01x16 - Aftershocks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x16 - Aftershocks

Post by bunniefuu »

Ants on a log. You'll love 'em.

Hey, I'm not eating ants.

Not real ants, duh.

Raisins and peanut
butter and celery.

It's my best dish...

I think.

You'll see.

Hey, crank it up. People in
Sausalito can't hear it.

What the hell do you
think you're doing?



- Jeez...
- Charlie, get out of here!

You can't just come busting
in my room like that!

Claudia's downstairs,
for God's sakes.

Claudia's downstairs all the
time when you and Kirsten do it.

- That's not the same thing.
- That's exactly the same.

Claudia's downstairs,
you're 16 years old,

and you're not having
sex in this house.

You had sex in this
house when you were 16.

No, I didn't!

Mom and Dad made it
impossible for me,

I'm gonna make it
impossible for you.

Oh, like that's fair.

Close your eyes and
stick out your tongue.

Ants on a log. Here you go.

Claud, let's, um, eat them
in the kitchen, okay?


You happy?


must be cool to have a
cop for a big brother.

Hey, Jill, this
isn't your place.

When you go to someone
else's place,

they've got rules.

Charlie, I always
thought you were cool.

Isn't that what you're
always saying, Bailey?

"How cool Charlie is?"

I found some raisins,

but I had to dig them
out of the Raisin Bran.

You want an ants on a log?


Uh, I'm leaving.

I'm leaving, okay?
I get the message.

You don't have to tell me twice.


♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Okay, I think it's over.

Everybody okay?


Bill? Owen?

Yeah, right here.

Owen's having a big time.


What do you think? 4.6?

Probably 4.0.

I think it's safe to come
out of the doorway now.

What if there's an aftershock?


It's okay.

I mean, everything
is still shaking.

Can't you see it shaking?

It's you. You're shaking.

Do you guys remember
that one in '89

when we all thought
we were okay?

And then that aftershock hit.

And our chimney

crashed right
through our ceiling

in our living room,

and it smashed our stereo.

I got the CD out though and...

And it just...

It just wouldn't play anymore.

It just kept making
this blipping noise,

like, blip, blip, blip...


Maybe you should
take her home now.

Yeah, okay.

Come on, it's okay.

Come on.

Through the ceiling?

Peter, I need to move the table.

Can you help me?

Yeah, just a sec.

Sure you don't want anything?

Come on, it's just a tremor.

My heart's still racing.

My hands are all clammy.

Mmm. Not so clammy to me.



I think we should go back

to thinking of each
other as friends.


Well, I don't know
if I can do that.

Besides, I don't
know if I want to.

I mean, that kiss...

We should just pretend
it never happened.

I mean,

it can only get us in trouble.

Was it horrible?

I mean, the kiss, was it just...

No. No.

No, it was...

That's not the point.

Libby is the point.

Right, Libby.

Well, I keep thinking about you.

Do you think about me?

Hey, you guys.

What do you think, 4.6?

I was on Chestnut
Street at the printers,

and all these car alarms
started shrieking.

So what'd I miss?

Phew! 4.0?


Oh, um, before I forget,

that woman called
again, Gwen somebody.

She said you hadn't
called her back.

Who is she anyway?

Oh, just somebody
from design class.

It's not important.

Wow, Mr. Happy lost his head.

It sounded important.

She said she wants to
know your decision.

Well, then I'll just
assume the worst.

She's pregnant with your child.

She's a furniture designer.

A really good one.

Anyway, we got to
talking after class,

and she saw some of the sketches

that I'd done for Curran,

and she kind of flipped.

Turns out she's starting
her own business

and wants me to be her partner.

That's why she's been calling.

But it's not gonna work out.

But you haven't called her back,

so you're still
thinking it might.

Great. I had to get involved
with a psychology major.

So it must be a
good opportunity.


These are her designs?


It's just...

she needs me to kick in
half the start-up costs.

Seven thousand dollars,
which I don't have.

Well, you could
get it somewhere.

Like where?

I can't use family money,

because I already lost
$12,000 in a bad investment,

and I can't go to the bank

because I don't exactly have
a great credit rating...

You could ask me.

I mean, my grandma left
me some when she died.

It's not like I'm rich,

but I could loan you the $7,000.

Well, thanks anyway, but I...

I don't want that

Charlie, why miss out on this?

I have the money, just take it.

It says here it was a 5.1.

