08x30 - The Far Places

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x30 - The Far Places

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Hope your Uncle Wib
ain't gonna be mad.

For buggy riding with you?

For being so late, I mean.

My heavens, it's
no crime to ride

down to the railroad
bridge and back.

Well, I guess not.

I just don't want you
to get in trouble, is all.

Come on. I’LL
take you to the door.

No, not yet.


Well, you're in such
an all-fired rush.

Well, I'm sorry.

Well, you ashamed to be
sitting with me in a buggy

on Front Street?

Now, don't talk foolish, Millie.

Course I ain't.

Jeff, how long you
been calling on me?

Oh, I don't know exactly.

Well, I do.

It's better than a year now.

In that time, we been to
socials and barn dances.

We been on buggy
rides and hay rides,

goodness knows what all.

Are you saying you're sorry?

I'm saying we been
keeping company a long time.

Well, now, I guess that's true.

Jeff, you like me, don't you?

Millie, I just don't plain know
what you're trying to say.

I'm saying...

that I'm 18 years old,

and I sure ain't set
on spending my life

working in a dry goods store.

I want to get married.

Have me a husband and a home.

Maybe some children.

Well, you're-you're young,
and you're pretty, Millie.

Awful pretty.

You marry me?


Oh, now you're funning
me, talking like that, Millie.

I wasn't funning you.

No, I guess not.

Will you talk to Uncle Wib?

Millie, I just don't think
this is the time or place

to be talking about
getting married.

Why not?

Well, you talk about
marriage like it's nothing.

Like it's a game or something.

Like bobbing for
apples at a church social.


Well, it's not
that simple, Millie.

Anything's simple if
you want it bad enough.

No, it isn't. You got to be
sure you know what you want.

I am sure.

Well, you got to think of
other people, too, Millie.

What other people?

Well, there's your Uncle Wib.

Why, he'd be happy for me.

And then there's my ma.

She's been feeling real poorly.

I don't think it'd
be fair to her, Millie.

You're talking about
your ma and all.

Aren't you worried
about how I feel?

Sure, I am.

Well, then?

Look, Millie,

I’LL be bringing Ma into
town in a couple of days

to see Doc Adams.

I’LL come by the store, and
we can talk about all this then.

Right now, Millie,
it's... it's awful late.

You're right, Jeff. It is late.

High time you were heading
for home, and your ma.

Carrie, can I... can I help
you over to your buggy?

I can manage, thank you.


Huh. Old Carrie
Newcomb, isn't it?


How's she doing?

Well, she's not
getting any younger.


They don't make 'em like
her and old Sam anymore.

No. You know, if it
wasn't for those two,

we'd still be living
in tents around here.

People like them,
they're real pioneers.


Yeah, it's a funny
thing, you know.

Hard life ahead and all, and
yet Sam died before she did.


Say, have you had
anything to eat?

No, that's a good idea.
Will you wait for me

- while I get my coat and hat?
- Yeah.

Millie, I’LL be out
back in the storeroom.

- I got to pack these things.
- All right, Uncle Wib.

Call me if you need me.

Hello, Millie.

Hello, Jeff.

Ma is over at Doc Adams'.


Well, I-I come to
talk, like I said I would.


That's about all
you ever do, isn't it?

What I got to say
is very important.

Mm? What is it you
want to talk about?

The other night.

What about the other night?

Well, I-I guess I made
you kind of mad, and...

I-I'm sorry.

Is this an apology?

I guess it is.

Jeff, you remember the
other night you told me

there was a time and a place
for talk; you remember that?


Well, this isn't the
time or the place.

I'm busy.

- Hello, Colley.
- Hello, Miss Millie.

- Your Uncle Wib around?
- Well, he's out back.

Do you want me to call
him or can I help you?

Oh, there ain't no
need to bother him now.

I just dropped by to see
if that new lamp arrived

from St. Louis yet.

No, it hasn't, Colley.

Uncle Wib has been
expecting it though.

I think maybe it'll be
in on the morning train.

Well, then I’LL, uh, I’LL
drop by tomorrow, Miss Millie.

