11x20 - k*ller at Large

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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11x20 - k*ller at Large

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

Friends, I'm saying
rheumatism, toothache,

sprains, swelling,

chilblains, catarrh.

I'm going even further, friends.

I'm saying that this
extract of nuxated iron

is the finest elixir
I've come across

since I took the
Hippocratical oath

and started to
practice medicine.


I raised my only child
on it, and look at her.

Right, honey?

- Right, Daddy.
- Yes, sir.

And I'm saying, friends,

if you've got a horse
that's feeling poorly,

you simply double the dose.

(crowd murmurs)

Get going, honey.

And now, friends,

you are about to witness

the most spectacular

never before seen on the
Great Western Plains of America

or Dodge City, Kansas.

Sandy, please show
these fine people

that g*n handling
what old Bill Cody said

he just didn't believe.

Ha ha!

(crowd murmuring)

Never seen g*n
handling like that before.

Sure is plumb tricky, ain't he?

All right, now, let's
show these good people

what Dr. Brown's
Extract of Nuxated Iron

has done for your eyes.

All right, now... (laughs)

All right, Sandy, let's
show 'em, now. Come on.




All right, now, folks,

don't you pass
up this opportunity

to purchase this
wonderful elixir.

And remember, we'll be back
with a new show in one hour.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Never seen sh**ting
like that before.

Oh, foot.

There ain't nothing
to that, you know how.

You'd do as well, mister?

- All I was...
- Mouth gives off wind.

I'm talking about your
g*ns doing as good.

Well, no, my g*n wouldn't.

I'd have to have me a
pair of them doctored g*ns

like you got,

where instead of just
one slug for a b*llet,

you got them shotgun
pellets a-flying up yonder.

What are you talking about?

Well, I-I only
brung that up to say

that I'd have to
have doctored g*ns.

I could do as well.

Maybe you'd like to match me,

g*n for g*n, right
here in the street.

Best man walks away.

Wait a minute, mister.

I wasn't a-looking
for no gunfight.

Looking's over. You found one!

Now, now, we're
gentlemen of good will here...

You've found it if your
backbone's as big as your mouth.

It's too purty a
day to spoil it by...

BROWN: Man's right.

Now, you cool off.

Next time you cross my way,

your pretty day'll
be spoiled for fair.

Oh, now, you're
too hotheaded, boy.

Look, that might be one of

- our best customers.
- WOMAN: What's happening?

BROWN: What's
the matter with you?

Are you going to
draw against him?

He sure enough did
call me, didn't he?

Dodge is a awful little town.

I just don't know how I
can keep out of his way.

(theme music playing)

Festus, hadn't you ought to be

doing something
about that fella?

Oh, that.

Oh... that don't
take no doing now.

I walk out on that street

and the doing will get did.

Well, I don't know
much about gunfights,

but if I were you, I'd
try and get some rest.

Or maybe you could be
cleaning your g*n or something.

That's one thing I always
do, is keep me a clean g*n.

I knowed a feller once
that never cleaned his g*n,

- and it...
- Afternoon, Matt.


- Matthew.
- Festus.

Back kind of early, ain't you?

I figured you was fixing to go

right straight on
to Garden City.

Well, I was planning
to go tonight.

It's a good thing I
stayed over, I guess.

Well, I'll tell you how
that was, Matthew.

You see, this feller...

Festus, you don't have
to tell me how it was.

There's no way in the world
to explain a flat-out gunfight.

Well, now, I wasn't
busting for no sh**t-out.

You know that.

But I just figured to face up

whatever I'm
obliged to face up to.

Festus, how many times
have you seen a couple of men

out here in the streets of
Dodge take off their g*n belts

and go at it with their
fists to settle an argument?

Well, foot!

I'm willing to do
that, if he would.

What's the other
fellow think about that?

I just got through
explaining to him

that I'm going to arrest
and charge with m*rder

any man left standing

after a g*n duel on this street,

and that goes even if he
happens to be a friend of mine.

