Barkers: Mind the Cats! (2020)

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Barkers: Mind the Cats! (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Smile for the selfie!

Not my phone!

I got it.

A birdie!

Zoom, zoom,


Zoom, zook,

zoom, zoom, za!

Hey Alex, you wanna play ball?

- Get back here!
- Woops!

Ah geez! What'd you do that for, Kid?

I'm doing something important.

Can't you play a little?

- Pretty please?
- I don't have time today.

We'll have lots of time to
play at Grandpa's house.

How does that sound?

Okay then.

Game Over, unveiling...

Rosie. Rosie!

You wanna play?

♪ You're never comin' back,
yeah, Cupid's arrow, ♪

♪ gave me a heart att*ck. ♪

♪ Hey, hey, don't you
leave me this way ♪

♪ Stay, stay, be a good dog and stay ♪



What d'you want?
I'm tryin' to dance here.

That's what you were doing?

I thought you had
fleas in your pants.

- Come play with me!
- No, no, no, no.

Not right now.

I'm busy perfecting my moves for
Pomeraniums Got Talent.

Later. We'll play at Grandpa's.

Look, I'm glowing.

That's the face of a queen!

Or maybe... a celebrity!

The next Kim Kakapo!

Hey, listen up!

I need tea, now!

Lisa, who're you bossing around?

I'm just practicing for when
I have assistants.

Do you wanna play with me?

All appointment requests must
go through my secretary.

Get ready!

'Cause it's time... for fun!

Let's see what we got.

Not a single new subscriber yet.

Looks like I need ideas.

What else can I do?

I thought people loved dumb gags.


- Wanna play?
- Kid.

I need your help.

Whaddya think?
Help me become famous.

I need more views.

He's famous!

You could be like Super Dog!

That's it! You're a genius!

- Oh, yeah!
- Hurray!

- So that means you can play now?
- Nope.


Hi! I'm Kid Barker.

And I've never made
a video before, but...

Let me tell you about something I love.

I have the best siblings in the world.

It's gonna be summer soon,

- and then we're gonna play all the time.
- Hey!

Paws off the vlogging
equipment, little buddy.

- That stuff's for big kids only.
- Okay, sorry.

- Just trying to get views.
- That's real nice.

Next time, just turn it on.

Oh, brother!

I know. Here!

You can borrow this for a while.

Hey, hey hey!

Welcome back to my channel, everybody!

Back again with your favourite vlog.

And, get ready guys!

'Cause your boy's got something
super crazy planned!

Or more like, Super Dog!

Well... You know what I mean.


With strength, power,

and smarts too.

Still watching?

Well that's good, 'cause there's
just one thing I still need.

A Jetpack.

Where can I find one?

I know where to go.

Don't click away!

This nerd here, is my brother, Alex.

He's real smart at that science stuff.


- Hey, make me a Jetpack.
- Can it wait?

This is important.

It's the culmination of my
whole life's work.

Yeah, sure dude.

You haven't even lived that long.

What's this thing? Does it move?

How 'bout this? I'ma poke it.

- Poke!
- No! Don't touch that!

What did you do?

That's mine!

Got the grabby thing,
lets play grab the scientist!

Okay, fine. I'll make it for you.

A Jetpack. Just leave me alone.

Gimme that.

You heard it here first.

He's really gonna make me a Jetpack!

Stay tuned for more
super cool updates!

Maybe my next vlog will be two
thousand feet in the air!

Better hit subscribe.

Peace out, super vlogger Max,
up, and away!

Catch you next time!

- We're here!
- I can't believe it!

I forgot how huge it is!

I feel like a pop star!

Seven, eight, nine...


Our time capsule is still here.


Look! I found our dolls.

I forgot how cute they are!

My very own laboratory!

Now I can finally work in peace.


Don't start without me!
I'm coming!

Hey! Watch it!

- Quit that shakin'.
- Sorry.

- I'm trying!
- Then try harder.

It's this hill.

- It's so... huge!
- I never said it'd be easy.

That's good.


This was a first test.

That look on your face. Priceless!

It was just a trick. Got ya!

The hill, the boat.

I planned all of it. Get it?

Good one!

- But who put the boat here?
- Good point.

- How did it get here?
- I remember!

Granny told me.

