04x09 - Run! Run! The Great Escape / Escape From Pirate Cave

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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04x09 - Run! Run! The Great Escape / Escape From Pirate Cave

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

Eek! A mouse! A mouse!

We're diving! Hurry and close the hatch, Kuririn!

Are you just gonna leave Goku here to die?!

What're you talking about?!

To be blunt, the most important thing in this world to me is my own life!

"Run! Run! The Great Escape"

Here we go!

Hurry, Goku! Hurry!



It's Goku!

Goku made it!






Over here, Goku!

Get inside this!


Oh! There you are!


Here we go!

Hurry up!

Good for you! We're OK now!

We are not OK! We're still not in the ocean yet!

The entire cave is starting to fall apart now!

Not good!

A dead-end...!

Oh no...!

Hey, Bulma. Over here.

There's a big tunnel!

We might be able to get to the ocean from here!

Let's go!

Hurry! This place is caving in too!

I can see that!



H-huh? What're we stopping for?!

Out of gas...

What! No way!

It's all over! I don't wanna die!

I've never even had the chance to kiss anybody yet!

Do something, Son-kun!

Kuririn, I owe this mouse my life, so take good care of him for me.

What're you saying at a time like this...?

Hold your breath, you guys!

W-what're you planning to do?


He can't be serious!




Kinto Un!

We did it!

W-we're saved!


That was close!

You really saved us! It's great having such a good friend!

Yet you wanted to abandon him...

Too bad about the treasure, though...

A little more time and I could've been a billionaire!

Guess what this is?

S-sorry, General Blue! I didn't mean to fall asleep...!

You managed to get it during all of the confusion?!

It's a diamond! A diamond!

And a giant one at that!


I thought it was strange how your crotch stuck out kind of far for a girl...

I'd say this is worth a couple billion Zeni!

Oh, that reminds me, the Dragon Ball...

T-the Dragon Ball!

Three stars...

It isn't Grandpa's...

And I went through all that trouble to find it...

It wasn't the -star Ball?


Do you plan to keep looking for the balls until you find the -star Ball?

Yeah, of course.

You're so reckless! Personally, I'm sick of this all!

I'll never, ever help you out again!

What are you talking about? I told you not to come but you came anyway.

I wouldn't have if you had actually told me about the Red Ribbon Army!

But we took care of them all, didn't we?

You're so stupid! That was just one little unit!

There are probably swarms of strong units all over the place!

T-these three wiped out the Blue Unit all by themselves...?!

Who are these guys?!

Anyway, let's go back to Muten Roshi-sama's place.

Luckily we have some of the Red Ribbon Army's planes too.

Wait, Kuririn. I'm so hungry I don't have any energy left...

I'm gonna look for some food over there.

Me too! My throat's bone dry!

Count me in!

N-not good!

Uh oh...!

This is Red Ribbon HQ! Respond!

This is Blue Unit Base Camp!

Has there been any change?!

Uh, well...

What's wrong?!

Doesn't look like there's anything in here...


Respond! What's going on?!

This is Red Ribbon HQ!

Respond! This is Red Ribbon HQ!

Respond, Blue Unit!

This is Red Ribbon HQ!

T-this isn't good...!

This isn't good...!

Where's he talking from?

Odd... Why is there a Dragon Ball near General Blue?

It's no good! There's no response!

Switch the microphone over to me!

Yes, sir!

Go ahead!

What are you doing?!

Isn't there anyone there?!

What's happening with the Dragon Ball?!

This is Commander Red!

Commander Red?!

Why are we detecting a Dragon Ball in your vicinity?!

Who are you? Do you want something?


Who are you?!

Who are YOU?


Is he inside here?

No! That's...!

What are you doing?! Aren't there any soldiers there?!

I'm right here!

But who are you?!

I'm me!

You're in a lot of trouble now!

Do you have any idea who I am?!


Red! Commander Red!

You yell too much! Jerk!

W-what happened?!

They switched off...

W-what could that have been?

What do you think you're doing, Goku?!

He was annoying...

Let's get out of here, quick!

What about the food?


Come on, Son-kun! What're you doing?!

I found all kinds of stuff!

Anything to drink?


Let's go!


That was too close... I thought for sure I was a goner...

G- General Blue!

And what were you doing in there?

S-sir! Actually...!

You can have this diamond.

Compensation for losing the mini-sub the Turtle Hermit lent us.

Keep the change.

K-keep the change...?

A-are you really sure?

Sure, I'm sure!

I'm already a mega-rich girl anyway!

What're you doing?

N-nothing, just wondering if it smelled...

What do you mean by that?!

No, um...

I have no use for cowards in my unit.

They're headed for their secret base, I presume.

You haven't seen the last of me!

How are you doing?

I'm just fine!

I'm taking a walk along the beach right now... Eek!

I tripped...

Now my bathing suit is all wet...

Oh well, I guess I better take it off then...

Yes! That's right!

I hope nobody's watching...

It's embarrassing so let's make this our own little secret!

It's our secret!

He's laughing along with another one of those dirty tapes...


Turtle Hermit-sama! Turtle Hermit-sama!

Hey, Turtle Hermit-sama! Turtle Hermit-sama!

What do you want?! It was just getting to the good part!

Goku-san and the others are back!


Muten Roshi-sama!

So they're finally back...


You're really giving this diamond to me?!


This must be worth a fortune!

Yeah, I'd guess around a couple billion Zeni or so...

A couple billion Zeni...?!

Even if I went to a strip club everyday,

I wonder just how many years it would take to use it all up...

Please don't waste it on anything stupid.

We almost d*ed for it, you know...

I- I was simply wondering, that's all!

Is it that great of a rock?

Of course it is! It weighs karats! At least!

Thank you! Is it really all right for me to accept this?!

I don't want you telling me to give it back later or anything like that!

I won't.

I'll hold on to it.

The Turtle Hermit won't put it to very good use if we leave it with him.

W-what was that?! Are you saying you can't trust me?!


What do you know?! Stupid turtle!

For the world-renowned Muten Roshi you sure are pathetic...

You there!

Not a move, unless you feel like dyin'!

Hand over the diamond like a nice old man!

Drat! It's the scary Lunch-chan...!

T-there's nothing we can do...!


Y-yes, ma'am!

Alright, then...

Who is that?

Lunch. You've met her before...

But her face is...


Just like that!

So long!

W-what the...? Wasn't she our friend?!

Half of her is, but the other half is a thief.

Stop standing around and go after her! Get the diamond back!

What for? Once she sneezes she'll revert to the good one and come back.

W-what do you mean?

Lunch-san is really weird - every time she sneezes

she switches between good and evil personalities.

Their secret base should be around here somewhere.

There! That island...!

I'm coming to take your Dragon Balls!

And your lives while I'm at it!

She's still not back yet...

Just give it up...

But I don't wanna! It was mine!

Turtle Hermit-sama! You're forgetting your manners!

I'll pick one up for you somewhere!

Fool! They don't just lie on the ground!

You have no need for diamonds.

After all, you're all going to die very soon...

Just what kind of technique does Blue have up his sleeve

to use against Goku and the others this time?

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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