01x18 - Zeppo Marks Brothers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x18 - Zeppo Marks Brothers

Post by bunniefuu »

‐ [ Siren wailing in distance ]
‐ [ chattering ]

Come on, come on, don't push me.
I'm going into
major back spasms here.

Oh, oh, the pain's
sh**ting down my leg now.
Morning, sarge.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have
jumped through that motel room
transom, huh, nick?

That could be hard
on the sciatic.

Don't take the bag
off of my head!
Hey, hey, okay.

We're in the station house.
You're safe.

Oh, I'm safe?
Oh, that's a good one.

That's rich.
I'm a dead man.

This is the escaped
material witness,
and I need some aspirin.

‐ He's got a bad back, okay?
‐ Tylenol 3!

D.a.'S office called.
Their detectives are on
their way to pick him up.

I hope you gave those mopes
good directions.

Upstairs, nick.
Up you go.

That bitch kimmy gave me up.
She dropped the dime on me,
didn't she?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Yeah, right, kelly.
Tell me another one.
She gave me up...

And now you're
sending me to my death,
making me testify.

Nick, didn't you
play the elephant man
in that school play?

Let me hear you say this
with your nose all clogged,

"I'm not an animal.
I'm a human being."
Oh, my god! Oh!

Hey, why don't you just
sh**t me in the head, huh?

Huh? Come on, just go ahead.
Just sh**t me in the head
right now. No?

Okay, how about the mouth
then, huh? Come on. Come on.
Right through the brain.

At least that way
I know when it's coming.
I mean, the other way,

Never knowin' when it's coming,
that scares me.

That's it, nicky.
Just, uh, keep working
yourself up.

Try for
a heart att*ck, huh?

The olivas are in custody, nick.
They cannot hurt you.

[ Chuckles ] so what‐‐
so what are you trying to do,
insult me now, kelly?

After everything else,
you try to insult me?
"They can't get to me"?

Who are you kidding?
You called in the tip, nick.
Seeing them do that whack.

I was pissed off!
You don't‐‐ you don't k*ll
a guy in front of his kid.

A‐animals did it
right in front of
the guy's little kid.

That's right,
and you did the right thing
by callin' it in.

Yeah, and I called it in
anonymous. Anonymous.

Th‐that word is not
in your vocabulary?

Hey, bright eyes,
you want anonymous,
don't use your own phone.

You know we trace
incoming calls here, huh.

Yeah, great.
So‐‐ so I do a good thing.
I have to die for it.

You are not gonna die.
You are gonna testify
and that is it.

I don't believe a word
out of your mouth, kelly.

"Oh, just come in
and i. D. The man, nicky.

Pick him out of a lineup.
You don't gotta go
to the grand jury."

I come in.
I make the i.d.
Two days later‐‐ boom!

"Oh, nicky. Our other evidence
fell through. You gotta come in
and testify."

And when I say I won't do that,
you guys make me
a material witness...

And throw me
in a civil jail.

And that‐‐ that was‐‐
that was really cute.
That was nice, you know.

In there w‐with the animals.

Which is why
we put you in a motel.

It's called protective custody,
nick. We put you in there
to protect you.

But you‐‐
deep thinker that you are‐‐
you escape.

Of course I escaped!

I‐i have this thought,
you know, that‐‐ that maybe...

My life is still
worth something, you know.

I mean, I could still
do something with my life.

I mean, fellas...
Come on now.

If I stay in this town
and I testify...

I'm a dead man.

Now you look me in the eye
and you tell me that ain't true.

Nicky, if you stop
acting like a flake,
that won't be true.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Yeah, and rose kennedy shouldn't
keep her black dress pressed.
Screw you guys.

Hey. He's got a bad back.
You might wanna be aware of it.

Hey, guys, here's
a little tip, you know.

We try to alternate
the guys who are asleep.

We try not to have both cops
asleep in a motel room
at the same time.

That way the guy can't vault
over your shoulders
out the transom.

That's not the way
it happened, sipowicz.
Don't push.

Okay, okay.

He has 48 hours
before he has to testify.

If we could keep him
in custody until then,
that'd be ideal.

Hey, you tell kimmy
I hope she got well
rattin' me out to you guys.

Come on!
Stay cool, nicky.
You'll be all right.

Seriously, nick. Deep down,
don't you feel pretty good
about this, huh?

Whatever happens to me
is on your heads, you pricks!

Come on, let's go.
Aah! Oh, my neck.

Here's your message.
Callin' that tip in is
probably the only good thing...