The old sailor who lives there
takes his grandkids on boat rides.

- It's got to be his.
- I don't like it.

This is our place. We're the
only ones that swim here.

- Oh, this is a public dock.
- What'd you just say?

- But, they should know better.
- Exactly.

We don't want visitors. No way.

Let's get to our field.


Now that we're here,
everyone will play with me!

- Grandpa! You first!
- First for what?

Well, I'm gonna play
with everyone here,

but you're up first.

So. What're we playing?

Umm, how about Laser Wag?

- Or World of Woofcraft?
- World of...What?

Of Woofcraft.

Can't say I know it.

Now when I was a kid, we played
like we were brave Warriors.

- How'd you do it?
- Come on, I'll show you.

It's been a long time.

But they must be around
here somewhere.

The slingshot.

The special kite.

And look!

This bow belonged to your dad.

So cool. How do you play Warriors?

Oh, I get it!

Can we play now?

What on earth?

- What is this?
- It's a swing!

I'm not blind, I'm just sayin'.

- This place used to be our lookout.
- Well...

I guess someone else must've
found it while we were gone.

Someone else?

I bet my whiskers it's that
old hound's yippy grandkids.

- Granny told me they're called the Barkers.
- Ahh, the Barkers.

- Good to know.
- Maybe they didn't know this was our spot?

Of course they did.

This was a direct att*ck on us.

Now quit stalling, and help me.

Now first, we're gonna counter att*ck,

by sabotaging their little swing set.

- And second?
- And second...

Gotta learn more about
these shaggy dogs.

Let's see. We've got Barkes, Barcos.

Aha! Got 'em.

It appears one of these Barkers has a vlog.

Hey, friends!

Just hold out a little bit longer.

Barker's Jetbelt is on it's way!

And any day now, we're gonna
start running our first test flights.

For now, hit me up with some likes,
and stay tuned.

Max Barker out.

- What on earth is a Jetbelt?
- I dunno.



Sure looks like someone's been busy.

So it's done?


My Jetpack.

Not just yet.

It's like I said, there's something...

- Something that I have to finish up first.
- What do you have to finish up?

You promised!

- I know I did, but first...
- There's no "but first".

You promised.

First the Jetpack,

- then you work on this.
- Come on!

Just let me... have it!

Fine, you win.

- I'll work on it now.
- Now you're talking.

Here you go.

- I know you'll keep your word.
- That's right, Max.

I'll take care of it.

- You mean you'll take care of it first.
- Yes.

Now, go!

Well? How's it going?

So, is it ready?


But where... Where's my device?

Where'd you put it?



Celebrity gossip.

I don't believe it!

Brad Pitbull is getting divorced!

Prince Hawrry is looking for a fiance!

Should I send him my picture?[/i]

I wonder...

He'd have to wait 'til I grow up,
of course.

I can picture it now.

Prince Hawrry arrives,

He's just dashing, and he... asks me!

Well, Lisa, you ready?


It's you.

- What d'you want?
- I want to play Warriors with you!

I don't have enough to do?

I have to peel these potatoes for dinner!

- Can I be in charge?
- I will be the leader.[/i]

- And you will tend to the hearth.
- I'm tending the hearth now.

No deal.

I know...

How about this?
You're the Princess,

and you can even wear a tiara!

I'll do it, but you'll have to peel
all the potatoes while I...

Hooray! I'll go round up
everyone else!

Hey! You forgot these!

Well in that case, our deal is off.


Alex and Max!

What're you doing?

- Come on, let's go.
- Where're you going?

Just you wait. Just you wait!

- What now?
- Hey Max, just quit your game.

Let's all play Warriors.

- Lisa says she wants to play too.
- Hey, how about taking a break?

Let's all play Warriors!

Oh, I'll show you "Warriors".

Let me have that.

And that.

- Give up now, Max.
- Which trashcan did you put it in?

I never threw it away.

It's behind the greenhouse.

Behind the greenhouse.

- What about playing our game?
- Tough luck.

No Warriors.

Alex won't play with us.

Hey, how's it going?

Close call.

How do you expect me to work
under these conditions?

It's impossible to concentrate
with all these interruptions.


Who's interrupting you?
I'll take care of them.

- Tim, it's Tim!
- Yes! He made it!

