06x04 - The Third Miracle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x04 - The Third Miracle

Post by bunniefuu »

That jug's almost
all the way filled up.

Ah, yeah, this
will make 9 jugs.

Those bees
sure are busy.

Let's see. At 24 pounds a jug,


216 pounds.

Oh, that's an awful
lot of honey.

And an awful lot
of money.

And there's still
some in the log.

Yeah, we'd better
start delivering.

And collecting.

I'm leaving now!

Laura: All right.

Albert: We're coming.

- Ma?
- Mm-hmm?

Why won't Laura and
Albert let me help them?

Because they don't
want you hurt.

Bee stings can
be very dangerous,

especially for
children, darling.

children, too.

Yes, but they're older.

I bet the bees
don't know that.


Grace is down
and napping.

Everything's ready
for supper, Laura.

All you have to do is put
the pot roast in at 5:00.

Oh, and, Albert,
you'd better clean out those stalls

before your
father gets back.

Oh, no problem, ma.

- I won't be long, bye.
- Bye.


Get the barn door.

Look at it all!

have you thought of what you're going to do

with your share of
the honey money?

A lot. I've
been dreaming,

the catalog.

I was going to get
one of them telescopes

and a new

What's a velocipede?

It's got 2 wheels,
and you ride on it.


How about you?

I'm going to buy myself a whole new outfit.

Dress, hat,
gloves, everything.

Trying to make almanzo Wilder look at you,

A young lady should
look her best at all times.

For almanzo, huh?

Ha ha!

Let's share. We got
to share the wealth.

Buy everybody in
the family something.

You're right.
We can't be selfish

just because we're rich.

Come this Christmas,

we're going to be
real Santa clauses.

Nellie: If you don't
like it, don't eat it!

You got a deal!

Nellie: And that goes
for the rest of you!

If you're not satisfied
with my cooking, get out!

Ha ha!

And don't
come back!

Caroline! Caroline!

This telegraph
just came in for Adam.

Well, I'll take it to them. I was
going to look in on them, anyway.

Thank you!

And don't worry.
It's good news.

When do you expect
Charles back from mankato?

He'll be back tonight.

Bet you'll be glad
to see him.

Always am.
Thank you.

Have a good day,

Thank you. Bye.

Another 100%
in arithmetic.

You know, Mary,
I'm really pleased

with the progress
the kids are making.

You deserve some of
the credit for that.

You're a wonderful
math teacher, Adam.

Why, thank you!

You know,
you're not so bad yourself.

Thank you,

I'm interrupting something.

Hi, ma.

Hi, yourself.

I have a telegraph
for Adam.

For me?

It's addressed to Mr. Adam Kendall,

Harriet oleson institute for the
advancement of blind children,

walnut grove,

Sounds like me
all right.

Who's it
from, ma?

With your permission,
I'll open it and read.

Permission granted.

Don't worry. Mrs. Foster
already said it was good news.

Oh, Mary...


What is it, ma?

"The national association
of blind school educators

"is pleased to inform you

"that you have been
chosen to receive

this year's
Louis braille award

for dedicated and
distinguished teaching."

A Louis braille award?

That's the highest honor.

Oh, Adam.

Adam, I'm so proud.

There's more.

"You are one of
only 3 nationwide

"selected to
receive this award

"and the first blind teacher
ever to be so honored.

"Please join US for the awards
ceremony in St. Paul next Saturday

and address
the convention."

St. Paul?

What's going on in here?

You all look like
lightning struck.

Oh, it did,

Adam's going to get
the Louis braille award.

Oh, glory be!

Well, congratulations.

How did they
know about me?

and I told them.

- What?
- I nominated you.

And I second
the motion.

And we sent a sample
progress report of your students.

And letters of

Of course,
this could make a man's head swell up

like a hot-air
balloon, you know?

Thank you both
very much.

It's a wonderful

Lord knows,
it's the second best thing

that ever happened
to me after Mary.

