03x19 - Auntie Maimed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x19 - Auntie Maimed

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Sipowicz Cooing ]
[ Cooing ]

[ Telephone Rings ]


Yeah. Um, hold on
a second. Mm‐hmm.

[ Sylvia ]

What? Uh, yeah,
I know.

Mm‐hmm. All right.
I'm on my way.

Sylvia, are you
having contractions?

‐ I think it's the same
as last week.
‐ That repositioning thing?

Or is it different?
Well, it feels the same
right now, Andy.

Should we get
another beeper number that
my office doesn't have?

That way, only you have it,
and if you wanna beep me,
I'll know it's you,

and we use that exclusively
for labor, and you don't have
to put in "911."

‐ No.
‐ 'Cause you'd have to
learn another number, right?

That's what
makes it a bad idea.

What did the squad want?
Homicide. I really oughta go.

[ Mumbles ]

911. That's a go code.
Got it.

It's the baby readjusting.
The lower pelvic area's
makin' room.

So it's not the real deal.
No. At the present moment,
she don't think so.


D.O.A.'s Etta Stubbs. Neighbor
across the hall called it in.
His name's Mario Walker.

Found a bloody hammer
over there on the floor.

‐ [ Sipowicz ] No signs of
the hammer blows on the bag.
‐ [ Shutter Whirs ]

Nah. This had to be put over
her head after she was k*lled.

Found a busted bottle
of beer on the kitchen floor.

Bedroom's torn up good. There's
a blood smear on the drawer
where we found the checkbook.

Get the neighbor?
[ Officer ]
Yeah. He's right there.

[ Medavoy ] Hey, a couple of
different tenants say she had
a nephew who was a bad kid.

Nephew's name is Billy.
[ Simone ]
I'm gonna talk to this guy.


Bobby, this is Mr. Walker.
Detective Simone.

You found Miss Stubbs
this morning?
I live just across the hall.

Come back from
buying my paper.
Etta's door's wide open.

I go in.
She's dead on the couch.

You oughta be lookin'
for her nephew about this.

This would be Billy?
A junkie and a thief.

She let him do odd jobs
for her. She even got me
to use him once.

‐ He stole my damn radio.
‐ You know where Billy lives?

[ Walker ]
I don't know if he has a place.
I saw him on Fourth and "D"...

with the rest
of the junkies and crackheads.

That's him.
She didn't have any children
of her own.

Thanks for your cooperation.
If you can think of anything
else, we'd appreciate a call.

Looks like he cleaned
out the bedroom drawers
and ripped off some checks.

There's three missing since
the last entry in her checkbook.

[ Pager Beeping ]
[ Medavoy ]

‐ What?
‐ 911. I gotta pick up my girls
at dance class.

You get 911
for a dancing class message?
Yeah. Marie can't make it.

‐ That's the wrong use of "911."
‐ Andy, it's a private
communication via beeper.

Are you with me, Medavoy, huh?
She's misusing that code.

Sylvia's gettin' contractions.

Oh, boy.

‐ What'd you get?
‐ D. O. A.'s a 65‐year‐old
black woman, Etta Stubbs.

She was b*at to death with
a hammer. Perp stole some blank
personal checks and jewelry.

The D. O. A. has a junkie nephew
that all the neighbors like
for the homicide.

‐ Get a line on the nephew?
‐ No address on him. He cops
over on Fourth and Avenue "D."

‐ We got his picture.
‐ I'm notifying her bank,
checking accounts, cards.

‐ Then we'll grab this kid.
‐ I'm gonna run him
through B.C.I.

‐ Where's Donna?
‐ Maybe she's in the john?

She fall in?

Hey, Donna.

‐ Employee's orientation kit.
‐ You got a job with Apple?

My computer course included
free enrollment at a city
college job fair last month.

When I attended more or less
on a lark, I gave my transcript
and résumé to their recruiter.

They just offered me
an area associates position,

which is a fancy name
for exactly what I do here,

but "supposably,"
there's no promotion ceiling.

That's great, Donna.
I don't think
I'm gonna do it.

The position's in
Silicon Valley, California.
They don't have jobs here?

Well, I applied for out there.
I mean, the whole thing
was more or less a lark.

At the end of the day,
it's not realistic.

Me in Silicon Valley.
They probably couldn't
even understand my accent.

It's nice to know you're wanted.
I got caught up
in the whole lark aspect,

seeing if they'd want me.

Good morning.
Good morning.

Any calls?
Should I look out
for one?

