02x09 - Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x09 - Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, you look

Yeah, I'm a little
rough around
the edges at 4 a. M.

What do we got?

D.o.a. Peter schelzo, 27,
sh*t in the head.

He owned the place
along with his uncle.

Any witnesses?
So far, nobody
saw anything.

A lot of customers
are in the closet.

They don't want
to give their names.

That's the uncle.
Body's back here.

Hey. How you doing?

Looks like somebody
got their merit badge
in knot tying.

My first homicide
15 years ago,

tied up the victim
just like this,

Wrists, elbows,
legs, and ankles...

With one pair
of panty hose.

Leon nadeau was
the guy's name.

Want to interview
the uncle?

Yeah. Yeah.

The bouncer's
getting checked out
at the hospital.

He gave

Thinks he
might've swallowed
some blood.

You get his name?

Yeah. He's
going to come
to the squad.

Check and see
if security cameras
got anything.

C.s.u.'S on it.
One's over
the cash register,

Another on
the front door,
one in the office.

Want to see
the blond chick
that found the body?

She's a sex change.

She does
a lounge act here.

The uncle's coming in.
He said they cleaned
out the safe.

I'll get back to you.

Here's the first one
at the body‐‐

A former male.
Is that right?
Yeah, nice job.

Hi. Detectives
simone and sipowicz.

We understand you
found the victim?

How could anybody
do a terrible
thing like this?

it's a big world.

When I first saw peter
all tied up like that,

I'm thinking
mapplethorpe, fine.

Then I realized
he's been sh*t.
I started screaming.

Then everybody else
came in and started

It was like
a passion play.

And chaz, ignoring
all the blood and vomit,

Refusing to take death
as an answer...

Desperately blowing breath
into poor peter's chest‐‐

Can we get
your name, ma'am?

Candace la rue.
Please don't call me

Candace... We'll need you
to come to the station
house with us.

Do I have time
to fix my face
before we go?

Yeah. Sure.

Because right now, darlings,
this puss is a felony.

Happy new year.

What happened,

Hospital sent us home.
False labor.

Is that a new scent?

No. That's someone
from the gay bar

She's about to be

You'd think a person...

That spent all that money
on her appearance...

Would at least spring
for a better perfume.

See, as a gender
dysphoric person,

People expect me
to camp it up in my act.

You know, carol channing.
But that's not
what I'm about.

Holiday audiences
expect the traditional.
I give it to them.

I start with
"the little drummer boy"...

And end with
♪ what child is this‐‐ ♪

What time was it
when you last saw
peter schelzo alive?

I'd just finished
my second set.

I went to the office
to get my paycheck.

About 2:00‐ish.

Peter paid me. I asked him
for a bigger mirror
in my dressing room.

He said he'd
think about it.

And next time
I saw him...

He was...

Well, you know.

Did you see
anyone at the club
that seemed suspicious?

Honey, on drag night,
everyone looks
a little shady.

Tell me something
about the bouncer.

Chaz? Sagittarius.
Uh, very good on the door...

Polite but firm.

Sees me to a cab
every night.

Did peter ever have
any problems with him?

Peter never had
problems with anybody.

He was a love.

Detective, am I
a suspect in this m*rder?

No, candace. You were
observed onstage.

You couldn't be
in two places at once.

Can I tell you my theory
about what happened?

I'm a crime buff.

Not the real thing.

Peter might've
made a new friend...

Who played with
bondage and discipline.

You see him
with anyone?

Not specifically, no,
but whoever the person was...

Probably tied peter up
a little too tight
and too long,

Then tried to cover up
an unintended tragedy...

By making it look
like robbery.

O.k., Candace. Thanks
for your cooperation.

Of course,
it's also possible...

That he got mixed up
with some sadistic
little leather boy...

Who gets off
on this sort of thing.

Yeah, we'll look
into all that.

O.k. Bye.


