02x10 - He's Here! The Mighty Foe Giran / Monster Beast Giran

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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02x10 - He's Here! The Mighty Foe Giran / Monster Beast Giran

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRl,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

Of the Tenkaichi Tournament's seven matches, three have been finished,

and from each of them, Kuririn, Jackie Chun, and Namu remain.

And so, the fourth match, where Goku makes his appearance, was about to begin!

So then, we will begin the fourth match!

The skies are growing doubtful. There is no guessing what will happen,

either with the weather, or the developments of this next match!

Contestant Son Goku versus Contestant Giran!

Now then, will both contestants please make your entrance!

All right! It's finally Goku's turn!

Who is this Giran person?

Hang in there for Yamucha-sama's share as well!

W- W- What is that!? He's utterly a monster, isn't he?

Good day! I'm Son Goku!

Go, Son-kun! That guy will be no trouble!

Now then, match ...

Beg... !

We have an announcement.

The match has been postponed until the rain has stopped.

Incredibly, there will be a water break right from the start.

This truly is too bad.

He's here! The Mighty Foe Giran

Be careful, Goku. I heard something earlier in the waiting room.

It sounds like this Giran guy is pretty good.

Is he strong?

Mm-hmm. As far as his strength goes, he does sound strong.

They say he's won martial arts tournaments all over the place.

What's more, he'll use any means in order to win.

Heh, that's all right!

There's no way Goku is gonna lose to a guy like that! Right, Goku?

I want to fight right away.

In any case, I wonder where Muten Roshi-sama went off to.

I hope he hasn't gotten lost.

I'm going to ascertain whether or not that elderly man

is Muten Roshi during the next match, no matter what!

H- He's here!



Milk, he says!

He's making me laugh!

Oh, is this where you are?

W- What was that, you bastard!?

Leaving your tail hanging out in a place like this!?

How about you give me some kind of answer!?

Now, now, this good sir is going to appear in the main tournament coming up.

This guy won his way through, then? Unbelievable!

Absolutely! If I had entered, I would have definitely won!

Kuririn, ain't those your seniors?


Really, with the kids, the old geezer,

and this milk monster competing for victory,

the Tenkaichi Tournament sure has deteriorated!

It doesn't mean anything to win this tournament, huh? It's absurd!

Y- You bastard! Make light of us, will you!?

I'll k*ll you!

Quit your barking! You guys are no better than beaten dogs!

We'll see about that.

You'll live a long time... about . seconds longer than the others.



Milk. Pour some milk!

...Incredible power... ! ...The seniors... !

Awesome! He sure is strong!


Stop it, already! There's no need to take it any further on him, right?

W- What did you say!?

Y- Yamucha!

I'm itching! I'm itching, I'm itching!

See, every time I look at a goody-goody like you, I break out in a rash!

It itches! It itches, it itches!

If you'll excuse me...

Hold on...

What are you doing!?

My rash, see, doesn't get better until I've pounded the goody-goody!

You can't, Yamucha! I'm the one who gets to go against him!

Shut up! Stay out of this, kid!

What outrageous power!

You'll fight me!

Is that how bad you want to die, kid!?

Kid, looks like you're not that bad, huh?

All right, here goes!

That's far enough!

You don't need to fight in a place like this,

you can settle this during your match, right?

You shut up! Stay out of this, geezer!

Don't you want the prize money?


It's just that fighting outside the grounds is prohibited,

and if you make any more fuss than this,

you'll likely be disqualified.

Fine, then.

Going at it here and going at it during the match is the same thing, after all.

I ain't losing!

Are you okay, Yamucha?

Yeah. But that guy had amazing strength!

Don't let down your guard on him, Goku!


Thank you for waiting for so long!

Now then, we will begin the long-awaited fourth match immediately!

And so, will Contestant Son Goku and Contestant Giran please make your entrance!

H- He's not coming out!

W- What could be the matter?

U- Um, Son Goku-san?

G- Goku-san? Please come forward!