Sylvia's having contractions.

She don't feel
they're significant.

‐ Have you discussed
getting a beeper?
‐ We got one.

I just thought maybe
she might've called
off previous habit.

‐ Uh‐uh.
‐ [ Simone ]
All right. Thanks.

Two collars for possession.
Two collars for petty larceny.
The nephew.

Let's pick him up.

Have we discussed
gettin' a beeper?

‐ [ Simone ]
Hey, James.
‐ Hey, Bob.


So did you talk
to her last night?
I stayed at my folks'.

That robbery‐‐
I was still concerned.

Oh, yeah.
That one last week.

‐Maybe I'll talk to her tonight.
‐Well, if your decision's firm,
it's probably a good idea,

'cause, you know,
I think Adrianne senses
the drift of things.

I'm looking for the time
that causes her
the least upset.

Yeah, 'cause
postponing the inevitable
just makes matters fester worse.

You guys are catchin'.

Adrianne, Diane,
you wanna work this
with Greg and James?

[ Russell ]
Yeah. Sure.

‐ Hey.
‐ D. O. A.'s a bouncer,
Carl MacIntyre.

Bartender called in.
He got stomped up too.

Where's the bartender at?
They took him
to Bellevue.

What a brawl.
[ Lesniak ] I meant to ask
how your parents are.

[ Sighs ] They're okay.
Still somewhat concerned off
their neighbor getting robbed.

Well, they're lucky
they have you.
[ Man ] My place. Let me in.

Let me in.
[ Medavoy ] Let him through.
I'm Detective Medavoy.

You own the place?
Frank Delva. Yeah.

Geez. They get the safe?
[ Lesniak ]
We don't know yet.

I'd like to
ask you a few questions.
Be careful what you touch here.

‐ [ Delva ] Yeah, yeah.
‐ [ Medavoy ] Mr. Delva, you
know who might have done this?

Anyone in the place.
The clientele is human dump.

The bouncer have any
specific enemies you know about?

Paul? No. I don't know.

The bartender got b*at on too.
I don't know
who his enemies were.

‐ Thank you, God.
‐ You keep a lot of dough
in there.

‐ Yeah. I cash paychecks.
‐ Anyone who might've had it
in for you, Mr. Delva?

My two ex‐wives,
but they don't know
what city I'm in.

‐ [ Laughs ]
‐ [ Martinez ] Anyone working
protection, shaking you down?

No. I got no problem
with those guys.

‐ So you got no help for us?
‐ I gotta call
my insurance company.

Excuse me.

[ Sighs ]
First impressions, I wouldn't
mind whacking that guy.

Green hat.
Is that our guy?


‐ He's looking to steal
from that car.
‐ [ Sipowicz ] Yeah.

Got no warrants out.
Let him try to boost something
so we can pop him.

[ Chattering ]

‐ Sir, this your car?
‐ Yeah.
‐ Can I see your registration?

‐ [ Sipowicz ] See your keys.
‐ Come on, man. Let me just
put the camera back.

You put back the camera, then
you're right with the world?
I got the cars confused.

All right.
You're under arrest.
Come here. Turn around.

What do you got here?
Women's jewelry?
You wear this stuff?

I'm holding it
for somebody.
Sure. I'll buy that.

Give me your hand.
Your name Billy Stubbs?

‐ How do you know that?
‐ All right. Come on.

Let's go.

Is that the junkie nephew?
Had the D. O. A.'s jewelry
in his pocket.

‐ What's he saying?
‐ He was holding it
for somebody.

[ Beeper Beeping ]
My beeper.

Sylvia, but no 911.
[ Sighs ]

Yeah. Yeah. Hello.

Uh, fine. You want me
to meet you there?

You should've
used the 911.

Well, I can meet you
over there anyway.

All right.
Whatever you say.

You'll let me know, then,
right? You'll beep me?
All right.

Okay. I'm thinkin'
about you. Mm‐hmm. Bye.

[ Clears Throat ] The doctor, he
doesn't think it's labor, but he
wants her to come to his office.

She don't want me
to go with her.
Well, if he thought it was time,

he'd have her go
right to the hospital.

He's supposed
to be excellent, this guy.
Sylvia's got confidence in him.

‐ Yeah. That's important.
‐ Young Jewish guy. He's
delivered hundreds of infants.


I'll go talk
to this kid.

You know what this
is about, Billy?
That camera, man.

‐ Where's this blood from?
‐ I guess I cut myself.

And you were holding
this stuff in this envelope
for your friend?