Everybody tried to tell
me it was in the fours,

but I knew it was bigger.

Well, I don't mind
the little ones

as long as they relieve pressure

on the fault lines.

Not to shatter your belief
system or anything,

but the seismologist lady
on TV said that's a myth.

Excuse me.

We got to get to school.

About the... About the fridge?

Oh, right.

Power surge fried your motor.

From the earthquake?

Afraid so.

Hey, remember that
real big one in '89?

Look, um, could we just
leave a check or something?

Well, you could,

except this model's
been discontinued.

I can't get the parts anymore.

You want my advice, you
get yourselves a new one.


This we don't need.

We could go after school.

No, no way.

Let Charlie handle it. He's
the adult around here.

About that quake in '89...

Did you suffer from
post-traumatic stress syndrome?

Oops, wrong house.

Bailey's in the shower.
You want to join him?

I got school.

If you want, I can
wait outside...

on the sidewalk...

across the street?

Down the block, how's that?

Uh, I'm allergic to wool.


Your sweater. It's wool, right?

Well, even if I wasn't, I...


I wouldn't wear it.

Oh, not the sweater, no.

No, your sweater's really nice.

No, it's just...

have you ever seen
them shave sheep?

Shear sheep...

Have you ever seen that?

Ooh, it looks like it hurts.

Doesn't look like the sheep
are too happy about it,

you know?

It's kind of an animal
cruelty issue really.

I just, I get a rash...

really gross,
around my wrists...

From wool.

You're high.


You're on something.

I am not!


Last night, too.

After... After the earthquake,

you were, you were
bouncing off the walls.

Uh, I was scared, okay?

Same as two million
other people.

Same as Claudia.

It's speed, right?

You are crazy. I am not on...

I lived with a guy in college.

He used to take uppers
to get through exams.

His eyes looked like yours
do, kind of, kind of glazed.

-Wow, what did I ever do to you?

Hey, you're here.

Come on, let's get out of here.


Mrs. Rhodes stopped
me in the hall

and asked me to give
you these negatives.

Oh, okay.


Oh, wait a minute.

What is it?

Just wait.

Wait a minute. That's Mr.

Coming out of the
girls' bathroom.

That's the great thing

about being a roving

Blackmail can buy you a
lot of new equipment.

Well, I better go.


You all right?


Here. It sticks sometimes.


we could be stuck
in here for weeks.

Nobody knows we're here.


Did Charlie like Kate?


I was just wondering.

He probably did, huh?

He probably thought you two
belonged together, right?


I don't know.

Jill, you're not still stuck
on the other night, are you?

So he walked in on us,
and he freaked out.

He'll get over it.

I think he's trying
to break us up.


Just because he doesn't want
us doing it in the house?

I really don't think...

He accused me of doing dr*gs.


dr*gs? Are you kidding?


He thinks you're doing speed?

He said this to you, really?

Why would he...

I don't know, I...

The only thing I can
think is that maybe

because I've been kind of
jumpy since the earthquake,

but everyone's
been jumpy, right?

I can't believe him!

Where does he get off?

He's probably gonna come to you

and say the same thing.

You don't believe him, do you?

What? No.

'Cause I'm not doing anything.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

Oh, Bailey...

just let it go.


So I've been
thinking about it...

and I have to break
up with Libby.


No, you... You can't do that.

Yeah, I can. Why can't I?

Well, because...

Because she really likes you,
and it would totally k*ll her.

Oh, so I'm supposed to go out

with the girl I
like second-best?

Yeah. It just wouldn't
be fair to her.

Well, I don't care.

Yeah, you do.

Yeah, I do.

Look, Julia...

people break up with people

even when they're not
interested in other people.

I mean, it happens all the time.

And it's not like me and Libby
are engaged or anything.

So sooner or later,

if she's not the person
I want to be with,

then I'm gonna have
to break up with her.

And then I can go out

with whoever I want, right?

Well, I want to go out with you.

What's wrong with that?

Well, it's just...

We should just wait.

For what?

I mean, right now only
one of us is happy.

What's waiting gonna change?

Justin! Julia!

There you are.

I want to know what the hell
your problem is with Jill.

I guess Jill told you
about our conversation.

I want to know what
you got against her

that you would just come out,

and, I mean, out of nowhere,
accuse her of doing speed.

She's on speed, Bay.

Maybe you haven't been around
it long enough to know,

but I have. All the
signs are there.

What signs?