Mr. Schelzo,
did your nephew have
any money problems...

You know,
any big debts?

Are you kidding?
You own a gay bar,
you own a bank.

The disposable income
those people have...

Two salaries,
no kids...

We had
a positive cash flow
our second month.

Does anyone, uh...

Benefit financially
from your nephew's death?


Do you?

You're not accusing me,
I hope.

I'm trying
to understand
the situation,

See who could've had
a motive.

Never mind that peter
was my own flesh
and blood.

I'm a good businessman.
People came to that bar...

Because of peter.

He was one of them.
He lived the life.

I hoped to become
less involved.

Thinking about retirement?

No. Peter and I
were in the middle...

Of taking over
la fontana
on hester street.

We lent the owner
some money.

He wasn't taking
care of business.

Besides you and peter,
who had keys
to the premises?

Our security guy.
What's his name?

Chaz hildum.
And kyra had keys.

She's a lesbian girl.
Rents the place
twice a week.

Yeah, we'll be
talking to her.

Let me ask you

Would it help...
If I posted a reward?

Wouldn't hurt.
But rewards tend
to bring out the creeps...

Looking for a payday.

Still... It's something
I would like to do...

To honor the memory
of my nephew.

I understand.

Does the name leon nadeau
mean anything to you?

No. Should it?

sh*t in the dark
is all.

All right. Thanks
for your time, mr. Schelzo.

You'll keep
yourself available, huh?

Some gypsies
ran a scam...

On an old neighbor
of mine,

A mrs. Schnitzler.

Uh, they took her
for $3,000.

Give it
to special frauds.

Well, they're
backed up over there.

I kind of told her
I'd look into it
for her.

You mind if I run
with the ball?
Run how?

They moved from the place
where they took her off,

But she thinks she
might've seen 'em
three blocks over,

at third and "b".

I'll use my own
flash money.

If I could just get
a little backup
during the pop.

Yeah. All right.

[Pager beeps]

That's my wife.

She‐she's got you
on a baby beeper, huh?


Yeah. Is it time?

Well, yeah,
of course it works.

are brand‐new.

Don't scare me
like that.

All right.

Me, too.

‐ Trial run.
‐ Whew.

tense times,
huh, lieutenant?


Well, thanks.


Yeah, what's up,

Danny's out walking
the streets again.

How would you know
what danny's doing?
I've seen him.

You promised you'd
stay away from him, dan.

I watch from
across the park.

He's not
on his medication.

You're not
looking after him
like you said.

I'm doing my best.
I check on him
every couple days.

He needs more time.
You go, you're out
in 10 minutes, tops.

What are you doing?

Are you standing
out there all day long?

We're talking
about my son.

We're talking about you.

You're putting
your life in danger...

Being anywhere
near that kid.

I'll agree to stay away.
But I want your commitment...

You'll bring him back
to the apartment and
see he gets his pills.

I'll see to that.
But I'm working a homicide.

I can't leave
right this minute.

I'll have the uniforms
locate dan and call me.

And then
you'll go see him.

Yeah. I'll be in touch.
Why don't you go home
now? Go ahead.

All right.
All right.


You make sure
you go home.

The source of your wife's
wandering spirit...

Is most likely...

Death‐ridden monies.

That's why I hear her voice
in the middle of the night?

When your wife d*ed,
did you benefit

There was some
insurance money.

I need to see
some bills.

What do you got
with you?

Oh, uh, let's see.

‐ I got $94.
‐ Give it here.

All right.

‐ What is it?
‐ This is unclean.

‐ What does that mean?
‐ Your wife's spirit
is warning you.

The inheritance
must be cleansed.

What'll happen?
Should I stop
using the money?

I just bought
my girlfriend
a new microwave.

It could k*ll her.

I'll be right back.

Sweet god!

You see yourself.

Now this money's

What else is there?

Um, I have about
$1,500 in cash.

The rest is
tied up in investments.