That's your Aunt Etta's
jewelry in that envelope
there, Billy.

When was the last time
you seen your Aunt Etta?

Couple days.
Couple of days? You gonna
sit there and lie to me?

What are you gonna say
when I tell you that
we have several eyewitnesses...

that put you
at your aunt's building
this morning?

Were you at that building
this morning?
All right.

All right, what?
I was there.

I rang the bell, but
nobody answered. I guess
that's when they saw me.

Are you gonna change your story
when I say that they saw you
inside the building?

Where'd you get the jewelry?

This guy asked me
to hold it for him.
It was in that envelope.

I didn't look inside
till afterwards. He'd been
in my aunt's house once with me.

So this guy who's been
to your aunt's place once,

he must've broken
into your Aunt Etta's
and took all her jewelry...

and then asked you to hold it.

What's this guy's name?

Larry something.

Where we gonna
find Larry... something?

He said he was
leavin' town. That's why
he wanted me to hold that.

‐ This is like
the worst story I ever heard.
‐ [ Billy ] It's what happened.

Billy, this stuff is so bogus,
you can't even get behind it.

You know what I think happened?
I think you did something to
your aunt that makes you sick.

We could bring this
to the D. A. right now...

as a vicious,
cold‐blooded homicide.

I don't think
that was your intention,
'cause I can see you jonesing,

so I know you needed
to score.

But you didn't
sell your aunt's jewelry.

We collar you stealin' a camera,
with her jewelry
still in your pocket.

That tells me
that you loved her.

You saying to yourself,
"Aw, man. Let me just try
boostin' this camera,

not sell my aunt's stuff
unless I can't get over
on the street."

Is that what
you were thinking, Billy?

[ Crying Softly ]
Leave me alone, man.

Billy, I've been on this job
long enough to know
where people are at.

You don't get right with this,
behind jonesing and
getting sicker and sicker,

and then all that remorse
is gonna start coming on you,

you are definitely
gonna be a candidate
for some guard at Rikers...

finding you hanging
in your cell.

Just‐‐ Just
leave me alone
for a little while, man.

And then what?

And then
I'll talk to you.

I don't wanna hear nothin'
about not seein' her
for two days, Billy.

‐ No, man.
‐ So we understand each other,

Just give me
a minute, man.

How'd I do?

Hey, Russell and Lesniak
checked in. They're still
with the Crime Scene unit.

Oh, yeah. We talked
to this bartender
over at Bellevue.

He says he's taking a leak,
he hears a bunch of shoutin',
comes out of the bathroom...

and sees this bouncer gettin'
his face b*at in by a bald guy
big as an elephant.

Yeah. Another guy's
backing the bald guy's play,
which the bartender recognizes.

‐ A biker named Pig.
‐ And he didn't recognize
the bald guy?

No, no. But he says
this Pig rolls with the Lobos,
this biker club over on Third.

‐ So you wanna pick him up?
‐ Oh, yeah. We can't wait.

I'll get you
some backup.

Hey, guys.
Hey, Lieu.

Where are you
with your interview?

‐ Guy's thinkin' about it.
‐ 'Cause Greg and James
have to pick up a biker.

Do we know
if he's on steroids?

‐ Hi, Son.
‐ Hey, Andy.

‐ Lieutenant,
I'm sorry to interrupt.
‐ Want us to help?

‐ Yeah. Please.
‐ No problem on lunch.
You wanna try again tomorrow?

Yeah. Walk out
with me here.
[ Andy ] Okay.

I don't want my boss to
hear this, but maybe you can
give us a hand with this.


What's in the bag?
My cop's uniform.

Yeah, huh?

Watch out for that.

Just stay behind me
and keep your ears open.

Description's a guy
about 6'4", mustache
and beard.

That narrows it down.
He answers to Pig?

‐ [ Medavoy ] That's his name.
I don't know if he answers.
‐ Hey, where you goin'?

‐ What do you care?
‐ Get over here.

‐ They call you Pig?
‐ His name is Ernie.

Let's take a ride, Ernie.
We gotta talk to you.
I ain't goin' nowhere.

We do this right here
in the street, and you're
gonna wind up hurt, okay?

‐ Put down that wrench.
‐ Is he under arrest?
‐ What's that to you, assh*le?

‐ I got nothin' to say to you.
‐ We are not gonna do it
like this.

We're gonna talk about it
in the station house. You do it
right, nobody gets hurt here.

‐ Not if you don't want to, Pig.
‐ d*ck face, Pig don't come in,
we toss your clubhouse.

