01x13 - Grownups

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x13 - Grownups

Post by bunniefuu »

[Will] Oh, this must bring back
some great memories,

chain gangs, lock-downs,
strip searches...

It was sort of a special
place for Kate and me.

Yeah, right now,
she's probably sitting
around back East, lonely...

She probably hasn't
made any friends yet.

Oh, yeah.
No, no, no, right now,
she's probably...

Well, allowing for
the three-hour time difference,
she's probably eating
spaghetti with a guy,

some prep school
billionaire's son,
and they're doing
that, that noodle thing.


Or she's studying.
Yeah, she's studying.

I mean, she's really
cracking those books.

Recharge? Your coffee. More?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Oh, I had an uncle
who was there.

-Yeah, mmm-hmm.

Then he must be...
He must be pretty old.

They haven't kept prisoners
there since, like, 1963.

Oh, he worked there,
in the kitchen.



You guys didn't think
he was, like, a m*rder*r
or something?

Yeah, right.

[telephone rings]

My mother has shoes like that.

-You have a phone call.

You're Will, right?

And you have a Jeep.

What, are you, like,
like, some sort of detective
or something?

Hmm, something.

So how fast does it go?

I can, I can take you for a,
for a ride sometime.

Hmm, I've got to work late.

-Rain check?
-Great. Rain check.


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

-Who's that?

-Hey, Julia.


Well, it's funny.

-You don't look 21.
-Anyone around?

Molly, Terry?
I know it's kind of early.

Well, actually,
it's kind of late.
We shut down, babe.

-What? Really?
-Yeah. Really?

They had the hearing already?

They suspended his license,
and he's got to pay
some big fine.

Poor old Morgan. Yeah.

I didn't think they would--

This is his third strike.

I've tried calling him.
Maybe his machine's broken.

Mmm, yeah.

Have you talked to him?

Yeah, he owes me
600 bucks, the bastard.

Oh, boy.

You know, he's probably gonna
lose the club,
and what a pain in the ass,

because he's not really
that bad a guy.

-I know.
-Yeah, you do know, don't you?

I wish that there
was something...

Is he okay?


"Right and wrong:
Early childhood
and the development
of a moral code."

Wow, is that your topic?

Maybe. Don't know yet.

Something about
early childhood development.

What is it they say,
"Those who can't do, teach"?

Hey. Come on.

I gotta go.

I've got a meeting
with my committee.

Have you seen my
stupid watch anywhere?

Where did you leave it?

I don't remember.

Look for me.

Maybe check
around my desk.

Never mind.
In the medicine cabinet.

Go figure.

Are you gonna be home
later on tonight?


I thought
I'd stop by, see Owen.


I'm late.

I'll see you later.


I think Shelby likes me.

Really, I think
it's a real possibility.

I mean, did you see the way
she threw that Jell-O?

Whew. Perfect aim.
She got me right in my ear.

Get out of the jeep, Will.

-Just get out.

Get out, we're close
to your house.

We're, like, two miles
from my house.

It's good exercise.

Hey, it's that girl,
that coffee girl...


Well, this has been
a terrific friendship.

You're just going
to blow me off now?
Is that what's going on?


Hey. You need a ride?

It depends
on where you're going.

Uh, well,
home was my original plan,
but I'm open to suggestions.

So how fast did you say
this thing could go?

[tires screeching]

Hi, Morgan.

I stopped by the club today,

and Loren told me
about them suspending
your liquor license.

I'm sorry.

I know you're mad at me,
and you should be,
because it's my fault,

and I know that I lied
about my age,
but that was
the only thing.

I mean, that's
the only thing
that I lied about.

-The rest of it was...
-Forget it, all right?

I heard about the fine,
so I...

It's not everything.
I can get more.
I thought it would help.

My family, we have
this checkbook
for emergencies,

and I thought this was
an emergency, so...

Keep your money.

Come on, if you pay
off the fine, then maybe
you can open the club again.

It's a little late for that,

No, it's not.
Why is it too late?

Because your stupid
little cheque for $250
doesn't mean anything.

Morgan, please,
I have to do something.

Then get out of here.

Yeah, that's right.
I'm drunk.

So your sister is coming
the day after tomorrow, huh?


When was the last time
you and Meg got to spend
any time together?

I went home for a few days
last Christmas.
That doesn't really count.

Thank you. Thank you.

I guess if you were there
for longer than a week,
you'd get to spend some
real quality time, huh?

You found the ticket.