You haven't noticed that
she's wired all the time?

She's high-strung,
that's her personality,

and she works in a
coffeehouse, for God's sakes!

I mean, she drinks, like,
10 cups of coffee a day.

Bailey, I know you don't want
to believe this about her,

that's why you're not seeing
it, but she has a problem.

You're the one who's got
a problem, Charlie.

All the sudden you think
you're Father Knows Best.

You make all the rules, and
you got all the answers.

Fine. Get mad at me.

It doesn't change
what's going on here.

You don't want me to be
with her, just admit it.


That's true, you're right.

I don't want this girl
messing up your life, Bay.

So as long as I'm a
good little boy,

and I do my homework
and I drink my milk,

you're okay,

but as soon as I
start dating a girl

who likes to have a little
fun and who isn't a virgin,

you start making up
lies to break us up.

If I wanted to do that Bailey,
if I wanted to lie about her,

why would I go to her?

Come on, Bay, think about it.

If that's true, why would I
go to Jill and not to you?

The National Seismology
Institute says

the first 72 hours after
a quake are crucial.

- So we... -Claud, wasn't this supposed
to be about some kind of plan?

This is important, Bay.

I'm getting to that.

Can you get to it faster?

I've got things to do.


Why don't you try doing
something useful

for a change and go
buy us a new fridge?

Yeah, Charlie, we can't keep
putting ice cubes in the bathtub.


This is my meeting.

Thank you. Okay.

Now, if there's an
aftershock or another quake

and if we're separated,

we need some way of
letting each other know

we're okay.

It's easier to get a
long-distance line

after a quake,

so we should all call
somebody long distance

and leave a message.


Uncle Kurt.

Claud, we can't call France

every time there's
an earthquake.

We should just keep it simple,

like we all call home,

and we keep trying
till we get through.

Okay, here it is.

Plan A.

Ground shakes, call home.

If that fails, Plan B.

Ground shakes, come home.

Any questions?

Yeah. Are we done?

I guess so.


As long as you all promise

to read the section
entitled "Don't Panic"

in the brochures I gave you.


Um, okay. So we, uh,
we clean it out.

It's, what, about
400 square feet?

Which is still too small.

I mean, I need twice
that much space

to make the production schedule,

and that place on Protrero is big
enough for a workshop and a showroom.

And it's also 5.50
a square foot,

and if we get the FX
Gallery contract,

we don't need a showroom.

Gwen, we budgeted
for a workshop,

and I'm sure if we keep looking,
we'll find the right place.

Why don't you work out of here?

That's what I've been trying to tell him.
Thank you.

Because we need more room...

so we can build faster.

The, the faster we build, the
sooner we start selling.

So take the money you
budgeted for rent

and hire another carpenter.

That way you can build faster

and still keep your
overhead down.

Did you need something?



Crazy Louie's is having
a refrigerator sale.

I thought we could go.

Well, wait a minute, Charlie.

What's wrong with that idea?

I just don't think it'll work.

Of course, it will.
It's brilliant!

Okay. Whatever.

It's brilliant.

- Libby, what...
- He broke up with me...


He did?

He came over after
dinner tonight.

We were supposed to
get frozen yogurt,

and he said he wanted
to talk to me.

I could tell
something was weird.

He parted his hair.

He never parts his hair.

Oh, God, Lib, I'm sorry.

He said that he
really liked me...

but he thought of me
more like a friend...

A really good friend...

Just not a girlfriend.

I asked him if there
was somebody else,

but he said no.

It's okay.

You're gonna be okay.

Will you talk to him?

Talk to him?

Maybe you can tell him that
he's making a mistake,

or maybe you could find out
if it was something I did,

so I can stop doing it.

Please, Julia?

I mean, he'll probably
tell you everything.


He really likes you.

Sure, okay.

Movies, movies, movies...

Ugh, I can never figure
out the stupid listings.

Have you seen anything good?
Because I haven't.

Oh, well, I went to
see The Lion King.

That was pretty cool. Are you
sure you want to see a movie?

Hey, maybe we could eat
first and then see a movie.

I'm not tired at all.
How about you?


Okay, settled then.

What're you doing?


What're you looking for?


What a creep you are! What?

What, you think I'm lying
to you, is that it?

You trust your stupid brother,

who I told you was
trying to make trouble,

instead of me.

I told you the truth.

I want to look inside.


Well, if there's
nothing in here,

then it shouldn't matter.


Just give it back.