- Up here, Tim.
- Hey, Max. What's up?

- Are you on break?
- For the whole week!

- Awesome!
- Can you believe it?

Tim's here for the whole week!

Don't worry Alex.
I won't let anybody else bother you.

Yelp if you need me!

No-one will bug you as long as I'm here.


- Have you seen Tim?
- No.

He was just here.

Where could he have gone to?

Have you seen Tim?

- I haven't.
- That's weird.

Look! Suddenly everyone wants Tim.

Yes, Lisa said she'd play Warriors.

- Now I have to find Tim and Rosie.
- Oh, now I see.

Well, keep searching then.

You have a mission.

Okay, now you go.

How was that?

Awesome! You'll be like
Napalmeranian in no time!

That fits right in with my superstar plan.


Rosie, you're the best dancer ever!

And I wanted to... to say that...

That I... Well, I...

That you... what?

Nothing. It's just something
I wanted to say to you.

Well, just say it then.

You can say anything to me.

- I mean, Bob from school...
- What?

- Who is this Bob?
- Hey!

Finally, I found you guys. Yay!

And now the great Warrior Kid Barker
has captured you both!

I was just going to say that he...

- is a good dancer. Okay?
- Who is a good dancer?

- Nobody.
- Okay.

So, you guys aren't captured.

But, I'd still like you
to play my game.

- Tim, let's pretend to be Warriors.
- Kid!

What're you even doing here?
All by yourself?

I'm not all by myself.
I'm with you.

And you know you promised
that you would play with me

when we got to Grandpa's house.

- Go home now!
- What?

So, what about Bob?

Bob, schmob. It doesn't matter.

It's just sort of cool that
he knows how to dance.

That's all.

Well, it's true!

Bob from school!

Well, excuse me!

I'm outa here.

I knew it.

No-ones gonna play with me.

All hopes and plans ruined.

A failure.

A six letter word...

- Fiasco
- That's it!

And now down...

A state of the abscence of light...

Four letters...

- The second letter is 'A'.
- Dark.

- Are you done peeling potatoes?
- Of course.

- Are you hungry?
- Uhuh.

We'll eat soon.

Go eat an apple.

- Can we play Warriors?
- What about Warriors?

Why don't you go play?

Can't you see I'm busy?

- Fine, I won't play with you either.
- What?

I won't play with anyone.

You all lied to me.

Well, I don't see anyone flyin'.

Somethin's up.

There's barely a cloud, but no flying.

What if they do start flying?

What do we do then?

sh**t 'em down.

How about we just throw some
slimy toads in their yard?

Somethin' like that.

Fluffy, did your Granny give
you any grub to munch on?

I'm famished.

I've got a donut.

Okay. Stop your lazin'.

We've got a job to do.

Why d'you have all
these ropes in here.

Oh! It isn't rope.

It's Macrame. Check this out.

My Granny taught me.

- It's a little bunny.
- It's makin' me sick.

Bunny's are lame. Everybody knows that.

Huh. What a stupid word, 'Macrame'.

Who comes up with this stuff?


They promised and promised,

and still... I'm alone.

Well, they're gonna be sorry.

I'm going to have so much
fun without them.

I'll play all by myself!

I don't need anyone to be
the king of the Warriors!

They'll all beg to play with me.

But I'm not going to let them!


Hey pups. What's your name?

- I am the great Warrior Kid Barker!
- Oh, hello Kid.

You're pullin' my paw!

Great Warrior!

Hey Kid, wait up.

Did you say... Barker?

- As in Max Barker?
- Yes, he's my brother.

But, who cares about him?

- What're you doing here, anyway?
- We're here on a secret mission!

It's a game.

We've been playing... spies.

Like you've been playing Warriors.

We just happen to love Warriors.

But, nobody will play with me.

They all promised that they would.

- But they won't.
- I've got an idea.

Why don't we play with you?





By the way, your brother's
working on a fancy gadget.

He calls it a Jetbelt.

D'you know anything about that?

Yeah, I think Alex is making
something like that.

Giddyup! Whoo!

I, the great Warrior, Kid Barker

take you as my prisoner.

Okay, okay.

Now it's time for you to play
our game, called...err...

Super Spies!

But I don't know how
to play that game.

How to explain it to you? Hmm.

