05x12 - Blind Journey: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x12 - Blind Journey: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Here, suey, suey, suey.

Here, come and get it.
Come on.

Hey, gertrude,
where are your manners?

Stop eating it
all up from Henry.

You're just
a natural-born pig.

- Morning, Joe.
- Charles.

How's everything going?

Uh, can't

Growing enough crop to keep
body and soul together.

Yeah, well, speaking of soul,
that's why I stopped by.

Just wanted you to know the elders
of the church are meeting tonight

on your application
for membership.


That's right, again.
I'll do my best.

I know that, but I still
ain't going to hold my breath.

One thing, though...

The good lord listens whenever
and wherever a body prays to him.

You're right.
I'll let you know how it turns out.


- Have a good day. Hyah!
- Bye.

Oh, shut up.

Here you go,
here you go.

Some folks think the only place
for a n*gg*r to say his prayers

is right here.

I hate



Carrie, you
mean division.

I still
hate it.

I like it.

That's because you're
always getting as.

I'm going to
the outhouse.

Pa, I have to go.

All right, you go ahead. Then get
right back to your homework, all right?

Yes, sir.

Charles, you've tried twice before
to get Joe kagan into the church.

Both times it ended
exactly the same way,

a tie vote between you and
Jonathan and Dr. Baker,

and the olesons
and Mr. Larabee.

Now, why do you suppose it will
be any different this time?

I don't know.
Hope Springs eternal, I guess.

So does Mrs. Oleson.

If I could just get nels
out from under her thumb...

But I suppose
that's impossible.

And Joe pretends he doesn't
care, but he does.

He cares a lot.

Here's a man who's
a hard worker,

a fine member
of the community,

god-fearing man.

If anybody deserves to be a
member of the walnut grove church,

it's Joe kagan.

It's a shame the board
of elders isn't the same

as when Mr. Hanson was alive.

This whole thing would
have been settled by now.

Yeah. Well, I'd
better get going.

I don't make the meeting,
we won't even have a tie.

Pray for
a miracle.

I simply do
not understand

why we have to
bother voting again.

It seems to me it's
a waste of time.

What do you got
against Joe kagan?

Nothing personal.

He's a good-enough darky,
I suppose, as darkies go.

It's a matter
of principle.

What principle
is that, Harriet?

Oh, for heaven's sake,
don't you know your Bible?

It explicitly says, "look not upon
me, because I am black."

That's from the song of
Solomon, Harriet.

It's supposed to be a love
song, not hate propaganda.

And the quotation
goes on to say,

"I am black because the
sun hath darkened me."

And it also says,
"I am black but beautiful."

And that only
goes to prove

that even the devil can
quote the scriptures.

I know.

Mother says that colored
people are that way

because they bear
the Mark of Cain.


And so they're never going to get
into heaven. Is that right, father?

Of course

How dare you
contradict me?

Well, she also says that
colored people don't have souls,

because they're not made
in the image of god.


Oh, have you actually seen
god, Harriet?

Not yet,

but everyone knows that
god is a white man.

I don't know it.
I don't know that he's any color at all!

One thing I'm absolutely sure of

is that he doesn't care what
color a person's skin is

as long as his spirit is pure.

Don't listen to your
father, Nellie.

He'll poison your
mind with heresy.

Now, come along!
I need your vote.

We'll continue this discussion later
on, and you will listen.

Nels, come on!

I don't care
what you say.

Persons like Joe kagan
have their own religion.

They have their
African witch doctors

and their voodoo
drums and dancing,

and they have their
spells and their masks,

and eating

Harriet, this is
America, not Africa!

Oh, yes, and it's probably
a good thing it is,

otherwise we may
not all be here.

Mrs. Oleson, Joe kagan's
family has been in this country

longer than
yours, 180 years.

He's 100% American, a full-fledged
citizen of the United States.

He's a good Christian.
He'd like to practice his religion

with the members
of his community.

He's trying to worm
his way into our church,

and who knows
for what dark reasons?

You wouldn't want your
wives and children

praying in the same pew with Joe
kagan, would you?

- Yes, I would.
- So would I.

Praying to
the same god.

We have been all
through this before.

Now, the point is that Joe kagan
has led a very unsavory life.