- All right. Oh, Colley?
- Yes, Miss Millie?

I hear there's a dance at
Sutton Barn Saturday night.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess there is.

Sounds like it'd be
a very nice dance.

Well, now, if I
had me a partner,

I might just go to that dance.

Now, Colley, man like you,

you wouldn't have any
trouble getting a girl.

You wouldn't be
free, now, would you?

Well, now, isn't that
the funniest thing.

As it so happens, I am.

Oh, thank you, Colley.

I’LL be looking forward to it.

Well, I’LL see you then.

You don't want to go with him.

- Don't I?
- Millie, now you listen to me.

Jeff, your mother
must be waiting for you.

Now, you better run along.

She wouldn't want her
little boy to keep her waiting.

And I'm very busy, Jeff.

Why do you suddenly say I
got to go away, go to Chicago?

It don't make sense. Why?

Because it's time, that's all.

You're past 20 and old enough
to go work for your Uncle Carl

and learn the business.

I don't want to be
a businessman.

I don't want to keep
accounts and sell pins.

Why should I?

You got to make
something of yourself.

I don't want to be
anything but what I am.

I have everything
I want right here.

There's nothing
here worth having.

- There's this ranch.
- Oh, this ranch.

It's a gold mine, ain't it?

Well, maybe it's not the
greatest ranch in the world,

but I can make it pay.

I know I can.

Your pa tried for 20 years,
and it only put him in his grave.

Ma, it's different now... there
are new ways and new tools.

I know I can make it pay.

And besides, this
land is-is real valuable,

and the town is growing out.

Gonna sit around
here and wait for that?

That why you won't go?

Or is it Millie Smith?

Ma, this here's my home.

It's where I want to be.

I don't want to
go nowheres else.

Oh, you and your pa.

How you can love this
miserable, lonely, godforsaken land

is more than I can see.

That's all he ever wanted, too:

to stay here in this
cruel, dismal desert

and rot away to
nothing, and-and he did.

Think of the life
we might have had.

Think of the life you can have

if you'd only get
away from here.

But, Ma, I don't want
to get away from here.

"Don't want"?

You don't know what you want.

I know better than you
what's good for you.




Ma, where'd you
get all that money?

I saved it.

Bit by bit over the years.

And your pa never
knowed a thing about it.

Even in the bitter times
when he could've used it,

I never told him nor touched it.

Last spring,

well, we could've
used it for seed grain.

Well, think of all the
things we could do, Ma.

No, no.

I-It's for getting
you away from here,

for-for getting
you a start in life.

I didn't suffer all them
years... Scraping and saving

and denying myself... For
it to go to anywhere else.

You're going to Chicago.

You've got to!

You owe it to me!

I don't want you interfering.

It's a personal matter; I
know exactly what I'm doing.

Carrie, I don't
mean to interfere

in your personal
affairs, but I'd be...

well, I'd be a lot less
than honest with you

if I didn't tell you that you're
making an awful mistake.

I'm sorry, Doctor,
my mind's made up.

He's going.

That's all there is to it.


She's the stubbornest
woman I've ever seen.

Why in thunder is it that
people pay good money

for doctor's advice
and then don't take it?

What's wrong with her
sending the boy to Chicago?

I don't care about
that at all. It's just that...

she hadn't ought to be
out on that ranch all alone,

and you know it as well as I do.

Well, if you can think of
anything, I wish you would.


I’LL be right back, Ma.


I came to say good-bye.

Well, good-bye, Jeff.

Is that all you got to say?

Why should I care
whether or not you go away?

But I thought you might.

A little.

Well, I suppose I’LL miss you.

For a while.

Millie... will you wait for me?

While you have fun in Chicago?

No, Jeff.

I want some fun, too.

And a home, maybe,
and a lot of things.

There are other men.

Like Colley Corder, I suppose?

Why not?

Lots of others.

I'm only being
honest with you, Jeff.

Don't ask me to
wait, because I can't.

I'm sorry, that's the way I am.

Would it make a
difference if I stayed?

But you're not staying, are you?

Your ma wants you to go,
so you're going, aren't you?