Give it.

I want to believe you.

First of all, those aren't
even mine, all right?

They're, like,
mostly my brother's.

Give me a break.

I'm telling you, he
puts it in my bag,

because he doesn't want
my folks to find them!



Okay, okay, I'm not saying

that I don't take
them, all right?

I take them sometimes,

like, when I'm really
stressed out at school,

or if I'm working really late at
the coffee shop or something.

I mean, just every
once in a while,

just to keep me going.

What is the big deal?

Are you kidding? What
is the big deal?

You're on dr*gs.

I am not on dr*gs!

I take some pills sometimes.

Oh, what, you have never
had a beer or something?

What are these anyway?

I don't even know
what these are.

Is this speed?

Why do we have to make such
a big deal about this?

It doesn't change anything.

It changes everything.



If it matters to you, I
won't take them anymore.

It's really easy to stop.

I'm done with them.

Ice melted again.

Maybe we can go look
at fridges tonight.

The sale's still on.


When I finish this paperwork.

This the carpenter you hired?

That's him.

His work's good.

That's why I hired him.

So what do his clients say?

Is he good with deadlines?

I wouldn't know.



What does that mean?

Nothing. Just...

you said you wouldn't know.

Just sounds like you didn't
actually talk to him.

I didn't.



You said "oh" again.

Well, I just thought

when you checked
his references...

I didn't check his references.

I hired him based on his work.

Well, shouldn't we have
talked about this first?

I mean, I, I did invest
in this company,

and I think it's
smart business to...

So now I'm stupid because I
didn't check his references.

I think I'll, um...

I'll check to see if our water
heater is bolted to the wall.

No. All I'm saying is I
loaned you the money,

and call me deranged,

but I thought I might have a
little say in how it's used.

Kirsten, I know what
I'm doing here.

Maybe you should be
a silent partner.

Short Cuts is at the
film society on Friday.

Yeah, I know. Libby wants to go.


- And you said yes?
- Yes. I said yes.

She's very upset.
She needs a friend.


Anyway, she calls me on
the phone all the time.

We've been having coffee.

You dumped her, and
now I'm dating her.

What do you guys talk about?

About you.

About why you broke up with her,
whether you still like her,

why she can't bring
herself to hate you.

And I feel really
crummy about this.

It's kind of like guilt t*rture.


What do you want to do?

I mean, I want to still see you.

Look, I can't say no to
her right now, okay?

There's only so many
miserable, selfish things

a person can do in one week.

Yeah, but...

I'm gonna tell her about us.

Oh, that's... That's
a really good idea.

That'll make her
feel a lot better.

I can't lie to her anymore,

and she's gonna find
out sooner or later.

Okay, well, this is a
little too "sooner" for me.

Well, I'll let you know how
we both liked the film.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Lose something?

I know I brought them.

I put them on the hall table
so I wouldn't forget.

Forget what?

My sunglasses.

They're on your head.

Okay, Alzheimer's
has just kicked in.



I just thought I forgot my
sunglasses, that's all.

I know.

Is this what it's
gonna be like now?

Huh? You looking at me funny,

wondering if I'm high?

No, that's not what
I was thinking.




Whatever you say.


Bigger. 3.8.

Nah, it was nothing.

Yeah. You're right,
it was nothing.

I guess I expected it, so...

Well, he's gotta
understand, you know.

I know.

Oh, you're still alive.

What are you talking about?
Of course, we are.

Well, in case you missed it,

we had an aftershock
almost three hours ago.


God, Claud, that was tiny.

Yeah, you could
barely even feel it.

Well, I felt it,

and the plan was, "ground
shakes, call home."


I've been sitting by the
phone and watching the news

to make sure you guys
weren't, like, trapped

in some collapsed
parking garage.

I even tried to call France

on the off-chance that you
got confused about the plan,

but did anybody bother to call?


Claud, if it had been big,

I mean, big enough to
do any damage at all,

don't you know we'd be here?

I mean, don't you know

we'd drop everything to
get to you and Owen?

Well, what if the
house collapses,

and you can't get to us?

Claud, do you know how long
this house has been here?

Since like...

Like 1910.

I mean, do you know how many earthquakes
this place has been through?

And it's still standing, right?


They don't build houses
like this anymore.

In fact, this is probably
the safest place you can be

in an earthquake.

We're not gonna let
anything happen, Claud.

I promise. Nothing's
gonna happen.