But I'll have to tell
them I can't accept.

You can't accept?

Why, Adam?

We don't have
the money, Mary.

We'd have to take
the stage to sleepy eye

to make the train
to St. Paul,

and that costs
a lot of money.

We just don't
have any.

Well, I don't have
to go with you, Adam.

Adam: I wouldn't
go without you.

Well, I've
got about $4.00,

and you're
welcome to it.

Thanks, hester-sue,
but it would take about 50 or 60.

With the $12
Mary and I have,

that'd get US about
as far as new ulm...

One way.

Let me talk
to Charles, Adam.

Maybe we can help.

Oh, that's very
kind, but no.

It's enough
that I won.

I'm not very much for making speeches.

Well, I'll talk
to Charles anyway.

Caroline, it's...

Caroline: Adam, you're
going to have to learn

not to argue
with your mother-in-law.


It's a once-in-a-lifetime
honor for Adam.

They just don't
have the money.

Caroline, I'd do anything
to help them. You know that.

But we don't
have it either...

At least not
that kind of money.

$50 or $60? There's just
no way I could swing it.

Perhaps the bank...

You know how I feel
about borrowing.

I don't want
to start that again.

I know.
I'm sorry.

I was just hoping.

I'll get you
some more coffee.

What do you think?

Albert: I don't want
to think.

We could do it.

We could.

I'm willing.
What do you say?



Hello, Santa claus.

Come on. Let's go
tell ma and pa

before we change
our minds.



What is it, kids?

It's about Adam
and his award.

Albert: You know we've got a
deal with Mr. Oleson on our honey.


we're going to sell it tomorrow.

And, according to our deal,
we're going to get $57.60.

Well, we decided
to give it to Adam

so he and Mary can
go to St. Paul.

You two worked a
long time for that money.

We want
to do it, pa.

Don't we,


Except you'd
better know now.

Come Christmas, we won't be
able to give you much of anything.

Doing this
for Mary and Adam

is the best present
you could give US.

I'm so proud of you!

- Let's go tell them now.
- What?

Well, why have them spend
the whole night sleeping unhappy

when they could
sleep happy? Come on.

All right.

Can we go so
we can tell them?

Why not? We'll all go.

Carrie: Ma?

Can I go?

Oh, Carrie.

You stay and take care
of your baby sister.

We won't be gone long.

But pa said
we'd all go!


Yes, ma.

I'm coming!
I'm coming!

Who could be banging on
that door at this ungodly hour?

Don't they know
people sleep around here?

Maybe they don't,
but we do.

- Ha ha ha!
- Caroline, Charles!

What is it?
- We have good news.

We just
couldn't wait.

Adam: What's the matter
down there?

It's just US, Adam.

- Is somebody hurt, ma?
- No, no.

We have
good news! Laura.

Laura: You and Adam are
going on that trip.


Just consider it
an early Christmas present

from me and Albert.

Mary: But how? I...

Charles: Who cares how?
You want to go or don't you?

Yeah, sure
we do!

I think we're all too excited to sleep,

so why don't we
congregate into the kitchen,

and I'll fix US all some
hot biscuits and tea.

Charles: That sounds
good. Come on, Adam.

We got a lot of plans
to make for that trip.

Adam: We sure do.

Were you surprised?


- Laura...
- Hey, don't you start getting mushy.

I love you.

I love you.

Ha ha! Very amusing.

There you are.
There's your change.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Laura: Good morning,
Mrs. Oleson.

Yes, children?

- We've come with the honey.
- The honey?

Laura: Yeah,
we made a deal with Mr. Oleson.

Oh, well, he's off
on a buying trip,

and I don't know anything
about a deal with you two.

Laura: But our honey! He said
he'd give US 30 cents a pound for it.

Albert: And it all
comes to $57.60.

Yes, well, like I said,
he's away,

and I don't know
anything about it.