She's out there
waiting for you now.

Good-bye, Jeff.

Millie, listen.

Now, I got to go; I can't
change all that now.

But you wait for me, hear?

Good-bye, Jeff.

Someday you will understand.

You might even thank me.

Good-bye, Ma.



Mind if I walk along with you?

- Fine.
- Good.

Say, you're gonna have
to be getting some help

out that ranch, aren't you?

No, Marshal, I'm
gonna sell the ranch.

- Sell?
- Yes.

Does Jeff know about that?

It wasn't none of his business.

He's done with that now.

Well, where are you gonna
go? What are you gonna do?

Don't worry about me, Marshal.

That's no problem.

Well, but you'll be
staying there till it's sold.

You ought to have
somebody with you.

It don't matter, Marshal.

It won't be long.

Well, but somebody around
there to help you with the chores,

be there at night?

I don't know nobody.

Well, maybe I can
help you find someone.

Well, I can't pay much.

Let me see what I can do.

All right, Marshal.


Mr. Dillon, why me?

Chester, I'm not really
asking you to work the place.

It's just to go out
there and stay at night

- and help with the chores.
- Well...

Haul in some of the wood,
haul the water, things like that.

Well, anybody can
do that, Mr. Dillon...

Look, I've got to have
somebody I can trust, Chester.

The old lady is not well,
and I want somebody

- to keep an eye on her.
- But why me, though?

I don't even like her.

Well, you don't even know her.

Well, what I know
of her I don't like.

Look, all right,
then just do it for me

as a favor, 'cause I'm
asking you to, will you?

Well, all right.

Good. Thanks.

I’LL do it; I sure ain't
gonna like it none.


Evening, Miss Kitty.

Millie, what are you doing here?

I'm gonna have myself
a little fun, Miss Kitty.

Anything wrong with that?

Does your uncle know about this?

He knows.

Anyway, I'm of age.

Any objection, Miss Kitty?

We can go across to
the Lady Gay, you know.

Find yourself a table.

Here, Kitty.

- You see that?
- I sure did.

She sure shouldn't be in here.

Wib know about it?

She says he does.

Well, he oughtn't
ought to let her

run around with
someone like that Corder.

I doubt if he can
do anything about it.

Millie's got a mind of her own.

Well, you know, that Corder

isn't such a bad
sort, really, Doc.

Well, I know, but he's
so much older than she is.

I don't like that.

Well... when you get
right down to it, Doc,

what-what's Millie gonna do?

The Newcomb boy's
in Chicago, and...

well, Dodge doesn't have
very much to offer a girl like that.

You know, that reminds me, Doc.

I sent Chester out
to look after Carrie.

Help her with the
chores and so forth.

I'm glad you did, because...

well, Carrie shouldn't be
alone at all, not for a minute.

I can't be with
her all the time.

- Mr. Smith.
- Well, Jeff!

When'd you get back in town?

Tonight. I came in on the
stage from Kansas City.

Well, ain't you supposed
to be in Chicago still?

No. I didn't stay.


Mr. Smith, may I
see Millie, please?

She ain't here.

She went out with Colley Corder.

Not that I approve, but she
don't listen to me no more.

You wouldn't happen to
know where they went?

How would I know?

Off somewhere sparking probably.

Or maybe over at the
Long Branch, I don't know.

All right. Thanks.

Oh, Jeff?

Glad you're back.

Hello, Millie.


Uh... w-what are you doing here?

Your uncle told
me I'd find you here.

I thought you were in Chicago.

Colley Corder, you get out
of here before I throw you out.

Now, look, Jeff, you don't
want to start no trouble.


Jeff! Jeff!

- I got a right, Marshal!
- No, you haven't.

He's crazy, Marshal!

Look, you leave
her alone, you hear?!

Colley, maybe you better
take her on home now.

- Home?
- But, Marshal...

I’LL take her home, Marshal.

I got things to say to her.

You better cool off before
you do any more talking.

Now, go on, take
her out, Colley.

Now, wait a minute, Marshal.

I don't know what
you're thinking,

but you're all acting like
I've done something wrong.