Maybe if I got some sleep,
I'd be less stressed out.


Good idea.

Maybe we're getting
better at this.

What's this?

Your money.

I don't want it.

I can't take this anymore.

Take what? My advice?

The fact that I might
have a brain in my head?

What, Charlie?

I can't put up with you
second-guessing me all the time.

So you'd rather let this whole
thing go down the drain

than listen to a single
thing I have to say?

Great solution, Charlie.

I am not letting anything
go down the drain.

I want this business, just...

not at this price.

I can't believe you.

I was only trying to help.

Yeah, well, maybe we need to...

A little bit more time

before we start throwing
money into the mix.

Or, or maybe I do, I don't know.

At any rate, I feel
like we'd be better off

if I just...

figured out a way to
do this on my own.

Then fine.

Suit yourself.

This isn't just for me, Kirsten.

This is for us.

This was not a good
thing going on here.

So now we can just...

move forward, and, and
go about our lives.


That appliance sale
ends tomorrow.


Then we'll go.

See, that is the kind of thing

that we should be
doing together.

Hey, you want to go to
Sonoma this weekend?

The Renaissance Fair is in town,

and my folks are taking
me to cheer me up.

Sounds fun.

So you look like
you're doing okay.

Are you doing okay?


Because sometimes it's hard when
someone breaks up with you.

You've never broke
up with anybody,

how would you know?

Well, people do a
lot of stupid stuff

when they're dating,

and you never know
what's gonna happen.

What're you talking about?

Are you dating somebody?

Julia, how come you
didn't tell me?

Libby, there's something...

- What's that?
- I don't know.

And what's he doing here?

Justin didn't know that I was
studying at your house tonight.

You're kidding?

Libby, I'm really sorry.

Can't I just wait in the car?

This'll just take a second.
I'm on ice patrol.



What's the matter? Did
something happen?

Yeah, something did.

Claudia was sleeping
in the shower tonight.

She was?

I thought for sure
after last night

she was finally okay.

Hey, look, I'll talk to her.

She's not the problem.

While she was in the shower, um,

Jill came in,

and she went to the
medicine cabinet,

and she took some pills.

Claudia saw her.

Well, didn't you stop to
think that maybe there's a,

there's a good explanation?

Like, maybe they were aspirin?


I mean, it's not like Claudia's

some drug expert or anything.

It's Darvax from when
Mom hurt her back.

It's a really strong
drug, Bailey.

Yeah, I know what
kind of drug it is.

You don't steal dr*gs from
somebody's medicine cabinet

unless things are pretty bad.

I'll take care of it. Thanks.

She needs to get help, Bay.

In the meantime,

we'd feel better if she didn't
come around here so much.


What're you doing?

What are you, kicking
her out of here?

Is that what you're doing?

Shh! Claud's sleeping.
Keep your voice down.

Screw this. This
is my house, too.

She's stealing, Bay, and
she's lying to you.

She's not in control.

And we don't want to
see you get hurt.

Wait, you think you're
making this better,

making me choose?

You are making it so much
worse, I can't tell you.

This is my house.

You don't tell me what to
do with my girlfriend.

There is no way in hell
I'm putting up with that.

Coolair CA-526.

Ice dispenser, accessible doors.

Look at this,

handy built-in juice dispenser.

All this for 1100 bucks.

Good brand, good price.


It's perfect.

I'll draw up the paperwork.

Uh, could you give us a minute?

Take your time.

What's wrong?

It's big enough, it's
in our price range.

It got a black dot under
crisper humidity.

Crisper... What?


In the Consumer's Guide.

We don't want soggy lettuce.

When do we ever have lettuce?

It also scored low on
temperature uniformity.

The best overall rating
went to the Frostspot 253.

There's no juice dispenser.

Juice dispenser's drive up
your annual maintenance costs.

I like the juice dispenser.

The Coolair's only
available in ivory.

Ivory shows fingerprints.

The Frostspot comes in ecru.

Ecru? What the hell is that?

Consumer Guide says...

I don't care what
Consumer Guide says.

I want the Coolair with
the juice dispenser

in ivory.

And I think it's a bad idea.

Why, because I thought of it?

Well, you folks
ready to talk deal?

- No.
- No.

You don't want the
Frostspot because I do.

You don't trust me to
buy a refrigerator.

I didn't say that.
What's with you?

Me? What is with you?

Maintenance costs? Crisper
uniformity? Ecru?

