06x09 - The King Is Dead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x09 - The King Is Dead

Post by bunniefuu »

[Greek accent]

[Greek accent]

I didn't hear
you come in.

No, you
were sleeping.

Why didn't
you wake me?

Oh, you do not wake
a sleeping beauty
except with a kiss.

I brought
you flowers.

Oh, they're lovely.


I must go away
for a while.



Anna: will you
wrestle again?


You're too old
to wrestle.

Why won't
you admit it?

Anna, I am strong.

You wrestle
to pay for this...

The hospital,
the medicine.

I wrestle
because I love it.

What you do now
is not wrestling.

It's not the greco-roman.

It's a sideshow.

Anna: don't tell
me you love it.

Times change,
people change.

You give them
what they want.

You give them
your pride.

You let them take it.

Is there anything
you need before I go?


Milo: I will
be gone 2 weeks.

Don't be angry.

I don't want
to go away

Having you
angry with me.

I'm not angry with you.

I'm angry at me,

At my sickness

That makes
you do this.

Never say that.

You are my life.

Milo: I am not whole
person without you.

You are my heart.

I must go now.

Oh, nurse, I be
gone for a while.

I leave you address
if hospital have to
get in touch with me.

Oh, certainly.

You take good
care of my anna.

We will.


Time for
your medicine.


No more medicine.

Oh, come along, now,
mrs. Stavroupolis.

I said no.

If you don't take it,
I'm going to have
to get the doctor.

Get the doctor.

He'll find out

It's no use to argue
with anna stavroupolis.

[Train whistle blowing]

We'd better make a lot
of money in mankato,

Or I won't break even
on the food bill.

Oh, I need much food
for strength, huh?

Uh-huh. You
don't see milo
eat like that.

He is old. I'm
just a growing boy.

I am the champion,
I am the king, huh?

Look, we've only got a
couple of days to set up
the elimination bout,

So, as soon as
we get to mankato,
we'll go right to work.

They've had a good
harvest this year.

The farmers ought
to have a lot
of money to spend.

Good, good, we take
all they got, huh?

Why don't you head
on over to moony's

And see if those
saw blades came in?

I'll start
unloading this.

That's fine with me.
As long as you're
unloading, I won't hurry.

See you later.

I've been drawing
a blank so far.

If we don't find
a patsy here,

We'll have to start
looking in some of the
other smaller towns.

We find one.
We always do.

Yeah, well, come
on, we'll try
another saloon.

Somebody's got to
have a reputation
in this hick town.

Hey, milo,
take a look.

He sure got
the size for
it, don't he?

Plenty strong.

He's all
yours, milo.

Watch where you
go, clumsy farmer.

I'd say we'd
both better watch
where we're going.

Did you say
is my fault?

I'd say it's
an accident.

Let's just
forget about it.

Maybe you say
that is accident.

Hey, hey, a
fight, a fight!

[People yelling
and chattering]

That's milo

He's the number-
one heavyweight
wrestling contender.

Oh, boy, that farmer's
mighty stout.

Look at
that farmer!

I'll bet you he could
take the champion--
hans mueller.

Do you know who
that was you
just whipped?

No, but I'll tell
you, that old man
was strong as a bull.

Milo stavroupolis.


So, he's just the
number-one contender

For the heavyweight
wrestling title is all.

He's going to wrestle

Hero township's best
man a week from friday.

The winner fights
the champion--
hans mueller.

Well, that's

But that don't
get my work done.

Look, uh, my name
is hart, jimmy hart.

I'm promoting this event.

Jimmy: I've been
looking for the best man

To represent
hero township,

And, uh...i'd
say you're it.

Me? I'm just
a farmer.

Farmer or no,
you just whipped
stavroupolis easy.

Jimmy: you'd be a
shoo-in to beat him.

And from what I've
seen, I'd say you
could take the champ.

Like I said, mister,
listen, I'm just
a farmer.

Jimmy: will you
stop that and listen
to me for a minute?

The winner of
the first fight
gets $100.

How much?

$100. The winner
of the title
bout gets $300.

You're kidding me.

Jimmy hart
doesn't kid.

How long would it
take you to earn that
kind of money farming?

I ain't ever seen
that kind of money.