Okay, look.

It's all about carrying out
secret missions.

For example...

You find out everything about,
say, the Jetbelt.

You know...

Like - when it's gonna fly.

- Let's just play... Warriors
- First the mission,

and then... more Warriors.

So go on, and complete your
mission, and come on back.

But Grandpa won't let me
back out again today.

Not 'til tomorrow.

Not 'til tomorrow?

Well, tomorrow it is.

And tomorrow,
the great Warriors will play.

Do you have any slingshots,
and bows?

Of course we do. We're pros.

Well, see you tomorrow then.

But don't say a word
about this to anyone.

Remember, our mission is top secret.

- Get it?
- Got it.


- 'Til tomorrow.
- Bye bye!

And you, Fluffy...

have your own secret mission.

- I believe your Granny had a rooster.
- I already gave you a donut!

Not to eat, now go get him.

We need his feathers.

How else do you expect
us to become Warriors?

- Good morning, sir.
- And good morning to you.

Nice weather, eh?

Where are you off to, Tim?

I'm leaving.

I have to.

To be a superhero, or a biochemist.

Or whatever.


What do I tell Rosie?

I dunno.

♪ Yo, I'm out, I'm bailing ♪

♪ I'm leavin' like a player ♪

♪ I'm trading in my heart,
'cos you played it like a slayer ♪

♪ Better forget me,
like you never knew my name ♪

♪ 'Cos I'm never gonna be the same.
Endgame ♪

♪ Hey, hey.
Don't you leave me this way ♪

♪ Stay, stay.
Be a good dog and stay ♪

♪ Real deal is
the love that we feel ♪

♪ Stay, we'll both be
good dogs and heel ♪

♪ It's time that you accept
the truth and own it ♪

♪A puppy rapped it like a glove,
but I doth own it ♪

♪ You've blown it. ♪

♪ This is wack, but I'm not shook ♪

♪ I'm takin' back
the happiness you took ♪

♪ Gonna be a new dog,
duo act is goin' solo ♪

♪ And I've got nothin'
else I wanna say, but... ♪

♪ Yolo. ♪

♪ Hey, hey, don't you
leave me this way ♪

♪ Stay, stay, be a good dog and stay ♪

♪ Real deal is the love that we feel ♪

♪ Stay, we'll both be
good dogs and heel ♪

♪ Me, you and a forager too ♪

♪ True blue, that's the way I love you ♪

♪ Hey, hey, don't you
leave me this way ♪

♪ Stay, stay, be a good dog and stay ♪


I have new friends!

And they're going to play with me!

Morning, Grandpa!

- I'm off to play.
- Hey, Kid.

- Where're you going?
- I have a super top secret mission!

Sounds important.

But later, let's build a wigwam.

Oh, there's Max.

Just the one I'm looking for.

- I need some top secret information.
- Hey! Keep it down.

I'm trying to do the same thing you are,
but Alex is totally off his leash.

I need information for my livestream,
but he won't let me in.

Check it out.

Alex! Hey, Alex!

Hey, let it go!

It's gone!

Oh no, that's Grandpa's.

Alex won't let me in

- but maybe he'll talk to you.
- It's worth a try.

But play it cool, and take your time,
or he'll get nervous.

So, talk about the weather,

and get me my info.

Alex, I'm just here to talk
about the weather.

Can I come up?


Right here.

Oh no! Not potatoes again.

Are you for real? You didn't
even peel them yesterday.

So we all had to eat left-over
macaroni again!

- And I'm sick of it.
- But I can't right now.

I'm writing to a certain
high profile individual.

Did you know they have
Dogstagram profiles too?

Just peel these already!

Write your fanmail later!

I know you're just mad
because Tim left.

Wait! Where did he go?
- Where do you think? He went home.

I saw him this morning.

He was making a beeline
for the train station.


That doesn't mean that
he's going home.

He probably just went to
get me some flowers.

Yeah, that's it.


With all his stuff?

There's a whole field of daisies
on the way to the station,

so maybe...

♪ Daisies will tell ♪

- ♪ What will it be? ♪
- Rosie!

Don't sit and mope.

Now you can go out with
anyone you want to.

Check this out! Here's Justin Beagle.

And here's Prince Hawrry Dog

You have to admit,
they're the cutest.

