21x13 - Planet of Fire - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x13 - Planet of Fire - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

Original Air Date: 23 February 1984
Running time: 24:26

AMYAND: Come on, Roskal.

ROSKAL: It's no good, I can't make it.

AMYAND: Give me your hand.

ROSKAL: No. Amyand, I'm afraid.

AMYAND: So am I. We've come this far. We can't turn back now. Come on, just a short climb then we can see into the heart of the mountain. The others are depending on us.

TIMANOV: Since my father's time, unbelievers have been sent to the flames.

MALKON: That was barbaric.

TIMANOV: Yes, a little overzealous, perhaps. In those days, people didn't tolerate dissenters as they do now.

MALKON: But the unbelievers are harmless.

TIMANOV: Yes, but it's still a wise precaution to send the occasional free-thinker to the flames. Encourages faith in our traditions.

MALKON: I could never order a burning.

TIMANOV: When the time comes, you will be given the strength. It can be a rewarding experience for those consumed in the flames. Unbelievers are such, such unhappy souls.

MALKON: Is it not sometimes good to doubt, Timanov?

TIMANOV: Malkon, for our people to survive we must have faith, and never more so than at this moment. Logar is testing us. We must not seem to be wanting.

ROSKAL: I can't breathe. My feet are burning.

AMYAND: Timanov says Logar is benevolent. Perhaps he's waiting with a cool drink and new shoes.

ROSKAL: How can you joke?

AMYAND: Keep going. It's now or never, Roskal.

AMYAND: There's nothing there!

ROSKAL: Not even a machine.

AMYAND: Logar's a myth.

CURT: Be careful. Do you wish to achieve what the sea could not? These items are fragile.

CURT: Howard?

FOSTER: Sure isn't Greek.

CURT: Neither is it Roman.

FOSTER: You're right. The metal's modern. Must be some kind of alloy. Do you recognise the logo?


FOSTER: I'll get one of the crew to take it to the police.

CURT: Yes, but first we must get the statue safely ashore. I won't be happy until it's safely in the workshop at the museum.

TIMANOV: Only Logar could create a place of such beauty.

MALKON: Then why is he now trying to destroy the planet?

TIMANOV: The ways of the gods are complex. Why with his own hands did he build such a place? You're his Chosen One.

MALKON: I don't know.

TIMANOV: Same with the Day of Fire. But why does he test us in this way?

MALKON: I only wish I had your faith.

TIMANOV: Accept. Accept what you see and hear and feel all around you, and the faith will come.

MALKON: Perhaps. But I don't think I will ever understand why this makes me special.

TIMANOV: The sign of Logar. You are the Chosen One. The people of Sarn expect your leadership.

MALKON: But why? Why the importance of this mark?

TIMANOV: Tradition! You were found on the slopes of the volcano. But you know all this. How many times must I tell you?

MALKON: I know only that I am confused. What of the memories and strange dreams that I have?

TIMANOV: I keep forgetting how very young you still are. Come, we must hurry. One day, it'll all be clear to you.

DOCTOR: Daleks. I sometimes think those mutated misfits will terrorise the universe for the rest of time.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, you're becoming obsessed.

DOCTOR: Yes, obsessed and depressed.

TURLOUGH: You miss Tegan?

DOCTOR: Well, we were together a long time.

DOCTOR: Kamelion!

KAMELION: Help me! Pain.

TURLOUGH: He's connected to the TARDIS databank.

DOCTOR: No, no, no. No, we need to stop the spasming. Go and programme an alpha rhythm on the computer. It should calm him.

KAMELION: Help me, Doctor.

DOCTOR: It's all right, Kamelion. Help's on its way.

KAMELION: Point of contact. Point of contact will be made. Contact me.

DOCTOR: Contact who? What's happening?

TURLOUGH: Doctor, we're picking up a distress signal. Oh, no.

KAMELION: I apologise for that hysterical display, Doctor. For a moment there was confusion.

TURLOUGH: A Trion ship.

TURLOUGH: How's Kamelion?

DOCTOR: The spasming's stopped and he's fully conscious. I just wish I

DOCTOR: What have you done?

TURLOUGH: We were picking up some sort of random emission, and I, I thought it might be interfering with Kamelion.

DOCTOR: And why have you reset the coordinates?

TURLOUGH: I haven't.

DOCTOR: Someone has.

TURLOUGH: Kamelion's plugged into the computer. He must have computerised the signals we heard.


FOSTER: What are you doing here? I thought you were going sight-seeing with your mother.

PERI: No, she's taken up with that Mrs van Geysingham from the hotel, and I'm not spending all afternoon exploring a Cro-Magnon cave with some octogenarian from Miami Beach. Hey, what's this? Looks like Elton John.