The guy's ever done in his life,
and it winds up jammin' him up.

It's not like he had
much of a life to ruin.

You guys better get
your uniforms in shape.

You got a uniform detail
the day after tomorrow.

‐ You're kidding.
‐ Division commander's request.

What's the detail?
A parade.
Broadway on broadway.

People from the broadway
musicals performing their songs
on the street.

We're gonna be hip‐deep
in leotards.

This is a division commander
busting fancy's balls.

I gotta go see roberts
for breakfast. He didn't sound
too good on the phone.

How's that your problem?
I don't know.

I'll see you later.
I gotta call
the dry cleaner.

Does your uniform
need any alterations, andy?

What's that
supposed to mean, medavoy?

No, all's I'm saying is,
you know, if it was necessary,

My, uh, my dry cleaner
does alterations,

Uh, is all I meant.

Excuse me.


Hi, mike.

Nice to see ya.
Yeah, you too.

Thanks for meeting me.

How you been?
I've been better, john.

What's going on?
Well, you know.

Connie's got me
sleeping on the couch.

She wants a divorce,
only we can't afford one.

She can't forgive me,
john, you know.

All that stuff with dee dee,
she can't get past it.

Give her some time, mike.
Give her some time.

It's not gonna happen.
She looks over at me

Going to get a glass of water,
I'm on the couch like a dog.

She looks over at me
with absolutely no respect.
[ Chuckles ]

And my kids?
You know, used to be they'd
ask me how the day went.

Now they ask me, you know,
"seen anything on tv?"

"Anything good on tv?"
They say.

I mean, I had
decorations, john.

I had two separate citations
for valor, right?

[ Man ]
gloria, pick up.

Anyways, enough
bitchin' and moanin'
from me, huh?

You got enough problems
of your own.

I wanted to tell you
I took out a p.i. License.

Hey, good, good.

And, uh, 100% candid,

I heard you were moonlightin',
bodyguardin' for jimmy wexler.

I thought you had
some shift work
you could throw me.

Yeah, well, you know he's been
so sick lately, I haven't been
workin' for him.

Oh, no kiddin', huh? Oh.
Sorry he's so sick.

But I will definitely
think of you if I get
that kind of work, okay?

Yeah, I appreciate that.

You thought I was
an okay cop, right, john?

I mean, uh,
I know I crossed
the line that one time‐‐

My relationship
with dee dee‐‐

But in general,
you had respect
for me as a cop?

In general, mike, I did.

You know what?
Hold on to a few dollars,
will you?

Absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
Put that away.

I'm lookin' to earn here, john.
I'm not lookin' to
glam on to anybody.

Thanks for meeting me.
Us guys have gotta
stick together, am I right?

That's right.
We gotta stick together.

And I will definitely
call you if I have
that kind of work, okay?


You know, I never thought
I'd miss the job this much.
[ Pager beeps ]

[ Man ] I think
she's having a heart att*ck.

What, you gotta take that?

Yeah. Yeah.

no, go ahead.
I understand.

Thanks for meeting me.
You bet. You keep
your chin up, all right?

All right.
I'll talk to you.

[ Cash register dings ]

[ Siren wails ]

How did this happen?
Ah, nicky jumped out
of the car...

While the d. A. Cops
were taking him back
to the motel.

He got lost through
the side streets. So, I guess
his back spasms let up, huh?

Why didn't we hear about it?
'Cause the d. A. Cops
never called in the alarm.

They decided to go lookin'
for him themselves. This guy's
been running around for an hour.

They sh*t him comin' out of
here about 20 minutes ago.

Those assholes
let him escape.
What do you got?

No witnesses to the sh**ting
itself. That guy saw
a blue pontiac driving away...

And a girl running away
from where the guy got sh*t.

Get a description
on the girl?
White, late‐20's, blond hair.

That's kimmy.
He said she ran away

[ Man ]
stay back.
You can't be in here.

I wanna talk to you a minute.
You work in the bar, right?

Yeah, that's right.
You know this guy?

Yeah, he came in sometime.
Nicky constantino, right?

You know the girl he was with?
I saw her
with him a few times.

Did she come in
with him today?

No, she met him.
He'd been in here
maybe half an hour.

He's hittin' it pretty good.
She came in.
She made a phone call.

I think they had a drink.
They leave, he gets sh*t
out front.

How come you remember
she made the phone call?

'Cause I broke down a twenty
for her. She didn't have
any change.

All right, let me‐‐
hey, john, where are they goin'?