Meg sent it.
She wants me to
come home for a while.

Why are you running away?

I'm not running away.

I'm not. I can work on
my dissertation there
and spend some time
with my family.

I thought your family
drove you crazy.

I mean, there's not one story
that you tell about them
that doesn't end with
"Can you believe that?"

I need a change, Charlie.

You're going home
because you can't have kids.

My family will take care of me.

-So would I.
-I wouldn't ask you to.

I'm offering.

Look, Charlie,
we were just getting good
at this friends stuff.

I don't want to
get that screwed up.

Look, I haven't
even decided if I'm going.


I had chem lab after you
last semester.

I sat at your table.

You dripped your name
on it in acid.

Oh, right.

Yeah, I didn't learn too much
in that class.

Me neither.

Rust is, is a compound
called iron oxide.

[both laugh]

Just relax.

It's okay.



-Wait a second.

-I don't have anything.

I didn't bring anything.


Um, well, rain check?


I'm always prepared.
I'm over-prepared.

How come this one time?

It's amazing.

You know, it's, It's too good.
I'm gonna get hit by a bus.

Oh, positive attitude, Bay.

What, what am I thinking?
I don't even know this girl.

I mean, we, like, swapped spit.
I've never even been
in her house.

I don't even know
where she lives.

She lives near The Presidio.

She's got a little sister
who knows my little sister.
She's cute.

She's cute.

She likes me.
She wants to.
She wants to.

I mean, I can get this whole
virginity thing done with.

So what's the question here?

Am I ready?

You were ready with Kate.

That's different.
That's different. I loved Kate.

Bay, nobody says
you have to marry the girl.

So give me
some good hometown gossip.

Who's engaged, who's divorced,
who's cheating on
their income taxes. Well, you're gonna find out
soon enough.
You're on everybody's
invite list,

and Carl's taken your picture
and showing it to the guys
at the ad firm.

Productivity has fallen off,
oh, about 25%.

Men, huh?
Well, you know, Charlie, right?

[awkward laugh]

[clears throat]

So, if I go to the bathroom,
are you guys gonna talk about me
behind my back?

-Are you kidding?

Kirsten says you've been
wonderful through all this...

She does?

And I'm grateful to you too,
Charlie, I really am,

for being there for my sister
when she needed you
and for figuring out that

that's what you guys
were meant to be:


Sometimes I think it takes
a while to realize that, huh?

[Jill] Um, I've got a crowbar.

Well, not on me.

What you looking for?

Uh, Canterbury Tales.

Oh, well, here,
you can borrow mine.

-I just came from English.

Okay, now,

I turned down the pages
on the dirty parts.



[both clear their throat]

That's a nice top.

You know, I'm not
doing anything later.

Oh, yeah?

No one's gonna be around.

My dad, he's away,
and my mom works nights,

and my brother, he won
these tickets off the radio
for some stupid rodeo
or something.

So he's gonna take
the other kids.


So no one's going
to be around.

You could come over
about 8:00.

Great. Sure, 8:00.


Um, 667 Presidio...

Like 666, just one more.

One more. Okay.

-[bell ringing]
-Oh, and I think you're late.




What's going on, Claud?

-Have you seen Julia?

Well, do you, like, know
where she is?


Do you know
when she's coming back?

Negatory. Are you sure?

I really need to talk to her.

What is this, Claud?
Some big emergency
or something?

Well, yeah, it is.

I just got my period.


Okay. What have we got here?

These look good.
Let's get out of here.


These are tampons.

Super plus.


There sure are a lot
to choose from.

These have wings. Wings?

What's that about, huh?

Uh, I don't think
these are right either.


Scented or unscented?

Which is better?

You think I would know this?

It's okay, Bay.

Look, why don't you just
give me a minute?

I mean,
I can read the boxes too.

I'll figure it out.

Are you sure?


I'll just be...

What the hell
are you doing in here?

Oh, um, the landlady
let me in.

I said I was your sister.
Pretty gullible, huh?

Yeah, yeah, you are
a pretty good liar,
aren't you? I could make you dinner
if you want.

What did you do?

You were drinking, so I...

You spilled out my booze?

Get out of here,
just get the hell out of here.

-I'm trying to help you.

What, you think
you're gonna come over here

and spill out my booze,
make me dinner,
and that's gonna make
everything all right?

-I'm trying.
-Well, stop trying!

You're just a stupid kid.
You don't know what the hell
you're doing.

Jeez, 15...

Fifteen years old.

I could've slept with you.