Cleansing the cash
will prevent
immediate danger,

But, uh...

Then you got
to liquidate
the investments...

And bring me
that money,

Or it's all
going to be in vain.

Where is the 1,500?

‐ At home.
‐ Bring it here, quickly.

Or bad things
will befall
those you love.

I'll go right home.
The situation
is perilous.

I'd run.


I'll be back.

Do you remember
seeing anybody
leave buddy's...

or in a hurry?

Last night
was pretty mellow.

I heard there was
some ecstasy
in the house.

How long you worked
at this bar?
Three years.

I run the coat check.
And on tuesdays
and thursdays,

My lover and I produce
lipstick venus.
You know, women only.

We split the door
with peter and his uncle.
They keep the bar.

Peter gave us a sh*t.
Turned out good
for everybody.

So he was a straight
sh**t in his
business dealings.

He's done right
by me and kayla,

Did he have
any enemies
to your knowledge?

Besides jesse helms,
none that I know of.

Peter was
an all‐around great guy.

He have a boyfriend?

You know how promiscuous
men are, gay or straight.

Any of these romances
end badly to your knowledge?

Just because
I'm a lesbian...

Doesn't mean I have a clue
about what goes on in the mind
of a gay boy.

We party together,

But we go home
to very different

See what I'm saying?
He get into any
rough stuff?

Anything involving a man
is rough stuff in my book.

O.k. When will he
be back in town?


Have him call
detective sipowicz
or simone...

At the 15th
detective squad.

Right. Thanks.

What's up?
Guy who owns
that italian restaurant...

The uncle was
investing in
is in florida.

He's due back
in the morning.

I checked with

Leon nadeau's
still in the can.

The old case
I told you about.

Hello. My name
is chaz hildum.

I'm here to see
detective sipowicz.

The bouncer.


I got a message
that you want
to talk to me.

Detectives sipowicz
and simone. We're
working the case.

Everything o.k.
At the hospital?

Yeah. Look, at the club
this morning,

I told the other officer
everything I know.

Why don't you
bring us up to
speed here?

Nice boots.

So you're in charge
of security
at that bar, huh?

Yeah. I work the door,
throw out the drunks,

Make sure no one
gets out of line
in the bathrooms.

You lock up
after closing?

You turn on
the security cameras?

Me or peter would,
depending on who
got there first.

Guess peter
won't be doing that

So who got there
first last night?

Peter turned on
the cameras?

I assume he did.
I asked him about it.

He said it was
taken care of.
I got to be honest,

We're having bad luck
on this investigation.

The camera in the office
wasn't on, and that's where
the m*rder took place.

‐ Peter must have forgotten.
‐ Or maybe somebody
turned it off.

What do you
get paid, chaz?
$75 A night.

‐ So you work another job?
‐ No.

You're not trade,
are you, chaz?

A little hustling
on the side,

Pay for those
new boots?

That was something, huh?

Him trying to get
peter breathing again.

I know c. P. R.

Back of his head
was blown off,

Throat full of
vomit and blood,

And you give him
So what's your point?

That he‐she candace
says you're
a true hero.


I wonder maybe, uh,

You're trying
to show everyone...

How shocked
and surprised you are,

How broken up
you are about peter.

I'm a suspect
because I tried
to save his life?

You were in charge
of security.

The camera in your boss's office
was disconnected
and your boss got whacked.

I gotta look at you
a little bit.
This is nuts!

We know
you didn't pull
the trigger,

Because witnesses
saw you working
the door all night.

I didn't have
anything to do with it!
Suppose somebody gave you...

A few dollars to turn
that camera off...

Or leave the back door unlocked.

There's no way you're gonna
think it's anything more
than a robbery.

If that's the way
it went down, chaz,

Get it front of it now
and tell us who hired you.

it's 25 to life,

And upstate,
you don't get to
pick your boyfriends.


I wasn't involved
with this.