Wanna toss it, Andy?
We gonna find any reefer
in there, any swag?

‐ What's it gonna be, Ernie?
‐ Jerry‐‐ Jerry, it's cool,
okay? Okay. Let's go.

What was your probable cause?
You would've lost your search
in court.

Yeah. We'd have lost it
in court, but meanwhile,

your buddies would've
lost their goods
and their smoke.

Stick with tricycles, F. Lee.
You got no future in bikes.

Charlie Manson,

[ Andy ]
Now you'll
interrogate this guy?

‐ [ Sipowicz ] Martinez and
Medavoy, they caught the case.
‐ [ Medavoy ] Pig, we're here.

You wanna
watch an interrogation?
I'd get in the way.

No, no. Bobby and me,
we're talking to this kid
on another case.

Yeah, there's
an observation room, Andy.
Yeah. Okay.

We like this kid
for killin' his aunt.

We were in with him once.
He'll probably go this time.

Come on inside.

[ Simone ]
You're startin'
to come down, huh?

Want some aspirin?
I'm all right.

[ Simone ] So we ready
to take some responsibility
here, Billy?

I was supposed to do some
wall work for her yesterday,
but I didn't get there,

so I stayed up all night
so I could make it
this morning.

Just to get
to your Aunt Etta's place?
[ Billy ] Yeah.

‐ I got there about 8:30.
‐ [ Simone ] What happened?
Was your aunt mad...

because you messed up

I walked in,
and she was dead.

I just turned around
and ran.

This is how
you take responsibility?
Who you think you're talkin' to?

You had her jewelry
in your pocket.

You think you can
piss in my ear and tell me
it's rainin'?

‐ You got blood on your sleeve.
‐ You start talkin'
like a man in here,

or I'm gonna
start kickin' ass.

[ Crying Softly ]

She loved me,
and I robbed her.

‐ I put a bag over her head so
she couldn't see me stealin'.
‐ [ Simone ] All right.

So what led up to that?
I don't know.

Somebody k*lled her.

You see, this is like
you killin' her again,

you sittin' here
lyin' to me.

I am not gonna let you
k*ll her again, Billy!
You don't get to k*ll her twice.

[ On Speaker ]
What difference does it make?
Meaning what?

Meaning, whatever you say,
it don't matter‐‐

‐ Meaning what?
‐ I'll say whatever
you want me to say.

Just tell me
what you want me to write.
We want the truth, Billy.

Did you k*ll your aunt?
Did you take a hammer
to her?

Whatever you say.
Not whatever I say!
Whatever you say.

All right, all right!
I k*lled her! All right?
I k*lled her! I‐‐

‐ Oh, God.
‐ You ready to give a statement?

I just did.
I'm talkin' about
a written statement.

Are you ready
to give a statement?
We'll get a D. A.


We can get you some kind of
treatment. Maybe the D. A. could
help you with that. Come on.

Sarah Bernhardt.

Goes for putting a bag
over her head but won't
admit to k*lling her?

He went there.
He's gonna go for it.

Here comes
your lieutenant.
You're okay.

Latent got a blood print on
the D. O. A.'s doorknob. They're
checking it against your guy's.

And a uniform's bringing
a Leon Broadus in, who tried to
cash one of the D. O. A.'s checks.

Bank manager couldn't tell
if it was forged.

‐ This kid, he's ready
to write, talk to a D. A.
‐ So that's good.

He admits to
robbing her things. He's only
gonna go for the homicide...

'cause he's sick and
the world's such a sad place,
but that he really didn't do it.

She was dead when he got
to her place. Somebody already
took a hammer to her.

Which we think is crap?

‐ Yeah. Probably.
‐ Probably.

Okay, talk to this guy
that tried to cash the check
before you bring in a D. A.

I can't authorize overtime
for you, Andy Jr.

‐ I'd like to hear
on those prints too.
‐ Yeah.

I'll call Sylvia.
The three of us'll go
to lunch.

You said she went
to the doctor?

Yeah, he wanted to
examine her. She's feeling
some repositioning going on.

We got a beeper system
worked out here.

You're not sure
that guy in there did it,
that Billy?

He probably did it.
He was just feelin' sorry
for himself.

Now she'll call back.

See, you don't wanna go
to bat, though, Andy, without
following out what you got.

You turn a case over
and something new turns up,
you may not look at it right.

If you move the guy
and bought his story,
now you may get dug in,

not want to reopen the case,
you know.