Well, I'm plumb tickled

you talked to that
feller, Matthew,

'cause it's just too purty a day

for carrying on like that.

Good. Just as long
as you don't forget it.

Now, if you don't mind,

I think I'll go and
get a little nap

before I head out tonight.

You know something, Thad?

I... I sure do
feel a heap better

now it's all over with.

There just ain't no
sense of k*lling somebody

over a bunch of silly words.

Well, Doc, I'll ride as far as
the river road with you, anyway.

Keep you from getting lonesome.

Well, maybe you can
at least keep me awake.

You know, I've been a
doctor for an awful long time,

and I've never been able
to figure out why in thunder

the stork always comes
in the middle of the night.


As often as he comes
to Codge Collyer's,

he'd be afraid to
come in the daylight.

Afraid he might got shot.

(Doc chuckles)

Giddap. Come on.

(piano playing,
indistinct conversations)

Fastest, Doc.

Nobody faster.

You know that.

No better g*n than you, Sandy.

I'm with you on that.

Hey, this one's dead.

How about another one?

No more for him, Sam.

Come on.

There are other swill joints.

Here, now, wait a minute.

Look, boy...

you've had enough to drink.

Let me be.

Aw, now, come
on, let's get to bed.

Get some sleep.

Looky there.


you remember what
the marshal told you.

Only thing what I
remember is what I told

that raunchy-looking hay-shaker.

I'm going to find him

and settle his hash.

BROWN: You're going
to get us into trouble.

- Sandy, stop it.
- Let me be.

If ol' Doc says they've got
a bed with a raising head,

why, they've got one,

but who says that
ourn ain't the best?

There he is.

Hey! Plowboy!

Your friend just
left town, plowboy.

FESTUS: So you figure now's
the time to settle things, do you?

No better time.

As much of that scamper
juice as he's been a-sopping up,

a good fistfight, like
Matthew told him,

wouldn't hurt neither one of us.

Come on, plowboy!

(crying): Oh, Sandy,
why did you do it?


- Festus...
- How bad you hit, Festus?

It was bad enough
to spin him around.

I was just fixing to
undo my g*n belt,

is all I was doing.

He was drunk.

You all saw he was drunk.

That's why he
made the first move.

I didn't make no
move, not for my g*n.

I just started to
unbuckle my g*n belt.

You don't draw on a drunken man.

That's m*rder.

I didn't draw, mister.

I didn't.

BROWN: When will
that marshal be back?

He said he'd charge
m*rder for a gunfight.

This is an outrage!

You don't draw on a drunken man!

Festus, are you running
away from this sh**ting?

I reckon you'd have
to say that, Miss Kitty.

You're not going to
wait until Matt gets back?

No, ma'am, I can't.

I can't put Matthew
in a trap like that,

having to throw me in jail.

- I can't do it.
- Festus,

I seen you going
for your g*n belt.

Well, that's what I was
doing all right, Thad.

SAM: Festus...

I just want you to know

I'm saying he was
the one that called you,

and I saw you ready
to drop that g*n belt.

But they's others
down at the saloon

a-saying that, uh, they seen me
unbuckling and him a-drawing?

Well, it's, uh... it's just
a difference of opinion.

Uh-huh. Then they's
some of them that say

that I drawed on a drunk, huh?

Festus, please wait for Matt.

Let him decide this.

Miss Kitty, I can't.

Matthew's one of the
onliest friends I got,

outside of you
folks and old Doc.

Well, I just can't
crowd him into a corner

where he's going to have

to haul me up to
Hays and get me hung.

I-I just can't do that.

I'll fetch Matt.

FESTUS: Howdy.

I had it in my head to...

do a little mule-swapping.

Mule for a horse, that is.

He's right in his prime,

just a little over four.

Mouth him, if you want to.

Real good-looking mule.

I figured you'd see that.