[ Kelly ]
I don't know. They said
they didn't see anything.

They're going back
to the station.
Hey, forget about you...

Being bad enough at your job,
you let this guy boogie
twice in 24 hours.

Forget you uncuffed him in
the back of the car.

The guy's back was k*lling him.
What I wanna know is how you
assholes could be so gutless...

‐ As to not call it in.
‐ Get away from us, sipowicz!

You got this guy k*lled!
I think you got him k*lled!

Oh, I got him k*lled?
You prick. I got him k*lled?

All he could talk about
was how you and kelly lied
to him. Made him testify.

He knew he was
gonna be taken out.
Shut your mouth.

Which it looks to me
is what happened.
Shut up and get in your car.

You hear me?
I don't like the way
he's talkin' to me.

This is your screwup.
This is your mess.

If you know
what's good for you,
get in the car.

And don't get lost on the way.
We didn't k*ll nobody, pal.

We're not the ones
who let him escape, all right?

You've got no reason
to hold me.

Don't wanna hold you,
just wanna talk to you.

I already told you
what happened. We were comin'
out of kerner's, nicky got sh*t.

I didn't see anything.
Okay, right in here.
Come on. Come on.

Right down on the end.
Go ahead.

I need something to drink.
Can I get a diet soda?

‐ In a little while.
‐ [ Chuckles ]

What's this gonna be now, huh?
You guys gonna b*at me up?

Nicky was blown away
in the street, kimmy.

You got his blood
on your shirt, don't you?

We wanna catch these guys.
We need your cooperation.

I told you
I didn't see anything.

You know what
"theory of the case"
means, kimmy?

You wanna hear
one theory of the case?

The olivas bought nicky
getting hit, and you dropped
the dime to finger him,

Which would account
for your travel plans.

You know, I called
you guys last night.

I told you where nicky
was so you'd get him back
into custody and he'd be safe.

You also hit us for $200.
And maybe today you figured
you'd look for a higher bid.

Did you call the olivas
from the bar?

‐ They reach out to you,
tell you how to get in touch?
‐ Sons of b*tches!

I loved nicky.
I cared about
what happened to him.

The only call I made
from that bar was the port
authority for buses to miami.

‐ What happened in the street?
‐ I didn't see anything.

‐ I don't believe you, kimmy.
‐ Leave me alone.

You wanna get out of town?
You wanna get to miami?
We could arrange that.

Yeah? After what?

You i. D. The guy who sh*t nicky.
We pick him up.
We take the ball from there.

Is this what
you told nicky, huh?

Is this how you lied to him?
"Just make the i. D.
We'll take it from there."

Tell us what you saw, kimmy.
We'll get you out of town.

We can do that,
but you gotta listen to me.

So, look at me.
Look at me.

Now, sometimes in life
things go far from what
we dream for ourselves.

And when that happens,
it's a drag.

But we must be willing
to be resilient
and make changes for ourself.

Make a new plan for ourself.
Do you understand?

Now, I think if you put
some thought into that,

You could come up with
something good for yourself.

[ Inhales deeply ]

I wanna go to florida.

‐ Swim with the dolphins.
‐ We could make that happen.

Understand something, kimmy.
Nicky not being able to testify,

The guys he was gonna i.d.
Are gonna walk out of rikers
in a few days.

Our people don't want that.
You help us make a case
against him,

And we're not talkin'
about just a couple
hundred of dollars.

How much do you think you need
to get down to florida?
Two, three thousand?

We can get that for you.
It's a big case.

But you've got to give us
the sh**t who k*lled nicky.

I'm scared.

I think nicky would want you
to get outta here, kimmy.
I really do.

I know he would.
Oh, I know that.

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

Yeah. Okay.

Six months ago,
the oliva brothers put out
a hit on one of their dealers.

A man named nicky constantino
witnessed the hit...

And was going to be
a material witness in the oliva
trial three days from now.

Till you guys lost him
in custody and the olivas
slaughtered him.

‐ That's not how it happened.
‐ The d. A. Squad detectives
had him in custody.

I don't give a damn
who had him in custody.

He was your witness,
and you were responsible
for him.

The point is the girlfriend
saw him get hit. She can i.d.
The guy who hit him.

We're gonna show her
some pictures, but she's not
gonna open her mouth...

Unless we authorize
some money for her
to get out of town.

‐ How much?
‐ $3,000.

You told her all she'd
have to do was i. D. The guy?

That's right. So, either
we get her the money
and pop this guy...