‐ Yeah. I see. I see.
‐ [ Telephone Rings ]

Sylvia? Yeah.


Uh, you want me to come home,
bring you some soup?

All right.
Uh, Andy Jr.'s here,

so me and Bobby'll
take him out to lunch then.

Yeah. Me too.

Doc said it wasn't labor?

A few centimeters' dilation,
but no effacement.

Guy must charge
by the word.

‐ I appreciate this.
‐ Hey, Andy, we like it too.

‐ Several messages,
‐ What's goin' on?

Fingerprint technician Mulcahey
from B.C.I. left word...

your suspect's fingerprints
and the blood print lifted
by the Crime Scene unit...

from the doorknob
at your D. O. A.'s residence
are not a match.

‐ Wow.
‐ Also, there was a minor
traffic accident...

involving the sector cop
bringing in Leon Broadus.

‐That's the guy that might've
forged a check from our D. O. A.
‐They'd have him here in 10.

‐ Nothing from my wife?
‐ I'd have given you that

Thanks, Donna.

This Broadus is clean
with B.C.I. We gotta get him
to give up his fingerprints.

Is that gonna make him
get a lawyer?
You find a way...

to make him think
he's gettin' over on ya.

Make him think
instead of helpin' you,
he's helpin' himself.

Reluctant as you may be
to engage in deception.
[ Chuckles ]

Hi, James.

I was hoping we could
find time later on to talk.
Not right now.

Me and Greg gotta interview
this guy we picked up.
That guy Pig?

Yeah. See if he'll flip
on his running buddy. Greg's
already in there with him.

Well, I don't mean to
put you on the spot, James.

‐ I was just hoping later on,
we'd find time.
‐ Absolutely.

Definitely. You know,
um, I gotta go talk to this Pig.

Could I, uh, impose
on you to ask a question?

Oh, hi, Donna.
Um, this could sound
kind of silly,

but have you ever resided
out of state?

Yeah. I lived
two years in Boston when
my father's mother was sick.

How old were you?
Four when we moved there, so I
really don't remember it well.

I see. I've, um,

thought very informally
about relocating,

but I've pretty much decided
it's not realistic
given who I am.

I'm sure
you'll make the right choice.

So how are things
with you?


I guess it never
runs smooth, huh?
I guess not.

See, that time frame
we're interested in, Ernie here
states he was home watching TV.

Yeah? Something educational,

Yeah, I suggested possibly
Ernie's confused since
the eyewitness we got...

puts him at this titty bar
at that juncture watchin'
a bouncer get b*at to death.

You don't know that, man.
Hey, Pig, the bouncer d*ed,
but the bartender made it.

He looks like a smashed tomato,
but he pulled through. We had
a chat with him at Bellevue.

He says he saw you, Pig.
I wasn't there.
I was watchin' TV.

Pig, a homicide
during a felony means the D.A.
don't need premeditation.

They're gonna look
to inject you.

All's I did was walk
into a bar. I was supposed
to watch a guy's back.

‐ While he did what?
‐ This guy was in Attica
till last week.

‐ The bouncer's
banging his old lady.
‐ Put a name to this guy.

[ Sighs ]
Jay Dolinky.

But robbery had nothin'
to do with it. There was
no extra felony, okay?

Nah. Jay just wanted
to b*at the guy to death.

All's he said is he's gonna
kick this guy's ass,
for me to watch his back.

Then he goes berserk, and
he kills the one guy. Then he
went off on the bartender too.

‐ Where we gonna find Jay, Pig?
‐ I don't know.

‐ What about the ex‐girlfriend?
‐ I don't know that either.
She dances at the bar.

‐ He was lookin'
for her address there.
‐ Did he find it?

He could've.

He was still workin' out
on those two guys when I split.

We'll get the address
from that jerk that
runs the place. Come on.

Sit still, Pig.
Hey, could I get out
of this?

Well, we grab Jay up,
you tell what he did
in court, and we'll see...

if we can keep you
amongst the rest
of the decent citizens.

You're, uh, Leon Broadus?

I'm Detective Simone.

She give me that check
for some carpentry.

We talkin'
about Etta Stubbs?
Yeah, yeah.

You been drinkin', Leon?

So what?
Nothin'. I'm jealous.

[ Grunts ]
So you did some work
for Miss Stubbs?

Yeah, I did some wall work,
and I fixed her closet door.

When was it that
you did this work for her?
I finished up yesterday.

She said to wait
to cash it. That's why
the date was today.