All right.
What do you say?

Well, I'll have
to think about it.

All right,
but don't
think too long.

I got to get the
word out about this
fight pretty quick,

Newspaper ads and such.

My name would be
in the papers?

Jimmy: all over
hero township.

You win the big one,
it'll be all over
the united states.

I'm at the
brower hotel.

Jimmy: you know
where it is?

Yeah, yeah, I do.

Room 14. I'll need
an answer today.

I'll think on it.

You do that.

Room 14.

He said yes?

No, but he will.

You sure this
his name?

- Stavroupolis.
- Yeah, stavroupolis.

You sure he's
the number-one

Positive. He's
real strong. I
put him down easy.

Well, he's
kind of old.

Charles, the
way I see it,

It's a sure $100
and a chance
for $300 more.

I just can't
believe it.

Well, neither could I
till this hart fellow
told me about it.

He's staying here.

[Knock on door]

Come in, come
in, come in.

Mr. Hart, this
is my friend,
charles ingalls.

Hello, mr. Hart.

A pleasure.

I decided to
take you up
on that offer.

Well, well,
I thought
you would.

I took the liberty
of filling out the
contracts already.

Just, uh...

Just sign
right there.

"Big john

That's it.
That's it,
that's it.

That's how it'll
be on the posters

And in the

"Big john garvey,
the pride of
hero township."

"Big john garvey,"
I kind of like that.

I thought you would.

It'll be in every
newspaper in hero
township by tomorrow.

Big john garvey.

Harriet: mr. Garvey!
Watch out, watch out!
Get out of the way!

Would you sign
mine, big john?

Sure, mrs. Oleson.

It's so exciting
having our very own
celebrity in walnut grove.

I ain't so sure
I'm a celebrity.

Harriet: well, I am.

After all, your
name's right there
on the front page,

And practically everybody
from walnut grove

Is going to mankato
to see you win.

Well, you are going
to win, aren't you?

It'd be terribly
if you didn't.

Well, sure my
pa's going to win.

He's already whipped him
once, didn't you, pa?

Well, yeah, i...

Man: are you sure
you could take him?

Sure, he's sure.
Aren't you, pa?

Yeah, yeah,
I can take him.

Man: well, I'll take
you at your word. I'll
have my money on you.

hey, big john!

Hate to take you away from
your public, but we still
have some work to do.

I'll be right
there, charles.

Jonathan: did I
get everybody's
signed here?

Harriet: oh,
yes, thank you.

Well, I'll
see you later.

yes, see you,
big john!

Man: I think we'll
all make a k*lling
on this fight.

I'm sure enough
going to put every
dime I got on it

And maybe
borrow some more.


[Coins clinking]

Harriet, what on
earth are you--

Shh, shh, I'm
counting money.

I can hear that,
but why at this
hour of the night?

Nels, for
heaven's sakes.

Now, you made
me lose count.

I hope you can finish
before I get back from
the water closet.

I'd like to
get a little
sleep tonight.

It's the church
fund money,
isn't it?


I'd love to know
why you have
to count it

In the middle
of the night.

Because I have to know
how much there is
to bet on the fight.

To what?

To bet on the fight.

Harriet, that is
not your money. It
belongs to the church!

Oh, I know
whose money it is,
for heaven's sake.

Would you just
go do your business
and let me count?

No, I won't!

Suit yourself.
It's your bladder.

I won't allow you
to gamble with the
church's money.

Oh, nels!

I'm the church treasurer,
and it is not gambling.

Gambling is when
you can lose.

Now, big john
can't lose.

"Big john"?

Yes, big john.

He already beat the man
once, and he's going
to beat him again,

Harriet: and I'm going to
double the church funds.

Will you please
just get out of here,

Let me do the
lord's work?

What a night,
what a night!

These farmers are
going for big john
in a big way.

Look, I want you to
let him take you out
early in the match

So it's not
even close.

Then, on saturday,
we'll let the champ
do his bad-back act.

I figure by
saturday night

Those hicks
will be giving 4,
maybe 5-1 odds.

How does
that sound?

Is good.

It's great!

I got to go
tell mueller.
I'll see you later.

They're here, pa!

Alice, look what
they've got on the
side of them wagons!