-I said I was sorry.
-Yeah? So what? You think
that counts for crap?

You know, you pretend
to be grown up,
but you're not.

You're just a selfish
little girl who likes to play
games and ruin other
people's lives,

and you don't know
when to stop!

Hey, you really want
to help me out?

All right.

[glass breaking]

There, clean that up.
That'll make things better.

How could you
forget your wallet?

God, Joe just keeps
that thing going?

Isn't that
kind of a fire hazard?

I called ahead.


I don't want to
be your friend.


I mean, just your friend.

It's not enough.

We can tell each other
that that's what we are,
but we're not.

We're more than that.


Let's think big.


Let's think huge.


Let's get married.
I want to marry you.

I want you to marry me,
I want us to be married
to each other.

-I'm sorry.

I'm having trouble breathing.

I just...have to...sit.

[breathes deeply]

Should I...
I mean, do you want
me to go on? Okay.

I've thought a lot about this.

Well, okay, not a lot
in actual terms of time,
but I've thought
very intensely about it.

[breathing deeply]

Are you sure you're okay?

Okay, so follow my logic here.

Everything in your life seems
to be up in the air, right?

So let's, let's pin
this one thing down: us.

Let's say that we're gonna
be together forever,

and, and--
And I love you.

I'm...I'm in love with you.
I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

I should've said that first.


Forget all the rest.
That, that's what
it comes down to.

What do you say?


Well, don't you want to...

Yeah. Yes.

-Ow! Ow!
-What? What?

-You're on my hair.
-Oh, sorry.


Wait. Wait.
Just slow down.



Tell me what's good.

This is good.

Should I--
I mean, is it--

It's okay.

I'll show you.

[soft music playing]

So, do you love me?


"Yes" would make me
feel better.


Well, then?

Is that a good enough reason?


Let's just do it.

It'll never work, you know.

-It could.
-It might.

-We'd make it work.



For God's sake, Claud,
I don't have time for this.

You think you're gonna miss
school every time you get
your period?

I just don't feel like going.

-I'm moody.
-You're moody all the time.


Claudia's not going to school.
She got her period.

So? It's her first time.
She's nervous.

I'm not nervous.
I just, I don't feel
like going.

-What's going on?
-Claudia's period.

Why don't you just invite
the neighbors over and we
can all talk about it?
Do you mind?

Are you worried about
having an accident
or something?

She's afraid of spilling.


I'm going to die.

Do you have any idea
what wings are?

Guys just don't get it.

It's okay, though.
They have to shave
every day.

You guys, this is a big deal.
I mean, it's special.

Claudia's, like,
actually becoming a woman.

Oh, great.

-Do I look different to you?
-Is that a zit?

Forget it.

So, you and Jill,
what's the update?

Date number two
a happening thing?

I guess.

She didn't drop you?
It's a new record.

I slept with her.

What do you mean,
you slept with her?

"You fell asleep
in the same bed beside her"
you slept with her?

I had sex with her.

She just wanted to,
and I wanted to.

That's usually the way
it happens.


Was it good?

It was weird.
You know, I mean,
I hardly even know her.

Well, you know her
pretty well now.

But, I mean,
it's not like we, we dated
or anything, you know?

-We just...
-Slept together.


He's drinking, Loren.

You should've seen him.
He's, like, this complete mess,
and every time I see him,
it just gets worse...

Yeah, it's real bad.

And it's my fault.
I did this to him,
and I don't know
how to make it better.

I don't know how
to make him stop.

You can't make him stop.

-I have to.
-Just walk away.

I can't,
not after what I did.

What you did?
What did you do?

Huh? Did you pour him a drink,
wave it under his nose, huh?


Then how is
this your fault?

-Come on.
-What? Wha--

What, you mean,
that fake ID thing?

Oh, man, come on.

Get over it, honey.

That was not the end
of the world, okay?

And if he's acting
like it is, then it ain't
your problem.

You really thought he was
drinking because of you, huh?

Yeah, right. Uh-uh.

All he needed was an excuse.

That's it.

Oh, sweetheart,

you're awfully young,
aren't you?

Well, you just got yourself
a little life lesson, kiddo,
on the house.

[knocking on door]

Come in.


Wow, your pants are looking
a little short.

I know. Last time
I put them on,
they were fine.

Come here.

I can take them down
a little for you.

-You want me to do that?
-Yeah. Thanks.

Is everything
always gonna be this fast?

-Like what?

I'm gonna have my period
once a month now...