So you're saying
you picked up the check today?
I picked it up yesterday.

She dated it for today.

You know Miss Stubbs
was m*rder*d.

I wasn't over there.
You were over there

‐ Yeah, but not today.
‐ Where were you this morning,

The St. Nick.
Over on Fourth Street?

What time you get there?

Maybe 8:00.

I sweep up over there.
I bring in the cans.

‐ Bartender,
he open up with you?
‐ He gets in at 9:00.

So how was it that you came
to work for Miss Stubbs?

I work for colored, white.
It makes no difference to me.

I put my number
up on that mailbox...

all on that street.

She told me that
her nephew was supposed
to come help her,

but he kept
not showing up.

You and her have an argument,
maybe something about her
postdating that check?

She told me to wait
to cash it till today.

You do any work
in Miss Stubbs's bedroom,

Her bedroom?
Yeah. The bedroom.

What about that bathroom
off the bedroom?

You ever do any work
in there?
I was never in the bedroom.

'Cause we got some prints
off the medicine cabinet
in the bathroom.

Must've been from the guy
that k*lled her.

You know, maybe‐‐
maybe that was her nephew.

What makes you say that?
I just know that she said
that he done some jobs for her,

but, then, I was never
in that part of it.

Right. Well, you know,
they'll take the hold
off the check...

once they've established that
it wasn't your prints
on that medicine cabinet.

Do we have your prints
on file for any reason?

No. Uh‐uh. No.
Okay. I tell you what, Leon.

Let's take some prints
from you real quick.
That way, we rule you out.

‐ My boss,
he gets off my back.
‐ All right.

Make sure I give them back once
we run the check. Otherwise,
they'll be in the computer.

You don't want that.
Hey, I was never in that part
of the apartment.

You remind me, though, 'cause
I'm gettin' to where I'd lose
my head if it wasn't attached.

Yeah. Okay.
Let's go downstairs
and do this.


[ Woman ] Yeah?
Miss Archer, detectives.

Your employer, Mr. Delva,
gave us your address.

We need to
ask you some questions.

Questions about what?
We were told you dated a guy
named Jay Dolinky.

‐ He went away to prison.
‐ I haven't seen him.

Did you know
he's out of jail?

You know
this Carl MacIntyre, right?
He's who you're dating now?

He was just a guy
keepin' me company.

Oh, you said "was."
You're not seein' him

I was never really
seein' him at all.

These yours?
No. They're
my sister's boyfriend's.

She around?

If you're withholding
information on this guy,
that puts you in the middle.

I talked to Jay once on
the telephone since he's been
out and told 'im we're through.

‐ That's all I know.
‐ Carl MacIntyre,

the bouncer you were
only keeping company with?

He's dead now.
I haven't talked
to Jay.

So this Jay goes off
on a homicide spree
just off a phone call?

Hey, you're the one
makin' all the connections,
all right?

I don't know if he had anything
to do with Carl.

I don't know if he had
anything to do with anything.
What's in here, huh?

Back off! Back off!
I'm walkin' out of here,
or her head's comin' off, man!

‐ Take it easy.
Don't hurt the girl.
‐ Don't do nothin' stupid.

[ Jay ]
No way I'm goin' back to jail!
No way! No way!

[ Medavoy ] You hurt the girl,
you're gonna die today.
Son of a bitch!

You wild bastard!
[ Whimpering ]

[ Women Crying ]
I'll get the g*n.

[ Medavoy ]
You okay?

‐ He's not.
‐ [ Martinez ]
I'll call E. M. S.

‐ Hey.
‐ Hey. Heard you had
quite an adventure.

[ Groans ]
Yeah. Our guy's downstairs
in holding.

Well, everyone's
in holding patterns
for interview rooms.

That kid Billy's
up in your crib.
Hope he don't rearrange things.

[ Russell ]
I'll let you know when
an interview room opens up.

‐ Hey, nice goin', guys.
‐ [ Medavoy ]

It was somethin', Lieu.
I mean, that guy come out
of that bedroom like Dillinger.

The girl who hits him
wants to take the entrance exam
for the job.

‐ I bet.
‐ She just about knocked him
cold with an ashtray.

Okay. Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Handyman's our guy.
Is that right?

B.C.I. says the prints he
gave you is a match with the
blood prints on the doorknob.

Lieu, the nephew‐‐
He didn't do it.
It was this guy Broadus.

‐ So what else are you
holding the nephew for?
‐ Trying to steal a camera.

Your call on letting him go.
Try to move the handyman.