♪ For you can see ♪

♪ The truth might be... not ♪

Why do you care about
this so much, anyway?

It's a useless energy draining toy

that someone else will invent,
soon enough.

- It's not a big deal.
- But are you making it?

And when is it gonna fly?

Kid, what's up with you?

Aren't you old enough to
know better by now?

Look, a whole cabinet
full of useless toys,

just like this Jetbelt.

I made them for fun.

Or perhaps, out of the
deep love for my craft.

The self-watering can,
ascension firecrackers,

the alarm clock massager.

This one was actually interesting,

but that's a story for another time.

Oh, the ball that bounces by itself!

Yeah yeah. A ball, who cares?

Now, let me show you something that will

change the world of science forever.

The Exoskeleton!

Surely the most important
invention created by cat or dog.

It'll replace all kinds of machines.

Production, construction,

even stuff in outer-space!

- Can you imagine?
- I can imagine!

Now what about the Jetbelt? Come on,
tell me when it's gonna fly!

No! No-one will ever understand me.

Alright. I'll build the stupid
Jetbelt right now!

You can't fool me.
I know Max sent you.


- Like it?
- Yeah!

- Go call Max.
- Max!

Oh! I just happened to
be right here and...

Woah! Are you finished?
- Yup.

Put it on.


Something's buzzing.
I feel buzzing!

Alex, you did it! Yeah!

Kid! You head outside and
film me when I fly out.

- Alex, do you think it'll fly?
- Lower your visor.


Up, up and away!

Alex, I'm really flying!

Yelpin' Yorkies, I'm flying!

How did you ever do it?

Max, come on this way.

Fly over here.

Alex, somethings wrong.

- Why am I not flying outside?
- It's too soon.

It's not finished yet.

Right now, it can only be
controlled remotely,

and the signal might not reach.

Well, when will you be finished with it?

- Tomorrow.
- That's awesome!

Alex, you're a rock star.
I knew you could do it!

Now I can finally get
back to my real work.

What's up? Hey, hey, hey!

Wait until you see what's coming!

Stay tuned for the premier video

of my first ever test flight!

And, if you tune in tomorrow,

you're gonna see a real demonstration

of the one and only Barker Jetbelt!

What does he mean, 'demonstration'?

And who was he talking to?

Does this mean I set him up to fail?


Where are you, Kid?

There you are.

- Hi Grandpa. Did you call me?
- I was indeed calling you.

Everything is ready.

Let's build a tent.

- I've gathered all we'll need.
- Hey, Grandpa.

Think we could build it later?

- Later?
- Yeah, it's just... Well...

You know my secret mission?

I haven't finished it.

Sure. Later, then.

Hey, wait up! Grandpa!

I'll go run and ask Lisa to
help me with something.

And then you and me can build the tent.

Yeah? Alright then.

I thought maybe you didn't want
to play with me anymore.

That's crazy! You're lots of fun.

I'll be right back.


Lisa, I need your help with something.

It's really important.

It has to do with Grandpa.

I hurt Grandpa's feelings and
I have to make it up to him.

I've got to play with him,

so can you give a message to
my friends in the forest?

- Please help.
- What friends in the forest, huh?

- And why come to me?
- Pretty please?

Over by the swings in the big lawn.

There will be two kids there.

Amazing! We finally have
real kids in our forest.

Lisa, I really need you to
give them a message. Please?

Everyone wants me to help
them with something.

- But no-one will help me!
- I'll help you...

With the potatoes?

Well, I guess all queens and
celebrities do things,

like visiting heads of foreign
states and things like that.

I need to get used to this.

- I'll visit your friends.
- Thankyou so much.

So what's your message?

Tell them I can't come today.
I'll come tomorrow.

And the Jetpack. It works!

- Got it all?
- It's not poetry.

No problem.

Why am I dressed like a turkey?

- And what's keeping that mutt?
- He's just a kid.

He probably forgot.

Or maybe it's lunchtime.

- Speaking of which, I'm hungry.
- Oh no you don't.

Come on. Get up.

Look sharp.

Stick out your jaw.

- This feels weird.
- We've gotta make you look more menacing.

Lesson one - always be ready.

Suck in that gut.

Like this?

Well, it's a start.