Or the olivas walk away
and we all look bad.

I'll get you two thousand.

Is that the best
you can do?

What, are you working
off commission?

[ Sighs ]
twenty‐five hundred.

But if you bring this guy
in off her i. D...

And he won't flip
on the other guys
that hired him,

I don't care what promises
you made this girl,

It's understood between us,
she's gonna testify.


You wanna go back and thank him
for the uniform detail?

Listen to this.
You ready for this?

The dry cleaners
can't find my uniform.

I had it in the dry cleaners.
They're having trouble
tracking it down.

You got the claim ticket?
I lost the ticket!

It's three‐and‐a‐half years.
They're required to by law.

I'd go arrest them, medavoy.
I mean, I may have to
buy a whole new uniform.

I don't wanna wind up
a liar with this girl, andy.

Yeah, I like to keep a promise
to a witness once a year,
just to remember the feeling.

Let's get her started
on the photographs.

‐ You wanna handle that
for a while?
‐ Yeah, what's up?

I wanna go talk
to that bartender again.

All right.
I'll see you later.
Hi, andy.

Hi. Sure you can.
Can I talk
to you for a minute?

James, will you get this girl
started on the constantino
photographs, please?

‐ Sure, john. No problem.
‐ What's going on?

Well, I understand
my trial calendar
had a hole put in it.

Yeah, the oliva prosecution's
in trouble now 'cause of
constantino's death.

I don't know, but what did
you wanna talk about?

Maybe I'm crazy,
but I've had the feeling lately
that I'm being followed.

Tell me about it.
Well, it's nothing concrete.

Just three or four times
over the last week.

It's more like a feeling
than anything.

It's like I come out of a place,
I feel like someone's
watching me or following me,

And I turn around,
it's people in the street.

I'm probably
just being neurotic.

It's probably just some sort
of a post‐stress syndrome
from the giardella thing.

Yeah. No, I wanna
look into this.

What are you gonna do?
I'll call your super
and send a sector car over.

Okay. Yeah, thanks.

Hey, laurie.

The guy you're seeing,
does he have this feeling too?

What does he
have to do with this?

Well, I know you guys
are serious, spendin'
a lot of hours together.

Well, does he feel
this way too?

No, he doesn't.
Anything else?

No. I'll send a car over.
You gonna be around?

What are you getting at?
You want to know
where I'm sleeping?

I am not trying to get into
your private life,

But if I'm gonna check this out,
I need to know where you are.

I sleep at his place
about half the time.

In manhattan? Okay.

I finally made it
over the bridge.

Here's his name
and number.

Anything else?
No, that's it.

Okay. Thank you.

You okay. Come on.

[ Bartender ]
what's up?

You remember me, right?

I'm following up
on this sh**ting.

I don't know what else
I can tell you.
[ Sighs ]

Well, I'll ask you
some questions, and that'll
give you a hint...

About what I'm interested
in finding out.

All right.
So, this girl comes in,
and she meets nicky.

Now let's go over
this next part again.

Okay. She made a phone call,
they had a drink, they left.

He was paying
for his drinks, huh?

And she, uh, she broke
a twenty with you
so she could make the call.

Yeah, that's right.
And, uh,

That's how you remember
her making the call, 'cause
she asked for change, right?

Yeah. We talked about
all this.

So, nicky's paying for
his drinks,

He's got money on the bar,
and she goes into her pocket...

And she asks for change
for a $20 bill.

Now, that doesn't
make sense to me.
I‐i don't think she did that.

Look. What's
your problem here?

I got no problem.

I just, uh, I just
get the feeling that...

You really want me to know
that she made a phone call,

And so you lied
about her asking for change.

Now why would that be,
I wonder?
You see,

This is why people
hate cops.

You try and cooperate
and you get the third degree.

Hey, sit down.

I said sit down.

You didn't make
a phone call too, did you?
What's your name?

Lenny, did you make
a phone call too?

'Cause her call
was to the port authority.

And‐and I'm wondering
who else might have made a call
that got nicky whacked?

Hey, I don't need this,
and I said all I'm gonna say.

Listen. This girl
is cooperating.
She saw the hitter.

And as soon as we pop that guy,
I am going to make it
my special business...

Finding out
did you make that call.

If you don't cooperate
right this minute,
I'm gonna make it worth...

Some time off to that guy
giving you up.

All right, come on, lenny!
All right!

But I didn't know anything
about any whacks. Zeppo said
nicky owed him some money.

Yeah, right,
and I'm an indian princess.