Well, I haven't,
and I don't like it.

And you, Jeff, what
right do you have

coming in here hitting
a friend of mine?

You got no claim on me.

I told you to wait for
me; I told you I'd be back.

I don't take orders from
you or anybody else.

And that goes for
you, too, Marshal.

I'm going home alone.


Sure surprised everybody
showing up here.

I guess so.

You been out to your mother's?

No. I guess I better
get out there, though.

Well, uh, look, why don't
you stay around town tonight.

It's a little late and all.

Are you arresting me,
Marshal, just for that?

No, I'm just offering
you a bed for the night.

It's pretty late to go out
there and disturb them now.


Well, Chester's
staying out there.

He's sleeping in the barn,

helping your mother with
the chores and so forth.

Why don't you bed
down here tonight

and go on out in the morning.

All right.

♪ Pack on my back,
pack on my back ♪

♪ Pack on my back ♪

♪ Walking down the road
with a pack on my back ♪

♪ Getting along
to California... ♪

Here, now, you stay
where you belong.

Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-


Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-


♪ Along come a man
with a g*n in his hand ♪

♪ A g*n in his hand, a g*n... ♪

Much obliged.

Morning, Chester.

Well, good morning, Jeff.

Didn't expect to see you here.

I thought you was in Chicago.

Well, I decided to come home.

You can go on back to Dodge
now if you'd like to, Chester.

Well, heck, I'm
paid up till Saturday.

You might as well get
your money's worth.

No, you go on.

I'm home to stay.

Well, if that's the
way you feel about,

I’LL get my stuff together
and go on back town.

Your, uh, ma's gonna be a
little bit surprised, ain't she?

Where is she?

She's in the house.

Well, thanks for
everything, Chester.


Hello, Ma.


What are you doing here?

I come home, Ma.

To stay.


Ma, I don't want
to argue about it.

I gave it a try.

I went to Chicago,
and it ain't for me.

I don't belong there.

I belong here.

You didn't give
yourself a chance.

You've got to go back!

No. It wouldn't do any good.

This is the life for me,
right here on this ranch.

Listen, Ma, I brought
back the money.

Most of it, anyway.

Here. Take it.

Well, just think of
all the good it'll do

on the farm around here.

Just think how we can do
all the fixin' we talked about.

You talked about.

I got no wish to stay here,
and you ain't going to, either.

I am, Ma. I made up my mind.

And I made up mine: there
ain't gonna be no ranch.

I'm selling it.

You don't mean that.

I mean it, all right.

Mr. Humphreys from the bank

is bringing a party to
look at it this very morning.

Why, you can't do that.

Pa left it to me.

Not as long as I live.

I can do with it like I...

Ma, you ain't really
gonna do this, are you?

I am, boy.

But why? Just because

you don't think this life
ain't good enough for me?

Ain't I got anything
to say about it?

No. I'm still your ma.

Jeff, put that back!

Nobody's gonna buy this ranch!

Why, Jeff, what
are you doing here?

Telling you to get
off this property.

What's he talking about, Carrie?

Jeff, please...

Just get off this
property, Mr. Humphries.

Unless you want
a load of buckshot.

What, you gone crazy, boy?

Your ma asked us.

Well, she's wrong.

Now, this place ain't for sale.

I'm home, and
we're gonna farm it.

Is that so, Carrie?

I said it's so.

Oh, wait a minute, boy...

Look, I ain't
gonna say it again.

This place ain't for sale.

Now, you got just
ten seconds to get.

One... two... three...

Your ma'll will have to tell
me to get off the property.

It's hers.

Four... five...

six... seven...

Now, wait a minute, boy.

I-I can have the
law on you for this.

Eight... nine...


Now, there's another barrel.

And this time, I
ain't gonna aim high.

Come on, let's get out of here!

You'll hear about this, Jeff.


Hyah, hyah!


I won't let you do it, Ma.


All right, hold it right there.

Marshal, I told this man
not to step on my property.

I warned him good
what would happen.

Jeff, I got a warrant
for your arrest.

Arrest? On what charge?

Should be as*ault.