When's he coming back?

Not for at
least a week.

Well, we can't wait
that long!

Oh, well,
that's just too bad, isn't it?

Mrs. Oleson,

Adam won a big award,
and he has to go to St. Paul.

That's what
the money's for.


Oh, well, that does make a difference,
doesn't it?

Oh, I knew you had a heart,
Mrs. Oleson.

The honey's all on
the wagon outside.

It's all yours
for $57.60.

Well, I'll tell you
what I will do.

I will give you
15 cents a pound.

But that's only half!

Yeah, well,
take it or leave it.

Well, we'll have
to leave it.

They can't go on the
trip for half the money!

Mrs. Oleson's
got US, Laura.

We're just going to have
to sell her our hive, too.

What? But there's...

No buts.

You can't beat a good
businesswoman like Mrs. Oleson.

- Ma'am?
- Mm-hmm?

You got US over
a barrel, so...

We'll just have to sell
you our main hive.

Main hive?


We were going to
make a fortune off it.

We need that $57.60.

For that price,
we'll throw in the hive.


Albert: It produces
hundreds of pounds a year.

It's breaking my
heart to give it up.

Oh, hundreds
of pounds a year.


Well, that would keep Nellie's
restaurant in sweets for...



You've got a deal.



You and Nellie will have
to pick up the hive yourself.

Pa said I could use
his wagon just this once.


Well, isn't that
kind of dangerous?

Oh, heck, no.

practically tame.

Besides, if you pick
them up after sunup,

they'll all be taking
their morning naps.

Oh! Well, my, my, my.
I didn't know that.

Ha ha ha!

Here you are.
And I made it $58 even.

- You're too kind.
- I know.

- We'll leave the honey on the porch.
- All right.

- Bye.
- Bye.



Just look
at it.

Albert, you're
a genius.


But how come you
told her after sunup?

It'll be hot then,
and the bees will...

That's why
I'm the genius.

Let's get this
honey unloaded.



What's the matter?

I'm worried.

About what?

That speech I'm supposed
to give at the convention.

I hate making

But you're a teacher.

You make speeches
all the time more or less

in the classroom.

It's not the same
thing, Mary.

At the convention,
I won't be talking

to my students
from walnut grove.

St. Paul's
the state capital.

There's gonna be a lot of bigwigs
and newspaper reporters there,

not to mention
all the professors

from all over
the country.

Adam, you're the one they're
giving the award to,

the one they're
coming to hear,

the one
they want to hear.

Yeah, maybe.

So that's another thing.
What do I talk about?

Well, you're the first
blind teacher

to ever receive the award.

I think you should make that
an important part of your speech.

I mean, you could have just sat
around and let people take care of you.

No, I don't want people to
think I'm something special

just because I'm blind.

No, Adam, it's not
just your blindness.

It could be any problem a person
has that they let control their lives.

I mean, I remember when
I first got my eyeglasses,

and all the kids
called me four-eyes.

I thought that was just about the worst
problem that could ever happen to me.

And that just proves

that everything's


You learn to deal with
these things... big or small...

And you come out
the stronger for it.


Oh, Mary, that's good.
That's really good!

Thank you, husband.

As a matter of fact,
that's so good,

I think you should
give the speech.

Oh, no.

It's your award;
It's your speech.

But, Mary!

No, Adam.

Look, if you think it's
such a wonderful idea,

I'll tell you what...
I'll give it to you,

and you can give
your own speech.

Well, let's
get some sleep.

Do you still have
your eyeglasses?

Yeah, I think
ma has them. Why?

Well, you could
hold them up

to illustrate your point
when you made the speech.

Good night, Adam.

Good night, darling.

See you next trip,
Mrs. Foster.

Mrs. Foster:
Have a good trip.


How is it going?

Well, what you need
is a new wheel.

Yeah, what I need is
a whole new coach.

I can't argue with that.