You go practice.
I'll take care of lunch.

Especially if it's another donut.

Just tighten it here,
and it's finished.


- Can I go inside?
- Of course, that's what it's for.

Oh, and I grabbed a couple
of things for you.

Now you can go set up
your new home, young Warrior.

Thanks, Grandpa.


I need some advice.

You see, I've made a mess of things.

I promised I'd make Max a Jetbelt.

- And?
- I didn't do it.


This is so cool and mysterious.

I think I might sleep here
the whole night.

Home sweet home!

And also, the Warriors' hideout.

Sounds like it was really important to Max.

But Grandpa, my invention!

Isn't my great masterpiece
just as important?

Oh, Alex!

It's time that you learned

what matters most is family.

And we must all try our best
to be there for each other.

Sometimes it can be hard to remember.

But we're all on the same team here.

Do you hear me?

- I hear you.
- Okay.

Then maybe you should
tell Max the truth.

Hey Alex. Look!

What do you think of our wigwam?

It's the Warriors hideout.

- Come look inside.
- I'm sorry Kid, but I have to...

I gotta do a thing.

Oh! I almost forgot.

I also brought you some rope.

- Do you know why?
- No.

So you can make a real Warrior trap.

A trap?


- All Warriors make these.
- What for?

As protection, from your enemies.

Not yet.

I'll tell him later.

Let's see...

Better, effective, but painless.


- What's goin' on here?
- Wow!

Are you two like,
actual real life Warriors?

None of your beeswax, now scram!

Well I never. You don't deserve
to hear what I have to tell you.

Not that you care, but I have a
message from my brother, Kid.

But there's no way I'll tell you now.

Uhh, Kid sent you?

Why didn't you say so?

He's our leader.

Oh please. Accept our sincerest apologies

- and tell us we're forgiven.
- No!

- I couldn't possibly.
- Oh, pretty please?

- Kid's message is so very important to us.
- So what.

How about this?

If you give us the message,
then we'll let you play with us.

You can be a Warrior too.

Umm, nope.

What else you got?

Did you know that Warriors

treat their high profile
individuals like royalty?

And, since you're the Chief's sister

- you would be on the 'A' list for sure.
- What?

The Chief's sister?

He is the Chief's brother.
You get it?

So I guess, I'm your Chief now.

No, your Queen. And a Queen always
forgives her servants.

Okay. Let my reign begin.

Who knew ruling was so hard?

I need a nap.

- Okay. Bye now!
- Hey! What about the message?

Oh yeah.

Kid says he's sorry,
but he can't meet you today.

- Not 'til tommorrow
- That's it?

- Anything else?
- Oh yeah.

There was something else.

Something about a jet thing, flying.

Okay, bye.

This was fun.

There really is something
regal about her.

My Queen!

Not to mention, she likes my bunny.

Enough with the bunnies.

- Look. It really does fly.
- Look! I'm actually flying!

So, change of plans.

We're gonna take that Jetbelt
for ourselves.

But why?

So we can fly over fences
and spy through windows.

- You mean, you wanna steal it?
- Get your head in the game.

It's time that we take
these Barkers down,

and show them who's
King of this place.

- But stealing's bad.
- We'll give it back.

We're just gonna borrow it for a bit.
And then we'll return it.

Maybe in slightly worse shape.

After all, we don't want
any of them spying on us.

This doesn't feel right. You know,

we're already
sort of friends with them.

Will you get a hold of yourself?

Now we're gonna meet here
at ten on the dot.

Then we'll make our way to
their place and grab that Jetbelt.


Over here.

Come give our potatoes a try.

We baked them over the coals,

just like ancient Warriors.


- Careful now, it's hot.
- Got it.

- And you don't have to peel them.
- There you go Kid.

And we'll set the other ones aside.

- I said ten on the dot.
- I know.

But Granny wouldn't fall asleep.

Look! They have a bunny too.

You chump!

It's just a toy.

Hey furball!

- What're you doing down there?
- I got lost.

Last I checked, the attic
was up here.

Good work, Fluffy.

- Hey! Where'd you go?
- I'm up here.

You dope! Next time watch where
you're walkin'. You always...

Not to worry.

We'll get out of this.

- That's the Grandpa.
- We're done for!

We need...

We need to come up with a plan.