All right. This zeppo
got a last name, hmm?

Yeah, you know,
anybody doesn't look right.

You know, you keep an eye
on the place generally,
and, uh, talk to the super,

See if any front door locks
are broken, missing keys,
stuff like that.

Yeah. Hey, you know what?
Uh, you don't need to
bother her either, all right?

Good. That's be great.

She's all upset, john.
She keeps going back
to this one photograph,

But she's too spooked
to pick the guy.

We talkin' about kimmy?

Would the guy she's lookin' at
be named zeppo marchansky?

How'd you know that?

The boiler just exploded!
We have to get out!

Get up against the wall!
Check inside.

Zeppo marchansky?
You're under arrest.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
you made a mistake!
I got one of these faces.

People think I'm somebody else.
Happens all the time.

I got the same problem.
A woman stopped me
on the street the other day.

She says, "bob, I thought
you were just marvelous
in the sting."

Get this assh*le
some clothes.

I'm scared.

I'm really scared.
Kimmy, I promise
he cannot see you in here.

Listen. If we cut
this guy loose,
you're in real danger.

You're gonna be all right.

It's number three.

Good. That's good.

Everybody but number three
can leave with the officer.

You bitch, you're dead!
You're dead meat!

He can see in?
He cannot see in.

He's just guessin'.
Don't worry about it.
We got you covered.

You're gonna make me go
to the grand jury like
nicky and get me k*lled.

You gave us
what we needed, didn't you?
You gave us the i. D., Right?

I'm not sure.
I'd like to think
about this some more.

Can I talk to you
outside, please?

You've gotta sell this girl
on the fact she's not gonna have
to testify for the grand jury.

And how am I gonna do that?
Any way you want
you're comfortable.

But I think she has
an excellent chance not to go.

John, I'm not going to do this.
If this guy doesn't testify...

And he doesn't give you
the olivas, believe me,

My boss is going to make her
go to the grand jury.

He's gonna get something
out of this.
We can't flip this guy...

Unless we get him i. D.'D,
and we can't get him i. D.'D...

Unless you talk to this girl
and reassure her.

I'm not comfortable
doing that.

[ Man ]
he failed to report
to his probation officer.

Listen to me, understand me
and trust me.

I speak with the full authority
of the district attorney's

And all we're asking
is for you to i.d.
That perpetrator.

What about when it's time
for the grand jury?
We will exert...

Every resource
of this department to make
your testimony unnecessary.

We'll put out a full‐court
press. And between
the preliminary arraignment...

And the grand jury,
we'll develop
corroborating evidence...

And simply
name you anonymously
as a reliable informant.

Can I talk to you
for a minute
without them here?

Of course.

I'm not sure I can trust them,
not after what happened
with nicky.

This isn't coming from the cops,
this is coming from me.

I want you
to trust me on this.

All right.

It's number three.

But you don't think
I'm gonna have to testify?

You heard what I said.

[ Chattering ]
she i. D.'D your suspect.

[ Clears throat ]

How could you do that?
How could you lie
to her like that?

I told her we'd use
every resource to make sure
she won't have to testify.

I intend to honor that.
But if push comes to shove,
you'll make her testify.

Yes, if push comes to shove,
I will make her testify.

Welcome to the world,

Right over here.

[ Man ]
fifteenth precinct,
detective shapiro.

there's a dr. Schrager
here to see you.

For me?

Okay. Uh, would you
give her some coffee.

Keep an eye on her.
Yeah, sure.

Could I get you
some coffee?

Dr. Schrager?

John kelly.

You didn't have to come in.
The message said
give me a call.

Well, I hope
you don't mind, detective.
No. Come on in.

I just, uh, wanted to come down
here and see where laurie
spends her time.

You know, it's really‐‐
it's, uh, very, very different
from the world I live in.

I don't know what laurie
told you about me, but I'm
a pediatric cardiologist.

I work with children.
Yeah, yeah, I got that
from the pediatric part.

[ Laughs ]

Well, laurie just, uh,
just respects the hell
out of you.

I guess you don't need me
to tell you that, right?

Well, same goes for you.

Uh, I don't know,
I think she mentioned to you...

That she feels like
she's being followed.
Yeah, she has.

Do you have
any sense of that?

Well, to be truthful,
I don't, john, but, uh,

I have to say
I'm the least paranoid guy
in the whole world.

Hm. Okay.

You have any enemies?
Me? No.

Malpractice suit,
something like that?

No, no. I've been very lucky
in that respect.

