01x03 - The Turtle Hermit's Kinto Un / The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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01x03 - The Turtle Hermit's Kinto Un / The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GlSSlRl,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

Having rescued a lost sea turtle,

Goku and Bulma now put their search for the Dragon Balls on hold

while they show the turtle the way to the ocean.

I'm sorry for troubling you; I must be heavy.

I think I've been gaining weight lately...

It's no problem at all!

I wouldn't mind walking, of course...

Yeah, right!

If we went as fast as you walk, it'd take over a month to get there!

Don't say things like that!

How much farther to the ocean?

Let's see here...

About two more kilometers, I think...

We should see the ocean soon then!

I can smell the saltwater now!

That's a tasty-lookin' morsel they got there...

"The Turtle Hermit's Kinto Un"

Hold on there!

Hey, kid. How about givin' me that there sea turtle?

Sea turtle's my favorite!

G-go ahead!

Son-kun! Give the nice person the turtle!

I was gonna spare your life if you left me the turtle...

Don't tell me you're gonna disobey me...

You moron! Just give him the turtle!

I'm not giving you anything.

What the heck're you thinking?!

In that case, I'll start with you, kid!

You should probably get down.

You're pretty quick.

Good job dodging my sword!


Now's our chance! Run!

Not bad!






Let's go!

He's that strong...?


Thank you for saving me!

Do you really taste good?

O-of course not! I taste absolutely horrible, in fact!

I thought so. You don't look that yummy to me!

--Let's get going! --Right!

Penguin Village... this is not.

We're here!


We did it! It's the ocean! It's all ocean!

Well, obviously!

What a gigantic river!

You live in a really big place!

I am very grateful. Thank you.

Take care now!

Could you wait there for a short while?

I insist on giving you a gift in return!

A gift?

It's not a Pandora's Box, I hope.

I will return shortly.

Please excuse me.

Hey, wait...!

We don't have time to sit around waiting for you!

He left...

I would've brought a bathing suit had I known I was going to be here...

Salty! What's with this water?!

Did you get the Dragon Ball?

--That's just it, Pilaf-sama! --That info was apparently false!


Not just that, a pack of wolves surrounded us...!

And then a monkey-like boy showed up and--

Enough of your pathetic excuses!

Stop wasting time and go find some new information!

Yes, sire!

Pilaf here.

W-what? Where's it located?!

Great! Excellent work!

One of the Dragon Balls has been located!

Apparently some old geezer named the Turtle Hermit has one!

Eh? Really?!

The location is a secluded island km south-southeast of the city!

The Turtle Hermit? That's an odd name...

Stop dawdling and get going!

Yes, sire!

Huh? You're coming too, Pilaf-sama?

Of course I am!

I can't leave it up to you two!

Hey, stop moving! It's cramped in here!

It's only meant for two passengers.

We have one person too many...

Did you say something?

No! It was nothing!

I wonder what that is?

It's that turtle from before, but there's someone on top of him!

You sure have good eyesight.

Maybe he brought someone with him?

Sorry to keep you waiting!


Good afternoon.

A gaudy old man?

I hear you rescued Kame here.

Who're you, old-timer?

I'm the Turtle Hermit!

The Turtle Hermit?

Which one helped you now?

The young boy.

I see.

Thanks for the help.

ln return for your kindness, I shall give you an excellent present!

A present?

Come to me, immortal Phoenix!


What's a phoenix?

It's a bird that never dies!

That kind of bird's coming here?

Nothing's coming.

Come on.


...the Phoenix d*ed of food poisoning last year.

Oh, that's right, now that you mention it...

It d*ed even though it was immortal?

I was going to call the Phoenix here to give you eternal life, but...

Okay! I'll give you this instead!

Come to me, Kinto Un!

Kinto Un?

Do you think he means a kuri kinton? (mashed sweet potato)

Oh, over here...

A cloud's flying this way!

This is a Kinto Un. I'm giving it to you.

How do you eat it?

Don't be eating this prized cloud!

What do we do with this?

If you ride this, you can fly freely through the sky!

But what's a turtle hermit doing with a cloud?

They've got nothing in common!

Don't worry about the details.

You can fly with it?

Amazing, don't you think?

But people with impure thoughts can't ride on it.

In other words, you have to be a good person.

Here. I'll demonstrate for you.

Are you all right?