I never saw a coach
that needed so much work.

Yeah, you tell that
to the owners.

They run these things
right into the ground.

Profits first,
repairs last.

Yeah, a couple more trips,
and this rig will rattle apart.

You're all set.

Driver: All aboard
that's coming.

Driver, you're going to
take on 2 passengers here...

The kendalls. That's my
daughter and her husband.

They're both blind. They can manage,
but I'd appreciate it

if you could help them
any way you could.

- Yeah, you bet.
- Thanks very much.

Well, you ready?

Well, as ready as
I'll ever be,

especially if Mary
gives my speech for me.


We'll talk about it.

Adam, we're not
gonna talk about it.

It's your speech,
you give it. Bye, ma.

Safe journey.


I'm so proud
of you.

Thanks for everything,
especially you two.

We're glad to help.

All right. Here we go.

Charles: Go on.

Caroline: Oh, wait!

I almost forgot.

Here, Mary.

- What is it?
- Your eyeglasses.

My glasses? Why?

Adam said
you wanted them.


All right, folks.
We can't pull out

till you shut the door.

All right, sir.

Have a good trip!

Traveling together,
I suppose we should introduce ourselves.

I'm Mrs. Lauren, Marge.

Adam Kendall,
and this is my wife Mary.

Glad to meet
you, Marge.

Likewise, I'm sure.

Where are you heading?

St. Paul.

How about

I'm going to Minneapolis
to join my husband.

I've been staying
with my folks in Tracy

while Stan
was looking for a job.

Took a while, but he finally found
a real good one in a grain mill.

it's nice you'll be together again.

Yes, particularly now
with the baby coming.

Oh! When's it due?

In 2 months. Our first.


Thank you.
Do you have any children?

- Not yet.
- We're hoping.

This coach rides like a
rowboat on the high seas.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Good morning!
I've come for my honey.

Well, it's right
over there.

- Where?
- I don't see any hive.

It's in the log.

We got a bee tree
chock-full of honey.

And beeswax, too.


Oh, I'd forgotten
about beeswax.

Oh, so did I.

Just say it's a bonus.

Oh, Albert. My, my.

You never will
be a businessman.

I know.

Every time I make a deal,
I get stung.

Oh! Ha ha ha!

Well, it's all yours
now. Take it away.

All right.

Come on, Nellie.
Give me a hand.

Oh, mother.
Must I?

Ugh! It's
your restaurant!

All right. Lift.

I can hear


Are you sure
it's safe?

Oh, sure.

They hum like that
when they're asleep.

Oh, good.

Come, Nellie, darling. Lift.

That's right.

Ugh! There we go.

Watch your step,

All right.

Swing around there.

Oh, it's so heavy.

Must have
lots of honey! Ha ha!

And beeswax.

Watch your step,

Easy does it.

Don't fall
in the water.


Laura: Bye-bye!

Mother! The bees!

Aah! Oh, dear!


I feel like
something's kicking me.

I'm not sure if it's
the baby or the stagecoach.

Could be both.

I feel
the same way,

and I'm pretty sure
I'm not pregnant.

Driver: Whoa.


What's wrong?

Driver: Oh, it's these dadburned
threads on this here axle.

I'm gonna have to take a detour
to the nearest town and get it fixed.

Adam: Are we still gonna make
the train connection to St. Paul?

Oh, sure.

Sanborn's only
a few miles south.

Driver: Git!

Well, at least you
won't miss the train.

I'm afraid not.

What's that
supposed to mean?

It means unless you
change your mind,

I have
to make a speech.

Oh, you.

Anyone for a sandwich?

My mother packed enough for
me to go around the world.

- You sure?
- Very sure.

I guarantee you I won't
be eating anything

till I get off
this stage.

- All right. Thanks.
- Thanks.

- Aah!
- Aah!

- Uh!
- Aah!



Adam: I'm here.


Adam: I'm out here.


I'm out here.