Although, I have colleagues
just tell me some, whoo,
horror stories.

Mm‐hmm. You got an ex‐wife
that's mad at you?

Haven't been married.
Former girlfriend.


Okay. Uh,

It says you live
at 842 central park west.

Right, right.
It's a real schlepp
from the hospital,

But I tell you something,
I wouldn't give up the view
of the park for anything.

Mm. Uh, any trouble
in the neighborhood
over there?

Well, uh, the co‐op board
is up in arms...

Because there's a rock star...

Trying to move
into the building, you know.

That's about as bad
as it gets.


I think that's it.

Uh, thanks for coming in.

Good. I'm hoping that eventually
you and i, we can be friends.


Thanks for coming in.
All right.

What are you doing here?

John, you ready
to talk to zeppo?

Oh, gee, zeppo.

You want a soda or a cigarette?
No, I'm okay.
I don't smoke.

Good for you, zeppo.

You don't have to be
a rocket scientist.
Smoking's a k*ller.

Jail's unhealthy too, zeppo.
People go way downhill in jail.

You've been i. D.'D
for sh**ting
nicky constantino.

Now you gotta know
we're talking major
hard time here.

Yeah, just 'cause
that bitch i. D.'D me?

Hey, people change
their minds, you know.

‐ What bitch would that be?
‐ The bitch.

The bitch, she thinks
she i. D.'D me, that bitch.

You sh*t this guy
in plain view in front of
a street full of people.

You don't think
we have other witnesses?

You got to lookup, zeppo.
Up, hmm?

'Cause if you'd have taken
the time to look up,

You'd realize that
that wasn't a smart choice,
where you whacked him.

What do you mean look up?
Some seagull flew by?

No, I'm talking about
a neighborhood woman.
She's got arthritis.

She looks out the window
all day long.

Lookin' out the window
is like going to
the movies for her.

Not to mention her husband.
She calls him to the window.
They both saw it all.

Hey, pal, you don't wanna
go to bat on this one.
We got multiple witnesses.

Okay, recess is over now, zeppo.
You follow this arithmetic.

You do the 25 years,
that makes you 60 by the time
you even see the board.

They'll turn you down
the first time,
that makes you 63...

Before you even got a chance
of gettin' out, huh?

Now you think about that, zeppo.
Sixty‐three years old,

Wearin' a little pinafore,
keepin' house for
some bodybuilder.

Who paid you to k*ll
nicky constantino?

What kind of deal
we talkin' about here?

‐ Depends on what
you have for us.
‐ If I did the whole flip.

Was it the olivas?

Hey, you work out
a deal.

Marchansky's agreed
to cooperate.

They want to send him
into rikers, wired.
Without a police escort.

He goes in there with an escort,
some trustee notices,
we're out of business.

It'll get to the olivas
and all they'll talk about
is the weather.

I think it's too big a risk
to have him unaccompanied.

We'll alert the guards,
and we'll be outside monitoring.

They could cut his throat
before you have time
to stand up.

Look. Those guys walk
in less than 24 hours.

This is the only chance
we have.

All right.

Any chance this gets us
out of parade duty?

See how it comes out.

My name is zeppo marchansky.

[ Man ]
you wanna sign your name
right there on line 27.

[ Buzzer buzzes ]

All right.
Right through that door.

[ Buzzer buzzes ]

He's in.

[ Buzzer buzzes ]

I thought
when they said visitor,
they meant human being.

[ Laughter ]

What brings you here?
You come to pay your respects?

No. I‐i got a problem.

You got a lot
of problems, man.

[ Nando ]
so what's your problem?
You lonely? You miss us?

No, no, i‐i need
another ten, nando.

I say, really? Me too.
I need another ten too.

How about you, jesus?
You want another ten?

Always, man.
I can always use another ten.

[ Zeppo ]
hey, look, nando,
I got money problems.

I‐i did a deal,
got fronted some product.

The guy I moved to
skated on me. I‐i need
ten thousand to make good.

You doin' dr*gs, baby?
You're talkin' all crazy.

Look. You told me
to take out that guy.

I did it.
I did good for you.

You did so good,
you do what we say,

How come that d. A. Broad's
still walkin' around?

[ Zeppo ]
no, no, you told me
if I couldn't hit the guy,

If you needed a mistrial,
hit her if I couldn't hit nicky.

I had her all set up.

You know who they're talkin'
about, andy? You know who
that is, don't you?

That's laura.

I took nicky out.
I did good for you.

I followed orders.
You got to look out
for me now.

Look out for you how?