Mr. Humphreys here
is willing to let it go

at disturbing the peace.

For defending my own home?

I'm afraid this isn't your
property to defend, Jeff.

It is.

My pa meant this place for
me, and I mean to keep it.

We ain't selling.

Now, Jeff, that's for
your mother to decide.

No, anybody steps
on this place gets this.

I mean it.

She wants me in jail so she
can sell it behind my back.

What your mother does
isn't any of my concern,

but you're coming into
town and going to jail.

Marshal, I'm warning you...

I want that g*n,
Jeff, right now.

Now go get your horse.

Do you have to, Marshal?

The boy has to learn a
lesson, Mrs. Newcomb.

Few hours in jail isn't
gonna do him any harm.

Besides, Judge Brookings
will probably let him off

with nothing but a small fine.

Are you really gonna
go through with this?

The sale?


You bring that man back, George.

Not him, Carrie.

He run like a scared rabbit.

I don't think I can get any
buyer to come out here

with Jeff acting like this.

Then we'll have to do it
like he said, behind his back.

I don't like it, Carrie.

Jeff objecting and all.

If you're afraid, we can
get somebody else, George.

No, we'll do it
your way, Carrie.

Mrs. Newcomb, did
you ever think of this?

Maybe your boy is right.

After all, he went to Chicago,
and he gave that a try.

Maybe he's like his
father, a born farmer.

Maybe you should give
him some say in this land.

I'm gonna sell, Marshal.


I want to see the
boy away from here.

Out of Dodge forever.

I want him away from the
plains, the prairies, and the...

Mrs. Newcomb, you can't run
another person's life for them.

Not even your own son.

I can try, Marshal.

Anyway, it ain't any
of your business.

I just hope it doesn't
get to be my business.

Come on, son.



Say, Chester, would you take
the horses down to the stable?

Oh, yes, sir.

- Howdy, Chester.
- Hi, Jeff.

Marshal, I'm sorry.

I appreciate you
helping me out, though.

Letting me stay here
last night and all that.

Jeff, going around
threatening a man with a g*n

is no way to
settle a difference.

Sooner you learn that, the
better off you're gonna be.

Come on, let's go.

Hello, Millie.

Marshal, is it all
right if I see Jeff?

Oh, I guess so.

Hello, Jeff.

Hello, Millie.

What's wrong? What
are you doing in jail?

Well, I took a shot at
Mr. Humphreys from the bank.

Took a shot at him?

I didn't hit him, though.

Just wanted to scare him

and stop he and my ma
from selling the ranch.


about last night.

I'm sorry I was out
with Colley Corder.

He doesn't mean a thing to me.

I told you I'd be back.

I told you to wait for me.

Didn't you believe me?

I wanted to.


well, I was bored.

And lonely.

And I was hurt, too.



When you went away,
I cried for two days.

Well, I'm back to
stay now, Millie.

I'm glad, Jeff.

Millie, you remember
a while back,

talking about wanting
a home of your own?


I'm afraid I don't have a
home to offer you now.

Even if we do get married.

Get married?

You will marry me,
won't you, Millie?

You know I will.


The marshal let you go?

Somebody paid my fine.



I’LL send her the
money. How much was it?

Ma, you don't have to do that.

Of course I do.

I won't be beholden
to Wib Smith.

It was her own money.

You might even say
it was our money.

What do you mean?

I mean, Millie and me,
we're gonna get married.


She wants what I want, Ma.

A home, here.

To settle down and
live on this ranch.

If you'll let us.


I won't let you
throw your life away!

That girl only wants your money.

What money, Ma?

We ain't all that rich.

She's an orphan, ain't she?

Living off the
charity of relatives.

Working in the store.

Sure, she wants to get married.

Any man'd do her.

And it's a lot better to
find one that's got a ranch

and a little money, besides.

Millie ain't like that.

She's a hussy and a man chaser.

Ma, you watch what you say.

She chased you, didn't she?

Later on, she was drinking

and carrying on
with Colley Corder.

How do you know about that?

George Humphreys told me.

You think he was the only one?

