me what happened.
Tell me what happened.
You're almost there.

You're almost there.
Tell me.

I was supposed
to front money for coke
off of selling the building!

And I wanted to be a big sh*t.
And I'd already borrowed money
against the building.

I was supposed to be a big sh*t.
But maybe when I backed out,
that screwed the guy...

and the bastard came after me
how he said he was gonna,
but he had the wrong number...

from the junk mail
and he sh*t Sara
through the door.

Maybe that's what happened.

Hey, Gina.
Hi, James.

What's up?
Do you know why
I'm supposed to see him?

‐ Lieutenant Fancy? Uh‐uh.
‐ Sergeant Lorenzo said
I was supposed to see him.

Yeah, I don't know.

Well, go ahead in.
He won't bite you.

Might as well see
what it's about.

Hello, Lieutenant.
Oh, hi, Gina.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sergeant Lorenzo
said I should stop in.

Yeah, I, um, spoke
with Sergeant Lorenzo
a little while ago...

about your possibly
working in the squad.

Us and Anticrime
exchanging P. A. A.'s.

What would be your feelings
about that?

Is Sergeant Lorenzo dissatisfied
with my work performance?
He thinks your work's fine.

He told me a few weeks ago
he thought my performance
was satisfactory.

This doesn't reflect
badly on you at all.

Under those circumstances,
wherever I'd be most useful.

There's a big overlap between
your responsibilities
in Anticrime...

and what you'd be
doing in the squad.

And I'm a good learner too,
I think. I'd hope
I'd pick things up.

I'm sure you will.
Well, that's great.

Unless you hear differently,
work your shift tomorrow here.

‐ All right. Thank you.
‐ I look forward to
working with you.

I'm transferred
down here, James.
Go on.

Lieutenant Fancy said to work
my shift down here tomorrow
unless I'm told different.

That's great, Gina.
That's terrific.

Guess I'll be working
in the same office with you.

I'm really delighted.
Wonder where Geri's going?

I think to Anticrime.
Lieutenant Fancy said
we're like an even trade.

That's not an even trade.
We ought to have
to buy Anticrime's coffee...

and fill their fridge for,
like, three and half years.
Good night.

Good night, Lieutenant.
Good night, boss.

‐ I shouldn't stand here talking
to you. I'll see you tomorrow.
‐ Yeah, you bet.

I'll see you
behind that desk.

What is it?

Good night.
Good night.

Geri, I've thought
about this more...

and I'm not satisfied you
can successfully work in
proximity to Detective Sipowicz.

I'm certainly capable of it.
I've spoken with Sergeant
Lorenzo in Anticrime...

and arranged for you
to work up there.
That's an extra flight.

I'd prefer to do this in‐house,
but if you'd like, we can
approach this officially.

Meaning what?
Meaning I could write up
your behavior...

and we can see
where that comes out.

I'm really having a lot
of difficulty believing...

adults can't deal
with something like this.

‐ Are you willing to accept
the transfer?
‐ Yes.

Okay. That'll be effective
tomorrow morning.

Good night.
Good night, Lieutenant.

You can come out now.
Your boss has done
your dirty work for you.

Are you leaving here?

I'm transferred upstairs,
effective tomorrow morning.


‐ Hey, Andy.
‐ Hi. Simone's got your guy
in Interview 2.

Come on.

I'm from Social Services.
I'm here for the baby.

I'm Detective Kirkendall.
This is the child.

[ Baby Cries ]

[ Medavoy ]
Come on.

Got him?

Good‐bye, sweetheart.

Just give us a second,
Henry, huh?

Bobby, I appreciate
the consideration,
letting me take it on paper.

The guy you're looking
at is Jimmy Cortez
for throwing the sh*ts.

That's the name
he'll come back to.

You should, uh, hold onto
these until he signs.

They won't send me
to jail, will they?

You just answer Detective
Savino's questions, Henry.
I was trying to.

I wasn't... letting
myself remember.

All right.

I can still live there?

Yeah. I'll talk to you, Henry.

So, you're batting
a thousand today, huh?

I heard you did a good
interview yourself.

But I stopped batting
a thousand a long time ago.

I'm so glad being
back in a squad.

‐ It's a good one to be in.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Good night, Andy.
‐ Good night.

Night. Guess you held
up your end today.

Yeah, I got lucky.

We generally clear
at least one homicide
a detective per shift.

‐ Don't be lousing
up our percentage.
‐ I'll try not to, Andy.

All right.

It's sick,
liking it so much.

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