Wait wait. I've got it!

A nightingale!

It's putting on quite a show!

Are you out of your mind?

He'll sit there 'til morning!

I can't just cut off the
song halfway through.

Ah! My goodness. I sure would
love to get a look at you.

Stop, stop. He's heading this way.

I scared it off.

Too bad.

Ah well. Guess I'll head off to bed, then.

What do we have here?

Oh dear. Absent minded Alex.

Are you happy now?


Somebody took my fishing rod.

Folks these days!

Now we're trapped.

And they'll catch us in the morning!

They won't catch us.

Not bad at all, Fluffy.

- What's with all the ropes?
- It's Macrame.


Not such a stupid word after all.


It's time to get out of here.
Let's go.

Hold on. I've got an idea.

Wait for me here.

Here's your fishing rod, Gramps.

- Why, Smokey?
- Okay, we're off.

- But what'd you do?
- I put a plan in action.

You'll see in the morning.

Now what's your excuse?

Gonna blame it on Granny again?

No, I was waiting for her
to make donuts.

You hungry?

Want a donut?

What do you think, Fluffy?

Yeah, I want a donut.

A do... a do...

Okay, okay, okay.

This is no time for donuts.

It worked! My plan worked!

Can you believe it?

I found my fishing rod!

Yesterday it was gone.

And then suddenly, just...

So I guess I'm off to the river.
I intend to bring back dinner.

You kids behave yourselves.

Yesterday that fishing rod nearly got me.

Someone left it on the roof.

I tripped on it, and darn near
lost one of my lives.

So I tackled it, and
almost broke it in two.

But I chucked it off the roof.

- And then?
- And then...

I sneaked back in and put the
fishing rod right under Grampy's nose.

And he... He took it!

And now, he's gone fishing.

Nah na na na na nah!

Now, time for... Plan B

Alright. Show me your Macrame-me.


That'll do fine.

And now, time to get ourselves
in some knots.

- Enough jokes. We don't have much time.
- And the donuts?

You and your donuts.

Give 'em here.

Well go on. You take one.

We'll leave the rest here.

They won't go anywhere.

On second thought,
just one more for the road.

I learned how to build a wigwam!

I wonder where they are.

Hi Granny.

No, I'm not that hungry yet.

Yeah, I have the donuts.

Are you out of your bent mind?

Wrap it up.

Uh, Granny? Sorry, I gotta call you back.

Yeah, I will.


First we finish weeding,

and then we should all play with Kid.

Warriors. Or, whatever.

- You got it?
- Or what if you go and play with Kid

and I play with Alex.

- What?
- No, no.

We should play with Kid.

- I think Rosie has the right idea.
- Of course I do.

Yesterday not one of
us played with him.

He was walking all alone,
in the forest.

Don't worry.

Turns out he found himself
some fine company there.


Well, yeah. Company.

- What's the big deal?
- What kind of company?

No. We should ask him.

Kid, where are you?

- Rosie, don't worry so much.
- Kid!

They're very nice.

- Let them go!
- They're my brothers!

Don't even think about it.

What's going on?

I'm your Queen!

- You untie me right this minute!
- Put a sock in it, Barker!

The time has come for
y'all to pay the piper.

- Pay what?
- Hush!

And don't interrupt me.

What was I sayin'?


Okay, so you've gone too far.

And now it's time for you...
to pay the price.

Now don't get excited.

We're not gonna hurt you... much.

But for payment, we are gonna
take somthing off of your hands.

Now where's that famous
Jetbelt of yours?

- Who do you think you are?
- Hold your horses.

I'm the one in charge.

Now where is it?

It's in my laboratory.
In the attic.

Fluffy! Guard the jailbirds!

Alex, how could you?

It's best if they just take it and go.

It's not even real, anyway.


Yeah, I've been trying to
tell you for a while now.

It was a misunderstanding.

No where could they
have run off to?

What's going on?

But they're my friends!

- Now it's time for you to play our game.
- We're here on a secret mission.

Don't say a word to anyone.

That means... my family's in danger!


You doing okay?

Can I bring you some water?

Alex, as soon as I cut through this rope

hurl yourself at him

- and I'll take care of the girls.
- Excuse me. Pardon me.

But would you mind terribly if
I take that spade?