God, Kirsten, it's not even
your money I'm spending here.

Libby, um...

Libby, please.

I'm not talking to you.

I wanted to tell you.

I just wanted to
figure out a good way.

A good way?

And I feel really
bad about this,

and I'm just trying to...

You could've had Justin before.

Oh, but then he wasn't
good enough for you.

Now he is.

Now that he's my boyfriend.


That's not what happened.

Libby, I just... I
couldn't help it.

That is such a lame excuse.

Of course, you could.

If something happened
between you and Justin,

and you were really my friend,

you could've said no.

That's true.

I'm sorry.

The last thing I need right now

is to think about you and
Justin feeling sorry for me,

because, frankly, that
makes me want to throw up.

And there's nothing I can say?

You don't actually think I'm
gonna forgive you, do you?

You know what, Julia?

I really hate you for this.

Hi, Claudia.

What are you doing?

They say animals act funny
just before a quake,

but with Thurber, it's
kind of hard to tell.


Oh, Charlie, look,
I've been thinking.

So have I.

And I don't think
this is a problem

about money or refrigerators.

Exactly, and, and
it's not about trust.

Or faith.

We just have a few
basic differences.

Right. Like, like the
way we make decisions.

And I mean, I mean,
you go by the book...

And you trust your gut.

Both are perfectly valid
approaches to life.



So I want to try this again.

I want you to take back the
money for the business.

Well, thanks, but,
um, I don't need it.

You don't?

We took the designs and
the cost projections

and the money that Gwen
already had in escrow,

and we made a pitch to the bank,

and it's not definite yet,

but I have a feeling we're
actually gonna get a loan.

Charlie, that's great! That's...



It wasn't an
aftershock, Claudia.

It was a Coolair CA-526.

Um, Kirsten, I...

Don't say anything.
Don't say anything.

You wanted a juice dispenser,
you should have a...

It's a Frostspot FS-253 in ecru.

So which one should
we send back?

You want to do
something tonight?

Go hear some music or something.

I don't think so.


I'm thinking about
dropping yearbook.

You know, whoever said "All's
fair in love and w*r,"

wasn't the person who got hurt.

It was obviously the
person who won.

Well, that's us.

Yeah, that's us.

We like each other.

That's allowed.

I know. It's...

You just start finding
things out about yourself,

you know, like the things
you're willing to do to people.


Well... we're together.

Are you glad about that?

Yeah, I'm glad. I
just wish that...

I don't know.

Yeah. I don't know either...

but I like sitting
here with you.

I mean, we don't have
to do anything else.

We could just sit here.

Do you like sitting with me?

I like sitting with you a lot.

How about standing?
Do you like standing?

Standing's nice.

How about hopping?

Hopping is actually
a little strange.

Yeah, you're probably right.

It's gonna be all right.

You don't know that.



Can I interest you in
a Sports Illustrated

from the Bush administration?

I finally got Patty to
spring for new mags.

You got a minute?

Um, yeah. Sure.

I have a really
good time with you.

I have a really good
time with you, too.

I don't want to be
with anyone else.


I know about the Darvax.

Claudia saw you take it.

It's not what you think.
I can explain...

I don't want you to.


Please don't explain, because
I won't believe you...

Whatever you say...

Because you lied to me when
you said you weren't using,

and you lied to me when
you said you stopped.

And if you honestly
don't believe

that you have a problem,
then what can I do?

So I can't be with you anymore,

and I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry, because...

Because I really care about you,
and I want you to get some help,

but... I guess...

I guess...

I'll just see you.

Bailey, wait.


Okay, you're right!

You're right! I do
have a problem.

Look, I'm sorry, Bailey.

I tried.

I meant what I said when I promised you.
I really meant it,

I really tried, but I couldn't.

I couldn't.

And I only lied to you,

because I was afraid
that you'd leave.

And see?

You are anyway.

Don't go, Bailey.

Please... don't walk away.

I can't do this by myself.

I can't stop if you walk away.

So don't.

Don't walk away.



Should I ask?

Shh! It's Claudia's idea.

It's the only place
she feels safe.

It's just for tonight.

Unless we have
another aftershock.

Then we're gonna have
her institutionalized.

Well, if it was her
idea, where is she?

Up front with Owen.

Is there room for me?

Sure. Just don't rock the truck.

Trust me, you don't
want her to wake up.

Come on, Charlie, shove over.


Shh! Be quiet.
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