You need at least $30 boot

to get yourself a fine horse.

Have to be owing you, I reckon.

Ain't a soul I owe.

Ain't a soul owes me.

Makes for good
sleeping at night.

Mister, I-I just
ain't got me $30.

Truth is, I ain't even
got me 30 cents.

Business slow the way it is...

I'll take the g*n belt as boot.

I reckon it'll just
have to be a deal.

One in the middle about
matches what you're trading.

Why, that old
sway-backed crow bait,

he ain't worth ten dollars,
and you know he ain't.

Man on the run's
always got the same look.

Considering the fact a...

mule leaves a easy track
for a lawman to follow,

I'd say you're getting
the best of the bargain.

I'm letting you
keep your saddle.

And I'm just plumb hard put

in knowing how to thank you.

Ruth, you old scudder.

Come on.


Hey, he got blood on his shirt.

Took a b*llet alongside
the ribs, I'd say.

He looks about as poorly as
this here excuse for a horse.

Where you be heading, mister?

I'm just a-riding.

Well, now, we didn't figure

what you're doing
be called walking.


If a lawman put that
b*llet hole in your shirt,

maybe you got a little
reward sitting on your head.

Didn't say where
you'd be heading.

Nebraska line.

Nebraska? You
done a mile inside.

Hey, mister, I sure
would be much obliged

for a place to put up
and some vittles, maybe.

I'd have to be owing you.

(men laughing)

You look a good
feller to lend credit.

Well, wished I had something
to put up for a guarantee,

but I just ain't got nothing.

Aw, now, that's
a real sad story.

You touched by
this sad story, Pa?

This chair like to
float away in my tears.

Let's talk some more

about being a bit of
money on your scalp.

Look here, sonny.

I ain't never set a foot
in Nebraska before,

so that ought to tell you
that I ain't wanted here...

even if I am wanted
someplace else.

I'll be obliged

if you'll turn
loose of my horse.

Oh, he'd be much obliged.

He's a real friendly gentleman.


(whooping, yelling)

(hoofbeats receding)

(wind whistling)

(thunder crashes)

(thunder crashes)

(thunder crashes)

(raining, thunder crashing)

(birds singing)

Well, that's his
mule, all right.

Didn't know he was a
wanted man, Marshal.

Wouldn't have traded if
I figured he was wanted.

What kind of a horse
did you sell him?

A sorrel.

How old?

Mmm, not too young,
but a mighty fine animal.

Well, exactly how
old? I want to know

because I want to know how
fast this man might be traveling.

Maybe closing on 20 years.

You mean you traded a
mule, a g*n and a g*n belt

for a 20-year-old horse?

Mules don't fetch
more'n $20 these days.

g*n maybe another ten.

- $30 for the both of them.
- Yeah.

All right, I'll tell you
exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm going to buy
both of them from you.

There's $30.

Now, you keep 'em
here till I get back.

DILLON: Rain's probably
washed out most of his tracks.

THAD: Maybe he'd
be cutting south now,

figuring to throw us off.

No, I don't think so.

Festus is a hill man.

Those Nebraska hills

are going to look like
safe country to him.

Kind of a horse trader
yourself, ain't you?

Morning, Grandpa.

How you feel?

That rain set the
dampness in my bones.

Kind of cleared the air, though.

Yeah. Where you be going?

Hitch the buckboard.

Ma's getting supplies from town.

Ah. Well, you'd
better run along.

(door creaks)

All right.

I've given you a chance.


That'll teach you.

All right, don't try anything.

Don't you worry,
I'll protect you.

Drop the g*ns.

You heard me.

Drop 'em.

Oh, no. Don't you try
anything or I'll sh**t!

Who are you?

Name's Festus Haggen.

I sure would rather
you didn't point that thing

so straight at me there. I...

I'll sh**t, mister,
you go for a g*n.

Well, I ain't wearing no g*n.

Looky here.

Now, point it another way.

Point it down or...