"Big john garvey." What
do you think of that?

Very nice.

Ah, come on, alice.

Jonathan, you
know how I feel
about all this,

And I'm not
going to pretend

All right, load
them up, son.

Yes, sir.

Will you wish
me good luck?

[Smacks lips]

Bye, ma.


Good luck!

I love you!

hyah, come on!

Big fight tonight!

Well, he sure
is lucky.

Probably will
be champion.


He sure
is lucky.

I could have wrestled
the stavroupolis
fellow, you know?

- You could?
- Sure I could.

Just didn't think
you wanted to be
an orphan again.


We'll win you
some money.


thank you.

Eat, milo.

I not hungry.

Listen at
that racket.

Ha ha ha!

Sounds like
a circus,
don't it, huh?

It is circus.

It's what the
people want, milo.

They don't want real
wrestling anymore.

They want a
show, like you
say, a circus.

And I am clown.

Why do you complain?
You make money.

All you have
to do is lose.

I am the one
that has to win.

You think milo
stavroupolis could
not beat this farmer?

Easy, milo.

I was champion.
All of europe,
I was champion.

Yeah, that's
right, "was."

You are
an old man.

We see how old, hans.
Come, we see.

That's enough,

Both of you.

We're here to make
money, not to fight
amongst ourselves.

Now, sit
down, hans.

Jimmy: you want to keep
paying those hospital
bills, don't you, milo?

Don't you?

All right, then,
you just see to it
that that farmer

Takes you out in
less than a minute,
you understand?

I understand.


Now, maybe
I can eat my
lunch in peace.

[Door slams]

He was a great one.

I always remember
when I was a child,

"Milo, the
great greek."

In europe, he was a god.

Huh, they should
see him now.

Harriet, please,
don't do this.

Leave me alone.

I want to bet


On big john garvey.


13 Cents.

Do you mind just
making it $46?

It's easier to
keep the books.

Oh, well,
all right.

Isn't this


Here you
are, lady.

Oh, all right.
Thank you.

Come on, let's go
to our seats. Hurry.

Man: big john!

[Crowd cheering]

Big john,
k*ll him!

k*ll him!

For goodness' sakes,
it's bad enough

That you gambled with
the lord's money.

You don't have to
scream for blood
on top of it.

Well, it's
the lord's money
that's on the bet.

- I know, but--
- you silly thing!

[Crowd booing]

Man: mr. Stavroupolis,
letter for you.

Later, later.
You can give it
to him later.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Welcome to
the heavyweight
elimination fight.

[Crowd cheering]

As you know, the
winner of this fight

Will meet the champion
tomorrow night.

[Crowd cheering]

And here he is,
the champion,

Hans mueller.

[Crowd cheering]

Jimmy: hans had a back injury
during his workout today...

[Crowd murmuring]

But being the true
champion he is,

The fight will
go as scheduled.

[Crowd cheering]

And now...
And now, I would
like to introduce

The man who last fought

The champion in chicago,

A bout that will be
long remembered,

A close contest
that lasted

2 Hours and
26 minutes!

[Crowd murmuring
and whistling]

Jimmy: the greek god,

Milo stavroupolis!

[Scattered soft cheers]

Jimmy: and his opponent tonight,

The giant from walnut grove,

The pride of hero township,

Your very own
big john garvey.

[Loud cheering]

big john!

you will both
fight cleanly.

No kicking
and no biting.

The fight
will continue

Until a man
has been pinned

Or cannot continue.

Jimmy: may the
best man win.

[Crowd cheering]

[Bell dings]


k*ll him for
walnut grove!

Go, pa!

Get him, big
john, oh!

Get him for the church!

- k*ll him!
- Come on, john!

- k*ll him!
- Punch him!

Go, pa, go!

Oh, yes!


All right!

Hey, we got
it, $100!

Aah, I won!

Nels, I won!

Oh, for
heaven's sake.

Mr. Stavroupolis,
letter for you.

my dearest milo,

I've written this
letter, my darling,

Because I have things to say

That you don't let me
say when we are together.

You make me stay in hospital

To keep me alive
a little longer,

And each time I see you go,

I die inside.

You let people laugh at you

And pretend you don't care.