You're not confident
a jury'll convict
off conclusive blood evidence?

[ Scoffs ]
You want me to wait till
you're through with the nephew?

[ Simone ]
No. Get started.

Diane, if he's not bumping
into the boss,

when Andy J. gets back,
you wanna tell him to go
to the observation room?

All right.

‐ I'm glad you weren't hurt
picking that guy up.
‐ Yeah.

Got a little exciting
out there.

Should we have that talk,

Well, I've wanted to
since you were staying
at your parents' house,

and then when you agreed today,
I sat here thinking, you know,

why should I make you
put it into words?

I mean, it's pretty clear
that you don't want us
keeping company any longer.

Yeah, that's accurate‐‐
you know, how things worked out.

I'm very sorry.
I am as well.

I wanted to open my heart.
I wanted to make you happy.

But instead,
I was possessive
and suspicious.

Why do you think
that happened?
Maybe it's in my family.

My father's like that
with my mom.

It seems like most of the guys
you went out with
were like that‐‐ all but me.

‐ I feel like such a failure.
‐ Don't say that, Adrianne.

I'd ask for another chance
to change, but I made promises
to myself repeatedly...

when we were going out,
and the next day
I'd act the same.

don't b*at yourself up.
I'm always gonna be your friend.

Same here, James.

So, I guess
we had our talk.

At least we didn't
break any crockery.

‐ That's different
than my parents.
‐ Yeah.

Hey, come here.

Hold my hand.

[ Gasping ]

He's sick.
Give me a minute
with him.

How you feelin', Billy?
I'm all right.

[ Continues Gasping ]

We found out you were
telling the truth, Billy.

It was some handyman
that k*lled your aunt.

Yeah. I just robbed her.

We're not gonna file charges.
That camera we caught you
boostin', we'll just...

return that
as found property.

It's your aunt's jewelry.
You can get her buried,
see to her arrangements,

or you can put it
up your arm.

I can go now?

Hey, do the right thing,
man, all right?

You come back
after the funeral, and I'll
get you in a program.

‐ I'm a junkie.
‐ Who do you think are
in those programs?

Afterwards, some of 'em
are ex‐junkies.

[ Bang ]
[ Chuckles ]

I know you're gonna
follow this soon, Leon.

What Detective Simone said
to you, that we found prints on
the bedroom medicine cabinet‐‐

No, he said that
that was the only place
you were lookin',

that my prints
would get compared.

[ Sipowicz On Speaker ]
And what I'm trying to get you
to understand‐‐

That detective could've told you
that we were only lookin'
on Neptune.

What he said
we wanted those prints for,
it don't matter.

But I cooperated
based on that detective
lyin' to me.

I thought you were
pickin' up your uniform
from the tailors.

Yeah. He's gonna
shorten the sleeves a little.

Him misleading you
on those prints, that's called
permissible deception, Leon.

We in law enforcement,
we're allowed to do that...

when an innocent guy wouldn't
be harmed and a suspect's enough
of a moron to go for it.

You qualify. The print
in the woman's blood's yours.

You had it on your hands.
You k*lled her!
[ Beeper Beeping ]

"911." This is it.

[ Leon On Speaker ]
What are you guys
pullin' now, huh?

You stay there.
Sylvia beeped "911."

Go ahead.
I'll close this guy.
He knows about the blood.

He's almost done pissin' and
moanin' at how he got tricked
into givin' up his prints.

You got him.
I was watching in observation.
You wanna ride with your dad?

‐You want I should
ride with you, Pop?
‐You wanna take a ride with me?

Let's go.

Donna, could you
sign me out to the hospital?

Sylvia beeped "911."
[ Donna ]
Sure, Detective.

‐ And you'll tell the boss?
‐ Here we go.
‐ I'll have a good thought.

[ Sipowicz ]
Come on, Andy.
We're in a rush.

I'll tell Fancy.
Thanks very much.

15th Squad.

How are you, Mr. Comstock?

Uh, well, thank you,
but as regards your offer,

I'm very appreciative,
but I'm going to decline.

It's a combination
of factors.

I've never heard that‐‐
"relocation remorse"‐‐
but that is an element.

I guess
there'd be no harm in that.

Tonight's not possible.
I have a season‐long commitment
to the New York Rangers.


Uh, all right.

I'll see you between the first
and second periods...

just where the Zambonis
leave the ice.

All right, sir.

Excuse me.

Sylvia, where you goin'?
The delivery room.

‐ Where's your doctor?
‐ He's got a forceps delivery.
He'll be comin' right over.