Look, I gotta sh**t if
you move any more.

I ain't fixing to move.

Now, now, go call your pa.

I ain't got no pa.

Well, what I mean
is, go call somebody.

Makes me nervious,

the way you got
ahold of that thing.

Get on to the house.


Well, I've got to get
my hat, dumbbell.

And keep your hands up.

I ain't a-going to argue

with nobody a-holding
a Long Colt on me.

Just get a move on.

Especially some danged
young'un that's lost his head.

- Get up to the porch.
- All right.

GRANDPA: Esther!

Come on out!

- ESTHER: Hello.
- JAMES: Get a move on!

What's going on here?

Caught him sneaking
around in the barn.

You what?

It wasn't exactly
sneaking, ma'am,

it's more just a-resting
my head for the night.

You slept in our barn all night?

Yes, sir.

I didn't have me no choice,

the weather being what it was.

Sure appreciate
letting my hands down.

Oh, that g*n ain't loaded.

It's fixed like it wouldn't
go off even if it was.

What'd you tell him for?

Why, you little scudder, you.

I didn't mean to rankle anybody,

but my horse
throwed me last night,

and I just had time
to crawl into your barn

'fore that rainstorm hit.

Listen, you.

Next time that I
see that g*n belt

out of the drawer
without my knowing it,

I am going to lock it up.

Now you give it to me.

And if you want
to get into town,

then you'd better hustle
to hitch up that buckboard.

Sonny, I'll have to say this.

That was a purty
businesslike way

you herded me out of that barn.

ESTHER: I see you
hurt yourself some

when that horse spilled you.

FESTUS: Oh. No, ma'am,

not actual hurt.

Just a couple scratches.

I'm sorry we can't give
you a horse to catch yours,

but we need the one we got.

Well, much obliged.

I'll just get on my way.

Could feed you,
if it'd be a help?

I sure would appreciate that.

Well, come on in.

I'll-I'll get you something.

Where you from?

Down Dodge City way.

Don't talk like no Kansan.

You just sit down, Mr...

Haggen. Festus Haggen.

Haggen. I'm Mrs. Harris.

Well, you might just, uh,
cut yourself some bread.

We've been having a little
trouble with the Gabins...

That's the family
owns the saloon here.

So, uh, Grandpa's a little
suspicious of strangers.

I hope you're not gonna
mind some day-old stew.

Oh, no, ma'am, I...

I've been heating it for lunch.

(sniffs) Mmm...

Mrs. Harris, I'll tell you,

this here stew

is the very T-I-inktum-dinktum,
and I mean it.

(laughing): Oh,
I'm much obliged.


Tell your mother we
want to see her, kid.

People want to see you, Ma.


I don't know, but
they look mean.


What do you want here?

Your ma tells me you've
been having some trouble

with some fellers,
Jimmy. Is that right?

The Gabins don't like
us running this station.

I asked what you wanted here.

You sure been put together
like we been hearing.

If you got no business here,
I want you off my property.

We got business.

Some people want our
opinion what this station is worth.

Well, you can tell Mr. Gabin
that he can't have this station!

Not for any money!

Who's Gabin? Never heard of him.

Why don't you put a
price on it, Mrs. Harris?

Maybe the people we,
uh, represent will go higher

than it's worth.

I want you two off my land!

You want an awful lot, uh,
seeing as how you only got

an old man and a
young boy to back you up.

Well, maybe we could
just look around, uh,

see if you're worth more
than we first figured on.

I mean just you and us, private.

Now, that's a invitation to get

if I've ever heared one.

Where you fit in here?

What I just seen,

you fellers don't fit in at all.

How long you
reckon it'd take you

to get on them horses
and ride out of here?

I don't like to push
nobody around,

but I get tired real quick

seeing a couple
of yay-hoos like you

strutting around.

Now, get on them
horses and get out of here

before I lose my patience.


Gabin's pulling an old trick,

having them two
take over for him.