Has he gotten afraid of me?


Hey, Goku! Where have you gone!? Goku!

This is strange. He was here a moment ago.

He isn't over here.

What is that idiot doing?

What in the world's going on?

Hey! Come on out!

He ran away! I win!

Y- You don't think he's really run away... ?

What are you saying!? Son-kun wouldn't do something like that!

Say! Here he is!

...Goku! ...Hey, Goku!

What are you taking it easy for!? It's your turn!

For what?

For your match, of course!

Oh, really? I got so warm here, and suddenly I became sleepy...

Quickly, quickly!

Pardon, pardon, Contestant Son was taking a nap.

Thanks for waiting!

This guy's making light of me!

So then, please begin the fourth match!

You half-pint bastard! I'm going to smash you to tiny bits!

Goku! Good luck!

Those are the same clothes as that Kuririn guy had.

Who are those little runts?

Hey, take a look at this!

Looky, looky, looky...

What, what, what?

...Looky. ...What?


Oh, my, my! Contestant Giran's lands an unexpected blow!

It was quite effective!

Contestant Son has been utterly knocked out!

This happened only a moment after the match had begun!

I've won!

H- He's been hit!


That was too much!

U- Unbelievable! He hit the wall hard enough to break it,

yet Contestant Son is taking it like nothing had happened!

It ain't like nothing happened! That hurt a little bit!

Of course! There's no way Goku is going down after just that!

All right!

Ready, set... !

W- What incredible power!

Contestant Son, with his little body, has flung Contestant Giran out of the ring!

Contestant Son comes from behind to win!

I don't lose by falling out of the ring!

Oh, well.

L- Like the phoenix, Contestant Giran recovers!

Certainly, the match is not decided until someone lands outside the ring, so...

...this is not counted as a loss!

Can he do that?

Well then, I'll just have to get you to say "Uncle! "

W- W- What's this!?

You're caught in my Guru-guru-Gum!

I can't move!

It's useless, no matter how much you struggle!

You'll never come undone from my Guru-guru-Gum!

Now you're just like a doll to me!

You little bastard!

What are you doing!?

Well of course, I'm going to throw you out!

Cut that out! Let's fight decently, okay!?

Uh-oh! This is awful! Contestant Son is utterly powerless!

If he is thrown out of the ring, he will lose by ringout!

Contestant Son's victory is now all but hopeless!

You lose!


That's it! It's over now!

K- Kinto Un!

Please, come to me!

I'm saved! Thanks, Kinto Un!

It's been a long time, so I was worried you wouldn't come!

W- What's this, what's this?

You did it, you did it!

However, he's still in a pinch!

I'm back!

Hey, can he do that!?

The use of implements is against the rules, isn't it!?

What about you, you flew through the air, didn't you?

And what about this whatever-it's-called gum?

I flew on my own!

The Guru-guru-Gum is something I spit out of my body!

Having just now conferred with the head priest,

we will allow a special exception for the use of that unusual cloud.

However, it will be allowed only once.

In the event that you use the cloud once again...

...you will lose. Is that understood?

That's what you get!

This is bad!

The next time he gets thrown, he's out, isn't he?

You've just stretched your time out a little longer.

In either case, you've still lost!

This is the end for you! I present you with my greatest punch!

I-It's hopeless!

Fly away!!

Huh? W- Where is he? Where did he go?

My tail! My tail grew back again!

H- His tail... !

T- T- Tail... !?

Goku's tail... !

I-It's grown back!

Ah, I'm saved!

But I can't win unless I get untangled from, huh?

Y- You're not a human, then!?


Ah, I'm untangled!

It feels better having a tail after all, huh?

All right...

All right! I'm in good shape, good shape!

Okay, now I fight back!

U- Uncle!

Oh, my! Contestant Son has won!

Even so, what a complete surprise, finding out that he has a tail!

S- Son-kun's tail has grown back!

The Tenkaichi Tournament...

Coming soon are the finals, where mighty opponents will clash with each other!

And so...

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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