FOSTER: It's Eros, if you really want to know.

PERI: The god of love and fertility.

FOSTER: That's right. Beautiful, isn't he? A personification of natural forces in an anthropomorphic deity. In the same pantheon, Hephaestus rules fire, Poseidon the sea and earthquakes.

PERI: Howard, do you have to talk at me like it was the Albuquerque Women's League or something?

FOSTER: I'm sorry. If you're not interested, then I

PERI: I am interested. I just don't like being lectured, that's all.

FOSTER: I must get on. I've got a great deal to do.

PERI: Sure.

CURT: Howard, I've got to go and find out what's happened to the transport.

FOSTER: Okay. Look, Peri, I'm really sorry I don't have the time to talk.

PERI: It's all right. I only came out to say hello and goodbye.

FOSTER: Goodbye? What are you talking about?

PERI: This island, Howard. I'm bored out of my mind.

FOSTER: How can you be bored, for heaven's sakes?

PERI: Look, I've met a couple of really nice English guys and I'm going with them to Morocco.

FOSTER: Morocco? But you're due back at college in the fall.

PERI: In three months time.

FOSTER: But what about your work, your ecology project, your reading schedule? You've got exams coming up. Come on, Peri. No way are you going to north Africa.

PERI: I'm not a child. You can't stop me.

FOSTER: Okay. So what are you going to use for money?

PERI: I've already cashed in my return ticket for New York. I leave for Morocco this afternoon.

FOSTER: You what? How do you expect to get home?

PERI: I'll get a job.

FOSTER: Oh, don't make me laugh.

PERI: Oh, stop playing the heavy step-father, Howard. You're not dressed for it.

FOSTER: Damn it, Peri.

PERI: Please, don't let's argue. I've made up my mind.

FOSTER: Okay, have it your own way.

PERI: I can go?

FOSTER: It's your life.

PERI: You mean it? I knew you'd understand.

FOSTER: There's just one thing. Reclaim your ticket to New York. I'm not having you stranded in Morocco. Your mother'd never forgive me.


FOSTER: Don't say it. I'll advance you the money and you can pay me back out of your allowance.

PERI: That's great. You're marvellous.

FOSTER: I know. My money's on the boat. Once they've unloaded the dinghy, we'll go out there.

PERI: Thanks, Howard.

DOCTOR: Kamelion denies hearing any transmission. Did you get a precise fix on the signal?

TURLOUGH: It stopped. There wasn't time.

DOCTOR: Oh. Well, if it transmits again we'll get a fix on it with this.


PERI: Yeah.

FOSTER: I'm a fool.

PERI: What's the matter?

FOSTER: I've left my wallet in the hotel.

PERI: I'll cable my address from Morocco. You could send the money to me there.

FOSTER: Sure, of course.

PERI: What's this?

FOSTER: I don't know.

PERI: It's never platinum.

FOSTER: It could be anything.

PERI: Hmm. How intriguing.

PERI: Oh, will it be long? I'd hate to miss my flight.

FOSTER: Don't worry.[/i]

FOSTER: Vamos. Sorry, Peri. You'll have to wait for the next trip.

PERI: Howard!

FOSTER: I'll send over another dinghy. Keep an eye on the ship, will you?

PERI: Get one of the crew to stay behind! I have to be at the airport in an hour!

FOSTER: Sorry, honey.

PERI: You're doing this deliberately!

FOSTER: As if I would.

PERI: I will not be treated like this!

FOSTER: Morocco's not going anywhere at the moment. You've got your whole life to see it.

PERI: Of all the low-down, cheap, rotten, sneaky. You won't get away with it, Howard! You hear me?

MALKON: Citizens of Sarn, you have all seen the smoke from the fire mountain and felt the quaking ground. These signs tell us it is the Time of Fire. Logar, lord of fire, is testing our faith.

SORASTA: Testing our common sense, you mean.

MALKON: The old men will tell you that soon Logar will send a sea of fire from the heart of the mountain.

SORASTA: Then we must all leave this place.

MALKON: We must do nothing!

SORASTA: Nothing?

TIMANOV: If we have faith in Logar and are not found wanting, we will survive and prosper. And as a reward, the Outsider will come. There will be food and gifts we have forgotten existed.

AMYAND: No! It's a lie. Logar's a myth.

TIMANOV: Heretic. Unbeliever.

AMYAND: We have climbed the mountain.

TIMANOV: It is death to trespass on the mountain of fire.

AMYAND: We've climbed the mountain and we're still alive. Logar doesn't exist.

CURT: These ropes aren't tight enough. Must I do everything myself?

CURT: And what do you want?

DOCTOR: A kouros, late Classical period. It's really rather fine. I'd hazard a guess by a pupil of Praxiteles.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, you're showing off.