Suppose they
went for their g*ns?

Well, I wouldn't care

to mull that over none.

Come on, Pa. We'll
get something to eat.

Get in the house.

James, wash your hands.

Jimmy is a-saying
that this Gabin wants

this here station for hisself.

Oh, he'd like that all right.

He'd move it right into
town alongside of his saloon.

There's talk about a-a stage
service being added here.

And that might just put

Gabinville back on the map.

Well, uh, if the town's
named after him,

I reckon that means he owns
most of the property, huh?

Up to this point he hasn't
done nothing much to us

except make things

Like scaring off
our hired hands.

It's hard to guess
just how far he'll go.

Not hard guessing at all.

They maybe k*ll us
in our bed some night.

ESTHER: Grandpa?

If that stage comes
through here,

we're gonna have a
good business going.

I'm not gonna be
frightened away.

Mr. Haggen?

I think we owe you
something more than a meal.

(quiet laugh)

If you can wait till we
get back with the supplies,

I'm gonna loan you
that buckboard horse.

You can send it back with
any one of the freight wagons.

You still going into town

with them two
troublemakers fresh around?

We need the supplies, Grandpa.

Well, uh, maybe I
can help out there.

Just could be
that this old p*stol's

still got a little
margin left in it.

Now, who on earth can that be?

Howdy do, ma'am.

My name's Dillon. I'm the United
States Marshal from Dodge City.

This is my deputy here.



What can I do for you?

We're tracking a man that may
have passed this way last night.

He'd be a stranger
in these parts.

ESTHER: We get
a lot of strangers

coming through, Marshal.

Well, we saw evidence that
his horse may have thrown him.

He'd probably be on foot.

This man an outlaw?!

DILLON: Yes, sir. He's
wanted in connection

with a sh**ting
back in Dodge City.

ESTHER: Oh, you must
mean the fella that we fed.

DILLON: How long ago was that?

Late last night.

He's headed up into
the north canyons.

Thank you, ma'am.

(chickens clucking)

Your ma ain't got
a ounce of sense!

I am owing to you
for not turning me in.

I'm returning a favor.

When we get back

with the buckboard,

you can head out of here.

You still trust me for a horse?

Mr. Haggen, the way you
stood up to them two men before,

I got a lot of trust in you.



Get them boys out here.


That the fella?

That's him.


You boys had a
prime bluff run on you.

That old long g*n he's wearing

belonged to the
young'un's father

Got no innards in it.

I tell you something else.

That fella's wanted
by a Kansas marshal

passed through
here this morning.

No reward on him though.

So he ain't worth fooling
with on that account.

Well, I guess, uh,

he just ain't got nothing
going for him at all.


And here's the molasses, too.

I have about
everything in except...

the cocoa...

I hear them two are
bad medicine, Esther.

We already had our
taste of them, Mr. Hubbard.

MAN: Hey, boys...

I'll get started
out with the flour.

All right.

And I need some thread,
both black and white.


Your patience
improved any, mister?

Looks like you set
down that sack of flour

a mite too hard, mister.

(men snickering)

Never seen nobody so clumsy!

You know what that
man is now thinking?

He's thinking that you
tripped him deliberate, Coor.

- (Festus grunting)
- That right, mister?

You thinking I did
that a-purpose?

(straining) Just
a pure accident.


He sure is a friendly feller.


IRA: You know it wasn't
too long ago he said, uh,

he was sorry about
seeing us around?

Remember them words all right.

Heard you weren't in the
best of health last night.


(men laughing)

You know, you don't look well.

Here, let me give you
some nourishment.

Just so it don't go to waste.

JACE: I got some more!

Oh, he look real pretty!


Hey, let's make a cake!

Hold still, man.
Open your mouth!

Let's have a little
some of this over here.

Oh, yeah!

(laughing, overlapping chatter)

Let's make a cake!

Stop it! You let him up, hear?!