I need another ten thousand.
I owe people.

No, no, no, you're
hallucinating, baby.

Where are we gonna get
that kind of money?

We're in jail, man.
No money here.

Hey, you didn't have
no problem...

Getting me 25,000
to k*ll constantino.

I'm tellin' you
I need another ten.

Are you threatening me?
No, no, no, no, no.

I'm just telling you
my situation.

Hey, zeppo, look at me!

Screw your situation, okay?

You understand? Hmm?

That's nothing
to us who you owe,
or what's gonna happen.

We took out nicky.

You can die too, zeppo.


[ Knocking on door ]

Hey, I got what you guys
wanted, didn't i?

[ Zeppo ]
whoa, whoa, hey,
take it easy.

Hey, you lyin' pricks.
Shut your mouth.

Come on.
Right down the steps.

Zeppo and his attorney
are a little upset...

About the extra felony
for stalking laura.

If you think you can violate
a plea agreement,

Sustain a separate charge
off information secured
while my client...

Wore a wire
to assist you people,
you are nuts.

Well, your client promised
full disclosure,

But he did not disclose
the contract to stalk
my colleague.

I'm also considering filing
civil and criminal charges
against you, detective,

For assaulting my client
when he came out of rikers.

Your client slipped.
He fell on his face
on the slippery ice.

I guess it's
no holds barred, right?

As long as you know
you're the good guys.

[ Kelly ]
see ya.

Give me a minute,
will ya?

Yeah. Uh, come here.

[ Costas ]
what can I do for you?

You all right?
Yeah. Well, it's
a little upsetting...

To be a candidate
to be m*rder*d.

Yeah, well,
don't worry about it.
It's over, okay?

I also wanna tell you
I resent your intruding on
my relationship with danny.

How did I do that?

You dragged him in here
to interrogate him.

I didn't drag him in here
and interrogate him.

Asking him questions, whether
he's been married before,
what neighborhood he lives in.

I called him on the phone,
and he came to see me
on his own.

Did you ever think
maybe he's a little
curious about me?

Don't turn this around.

Come here.

you're upset, okay?

Two minutes ago
you found out you were
the subject of a hit,

And now you're in my face
about invading your privacy,

You came to me, remember?
I did the best I could
for you.

The next time you get into
trouble, you go ask this doctor
you're seeing for help.

You are totally
out of line.
Why don't you take off?

Take off and b*at
that uptown traffic.

John, kimmy's here.
You got that check?


[ Sobbing ]

I, uh,

I just buried nicky.

He was okay‐‐ nicky.

Be smart about
that money, kimmy.

You oughta really do it, kimmy.
Make some changes.
Get out of town.

Yeah, well,
I'm thinkin' about it.
I really am.

Can I ask you guys


You were gonna make me
testify, weren't you?

Why worry about problems
you don't have anymore, kimmy?

It's our job
to clear the case.

If you're in a position to help,
we gotta get you to do that.

But telling you the truth
is always our first choice.

And if you can't do that,
then, uh,

‐ You're gonna lie.
‐ We gotta clear the case.

Go swim with
those dolphins, kimmy.

Take care.


Uniform inspection's
in half an hour.

Hey, greg, take it easy
on yourself, will ya?
Take it easy?

How am I supposed to
take it easy? I just bought
three pairs of black socks,

And they're missing, gone,
vanished, poof!

How am I gonna
explain this?

You think they'd be safe
in a police station.

[ Phone ringing ]

Hey, medavoy.
You think I'm some kind
of sock thief?

Is that what all these
little looks are about?
I, uh,

I didn't say
a word, andy.

It's just that, you know,
usually you wear brown socks.

And, you know, I couldn't
help noticing all of a sudden
you got black socks on.

Oh, come here, medavoy.
Come here. Let me
show you something.

Here. Do those
look new to you?

Hey, greg, these yours?
Found them under my desk.

You must have
misplaced them.

Andy, I'm‐‐
I'm mortified.

Yeah, right. Mm‐hmm.
My deepest apologies.

Here. Here.
No. No, thank you.

I‐i got three pairs.
I don't want them,
all right?

Puttin' the bag back on
for parade duty?
What's next, huh?

Escorting the mayor
to tea party over by the ritz?

Hey, john.

‐ Hey, mike.
How's it goin'?
‐ How you doin'?

All right.
Hey, detective.

How's it goin'?

Hey, andy, you're
puttin' the bag back on.

Yeah, I got uniform detail
for some parade.

How's that dog doin'?