You think while you was gone,
she was mooning over you?

You better think twice

before you marry
a girl like that.

I'm gonna marry Millie,
Ma, and you can't stop me!

There ain't gonna be no
ranch for her or for you!

Well, that don't matter.

I’LL work for wages and save,

and earn a ranch
of my own someday.

Plenty have done
it, and I can, too.

And Millie will help me.

Jeff, please, take the
money and-and go!

Maybe it's you who ought to
take the money and go, Ma.

There's nothing
keeping you here now.

Is there?


Howdy, Marshal.

Well, hello, Jeff.

What are you doing here?

Well, I'm working for Moss
Grimmick, starting this morning.

I'm bunking here, too.

Well, what's the matter?
Did you leave home?

Well, I had a fight with my ma.

I see.

You know, Jeff, I’LL tell you
something about your ma.

She's old now, you know, and
she's gonna make mistakes.

You're gonna have to
make allowances for that.

But I got my life to
lead, too, Marshal.

Millie and me, we're
gonna get married.

You are?

That's right.

Well, congratulations.

Good luck to you.

Thanks, Marshal.

I'm gonna need it.

What do you mean?

Well, my ma's
pretty set against it.

She don't like Millie, and...

she's been saying some
pretty bad things about her.

I don't know whether
to believe them or not.

Oh, I see.

Well, wish I could
help you with that.

I'm afraid that's a
little out of my line, Jeff.

I’LL tell you one thing, though.

If you're gonna set
out to marry a girl,

you better start
by trusting her.

I’LL see you later.

Well, Doctor?

Carrie, there's just, uh,
not much more I can tell you.

It's just like you said.

Except for the pain.

I hadn't figured it
would be so bad.

I know. Now,
that's why I'm gonna

leave you these pills,
Carrie; they're for the pain.

But I don't want you to
take but one every 12 hours.

They're kind of bitter, and if
you have any trouble with them,

why, if you want to,

you can dissolve
them in a cup of coffee.

Easier that way.

How long?

I want to know.

All right, Carrie.

Nobody can say for sure,
but it won't be very long.

Why don't you get
everything settled.


Jeff, I mean.

Let him have his way?

Well, Carrie, he'll
have it anyway.

You can't do much about that.

I ain't made to give up so easy.

Well, he's your son.

He's not made that way, either.

I know what I want for him.

I’LL go on trying till I die.

Yes, I...

I guess so.


Jeff feels just as strong
about this as you do, at least.

So you're both
gonna go on just...

just being miserable.

Good-bye, Doctor.

Bye, Carrie.


Come in.

Mrs. Newcomb.

Oh, yes, Millie. Come in.

I didn't hear you ride up.

Did you come alone?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm so glad you could come.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

You said this afternoon.

My Uncle Wib let
me off from the store

and let me borrow the buggy.

Uh, would you care
for some coffee?

Yes, thank you.

I was just going to
have some myself.

I suppose you're
wondering why I sent for you.

Yes, ma'am, I am.

I thought if we could talk,

you'd realize the
mistake you're making

with your young life.

I don't quite understand.

You take sugar?

Yes. Thank you.

You and Jeff...

You think you love
each other, don't you?

Yes, we do.

I know I love Jeff very much.

And you think that's
enough to make him happy?


You think he'll be content
here on this little ranch

being a farmer all
his life, nothing more?

Is that what you want for him?

I want the whole world
for him, if he wants it.

And you expect
to find that here?

I want him to have more
than just a bit of dusty prairie.

What you or I want for him
isn't important, Mrs. Newcomb.

It's his life.

It's what he wants
that's important.

All I want is...

to be his wife, make
his home for him.

You think love will
solve all your problems?

Well, it won't.

Love doesn't solve
anything, and love doesn't last.

What lasts... is the poverty...

and the drudgery
and the misery...

and the loneliness.

It doesn't have to
be that way with us.

In this desolate
place, it will be.

You watch your
life wasting away,

dribbling out in exhausted
days and wretched, lonely nights.

And suddenly, it's over.

And you haven't gone
anywhere, never done anything...

and never been anybody.