Boys just funning.

- Just funning.
- Let me go, will ya?

Here you go, Ira!

Oh, that looks nice.


There's no sugar
to sweeten things!

We don't want you
getting dirty, boy!

(overlapping chatter)

He look right
pretty, don't he, Pa?

You cowards!




Hey, the man's talking to you.

Uh, here's your g*n.

Uh, we found it out
there in the street.

Would you like to use it on me?

(Festus groans)

The g*n's broke!

That's why he can't use it.

Well, now, just what would
anybody carry a broken g*n for?

We can fix that.

It's fully loaded, mister.

Waiting for your hand.

Take it, Festus!

Ain't you gonna take it?

Well, I guess he's
just too tuckered out.

Why don't we just
send him on home?

You kind of fibbed
to us today, mister.

I can't think of nobody
having more patience than you.



You and me ought
to be discussing

the price of that station
while it's still standing.

What do you mean
"still standing"?

Well, it's just a real
lonesome old place.

And things do happen

in these here times.


Get up, Bess.

- (all laughing)
- Just come around anytime!

- Hurry back!
- You come back, y'all!

I can't think of anything worse
to get out hair than molasses.

Got offered a g*n.

Why didn't you use it?

'Cause he was
scared, that's why!

Now, you hush up or I'm
gonna take a belt to you.

And you, Grandpa, we
heard enough out of you.


It's a man's own business
to walk away from a fight.

Well, I'd never have done it.

One more word out
of you, young man,

you'll do your
studies standing up.


There now.

I think you look a
little more presentable.


Clothes a little loose.

My husband was a bigger man.

Kind of figured he was, ma'am.

Oh, I didn't mean it that way.

I'll go feed my livestock.

Here, why don't
you let me do it?

Oh, no.

You just stay right here.

I do it every night.

There's coffee on the stove.

(crickets trilling)


My pa never ran
away from anybody.

I'll just bet he didn't.

When I grow up I'm
going to wear two g*ns.

One g*n's a-plenty
if a feller can just...

Nobody! Not
nobody'll ever do to me

what they did to you!

What are you doing here?

Get off my property!

(muffled grunt)

Just take it easy, Miss Harris.

You ain't gonna get hurt.

Yeah, invite a fella
to court and then fuss.



Come on! Let's get out of here!




- Help!
- (horse neighing)

(horse neighing,
stomping hooves)

Got any more buckets, ma'am?

(indistinct shout)

Here, give it to me, Jimmy!

Pump her fast,
Jimmy! Keep her going!

(crying, mumbling)

It ain't no use, ma'am.

We can't save it.



(James crying)

Now, listen to me...

(flames crackling)

We just didn't have
us no chance, Grandpa.

don't think we did.

You must just be plumb
tuckered out, ain't you?


Back in St. Louis
where we should be.

I get no more comfort

holding out here.

Sell out.

Be glad we're
getting a dollar from it.

Mr. Harris, I-I just can't see

that as being no answer,
running away like that.

You telling us what to do?

Oh, no, sir, I ain't.

I'm just telling
you that it sure

ain't been no answer for me.

'Cause a man that's running is

a man that's just plain scared.

Like today in town, huh?


Next time he'll burn
down the house.

You can't fight Gabin.

Well, now, if you was to ask
me, I'd say that she's been

a-doing a purty good
job of facing up to things.

Uh, the same can't
be said for you.

ESTHER: Grandpa...

That's something I
aim to start changing.

Long about tomorrow morning.

Mr. Haggen, Gabin is gonna deny

that he even knows
those two men.

I don't want you doing
anything reckless.

Oh, I ain't gonna get reckless.

We went into that place

they call a town
for supplies today.

We didn't get them
supplies, did we?


Well, I think I'll just face up

to that for starters.


Now, I figured you'd
be along here directly.

I didn't mean what
I said yesterday.

Oh, fiddle, of course
you didn't mean it.

You don't have to tell me that.