CURT: I'm inclined to agree.

FOSTER: But a remarkably well-informed guess, sir.

DOCTOR: Hmm. It's a pity about the erosion, but the overall effect is not unattractive, like the marine Venus on Rhodes. Has this just been brought up from the seabed?

FOSTER: Earlier today. It's proving to be a very interesting wreck out in the bay. A real mixed bag, just like your English Mary Rose.

DOCTOR: Indeed. But more of a mixed bag than you realise.

CURT: And what does that mean?

DOCTOR: Er, nothing.

FOSTER: Oh, come on, Curt. No one's going to take your wreck away from you. Nice talking to you.

DOCTOR: Goodbye.

TURLOUGH: Do you think the divers disturbed something?

DOCTOR: Without a doubt. We'll need two readings to pinpoint the spot exactly.

TURLOUGH: You take one from here. It's quicker if I go back to the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Yes, hurry. I don't know how long there'll be before the next emission.

PERI: Could be platinum.

KAMELION: Do not interfere. TARDIS will be taken to point of contact. I must obey. Find point of contact.

TURLOUGH: You're not taking the TARDIS anywhere, and you're not listening to any more messages from Trion. You're finished, Kamelion!

TURLOUGH: Earthlings.

PERI: Help!

SORASTA: This is your last chance, Timanov. If there's no sign, it's you who'll burn on the sacrificial altar.

TIMANOV: Logar! A sign!

TIMANOV: Thank you.

PERI: I think I'm going to die.

TURLOUGH: No, you're not.

TURLOUGH: Where did you find this?

PERI: Howard was such a pig. I needed the money.


DOCTOR: The point of emission moved. It's odd. It's very odd indeed. You're soaking wet.

DOCTOR: A data core. Where did you find this?

TURLOUGH: On the shore.

DOCTOR: Hmm. Must be what was sending the signal. Now, with a little help from the TARDIS computer, we may find out exactly why Kamelion set the coordinates to come here.

PERI: I'm sorry, Howard. I didn't mean it. No, Howard. Please don't leave me alone. Don't, don't turn out the light.

PERI: Howard!

DOCTOR: Another moment and we'll know where the cylinder came from.

DOCTOR: Well, that shouldn't have happened. Ow!

DOCTOR: Did you do that?


DOCTOR: The TARDIS has dematerialised.

K-FOSTER: Doctor, we meet again. This has to be the most amazing machine I've seen in my life.

DOCTOR: How did you get in here?

K-FOSTER: I saw your young friend here save Peri.


TURLOUGH: The girl.

DOCTOR: What girl?

TURLOUGH: I was going to explain.

PERI: What's happening?

TURLOUGH: That girl, Doctor.

K-FOSTER: How are you feeling, honey?

PERI: Howard? Am I still dreaming or will someone please tell me where I am?

TIMANOV: I called to Logar and the fire lord has answered.

TIMANOV: I called to the spirit of the mountain and was answered. The spirit of the mountain demands sacrifice. To the burning with all unbelievers.

AMYAND: Coincidence.

TIMANOV: Even facing death, you remain blasphemous.

LOOKOUT: Timanov was right. The Outsider has come.

PERI: I feel sick. Can I go back to the hotel?

FOSTER: Haven't you heard a word the Doctor said? We're no longer on Lanzarote.

PERI: Then where are we?

DOCTOR: Er, I'm not sure yet, but I promise I'll get you back to Earth just as soon as I can.

PERI: What does he mean, back to Earth?

DOCTOR: Bleak, isn't it.

AMYAND: Stop! Only a Chosen One can order a burning. Well, Malkon?

TIMANOV: Decide.

MALKON: I don't know.

TIMANOV: Decide!

LOOKOUT: Malkon! He is here, with a sound of great wind, a shining light. The Outsider has come.

PERI: Do you really think we've left Earth?

K-FOSTER: The TARDIS is mine.

PERI: Sorry?

K-FOSTER: The TARDIS is mine.

PERI: What are you doing, Howard? Don't touch that!

K-FOSTER: I have succeeded. Contact has been made.

PERI: Who are you?

K-MASTER: I am the Master, and you will obey me.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Mark Strickson

Nicola Bryant

Peter Wyngarde

The Master
Anthony Ainley

Barbara Shelley

James Bate

Professor Howard Foster
Dallas Adams

Voice of Kamelion
Gerald Flood

Edward Highmore

Jonathan Caplan

Michael Bangerter

Simon Sutton

Max Arthur

John Alkin

Assistant Floor Manager
Robert Evans

John Peacock

Malcolm Thornton

Film Cameraman
John Walker

Film Editor
Alastair Mitchell

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Elizabeth Rowell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Claire Hughes Smith

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
John Summers

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson
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