My legs are pinned
under the coach.

Oh, god.

God. Dear god!


I think
they're broken.

Mary: God, help me!


Adam: Mary, stop.



Stop it!

Stop it!


It's no use.

Is Marge all right?

She's alive.

How about
the driver?

I don't know.



Mary: Driver! Driver!

Any mail
for me, Mrs. Foster?

Mrs. Foster!

- Charles!
- What's the matter, Mrs. Foster?

Oh, Charles, I thought
you should know.

I just got a telegraph query
from the sleepy eye stage depot.

All right. Take it easy,
take it easy.

They wanted to know when
the stage left. It's way overdue.

You think something
happened, Charles?

Yeah, I think that wobbly
wheel probably came apart

and they're stuck on
the road somewhere.

Jonathan: I hope they
don't miss their train.

Hey, what do you say we
take a wagon ride out there

and pick them up, take
them into sleepy eye?

Good idea.

Thanks a lot,
Mrs. Foster.

- I was worried.
- Oh, no need.

Do me a favor. Tell Caroline
where we've gone, would you?

I will.

I found the canteen.

They're not going
to find US, Mary.

Sure they will.

It'd take a miracle.

We're off the main

They don't know
what road we took.


I can't feel
my legs anymore.

Marge: My baby!


what is it?

My water broke.

We have to get help.


My ribs.

My ribs...

I can't... I can't move.

I can't move.

Adam, I'm going
for help.

You can't.

Adam, I'm
the only one that can.

Mary, you don't
know where we are.

You don't know
where to look for help.

Out there,
you could...

The driver said we were
going south to sanborn.

I can feel the sun
on my face.

It's west of US.

I'm going to head north,
back to the main road.



Adam, you said it yourself.

It'd take a miracle
for them to find US.

I've got to go.


I'll leave the canteen
here for you and Marge.

You'd do anything to get out of
making that speech, wouldn't you?

We're kind of
far out, Charles.

We'll be coming
on them pretty soon.

There's some
riders coming.


Howdy. Have you seen the
stagecoach to sleepy eye?

Charles: We're
looking for it.

So are we. Ain't seen
it the way we come.

Well, they were having a little
wheel trouble back in walnut grove.

They may have pulled off
somewhere to get it fixed.

Well, there's 4 roads
that branch off this one

going north to
Rowena and clements.

Yeah, and the other two behind
US to Hartland and sanborn.

Why don't you
two split up?

One of you take the Rowena road,
the other one to clements.

We'll double back
and try the other two.

All right.


Jonathan: Which road
do you want to check first?

Charles: Six of one,
half a dozen of the other.

How are they going to make
that train connection now?

I sure feel sorry for them kids.

They were looking
forward to this trip.

They sure were.

Dear god...

Please save my baby.

Please. Save my baby.


Please save my baby.


Jonathan: This is where
the road takes off to Hartland.


Charles, what is that?

What do you make
of it, Charles?

I don't know. That's
the road to sanborn.

It's six of one, half a dozen of
the other. Why don't we try it?

Help! Oh, god, help me!

Help me!
Help me, please!

Somebody help me!

That's Mary!

Mary: Help me!

Mary: Somebody help me!


Pa, help me!

Help me, pa!
Help me!

God, help me!
Oh, pa! Pa!

How's Adam,

Well, he won't be running
any foot races for a while,

not until
those fractures heal.

- Oh...
- Outside of that, he'll be fine.

Thank god.

Amen to that.

If he'd been under
that coach any longer,

I couldn't have
saved him.

Mrs. Lauren?

A bouncing baby boy.

Mother and child
are doing fine.

A few cracked ribs,
but otherwise she's thriving.

It's a double

Can I go
to Adam?


It's a good thing
Mary started that fire.

If we hadn't seen that smoke,
we'd have never found them.

I didn't start
that fire, pa.

Well, then how
did it start?

I don't know.
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