Harriet: He spent the better part of
his life beating up on good christians.

Mrs. Oleson, we get so sick and
tired of hearing you pretend

you're blackballing Joe kagan
because he was a fighter.

The way I heard it,
a lot of those christians

were beating up
on him, anyway.

If I may remind you of the
gospel, "god so loved the world

"that he gave his
only begotten son

"that whosoever
believeth in him

should not perish but
have everlasting life."

Now, Joe kagan believes,
and he belongs in this church.

And may I remind
you, reverend Alden,

that you have
no vote here.

Harriet: You have no voice
whatsoever in these proceedings.

This board of elders has
the ability to vote you out

- as minister of this parish
- all right.

All right,
I suggest we stick to the subject

we were

Now, we are discussing the
application of Joe kagan

for membership
on our church.

What it all
boils down to,

is this the church of god or
the church of Mrs. Oleson?

How dare you,
Charles Ingalls!

There's been enough talk.
Let's vote.

Problem is that some of
you have such thick heads,

nothing can penetrate.
No reason whatsoever.

Mrs. Oleson.

All those in favor of Mr. Kagan's
application for membership,

please signify by
raising your right hand.

It's a standoff.

Harriet: Well, I guess that
settles that once and for all.

Wait a minute,

All the votes
aren't in yet.

The ayes have it!

Oh, nels, thank you!

Charles: Nels,
you're all right.

Congratulations, nels,
you'll get your reward in heaven.

Well, I hope you're
right, reverend,

because it's going to be hell
on earth when I get home.

Can we come in
for a second?

Come right in.

you're here.

Yeah, we just wanted you to know

we came from the meeting
of the church elders.

Yeah, I guess I know what
you're going to tell me,

but I've been doing
my praying right here,

and out in
the fields,

under the stars,
and under the sun.

I reckon I can go
on doing the same.


How would you like to start
doing your praying at church?

You mean...

We mean. Nels oleson finally
got his backbone back.

you're a bona fide member

of the community
church of walnut grove.

Joe, you're
one of us now.

Maybe one of you,

but I'm still a horse
of a different color

to a lot of people
in this town.

But it's a start,
a mighty fine start, gentlemen.

I guess we'd better
be getting home.

See you in church
on sunday.

Good night,

See you in church,
Charlie boy.

Charles: See you.

Boy: The lad
has a fat dog.

That's very good, Susan.
You got 100.

Thank you,
Mrs. Kendall.

Nat's cap.

Adam: Right.

Nat and rab run.

Mary, Adam,
I hate to interrupt your class,

but I have some news for
you that concerns you all.

This is probably the most difficult
thing I ever had to do in my life,

but, as some of you know, our school
building is owned by the church,

and the deacons have generously
permitted us to occupy it rent-free,

but now the church is in desperate
need of money to sustain itself.

The reverend corliss
informed me 3 weeks ago

that they've received a
sizable offer for the property.

Mr. Ames: He just told me that the
deacons, after long soul-searching,

have been forced
to accept the offer.

They've sold
the property.

Our school...

happen to it?

I don't know.

We'll move.
We'll find somewhere else.

For the last 3 weeks,
I've been all over winoka

trying to find another
site for our school.

There's nothing.

I... hate to say this,

but I'm afraid it means the end of
the winoka academy for the blind.

I'm sorry.

I did my best.

We know that, sir.


You didn't say
how long we have.

30 days. The new owner
wanted immediate possession,

but reverend corliss
and the deacons

insisted that the
school be given time...

To make other

Come in.

Good evening, sir.

Oh, come in, Adam.

Mary and I have been
going around and around,

wrestling with
our problem,

and we had
a thought.

I'd grab at any straw to keep
this school afloat, Adam.

What is it?

Well, we thought if
you presented our case

to whoever bought the
building, let them know

that we don't have
anywhere else to go...

Adam, our case has
already been dismissed.

The new owner
is Mr. Standish.

Mr. Standish.

Mr. Ames: He's turning the
building into another hotel.

We don't need
another hotel.

Mr. Standish thinks we don't need an
asylum for the blind, as he calls it.

And he's not alone.

I tried everyone that might
possibly be able to help.

No response.