For, like, years and years,
40 years,

480 times, 2400 days,

and I can't stop it.

No, you can't.

I don't feel
like I'm becoming a woman.

I mean, hey, I still like
playing with dolls and crayons

Even though
watercolors are better,

and sometimes,
I, I watch Sesame Street
with Owen...

And it still makes me laugh.


-Well, Grover is really funny.

Sometimes, do you kind
of wish you could

sort of freeze
the age you're at
and just stay there?


Or maybe things
just get easier
when you get older.

Do they get easier?

Sure. Sure, they do.

Look, I know
it seems like things
are going real fast
right now.

You know,
all these changes,
but they'll slow down, really.

Last week, I was just a kid,
and now I have my period.

I think I saw a gray hair.


You look the same to me.

You're kidding.

No. I mean,
we thought about it--


Come on, Megs.
I want you to be happy for me.

I should...
I should just stay out of this.

Okay, good.

You can't actually think
that this is a good idea,
to rush into something
like this.

Meg, stop.

No, come on,
not with your guys,
your history.

Hey, you know what?
That is between us,
and it's behind us,

and it's really not open
for public discussion, Meg.

All that stuff with--
What's her name?
That girl, Rebecca,

all that's just forgotten?

What, do you tell
her everything?

-I'm her sister.

I, I don't know
what you're doing.
Honestly, I...

Charlie, I barely know you,
and I could be wrong,

but I just hope you're
not the kind of guy
that would ask
someone to marry him

because you don't
like the idea of being
walked out on.

I know that that's
not true, Meg.

You haven't had
one single month
of a stable relationship,

and now he is asking
you to do something that
s supposed to be forever.

Well, I'm sorry, but nothing
I've heard about this guy

leads me to believe he has any
idea of what "forever"
even means.

Meg, shut up!

Where do you get off, lady? God!

You don't know a damn thing
about me or about how we feel
about each other,

and you know what, I think
you should just get the hell
out of here!

[door slams]

[female patron]
Think we'll have time
to make the movie?

Yeah, I think so.

You guys have a good night.

Good night.

[knocking on door]

-Hi. How you doing?

I was just closing up.

You want some coffee?
I just turned
the machine off.

No, thanks, I'm okay.

So you like working
in this place?

Hmm, it's a job.

I'd bet you get to meet
a lot of interesting characters
working in a place like this.

Lots of poets, musicians...

Hmm, not really.

Part-time jobs, huh?
God, I've had
millions of them.

So what does
your dad do?


I'm just curious.

In the military.


Big family?

there are five of us.

No kidding?
That's, me too.

There's five of us too.
That is, that is so funny.

So we're both, like,
from big families.

Lots of crazy stuff
happens in big families, huh?

Lots of stories.

Lots of stories.

You want to go somewhere?

We could.

Or we could
just stay here.



Listen, Kirsten...

Everything your sister said
is true.

We have had sort of
a rocky time together, and--

And I don't have
the greatest history, and we
didn't spend much time
thinking about this,

but so what?

It doesn't mean
that she added it all up
and found the right answer.

Yeah, but we're kind of
jumping off a cliff
with our eyes
closed here.

My eyes aren't closed.

Are yours? Really?


A little.

I'm sorry.

Everything you say
makes me feel
so wonderful,

and I want it to be the way
you say it's gonna be,
but I don't know.

I mean, I'm...

I'm confused, I...

That's okay. Look...

I can handle some indecision
on your part.

We'll just...
We'll just get through it.

We shouldn't get married,


I'm just...

I'm not at
a point right now

where I should be making
any rash decisions.

My sister's right about
that at least.

I shouldn't have said yes.

I made a mistake,
and I'm sorry.


I asked you to do
something romantic and rash
and completely on faith,

and actually,
I couldn't believe it
when you said yes.

I guess I thought
that you wouldn't,

and I'm not surprised
that you won't,



But it wouldn't have
been a mistake.

-Guess who?

-Canterbury Tales...
-Silas Marner.

We're not
up to that yet.

So, I never asked you.
How, um...

How did your family
like that rodeo?

Oh, you know.

Oh, hey, they're gonna go
to that flea market
up in Marin on Saturday,

so if you want to come by...

Uh, I don't...
I'm not sure.

Okay, how about Sunday?

Uh, I don't know.



I just...

You don't want to
see me anymore.


I can hear it
in your voice.

-No, no, look--
-You're not having any fun.

I'm still having fun.