Now, if you want to
hold me for more

I want to talk
to an attorney.

He was in on it.
We don't have d*ck
to hold him on, andy.

the front desk

Some uniforms
just located
danny breen.

Tell 'em to pick him up.

Meet me in front of
218 12th street.

Want to cut chaz loose?

Yeah, otherwise
he's gonna lawyer‐up.

Yeah. Pick him up.
Meet him at
218 12th street.

This is all of it,
the entire 1,500.

Boy, I hope
this works.

The smoke
from the candle...

Will cleanse
the money.

Your wife's spirit
won't have anything
more to worry about,

In terms of
this money.

Then you gotta bring me
the rest of it.

Do not open
the bundle for 60 days.
What'll happen?

You will double the thr*at
to you and your loved ones.

60 Days is a long time.
I got needs.

Maybe you could a little extra
hocus‐pocus, speed things up.

You fail
to understand.

If the money
sees light...

Before two cycles
of the moon have passed,

Not only will
the thr*at be doubled,

But the money itself
will be worthless.

It is not in my power
to change that.

This must be some unclean cash,
huh? Worthless, huh?

‐ Yes.
‐ Like, it'll...

Change into newspaper?

It'll be worthless.

So is that what happened
to dolores schnitzler?

Did she open
the money too soon?

Who the hell are you?

Because she waited 60 days,

And still, all she got
was newspaper.

You know?
Just like this, huh?

‐ Just like this!
‐ Stevie, juan.

‐ Backup. Now.
‐ Son of a bitch.

New york city police.
You're under arrest.

Get your hands up
against the wall.

Turn around!

Come on.
Gimme your hands.

Hands behind your back.
Come on.

What have we here?
All right. All right.

That's it.

Here we go.

[ Speaking foreign language ]


‐ All right, let's go.
‐ What did she say?

She spit on you.
You're cursed, pal.

Let's go.

What is it, bobby?

Lou, this bouncer
is hip‐deep, man.

We just didn't have enough
to hold him, though.

What else
you looking at?

We're bringing in
mauro graciale.

He runs a restaurant
these people invested in.

He's into them
for some cash,

So I think it's
worth a conversation.


Baby's about due, huh?

Yeah. Yeah,
I'm excited.

Know what it's
going to be?

Boy. We've got
two daughters, 11 and 14.


A little worried
about my wife.

What, she's had
a tough pregnancy?

It was a difficult
delivery last time.


They're watching her
real closely.

I just can't help
feeling I've put her
in harm's way.

Yeah, well, I'm sure
she don't feel like that.

Come on, lieu,

You're going to be
walking in here
with cigars soon.

Yeah. Yeah,
I hope so.

Yeah. Night.

[ Siren chirps ]

He give you
any trouble?

He's stoned.
He stinks of reefer.

Listen, thanks.
No problem.

Come on, danny.

I'm wasted.

Let's go inside,
all right?


where's your medicine?

‐ It's here.
‐ Where here?

It's not in the cupboard.
Where is it, bedroom, bathroom?

‐ Bedroom.
‐ I'm gonna get it
and I want you to take some.

[Coughing, sniffing]

You gotta keep
these windows open
once in a while.

O.k. Here.


Come on, take it.

Take your medicine.
Come on.
[Snorting chuckle]

Come on, danny.
Take it.

You got to remember
to take your
medication, danny.

O.k.? You got to
remember that.

And I don't want you
smoking marijuana.

That's against the law.
You can get arrested.

Do you understand?
O. K.


I, uh‐‐ I saw you had
some baseball pictures...

In the other room

Do you like baseball?

I used to play baseball.
You follow any teams,

‐ Yankees, mets?
‐ Mets are on strike.

Yeah. Of course.
They all are.

All right, look.
I'm going to take off.

Can I get you

Want me to make you
a sandwich?