What good for you to
have been born at all?

I don't feel that way at all.

You will!

Mrs. Newcomb,

I'm sorry if your
life was like that.

I'm sorry it was
that way with you,

that you couldn't have
had the life you wanted.

But that's all Jeff and I
are asking: the life we want.

How do you know what
you want at your young age?!

But we do know, and
we're gonna have it,

whether you agree or not.

Oh... when you
sent for me today,

I-I thought maybe we could
patch up our differences,

maybe understand each other.

Because Jeff loves
you very much.

There's almost $2,000 here.

It's yours if you leave and
never come back again.

You don't know people at
all, do you, Mrs. Newcomb?

You don't know your son,
and you don't know me!


There's nothing more to t...

I tried to talk to you.

I tried, but you
wouldn't listen.

Mrs. Newcomb!

Well, by golly, I think
I enjoyed that meal

a little more than usual.

Well, that's probably 'cause
you ate more than usual.

Yes, I sure did at that.

How about a game of checkers?

You're on, by golly.

Hello, Wib.

Oh, Marshal, I'm
glad to see you.

Oh, what's wrong?

Oh, it's Millie, Marshal.

I-I'm kind of worried about her.

She went out to Carrie
Newcomb's this afternoon.

She should be back long
before now, but she ain't.

What she go out there for?

That's what I've been wondering.

Mrs. Newcomb's never had
a kind word for her before,

that I know of.

Sent for her this afternoon,
said she wanted to see her.

So I let Millie have the buggy.

Well, Jeff go out with her?

No, she went out alone.

Maybe I better just ride
out and check into that.

I'd appreciate it, Marshal.

I don't like the idea of Millie
driving home alone in the dark.

And of course, something
could have happened out there,

or along the way.

Well, now, don't
worry about her, Wib.

We'll get her back all right.

Matt, I think I’LL go with you.

Yeah, good idea, Doc.

I'm much obliged, Marshal.

Look, why don't
you just stay here.

She could be on the way in now.

Oh, I guess you're right.

Matt, I'm going by the
office and pick up my bag.

And I think maybe
you ought to find Jeff.

Maybe he'd like
to go along with us.

All right, Doc.




Millie, why did
you come out here?

I'm so glad you're
here. Your ma...

What happened to your arm?

Uh, it was just an accident.

Well, here, let me see that.

No, Doc. It really is.
It was just an accident.

I-I wish you'd see
to Mrs. Newcomb.

She's in the bedroom.

What's wrong?

Well, she fainted
this afternoon.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know whether to
stay here or go into town.

I managed to get her into bed,

but something's awful
wrong with her, Doc.

Doc, you can see it's
just a scratch, can't you?


You want to come
in with me, Jeff?

What kind of an
accident was this, Millie?

It was just an accident.


And, uh, did you have an
argument with Mrs. Newcomb?

Yes, we did.

Could this have
something to do with it?

Marshal, can't we
talk about this later?

Mrs. Newcomb is very ill.

All right, Millie.

She's in good hands;
you want to go back home?

No, I'd rather stay here.

I'd like to be with Jeff.

And I offered her
all that money,

but she wouldn't take it.

It all seems so terrible

when I think all
I've done to her.


I've been so wrong about her.

She's a good girl.

And she loves you very much.

I know that, Ma.

I never gave you a chance
to understand me, son.

I know that now.

But I...

I always wanted you
to be able to travel

and go to all the far places

I wanted to go to.

See the great cities,

live in them,


You understand, Jeff?

Yes, Ma.

Take Millie.

Marry her.

Leave this place.

Please, Jeff.

Go to the far places.

Jeff, your ma's gone.


everyone has a right
to their own dreams,

their own special dreams.

You can't force
them on anyone else.

Now, your ma only wanted what
she thought was good for you.

Maybe she tried
a little too hard.

She's dead, Millie.

Oh, Jeff.

Are you all right?

I'm all right.

I'm so sorry.


We've got an awful lot
of things to talk about.

But right now, I'm
gonna take you home.

All right.

Marshal, will you look
after things until I get back?

I sure will, Jeff.
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