Thanks so much.

You... You don't have to be mean.

- I'm sure we'll untie you in no time.
- What?

Get over here right now!

Here I come.

Have you forgotten that
I am your Queen and ruler?

Is this how you treat royalty?
Is it?

Whatever happened to respect, and...

- So you untie this rope right now!
- Yeah, yeah. Of course.

Lisa, that was brilliant.

Fluffy! I've got the Jetbelt!

What're you doing?
Have you gone mad?

I don't know.
Maybe I... blacked out?

Blacked out?

I was gone for five minutes.

Whatever. Let's check the
gadget and b*at it.

I'm flying!

Jump a little higher!

We just want to fly like you did.

Stop laughing at me!

That's... That's just rude.


I'm up here!

- Kid!
- Looky what I have here!

- Kid! Be careful.
- How d'you think you're gonna use the Jetbelt

- when I've got the remote control?
- Kid! Run and hide!

Oh, Kid! You're the best.

Come on, toss it here.

Nope. You come get it.

You know what, Rosie?

No, that's not it.

I've been thinking...

And, well, Rosie... here.

But it's possible, she won't see me.

So then, how will I give
her the flowers?

Stop. Enough.

You've gotta be decisive. Charming.

And then just say it.

These are for you, Rosie.

Hey, Warrior!

Where are you?

Nice try.

Come out, wherever you are.



There you are!

You wanna play?

- Okay, Kid.
- Okay then. Catch!

Meet the self bouncing ball.

- My brother invented it.
- Wait.

- Gimme that remote.
- Here it is.

Stop it!

Turn it off!

And here's the ticking tickler!

I welcome you,
to my playground!

Where we have, sail car races,

and then a little shower.

Then, to top it off,

we take your picture.

Okay, I'm off.

But you can stay here
and keep on playing.

Come on Kiddo.

I just want the remote control.

I've gotcha, now hand it over.

Nope, I've got you.

You're holding my brother's
super sticky vest.


You're gonna give me
that remote, right now!

I'm counting to three.




What is that?

- Alex, what is that?
- It's my Exoskeleton.

Oh no!


My greatest invention!

Look what you've done!

- But he was chasing us.
- Serves you right!

What's happening?

How's it doing that?

I made sure that each module

had its own individual lithium battery.

- Kid! You saved us!
- Max! Alex!

- We did it!
- Thanks, Kid.


You okay?

Yeah, as long as I get away
from those Barkers.

- Kid, you saved the day!
- I'm proud of you, Kid!

You're so awesome!

- Kid, you're my hero!
- That was some sharp thinkin', little brother.

- A real Warrior.
- We'll play anything you want.

- Rosie!
- It's Tim!

There's no need to say anything.

I know.

I know why you told me about
Bob from school.


Hey Barkers! Where a ya?


We were just playing, Grandpa.


Well, I ran into our neighbour
over at the lake.

She invited me for tea.

As a matter of fact,
she invited all of us.

Eat up, everybody.

Help yourselves.

- And where's your grandson?
- He should be here any minute now

with his little friend.

Probably stopped for some ice cream.


There they are.

Meet my grandson, Fluffy.

And this is our neighbour, Smokey.

He's Ignes' nephew.

Come now, say hello boys.

- Hello.
- Hi.

The prototype of my supreme masterpiece!

Utterly destroyed!

Oh well.

Batteries can't last forever.

We meant you no harm.

We just really wanted to
take a ride in your Jetbelt.

Who cares about flying!

This Exoskeleton is cooler
than a Jetpack anyday!

Alex, can you fix it?

- Maybe we could help?
- Please say you'll let us.

Alex, I think we should.

Let's go!

Okay. Let's all be careful now.
Lift 'er up.

But, what about the donuts?

Don't worry. They'll be just fine.

Look how quickly they all made up.

Here's the thing...

I used to think,
that if they didn't play with me,

they didn't love me.

But now I know that they will
always love me for who I am.

They're family.

And that means that..

It means...

Well, I'm just so lucky to have them.
All of them!

- My two sisters, and my broth...
- Kid! What're you doing?

Give me my phone!

It's time for my livestream.

What's up, friends!

You can forget about the Jetbelt.

That's so last week.

Today we present

the one and only, Barker Exoskeleton!
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