‐ All the bread's poisoned.
‐ There's uh‐‐

‐ There's some fresh bread here.
‐ It's poisoned, too.

No, it's not.
Come on, danny.

All right.
Take care.

I'll be checking in,
all right?

[Beep beep]
can I help you?

I'm here to see
detective medavoy.

Detective medavoy.

I'm detective medavoy.

My name
is herman costello.

Oh, right.
Uh, this way.

You've got all
my children in jail.

You mean
the fleecing team...

Of ramona,
stevie, and juan,

Who tried
to take me off
for 1,500 bucks?

You must have
entrapped them.

We have the whole thing
on tape, mr. Costello,

So spare me any talk.

This is it.
I'll be checking in.

I'll keep
a good thought.
Where do they stand?


Let's see, uh,

The sons will be
r. O. R.'Ed in arraignment.

Uh, unless there's
a further development,

Your daughter's
looking at time.

What kind of
further development?
I don't know. Uh,

Maybe some offer
of restitution
to a prior victim.

My daughter said...

You mentioned a,
uh, dolores schnitzler...

When you arrested her.

mrs. Schnitzler got a...

Couple thousand dollars

She got taken
for 3,000.

If she got three,

Would that
get my daughter out?

Mr. Costello,

Are you offering
to make $3,000

is that a rash
around your neck?

Let's stay
on the subject, o. K.?

Are you offering
to give mrs. Schnitzler
back her $3,000?

The reason
I bring up the rash...

My daughter's words
are very powerful.

Did she mention
anything to you
about a curse?

Mr. Costello,
that is a cul de sac.

I am not a person
who responds to threats,

Implied or otherwise.

If I talk to
the district attorney...

About your daughter's
plea arrangement,

It's because you're
offering restitution...

To a prior
aggrieved party,

and not out of concern...

For some half‐assed curse.
I'll put the 2,500

It's 3,000,
and I'll be in touch.

Have a seat.
Thanks for coming in.

I understand
you've been down in miami.

Just flew in.
Hell of a sunburn.

Wait till I
start to peel.

Did you hear about
peter schelzo's m*rder?
Oh, yeah.

Horrible. Real shame.
He was a nice kid.

What do you think?
Some f*g
go on a rampage or what?

You're a business associate
of peter schelzo's, right?

More with his uncle.

they both had a piece
of my restaurant. Yeah.

You were in default
on a loan from them?

I guess technically
I was in default.

The uncle says he was
taking the place over.

We were trying
to work out an arrangement...

That was equitable
to all parties.

But pending this
equitable arrangement,

Technically, you're
stiffin' 'em on a loan.

Mr. Graciale, this is
a homicide investigation.

Let's not be
too cute here.

If what you tell us
doesn't square up...

With what we
already know,

You're going
to have some problems.

Hey, look,
I'm here to cooperate.

‐ You mind if I smoke?
‐ Your lungs.

How long were you
down in miami?

Two days‐‐
just long enough...

To get my ass in a sling
over this chick.

I don't have enough
problems with my business,

I step out
on the old lady.

You know a guy
named chaz hildum?


He's a bouncer
at buddy's.

‐ Oh, yeah.
‐ So you do know him.

I didn't connect the name,
but when you said
he was the bouncer,

I remember seeing him
when I was over there.

You ever talk to him about
your business problems?

‐Why would I talk to him?
‐You never asked
this guy chaz...

To do anything for you,
a favor or anything?

I don't get
where this is going.

In terms of turning off
a security camera,

Leaving a door unlocked
at that bar.

Hey‐oh. Whoa.
What the hell are you guys
talking about?

You're about
to lose your place.

Maybe you can
pay back these people...

With their own money.
I don't know nothing
about this!

I was in florida.
It's time to get real here,
mr. Graciale.

‐ The bouncer gave you up.
‐ He gave me up?

He's got his head up his ass,
and you're gonna be
talking to my lawyer.