Well, I don't pretend.

You are milo stavroupolis.

You are my love,

And I care.

Always remember, milo,


Is a temporary state.

Love is forever.

Until I see you again,

Love, anna.

Man: mrs. Stavroupolis
passed away in her
sleep thursday morning.

85, 90,


Charles: well, it
shouldn't surprise you.

That's the fourth
time you've counted it.

I know, charles, but
I can't believe it.

$100 Cash money
for a minute's
worth of wrestling.

Well, not even
a minute, pa.

And that greek
fellow lasted 2 hours
with the champion.

You're going to
beat him for sure.

Well, I hope so.

The odds sure
are favoring you.

Folks' betting
had to get 4-1.

You're going
to win him, pa.

I just can't believe it,
charles. $100 Tonight
and $300 tomorrow night.

Hey, but hold on a
minute. Don't start
counting that $300.

You still have to
wrestle. I mean,
he's a champ.

Well, I know that, but
it's like andy says,

This milo fellow
went 2 hours with him,

And the champ's
back is hurt now.

$400...i can't wait
to see your ma's face.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it, champ.

I have come to
talk to mr. Garvey.

Come on in.

It is about fight.

Perhaps we should
talk alone.

That's not

These are all
family and friends.

You did not win
fight tonight.

I got $100 here
that says otherwise.

I let you win.

You let me win?

Jonathan: and I
suppose you wanted
me to have this money

Out of the kindness
of your heart, huh?

Is not kindness.
I am paid to lose.

Mr. Hart, he
pays me to lose.

Andy: that's a lie.

My pa won you fair,
and he's going to
be the champion.

No, young one,
your father will
not be champion.

He'll last only
as long as mueller
wants him to last.

You must let me
wrestle mueller.


You say you are hurt,
I wrestle in your place.

Otherwise, all your
friends, neighbors,
they lose much money.

No, they're not going to
lose any money, because
they're betting on me.

I think you best be
getting out of here.

We need to get some sleep.

We wrestle again.

I told you, we've
had enough talk.

Saloon is closed,
we go wrestle now...

If you are not afraid.

My pa's afraid
of nothing.

I'm sure you are
right, young one.

It took you less
than a minute to
win when we fight.

Milo: it should take you
only a minute to prove

Whether milo
stavroupolis speaks
the truth or not.

All right, we go.

We're all
closed up.

You go, we
will lock up.

Man: I can't do that.

Milo: we will
take nothing.
You have my word.

You will go now.

Now...we wrestle.

Simple throw.

[Jonathan groaning]

Arm bar.


Let him go!

Let him go!

Pa, are
you ok?

I think so.

I am sorry, but is
better this way.

Mueller would not be
so gentle with you.

If you forfeit bout,
all your friends
lose their money.

If you fight, you
will lose anyway.

You think you
can whip him?

I am milo stavroupolis.

Mueller said you
wanted to see me.

Yes, I leave
right after
fight tonight.

Hey, hold on, I just
made arrangements
for another match

In dakota territory.

No, no more matches
for me. You give me
my money now.

What are you
talking about?

How are you going
to keep that wife of
yours in the hospital?

Anna is through
with hospital.

She has no
more pain.

I promise
her I stop.

You pay me now.

All right, but I
wish you'd stay.

I must keep my
promise to anna.

Here you are.

I got to get over
to the saloon.

The farmers are
crying to bet.

You're going
to watch the
bout tonight?

I will be there.

All right, I'll
see you then, huh?

Harriet, you've already
doubled the church's
money. Why take a chance?

Oh, nels, I'm not
taking a chance.

Good grief, if I
listened to you!

I know, but why
press your luck?

Now, look, if you
insist upon betting,

Why don't you just
use your winnings?

That way, no matter
what happens, the church
has still got their money.

And if you win, you've
got 3 times as much--

All right, all
right, coward.

I'd like to
put $46 on big
john garvey.

Sorry, lady, I
can't take no more
bets on the farmer.

I can give you
4-1 odds if you
take mueller.

No, I don't
want him!

See hart. He's
still taking bets
in on garvey.

Oh, good.
Thank you.

There you go.
All right, now,
who's next?

I am, I am.