She's okay, roberts.
Wanna come over
and visit her sometime?

No, I don't think
that'd be a good idea
right now.

Come on, mike.

We were gonna meet
at the greek's at 8:00.

I had business in the area.
I thought I'd drop by.

John, I got nothing
to be ashamed of here.

I'm supposed to
hang my head
and not come here?

I'm not gonna do that.

I'm sorry the job didn't last
a little longer, you know?

I mean, I'm glad laurie's
out of danger, but I could
have used the work.

Yeah, I know.
Those mutts were looking
to whack her, right?

‐ Get a mistrial.
‐ Well, if they couldn't get
the witness, right?

Now, if I have anything else,
I'm gonna use you from now on.

Thanks. I appreciate that.
I wrote down all her
comings and goings.

I got photographs.
She's serious
with that guy, huh?

[ Kelly ]
yeah, she is.

What's this?

‐ That's the log and the photos.
‐ What are you doing here,

John and I
had personal business,

‐ Is it done?
‐ Yeah.

Okay, I gotta get back inside.
Get to this parade thing.

You take care of yourself,
all right?
You too.

And take those with you.

You got the wrong
collar brass on your lapel.

I didn't get the new brass.
I didn't have a minute,

What‐‐ what
with my uniform missing
and‐‐ and the‐‐ the socks.

The new brass has been out
three‐and‐a‐half years.

But this is the first occasion
I've had to require them.

Where's sipowicz?


Careful where you point
that thing while you're
on the street, detective.

What are you talkin' about?
Your uniform.

Those buttons poppin' off
could be lethal weapons.

All right, everybody.
Let's move out.

"So how's the dog, andy."
You hear that, john?
You hear that?

You hear roberts ask
how the dog was doing?

Gotta give this guy credit,
boy, for havin' balls.

Leaves his dog to die
in his snitch's apartment,
then he asks me how he's doing.

He's trying to pull
his life together.
Hey, hey!

‐ Let's cut him some slack.
‐ The guy is a loudmouth
screwup, is what he is.

‐ How many more floats
you think they got to go?
‐ I don't know.

I gotta get
out of this uniform.

Laura know you had roberts
lookin' out for her?

No, and I am done
with that, okay?
I'm finished.

She comes in, she needs help,
out of the blue
she comes in, okay.

She thinks
she's being followed,
so I look into it.

Now she's bustin' my balls
about invading her privacy
with this doctor, okay.

Says I'm snoopin' on this guy.
He came to see me.
Makes sense.

Now he is explaining to me
the other day what the word
"pediatrics" means, okay.

A kid's doctor.
It gets to a point...

You gotta let them live
their own life.

Otherwise, the best you get
is the worst of it.
That's right!

That's all there is.
Look at this.
Hey! Whoa!

Hey, hey, hey. You see us
standing here? No!

Are we standing here?
Is this a sawhorse?
You some kind of idiot?

‐ I have to get through.
‐ Well, this street is‐‐
you're not getting through.

I am a performer in the parade
and I must get through!

‐ What part of the parade?
‐ What part does it
look like I'm in?

the street's closed.

This has been the most
hellish day of my life.

And I'm saying,
in more than half‐seriousness,

That if you don't let me
through, you may have
a su1c1de to solve.

We wouldn't want that.
No, we wouldn't want that.

All right. Come on.
Let's go.

Pull it all the way up.
All the way up.

[ Whistling ]

‐ Love you guys.
‐ Love you too.

[ Laughing ]

He loves us?
I think so.

[ Buzzer buzzes ]
it may get a little active
inside, but I'll be okay.

All right?

You know who I am?
Some kind of cop.

‐ That's right.
‐ Take it easy!

I was also married to the lady
you put the contract out on.

That's right.
The lady d. A.
We know about that.

Now, you boys got
a couple of surprises
comin' this week, okay?

You better be in order
on your housekeeping
on this contract,

Because if I find out
that anybody but zeppo
was out to hurt her,

I will make it my career
to come after you.

‐ Do you understand?
‐ Hey, man, we didn't know
she was your family, okay?

I don't care
if she steps off the curb
and twists an ankle.

I don't care
if she breaks a nail.

I will come after you.
Do you understand me?

Nothin' is gonna happen
to her, okay?

But if it does,
I don't care where you are,
inside or out,

I will find you
and it will be a bloodbath.

Okay? It'll be worse
than anything you can imagine.

Hey, no problem, okay?

[ Kelly ]
on the gate.

[ Buzzer buzzes ]
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