If you took a hit
on peter schelzo,
you shouldn't talk to us.

If you hired some guy
to do a robbery,

And he messed up
and did a m*rder,

You ought to be
helpin' yourself.

If that's the way it went down,
you ought to keep in mind...

That the button guy knows
you're the only guy
that can finger him.

Now, you could be
in some danger there too.

Help us grab the sh**t.
It'll go a lot
easier for you.

Give us a name,
mr. Graciale.

You think I could
be in danger?
Big danger.

Uh, this was a robbery,
all right?

A robbery. It wasn't
supposed to be a m*rder.

I was just trying
to pay back a loan.

Leon nadeau.

I dropped a grand on chaz
to facilitate a robbery.

Whatever you need me
to do, you got it.

We're gonna need you
to wear a wire,

Get this guy to say
he did the m*rder.

I got to tell you,

Next time someone
starts talking...

About franco harris
making that catch...

Or foreman
knocking out moorer,

I'm gonna tell him
about you...

Coming up
with leon nadeau.

Want to set up the wire
on this guy?

I'm gonna take a whiz,
then I'm gonna call corrections,

And find out how the hell they
still show nadeau in the joint?

Sure you don't want to head
to the lottery office,
start buyin' tickets.

Mrs. Schnitzler
called again.

I didn't tell her anything.
I didn't want to get
her hopes up.

We'll see
what the a. D. A. Says.

I'm telling you, donna,
this neck condition
is going into overdrive.

The laundry's
putting too much starch
in your collars.

I spoke to the laundry.
They're not doing anything
different with my shirts.

You remember me telling you
how this girl...

Spoke to me
in a foreign tongue
and spit at me?

That neck rash could
be a food allergy.

You're allergic
to everything.

I haven't
changed my diet.

And why would my gums
suddenly start bleeding?

Do you honestly believe...

It's 'cause a gypsy girl
put a curse on you?

I don't necessarily
believe that, no,

But in the absence
of any other explanation,

I'd like to eliminate
the possibility.

Sorry I'm late.

Hello, counselor.

This is about
the costello case?

Uh, the father was in.
Uh, he's offering restitution...

To the, uh,
the prior complainant.

I got no problems
letting the sons walk,

But the daughter,
she's got multiple priors.

Miss costas,
the prior complainant
is an elderly widow.

She lives on
a social security check.

That's dolores schnitzler?
Yes. Now,

The $3,000 that
mrs. Schnitzler lost,

That was her safety net.

Getting it back would
make a big difference...

For her and her 14 cats.

And if I let
ramona costello walk,

Aren't I setting up
future mrs. Schnitzlers?

Well, realistically,
miss costas,

If you file charges
on this gypsy girl,

Once she makes bail,

Would you ever expect
to see her again?

I think not.

If you let me know
that the father
has made restitution,

I'll have the daughter's
charges reduced.

She'll be released
with her brothers
at arraignment.

Sounds like a plan.
Yeah. I got
to return this page.

Thanks, miss costas.


Uh, adrienne, start running
on locating that bouncer.

He's gonna be
a collar now.


How'd it go?
I gave danny
his medication.

Did you check
under his tongue after?

'Cause he can pretend
to take it.

He looked
like he took it.

I'm 99% sure he did.
I‐i stayed a while,

And we talked
a little after.
How'd he seem?

All right.
O. K.

You going
back to queens?

Uh, I'm not sure. I‐‐

I have a 6:30 meeting here.

I‐i can't do it, andy.
I have to go back to him.

no, I'm 67 years of age.

I'm not gonna have
any more children.

What makes sense to me now
is to be with him,

To look after him.

The best I can
for as long as I can.

I can't agree with you
on this.
I've made my choice.

He's my son.

I have
to look after him.

I want your commitment
to call me every four hours.
I will.

I want a commitment,
You have it.


Uh, sylvia costas,
dan breen.

‐ How do you do?
‐ It's a pleasure to meet you.