Why are you going?

No way you can win.

Now, that just
ain't true, Jimmy.

Them kind of fellers
wants to make you believe

that you ain't got a chance.

But ain't you scared?

I mean, everybody's
afraid of a gunfighter.

Of course I'm scared.

My innards are churning
around something fierce, but...

Then why are you going?

Because I've got to go, boy.

Well, not for us, you ain't.

Well, that could be part of it.

Well, then I'm coming with you.

Oh, no. No, you ain't.

'Cause you're
gonna stay right here.

'Cause your ma would
skin you and me both.

Now, I'll be back
'fore dinnertime.

He's back for more?

Appears that way.

What do you want?

Figured I might get me a
new hold on them supplies

I started out with yesterday.

You recollect what
was on that list, do you?

Well, uh, I'd remember,

uh, I guess.

Let's see there
was, uh, molasses

and flour and, uh...

There's just one
thing that I want to add.

That's one of these here

second-hand pistols here.

Festus! The Gabins
is coming! Look!

Why, you little scudder! What
are you doing in town here?

Now, you get out
there in that wagon

and stay there, you hear me?!

Git! Git!

I reckon I'll take me a
box of them shells, too.

It could be dangerous.

Carrying that g*n.

I'm always plumb careful

when it comes to handling a g*n.

Much obliged

for the advice, though.

My pappy learned me
real early that they's

only three times when
a feller handles a g*n.

That's when he's cleaning
it or when he's a-loading it

or, uh...

when he's fixing to use it.

Just might be your intentions

could be mistaken.

Well, I sure hope they ain't.

What I'm figuring on doing

is, uh, just loading
these supplies

in that wagon out yonder.

And I'm hoping you fellers

will let me do it peaceful-like.


GABIN: You're a
witness now, Hubbard.

Me and my boys, we had
nothing to do with the...

He got Coor.

And Ira!

He's dead, too.

There's liable to be more.

- (g*nsh*t)
- (moaning)

Sonny, why don't you
just ease over here,

so I can keep all you
hogs in one bunch.

Now, what I'm fixin' to
do is to load them supplies

in that wagon out yonder.

The smart thing for y'all to do

is to pitch in and help me.

All right, Festus, I'll
take over from here.

Of course, Matthew.

This here's something
I got forced into. It...

I know. Mrs. Harris explained
the whole thing to me.

All right, let's
drop the g*n belts.

You got a quarrel
with us, Marshal?

I have. There's a burned-out
barn at the Harris station

that's gonna need explaining
to the Sheriff of Crosley.

You got a Nebraska warrant

to do the charging?

Mister, I'm not in any mood
to argue a technicality with you.

Now, you gonna take
off the belts or not?

All right, Marshal.

Whatever's customary.

You heard him!

Take off your belt.

I figured you and Matthew'd
be a-stomping around

up in them north
canyons for a while yet.

We saw the fire last night.

Thad, keep your g*n on them.

Well, Festus.

Coroner's jury meets

in Dodge next week.

I think you've done about
enough running, don't you?

Reckon I have, Matthew.

'Cause they...

Be back.

You under arrest, Festus?

Oh, fiddle, no.

You ain't?

But I thought they
was looking for you.

Well, they was, but then...

Then everything's all right.

Just as right as summer rain.

You know something, Jimmy?

A feller hadn't ought
to run from nothing

'cause a man just can't get

nothing did that
way, you know that?

I reckon I do.

And that's something that
you'd ought to remember

whilst you're growing up
to fill up your papa's boots.

I'll remember.

But what about the Gabins?

Oh, well, don't fret
none about them.

'Cause Matthew's
gonna settle their squash.

- Yeah. Festus?
- Huh?

- Do me something?
- Of course I will.

Could I shake his hand?


Marshal Dillon.

Hope to jump in your
vest pocket you can.

Come on.

Matthew? Come out here.

I want you to meet
a friend of mine.
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