It's just that--
It seems like...
every time we see each other,

it's like we only
do one thing.

You know, I mean, it's--
That's, like, all we do.

-You don't like sex?
-No, I...

I think sex is...

Actually, I think it's pretty
underrated, as far as
I can tell.

Sex is amazing.
I just wish we had, like...

Like, talked more or something,
or done something together.

You know, I just--
I mean, you've never even asked
anything about me.


I think about you,
and I want to have sex,

but now...

I don't know, I just feel--
I feel bad about it,

I don't know, it just--
It doesn't feel...

It just feels like kind of...
Like kind of nothing.


It's weird.

I had...

I had this boyfriend,
like, about a year ago,


...after we broke up,
the thing he said
he missed most about me

was the sex.

I know that there are
prettier girls, and I know there are
smarter girls,

but I'm...
I'm good at the sex part.

It's the one thing
I know that guys will be
interested in.

I don't do this
with everyone if that's
what you're thinking.

No, I wasn't.

I wasn't.

It's not like I made you
do something you didn't
want to do.

I know.

And I don't remember you

suggesting we go to a movie
or do something else instead.

I know.

You didn't seem to mind
when we were doing it.

You kept coming back
for more.

"Kind of nothing."



[Julia] Morgan.

Honey, I'll be
right back, okay?

I don't want you to talk.
Just listen, okay?

Julia, I really don't want
to hear anything.

You know what, Morgan?
Everybody has bad breaks...

Even me.

And you might think
that 15 is too young
to know anything,

but I know this
from personal experience:

When something really awful
happens to you,
you have two choices.

You can decide
to let it mess you up,

or you can decide
not to let it mess you up.
It's up to you,

and no one can help you
if you don't want
to be helped.

And I may be just
some stupid kid,
but you're not,

and it's really time
for you to grow up...

So I guess...

I guess I just really hope
that you decide
to take care of yourself.

Hey. How's it going?


So how's business?


Some lady found a bug
in her bear claw.

Kind of freaked out.

That was sort of interesting.

I'm sorry I missed it.

Yeah, well...

So, um...

So, what time
do you get off work?

-I don't know.

I was...
I was thinking
that maybe you'd like to...

Get together,
do something, see a movie.


And then afterwards, we could...
I don't know, get a burger
or something.

Well, you're not
a vegetarian, are you?

Me neither.

Dinner and a movie, huh?

Uh, well, actually,
a movie and dinner,

if you're being
chronologically accurate.

I'd like to go on a date
with you...


We kind of started
this whole thing a little
backwards, you know?



I'd like that.


Uh, I get off at 6:00.

Okay. Okay, I'll...

I'll pick you up
at 6:00. Okay.


I should, I should probably
warn you, though.

I generally don't kiss
on the first date.

I'm not that kind of guy.

Too bad the dog has to die.

Aren't there puppies
or something?

Not really the same thing.

So how you feeling?
Any cramps?


Listen, I've got an idea.

How about you come upstairs
and sleep in my bed with me


I could make popcorn,
and I could read
Charlotte's Web
to you like I used to.

You really want to do that?
How come?

I thought you were way too old
to share a room anymore.

Who said that?

I'm not too old.

Come on.



You look
like you've been crying.

Only for about
the last 24 hours, yeah.

[both laugh]

Want to come in?


So you came all the way
over here just to stand
in the doorway?

[both laugh]

I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

I've been thinking about this
over and over and over.

I mean, I can't marry you,

Well, we've been
through that.

And I can't go back
to Chicago, because...

You're right.

I would be kind of
running away,

but I can't just stay
where I am, because...

I do need to make a change.

Which leaves me...

Pretty much with no options.

That's not true.

Name one.

Move in here with me.


You need a change of scenery?
You got it.

You'd be surrounded by people
who care about you.

You could work
on your dissertation here.

I could put a desk
in my bedroom, or...

Hey, I could convert
the attic, and...




Wow, that's an amazing offer.

But I don't know. I'm...

I mean, what do you need
this for? I'm, like,
this basket case right now.

This wasn't the way
things were meant to work out.

See, I, I disagree.

I really disagree.


take it from me,
things never work out
the way you think
they're going to.

It doesn't mean
that it's not meant to be.

I mean, think about it.

You're 24 years old,
and you can't imagine
that you're never
gonna have kids.

And... And...
And I'm 24 years old,

and I mean,
how did this happen to me?
I, I have four of them.

[both laugh]

And I love you.

So why don't you share mine?

[music playing]
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