[ Sylvia ]
This is my husband, Andy.
[ Nurse ] Jane Mackey.

‐ That's my son, Andy Jr.
‐ Hi, Andy Jr.
‐ How's it goin'?

Good. You know,
my brother's a cop in the 27.
Eddie Mackey? Heavyset guy?

‐ That's him.
‐ Detective.

Sylvia's progressing
a little faster than
we expected, but, uh,

that sometimes happens
with older primips.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.
Women past 30...

having their first child.

‐ Here comes a contraction!
‐ We're gonna set her up
in here, see where we stand,

and then you can come in
and be with her.

You okay?
I'll be fine...
after I have an epidural!

[ Yelps ]
She wants‐‐
She needs her epidural!

What's an epidural?
I don't like
this guy's attitude.

What? The doctor? He's fine.
Jewish guy. They talk to you
like you're seven.

She's got confidence in him.
That's the main thing.
Pop, take it easy.

She's got confidence
in him. That's all I care‐‐

Whoa. Where are you going?
I'm Dr. Zisk.
I'm the anesthesiologist.

My wife's in there.
I'm gonna give her an epidural.

Uh, yeah, go ahead.
She was askin' for that.

Go ahead.
[ Sylvia Screeches ]

I'm okay. I'm right here,

Must be a type
of pain procedure.

Oh, brother. [ Sighs ]
They must need an epidural
down there.

Okay, Detective.
Let's get you gowned up.
You wanna come with me?

Did you talk to your wife
about your son being present?

‐ I'll just wait outside.
‐ You just have to put on a gown
if you want to be in the room.

I'll be fine outside.
All right.
Well, let's go.

Where we going?
Down here.

Guard the door there.
Andy, stand guard.

He's a handsome boy.
Gonna be a cop.

‐ Oh, yeah? Good for him.
‐ They're callin' for you, Pop.
They said the baby's comin'.

Let's go.
Don't forget your hat.

[ Sylvia Panting ]
[ Nurse ]
That's it. That's it.

‐ [ Gasping ]
‐ Big progress, Sylvia.
Beautiful. Beautiful.

[ Sipowicz ]
What's goin' on?
I feel so much better, Andy.

Your wife is like
a peasant woman.
She's just about to deliver.

‐ Here comes another one.
[ Grunts ]
‐ Come on, sweetie. Push,

two, three, four,
five, six.

‐ [ Sylvia Yelping ]
‐ [ Doctor ]
That's it. That's it.

‐ And he's crowning.
‐ You can see the top
of his head.

‐ [ Doctor ] Push.
‐ [ Nurse ]
That's it. That's it.

[ Nurse ] Okay. Good.
[ Doctor ]
Two, three, four.

[ Screaming ]
[ Doctor ] This is the one,
Sylvia. Push!

Oh, yes. Here he is.

[ Crying ]

Here's your son,
Mr. Sipowicz.

It's a boy.
I wanna hold him.
I wanna hold him.

‐ Oh, yes.
‐ [ Doctor ] Dad,
you wanna cut the cord?


[ Baby Continues Crying ]

And here comes the placenta.

[ Liquid Dripping ]
[ Doctor ]
And we have a gush.

[ Doctor ]
She's hemorrhaging.
What's going on?

‐ Go away, Mr. Sipowicz, please.
‐ Seventy over 50.
‐ Thank you.

‐ [ Sipowicz ]
What's going on?
‐ Turn up the fluids.

[ Doctor ]
Make sure she's not too crossed.
[ Sipowicz ] How's my wife?

[ Doctor ]
I'm gonna shock the uterus
to stop the bleeding.

What the hell is‐‐
What are you talkin'
about here?

[ Retching ]
Sylvia? Sylvia?

‐ [ Doctor ]
Okay. Got it.
‐ Pressure has stabilized.

That's a girl.

[ Groaning ]
[ Nurse ]
You're okay.

‐ What happened? What happened?
‐ You hemorrhaged, but
everything's under control.

Is the baby okay?
[ Doctor ]
Absolutely. Everybody's fine.

I wanna hold him.
I wanna hold the baby.

Here we come.
Here we come.

All right.
There you go.

[ Baby Continues Crying ]

Oh, wow.
That's it.

Here he is, Andy.
Here he is.

Oh, I know.
Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, pal.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]
Healthy baby.
They're both okay.

That's great, Pop.

I'm gonna be spending
more time with him
'cause he's just a little guy.

But don't think
I love you no less.
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