How could that have happened?

That's not right...

I'll try getting on it!

Yay! I'm riding it!

He's on it!

Huh? How can this be?

We should be seeing it anytime now...

There it is!


Kame House?

For an old guy he sure has a modern home.

Steal the Dragon Ball!

k*ll if the situation warrants it!

Yes, sire!

--Let's go! --Yes, sire!


Hello?! Anyone home?

It would seem he's out at the moment.

Let's break through the window...

Hold on there.

I thought this might happen, so I brought an Open-All Key with me!

Now where did I put it...


Found it!

Breaking windows is for uncouth savages.

Brains over brawn!

It's unlocked!

That's weird...

What did you lock it for?

The door was unlocked, you know.

This is amazing! Thanks a lot!

Most admirable! You handle the cloud rather well!

Say, nice old man!

Could you give me one of those too?

Did this girl help you as well?

No, not one bit!

What? Who gave you the saltwater?!

Unfortunately, there's only that one Kinto Un...

I can give you something else instead...

...but only if you show me your panties.

--P-panties?! --Panties!?

Hermit-sama, this is most unbecoming of you!

Shut up! Hermits can long to see panties too, you know!

Now I understand why you couldn't ride the Kinto Un!

You be quiet!

Sure! I think I can do that...

There... you...


How embarrassing!

Did you see that? What an unexpected surprise! We're so lucky!


So what do I get?

Eh? Oh, right...

What should I give you...

Do I have anything she might want?

She would probably get mad if I gave her my underwear...

Let me see that!

Eh? My underwear?

Heck no! Who'd wanna see that?!

I mean the thing around your neck!

Oh, this?

Pretty, isn't it?

I found it at the bottom of the ocean about a hundred years ago.

C-could this be...

No way...

Hey, Son-kun! Take a look at this!

What is it?

Here! Look!

A Dragon Ball!

Isn't it?!

A Dragon what?

It has three stars, so that makes it the Three-Star Ball!

It showed up on the radar, remember?

The one really far south of here!

Is it worth a lot, I wonder?

This makes four balls!

Lucky! It would've been tough finding it had it been in the ocean!


I haven't said you can have it yet!

It might be worth a lot, after all.

Come on!

See! See!

Very well! You can have it!

Hurray! We did it!

I should've brought my camera...

--Bye! --Bye!

I sure saw something good today!

This'll add years to my life!

Oh, brother...

After I finish changing, I'll revert the house back into a capsule and then we go!

When we find the next one that'll make five!

I sure got something great today!

My panties...!

What's wrong?!

W-what are they doing here...?

Please don't tell me I wasn't --

I wasn't !

I wasn't wearing any...!

Don't take it so hard!

You can still live without a peepee or balls!

What do you mean by that?

I saw this morning!

Don't tell me you took my panties off!

What're panties?


Oh, yeah! I took them off!

Pilaf-sama. I'm not finding it anywhere.

That can't be...

Perhaps he heard we were coming and escaped.

Hey, you!

Unless you wanna wind up as a handbag, you'll answer my question!


Where did the old fogy calling himself the Turtle Hermit go?

He went to the beach with Kame this morning...!

That's him! The Turtle Hermit!


What's with the warm welcome?

H-hand over the Dragon Ball!

--Come again? --The Dragon Ball!

Don't play dumb!


Oh, that? I just gave it to a Pichi-pichi girl!

Stop lying!

It's the truth.

She called it the Three-Star Ball,

and both she and this monkey-like boy were ecstatic to have it.

It's him...!

Where did they go?!

I don't know. We parted ways at the beach.

Hey! Stop standing around! Let's go!

Yes, sire!

Mech engage, safety on!

Hey, could you give us a push?

Who does he think he is?

Landing on someone's island without permission and acting like that...

Hurry up!

Give me a break!

Here goes!

It seems that ball's valuable after all...

I wish I hadn't given it away.

Wouldn't the plane have been better?

Shut up!

Take my panties off again and you'll be sorry!

That hurts! Why'd you do that?!

Your Kinto Un looks a lot nicer to ride.

No, that old man said you can't ride it unless you're a good person!

What're you talking about?! I'm always pure and proper!

Then trying getting on.



Is being too beautiful a sin?!

You sure are going slow.

Shut up! You're speeding!

We sure are going slow.

Shut up! Just be quiet and drive!


Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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