Well, I'm due
in court, so, uh‐‐
see you later.

She's very attractive.

Your relationship
going well?
It's going good.

I'm glad of that.

If he comes after you,

You get out of there,

I was a cop a long time.

I can
take care of myself.

He's in.

How was miami?
Wall‐to‐wall ass.
You bring the money?

That's what I said
I'd do?
Come on.

‐ How'd that thing happen
at that f*g place?
‐ What thing?

Why'd you have
to whack the kid, leon?

Because the little fairy
walked in on me.

It was supposed to be robbery.
I know what
it was supposed to be.

But I told you,
he walked in on me.
I get him tied up,

And he's still screaming
at the top of his lungs.
He wouldn't shut up.

Guy left me no choice.
Got him.

Here we go.

Stand back, sir.

‐ Move back.
‐ Come on. Let's go.

Should i?

Police! Freeze!

Let that woman go.
Put that g*n down.

I'm walking out,
or this bitch dies.

Listen, leon, I got
emergency services

You hear them?

These guys don't do
anything but sh**t.

You're the one
that's gonna die
right now!

‐ I'm gonna take her with me.
‐ I hear what you're sayin',

But I know you, leon,
and you ain't got the balls
to sh**t anyone...

Unless they're tied up
and face down.

Your only chance
is give yourself up.
You got 30 seconds!

Don't you play
that string out, leon,

'Cause I promise
you'll die here.

You want to live
or die?

b*llet through the head,

[Sirens blaring]

You just take it easy.

Drop the g*n
and slide it over.

[Woman whimpering]

Get down on your face.

Get down on your face!

You remember this position,
don't you, leon? Huh?

Little piece of crap.

Get up!

Come on, pal.
You too.

Don't have to ride
with him, do i?
No. We got you a limo.

Have we heard anything
yet from fancy?

He called. His wife's
still in labor.

She's having
a hard time.
All right. Thanks.

[Line ringing]

[Ringing continues]




Oh, no.

Oh, dan.

15 Squad.

10‐85 Forthwith,

Westbound on grand
toward mulberry.

[Dispatcher relays call]

I'm gonna collar this guy.

I know him.
I want to try it alone.
Be careful.


You gotta come
with me now.

You're gonna
put me away!
We gotta go, danny.

Leave my music on.
I don't want to
think about it.

You're gonna be all right.

I hurt my dad.

Take him to the house.
You got it.

Hey, donna.
Got pictures.
Let me see.

Oh, lieutenant,
he's a little doll.

Good‐looking boy, lieu.
He have a name?

Arthur fancy jr.
How's his moms?

It got tough for a while,
but she's fine.

Hey, andy.

Andy's friend was k*lled
today, dan breen.

Andy just brought in
the son.

You get that sh**t
on that gay bar case?

Yeah, I'm checking
his statement now.

Good work.

Oh, hey.

I'm back with cigars,
just like you said.

I'm glad everything
went o. K.

[Door opens]

I just heard
about your friend.

Did the son give
a statement?

Nothing that made any sense.

He's covered with blood.
His prints will be on the Kn*fe.

The father...
Used to be on the job?

Helped me get back
on my feet again.

‐ I'm sorry, andy.
‐ [Grunts]

My wife...
She had our baby.

Is that right?

Everybody's healthy.

That's great.
It's a boy, huh?


I've always
wanted a son.

Afraid to admit it,
I wanted it so bad.

I'm glad it worked out.

I hope he gets
what you want for him.

I want everything
for him.

We're making a run
to central booking,

Want us to take
your collar over?

No, I should go do that.

Hey, thanks, vinny.

Come on, danny.
I don't wanna go.

You gotta go to booking.
I'm gonna take you.

I lost my headphones.

Get up, danny, please.
Come on.

Turn around.
Give me your hands.

I got your headphones.


You can listen to them
on the way down.

Come on.
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