I'd like
$46, please,
on big john.

All right,
all right, $46.

At 1-4, you would
win $11.50.

$11.50? But
that's ridiculous!

I'm sorry,
lady, but those
are the odds.

Listen, I'm crazy
to take these bets
in the first place.

Oh, oh, dear, well,
for heaven's sakes.

I'm just going to
have to bet it all.

$92, Please.

you promised!

Oh, well, I didn't know
about these silly odds.

Here you
are, lady.

All right, thank you.
Come on, nels.

All right,
who's next?

I am! $200
On garvey!

What a crowd,
what a crowd!

We should
make a bundle.

What's the matter
with you, drinking
before a fight?

Ah, a few drinks
won't hurt.

Yeah, well, I
don't like it.

Yeah, I don't care
what you don't like.

I do the fighting.

I could break this
farmer with one hand.

A few drinks keep me
from getting bored.

All right,
all right.

Suit yourself.

You're liable
to get a surprise
one of these days.


Jimmy: that farmer
could be tougher
than you think.

I show you how tough
this farmer is.

I break his leg.

You've got
about 5 minutes.

Give me strength one
more time for anna.

Let me be as I was
for last time.

Let anna see
and be proud.

You're not nervous
at all, are you?

Ha ha! No, why
should I be?

What if something
goes wrong?

Oh, nels, what
could go wrong?

Will you stop trying
to spoil my fun?

Heavens, well, I feel
like joan of arc,

Carrying the cross
into battle.


Well, if
jonathan loses,

You're really
going to feel
like joan of arc

When walnut
grove burns you
at the stake!


You're so
funny, nels.

[Crowd cheering]

Oh, big john!

- Come on, jonathan!
- Go for his head!

[Crowd groaning
and murmuring]

I don't know
what to say.

Jonathan: I was injured
in a freak accident
in the hotel.

I think my arm's busted.
I ain't going to
be able to wrestle.

Ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen,

I know how you
all feel...

Well, how do you
feel now, joan?

Jimmy: ...as you know,
any fighter who cannot
toe the mark for a contest

forfeits the match.

[Crowd complaining]

All wagers are
still valid,

And the winner
wins by default.

hey, hold it!

It's my understanding,
according to the rules,

If the number-one
contender can't
toe the line,

He can designate
another fighter.

Yes, that's
true, but, uh--

I name milo

Oh, dear!

Oh, there goes
the lord's money.

All right,
you both know
the rules.

The fight
to last

Until a man has
been pinned or
cannot continue.

shake hands and
come out wrestling.

This time,
I not wrestle
like clown.

Man: okay, milo!

Man 2: let's go, milo!

Jimmy: wrestle.

[Crowd cheering]

All right, milo!

Yes, that's
the way, milo!

Come on, milo,
get ahold of him!

Go on! Squeeze him!

[Crowd cheering]

Hang on,

Hold him, milo,
that's the way!
Hold on, milo!

Get him,

That's the way!
Come on, come on!

[Crowd cheers]

Yeah, ha ha!

He's done
it, harriet,
he's done it!

Don't sound
so happy!

I mean milo has
done it, he's won!

- He's won?
- Yes!

He's won?

He's won!

[Crowd chanting "milo"]

Man: my money,
give me my money!

Milo, you
were great!

Never saw
like it.

[Crowd chanting "milo"]

- You hear that?
- That's for you.

Crowd: milo, milo!

Milo, milo!

Milo, milo!

Milo, milo!

Crowd: milo, milo, milo!

Milo, milo!

Are you
all right?

You okay?

Take me back
to hotel.

Crowd: milo!
Milo, milo, milo!

Milo, milo, milo, milo!

Milo, milo...

you boys wait
in the room.

Yes, both
of you.

I'll take
his shoes off.

Milo: that is better.

Can I get
you anything?

No, I fine.

Just rest.

No need to stay with me.

I fine.

Just...light lamp
before you go.

Milo: is dark.

Charles: I'll
get the doctor.

It was like in old country.

They call my name.

"Milo, milo!"

I pray my anna could hear.

[Crowd chanting "milo"]



You heard them?

You heard...like old days?

I wanted you be proud again.

I wanted be champion
for my anna.



Love...is forever.
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