If we don't find
somewhere to go,

it's going to mean the
closing of two schools:

Ours and
Mrs. Terhune's.

Well, we can't take in her children
unless we have a place of our own.

And just when I thought
things were looking up.

With Mrs. Terhune,
we would have had a sighted person

who could bear the
burdens of administration,

but now everything
has collapsed.

I'll have to tell her to
find another location...

If she can.

Mr. Ames: It's bad
news for everyone.

Mostly the kids.

Yes. The children,
above all.

I can't believe
this is happening.

I don't want to
believe it, Adam,

but I have to.

Oh, well...

Good night, sir.

Good night,
my boy.

"Mr. Standish is the new
owner of the building

"and wants us to
move right away.

"We were hoping
that you and ma

"might be able to help us
figure out something to do.

Love always,
Mary and Adam."

That's about it
in a nutshell.

They lose their building.
If they don't find another one,

they're just going
to have to quit.

That's terrible.

Caroline: It's Mr. Standish
who's terrible.

It sounds like that
lowdown ornery skunk.

Sorry, reverend.

I guess maybe that
sounds like name-calling,

but you ain't never
met Mr. Standish.

No, I haven't.

What I've heard
about Mr. Standish,

you may be doing an injustice...
To the skunk.

If only we could find a place for them...

Perhaps there
is a place.



Jonathan: Here?

I was thinking about that
big house Mr. Hanson left.

Now, it needs work...

Oh, now, hold
on, reverend.

Mary said in her letter that
they didn't have any money.

There's just no way they could
afford to buy a place like that.

I didn't say buy it.
I haven't been able to sell it,

it's too big for a family,
but it's not too big for a blind school.

And it's not too run down
it couldn't be fixed up.

Of course not.
We almost had to rebuild

this whole town
when we came back.

But it belongs
to the church.

We're part of
the church, aren't we?

Oh, reverend,

it'd be like
a dream come true.

I suggest we stop
dreaming and start doing.

We'll bring it up to
the congregation tomorrow.

The text I have chosen for today's
service seems particularly appropriate,

as I trust will soon
become clear to all of you.

It's from John 10:14.
"I am the good Shepherd

and know my sheep,
and am known of mine."

First, it's my happy duty to
welcome a new member to our flock,

Mr. Joseph kagan.

And now Charles Ingalls has something
to say of great importance to us.


Thank you, reverend.

The winoka school
for the blind,

where my daughter and her husband
teach, is in serious trouble.

They've been notified
that they have to vacate

the building
within the month,

and they have no place
to go and no money.

They really have no
resources at all to speak of.

The reverend will tell
you the rest. Thank you.

Thank you, Charles.

Now, I wanted Charles to make
clear precisely what the problem is

because I think we
here in walnut grove

may be able to provide an answer,
a way to help those children.

Now, for one thing,
I refer to the house

that the late and much loved
Lars hanson willed to my charge

to be sold, and the receipts to be
used for the benefit of the church,

and as you know,
I haven't been able to sell the house,

and there's no foreseeable
sale in the near future,

but I think
Mr. Hanson's house

might prove of value to
the church in another way.

Do you remember those
words in Matthew?

"I was hungry,
and you gave me meat.

"I was thirsty,
and you gave me drink.

I was a stranger,
and you took me in."

And then later on,

"for as much
as you have done it

"unto one of the least
of these, my brethren,

"you have done it unto me."

I propose to donate Mr. Hanson's
house to the blind school.

Alden: Now, you know,
under the term of Mr. Hanson's will,

it was left entirely to my discretion
about how to dispose of the house,

but I don't want it to
be a personal choice.

I want it to be one in
which the whole flock joins,

and that's why I ask you for a vote
of confidence in my suggestion.

Now, all in favor, aye.


Opposed, nay.

- Reverend.
- Yes, Mr. Kagan.

As I recollect,
the lord also said,

"feed my sheep
and feed my lambs."

That's right.

Well, these lambs coming in
are going to need food stuffs,

and a way
to keep on eating,

so I'm starting
the ball rolling

by donating gertrude,
one of my prime brood sows.

Thank you,
Mr. Kagan.

And I'm giving
a milking cow.

Man: I'll give
7 bags of wheat.

I'll donate 5 bushels of corn.

Reverend Alden,
it seems to me

that everybody has ignored
the real problem here.

Now, that house is in
a state of disrepair.

Harriet: Why,
nobody could possibly live in it.

very true...

Now, I am
personally willing

to donate all the materials required:
The shingles, the paint, the lumber,

everything right down
to the last nail.

That's very generous,
Mrs. Oleson.

Harriet: I know,
but it's the least that I could do

for the little sheep
of his flock.

Oh, yes, and I will also
donate the plaque, of course.

The plaque?

Yes. Well, it'll be just
a little one to Mark

the Harriet oleson institute for
the advancement of blind children.

Mrs. Oleson,
that's really too much.

I know it is.

Mary, Adam,
telegraph for you from walnut grove.

Read it,

"Walnut grove has adopted
your children and your school,

"donating building
and supplies.

"Will come
to transport.

Letter following.
Love, pa."

Thank god. Everything's
going to be all right.

Well, isn't that
wonderful news?

The best. I'm very
happy for you.

For us.
It's your school.

Not anymore, Adam.
That's what I wanted to tell you.

It's yours now.


Well, it can't be.

You're the heart and
soul of this school.

Thank you for
saying so, Adam,

but you and Mary
are now.

Oh, however, you
can rest assured

my heart and soul will
always be with you

and the school,
wherever you are,

but as you know,
my health hasn't been the best of late.

The truth
of the matter is,

I'm much sicker
than I've let on.

I didn't want
to worry anyone.

No, you've just been doing too
much, that's all.

A little rest,
you'll get...

No, Adam.
I've even seen a specialist.

I'm not going to get
better, only worse.

Mr. Ames: So, you see,
I can't come to walnut grove with you.

The burden of continuity
must fall on you

if the school
is to continue.

I'm not sure
I'm the man, Mr. Ames.

I'm not sure I can
fill you shoes,

and do the job
that you did.

Well, I am,
very sure,

I know that I'm going to
be very, very proud of you.

And now, speaking of rest,

I think I will
lie down for a while.

- Mr. Ames.
- Yes, Adam?

I just want you to know

how much I respect,

how deeply I value,

what you've done here.

For me and for all of us.

I value you,
too, Adam.

I value you all.

More than I can
possibly put into words.

I feel like I'm
losing my mentor...

A very dear friend.

Almost a father.

And you...

You, Adam...

You're the son
I never had.

Caroline: Charles,
another letter from Mary.

Is everything
all right?

Oh, yes. They're joining up with
another school from St. Louis,

meeting them
at Butler.

Another school?

Only a few more students,
Mrs. Oleson.

Oh, run by Mrs. Terhune,

- Mm-hmm.
- Mrs. Terhune?

Ah, yes,
a hester-sue terhune.

Oh, good gracious!

A St. Louis terhune!

Is that supposed to
be something special?

Harriet: Something special?
Well, I should say.

It's only the very top of the
social ladder in St. Louis.

Of course, my family
was on an upper rung,

but the terhunes were the creme
de la creme, and ever so rich.

I have a feeling you've
got the wrong terhune,

otherwise, why would she come all
the way out here to get free rent?

Well, we aristocrats are
often a little eccentric.

Oh, you mean cheap.

I mean eccentric.

I can't wait
to tell nels.

He'll be so thrilled
about the terhunes.

I see Adam's got
another wagon and team.

I guess we're going to
need another driver.

I'll check with Joe kagan,
maybe he'll give me a hand.

Caroline: Okay,
see you later.

Dr. Baker: Caroline,
you're just in time with that paint.

Come on.
I want you to see what we've done.

Joe, I wonder if I could
ask a favor of you.

ask away.

I just got a letter from Adam,
he's got another wagon and team.

That means we're going
to need another driver.

I know it's a long trip
to winoka and back,

but I was just
wondering if...

When do we leave?

Tomorrow morning first light.
I appreciate it!

I'll pick you up
at your place.


Mr. Kagan,
why are you sitting around relaxing

while the rest of us
are pulling our weight,

trying to help the poor
little sheep of his flock?

Now, if you want to be
a member of our church...

A St. Louis terhune.



I've come to two
important decisions.

I am going to take
the stage to winoka,

and I'm going to travel
back with the blind school.


For heaven's sakes,
it's my school, isn't it?

Besides, I can
hardly wait

to meet my fellow philanthropist,
Mrs. Terhune.

So, I'm going to take
the Saturday stage

and stop off in
brookings for a few days.


Well, because I want to buy
a few new stylish things.

After all, I can't meet Mrs. Terhune
looking like a frump, now, can I?

Move over to
your own side.

Also, I've decided that
I'm going to redecorate

Mrs. Terhune's

After all, a woman of her breeding
needs a charming bedroom...

So I'm giving
her ours.


Well, I wanted to
redecorate, anyway.

We just
bought it!

Well, I know,
but I never liked it.

So they're picking up
the furniture on sunday,

the day after
I leave.

Where am I
going to sleep?

On the couch,
in the parlor.

Now, it's just until the new
furniture I ordered arrives.

When is that?

Well... it should be here
by the time I get back.

That figures.


You're going
to miss me?

Like a crutch.

What did you
say, darling?

Very much.

I think this is the last of it.


Excuse me, are Mr. and Mrs. Kendall
receiving today?


- Adam. Mary.
- Hello.

Charles: Oh, how
are you, darling?

You look great.
Hey, the both of you.

Oh, I'm so happy
you're here.

Happy and in
your debt, sir.

Oh, never mind
that debt business.

It was all of walnut grove
that pitched in to help.

We're in
their debt, too.

Hey, I brought a friend along.
You remember Joe kagan?

Oh, Joe!
I certainly do.

Mary. Pleased to meet you,
Adam, I heard a lot about you.

It's nice to
meet you, Joe.

Joe's going to drive the
second wagon for you.

We appreciate it.

So do I.

This dirt farmer's been promoted
from scratching a nothing crop

to chauffeuring for an academy.
You've got a good stout team?

Yeah, the best.
That's it, parked outside.

I'll take a look at the
team, I'll be riding behind.

I'll visit
for a while.

Oh, I can't wait
till you're home.

If you're all set,
we can leave first thing in the morning.

All right.

Joe: Charles,
you got a second to look at something?

Sure, what is it?

I don't know what.
Horses, I think.

That's it?

That's right.

Adam, there's two things the blind
should approach with caution:

Buzz saws and
buying horses.

What's wrong with
the horses, Joe?

Don't know where
to begin, Mary.

They wouldn't
make glue.

If they did, it
wouldn't stick.

We wouldn't get to the outskirts
of town with that team.

You're trying to tell me only a
blind man would buy those horses?

That's what I'm
trying to tell you.

How'd you ever come across
this pair of spavin beauties?

I traded the school's
furnishings for them

with Mr. Standish.

Adam: Them, the wagon,
and food supplies for the trip,

and he said they were the
finest team in his livery,

and I got that
in writing.

We still
got taken.

What are we going to do now?

Mary, you and Adam stay here.

The four of us are going
to go see Mr. Standish.

Got you.

We don't serve horses in
here, Ingalls.

Then you must have changed your menu.
Where's standish?

Standish: What are those
horses doing down there?

Fred: Ingalls brought them
in, Mr. Standish.

You? Again?

That's right.
Me again.

Get those nags
out of here.

Joe: We understand that they're your
nags, Mr. Standish.

And who are you?

Joe kagan.

He's a friend
of mine.

I might have known.
Those are not my horses anymore, Ingalls.

According to Adam Kendall,
he contracted with you

for the finest team and the
best wagon in your livery.

Said he has it
in writing.

Yeah, and the only way you'd
get this crow bait to Minnesota

is in the wagon,
not pulling it.

You haven't seen
the wagon yet.

Yeah, Moses must have used
it on his way out of Egypt.

Out, out! Or I'll
have you both in jail.

For what?

We're just trying to show your
customers how honest you are.

He's a man who runs a
gambling establishment,

you ought to trust his
word, right, folks?


Kind of hard to trust a man
who'd Rob a blind school.

Yeah, all those poor
little blind children.

Cheating them would be just
downright rotten, dishonorable.

Now, just a minute.
Just a minute.

There's a simple
explanation for all this.

Sure, there
had to be.

Give the man
a chance, folks.

It was a mistake, just
an unfortunate mistake!

The fool who runs my livery,
he just misunderstood!

Mr. Standish: Now,
really, you can't believe

that a man of my position
and my reputation

would want anything
but the best

for those precious little
tots at the blind school.

Gentlemen, why don't you
go down to the livery,

select any horses
you want.

And wagon?

And wagon.

Buy my two
friends a drink.

Fred, get these filthy
beasts out of here...

And bring a shovel.

Here are the rest
of the children.

Now, careful.
Hold on to the rope.

Kim, you come
with me.

You can ride up
on the seat.

Yoo-hoo! Charles!


What in the name of
heaven is she doing here?

Who knows?

Get everybody on the wagon
and ready to move out.

- All right.
- Hi.

Mrs. Oleson,
what are you doing here?

Oh, I came by stage last
night from brookings.

It was late,
so I decided not to disturb you.

I can see that you're surprised.

I stayed at the hotel,
and Mr. Standish told me

that you were leaving bright
and early this morning,

and I see I'm here just
in the Nick of time.

In the Nick of
time for what?

Why, I'm going
with you.

Harriet: I think it's only fitting that
I should meet Mrs. Terhune personally.

Oh, here you are, my good man.
Thank you!

Um, Mrs. Oleson,
I think you ought to think about this.

I mean, this is going
to be a very hard trip.

I don't think
you should go.

Well, why not?

Why, it's going to be a rough
trip, really.

Well, nonsense!
If the children can do it, so can I.

Now, you're not going to talk me out of
it, Charles Ingalls.

You're sure?

Mr. Ingalls,
I'm going with you.

Suit yourself.

You ride up on the wagon
seat there with Mr. Kagan.

Mr. Ingalls,
I prefer not to ride in that wagon.

Well, why not?

Well, you certainly
don't expect me

to ride all the way
to walnut grove

with a colored
person, do you?

Mrs. Oleson,
I don't expect you to do anything.

Now, you can either ride on
the wagon seat with Mr. Kagan,

or you can walk.
You suit yourself.

All right.
I'll walk.


Charles: Joe, you've got room for
Kim up in the seat of your wagon.

All right.

Good-bye, Mary.

Good-bye, sir.

Good-bye, my son.

Good-bye, sir.

God bless
you all.



Oh, good grief.


Charles: Mrs. Oleson, would you
like a sandwich? Cheese and meat.

Harriet: No, thank you.
I'm not hungry.

- They're good.
- Oh!

Mr. Kagan,
would you mind

handing me my small brown
bag, please?

Yes, ma'am.

Here you are,
Mrs. Oleson.

Harriet: Ah.

Would you like to have one of
those sandwiches over there?

No, thank you.

Suit yourself.

I'm not the least
bit hungry.

Oh. Yes.

Good heavens.

Oh! What are
you doing?

It's going to be a long walk,
Mrs. Oleson.

You'd better keep both
feet flat on the ground.


Charles: All right,
everybody walking back there,

take off your shoes and socks.
Here's where we go wading.

Is it very deep?

No. It's just right.
You'll love it.

Everybody set
back there?

All: Yeah!

All right.
Here we go wading.


Unless you can walk on it, Mrs. Oleson,
you got to get in that water.

Oh! For heaven's
sake! Oh!

It's cold.

- Come on.
- Stop it!

Harriet: Aah!
Get your hands off me!

I get a feeling Mrs. Oleson
isn't enjoying this too much.


Oh, this is awful.
Oh! Oh!

Aah! Let go of me!

Oh! Look at me!

I'm all
soaking wet.

Well, you've got plenty
of time to dry off.

We'll make camp
here tonight.

We'll get to
Butler tomorrow.

Joe: If Mrs. Terhune's
train's on schedule,

we'll be waiting
when it pulls in.

What? We're meeting
Mrs. Terhune tomorrow?


Oh, good heavens.
Look at me, I'm a mess.

I never had anything
like this happen to me.

Are there any more
rivers up ahead?

Yeah, there's one,
but it's running slow.

Charles: It's this dry spell.
Water's down everywhere.

Good. It'll be easier
on the children.

All right. Come on, kids.
Get your shoes on. We'll make camp.
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